unit HelpFile; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface // Encapsulates the basic reading of a help file's structure. uses Classes ,SysUtils ,fpg_imagelist ,IPFFileFormatUnit ,HelpTopic ,HelpBitmap ,SearchTable ; type TFontEncoding = (encUTF8, encCP437, encCP850, encIBMGraph); TIndexEntry = class(TObject) private name: String; topic: TTopic; flags: uint8; public constructor Create(aName: String; aTopic: TTopic; aFlags: uint8); destructor Destroy; override; property getTopic: TTopic read topic; function getLabel: String; function isGlobal: boolean; function getLevel: integer; end; TIndex = class(TObject) private entries: TStringList; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Count: longint; function GetLabels: TStringList; function GetTopic(aPos: longint): TTopic; procedure Add(anIndexEntry: TIndexEntry); end; THelpFile = class(TObject) private function GetFormatVersion: string; function GetStringResourceIDCount: integer; function GetNumericResourceIDCount: integer; protected _Filename : string; _FileSize : longint; _Handle: TFileStream; _pSlotData: pUInt16; _SlotDataSize: longint; _Title: string; _Topics: TList; // of TTopics _Dictionary: TStringList; // pointers to strings. _Index: TIndex; _SearchTable: TSearchTable; _ReferencedFiles: TStringList; _FontTable: TList; _pHeader: TPHelpFileHeader; _pExtendedHeader: TPExtendedHelpFileHeader; _pContentsData: pointer; _pResourceData: pointer; _pSearchData: pointer; _pHighlightWords: UInt32ArrayPointer; _pSlotOffsets: Uint32ArrayPointer; _pDictionaryData: pointer; _pFontTableData: pointer; _pTopicNameData: pointer; _pTopicGlobalNamesData: pointer; procedure InitMembers; procedure Open; procedure Close; procedure ReadFileBlock( Var Dest: pointer; const StartPosition: LongWord; const Length: LongWord); procedure ReadHeader; procedure ReadContents; procedure ReadDictionary; procedure ReadSearchTable; procedure ReadIndex; procedure ReadReferencedFilesTable; procedure ReadFontTableData; procedure ParseFontTable; function GetTopic( AIndex: longint ): TTopic; function GetTopicCount: longint; function GetDictionaryCount: longint; function GetDictionaryWord( AIndex: longint ): string; function GetHighlightWords: UInt32ArrayPointer; function GetSearchTable: TSearchTable; // Lookup global or local panel name list function FindTopicByName( const Name: string; Var pData: pointer; Count: longint; Offset: longint ): TTopic; public constructor Create( const aFileName: string ); destructor Destroy; override; function GetIndex: TIndex; property Title: string read _Title; property Topics[ Index: longint ]: TTopic read GetTopic; property TopicList: TList read _Topics; property TopicCount: longint read GetTopicCount; property StringResourceIDCount: integer read GetStringResourceIDCount; property NumericResourceIDCount: integer read GetNumericResourceIDCount; property Index: TIndex read GetIndex; property Filename: string read _FileName; property FormatVersion: string read GetFormatVersion; property ReferencedFiles: TStringList read _ReferencedFiles; procedure GetImages( ImageOffsets: TList; Images: TfpgImageList ); function GetImage( ImageOffset: longint ): THelpBitmap; property DictionaryCount: longint read GetDictionaryCount; property DictionaryWords[ AIndex: longint ]: string read GetDictionaryWord; function IndexOfTopic( Topic: TTopic ): longint; property SearchTable: TSearchTable read GetSearchTable; function FindTopicByResourceID( ID: uint16 ): TTopic; function FindTopicByLocalName( const