Personal todo list for fpGUI IDE project

[ ] - not started yet
[o] - started but not complete
[x] - completed task.

[ ] Double click on lines in Messages window jumps to code line.
[ ] Add a Console Output window to the IDE.
[ ] Integrate GDB/MI into the IDE.
    [ ] porting of basic unit to fpGUI
    [ ] integration of Compiler Settings Dialog
    [ ] Watches window implementation
    [ ] Call Stack window
    [ ] Watchpoints window
    [ ] Assembly window
    [ ] CPU window
[x] Syntax highlighting with descent speed.
[ ] Basic Search dialog
[x] Find in Files dialog
[ ] Regex support in all search dialogs
[ ] External Tools setup and usage
[ ] Keyboard Shortcuts dialog
[ ] Refactoring Tools
[ ] Interface/Implementation jumping within the editor using the normal
    Ctrl+Shift+[up|down] key combo.
[ ] Variable tab stop support in the editor
[ ] Elastic Tabstops implementation.
[ ] Global Macro support. These macros exist in the IDE across projects.
[ ] Unit Testing framework integration (with DUnit2 project)
[ ] Code Templates support
[o] File Browser tabsheet implementation. File navigation and opening of files.
[ ] GoTo Line Number dialog
[ ] Converting all UI to MiG Layout Manager based dialogs.
[ ] TextEdit: enable line drawing functionality. eg: some key combination with
    the cursor (arrow) keys allows line drawing. Double and single line
    characters must be supported. Connecting line characters must be
    calculated automatically.

[x] Project management.
[x] Project based marco support with hard-coded system macros
[x] pipe compiler messages out to the Messages window.
[x] Procedure List dialog