:userdoc. :docprof toc=123456. :title.NewView Help .* ************************************************************ .* Subject: Help for NewView .* Version: .* Copyright: Copyright 2004 Aaron Lawrence .* Copyright: Copyright 2006-2007 Ronald Brill .* Author: Aaron Lawrence .* ************************************************************ .* .* .* ************************************************************ .* Introduction .* ************************************************************ :h1 res=30000 id='Introduction'.Introduction :i1 id=30001.support :p.:artwork runin name='images\NewView.bmp'. :hp2.Welcome to NewView&xclm.:ehp2. :p. :p.NewView is a program for reading OS&slash.2 &lpar.or eComStation&rpar. Help Files&per. :p.:link reftype=hd refid='Support'.Support and Licensing:elink. :p.:link reftype=hd refid='Using'.Using NewView:elink. :p.:hp1.To stop this file appearing when you start NewView without specifying a help file&comma. see Tools &endash. Options &endash. General tab&per.:ehp1. :p.:hp2.History:ehp2. :p.NewView replaces the original IBM program supplied with OS&slash.2&per. :p.It improves upon many aspects of View&comma. with a modern&comma. easy to use interface&comma. more options&comma. and new features that View simply didn&apos.t have&per. :p. .* ************************************************************ .* Support and Licensing .* ************************************************************ :h2 res=1 id='Support'. Support and Licensing :i1 id=30002.license :i2 refid=30001.Support and Licensing :i2 refid=30001.Introduction :i1 id=30003.bugs :i1 id=30004.source code :p.:hp2.Support and Licensing:ehp2. :p. :p.NewView is Copyright 1999&endash.2006 Aaron Lawrence&per. It is also licensed under the GNU Public License&comma. which means you have the right to obtain the source code&per. :p.Since 2006 Ronald Brill maintains the product&per. .br NewView is a Netlabs project&per. :p.See the Readme&per.txt for more technical details&per. :p.See the Changes&per.txt file for a history of changes to NewView&per. :p.If you find NewView helpful&comma. please email me and&slash.or make a donation to support further development&per. It&apos.s nice to hear from you&xclm. :ul. :li.Suggestions&comma. compliments or bug reports http&colon.&slash.&slash.svn&per.netlabs&per.org&slash.newview :li.Translate NewView to your language&per. :li.A donation to Netlabs http&colon.&slash.&slash.www&per.mensys&per.nl :eul. :p.:hp2.Reporting Bugs:ehp2. :p.If you need to report a crash or other problem&comma. then be as specific as possible about what files were being used&comma. what you were doing&comma. etc&per. If one is available&comma. PLEASE include the newview&per.log&per. The log file will be EITHER .br &endash. in the same directory as NewView itself .br &endash. in the folder set by LOGFILES environment variable &lpar.typically eCS 1&per.1&plus.&rpar. .br If it is specific to a particular help file&comma. then send them to me&comma. unless they&apos.re large &lpar.bigger than 1MB&rpar.&per. :p.Most of the following information is in the newview&per.log file&comma. but it would be helpful if you could include it for verification&colon. :ul. :li.NewView version &lpar.Help &endash. Product Information&rpar. :li.The filenames of the help files&per. :li.A screenshot may be useful&comma. if the problem is an incorrect or corrupt display&per. :eul. :p.:hp2.Why doesn&apos.t my help file work properly?:ehp2. :p.Some of the less used features of the original View program are not implemented&per. This is either because I have not got around to it&comma. or because they are simply not worth the time&per. Examples include metafiles&comma. index synonyms&comma. the entire application control API&comma. and so on&per. :p.Unfortunately&comma. it seems that at least one developer has used every one of these features&comma. so you may find an occasional file that doesn&apos.t load or doesn&apos.t work properly&per. .* .* .* ************************************************************ .* Using NewView .* ************************************************************ :h1 res=2 id='Using'. Using NewView :p.:hp2.Using NewView:ehp2. :p.Once you have :link reftype=hd refid='OpeningFiles'.opened a file:elink.&comma. you can read it in various ways&per. :p.You can read the :link reftype=hd refid='contents'.table of contents:elink.&comma. use the :link reftype=hd refid='Index'.alphabetical index:elink.&comma. or :link reftype=hd refid='search'.search:elink.