Name: string ): TTopic; function FindTopicByGlobalName( const Name: string ): TTopic; function FindTopicByTitleStartsWith( const SearchText: string ): TTopic; function FindTopicByTitleContains( const SearchText: string ): TTopic; function FindTopicByIndexStartsWith( const SearchText: string ): TTopic; function FindTopicByIndexContains( const SearchText: string ): TTopic; procedure FindResourceIDsForTopic( Topic: TTopic; ResourceIDs: TList ); property HighlightWords: UInt32ArrayPointer read GetHighlightWords; property FileSize: longint read _FileSize; procedure SetupFontSubstitutes( Substitutions: string ); public NotesLoaded: boolean; // used externally Encoding: TFontEncoding; end; // Returns helpfile that the given topic is within Function TopicFile( Topic: TTopic ): THelpFile; function GetHelpFileTitle( const Filename: string ): string; Implementation uses // BseErr, // StringUtilsUnit, // CharUtilsUnit, // DebugUnit, // ACLFileIOUtility, // ACLLanguageUnit; fpg_main ,fpg_utils ,fpg_stringutils ,nvUtilities ,ACLStringUtility ; // Load "missing" bitmap { TODO -oGraeme -cbitmap : Create and load a "missing image" image } {.$R Images} const FileErrorNotFound = 'File not found '; FileErrorAccessDenied = 'File access denied'; FileErrorInUse = 'File in use'; FileErrorInvalidHeader = 'Invalid file header'; // ----------- // TIndexEntry // ----------- CONSTRUCTOR TIndexEntry.Create(aName: String; aTopic: TTopic; aFlags: uint8); begin LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'TIndexEntry.Create'); name := aName; topic := aTopic; flags := aFlags; end; DESTRUCTOR TIndexEntry.Destroy; begin LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'TIndexEntry.Destroy'); topic := nil; inherited Destroy; end; FUNCTION TIndexEntry.getLabel: String; begin result := name; // index level check (level 1 or 2) if (getLevel) > 1 then begin result := '- ' + result; end; if isGlobal then begin result := result + ' (g)'; end; end; FUNCTION TIndexEntry.isGlobal: boolean; begin result := (flags and 64) > 0 end; FUNCTION TIndexEntry.getLevel: integer; begin result := 1; // index level check (level 1 or 2) if (flags and 2 ) > 0 then begin result := 2; end; end; // ----------- // TIndex // ----------- CONSTRUCTOR TIndex.Create; begin inherited Create; entries := TStringList.Create; // labels := nil; // lazy end; DESTRUCTOR TIndex.Destroy; var i : longint; tmpEntry : TIndexEntry; begin LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'TIndex.Destroy (size:' + IntToStr(entries.Count) + ')'); for i := 0 to entries.Count - 1 do begin tmpEntry := TIndexEntry(entries.Objects[i]); if tmpEntry <> nil then begin tmpEntry.Free; entries.Objects[i] := nil; end; end; entries.Free; inherited Destroy; end; FUNCTION TIndex.Count: longint; begin result := entries.Count; end; FUNCTION TIndex.GetLabels: TStringList; begin result := entries; end; FUNCTION TIndex.GetTopic(aPos: longint): TTopic; begin result := TIndexEntry(entries.Objects[aPos]).getTopic; end; PROCEDURE TIndex.add(anIndexEntry: TIndexEntry); begin // LogEvent(LogDebug, 'TIndex.add(' + anIndexEntry.getLabel + ', ' + anIndexEntry.ClassName + ')'); entries.AddObject(anIndexEntry.getLabel, anIndexEntry); end; //Procedure OnLanguageEvent( Language: TLanguageFile; // const Apply: boolean ); //var // tmpPrefix : String; //begin // tmpPrefix := 'HelpFile' + LANGUAGE_LABEL_DELIMITER; // // Language.LL( Apply, FileErrorNotFound, tmpPrefix + 'FileErrorNotFound', 'File not