unit HelpBitmap; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface // Encapsulates a bitmap as stored in a IPF file. // Once created from file data they can be used as a normal bitmap. uses Classes, SysUtils, fpg_main, ctypes, IPFFileFormatUnit; type EHelpBitmapException = class( Exception ); // Lead part of BITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER INFBITMAPARRAYHEADER = packed record usType: uint16; // 'BA', 16706 cbSize: uint32; // Size of the BITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER structure in bytes. offNext: uint32; // Offset of the next BITMAPARRAYFILEHEADER structure from the start of the file. cxDisplay: uint16; // Device width, in pels. cyDisplay: uint16; // Device height, in pels. end; INFBITMAPHEADER = packed record // BITMAP FILE HEADER usType: uint16; // = 'bM' cbSize: uint32; xHotspot: uint16; yHotspot: uint16; offBits: uint32; // =size(hdr)+size(palette) // BITMAP INFO HEADER cbFIx: uint32; // =size(info_hdr) (usually = 12?) cx: uint16; // width size cy: uint16; // height size cPlanes: uint16; // planes, =1 (always seems to be one) cBitCount: uint16; // bits per pixel // followed by RGB triples if <= 8bpp end; TRGB = packed record Blue: uint8; Green: uint8; Red: uint8; end; TRGBA = packed record Blue: uint8; Green: uint8; Red: uint8; Reserved: uint8; end; THelpBitmap = class( TfpgImage ) protected _Header: INFBITMAPHEADER; _PaletteColorCount: longint; _pPalette: ^TRGB; _BitsSize: longint; FileHandle: TFileStream; _UncompressedBlockSize: longint; function GetPaletteSize: longint; procedure BitmapError(Msg: string); procedure DecompressLZW(var Buffer: Pointer; const Count: integer; var NewBuffer: PByte; var NewCount: integer); procedure ReadBitmapData( Blocks: TList; TotalSize: longint ); public constructor CreateFromHelpFile(var AFileHandle: TFileStream; Offset: longint); destructor Destroy; override; end; var LZWDecompressBlock: function( pInput: PBYTE; pOutput: PBYTE; bytesIn: uint32; Var bytesOut: uint32; Var FinalCode: byte ): Boolean; // APIENTRY; // 'newview' index 1; implementation uses nvUtilities, Math, fpg_imgfmt_bmp; const BFT_bMAP =$4d62; // 'bM' BFT_BITMAP_ARRAY = $4142; // 'BA' type INFBITMAPDATAHEADER = packed record ulTotalSize: uint32; usUncompressedBlockSize: uint16; // bytes per block, after decompression end; TBitmapBlock = class(TObject) public _Size: uint16; _CompressionType: uint8; _Data: PBYTE; destructor Destroy; override; end; destructor TBitmapBlock.Destroy; begin FreeMem( _Data ); inherited Destroy; end; constructor THelpBitmap.CreateFromHelpFile(var AFileHandle: TFileStream; Offset: longint); var WordsPerLine: longint; LineSize: longint; DataHeader: INFBITMAPDATAHEADER; BytesRead: longint; Block: TBitmapBlock; p: pointer; Blocks: TList; BlockIndex: longint; ImageType: uint16; BitmapArrayHeader: INFBITMAPARRAYHEADER; bytes: integer; begin inherited Create; FileHandle := AFileHandle; FileHandle.Seek(Offset, soBeginning); bytes := FileHandle.Read(ImageType, sizeof(ImageType)); if bytes <> SizeOf(ImageType) then raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Failed to read ImageType.' ); if ImageType = BFT_BITMAP_ARRAY then begin // skip array header and read first bitmap only FileHandle.Seek(Sizeof( BitmapArrayHeader ) - sizeof( ImageType ), soCurrent); end else begin // skip back over imagetype bytes to read header. FileHandle.Seek(- sizeof( ImageType ), soCurrent); end; // Read bitmap header bytes := FileHandle.Read(_Header, SizeOf(_Header)); if bytes <> SizeOf(_Header) then raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Failed to read Header.' ); // Check it's got a valid type if _Header.usType <> BFT_bMAP then raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Invalid bitmap header' ); _Header.usType := $4d42; // sibyl only accepts 'BM' not 'bM' // We can only parse bitmaps with 1 colour plane // (I can't be bothered and have never seen bitmaps // with more than 1 color plane) if _Header.cPlanes <> 1 then exit; _PaletteColorCount := 0; if _Header.cBitCount < 24 then _PaletteColorCount := 1 shl _Header.cBitCount; // OS/2 always rounds bitmap rows up to a word: WordsPerLine := ( _Header.cBitCount * _Header.cx + 31 ) div 32; LineSize := WordsPerLine * 4; // Total size of the bitmap pixel data _BitsSize := LineSize * _Header.cy; // Correct header offset - it is wrong in the header (why?) _Header.OffBits := sizeof( _Header ) + GetPaletteSize; // TODO: Graeme, double check this! // Load palette if _Header.cBitCount <= 8 then begin _pPalette := GetMem( GetPaletteSize ); bytes := FileHandle.Read(_pPalette, GetPaletteSize); if bytes <> GetPaletteSize then raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Failed to read Palette.' ); end; // Read data header FillChar( DataHeader, sizeof( DataHeader ), 0 ); bytes := FileHandle.Read(DataHeader, SizeOf(DataHeader)); if bytes <> SizeOf(DataHeader) then raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Failed to read DataHeader.' ); _UncompressedBlockSize := DataHeader.usUncompressedBlockSize; // For counting total size, we have already read some bytes: // the uncompressedblocksize field BytesRead := sizeof( DataHeader.usUncompressedBlockSize ); Blocks := TList.Create; while BytesRead < DataHeader.ulTotalSize do begin Block := TBitmapBlock.Create; // Read the block size FileHandle.Read(Block._Size, SizeOf(Block._Size)); inc( BytesRead, sizeof( Block._Size ) ); // Read the compression type FileHandle.Read(Block._CompressionType, SizeOf(Block._CompressionType)); inc( BytesRead, sizeof( Block._CompressionType ) ); // since size in the file includes this compression type field, subtract it dec( Block._Size, sizeof( Block._CompressionType ) ); // Now read the block Block._Data := GetMem( Block._Size ); FileHandle.Read(Block._Data, Block._Size); inc( BytesRead, Block._Size ); Blocks.Add( Block ); end; ReadBitmapData( Blocks, sizeof( _Header ) + GetPaletteSize + _BitsSize ); for BlockIndex := 0 to Blocks.Count - 1 do begin Block := TBitmapBlock(Blocks[ BlockIndex ]); Block.Free; end; Blocks.Free; end; function THelpBitmap.GetPaletteSize: longint; begin Result := sizeof( TRGB ) * _PaletteColorCount; end; procedure THelpBitmap.BitmapError(Msg: string); begin //Msg:=Msg+' at position '+IntToStr(s.Position); //if fStartPos>0 then // Msg:=Msg+'(BitmapPosition='+IntToStr(fStartPos)+')'; raise EHelpBitmapException.Create(Msg); end; destructor THelpBitmap.Destroy; begin FreeMem( _pPalette ); inherited Destroy; end; procedure THelpBitmap.DecompressLZW(var Buffer: Pointer; const Count: Integer; var NewBuffer: PByte; var NewCount: integer); type TLZWString = packed record Count: integer; Data: PByte; end; PLZWString = ^TLZWString; const ClearCode = 256; // clear table, start with 9bit codes EoiCode = 257; // end of input var // NewBuffer: PByte; // NewCount: PtrInt; NewCapacity: PtrInt; SrcPos: PtrInt; SrcPosBit: integer; CurBitLength: integer; Code: Word; Table: PLZWString; TableCapacity: integer; TableCount: integer; OldCode: Word; function GetNextCode: Word; var v: Integer; begin Result:=0; // CurBitLength can be 9 to 12 //writeln('GetNextCode CurBitLength=',CurBitLength,' SrcPos=',SrcPos,' SrcPosBit=',SrcPosBit,' ',hexstr(PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos],2),' ',hexstr(PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos+1],2),' ',hexstr(PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos+2],2)); // read two or three bytes if CurBitLength+SrcPosBit>16 then begin // read from three bytes if SrcPos+3>Count then BitmapError('LZW stream overrun'); v:=PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos]; inc(SrcPos); v:=(v shl 8)+PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos]; inc(SrcPos); v:=(v shl 8)+PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos]; v:=v shr (24-CurBitLength-SrcPosBit); end else begin // read from two bytes if SrcPos+2>Count then BitmapError('LZW stream overrun'); v:=PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos]; inc(SrcPos); v:=(v shl 8)+PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos]; if CurBitLength+SrcPosBit=16 then inc(SrcPos); v:=v shr (16-CurBitLength-SrcPosBit); end; Result:=v and ((1 shl CurBitLength)-1); SrcPosBit:=(SrcPosBit+CurBitLength) and 7; //writeln('GetNextCode END SrcPos=',SrcPos,' SrcPosBit=',SrcPosBit,' Result=',Result,' Result=',hexstr(Result,4)); end; procedure ClearTable; var i: Integer; begin for i:=0 to TableCount-1 do ReAllocMem(Table[i].Data,0); TableCount:=0; end; procedure InitializeTable; begin CurBitLength:=9; ClearTable; end; function IsInTable(Code: word): boolean; begin Result:=Code<258+TableCount; end; procedure WriteStringFromCode(Code: integer; AddFirstChar: boolean = false); var s: TLZWString; b: byte; begin //WriteLn('WriteStringFromCode Code=',Code,' AddFirstChar=',AddFirstChar,' x=',(NewCount div 4) mod IDF.ImageWidth,' y=',(NewCount div 4) div IDF.ImageWidth,' PixelByte=',NewCount mod 4); if Code<256 then begin // write byte b:=Code; s.Data:=@b; s.Count:=1; end else if Code>=258 then begin // write string if Code-258>=TableCount then BitmapError('LZW code out of bounds'); s:=Table[Code-258]; end else BitmapError('LZW code out of bounds'); if NewCount+s.Count+1>NewCapacity then begin NewCapacity:=NewCapacity*2+8; ReAllocMem(NewBuffer,NewCapacity); end; System.Move(s.Data^,NewBuffer[NewCount],s.Count); //for i:=0 to s.Count-1 do write(HexStr(NewBuffer[NewCount+i],2)); // debug inc(NewCount,s.Count); if AddFirstChar then begin NewBuffer[NewCount]:=s.Data^; //write(HexStr(NewBuffer[NewCount],2)); // debug inc(NewCount); end; //writeln(',WriteStringFromCode'); // debug end; procedure AddStringToTable(Code, AddFirstCharFromCode: integer); // add string from code plus first character of string from code as new string var b1, b2: byte; s1, s2: TLZWString; p: PByte; begin //WriteLn('AddStringToTable Code=',Code,' FCFCode=',AddFirstCharFromCode,' TableCount=',TableCount,' TableCapacity=',TableCapacity); // grow table if TableCount>=TableCapacity then begin TableCapacity:=TableCapacity*2+128; ReAllocMem(Table,TableCapacity*SizeOf(TLZWString)); end; // find string 1 if Code<256 then begin // string is byte b1:=Code; s1.Data:=@b1; s1.Count:=1; end else if Code>=258 then begin // normal string if Code-258>=TableCount then BitmapError('LZW code out of bounds'); s1:=Table[Code-258]; end else BitmapError('LZW code out of bounds'); // find string 2 if AddFirstCharFromCode<256 then begin // string is byte b2:=AddFirstCharFromCode; s2.Data:=@b2; s2.Count:=1; end else begin // normal string if AddFirstCharFromCode-258>=TableCount then BitmapError('LZW code out of bounds'); s2:=Table[AddFirstCharFromCode-258]; end; // set new table entry Table[TableCount].Count:=s1.Count+1; p:=nil; GetMem(p,s1.Count+1); Table[TableCount].Data:=p; System.Move(s1.Data^,p^,s1.Count); // add first character from string 2 p[s1.Count]:=s2.Data^; // increase TableCount inc(TableCount); case TableCount+259 of 512,1024,2048: inc(CurBitLength); 4096: BitmapError('LZW too many codes'); end; end; begin if Count=0 then exit; //WriteLn('TFPReaderTiff.DecompressLZW START Count=',Count); //for SrcPos:=0 to 19 do // write(HexStr(PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos],2)); //writeln(); NewBuffer:=nil; NewCount:=0; NewCapacity:=Count*2; ReAllocMem(NewBuffer,NewCapacity); SrcPos:=0; SrcPosBit:=0; CurBitLength:=9; Table:=nil; TableCount:=0; TableCapacity:=0; try repeat Code:=GetNextCode; //WriteLn('TFPReaderTiff.DecompressLZW Code=',Code); if Code=EoiCode then break; if Code=ClearCode then begin InitializeTable; Code:=GetNextCode; //WriteLn('TFPReaderTiff.DecompressLZW after clear Code=',Code); if Code=EoiCode then break; if Code=ClearCode then BitmapError('LZW code out of bounds'); WriteStringFromCode(Code); OldCode:=Code; end else begin if Code BitmapData + TotalSize ) then assert( false ); inc( BitmapOutputPointer, BytesWrittenFromBlock ); end; AllocateImage(32, _Header.cx, _Header.cy); if TotalSize <> ImageDataSize then writeln('Warning: INF Bitmap size and allocated bitmap size are different. ', TotalSize, ' vs ', ImageDataSize); Move(BitmapData^, ImageData^, TotalSize); UpdateImage; FreeMem( BitmapData, TotalSize ); end; end.