&per. :p.To simply read the help file like a paper book&comma. use the &odq.Previous&cdq. :artwork runin name='images\previous.bmp'. and &odq.Next&cdq. :artwork runin name='images\next.bmp'. buttons to work your way through all the topics&per. :p.You can also use the help file like web pages&comma. using &odq.Back&cdq. :artwork runin name='images\back.bmp'. and &odq.Forward&cdq. :artwork runin name='images\forward.bmp'. buttons to go back to wherever you were before&comma. or to retread your steps&per. :p.Colours and some of the behaviour of NewView can be adjusted from the Tools &endash. Options menu&per. :p.You can also :link reftype=hd refid='notes'.annotate:elink. or :link reftype=hd refid='bookmarks'.bookmark:elink. topics&per. .* .* .* ************************************************************ .* Opening Help File .* ************************************************************ :h1 res=3 id='OpeningFiles'. Opening Files :i1 id=30005.open :p.:hp2.Opening Help Files:ehp2. :p. :p.To open a help file&comma. you can use any of the following&colon. :p.&endash. Double&endash.click a :link reftype=hd refid='HelpIcons'.help icon:elink. that is already set up :p.&endash. Type &odq.view :hp1.filename:ehp1.&cdq. from the :link reftype=hd refid='CommandLine'.command line:elink. :p.&endash. Click the Open button :artwork runin name='images\open.bmp'. from within NewView :p.&endash. Reload a recently viewed file from the &odq.File&cdq. menu :p.&endash. Drag and drop a Help file from the desktop :p.Once the file is loaded&comma. you should see the :link reftype=hd refid='contents'.table of contents:elink. and the first topic&per. :note text='Note:'.This assumes you installed NewView as a replacement for original View&per. If you didn&apos.t then existing help icons and the command line may behave differently&per. :p.:hp2.Loading Multiple Files Together:ehp2. :p.NewView can load multiple files at once&comma. presenting them as if they were one book&comma. and read environment variables for filenames&per. :p.For example&comma. with the OS&slash.2 Developer&apos.s Toolkit documentation&colon. .br NewView cpref .br loads the &odq.Control Program Guide and Reference&cdq.&per. CPREF is an environment variable set in config&per.sys&comma. consisting of &odq.CP1&plus.CP2&plus.CP3&cdq. which tells NewView &lpar.or View&rpar. to load the help files CP1&comma. CP2 and CP3&per. The files are searched for in the path specified by two :link reftype=hd refid='L_EnvironmentVariables'.environment variables:elink.&per.&asterisk. :p.The files are all loaded and effectively appended to each other&per. :p.Being able to load multiple files like this can be helpful for various reasons&per. For example&comma. 4OS&slash.2 &lpar.a CMD&per.EXE replacement&rpar. uses it to add it&apos.s own help on top of the original CMD help&per. You can do it yourself with any files you like&per. :p.You can load multiple files in the Open File dialog by using Ctrl or Shift to select multiple files&per. :p.When you click a link to a different help file&comma. NewView loads the other file without closing your current files&per. :p.At any time&comma. you can find out what files are open by using File &endash. Information&per. :p.:hp2.Loading Additional Files:ehp2. :p.You can tick the &odq.Keep current files open&cdq. checkbox in the Open File dialog&comma. and NewView will open the files you have selected without closing the currently opened files&per. :p.:hp2.Drag and Drop:ehp2. :p.You can drag and drop &per.INF or &per.HLP files onto NewView and they will be opened&per. If you hold down the Shift key&comma. they will be opened without closing the current files&per. :p.You can drop files onto any of the main content areas&comma. such as the Contents or Index windows&comma. or an existing topic window&per. :note text='Note:'.Some links that go across files&comma. will only work if the correct set of files is loaded&per. .* ************************************************************ .* Help Icons .* ************************************************************ :h2 res=17 id='HelpIcons'. Help Icons :p.:hp2.Help Icons:ehp2. :p.Help Icons on the desktop are usually &odq.program objects&cdq. with the program name set to &odq.view&per.exe&cdq. and the parameters set to the name of the help files&per. :p.Some programs create these icons automatically at install time&per. :p.You can create these icons yourself by using the desktop program template&per. See desktop help for more information&per. :p.If you create icons by dragging help files to the desktop&comma. then you cannot give them a meaningful title&comma. because that would change the name of the file&comma. which might prevent programs from finding the help file&per. Therefore program objects are currently the recommended means of creating help icons&per. .