found' ); // Language.LL( Apply, FileErrorAccessDenied, tmpPrefix + 'FileErrorAccessDenied', 'Access denied' ); // Language.LL( Apply, FileErrorInUse, tmpPrefix + 'FileErrorInUse', 'File in use by another program' ); // Language.LL( Apply, // FileErrorInvalidHeader, // tmpPrefix + 'FileErrorInvalidHeader', // 'File doesn''t appear to be an OS/2 Help document (header ID not correct)' ); // Language.LL( Apply, // ErrorCorruptHelpFile, // tmpPrefix + 'ErrorCorruptHelpFile', // 'File is corrupt' ); //end; Function TopicFile( Topic: TTopic ): THelpFile; Begin Result := Topic.HelpFile as THelpFile; end; function THelpFile.GetFormatVersion: string; begin Result := Format('%d.%d', [_pHeader^.version_hi, _pHeader^.version_lo]); end; function THelpFile.GetStringResourceIDCount: integer; begin Result := _pHeader^.nname; end; function THelpFile.GetNumericResourceIDCount: integer; begin Result := _pHeader^.nres; end; procedure THelpFile.InitMembers; begin _SlotDataSize := 0; _pHeader := nil; _pExtendedHeader := nil; _pContentsData := nil; _pSlotOffsets := nil; _pResourceData := nil; _pSearchData := nil; _pDictionaryData := nil; // _pIndexData := nil; _pFontTableData := nil; _pHighlightWords := nil; _Dictionary:= TStringList.Create; _Topics := TList.Create; // _Index := TStringList.Create; _ReferencedFiles := TStringList.Create; _FontTable := TList.Create; NotesLoaded := false; end; constructor THelpFile.Create(const aFileName: string); var i: integer; lText: string; lTopic: TTopic; begin LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'THelpFile.Create (file:' + aFileName + ')'); LogEvent(LogParse, 'Helpfile Load: ' + aFileName); _FileName := aFileName; Encoding := encUTF8; InitMembers; Open; // we always need these basics: try ReadHeader; ReadContents; ReadDictionary; ReadFontTableData; ParseFontTable; ReadReferencedFilesTable; // Fix text encoding for i := 0 to TopicCount-1 do begin lText := TTopic(TopicList[i]).Title; // apply encoding conversion case Encoding of encUTF8: lText := IPFToUTF8(lText); encCP437: lText := CP437ToUTF8(lText); encCP850: lText := CP850ToUTF8(lText); encIBMGraph: lText := IBMGraphToUTF8(lText); else lText := IPFToUTF8(lText); end; TTopic(TopicList[i]).Title := lText; end; except Close; raise; end; // the rest is loaded on demand end; destructor THelpFile.Destroy; begin LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'THelpFile.Destroy'); Dispose( _pHeader ); Dispose( _pExtendedHeader ); FreeMem( _pContentsData ); FreeMem( _pSlotOffsets ); FreeMem( _pResourceData ); FreeMem( _pSearchData ); FreeMem( _pDictionaryData ); // DeallocateMemory( _pIndexData ); FreeMem( _pFontTableData ); FreeMem( _pHighlightWords ); // index entries are pointing to topics // so let us clean them first if Assigned( _Index ) then _Index.Free; if Assigned( _Topics ) then DestroyListAndObjects( _Topics ); _Dictionary.Free; _SearchTable.Free; _ReferencedFiles.Free; _FontTable.Free; _Handle.Free; end; procedure THelpFile.Open; begin LogEvent(LogDebug, 'Open File >>'); if not FileExists( _Filename ) then raise EHelpFileException.Create( FileErrorNotFound ); try _Handle := TFileStream.Create(_FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); except on E: Exception do raise EHelpFileException.Create(E.Message); end; //case rc of // ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: // crap, this doesn't actually occur! // raise EHelpFileException.Create( FileErrorNotFound ); // // ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: // raise