{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: Encapsulates a bitmap as stored in a IPF file. Once created from file data they can be used as a normal bitmap. } unit HelpBitmap; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} // Debug purposes only {.$define LZW_DEBUG} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_main, IPFFileFormatUnit; type EHelpBitmapException = class( Exception ); // Lead part of BITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER INFBITMAPARRAYHEADER = packed record usType: uint16; // 'BA', 16706 cbSize: uint32; // Size of the BITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER structure in bytes. offNext: uint32; // Offset of the next BITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER structure from the start of the file. cxDisplay: uint16; // Device width, in pels. cyDisplay: uint16; // Device height, in pels. end; INFBITMAPHEADER = packed record // BITMAP FILE HEADER usType: uint16; // = 'bM' cbSize: uint32; xHotspot: uint16; yHotspot: uint16; offBits: uint32; // =size(hdr)+size(palette) // BITMAP INFO HEADER cbFIx: uint32; // =size(info_hdr) (usually = 12?) cx: uint16; // width size cy: uint16; // height size cPlanes: uint16; // planes, =1 (always seems to be one) cBitCount: uint16; // bits per pixel // followed by RGB triples if <= 8bpp end; TRGB = packed record Blue: uint8; Green: uint8; Red: uint8; end; TRGBA = packed record Blue: uint8; Green: uint8; Red: uint8; Reserved: uint8; end; THelpBitmap = class( TfpgImage ) protected _Header: INFBITMAPHEADER; _PaletteColorCount: longint; _pPalette: ^TRGB; _BitsSize: longint; FileHandle: TFileStream; _UncompressedBlockSize: longint; function GetPaletteSize: longint; procedure BitmapError(Msg: string); procedure ReadBitmapData( Blocks: TList; TotalSize: longint ); public constructor CreateFromHelpFile(var AFileHandle: TFileStream; Offset: longint); destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation uses nvUtilities, Math, LZWDecompress, fpg_imgfmt_bmp; const BFT_bMAP =$4d62; // 'bM' BFT_BITMAP_ARRAY = $4142; // 'BA' type INFBITMAPDATAHEADER = packed record ulTotalSize: uint32; usUncompressedBlockSize: uint16; // bytes per block, after decompression end; TBitmapBlock = class(TObject) public _Size: uint16; _CompressionType: uint8; _Data: PBYTE; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; constructor TBitmapBlock.Create; begin _Data := nil; end; destructor TBitmapBlock.Destroy; begin FreeMem( _Data ); inherited Destroy; end; constructor THelpBitmap.CreateFromHelpFile(var AFileHandle: TFileStream; Offset: longint); var WordsPerLine: longint; LineSize: longint; DataHeader: INFBITMAPDATAHEADER; BytesRead: longint; Block: TBitmapBlock; Blocks: TList; BlockIndex: longint; ImageType: uint16; BitmapArrayHeader: INFBITMAPARRAYHEADER; bytes: integer; begin inherited Create; FileHandle := AFileHandle; FileHandle.Seek(Offset, soBeginning); bytes := FileHandle.Read(ImageType, sizeof(ImageType)); if bytes <> SizeOf(ImageType) then raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Failed to read ImageType.' ); if ImageType = BFT_BITMAP_ARRAY then begin // skip array header and read first bitmap only FileHandle.Seek(Sizeof( BitmapArrayHeader ) - sizeof( ImageType ), soCurrent); end else begin // skip back over imagetype bytes to read header. FileHandle.Seek(- sizeof( ImageType ), soCurrent); end; // Read bitmap header bytes := FileHandle.Read(_Header, SizeOf(_Header)); if bytes <> SizeOf(_Header) then raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Failed to read Header.' ); // Check it's got a valid type if _Header.usType <> BFT_bMAP then raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Invalid bitmap header' ); // Graeme: we don't need to do this any more. It was only for Sybil // _Header.usType := $4d42; // sibyl only accepts 'BM' not 'bM' // We can only parse bitmaps with 1 colour plane // (I can't be bothered and have never seen bitmaps // with more than 1 color plane) if _Header.cPlanes <> 1 then exit; _PaletteColorCount := 0; if _Header.cBitCount < 24 then _PaletteColorCount := 1 shl _Header.cBitCount; // OS/2 always rounds bitmap rows up to a word: WordsPerLine := ( _Header.cBitCount * _Header.cx + 31 ) div 32; LineSize := WordsPerLine * 4; // Total size of the bitmap pixel data _BitsSize := LineSize * _Header.cy; // Correct header offset - it is wrong in the header (why?) _Header.OffBits := sizeof( _Header ) + GetPaletteSize; // Load palette if _Header.cBitCount <= 8 then begin _pPalette := GetMem( GetPaletteSize ); bytes := FileHandle.Read(_pPalette^, GetPaletteSize); if bytes <> GetPaletteSize then raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Failed to read Palette.' ); end; // Read data header // FillChar( DataHeader, sizeof( DataHeader ), 0 ); bytes := FileHandle.Read(DataHeader, SizeOf(DataHeader)); if bytes <> SizeOf(DataHeader) then raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Failed to read DataHeader.' ); _UncompressedBlockSize := DataHeader.usUncompressedBlockSize; // For counting total size, we have already read some bytes: // the uncompressedblocksize field BytesRead := sizeof( DataHeader.usUncompressedBlockSize ); Blocks := TList.Create; while BytesRead < DataHeader.ulTotalSize do begin Block := TBitmapBlock.Create; // Read the block size FileHandle.Read(Block._Size, SizeOf(Block._Size)); inc( BytesRead, sizeof( Block._Size ) ); // Read the compression type FileHandle.Read(Block._CompressionType, SizeOf(Block._CompressionType)); inc( BytesRead, sizeof( Block._CompressionType ) ); // since size in the file includes this compression type field, subtract it dec( Block._Size, sizeof( Block._CompressionType ) ); // Now read the block Block._Data := GetMem( Block._Size ); FileHandle.Read(Block._Data^, Block._Size); inc( BytesRead, Block._Size ); Blocks.Add( Block ); end; ReadBitmapData( Blocks, sizeof( _Header ) + GetPaletteSize + _BitsSize ); for BlockIndex := 0 to Blocks.Count - 1 do begin Block := TBitmapBlock(Blocks[ BlockIndex ]); Block.Free; end; Blocks.Free; end; function THelpBitmap.GetPaletteSize: longint; begin Result := sizeof( TRGB ) * _PaletteColorCount; end; procedure THelpBitmap.BitmapError(Msg: string); begin //Msg:=Msg+' at position '+IntToStr(s.Position); //if fStartPos>0 then // Msg:=Msg+'(BitmapPosition='+IntToStr(fStartPos)+')'; raise EHelpBitmapException.Create(Msg); end; destructor THelpBitmap.Destroy; begin FreeMem( _pPalette ); inherited Destroy; end; procedure THelpBitmap.ReadBitmapData( Blocks: TList; TotalSize: longint ); var BytesWritten: longint; BytesWrittenFromBlock: longword; BytesRemainingInBlock: longword; BytesRemainingInBitmap: longword; FillerBytesRequired: longint; lastOutByte: byte; BitmapOutputPointer: PByte; Block: TBitmapBlock; BlockIndex: longint; BitmapData: PBYTE; ptr: PByte; i: integer; img: TfpgImage; begin BitmapOutputPointer := nil; BitmapData := nil; ptr := nil; // Allocate memory to store the bitmap BitmapData := GetMem( TotalSize ); // Copy header to bitmap MemCopy( _Header, BitmapData^, sizeof( _Header ) ); // Copy palette into bitmap ptr := BitmapData + sizeof( _Header ); MemCopy( _pPalette^, ptr^, GetPaletteSize ); BytesWritten := 0; // Point to start writing to bitmap bits. BitmapOutputPointer := BitmapData + sizeof( _Header ) + GetPaletteSize; for BlockIndex := 0 to Blocks.Count - 1 do begin Block := TBitmapBlock(Blocks[ BlockIndex ]); case Block._CompressionType of 0,1: // uncompressed (I'm not sure about 1) begin MemCopy( Block._Data^, BitmapOutputPointer^, Block._Size ); BytesWrittenFromBlock := Block._Size; inc( BytesWritten, BytesWrittenFromBlock ); end; 2: // LZW compression begin LZWDecompressBlock( Block._Data, Block._Size, BitmapOutputPointer, BytesWrittenFromBlock, lastOutByte ); inc( BytesWritten, BytesWrittenFromBlock ); // If the uncompressed data stopped short then // copy the final code (byte) into remaining bytes if ( BytesWrittenFromBlock < _UncompressedBlockSize ) and ( BytesWritten < _BitsSize ) then begin BytesRemainingInBlock := _UncompressedBlockSize - BytesWrittenFromBlock; BytesRemainingInBitmap := _BitsSize - BytesWritten; FillerBytesRequired := Min( BytesRemainingInBlock, BytesRemainingInBitmap ); FillMem( BitmapOutputPointer + BytesWrittenFromBlock, FillerBytesRequired, LastOutByte ); inc( BytesWritten, FillerBytesRequired ); inc( BytesWrittenFromBlock, FillerBytesRequired ); end; end; else raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Unrecognised bitmap block type' ); end; // case assert( BytesWrittenFromBlock <= _UncompressedBlockSize ); assert( BytesWritten <= _BitsSize ); if ( BitmapOutputPointer + BytesWrittenFromBlock > BitmapData + TotalSize ) then assert( false ); { NOTE: This doesn't seem right. It moves the pointer so later the moving of data to ImageData will be wrong! } // inc( BitmapOutputPointer, BytesWrittenFromBlock ); TPersistentObjectState end; i := TotalSize + SizeOf(_Header) + GetPaletteSize; img := CreateImage_BMP(BitmapData, i); AllocateImage(32, _Header.cx, _Header.cy); {$IFDEF LZW_DEBUG} writeln('Width = ', Width); writeln('Height = ', Height); writeln('ImageDataSize = ', ImageDataSize); writeln('------------- START -------------'); for i := 1 to ImageDataSize do begin write(HexStr(BitmapOutputPointer[i-1],2)+' '); if (i mod 16 = 0) then writeln('') else if (i mod 4 = 0) then write (' | '); end; Writeln(''); writeln('------------- END -------------'); {$ENDIF} // Move(BitmapOutputPointer^, ImageData^, ImageDataSize); Move(img.ImageData^, self.ImageData^, img.ImageDataSize); UpdateImage; img.Free; FreeMem( BitmapData, TotalSize ); end; end.