* .* .* ************************************************************ .* Navigation Panel Tabs .* ************************************************************ :h1 res=200 id='NavigationPanel'. Navigation Panel Tabs :p.:hp2.Navigation Panel Tabs:ehp2. :p.The left hand panel contains several tabs for moving through the current help file in different ways&per. :p.:link reftype=hd refid='contents'.Contents:elink. :p.:link reftype=hd refid='Index'.Index:elink. :p.:link reftype=hd refid='search'.Search:elink. :p.:link reftype=hd refid='notes'.Notes:elink. :p.You can turn this panel off to get more space&comma. with the button :artwork runin name='images\navigator.bmp'. or by selecting View &endash. Show Left Panel from the menu&comma. or pressing Alt&plus.P&per. Do the same to turn it on again&per. :p.You can stop the navigation panel from appearing when a help file is opened in Tools &endash. Options &endash. General tab&per. :note text='Note:'.Many programs choose to show the table of contents when they open their help file&semi. in this case&comma. the panel is automatically shown&comma. overriding your setting&per. .* ************************************************************ .* Contents View .* ************************************************************ :h2 res=4 id='contents'. Contents View :i1 id=30006.Table of Contents :p.:hp2.Table of Contents:ehp2. :p. :p.Most help files have a table of contents that shows you the topics in the file&comma. in a hierarchy or &odq.tree&cdq.&per. This is usually the first view you see when you open a file&per. :p.You can expand or collapse branches on the tree by clicking the &plus. or &endash. buttons&comma. or using the space bar&per. :p.To view a topic from the contents&comma. just click on it&per. You can also move through the contents by using the arrow keys&per. :p.To move through :hp2.all:ehp2. topics in the contents tree&comma. in order&comma. you can use Ctrl &plus. Up and Ctrl &plus. Down&comma. or the &odq.Previous&cdq. :artwork runin name='images\previous.bmp'. and &odq.Next&cdq. :artwork runin name='images\next.bmp'. buttons&per. This is one way to treat the file as a normal book&comma. reading through each page&per. :p.You can also review the whole table of contents by using &odq.Expand All&cdq. in the &odq.View&cdq. menu&per. This expands all the branches of the contents table so you can quickly look through it&per. However&comma. it&apos.s usually easier to use :link reftype=hd refid='search'.Search:elink. or :link reftype=hd refid='Index'.Index:elink. for this purpose&per. .* ************************************************************ .* Index .* ************************************************************ :h2 res=5 id='Index'. Index :p.:hp2.About the Index:ehp2. :p. :p.The Index tab contains an alphabetical listing of topics or keywords in the help file&per. You can quickly search through it just by typing the first few characters of the word you want to look up&per. NewView jumps to the first match in the index automatically&per. To view the highlighted topic&comma. press enter&per. :note text='Note:'. :p.Help files may or may not include an &odq.official&cdq. index&per. The index is manually created by the author&comma. so &lpar.for original View&rpar. it&apos.s usefulness is strictly dependent on how much work the author put into it&per. There may not even be one&per. :p.However&comma. a useful index can be provided simply by listing the titles of each topic alphabetically&comma. and this is what NewView does&per. It then merges the original index &lpar.if any&rpar. with the list of topic titles&per. :p.If for some reason you don&apos.t like this&comma. you can turn it off in Tools &endash. Options &endash. Index tab&per. .* ************************************************************ .* Search .* ************************************************************ :h2 res=6 id='search'. Search :p.:hp2.Searching:ehp2. :p. :p.Searching is a quick way to find information&comma. when you don&apos.t know where to start&per. Simply go to the Search tab&comma. type some related words and click the Search button&per. You&apos.ll see a listing of all topics containing that word&comma. or words like it&comma. with the best matches at the top&per. The best match will be displayed automatically&per. :p.Words that matches your search are highlighted in the topic&per. :p.:hp2.Global search:ehp2. :p.You can also search all help files on your system using the :link reftype=hd refid='GlobalSearch'.global search:elink. in Tools &endash. Search all Help Files&per. :p.:hp2.Phrase search:ehp2. :p.If you want to search for a phrase made up of more than one word&comma. put double quotes around it&comma. for example &odq.os&slash.2 warp&cdq.