EHelpFileException.Create( FileErrorAccessDenied ); // // ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION: // raise EHelpFileException.Create( FileErrorInUse ); // // else // raise EHelpFileException.Create( SysErrorMessage( rc ) ); //end; _FileSize := GetFileSize(_Filename); LogEvent(LogDebug, 'Open File <<'); end; procedure THelpFile.Close; begin _Handle.Free; _Handle := nil; end; procedure THelpFile.ReadFileBlock(var Dest: pointer; const StartPosition: LongWord; const Length: LongWord); var bytes: LongWord; begin if Length = 0 then exit; // nothing to read - go home! _Handle.Seek(StartPosition, soBeginning); // we allocate early so this should never happen if Dest = nil then Dest := GetMem(Length); bytes := _Handle.Read(Dest^, Length); if bytes <> Length then raise EHelpFileException.Create(ErrorCorruptHelpFile); end; procedure THelpFile.ReadHeader; begin LogEvent(LogParse, 'Read header'); New(_pHeader); ReadFileBlock( _pHeader, 0, sizeof( THelpFileHeader ) ); if _pHeader^.ID <> INF_HEADER_ID then begin // not an OS/2 help file. if (Byte(_pHeader^.ID[0]) = $5f) and (Byte(_pHeader^.ID[1]) = $3f) then raise EWindowsHelpFormatException.Create( 'It seems we have a Win16 help file!' ); raise EHelpFileException.Create( FileErrorInvalidHeader ); end; _Title := _pHeader^.Title; if _pHeader^.extstart > 0 then begin New(_pExtendedHeader); // read extended header ReadFileBlock( _pExtendedHeader, _pHeader^.extstart, sizeof( _pExtendedHeader^ ) ); end; end; procedure THelpFile.ReadContents; var Topic: TTopic; EntryIndex: longint; pEntry: pTTOCEntryStart; pEnd: pbyte; tocarray: UInt32ArrayPointer; pData: Pointer; p: PByte; begin LogEvent(LogParse, 'Read contents'); if _pHeader^.ntoc = 0 then exit; // explicit check required since ntoc is unsigned // Presize the topics list to save reallocation time _Topics.Capacity := _pHeader^.ntoc; // read toc offsets array //ReadFileBlock( tocarray, // _pHeader^.tocoffsetsstart, // _pHeader^.ntoc * SizeOf(uint32) ); // read slots first so that Topics can refer to it. ReadFileBlock( _pSlotOffsets, _pHeader^.slotsstart, _pHeader^.nslots * sizeof( uint32 ) ); ReadFileBlock( _pContentsData, _pHeader^.tocstart, _pHeader^.toclen ); pEntry := _pContentsData; pEnd := _pContentsData + _pHeader^.toclen; p := PByte(pEntry); for EntryIndex := 0 to _pHeader^.ntoc - 1 do begin // pEntry := _Handle.Seek(tocarray[EntryIndex], soBeginning); // pEntry := tocarray[EntryIndex]; if p >= pEnd then // runs off end of data! raise EHelpFileException.Create( ErrorCorruptHelpFile ); Topic := TTopic.Create( _Handle, _pSlotOffsets, _Dictionary, pEntry, _FontTable, _ReferencedFiles ); Topic.HelpFile := Self; Topic.Index := EntryIndex; _Topics.Add( Topic ); p := PByte(pEntry); inc(p, pEntry^.Length); pEntry := pTTOCentryStart(p); end; end; procedure THelpFile.ReadDictionary; var i: longint; Len: uint8; p: pbyte; pEnd: pbyte; s: string; c: array[0..255] of char; begin LogEvent(LogParse, 'Read dictionary'); if _pHeader^.ndict = 0 then exit; // explicit check required since ndict is unsigned ReadFileBlock( _pDictionaryData, _pHeader^.dictstart, _pHeader^.dictlen ); P := _pDictionaryData; pEnd := _pDictionaryData + _pHeader^.dictlen; // Presize the dictionary to save reallocation _Dictionary.Capacity := _pHeader^.ndict; for i := 0 to _pHeader^.ndict - 1 do begin // adjust length so we can use as a Pascal string // (file uses length including length byte, // Pascal string have length excluding length byte) if p >= pEnd then // ran off