Unit HelpTopic; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} Interface // This is it - the monster which decodes IPF data. // It's created with a reference to the contents data defining it. // It gets relevant pointers out of that. When GetText is called // it decodes the data and spits out formatted text to suit // RichTextView. uses Classes, HelpWindowDimensions, IPFFileFormatUnit; const DefaultGroupIndex = 0; RTF_NewLine = #10; var { TODO -oGraeme -cPointers : I don't like this - double check alternatives later } // placeholder for font table entry, indiciating user fixed font should be substituted SubstituteFixedFont: pointer = Pointer(1); type THelpLink = class(TObject) public HelpFile: TObject; // file this link is within // Even though it doesn't do anything, // we have to have a constructor to allow // virtual constructors to work constructor Create; virtual; end; THelpTopicSlot = class(TObject) public pData: pUInt8; // Pointer to actual Slot structure in INF file. Size: longint; // Number of bytes in the text for this Slot (slotheader.ntext) pLocalDictionary: UInt16ArrayPointer; // Pointer to Slot's local dictionary LocalDictSize: uint8; // Number of entries in the local dictionary destructor Destroy; override; end; THelpLinkClass = class of THelpLink; TFootnoteHelpLink = class(THelpLink) public TopicIndex: longint; Title: string; // from text within link end; TWindowedHelpLink = class(THelpLink) public GroupIndex: longint; // DefaultGroupIndex if not specified. // Note: Overrides contents group index of topic Automatic: boolean; // link should be automatically followed on topic display Split: boolean; // link should open the window within the parent ViewPort: boolean; // link should always open a new window Dependent: boolean; // window opened by link should be closed // when current topic is closed Rect: THelpWindowRect; // Display window with this rectangle. // Note: overrides contents rect constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; end; TInternalHelpLink = class(TWindowedHelpLink) public TopicIndex: longint; end; THelpLinkByResourceID = class(TWindowedHelpLink) public ResourceID: longint; end; SlotArray = array[0..0] of THelpTopicSlot; pSlotArray = ^SlotArray; TFontState = (fsNormal, fsFixed, fsCustom); TIPFTextAlignment = (itaLeft, itaRight, itaCenter, itaCenterOnePara); TParseState = record Alignment: TIPFTextAlignment; ForegroundColorTag: string; BackgroundColorTag: string; Spacing: boolean; FontState: TFontState; InCharGraphics: boolean; LinkIndex: longint; StartOfTextBlock: longint; TextBlock: string; FootnoteLink: TFootnoteHelpLink; StyleCode: longint; end; TTopic = class(TObject) protected _FileHandle: TFileStream; _pTOCEntry: pTTOCEntryStart; _pSlotOffsets: UInt32ArrayPointer; _Slots: TList; _pSlotNumbers: puint16; _NumSlots: longint; _Title: string; _GlobalDictionary: TStringList; _ShowInContents: boolean; _ContentsLevel: integer; _ContentsGroupIndex: longint; _FontTable: TList; _ReferencedFiles: TStrings; procedure SetTitle( const NewValue: string ); function GetTitle: string; // Returns the tag texts for the given bitmap ref function GetImageText( CurrentAlignment: TIPFTextAlignment; BitmapOffset: longint; BitmapFlags: longint; ImageOffsets: TList ): string; Procedure ProcessLinkedImage( Var State: TParseState; Var pData: pByte; Var OutputString: string; ImageOffsets: TList ); procedure TranslateIPFEscapeCode( Var State: TParseState; Var pData: pUInt8; var AText: String; Var WordsOnLine: longint; ImageOffsets: TList ); function CreateLink( Var LinkIndex: longint; Var Link: THelpLink; LinkClass: THelpLinkClass ): boolean; procedure EnsureSlotsLoaded; // returns true if the escape code at pData results in whitespace. function IPFEscapeCodeSpace( Var State: TParseState; Var pData: pUInt8 ): boolean; function GetNextIPFTextItem( Var SlotIndex: longint; Var pData: pUInt8; Var State: TParseState ): longint; function CheckForSequence( WordSequences: TList; SlotIndex: longint; pData: pUint8; State: TParseState; GlobalDictIndex: longint ): longint; public HelpFile: TObject; Index: longint; SearchRelevance: longint; Links: TList; // only valid after GetText constructor Create( var FileHandle: TFileStream; pSlotOffsets: UInt32ArrayPointer; Dictionary: TStringList; var pTOCEntry: pTTOCEntryStart; FontTable: TList; ReferencedFiles: TStrings ); destructor Destroy; override; property Title: string read GetTitle write SetTitle; procedure SetTitleFromMem( const p: pointer; const Len: byte ); // Main function for retrieving text for topic. // HighlightSequences: list of sequences to highlight // if nil then ignored. // ShowCodes: indicates debugging: hex output of escape // codes will be included // ShowWordSeparators: | will be included after each dictionary // word inserted // Text: The output is written to here. IS NOT CLEARED FIRST. // ImageOffsets: For each image that occurs in the text, // the help file offset will be written to this list. // HighlightMatches: if not nil, and HighlightSequences is not nil, // will return offsets to each highlight match procedure GetText( HighlightSequences: TList; ShowCodes: boolean; ShowWordSeparators: boolean; var Text: String; ImageOffsets: TList; HighlightMatches: TList ); // if StopAtFirstOccurrence true, returns 0 or 1 // if false, returns count of occurrences of word function SearchForWord( DictIndex: integer; StopAtFirstOccurrence: boolean ): longint; // searches for sequences out of those listed in WordSequence // Each element of WordSequence contains a pointer to an array // of flags for each dictionary word, indicating whether that word // is to be a possible match. function SearchForWordSequences( WordSequence: TList; StopAtFirstOccurrence: boolean ): longint; procedure GetContentsWindowRect( ContentsRect: THelpWindowRect ); // search for binary data including codes function SearchForData( Data: pbyte; DataLen: integer ): boolean; procedure SaveIPFEscapeCode( Var State: TParseState; Var pData: pUInt8; Var F: TextFile; ImageOffsets: TList ); procedure SaveToIPF( Var f: TextFile; ImageOffsets: TList ); property ShowInContents: boolean read _ShowInContents; property ContentsLevel: integer read _ContentsLevel; property ContentsGroupIndex: longint read _ContentsGroupIndex; function CountWord( DictIndex: integer ): longint; function ContainsWord( DictIndex: integer ): boolean; end; // Compares two topics for purposes of sorting by // search match relevance function TopicRelevanceCompare( Item1, Item2: pointer ): longint; // Compares two topics for purposes of sorting by title function TopicTitleCompare( Item1, Item2: pointer ): longint; implementation uses SysUtils ,NewViewConstantsUnit ,nvUtilities ,ACLStringUtility ,SettingsUnit ; const IPFColors: array[ 0..15 ] of string = ( //rrggbb '', // default '#0000ff', // blue '#ff0000', // red '#ff00ff', // pink (purple) '#00ff00', // green '#00ffff', // cyan '#ffff00', // yellow '#808000', // neutral = brown '#404040', // dark gray '#000080', // dark blue '#800000', // dark red '#800080', // dark pink (purple) '#008000', // dark green '#008080', // dark cyan '#000000', // black '#c0c0c0' // pale gray ); // for ecHighlight1 IPFHighlight1Tags : array [ 0..6 ] of string = ( '', // normal '', // hp1 italitc '', // hp2 bold '', // hp3 bold italic '', // hp5 underline '', // hp6 underline italic '' // hp7 underline bold ); // for ecHighlight2 IPFHighlight2Tags : array [ 0..3 ] of string = ( '', // normal '', // hp4 blue '', // hp8 red '' // hp9 purple ); BlankString: string = ''; var DefaultTitle: string; function GetBeginLink( LinkIndex: longint ): string; begin Result := '' end; function GetEndLinkTags( const State: TParseState ): string; begin Result := '' + State.ForegroundColorTag; end; // Even though it doesn't do anything, // we have to have a constructor to allow // virtual constructors to work constructor THelpLink.Create; begin // do nothing end; constructor TWindowedHelpLink.Create; begin GroupIndex := DefaultGroupIndex; Automatic := false; ViewPort := false; Dependent := false; Rect := THelpWindowRect.Create; end; destructor TWindowedHelpLink.Destroy; begin Rect.Destroy; end; destructor THelpTopicSlot.Destroy; begin { TODO -ograeme -ccleanup memory : Double check this } FreeMem(pData);// DeallocateMemory( pData ); FreeMem(pLocalDictionary); // DeallocateMemory( pLocalDictionary ); end; constructor TTopic.Create( var FileHandle: TFileStream; pSlotOffsets: UInt32ArrayPointer; Dictionary: TStringList; var pTOCEntry: pTTOCEntryStart; FontTable: TList; ReferencedFiles: TStrings ); var pExtendedInfo: pExtendedTOCEntry; titleLen: integer; XY: THelpXYPair; p: pbyte; Flags: byte; begin _FileHandle := FileHandle; _pSlotOffsets := pSlotOffsets; _Title := ''; _GlobalDictionary := Dictionary; _ContentsGroupIndex := 0; _pTOCEntry := pTOCEntry; _NumSlots := pTOCEntry^.numslots; Flags := _pTOCEntry^.flags; p := pByte( _pTOCEntry ) + sizeof( TTOCEntryStart ); if ( Flags and TOCEntryExtended ) = TOCEntryExtended then begin pExtendedInfo := pExtendedTOCEntry( p ); inc( p, sizeof( TExtendedTOCEntry ) ); if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and 1 ) > 0 then // skip position inc( p, sizeof( XY ) ); if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and 2 ) > 0 then // skip size inc( p, sizeof( XY ) ); if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and 8 ) > 0 then // skip window controls inc( p, sizeof(word) ); // increment by 2 if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and $40 ) > 0 then // skip something else, unknown... style? 2 bytes inc( p, sizeof(word) ); // increment by 2 if ( pExtendedInfo^.w2 and 4 ) > 0 then begin _ContentsGroupIndex := pUInt16(p)^; // read group inc( p, sizeof( uint16 ) ); end; end; // skip slot numbers for now. _pSlotNumbers := pUInt16(p); inc( p, _NumSlots * sizeof( uint16 ) ); // Calculate the remainder of the tocentry length - that is the bytes used for TOC topic (title) text titleLen := _pTOCEntry^.length - ( longword( p ) - longword( _pTOCEntry ) ); // Read title if TitleLen > 0 then SetTitleFromMem( p, TitleLen ) else Title := DefaultTitle; _ContentsLevel := ( Flags and TOCEntryLevelMask ); _ShowInContents := Flags and TOCEntryHidden = 0; if _ContentsLevel = 0 then _ShowInContents := false; // hmmm.... _FontTable := FontTable; _ReferencedFiles := ReferencedFiles; end; destructor TTopic.Destroy; begin LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'TTopic.Destroy'); DestroyListAndObjects( Links ); DestroyListAndObjects( _Slots ); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TTopic.SetTitle( const NewValue: string ); begin _Title := NewValue; end; procedure TTopic.SetTitleFromMem( const p: pointer; const Len: byte ); begin //FreePString( _Title ); //GetMem( _Title, Len + 1 ); //_Title^[ 0 ] := char( Len ); //MemCopy( p, _Title + 1, Len ); SetString(_Title, p, Len); end; function TTopic.GetTitle: string; begin Result := _Title; end; // Replace < and > characters with doubles << and >> // for compatibility with richtextview. // This works in place, assuming that instances of > or < are // actually rare. In practice, IPF normally would insert these // two characters as distinct words, but I don't want to assume that. procedure SubstituteAngleBrackets( Var s: string ); var i: integer; begin i := 1; while i <= Length( S ) do begin case S[ i ] of '<': begin Insert( '<', s, i ); inc( i ); end; '>': begin Insert( '>', s, i ); inc( i ); end; end; inc( i ); end; end; function TTopic.GetImageText( CurrentAlignment: TIPFTextAlignment; BitmapOffset: longint; BitmapFlags: longint; ImageOffsets: TList ): string; var BitmapIndex: longint; OriginalAlignTag: string; ImageTag: string; AlignTag: string; begin BitmapIndex := ImageOffsets.IndexOf( pointer( BitmapOffset ) ); if BitmapIndex = -1 then BitmapIndex := ImageOffsets.Add( pointer( BitmapOffset ) ); ImageTag := ''; if ( BitmapFlags and $08 ) > 0 then begin // stretch to fit - not implemented end; // aligned case CurrentAlignment of itaLeft: OriginalAlignTag := ''; itaRight: OriginalAlignTag := ''; itaCenter, itaCenterOnePara: OriginalAlignTag := ''; end; case BitmapFlags and 7 of 0, // curious - should not occur? does in dbexpert.hlp 1: // left AlignTag := ''; 2: // right AlignTag := ''; 4,5: // centre (4 is official, 5 seems to occur too) AlignTag := ''; end; Result := AlignTag + ImageTag + OriginalAlignTag; if ( BitmapFlags and $10 ) = 0 then begin // NOT runin, new lines before and after Result := RTF_NewLine + Result + RTF_NewLine; end; end; Procedure SaveImageText( BitmapOffset: longint; BitmapFlags: longint; Var F: TextFile; ImageOffsets: TList ); var ImageIndex: longint; begin ImageIndex := ImageOffsets.IndexOf( pointer( BitmapOffset ) ); if ImageIndex = -1 then ImageIndex := ImageOffsets.Add( pointer( BitmapOffset ) ); Write( F, ':artwork name=' ); Write( F, StrInSingleQuotes('img' + IntToStr(ImageIndex) + '.bmp') ); case BitmapFlags and 7 of 2: // right Write( F, ' align=right' ); 4,5: // centre (4 is official, 5 seems to occur too) Write( F, ' align=center' ); end; if ( BitmapFlags and $10 ) > 0 then begin // runin Write( F, ' runin' ); end; // fit ... Write( F, '.' ); end; Procedure TTopic.ProcessLinkedImage( Var State: TParseState; Var pData: pByte; Var OutputString: string; ImageOffsets: TList ); var EscapeLen: uint8; EscapeCode: uint8; SubEscapeCode: uint8; BitmapOffset: longword; BitmapFlags: uint8; Link: THelpLink;//TInternalHelpLink; LinkTopicIndex: integer; begin LinkTopicIndex := -1; while true do begin EscapeLen := pData^; SubEscapeCode := ( pData + 2 )^; case SubEscapeCode of HPART_DEFINE: begin BitmapFlags := ( pData + 3 )^; BitmapOffset := pUInt32( pData + 4 )^; end; HPART_HDREF: // define whole bitmap topic link? begin LinkTopicIndex := pUInt16( pData + 3 )^; end; end; inc( pData, EscapeLen ); // Now pData points at next code or item if pData^ <> IPF_ESC then // not an escape code, done break; EscapeCode := (pData + 2) ^; if EscapeCode <> ecLinkedImage