&per. :p.:hp2.Matching features:ehp2. :p.NewView allows you finer control of searching&per. :p.&plus. indicates a word that :hp2.must:ehp2. be matched :p.&endash. indicates a word that must :hp2.not:ehp2. be matched :p.NewView always does partial word matches&per. That is&comma. if you search for &odq.win&cdq. NewView will also find &odq.window&cdq. and &odq.showing&cdq.&per. However&comma. the better the match is the higher the rank will be&per. :p.:hp2.How NewView ranks results:ehp2. :p.NewView ranks matching topics by various means&colon. :p.&endash. a closer match to a full word :p.&endash. number of matching words in a topic :p.&endash. matches within the title :p.&endash. matches within an index entry .* ************************************************************ .* Notes .* ************************************************************ :h2 res=7 id='notes'. Notes :p.:hp2.Adding and Using Notes:ehp2. :p. :p.NewView allows you to add notes &lpar.annotations&rpar. to your help files&per. :p.To add a note&comma. simply click where you want to make a note and click the &odq.Note&cdq. button :artwork runin name='images\note.bmp'. &comma. then type your text and click OK&per. The text will be inserted into the help topic with a different color &lpar.default is green&semi. you can change this in Tools &endash. Options &endash. Colors&rpar.&per. :p.To edit or delete a note&comma. click on the colored note text&semi. you can then edit the note text&comma. or click on delete to get rid of it&per. :p.You can also review all the notes that you&apos.ve made in the current help file&lpar.s&rpar. by going to the Notes tab&semi. this allows you to add&comma. edit and delete&comma. and also jump to the topics containing your notes&per. :p. :p.Notes are saved in a file with the extension &per.nte&comma. in the same directory as the help file they are for&per. :note text='Note:'.If a help file is changed &lpar.for example a program is upgraded&rpar. then notes will no longer appear in the correct place&semi. however&comma. you can still read them from the Notes tab&per. .* .* .* ************************************************************ .* Global Search .* ************************************************************ :h1 res=18 id='GlobalSearch'. Global Search :p.:hp2.Global search:ehp2. :p.You can search all help files on your system&comma. by clicking the Search All button :artwork runin name='images\search.bmp'. &comma. using Tools &endash. Search all Help Files in the menu&comma. or pressing Ctrl&plus.S&per. :p.This search works similarly to :link reftype=hd refid='search'.searching within a file:elink.&comma. but it also tells you what help file the results were found in&per. :p.These searches may take some time&comma. depending on what you search for&per. You can stop the search at any time&per. :p.:hp2.Where NewView searches:ehp2. :p.The default is to search for help files in the help paths&comma. which are specified by the BOOKSHELF and HELP :link reftype=hd refid='L_EnvironmentVariables'.environment variables:elink.&per. :p.You can choose other places to search by choosing from the drop&endash.down list&comma. or customise the list by clicking the Select button&per. :p.:hp2.Search in&colon. Standard Help Paths:ehp2. :p.This is the default and will search BOOKSHELF and HELP as specified above&per. :p.Clicking the select button will allow you to choose which of the directories in the help paths will be used&per. Click each item in the list to select or de&endash.select it&per. After you choose this&comma. the location will show as &odq.Selected Help Paths&cdq. :p.:hp2.Search in&colon. All Hard Drives:ehp2. :p.This option will search all hard &lpar.non&endash.removable&rpar. drives on your system&per. You can click &odq.Select&per.&per.&per.&cdq. to customise the location&per. :p.Searching drives can find more help files&comma. but might be much slower than just the help paths&per. :p.:hp2.Search in&colon. Selected Help Paths:ehp2. :p.If you have already selected particular help paths to search&per.&comma. you can click &odq.Select&per.&per.&per.&cdq. to customise again&per. :p.:hp2.Search in&colon. Directory List:ehp2. :p.In the &odq.Select Directories&cdq. dialog&comma. clicking the &odq.Add&per.