end of data raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Error reading help file dictionary' ); FillChar(c, sizeof(c), 0); // fill string with NUL chars Len := p^ - 1; // read string length value (corrected length) Inc(p, sizeof(byte)); // move pointer Move(p^, c, Len); // read string of dictionary s := c; // convert PChar to String type _Dictionary.Add( s ); Inc(p, Len); // move pointer to next item end; end; function THelpFile.GetIndex: TIndex; begin if _Index = nil then begin ReadIndex; end; Result := _Index; end; type TIndexEntryHeader = packed record TextLength: uint8; Flags: uint8; NumberOfRoots: uint8; TOCIndex: uint16; end; pTIndexEntryHeader = ^TIndexEntryHeader; procedure THelpFile.ReadIndex; var IndexIndex: longint; pEntryHeader: pTIndexEntryHeader; EntryText: string; IndexTitleLen: longint; p: pByte; pEnd: pByte; pIndexData: pointer; tmpIndexEntry: TIndexEntry; lText: string; begin LogEvent(LogParse, 'Read index'); _Index := TIndex.Create; if _pHeader^.nindex = 0 then exit; // explicit check required since ndict is unsigned pIndexData := nil; ReadFileBlock( pIndexData, _pHeader^.indexstart, _pHeader^.indexlen ); P := pIndexData; pEnd := pIndexData + _pHeader^.indexlen; for IndexIndex := 0 to _pHeader^.nindex - 1 do begin if p >= pEnd then // ran off end of data raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Error reading help file index' ); pEntryHeader := pTIndexEntryHeader(p); IndexTitleLen := pEntryHeader^.TextLength; inc( p, sizeof( TIndexEntryHeader ) ); EntryText := ''; SetString(EntryText, PChar(p), IndexTitleLen); if pEntryHeader^.TOCIndex < _Topics.Count then begin // apply encoding conversion case Encoding of encUTF8: lText := IPFToUTF8(EntryText); encCP437: lText := CP437ToUTF8(EntryText); encCP850: lText := CP850ToUTF8(EntryText); encIBMGraph: lText := IBMGraphToUTF8(EntryText); else lText := IPFToUTF8(EntryText); end; EntryText := lText; tmpIndexEntry := TIndexEntry.Create(EntryText, TTopic(_Topics[pEntryHeader^.TOCIndex]), pEntryHeader^.flags); _Index.Add(tmpIndexEntry); end else // raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Error reading help file index - out of range topic reference' ); ; // pass! something special inc( p, IndexTitleLen + pEntryHeader^.NumberOfRoots * sizeof( uint32 ) ); // skip 'roots' for index search end; FreeMem( pIndexData ); end; function THelpFile.GetSearchTable: TSearchTable; begin if _SearchTable = nil then ReadSearchTable; Result := _SearchTable; end; procedure THelpFile.ReadSearchTable; var SearchTableOffset: longint; SearchTableRecordLengthIs16Bit: boolean; begin LogEvent(LogParse, 'Read search table'); if _pHeader^.SearchLen = 0 then begin LogEvent(LogParse, 'Read search table (len = 0'); exit; end; SearchTableOffset := _pHeader^.SearchStart and $7fffffff; SearchTableRecordLengthIs16Bit := (_pHeader^.SearchStart and $80000000) > 0; ReadFileBlock( _pSearchData, SearchTableOffset, _pHeader^.SearchLen ); _SearchTable := TSearchTable.Create( _pSearchData, SearchTableRecordLengthIs16Bit, _Dictionary.Count, _Topics.Count ); end; function THelpFile.GetHighlightWords: UInt32ArrayPointer; begin if _pHighlightWords = nil then _pHighlightWords := GetMem( _Dictionary.Count * sizeof( UInt32 ) ); Result := _pHighlightWords; end; function THelpFile.FindTopicByResourceID( ID: uint16 ): TTopic; var i: longint; pResourceIDs: UInt16ArrayPointer; pTopicIndices: UInt16ArrayPointer; FileResourceID: uint16; TopicIndex: uint16; begin Result := nil; if _pHeader^.nres = 