then // not a hyperlink code, done break; // another linked image code is coming up. SubEscapeCode := ( pData + 3 )^; if SubEscapeCode = HPART_DEFINE then // started another linked image. break; inc( pData ); // move pointer to escape code len. end; OutputString := GetImageText( State.Alignment, BitmapOffset, BitmapFlags, ImageOffsets ); // Don't make it a link if we didn't find a // overall link code, i.e. degrade gracefully. if LinkTopicIndex > -1 then begin if CreateLink( State.LinkIndex, Link, TInternalHelpLink ) then begin TInternalHelpLink(Link).TopicIndex := LinkTopicIndex; end; OutputString := GetBeginLink( State.LinkIndex ) + OutputString + GetEndLinkTags( State ); inc( State.LinkIndex ); end; end; Procedure SaveLinkedImage( Var pData: pByte; Var F: TextFile; ImageOffsets: TList ); var EscapeLen: uint8; EscapeCode: uint8; SubEscapeCode: uint8; BitmapOffset: longword; BitmapFlags: uint8; LinkTopicIndex: integer; begin LinkTopicIndex := -1; while true do begin EscapeLen := pData^; SubEscapeCode := ( pData + 2 )^; case SubEscapeCode of HPART_DEFINE: begin BitmapFlags := ( pData + 3 )^; BitmapOffset := pUInt32( pData + 4 )^; end; HPART_HDREF: // define whole bitmap topic link? begin LinkTopicIndex := pUInt16( pData + 3 )^; end; end; inc( pData, EscapeLen ); // Now pData points at next code or item if pData^ <> IPF_ESC then // not an escape code, done break; EscapeCode := (pData + 2) ^; if EscapeCode <> ecLinkedImage then // not a hyperlink code, done break; // another linked image code is coming up. SubEscapeCode := ( pData + 3 )^; if SubEscapeCode = HPART_DEFINE then // started another linked image. break; inc( pData ); // move pointer to escape code len. end; SaveImageText( BitmapOffset, BitmapFlags, F, ImageOffsets ); // Don't make it a link if we didn't find a // overall link code, i.e. degrade gracefully. if LinkTopicIndex > -1 then begin WriteLn( F, '' ); WriteLn( F, ':artlink.' ); Write( F, ':link reftype=hd' ); Write( F, ' refid=' + IntToStr( LinkTopicIndex ) ); WriteLn( F, '.' ); WriteLn( F, ':eartlink.' ); end; end; Procedure GetExtraLinkData( Link: TWindowedHelpLink; pData: pUInt8 ); var LinkFlags1: uint8; LinkFlags2: uint8; LinkDataIndex: longint; pLinkXY: pHelpXYPair; pLinkData: pUInt8; begin LinkFlags1 := ( pData + 0 ) ^; LinkFlags2 := ( pData + 1 ) ^; pLinkData := pData + 2; if ( LinkFlags1 and 1 ) > 0 then begin // position specified pLinkXY := pHelpXYPair( pLinkData ); ReadHelpPosition( pLinkXY^, Link.Rect ); inc( pLinkData, sizeof( THelpXYPair ) ); end; if ( LinkFlags1 and 2 ) > 0 then begin // size specified pLinkXY := pHelpXYPair( pLinkData ); ReadHelpSize( pLinkXY^, Link.Rect ); inc( pLinkData, sizeof( THelpXYPair ) ); end; if ( LinkFlags1 and 8 ) > 0 then begin // window controls specified - skip inc( pLinkData, 2 ); end; if ( LinkFlags2 and 4 ) > 0 then begin // group specified Link.GroupIndex := pUInt16( pLinkData )^; inc( LinkDataIndex, sizeof( uint16 ) ); end; if ( LinkFlags1 and 64 ) > 0 then begin Link.Automatic := true; end; if ( LinkFlags1 and 4 ) > 0 then Link.ViewPort := true; if ( LinkFlags2 and 2 ) > 0 then Link.Dependent := true; if ( LinkFlags1 and 128 ) > 0 then Link.Split := true; // cant be bothered with the others. end; // If the given link has already been decoded // ie. the topic has been displayed before, // then return the already decoded link & return false // Otherwise, create a new link object & return true function TTopic.CreateLink( Var LinkIndex: longint; Var Link: THelpLink; LinkClass: THelpLinkClass ): boolean; begin if LinkIndex >= Links.Count then begin Link := LinkClass.Create; Link.HelpFile := HelpFile; Links.Add( Link ); Result := true; end else begin Link := THelpLink(Links[ LinkIndex ]); Result := false; end; end; const // size of the original View's default font AverageViewCharWidth = 8; procedure GetMarginTag( const Margin: longint; FontState: TFontState; Var MarginString: string; BreakIfPast: boolean ); begin MarginString := ' fsCustom then // for standard fonts, scale margins to match font MarginString := MarginString + IntToStr( Margin ) else // for custom fonts, since the IPF margins were always in // terms of the standard font size, set the margin to a width based on that. MarginString := MarginString + IntToStr( Margin * AverageViewCharWidth ) + ' pixels'; if BreakIfPast then MarginString := MarginString + ' breakifpast'; MarginString := MarginString + '>'; end; // TODO function FullDoubleQuote( const s: string ): string; begin Result := StrDoubleQuote + StrEscapeAllCharsBy(s, [], CharDoubleQuote) + StrDoubleQuote; end; // End URL, if it has been started. Go back and insert the start tag, // and add the end tag. procedure CheckForAutoURL( var Text: string; var State: TParseState ); var T: string; begin if State.StartOfTextBlock = -1 then // haven't got any text yet exit; TrimPunctuation( State.TextBlock ); if not CheckAndEncodeURL( State.TextBlock ) then begin // not a URL we know State.TextBlock := ''; exit; end; // It's a URL. Insert link at start of URL T := ''; Insert(T, Text, State.StartOfTextBlock); Text := Text + GetEndLinkTags(State); State.TextBlock := ''; State.StartOfTextBlock := -1; end; procedure TTopic.TranslateIPFEscapeCode( Var State: TParseState; Var pData: pUInt8; var AText: String; Var WordsOnLine: longint; ImageOffsets: TList ); var EscapeLen: uint8; EscapeCode: uint8; Link: THelpLink; //TInternalHelpLink; FootnoteLink: THelpLink; //TFootnoteHelpLink; LinkByResourceID: THelpLink; //THelpLinkByResourceID; Margin: integer; BitmapOffset: longword; BitmapFlags: uint8; ColorCode: uint8; StyleCode: uint8; FontIndex: uint8; pFontSpec: pTHelpFontSpec; FaceName: string; PointSize: longint; QuotedFaceName: string; ExternalLinkFileIndex: uint8; ExternalLinkTopicID: string; ProgramLink: string; ProgramPath: string; ProgramFilename: string; ProgramInfo : TSerializableStringList; tmpProgramLinkParts : TStrings; OutputString: string; begin EscapeLen := pData^; EscapeCode := (pData + 1)^; OutputString := ''; case EscapeCode of ecSetLeftMargin: begin CheckForAutoURL( AText, State ); Margin := integer( ( pData + 2 )^ ); GetMarginTag( Margin, State.FontState, OutputString, false ); end; ecSetLeftMarginNewLine: begin CheckForAutoURL( AText, State ); Margin := integer( ( pData + 2 )^ ); GetMarginTag( Margin, State.FontState, OutputString, false ); OutputString := OutputString + RTF_NewLine; end; ecSetLeftMarginFit: begin CheckForAutoURL( AText, State ); Margin := integer( ( pData + 2 )^ ); GetMarginTag( Margin, State.FontState, OutputString, true ); // note that this will cause following tex to be "tabbed" across to the // new margin position, if not yet there. // if we are already past this margin then a new line should be started. end; ecSetLeftMarginHere: begin OutputString := ''; end; ecHighlight1: begin StyleCode := ( pData + 2 )^; if StyleCode <= High( IPFHighlight1Tags ) then OutputString := IPFHighlight1Tags[ StyleCode ]; if StyleCode = 0 then State.ForegroundColorTag := ''; end; ecHighlight2: begin StyleCode := ( pData + 2 )^; if StyleCode <= High( IPFHighlight2Tags ) then OutputString := IPFHighlight2Tags[ StyleCode ]; if StyleCode = 0 then State.ForegroundColorTag := '' else State.ForegroundColorTag := OutputString; // only colours end; ecLinkStart: begin CheckForAutoURL( AText, State ); if CreateLink( State.LinkIndex, Link, TInternalHelpLink ) then begin TInternalHelpLink(Link).TopicIndex := pUInt16( pData + 2 )^; if EscapeLen >= 6 then begin GetExtraLinkData( TInternalHelpLink(Link), pData + 4 ); end; end; // If it's not an automatic link // then put code in to show it. if not TInternalHelpLink(Link).Automatic then begin OutputString := '' + GetBeginLink( State.LinkIndex ); end; inc( State.LinkIndex ); end; ecFootnoteLinkStart: begin CheckForAutoURL( AText, State ); if CreateLink( State.LinkIndex, FootnoteLink, TFootnoteHelpLink ) then begin TFootnoteHelpLink(FootnoteLink).TopicIndex := pUInt16( pData + 2 )^; State.FootnoteLink := TFootnoteHelpLink(FootnoteLink); end; OutputString := '' + GetBeginLink( State.LinkIndex ); inc( State.LinkIndex ); end; ecStartLinkByResourceID: begin CheckForAutoURL( AText, State ); if CreateLink( State.LinkIndex, LinkByResourceID, THelpLinkByResourceID ) then begin THelpLinkByResourceID(LinkByResourceID).ResourceID := pUInt16( pData + 2 )^; if EscapeLen >= 6 then begin GetExtraLinkData( THelpLinkByResourceID(LinkByResourceID), pData + 4 ); end; end; OutputString := '' + GetBeginLink( State.LinkIndex ); inc( State.LinkIndex ); end; ecExternalLink: begin CheckForAutoURL( AText, State ); // :link reftype=hd refid=... database= ExternalLinkFileIndex := ( pData + 2 )^; ExternalLinkTopicID := StrNPas( pchar(pData + 4), (pData + 3)^ ); OutputString := '' end; ecProgramLink: begin CheckForAutoURL( AText, State ); ProgramLink := StrNPas( pchar(pData + 3), EscapeLen-3 ); tmpProgramLinkParts := TStringList.Create; StrExtractStrings(tmpProgramLinkParts, ProgramLink, [' '], #0); ProgramPath := tmpProgramLinkParts[0]; tmpProgramLinkParts.Destroy; ProgramFilename := ExtractFilename( ProgramPath ); if StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(ProgramFilename, PRGM_EXPLORER) or StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(ProgramFilename, PRGM_NETSCAPE) or StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(ProgramFilename, PRGM_MOZILLA) or StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(ProgramFilename, PRGM_FIREFOX) then begin OutputString := ''; end else begin ProgramInfo := TSerializableStringList.create; ProgramInfo.add(ProgramPath); ProgramInfo.add(ProgramLink); OutputString := ''; ProgramInfo.destroy; end; end; ecLinkEnd: begin OutputString := GetEndLinkTags( State ); if State.FootnoteLink <> nil then State.FootnoteLink := nil; end; ecStartCharGraphics: begin State.FontState := fsFixed; State.InCharGraphics := true; OutputString := RTF_NewLine + RTF_NewLine + ''; State.Spacing := false; WordsOnLine := 0; end; ecEndCharGraphics: begin State.FontState := fsNormal; State.InCharGraphics := false; OutputString := '';// + RTF_NewLine; State.Spacing := true; end; ecImage: begin CheckForAutoURL( AText, State ); BitmapFlags := ( pData + 2 )^; BitmapOffset := pUInt32( pData + 3 )^; OutputString := GetImageText( State.Alignment, BitmapOffset, BitmapFlags, ImageOffsets ); if State.Spacing AND (OutputString[Length(OutputString)] <> RTF_NewLine) // no space after a line break then OutputString := OutputString + ' '; end; ecLinkedImage: begin CheckForAutoURL( AText, State ); ProcessLinkedImage( State, pData, OutputString, ImageOffsets ); if State.Spacing then OutputString := OutputString + ' '; // Note! Early exit, since the procedure // will update pData. AText := AText + OutputString; exit; end; ecStartLines: begin CheckForAutoURL( AText, State ); // aligned text case ( pData + 2 )^ of 0, // just in case - to match image alignment oddities 1: begin OutputString := RTF_NewLine + ''; State.Alignment := itaLeft; end; 2: begin OutputString := RTF_NewLine + ''; State.Alignment := itaRight; end; 4: begin OutputString := RTF_NewLine + ''; State.Alignment := itaCenter; end; end; OutputString := OutputString + ''; WordsOnLine := 0; end; ecEndLines: begin CheckForAutoURL( AText, State ); // supposed to turn word wrap on, default font OutputString := {'}''; // I guess... State.Alignment := itaLeft; end; ecForegroundColor: begin ColorCode := ( pData + 2 )^; if ColorCode = 0 then State.ForegroundColorTag := '' else if ColorCode <= High( IPFColors ) then State.ForegroundColorTag := ''; OutputString := State.ForegroundColorTag; end; ecBackgroundColor: begin ColorCode := ( pData + 2 )^; if ColorCode = 0 then State.BackgroundColorTag := '' else if ColorCode <= High( IPFColors ) then State.BackgroundColorTag := ''; OutputString := State.BackgroundColorTag; end; ecFontChange: begin FontIndex := ( pData + 2 )^; if FontIndex = 0 then begin // back to default font OutputString := ''; State.FontState := fsNormal; end else if FontIndex < _FontTable.Count then begin // valid font index pFontSpec := _FontTable[ FontIndex ]; // if pFontSpec = SubstituteFixedFont then if pFontSpec^.Codepage = High(word) then // Substitute Fixed Font detected begin OutputString := ''; State.FontState := fsFixed; end else begin // pFontSpec := _FontTable[ FontIndex ]; FaceName := StrNPas( pFontSpec^.FaceName, sizeof(pFontSpec^.FaceName) ); // arbitrarily and capriciously use specified height * 2/3 // as the point size - seems to correspond to what original // view wanted... note this doesn't necessarily scale // correctly, since default font could be different. whatever. PointSize := (pFontSpec^.Height * 2) div 3; if PointSize < 8 then PointSize := 8; // quote font name, escape double quotes with duplicates // e.g. Bob's "Big" Font would become // "Bob's ""Big"" Font" QuotedFaceName := FullDoubleQuote( FaceName ); OutputString := ''; { // for when (if ever) RTV allows setting font // by precise dimensions + '[' + IntToStr( pFontSpec ^. Width ) + 'x' + IntToStr( pFontSpec ^. Height ) + ']'; } State.FontState := fsCustom; end; end; end end; // case escape code of... AText := AText + OutputString; inc( pData, EscapeLen ); end; // returns true if the escape code results in whitespace // also updates the bits of State that relate to spacing // ie. .Spacing, and .InCharGraphics (which affects whether // spacing is reset at paragraph ends etc) function TTopic.IPFEscapeCodeSpace( Var State: TParseState; Var pData: pUInt8 ): boolean; var EscapeLen: uint8; EscapeCode: uint8; begin EscapeLen := pData^; EscapeCode := (pData + 1) ^; result := false; // for most case EscapeCode of ecSetLeftMargin, ecSetLeftMarginNewLine, ecSetLeftMarginFit: result := true; ecStartCharGraphics: begin result := true; State.InCharGraphics := true; State.Spacing := false; end; ecEndCharGraphics: begin result := true; State.InCharGraphics := false; State.Spacing := true; end; ecImage: result := State.Spacing; ecLinkedImage: result := State.Spacing; ecStartLines: begin result := true; State.Spacing := false; end; ecEndLines: begin result := true; // supposed to turn word wrap on, default font State.Spacing := true; end; end; // case escape code of... inc( pData, EscapeLen ); end; procedure TTopic.EnsureSlotsLoaded; var i: longint; pSlotNumber: puint16; SlotNumber: uint16; SlotHeader: TSlotHeader; Slot: THelpTopicSlot; bytes: integer; expected: integer; begin if _Slots = nil then begin try _Slots := TList.Create; // Read slot data pSlotNumber := _pSlotNumbers; for i := 1 to _NumSlots do begin SlotNumber := pSlotNumber^; // Seek to start of slot try _FileHandle.Seek(_pSlotOffsets^[SlotNumber], soBeginning); except // not a valid offset raise EHelpFileException.Create( ErrorCorruptHelpFile ); end; // Read header bytes := _FileHandle.Read(SlotHeader, SizeOf(TSlotHeader)); if bytes <> SizeOf(TSlotHeader) then // couldn't read slot header raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Failed to load Topic Slots.' ); // Create slot object Slot := THelpTopicSlot.Create; Slot.LocalDictSize := SlotHeader.nLocalDict; Slot.Size := SlotHeader.ntext; // Allocate and read slot dictionary _FileHandle.Seek(SlotHeader.localDictPos, soBeginning); expected := uint32(Slot.LocalDictSize) * sizeof(uint16); // size we need if Slot.pLocalDictionary = nil then // allocate memory Slot.pLocalDictionary := GetMem(expected); bytes := _FileHandle.Read(Slot.pLocalDictionary^, expected); if bytes <> expected then raise EHelpFileException.Create('Failed to read complete slot dictionary'); // Allocate and read slot data (text) _FileHandle.Seek(_pSlotOffsets^[SlotNumber] + sizeof(TSlotHeader), soBeginning); expected := Slot.Size; // size we need if Slot.pData = nil then // allocate memory Slot.pData := GetMem(expected); bytes := _FileHandle.Read(Slot.pData^, expected); if bytes <> expected then raise EHelpFileException.Create('Failed to read complete slot data (text)'); _Slots.Add( Slot ); inc( pByte(pSlotNumber), sizeof( UInt16 ) ); end; except on E: EHelpFileException do begin DestroyListAndObjects( _Slots ); raise; end; end; end; end; // returns a global dict index. // or, -1 for a whitespace item. // or, -2 for end of text. function TTopic.GetNextIPFTextItem( Var SlotIndex: longint; Var pData: pUInt8; Var State: TParseState ): longint; var Slot: THelpTopicSlot; pSlotEnd: pUInt8; LocalDictIndex: uint8; begin while SlotIndex < _NumSlots do begin Slot := THelpTopicSlot(_Slots[ SlotIndex ]); pSlotEnd := Slot.pData + Slot.Size; while pData < pSlotEnd do begin LocalDictIndex := pData^; inc( pData ); if LocalDictIndex < Slot.LocalDictSize then begin // Normal word lookup result := Slot.pLocalDictionary^[ LocalDictIndex ]; exit; end; // special code case LocalDictIndex of IPF_END_PARA: begin result := -1; if not State.InCharGraphics then State.Spacing := true; exit; end; IPF_CENTER: begin result := -1; exit; end; IPF_INVERT_SPACING: begin State.Spacing := not State.Spacing; end; IPF_LINEBREAK: begin result := -1; if not State.InCharGraphics then State.Spacing := true; exit; end; IPF_SPACE: begin result := -1; exit; end; IPF_ESC: begin // escape sequence if IPFEscapeCodeSpace( State, pData ) then result := -1; end; end; end; // while in slot... inc( SlotIndex ); end; Result := -2; end; // Checks to see if the given word (at pData) // starts one of the given sequences, by looking forward // If found, returns the length of the sequence. function TTopic.CheckForSequence( WordSequences: TList; SlotIndex: longint; pData: pUint8; State: TParseState; GlobalDictIndex: longint ): longint; var WordSequence: TList; SequenceStepIndex: longint; pSequenceStepWords: Uint32ArrayPointer; SequenceIndex: longint; SlotIndexTemp: longint; pDataTemp: pUint8; StateTemp: TParseState; // s : string; DictIndex: longint; begin result := 0; // if we don't find a match. for SequenceIndex := 0 to WordSequences.Count - 1 do begin WordSequence := TList(WordSequences[ SequenceIndex ]); pSequenceStepWords := WordSequence[ 0 ]; if pSequenceStepWords^[ GlobalDictIndex ] > 0 then begin // matched first step in this sequence. Look ahead... SequenceStepIndex := 0; pDataTemp := pData; SlotIndexTemp := SlotIndex; StateTemp := State; while true do begin inc( SequenceStepIndex ); if SequenceStepIndex = WordSequence.Count then begin // have a match for the sequence, insert start highlight Result := WordSequence.Count; break; end; // get words for next step in sequence pSequenceStepWords := WordSequence[ SequenceStepIndex ]; DictIndex := GetNextIPFTextItem( SlotIndexTemp, pDataTemp, StateTemp ); if DictIndex = -2 then begin // end of text - abort break; end; if DictIndex = -1 then begin // whitespace - abort // for multi-word phrase searching - count this and subsequent whitespace... break; end; // s := _GlobalDictionary[ DictIndex ]; // for debug only if not StrIsEmptyOrSpaces(_GlobalDictionary[ DictIndex ]) then begin if pSequenceStepWords^[ DictIndex ] = 0 then begin // word doesn't match - abort break; end; end; end; // while end; // else - doesn't match first step, do nothing end; // for sequenceindex ... end; // Main translation function. Turns the IPF data into // a text string. Translates formatting codes into tags // as for Rich Text Viewer. procedure TTopic.GetText( HighlightSequences: TList; // each element is a TList // containing a sequence of possible words // each element of each sequence // is an array of flags for the dictionary // indicating if the word is a allowed match at that step // a match is any sequence that matches one or more words at each step. ShowCodes: boolean; ShowWordSeparators: boolean; var Text: String; ImageOffsets: TList; HighlightMatches: TList ); var SlotIndex: integer; Slot: THelpTopicSlot; pData: pUInt8; pSlotEnd: pUInt8; GlobalDictIndex: uint32; WordsOnLine: longint; StringToAdd: string; LocalDictIndex: uint8; State: TParseState; EscapeLen: uint8; i: longint; SequenceStepIndex: longint; begin if Links = nil then Links := TList.Create; if HighlightMatches <> nil then HighlightMatches.Clear; // Text.Clear; ImageOffsets.Clear; try EnsureSlotsLoaded; except on E: EHelpFileException do begin Text := Text + E.Message; exit; end; end; WordsOnLine := 0; State.LinkIndex := 0; State.FontState := fsNormal; // ? Not sure... this could be reset at start of slot State.InCharGraphics := false; State.Spacing := true; State.ForegroundColorTag := ''; State.BackgroundColorTag := ''; State.StartOfTextBlock := -1; State.TextBlock := ''; State.FootnoteLink := nil; Text := Text + ''; SequenceStepIndex := 0; for SlotIndex := 0 to _NumSlots - 1 do begin if not State.InCharGraphics then State.Spacing := true; // this is just a guess as to the exact view behaviour. // inf.txt indicates that spacing is reset to true at // slot (cell) start, but that doesn't seem to be the // case when in character graphics... hey ho. Slot := THelpTopicSlot(_Slots[ SlotIndex ]); pData := Slot.pData; pSlotEnd := pData + Slot.Size; State.Alignment := itaLeft; while pData < pSlotEnd