&per.&per.&cdq. button will allow you to add one or more directories to the search list&per. :p.Select the drive and directory using the controls that appear&comma. then click &odq.<. Add Directory&cdq. to add the chosen directory&per. You can do this as many times as you like&per. Choose &odq.With sub&endash.directories&cdq. if you want sub&endash.directories of the selected directory to be searched as well&per. In this case&comma. &per.&per.&per. will show on the end of the directory&per. :p.After you add a custom directory like this&comma. the location for searching will show as &odq.Directory List&cdq.&per. :note text='Note:'.If you add a custom directory to standard or selected help paths&comma. then the list will become a custom list&comma. and you can no longer re&endash.select help paths&per. To get back to the original help paths&comma. choose &odq.Standard Help Paths&cdq. then click &odq.Select&per.&per.&per.&cdq. again&per. :p.:hp2.Search in&colon. Typing a location:ehp2. :p.You can type a drive or directory into the &odq.Search in&colon.&cdq. entry field&per. Add &odq.&per.&per.&per.&cdq. on the end of the directory if you want to search subdirectories as well&per. :p.Example&colon. :p. Search in&colon. &lbracket. E&colon.&bsl.mydocs&bsl.&per.&per.&per. &rbracket. :p.This will search help files in E&colon.&bsl.mydocs&bsl. and any subdirectories&per. .* .* .* ************************************************************ .* Bookmarks .* ************************************************************ :h1 res=8 id='bookmarks'. Bookmarks :p.:hp2.Bookmarks:ehp2. :p. :p.NewView allows you to bookmark particular topics within the current help file&per. Simply click the bookmark button :artwork runin name='images\bookmark.bmp'. to add the current topic as a bookmark&per. :p.To jump to a bookmark&comma. go to the &odq.Bookmarks&cdq. menu&comma. and click on the bookmark you want to open&per. :p.You can view or delete all your bookmarks by clicking on &odq.Edit&per.&per.&cdq. in the &odq.Bookmarks&cdq. menu&per. This window can remain open while you read&comma. so that you can quickly look through your bookmarks&per. :p. :note text='Note:'. :p.NewView bookmarks remember all the topic windows that are open&comma. if there is more than one&per. :p.Bookmarks are saved in a file with the extension &per.bmk&comma. in the same directory as the help file they are for&per. .* .* .* ************************************************************ .* Internet Links .* ************************************************************ :h1 res=100 id='InternetLinks'. Internet Links :p.:hp2.Internet Links:ehp2. :p.When you click a web URL like http&colon.&slash.&slash.www&per.google&per.com&comma. NewView launches your default web browser&per. :p.This web browser is specified by operating system settings&comma. not NewView itself&per. To configure it&comma. you can open a URL object on the desktop&comma. edit the browser path in the :hp2.Browser:ehp2. tab&comma. then click Set Default&per. Alternatively&comma. download the utility ConfigApps from Hobbes :p. http&colon.&slash.&slash.hobbes&per.nmsu&per.edu&slash.cgi&endash.bin&slash.h&endash.search?key&eq.configapps .br :p.Browsers may also have the ability to make themselves the default&comma. either at install time or in preferences&per. :p.Email&comma. Newsgroups and FTP links are also passed to the web browser&per. At this time&comma. it isn&apos.t possible to choose a different program for these links&per. :p.:hp2.Note to help file authors:ehp2. :p.The original View had no understanding of URL or email links&comma. so the only way to implement them was a link to&comma. for example&comma. &odq.netscape&per.exe&cdq. with the correct parameters&per. :p.NewView translates program links to &odq.netscape&cdq.&comma. &odq.explore&cdq. or &odq.mozilla&cdq. into links to the default browser&per. :p.It also auto&endash.detects URLs in the forms&colon. :p. http&colon.&slash.&slash.x https&colon.&slash.&slash.x ftp&colon.&slash.&slash.x :p. mailto&colon.x news&colon.x :p.Things that look like URLs are also detected&comma. even without the protocol prefix&colon. :p. www&per.a&per.b &endash. browser :p. ftp&per.a&per.b &endash. ftp :p. a&atsign.b&per.c &endash. email :p.where a&comma. b and c are any alphanumeric string&per. :p.You don&apos.t need to do anything for NewView to recognise these&per. .* .* .* ************************************************************ .* Command Line .