0 then // since nres is unsigned exit; if _pResourceData = nil then begin ReadFileBlock( _pResourceData, _pHeader^.resstart, (_pHeader^.nres * sizeof( uint16 )) * 2 ); // list of IDs, list of topics end; pResourceIDs := _pResourceData; pTopicIndices := _pResourceData + _pHeader^.nres * sizeof( uint16 ); for i := 0 to _pHeader^.nres - 1 do begin FileResourceID := pResourceIDs^[ i ]; if FileResourceID = ID then begin // found TopicIndex := pTopicIndices^[ i ]; Result := TTopic(_Topics[ TopicIndex ]); exit; end; end; end; // Look up a local "panel name" and return associated topic, if any. function THelpFile.FindTopicByLocalName( const Name: string ): TTopic; begin Result := FindTopicByName( Name, _pTopicNameData, _pHeader^.nname, _pHeader^.namestart ); end; function THelpFile.FindTopicByGlobalName( const Name: string ): TTopic; begin Result := nil; if _pExtendedHeader = nil then // no extended header - no global list to lookup exit; Result := FindTopicByName( Name, _pTopicGlobalNamesData, _pExtendedHeader ^. EntryInGNameTable, _pExtendedHeader ^. HelpPanelGNameTblOffset ); end; // The text of the names are stored in the (global) dictionary // with a table referencing them. // We could use a binary search here... but whatever... function THelpFile.FindTopicByName( const Name: string; Var pData: pointer; Count: longint; Offset: longint ): TTopic; var i: longint; pNameTable: UInt16ArrayPointer; pTopicIndices: UInt16ArrayPointer; TopicIndex: uint16; TopicNameWordIndex: uint16; TopicName: string; begin Result := nil; if Count = 0 then // since it's unsigned exit; if pData = nil then ReadFileBlock( pData, Offset, Count * sizeof( uint16 ) * 2 ); // list of name words, list of topics // get pointers to the two parts of the table pNameTable := pData; pTopicIndices := pData + Count * sizeof( uint16 ); for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin TopicNameWordIndex := pNameTable^[ i ]; TopicName := DictionaryWords[ TopicNameWordIndex ]; if CompareText( TopicName, Name ) = 0 then begin // found TopicIndex := pTopicIndices^[ i ]; Result := TTopic(_Topics[ TopicIndex ]); exit; end; end; end; // TODO move to index class function THelpFile.FindTopicByIndexStartsWith( const SearchText: string ): TTopic; var i: longint; tmpLabel: String; begin result := nil; GetIndex; // make sure it's read for i := 0 to _Index.Count - 1 do begin tmpLabel := _Index.GetLabels[i]; if SameText(tmpLabel, SearchText) then begin // found result := Index.getTopic(i); exit; end; end; end; function THelpFile.FindTopicByIndexContains(const SearchText: string): TTopic; var i: longint; tmpLabel: String; begin result := nil; GetIndex; // make sure it's read for i := 0 to _Index.Count - 1 do begin tmpLabel := _Index.GetLabels[i]; if Pos(UpperCase(SearchText), UpperCase(tmpLabel)) > 0 then begin // found result := Index.getTopic(i); exit; end; end; end; function THelpFile.FindTopicByTitleStartsWith( const SearchText: string ): TTopic; var i: longint; tmpTopic: TTopic; tmpLevel : integer; tmpMore : boolean; begin result := nil; tmpLevel := 0; repeat tmpMore := false; inc(tmpLevel); for i := 0 to _Topics.Count - 1 do begin tmpTopic := TTopic(_Topics[i]); if tmpLevel = tmpTopic.ContentsLevel then begin if StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(tmpTopic.Title, SearchText) then begin result := tmpTopic; exit; end; end; if tmpLevel < tmpTopic.ContentsLevel then begin tmpMore := True; end; end; until NOT tmpMore; end; function THelpFile.FindTopicByTitleContains( const