do begin LocalDictIndex := pData^; inc( pData ); if LocalDictIndex < Slot.LocalDictSize then begin // Normal word lookup GlobalDictIndex := Slot.pLocalDictionary^[ LocalDictIndex ]; if ShowWordSeparators then Text := Text + '{' + IntToStr( GlobalDictIndex )+ '}'; // normal lookup if GlobalDictIndex < _GlobalDictionary.Count then StringToAdd := _GlobalDictionary[ GlobalDictIndex ] else StringToAdd := ''; if StrIsEmptyOrSpaces( StringToAdd ) then begin // spaces only... CheckForAutoURL( Text, State ); end else begin // really is a word, not a space. // store string into "word" if Length(State.TextBlock) = 0 then // store start of block State.StartOfTextBlock := Length(Text); State.TextBlock := State.TextBlock + StringToAdd; SubstituteAngleBrackets( StringToAdd ); if HighlightSequences <> nil then begin if SequenceStepIndex > 0 then begin // currently highlighting a sequence. dec( SequenceStepIndex ); if SequenceStepIndex = 0 then begin // now finished, insert end highlight StringToAdd := StringToAdd + State.BackgroundColorTag; end; end else begin // not yet in a sequence, searching. SequenceStepIndex := CheckForSequence( HighlightSequences, SlotIndex, pData, State, GlobalDictIndex ); if SequenceStepIndex > 0 then begin // this word starts a sequence! if HighlightMatches <> nil then HighlightMatches.Add( pointer( Length(Text) ) ); StringToAdd := '' + StringToAdd; dec( SequenceStepIndex ); if SequenceStepIndex = 0 then // and ends it. StringToAdd := StringToAdd + State.BackgroundColorTag; end; end; end; // if processing sequence inc( WordsOnLine ); end; Text := Text + StringToAdd; if State.FootnoteLink <> nil then begin State.FootnoteLink.Title := State.FootnoteLink.Title + StringToAdd; if State.Spacing then begin State.FootnoteLink.Title := State.FootnoteLink.Title + ' '; end; end; if State.Spacing then begin CheckForAutoURL( Text, State ); Text := Text + ' '; end; end else begin // special code if ShowCodes then begin Text := Text + '[' + IntToHex( LocalDictIndex, 2 ); if LocalDictIndex = IPF_ESC then begin EscapeLen := pData^; for i := 1 to EscapeLen - 1 do Text := Text + ' ' + IntToHex( ( pData + i )^, 2 ); end; Text := Text + ']'; end; case LocalDictIndex of IPF_END_PARA: begin if SlotIndex = 0 then if pData - 1 = Slot.pData then // ignore first FA, not needed with RichTextView continue; CheckForAutoURL( Text, State ); if State.Alignment = itaCenterOnePara then begin State.Alignment := itaLeft; Text := Text + ''; end; Text := Text + RTF_NewLine; if WordsOnLine > 0 then Text := Text + RTF_NewLine; if not State.InCharGraphics then State.Spacing := true; WordsOnLine := 0; end; IPF_CENTER: begin CheckForAutoURL( Text, State ); Text := Text + RTF_NewLine + ''; State.Alignment := itaCenterOnePara; end; IPF_INVERT_SPACING: begin if not State.InCharGraphics then State.Spacing := not State.Spacing; end; IPF_LINEBREAK: begin CheckForAutoURL( Text, State ); if State.Alignment = itaCenterOnePara then begin State.Alignment := itaLeft; Text := Text + ''; end; Text := Text + RTF_NewLine; if not State.InCharGraphics then State.Spacing := true; WordsOnLine := 0; end; IPF_SPACE: begin CheckForAutoURL( Text, State ); if State.Spacing then Text := Text + ' '; end; IPF_ESC: begin // escape sequence TranslateIPFEscapeCode( State, pData, Text, WordsOnLine, ImageOffsets ); end; end; // case code of... end; end; // for slotindex = ... end; State.TextBlock := ''; end; function TTopic.SearchForWord( DictIndex: integer; StopAtFirstOccurrence: boolean ) : longint; var SlotIndex: integer; Slot: THelpTopicSlot; pData: pUInt8; pSlotEnd: pUInt8; EscapeLen: longint; GlobalDictIndex: uint32; LocalDictIndex: uint8; begin EnsureSlotsLoaded; Result := 0; for SlotIndex := 0 to _NumSlots - 1 do begin Slot := THelpTopicSlot(_Slots[ SlotIndex ]); pData := Slot.pData; pSlotEnd := pData + Slot.Size; while pData < pSlotEnd do begin LocalDictIndex := pData^; if LocalDictIndex < Slot.LocalDictSize then begin // Normal word lookup GlobalDictIndex := Slot.pLocalDictionary^[ LocalDictIndex ]; if GlobalDictIndex = DictIndex then begin inc( result ); if StopAtFirstOccurrence then exit; end; end else begin // special code if LocalDictIndex = $ff then begin // escape string, skip it EscapeLen := ( pData + 1 ) ^; inc( pData, EscapeLen ); end; end; inc( pData ); end; // for slotindex = ... end; end; // Search for a sequence of bytes, including in escape codes // this is for debugging to allow finding specific sequences function TTopic.SearchForData( Data: pbyte; DataLen: integer ): boolean; var SlotIndex: integer; Slot: THelpTopicSlot; pData: pUInt8; pSlotEnd: pUInt8; pHold: pUint8; pSearch: pUint8; begin EnsureSlotsLoaded; for SlotIndex := 0 to _NumSlots - 1 do begin Slot := THelpTopicSlot(_Slots[ SlotIndex ]); pSearch := Data; pHold := Slot.pData; pData := Slot.pData; pSlotEnd := Slot.pData + Slot.Size; while pHold < pSlotEnd do begin if pData^ = pSearch^ then begin // byte matches inc( pData ); inc( pSearch ); if ( pSearch >= Data + DataLen ) then begin // matches result := true; exit; end end else begin // no match pSearch := Data; inc( pHold ); pData := pHold; end; end; // for slotindex = ... end; result := false; // not found end; function TTopic.SearchForWordSequences( WordSequence: TList; StopAtFirstOccurrence: boolean ): longint; var SlotIndex: integer; Slot: THelpTopicSlot; pData: pUInt8; pSlotEnd: pUInt8; EscapeLen: longint; GlobalDictIndex: uint32; IsWord: boolean; WordRelevance: uint32; CurrentMatchRelevance: uint32; // total relevances for words matched so far // in the current sequence // CurrentMatch: string; // useful for debugging only LocalDictIndex: uint8; SequenceIndex: longint; SequenceStartSlotIndex: longint; pSequenceStartData: pUInt8; pStepWordRelevances: UInt32ArrayPointer; // word relevances for the current step in the sequence // get the current slot start and end pointers procedure GetSlot; begin Slot := THelpTopicSlot(_Slots[ SlotIndex ]); pData := Slot.pData; pSlotEnd := pData + Slot.Size; end; // get pointer to the current set of word relevances procedure GetStepFlags; begin pStepWordRelevances := WordSequence[ SequenceIndex ]; end; // store the current point as start of a sequence procedure StoreStartOfSequence; begin SequenceIndex := 0; SequenceStartSlotIndex := SlotIndex; pSequenceStartData := pData; CurrentMatchRelevance := 0; // CurrentMatch := ''; GetStepFlags; end; begin Result := 0; EnsureSlotsLoaded; if _NumSlots = 0 then // thar's nowt in yon topic, cannae be a match laid exit; SlotIndex := 0; GetSlot; StoreStartOfSequence; while true do begin LocalDictIndex := pData^; IsWord := false; if LocalDictIndex < Slot.LocalDictSize then begin IsWord := true; // Normal word lookup, so get the global dict idnex before we // (potentially) move to next slot GlobalDictIndex := Slot.pLocalDictionary^[ LocalDictIndex ]; end; inc( pData ); if pData >= pSlotEnd then begin // reached end of slot, next please inc( SlotIndex ); if SlotIndex < _NumSlots then GetSlot; // else - there is