Unit SearchUnit; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} // NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer // Copyright 2003 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com) // This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt Interface // Contains code to search help files. uses Classes, HelpFile, TextSearchQuery, IPFFileFormatUnit; const // match weightings mwOnlyTitleWord = 200; mwFirstTitleWord = 50; mwTitleWord = 20; mwOnlyIndexWord = 100; mwFirstIndexWord = 20; mwIndexWord = 10; mwTopicTextWord = 1; // best case match weighting of a word mwExactWord = 20; // note on weightings. The title/index weightings // are multipled by word weightings. // Topic text matches are equal to word weighting // times word weighting. procedure SearchHelpFile( HelpFile: THelpFile; Query: TTextSearchQuery; Results: TList; WordSequences: TList ); // clear a lsit of word sequences (as produced by above) procedure ClearWordSequences( WordSequences: TList; DictionaryCount: longint ); Implementation uses SysUtils ,HelpTopic ,CompareWordUnit ,nvUtilities ,ACLStringUtility ; type TSearchType = ( stGeneral, stStarts, stExactMatch, stEnds ); procedure ClearWordSequence( WordSequence: TList; DictionaryCount: longint ); var StepIndex: longint; DictionaryRelevances: UInt32ArrayPointer; begin for StepIndex := 0 to WordSequence.Count - 1 do begin DictionaryRelevances := WordSequence[ StepIndex ]; FreeUInt32Array( DictionaryRelevances, DictionaryCount ); end; WordSequence.Clear; end; procedure ClearWordSequences( WordSequences: TList; DictionaryCount: longint ); var SequenceIndex: longint; lWordSequence: TList; begin for SequenceIndex := 0 to WordSequences.Count - 1 do begin lWordSequence := TList(WordSequences[ SequenceIndex ]); ClearWordSequence( lWordSequence, DictionaryCount ); lWordSequence.Destroy; end; WordSequences.Clear; end; // given a search word which is known to matche Reference word, // return the relevance function MatchedWordRelevance( const SearchWord: string; const ReferenceWord: string ): longint; begin Result := mwExactWord * Length( SearchWord ) div Length( ReferenceWord ); if Result = 0 then Result := 1; end; // Compares the given search word against the given // reference word. Returns a value indicating how well the // search word matches, 0 = not at all. function CompareWord( const SearchWord: string; const ReferenceWord: string ): longint; var OccurrencePos: longint; begin Result := 0; OccurrencePos := CaseInsensitivePos( SearchWord, ReferenceWord ); if OccurrencePos = 0 then begin // no match exit; end; Result := MatchedWordRelevance( SearchWord, ReferenceWord ); end; // Search the help file dictionary for words that match // the given search word. Partial matches are considered. // Results returns the matching word indexes. procedure SearchDictionary( HelpFile: THelpFile; SearchWord: string; Results: UInt32ArrayPointer ); var DictIndex: integer; DictWord: string; begin for DictIndex := 0 to HelpFile.DictionaryCount - 1 do begin DictWord := HelpFile.DictionaryWords[ DictIndex ]; Results^[ DictIndex ] := CompareWord( SearchWord, DictWord ); end; end; // Search the help file dictionary for words that // match the given search word exactly (except for case-insensitive) procedure SearchDictionaryExact( HelpFile: THelpFile; SearchWord: string; Results: UInt32ArrayPointer ); var DictIndex: integer; DictWord: string; begin FillUInt32Array( Results, HelpFile.DictionaryCount, 0 ); for DictIndex := 0 to HelpFile.DictionaryCount - 1 do begin DictWord := HelpFile.DictionaryWords[ DictIndex ]; if SameText( SearchWord, DictWord ) then Results^[ DictIndex ] := mwExactWord; end; end; // Search the help file dictionary for words that // start with the given word procedure SearchDictionaryStarts( HelpFile: THelpFile; SearchWord: string; Results: UInt32ArrayPointer ); var DictIndex: integer; DictWord: string; begin FillUInt32Array( Results, HelpFile.DictionaryCount, 0 ); for DictIndex := 0 to HelpFile.DictionaryCount - 1 do begin DictWord := HelpFile.DictionaryWords[ DictIndex ]; if StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(DictWord, SearchWord) then Results^[ DictIndex ] := MatchedWordRelevance( SearchWord, DictWord ); end; end; // Search the help file dictionary for words that // end with the given word procedure SearchDictionaryEnds( HelpFile: THelpFile; SearchWord: string; Results: UInt32ArrayPointer ); var DictIndex: integer; DictWord: string; begin FillUInt32Array( Results, HelpFile.DictionaryCount, 0 ); for DictIndex := 0 to HelpFile.DictionaryCount - 1 do begin DictWord := HelpFile.DictionaryWords[ DictIndex ]; if StrEndsWithIgnoringCase( SearchWord, DictWord ) then Results^[ DictIndex ] := MatchedWordRelevance( SearchWord, DictWord ); end; end; // Search titles of topics for given searchword procedure SearchTopicTitles( HelpFile: THelpFile; SearchWord: string; Results: UInt32ArrayPointer ); var TopicIndex: longint; Title: string; TitleWord: string; Topic: TTopic; TitleWordIndex: longint; WordRelevance: longint; TitleWordRelevance: longint; tmpTitleWords : TStrings; i : integer; begin tmpTitleWords := TStringList.Create; // Search topic titles for TopicIndex := 0 to HelpFile.TopicCount - 1 do begin Topic := HelpFile.Topics[ TopicIndex ]; Title:= Topic.Title; TitleWordIndex := 0; tmpTitleWords.Clear; StrExtractStringsQuoted(tmpTitleWords, Title); for i := 0 to tmpTitleWords.count-1 do begin TitleWord := tmpTitleWords[i]; WordRelevance := CompareWord( SearchWord, TitleWord ); if WordRelevance > 0 then begin if TitleWordIndex = 0 then begin // matching the first word is best if i = tmpTitleWords.count-1 then begin // in fact it's the only word TitleWordRelevance := mwOnlyTitleWord * WordRelevance end else TitleWordRelevance := mwFirstTitleWord * WordRelevance end else begin TitleWordRelevance := mwTitleWord * WordRelevance; end; inc( Results^[ Topic.Index ], TitleWordRelevance ); end; inc( TitleWordIndex ); end; end; tmpTitleWords.Free; end; // Search index entries for given searchword procedure SearchIndex( HelpFile: THelpFile; SearchWord: string; Results: UInt32ArrayPointer ); var IndexIndex: longint; IndexEntry: string; IndexEntryWord: string; tmpTopic: TTopic; IndexEntryWordIndex: longint; WordRelevance: longint; IndexEntryWordRelevance: longint; tmpIndexWords : TStrings; i : integer; begin tmpIndexWords := TStringList.Create; for IndexIndex := 0 to HelpFile.Index.Count - 1 do begin IndexEntry := HelpFile.Index.GetLabels[IndexIndex]; IndexEntryWordIndex := 0; tmpIndexWords.Clear; StrExtractStringsQuoted(tmpIndexWords, IndexEntry); for i := 0 to tmpIndexWords.count-1 do begin IndexEntryWord := tmpIndexWords[i]; WordRelevance := CompareWord( SearchWord, IndexEntryWord ); if WordRelevance > 0 then begin if IndexEntryWordIndex = 0 then begin // matching the first word is best if i = tmpIndexWords.count-1 then begin // in fact it's the only word IndexEntryWordRelevance := mwOnlyIndexWord * WordRelevance end else IndexEntryWordRelevance := mwFirstIndexWord * WordRelevance end else begin IndexEntryWordRelevance := mwIndexWord * WordRelevance; end; tmpTopic := HelpFile.Index.getTopic(IndexIndex); inc( Results^[ tmpTopic.Index ], IndexEntryWordRelevance ); end; inc( IndexEntryWordIndex ); end; end; tmpIndexWords.Free; end; // ------------------------------------------------------ // Master search function. Given a search query, // searches topic text, titles, index entries. // Matching topics are added to TList, with their // SearchRelevance set appropriately. procedure SearchHelpFile( HelpFile: THelpFile; Query: TTextSearchQuery; Results: TList; WordSequences: TList ); var TopicCount: longint; Topic: TTopic; TopicIndex: longint; TermIndex: longint; Term: TSearchTerm; DictionaryRelevances: UInt32ArrayPointer; TopicsMatchingDictWord: UInt32ArrayPointer; // flags TopicsMatchingTermPart: UInt32ArrayPointer; // flags TopicsMatchingTerm: UInt32ArrayPointer; // flag then relevances TopicRelevances: UInt32ArrayPointer; TopicsExcluded: UInt32ArrayPointer; TopicRelevanceForTerm: longint; WordRelevance: longint; DictIndex: longint; TermPartIndex: longint; TermPart: string; s: string; TermWordSequence: TList; begin if HelpFile.SearchTable = nil then begin exit; end; // Reset flags per topic TopicCount := HelpFile.TopicCount; // Get memory for topic relevance arrays AllocUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingDictWord, TopicCount ); AllocUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTermPart, TopicCount ); AllocUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTerm, TopicCount ); AllocUInt32Array( TopicRelevances, // functions as a flag and a cumulative relevance TopicCount ); AllocUInt32Array( TopicsExcluded, // Exclusions are treated as boolean only TopicCount ); FillUInt32Array( TopicRelevances, TopicCount, 0); FillUInt32Array( TopicsExcluded, TopicCount, 0); for TermIndex := 0 to Query.TermCount - 1 do begin Term := Query.Term[ TermIndex ]; LogEvent(LogSearch, 'Searching for term "' + Term.Text + '", ' + IntToStr( Term.Parts.Count ) + ' parts' ); // look thru all parts of the term. eg. CAKE_SAUSAGE TermWordSequence := TList.Create; if WordSequences <> nil then if Term.CombineMethod <> cmExcluded then // this term is an inclusive one, so we want to remember the matches WordSequences.Add( TermWordSequence ); for TermPartIndex := 0 to Term.Parts.Count - 1 do begin TermPart := Term.Parts[ TermPartIndex ]; LogEvent(LogSearch, ' Searching for [' + TermPart + ']' ); AllocUInt32Array( DictionaryRelevances, HelpFile.DictionaryCount ); TermWordSequence.Add( DictionaryRelevances ); // Search the dictionary for matches. // alpha numeric match if Term.Parts.Count = 1 then // general match allowing all kinds of partial matches SearchDictionary( HelpFile, TermPart, DictionaryRelevances ) else if TermPartIndex = 0 then // first term part: word must match end of a topic word e.g. must end in "cake" SearchDictionaryEnds( HelpFile, TermPart, DictionaryRelevances ) else if TermPartIndex = Term.Parts.Count - 1 then // last term part: word must match start of a topic word e.g. must start with "sausage" SearchDictionaryStarts( HelpFile, TermPart, DictionaryRelevances ) else // intermediate term part: word must match exactly e.g. must be "_" SearchDictionaryExact( HelpFile, TermPart, DictionaryRelevances ); // For each word in the dictionary that matches // this search term part, search topic texts LogEvent(LogSearch, ' Dictionary search done' ); ClearUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTermPart, TopicCount ); for DictIndex := 0 to HelpFile.DictionaryCount - 1 do begin WordRelevance := DictionaryRelevances^[ DictIndex ]; if WordRelevance > 0 then begin // Search for occurrences of this word // within the text of topics HelpFile.SearchTable.Search( DictIndex, TopicsMatchingDictWord ); // debug s := HelpFile.DictionaryWords[ DictIndex ]; // TopicRelevancesForDictWord now contains 1 // for topics that contain this word. OrUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingDictWord, TopicsMatchingTermPart, TopicCount ); end end; LogEvent(LogSearch, 'Topic searches done' ); if TermPartIndex = 0 then // first part, just copy CopyUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTermPart, TopicsMatchingTerm, TopicCount ) else // and with previous term part results AndUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTermPart, TopicsMatchingTerm, TopicCount ); // loop for next term part (IPF word) end; // Now we have searched the dictionary and worked out matching topics // for all parts of the term. Now combine all together LogEvent(LogSearch, 'Checking for sequences' ); for TopicIndex := 0 to TopicCount - 1 do begin if TopicsMatchingTerm^[ TopicIndex ] > 0 then begin Topic := HelpFile.Topics[ TopicIndex ]; // Topic text contained a match for the all the parts // of the term. // Now we need to: // - verify that they actually occur all in a sequence (if it's a multi-part term) // - count occurrences for relevance. TopicRelevanceForTerm := Topic.SearchForWordSequences( TermWordSequence, false ); // don't stop at first match TopicRelevanceForTerm := TopicRelevanceForTerm div Term.Parts.Count; // divide to bring back into scale TopicsMatchingTerm^[ TopicIndex ] := TopicRelevanceForTerm; end; end; if WordSequences = nil then begin // we don't need to keep the sequence ClearWordSequence( TermWordSequence, HelpFile.DictionaryCount ); TermWordSequence.Free; end; // Search titles and index LogEvent(LogSearch, ' Searching titles' ); SearchTopicTitles( HelpFile, Term.Text, TopicsMatchingTerm ); LogEvent(LogSearch, ' Searching index' ); SearchIndex( HelpFile, Term.Text, TopicsMatchingTerm ); LogEvent(LogSearch, ' Combining' ); case Term.CombineMethod of cmOptional: AddUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTerm, TopicRelevances, TopicCount ); cmRequired: begin // if zero then add to exclusions NotOrUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTerm, TopicsExcluded, TopicCount ); AddUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTerm, TopicRelevances, TopicCount ); end; cmExcluded: OrUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTerm, TopicsExcluded, TopicCount ); end; // Term.ClearMatches; // loop for next term... end; LogEvent(LogSearch, 'Search completed, converting to list' ); // Now convert to list form. for TopicIndex := 0 to TopicCount - 1 do begin if TopicsExcluded^[ TopicIndex ] = 0 then begin Topic := HelpFile.Topics[ TopicIndex ]; Topic.SearchRelevance := TopicRelevances^[ TopicIndex ]; if Topic.SearchRelevance > 0 then begin Results.Add( Topic ); end; end; end; LogEvent(LogSearch, 'Freeing arrays' ); FreeUInt32Array( TopicRelevances, TopicCount ); FreeUInt32Array( TopicsExcluded, TopicCount ); FreeUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTerm, TopicCount ); FreeUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTermPart, TopicCount ); FreeUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingDictWord, TopicCount ); LogEvent(LogSearch, 'Done' ); end; End.