SearchText: string ): TTopic; var i: longint; tmpTopic: TTopic; tmpLevel : integer; tmpMore : boolean; begin result := nil; tmpLevel := 0; repeat tmpMore := false; inc(tmpLevel); for i := 0 to _Topics.Count - 1 do begin tmpTopic := TTopic(_Topics[i]); if tmpLevel = tmpTopic.ContentsLevel then begin if CaseInsensitivePos( SearchText, tmpTopic.Title) > 0 then begin result := tmpTopic; exit; end; end; if tmpLevel < tmpTopic.ContentsLevel then begin tmpMore := True; end; end; until NOT tmpMore; end; procedure THelpFile.FindResourceIDsForTopic( Topic: TTopic; ResourceIDs: TList ); var i: longint; pResourceIDs: UInt16ArrayPointer; pTopicIndices: UInt16ArrayPointer; begin ResourceIDs.Clear; if _pHeader^.nres = 0 then // since nres is unsigned exit; if _pResourceData = nil then ReadFileBlock( _pResourceData, _pHeader^.resstart, _pHeader^.nres * sizeof( uint16 ) * 2 ); // list of IDs, list of topics pResourceIDs := _pResourceData; pTopicIndices := _pResourceData + _pHeader^.nres * sizeof( uint16 ); for i := 0 to _pHeader^.nres - 1 do begin if pTopicIndices^[ i ] = Topic.Index then begin // found ResourceIDs.Add( pointer( pResourceIDs^[ i ] ) ); end; end; end; procedure THelpFile.ReadReferencedFilesTable; var i: longint; p: pointer; pData: pointer; DatabaseName: string; pLength: pByte; begin if _pExtendedHeader = nil then // no extended header -> no referenced files table exit; if _pExtendedHeader^.Numdatabase = 0 then exit; pData := nil; // please allocate... ReadFileBlock( pData, _pExtendedHeader^.DatabaseOffset, _pExtendedHeader^.DatabaseSize ); p := pData; for i := 0 to _pExtendedHeader^.Numdatabase - 1 do begin pLength := p; // length byte, including itself SetString(DatabaseName, p+1, pLength^-1); // use length value minus the length byte to get the string length _ReferencedFiles.Add( DatabaseName ); inc( p, pLength^ ); // skip to next entry using full length (including length byte) end; FreeMem( pData ); end; procedure THelpFile.ReadFontTableData; begin if _pExtendedHeader = nil then // no extended header -> no font table exit; if _pExtendedHeader^.NumFontEntry = 0 then exit; ReadFileBlock( _pFontTableData, _pExtendedHeader^.FontTableOffset, _pExtendedHeader^.NumFontEntry * sizeof( THelpFontSpec ) ); end; procedure THelpFile.ParseFontTable; var i: longint; p: pointer; pFontSpec: pTHelpFontSpec; begin _FontTable.Clear; p := _pFontTableData; if p = nil then exit; // no data for i := 0 to _pExtendedHeader^.NumFontEntry - 1 do begin pFontSpec := p + i * sizeof( THelpFontSpec ); _FontTable.Add( pFontSpec ); if pFontSpec^.CodePage = 850 then Encoding := encCP850 else if pFontSpec^.CodePage = 437 then Encoding := encCP437; end; end; procedure THelpFile.GetImages( ImageOffsets: TList; Images: TfpgImageList ); var ListIndex: longint; ImageOffset: longint; Bitmap: THelpBitmap; begin Images.Clear; for ListIndex := 0 to ImageOffsets.Count - 1 do begin ImageOffset := longint( ImageOffsets[ ListIndex ] ); try Bitmap := THelpBitmap.CreateFromHelpFile( _Handle, _pHeader^.imgstart + ImageOffset ); except on e: EHelpBitmapException do { raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Error loading help bitmap at' + IntToStr( ImageOffset ) + ': ' + e.Message );} begin // Bitmap := THelpBitmap.Create; Bitmap := THelpBitmap(fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.dlg.critical')); // Bitmap.LoadFromResourceName( 'MissingBitmap' ); // TODO: Add image resource to DocView end; end; Images.AddImage(Bitmap); end; end; function