{ This unit will grow to include all handy functions that can be used in different Lazarus projects. There may be no links to other non-standard units! } unit u_Tools; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface { Missing iif() known from Visual Basic - return a string } function iif(fCon: Boolean; sTrue, sFalse: String): String; { Missing iif() known from Visual Basic - return an Integer } function iif(fCon: Boolean; iTrue, iFalse: Integer): Integer; { Missing iif() known from Visual Basic - return an Extended } function iif(fCon: Boolean; iTrue, iFalse: Extended): Extended; implementation uses SysUtils; function iif(fCon: Boolean; sTrue, sFalse: String): String; begin if fCon then Result := sTrue else Result := sFalse; end; function iif(fCon: Boolean; iTrue, iFalse: Integer): Integer; begin if fCon then Result := iTrue else Result := iFalse; end; function iif(fCon: Boolean; iTrue, iFalse: Extended): Extended; begin if fCon then Result := iTrue else Result := iFalse; end; end.