nothing more to search // but we need to check this last item end; if IsWord then begin // Normal word lookup WordRelevance := 0; if GlobalDictIndex < _GlobalDictionary.Count then if not StrIsEmptyOrSpaces( _GlobalDictionary[ GlobalDictIndex ] ) then; WordRelevance := pStepWordRelevances^[ GlobalDictIndex ]; if WordRelevance > 0 then begin // Found a matching word inc( CurrentMatchRelevance, WordRelevance ); // debug: // CurrentMatch := CurrentMatch + // pstring( _GlobalDictionary[ GlobalDictIndex ] )^; if SequenceIndex = 0 then begin // remember next start point SequenceStartSlotIndex := SlotIndex; pSequenceStartData := pData; end; inc( SequenceIndex ); if SequenceIndex < WordSequence.Count then begin // get next set of flags. GetStepFlags; end else begin // found a complete sequence. Cool! inc( result, CurrentMatchRelevance ); if StopAtFirstOccurrence then exit; // start looking from the beginning of the sequence again. StoreStartOfSequence; end; end else begin // not a match at this point, restart search if SequenceIndex > 0 then begin // we had matched one or more steps already, // back to start of sequence AND back to // point we started matching from (+1) SequenceIndex := 0; CurrentMatchRelevance := 0; // CurrentMatch := ''; SlotIndex := SequenceStartSlotIndex; GetSlot; pData := pSequenceStartData; GetStepFlags; end else begin // haven't matched anything yet. // update start of sequence SequenceStartSlotIndex := SlotIndex; pSequenceStartData := pData; end; end; end else begin // special code if LocalDictIndex = $ff then begin // escape string, skip it EscapeLen := pData ^; inc( pData, EscapeLen ); end; end; if SlotIndex >= _NumSlots then begin // finished searching topic break; end; // next item end; end; function TTopic.CountWord( DictIndex: integer ): longint; begin Result := SearchForWord( DictIndex, false ); end; function TTopic.ContainsWord( DictIndex: integer ): boolean; begin Result := SearchForWord( DictIndex, true ) > 0; end; // Gets the window dimensions specified by this topic's // contents header procedure TTopic.GetContentsWindowRect( ContentsRect: THelpWindowRect ); var extendedinfo: TExtendedTOCEntry; XY: THelpXYPair; p: pbyte; Flags: byte; begin Flags := _pTOCEntry ^.flags; p := pByte( _pTOCEntry + sizeof( TTOCEntryStart ) ); ContentsRect.Left := 0; ContentsRect.Bottom := 0; ContentsRect.Width := 100; ContentsRect.Height := 100; if ( Flags and TOCEntryExtended ) > 0 then begin // have more details available... ExtendedInfo.w1 := p^; ExtendedInfo.w2 := ( p+1) ^; inc( p, sizeof( ExtendedInfo ) ); if ( ExtendedInfo.w1 and 1 ) > 0 then begin // read origin XY := pHelpXYPair( p )^; inc( p, sizeof( XY ) ); ReadHelpPosition( XY, ContentsRect ); end; if ( ExtendedInfo.w1 and 2 ) > 0 then begin // read size XY := pHelpXYPair( p )^; inc( p, sizeof( XY ) ); ReadHelpSize( XY, ContentsRect ); end; end; end; const IPFColorNames: array[ 0..15 ] of string = ( 'default', 'blue', 'red', 'pink', 'green', 'cyan', 'yellow', 'neutral', // 'brown', ?? 'darkgray', 'darkblue', 'darkred', 'darkpink', 'darkgreen', 'darkcyan', 'black', 'palegray' ); Procedure SaveExtraLinkData( Link: TWindowedHelpLink; pData: pUInt8 ); var LinkFlags1: uint8; LinkFlags2: uint8; LinkDataIndex: longint; pLinkXY: pHelpXYPair; pLinkData: pUInt8; begin LinkFlags1 := ( pData + 0 ) ^; LinkFlags2 := ( pData + 1 ) ^; pLinkData := pData + 2; if ( LinkFlags1 and 1 ) > 0 then begin // position specified pLinkXY := pHelpXYPair( pLinkData ); inc( pLinkData, sizeof( THelpXYPair ) ); end; if ( LinkFlags1 and 2 ) > 0 then begin // size specified pLinkXY := pHelpXYPair( pLinkData ); inc( pLinkData, sizeof( THelpXYPair ) ); end; if ( LinkFlags1 and 8 ) > 0 then begin // window controls specified - skip inc( pLinkData, 2 ); end; if ( LinkFlags2 and 4 ) > 0 then begin // group specified Link.GroupIndex := pUInt16( pLinkData )^; inc( LinkDataIndex, sizeof( uint16 ) ); end; if ( LinkFlags1 and 64 ) > 0 then begin Link.Automatic := true; end; if ( LinkFlags1 and 4 ) > 0 then Link.ViewPort := true; if ( LinkFlags2 and 2 ) > 0 then Link.Dependent := true; if ( LinkFlags1 and 128 ) > 0 then Link.Split := true; // cant be bothered with the others. end; procedure TTopic.SaveIPFEscapeCode( Var State: TParseState; Var pData: pUInt8; Var F: TextFile; ImageOffsets: TList ); var EscapeLen: uint8; EscapeCode: uint8; Margin: integer; BitmapOffset: longword; BitmapFlags: uint8; ColorCode: uint8; StyleCode: uint8; FontIndex: uint8; pFontSpec: pTHelpFontSpec; FaceName: string; ExternalLinkFileIndex: uint8; ExternalLinkTopicID: string; ProgramLink: string; ProgramPath: string; tmpProgramLinkParts : TStrings; OutputString: string; begin EscapeLen := pData^; EscapeCode := (pData + 1) ^; OutputString := ''; case EscapeCode of ecSetLeftMargin: begin Margin := integer( ( pData + 2 )^ ); GetMarginTag( Margin, State.FontState, OutputString, false ); end; ecSetLeftMarginNewLine: begin Margin := integer( ( pData + 2 )^ ); GetMarginTag( Margin, State.FontState, OutputString, false ); OutputString := OutputString + RTF_NewLine; end; ecSetLeftMarginFit: begin Margin := integer( ( pData + 2 )^ ); GetMarginTag( Margin, State.FontState, OutputString, true ); // note that this will cause following tex to be "tabbed" across to the // new margin position, if not yet there. // if we are already past this margin then a new line should be started. end; ecSetLeftMarginHere: begin OutputString := ''; end; ecHighlight1: // hp1,2,3, 5,6,7 begin StyleCode := ( pData + 2 ) ^; if StyleCode > 3 then StyleCode := StyleCode + 1; // 4, 8 and 9 are expressed in highlight2 code if StyleCode > 0 then Write( F, ':hp' + IntToStr( StyleCode ) + '.' ) else Write( F, ':ehp' + IntToStr( State.StyleCode ) + '.' ); State.StyleCode := StyleCode; end; ecHighlight2: // hp4, 8, 9 begin StyleCode := ( pData + 2 ) ^; case StyleCode of 1: StyleCode := 4; 2: StyleCode := 8; 3: StyleCode := 9; end; if StyleCode > 0 then Write( F, ':hp' + IntToStr( StyleCode ) + '.' ) else Write( F, ':ehp' + IntToStr( State.StyleCode ) + '.' ); State.StyleCode := StyleCode; end; ecLinkStart: begin Write( F, ':link reftype=hd' ); // link to heading Write( F, ' refid=' + IntToStr( pUInt16( pData + 2 )^ ) ); { if EscapeLen >= 6 then begin GetExtraLinkData( Link, pData + 4 ); end;} // if Link.Automatic then // Write( F, ' auto' ); Write( F, '.' ); inc( State.LinkIndex ); end; ecFootnoteLinkStart: begin Write( F, ':link reftype=fn refid=fn' + IntToStr( pUInt16( pData + 2 )^ ) + '.' ); inc( State.LinkIndex ); end; ecStartLinkByResourceID: begin Write( F, ':link reftype=hd res=' + IntToStr( pUInt16( pData + 2 )^ ) + '.' ); inc( State.LinkIndex ); end; ecExternalLink: begin ExternalLinkFileIndex := ( pData + 2 )^; ExternalLinkTopicID := StrNPas( pchar( pData + 4 ), ( pData + 3 )^ ); Write( F, ':link reftype=hd ' + ' refid=' + StrInSingleQuotes( ExternalLinkTopicID ) + ' database=' + StrInSingleQuotes( _ReferencedFiles[ ExternalLinkFileIndex ] ) + '.' ); end; ecProgramLink: begin ProgramLink := StrNPas( pchar( pData + 3 ), EscapeLen - 3 ); tmpProgramLinkParts := TStringList.Create; StrExtractStrings(tmpProgramLinkParts, ProgramLink, [' '], #0); ProgramPath := tmpProgramLinkParts[0]; tmpProgramLinkParts.Destroy; Write( F, ':link reftype=launch' + ' object=' + StrInSingleQuotes( ProgramPath ) + ' data=' + StrInSingleQuotes( ProgramLink ) + '.' ); end; ecLinkEnd: begin Write( F, ':elink.' ); if State.FootnoteLink <> nil then State.FootnoteLink := nil; end; ecStartCharGraphics: begin State.FontState := fsFixed; State.InCharGraphics := true; WriteLn( F, '' ); WriteLn( F, ':cgraphic.' ); State.Spacing := false; end; ecEndCharGraphics: begin State.FontState := fsNormal; State.InCharGraphics := false; WriteLn( F, '' ); WriteLn( F, ':ecgraphic.' ); State.Spacing := true; end; ecImage: begin BitmapFlags := ( pData + 2 )^; BitmapOffset := pUInt32( pData + 3 )^; SaveImageText( BitmapOffset, BitmapFlags, F, ImageOffsets ); if State.Spacing then Write( F, ' ' ); end; ecLinkedImage: begin SaveLinkedImage( pData, F, ImageOffsets ); // Note! Early exit, since the procedure // will update pData. exit; end; ecStartLines: begin WriteLn( F, '' ); // aligned text case ( pData + 2 )^ of 0, // just in case - to match image alignment oddities 1: begin WriteLn( F, ':lines.' ); State.Alignment := itaLeft; end; 2: begin WriteLn( F, ':lines align=right.' ); State.Alignment := itaRight; end; 4: begin WriteLn( F, ':lines align=center.' ); State.Alignment := itaCenter; end; end; end; ecEndLines: begin // supposed to turn word wrap on, default font WriteLn( F, '' ); WriteLn( F, ':elines.' ); State.Alignment := itaLeft; end; ecForegroundColor: begin ColorCode := ( pData + 2 )^; if ColorCode < High( IPFColorNames ) then Write( F, ':color fc=' + IPFColorNames[ ColorCode ] + '.' ); end; ecBackgroundColor: begin ColorCode := ( pData + 2 )^; if ColorCode < High( IPFColorNames ) then Write( F, ':color bc=' + IPFColorNames[ ColorCode ] + '.' ); end; ecFontChange: begin FontIndex := ( pData + 2 )^; if FontIndex = 0 then begin // back to default font Write( F, ':font facename=default.' ); State.FontState := fsNormal; end else if FontIndex < _FontTable.Count then begin // valid font index pFontSpec := _FontTable[ FontIndex ]; if pFontSpec = SubstituteFixedFont then begin // oops. OutputString := ''; State.FontState := fsFixed; end else begin pFontSpec := _FontTable[ FontIndex ]; FaceName := StrNPas( pFontSpec^.FaceName, sizeof( pFontSpec^.FaceName ) ); Write( F, ':font facename=' + StrInSingleQuotes( FaceName ) + ' size=' + IntToStr( pFontSpec^.Height ) + 'x' + IntToStr( pFontSpec^.Width ) + '.' ); State.FontState := fsCustom; end; end; end end; // case escape code of... // Write( F, OutputString ); inc( pData, EscapeLen ); end; procedure TTopic.SaveToIPF( Var f: TextFile; ImageOffsets: TList ); var SlotIndex: integer; Slot: THelpTopicSlot; pData: pUInt8; pSlotEnd: pUInt8; GlobalDictIndex: uint32; StringToAdd: string; LocalDictIndex: uint8; State: TParseState; SequenceStepIndex: longint; LineLen: longint; c: char; begin EnsureSlotsLoaded; State.LinkIndex := 0; State.FontState := fsNormal; // ? Not sure... this could be reset at start of slot State.InCharGraphics := false; State.Spacing := true; State.ForegroundColorTag := ''; State.BackgroundColorTag := ''; State.StartOfTextBlock := -1; State.TextBlock := ''; State.FootnoteLink := nil; State.StyleCode := 0; SequenceStepIndex := 0; LineLen := 0; for SlotIndex := 0 to _NumSlots - 1 do begin if not State.InCharGraphics then State.Spacing := true; // this is just a guess as to the exact view behaviour. // inf.txt indicates that spacing is reset to true at // slot (cell) start, but that doesn't seem to be the // case when in character graphics... hey ho. Slot := THelpTopicSlot(_Slots[ SlotIndex ]); pData := Slot.pData; pSlotEnd := pData + Slot.Size; State.Alignment := itaLeft; while pData < pSlotEnd do begin LocalDictIndex := pData^; inc( pData ); if LocalDictIndex < Slot.LocalDictSize then begin // Normal word lookup GlobalDictIndex := Slot.pLocalDictionary^[ LocalDictIndex ]; // normal lookup if GlobalDictIndex < _GlobalDictionary.Count then StringToAdd := _GlobalDictionary[ GlobalDictIndex ] else StringToAdd := ''; if (Length( StringToAdd ) = 1) and Settings.IPFTopicSaveAsEscaped then begin // could be symbol c := StringToAdd[ 1 ]; case C of '&': StringToAdd := '&.'; '''': StringToAdd := '&apos.'; '*': StringToAdd := '&asterisk.'; '@': StringToAdd := '&atsign.'; '\': StringToAdd := '&bsl.'; '^': StringToAdd := '&caret.'; '"': StringToAdd := '&osq.'; ':': StringToAdd := '&colon.'; '.': StringToAdd := '&per.'; '(': StringToAdd := '&lpar.'; ')': StringToAdd := '&rpar.'; '/': StringToAdd := '&slash.'; ',': StringToAdd := '&comma.'; '-': StringToAdd := '&hyphen.'; '_': StringToAdd := '&us.'; '~': StringToAdd := '&tilde.'; '+': StringToAdd := '&plus.'; '>': StringToAdd := '>.'; ';': StringToAdd := '&semi.'; Chr($da): StringToAdd := '+'; Chr($c4): StringToAdd := '-'; Chr($b3): StringToAdd := '|'; Chr($c3): StringToAdd := '|'; Chr($bf): StringToAdd := '+'; end; end; inc( LineLen, Length( StringToAdd ) ); if ( LineLen > 80 ) and ( not State.InCharGraphics ) then begin WriteLn( F ); LineLen := 0; end; Write( F, StringToAdd ); { if State.FootnoteLink <> nil then begin State.FootnoteLink.Title := State.FootnoteLink.Title + StringToAdd; if State.Spacing then begin State.FootnoteLink.Title := State.FootnoteLink.Title + ' '; end; end; } if State.Spacing then begin Write( F, ' ' ); inc( LineLen ); end; end else begin // special code case LocalDictIndex of IPF_END_PARA: begin WriteLn( F, '' ); Write( F, ':p.' ); LineLen := 3; if not State.InCharGraphics then State.Spacing := true; end; IPF_CENTER: begin WriteLn( F, '' ); Write( F, '.ce ' ); // remainder of this line is centered. LineLen := 4; State.Alignment := itaCenterOnePara; end; IPF_INVERT_SPACING: begin State.Spacing := not State.Spacing; end; IPF_LINEBREAK: begin WriteLn( F, '' ); if not State.InCharGraphics then WriteLn( F, '.br ' ); // break must be the only thing on the line LineLen := 0; if not State.InCharGraphics then State.Spacing := true; end; IPF_SPACE: begin if State.Spacing then Write( F, ' ' ) else Write( F, ' ' ); end; IPF_ESC: begin // escape sequence SaveIPFEscapeCode( State, pData, F, ImageOffsets ); end; end; // case code of... end; end; // for slotindex = ... end; State.TextBlock := ''; end; // Compares two topics for purposes of sorting by // search match relevance function TopicRelevanceCompare( Item1, Item2: pointer ): longint; var Topic1, Topic2: TTopic; begin Topic1 := TTopic(Item1); Topic2 := TTopic(Item2); if Topic1.SearchRelevance > Topic2.SearchRelevance then Result := -1 else if Topic1.SearchRelevance < Topic2.SearchRelevance then Result := 1 else Result := 0; end; // Compares two topics for purposes of sorting by title function TopicTitleCompare( Item1, Item2: pointer ): longint; begin Result := CompareText( TTopic( Item1 )._Title, TTopic( Item2 )._Title ); end; end.