THelpFile.GetImage( ImageOffset: longint ): THelpBitmap; begin try Result := THelpBitmap.CreateFromHelpFile( _Handle, _pHeader^.imgstart + ImageOffset ); except on e: EHelpBitmapException do begin result := nil; raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Error loading help bitmap at' + IntToStr( ImageOffset ) + ': ' + e.Message ); end; end; end; function THelpFile.GetTopic( AIndex: longint ): TTopic; begin if ( AIndex < 0 ) or ( AIndex > _Topics.Count - 1 ) then Result := nil else Result := TTopic(_Topics[ AIndex ]); end; function THelpFile.GetTopicCount: longint; begin Result := _Topics.Count; end; function THelpFile.IndexOfTopic( Topic: TTopic ): longint; begin Result := _Topics.IndexOf( Topic ); end; function THelpFile.GetDictionaryCount: longint; begin Result := _Dictionary.Count; end; function THelpFile.GetDictionaryWord( AIndex: longint ): string; begin Result := _Dictionary[ AIndex ]; end; // Looks for fonts that should be substitued to the // users selected fixed font // doesn't make a lot of sense for this to be here... procedure THelpFile.SetupFontSubstitutes( Substitutions: string ); var Item: string; FontName: string; SpacePos: longint; W: longint; H: longint; i: longint; pFontSpec: pTHelpFontSpec; tmpSubstitutionItems : TStrings; tmpCounter : integer; tmpDimensionParts : TStrings; s: string; PointSize: word; cp: integer; begin ParseFontTable; // (re)load table from raw data tmpSubstitutionItems := TStringList.Create; StrExtractStrings(tmpSubstitutionItems, Substitutions, [';'], #0); for tmpCounter := 0 to tmpSubstitutionItems.Count - 1 do begin Item := tmpSubstitutionItems[tmpCounter]; try if Item <> '' then begin // Look for space in xxxx WxH SpacePos := LastDelimiter(' ', Item); if SpacePos > 0 then begin // fontname comes before FontName := StrLeft( Item, SpacePos - 1 ); Delete( Item, 1, SpacePos ); // width and height after, with an X between tmpDimensionParts := TStringList.Create; StrExtractStrings(tmpDimensionParts, Item, ['x'], #0); W := StrToInt(tmpDimensionParts[0]); H := StrToInt(tmpDimensionParts[1]); tmpDimensionParts.Destroy; if ( W > 0 ) and ( H > 0 ) then begin // Now look through the font table for matches for i := 0 to _FontTable.Count - 1 do begin pFontSpec := _FontTable[ i ]; cp := pFontSpec^.Codepage; s := StrNPas( pFontSpec^.FaceName, sizeof( pFontSpec^.FaceName ) ); if s = FontName then begin // same face name... // this formula seems to give a simulated pointsize compared to // what the original VIEW program intended. PointSize := (pFontSpec^.Height * 2) div 3; if ( H = PointSize ) then begin // match pFontSpec^.Codepage := High(word); // font substitute marker added // _FontTable[ i ] := SubstituteFixedFont; end; end; end; end; end; end; except end; end; tmpSubstitutionItems.Free; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the title only from specific help file (if possible) function GetHelpFileTitle( const Filename: string ): string; var Header: THelpFileHeader; fstream: TFileStream; Ext: string; begin Ext := fpgExtractFileExt( Filename ); Result := ''; if SameText( Ext, '.inf' ) or SameText( Ext, '.hlp' ) then begin try try fstream := TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead); fstream.Position := 0; FillChar( Header, sizeof( Header ), 0 ); fstream.Read(Header, SizeOf(Header)); if Header.ID = INF_HEADER_ID then Result := StrPas(Header.title); except // silently ignore errors - it's not to critical at this point. end; finally fstream.Free; end; end; end; end.