{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2001 - Aaron Lawrence (aaronl@consultant.com) Copyright (C) 2006 - 2015 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: LZW decompression code for uncompressing IPF bitmaps. } unit LZWDecompress; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses SysUtils, types; procedure LZWDecompressBlock( pbInput: PByte; number_bytes: LongWord; pbOutput: PByte; Var bytesOut: LongWord; Var FinalCode: byte ); Implementation (* /******************************************************************** * * * LZW decompression * * * *******************************************************************/ /* * This is based on code (W) by Peter Fitzsimmons, pfitz@ican.net. * His liner notes in the original: * has its roots in a June 1990 * DDJ article "LZW REVISITED", by Shawn M. Regan * --=>revision history<=-- * 1 lzw.c 21-Aug-96,2:24:36,`PLF' ; * 2 lzw.c 24-Aug-96,2:27:24,`PLF' wip * * The code has been modified to take the input not from an * open file, but from any memory region. For this, a double * pointer is used, which must be passed to LZWDecompressBlock. * I've also added a few comments for clarity. * * Ported to Sibyl Pascal by Aaron Lawrence * Variables renamed etc to make things clearer. */ *) // -- Stuff for LZW decompression -- const INIT_BITS = 9; const MAX_BITS = 12; const HASHING_SHIFT = MAX_BITS - 8; {if MAX_BITS == 15 const TABLE_SIZE 36768 #elif MAX_BITS == 14 const TABLE_SIZE 18041 #elif MAX_BITS == 13 const TABLE_SIZE 9029 #else} // For max_bits = 12: const TABLE_SIZE = 5021; const CLEAR_TABLE = 256; const TERMINATOR = 257; const FIRST_CODE = 258; function MaxValNBits( N: word ): word; begin Result:= ( 1 shl n ) - 1; end; var prefix_code: array[ 0..TABLE_SIZE ] of longword; append_character: array[ 0..TABLE_SIZE ] of Byte; decode_stack: array[ 0..10000 ] of byte; bitsPerCode: longint; maxDictionaryCode: longint; (* * decode_string: * *) function decode_string( buffer: PByte; code: longword ): PByte; var i: longint; begin i:= 0; while Code > 255 do begin buffer^:= append_character[ Code ]; inc( Buffer ); code:= prefix_code[ code ]; inc( i ); if i > High( decode_stack ) then assert( false, 'Out of space decompressing bitmap!' ); end; buffer^ := code; Result:= buffer; end; (* * input_code: * this function reads in bytes from the input * stream. *) var bytes_out: longword = 0; input_bit_count: longword = 0; input_bit_buffer: longword = 0; // I think this simply reads the next bitsPerCode bits of the input data // returning the resulting code. function input_code( var pbInput: PBYTE; bytes_to_read: longword ): longword; var return_value: longword; begin while input_bit_count <= 24 do begin if bytes_out <= bytes_to_read then begin input_bit_buffer:= input_bit_buffer or ( ( longword( pbInput^ ) shl (24 - input_bit_count) ) ); inc( pbInput ); end else input_bit_buffer := input_bit_buffer or longword($00); { The C version of LZWDecompress uses only "or $00", so I'm assuming the code below is not needed. Tested and I see no difference. } // or // ( longword( 0 ) shl ( 24 - input_bit_count ) ); inc( bytes_out ); inc( input_bit_count, 8 ); end; return_value:= input_bit_buffer shr (32 - bitsPerCode); input_bit_buffer:= input_bit_buffer shl bitsPerCode; dec( input_bit_count, bitsPerCode ); if bytes_out > bytes_to_read then begin // flush static vars and quit bytes_out:= 0; input_bit_count:= 0; input_bit_buffer:= 0; Result:= TERMINATOR; end else Result:= return_value; end; // LZWDecompressBlock: // this takes one of the INF bitmap blocks // and decompresses it using LZW algorithms. procedure LZWDecompressBlock(pbInput: PByte; number_bytes: LongWord; pbOutput: PByte; var bytesOut: LongWord; var FinalCode: byte); var nextAvailableCode: LongWord; currentCode: LongWord; lastCode: LongWord; character: longword; clear_flag: boolean; theString: pByte; begin clear_flag:= true; nextAvailableCode:= FIRST_CODE; bitsPerCode:= INIT_BITS; maxDictionaryCode:= MaxValNBits( bitsPerCode ); bytesOut:= 0; input_bit_count:= 0; input_bit_buffer:= 0; // read the first code from input currentCode:= input_code( pbInput, number_bytes ); while currentCode <> TERMINATOR do begin if clear_flag then begin clear_flag := false; lastCode := currentCode; character := currentCode; pbOutput^ := currentCode; inc( pbOutput ); FinalCode := currentCode; inc( BytesOut ); end else if currentCode = CLEAR_TABLE then begin clear_flag := true; nextAvailableCode := FIRST_CODE; bitsPerCode := INIT_BITS; maxDictionaryCode := MaxValNBits( bitsPerCode ); end else begin if currentCode >= nextAvailableCode then begin decode_stack[ 0 ]:= character; theString := decode_string( Addr( decode_stack[ 1 ] ), lastCode ); end else theString := decode_string( Addr( decode_stack[ 0 ] ), currentCode ); character := longword( theString^ ); while theString >= Addr( decode_stack[ 0 ] ) do begin FinalCode := theString^; pbOutput^ := theString^; inc( pbOutput ); dec( TheString ); inc( BytesOut ); end; if nextAvailableCode <= maxDictionaryCode then begin prefix_code[ nextAvailableCode ]:= lastCode; append_character[ nextAvailableCode ]:= character; inc( nextAvailableCode ); if ( nextAvailableCode = maxDictionaryCode ) and ( bitsPerCode < MAX_BITS ) then begin // expand dictionary inc( bitsPerCode ); maxDictionaryCode:= MaxValNBits( bitsPerCode ); end; end; lastCode:= currentCode; end; // Read next code from input currentCode:= input_code( pbInput, number_bytes ); end; end; End.