* ************************************************************ :h1 res=9 id='CommandLine'. Command Line Parameters :p.:hp2.Command Line Parameters:ehp2. :p.When you run NewView from the command line you can supply various parameters&per. None of them are required&per. :p. :p.:hp2.NewView &lbracket.options&rbracket. &lbracket.<.filename>. &lbracket.<.search text>.&rbracket.&rbracket.:ehp2. :p.If NewView is installed as a replacement for view&comma. then the command starts with view instead of newview&per. :p.:link reftype=hd refid='CommandLineExamples'.Examples:elink. .* :p.:hp2.<.filename>.:ehp2. :p.The file for NewView to load&per. You can load multiple files at once by using filename1&plus.filename2 etc&per. .br If a path isn&apos.t specified&comma. then the files are searched for in the :link reftype=hd refid='L_EnvironmentVariables'.BOOKSHELF and HELP paths:elink.&per. .br If you path and&slash.or filename contains special characters (like blank) then you have to enclose the filename in double qoutes&per. .* :p.:hp2.<.search text>.:ehp2. :p.Search topic titles and index entries for this text&per. This is :hp2.not:ehp2. the same as a normal search&comma. for compatibility with original View&per. To do a proper search use the &slash.s option &lpar.see below&rpar.&per. For more details&comma. see :link reftype=hd refid='CommandLineTopicSearch'.Command Line Topic Search:elink.&per. :p.:hp2.Options:ehp2. :p.:hp2.&slash.s:ehp2. :p.After opening the file&comma. performs a :link reftype=hd refid='search'.search:elink. for the given text (do a real full text search intead of the default topic titles search)&per. The result is the same as performing the search from the :link reftype=hd refid='search'.serach navigation panel:elink.&per. :p.Example&colon. .br :lm margin=4. To search for copy in the whole cmdref document you can call :xmp. newview &slash.s cmdref copy :exmp. NewView is clever enought to handle multiple words (like the :link reftype=hd refid='search'.serach navigation panel:elink.)&per. This is a OR search&per. :xmp. newview &slash.s cmdref net access :exmp. To perform a AND search enclose the search phrase in double quotes&per. :xmp. newview &slash.s cmdref &odq.net access&cdq. :exmp. :lm margin=1. .* :p.:hp2.&slash.g:ehp2. :p.Performs a :link reftype=hd refid='GlobalSearch'.global search:elink. for the given text&comma. on all the help files in your system&per. :p.Example&colon. .br :lm margin=4. To search for copy in all help files use :xmp. newview &slash.g copy :exmp. Provide the file name as first parameter if you like to open a help file before the search starts. :xmp. newview &slash.g cmdref copy :exmp. :lm margin=1. .* :p.:hp2.&slash.?:ehp2. or :hp2.&slash.h:ehp2. or :hp2.&slash.help:ehp2. :p.Show command line help :p.See also&colon. :link reftype=hd refid='AdvancedParameters'.Advanced Parameters:elink. .* ************************************************************ .* Command Line Topic Search .* ************************************************************ :h2 res=13 id='CommandLineTopicSearch'. Command Line Topic Search :p.:hp2.Command line topic search:ehp2. :p. view <.filename>. <.topic>. :p.The topic search parameter specified on the command line&comma. copies the behaviour of old view&per. :p.Text within topics is not searched&comma. only titles and index entries&per. This makes it less useful to humans&comma. but is used by some programs to reference help topics in a predictable way&per. :p.You can use multiple words here&per. :p.The search performed is&colon. :p.&endash. topic title starts with search text :p.&endash. index entry starts with search text :p.&endash. topic title contains search text :p.&endash. index entry contains search text&per. :p.Developers should make sure that the expected document will be found if using this technique to identify topics when starting New or Old view&per. .* ************************************************************ .* Advanded Parameters .* ************************************************************ :h2 res=14 id='AdvancedParameters'. Advanced Parameters :p.:hp2.Advanced Parameters:ehp2. :p.The following command line parameters are intended mainly for software developers&comma. but can be used for any purpose&per. :p.:hp2.&slash.lang&colon.<.language spec>.:ehp2. :p.Loads the specified language&per. Overrides the default chosen based on the LANG environment variable&per. For example&comma. :xmp. newview cmdref &slash.lang&colon.en :exmp. loads English&per. See readme&per.txt for more information&per. :p.:hp2.&slash.pos&colon.<.left>.&comma.<.bottom>.&comma.<.width>.&comma.<.height>.:ehp2. :p.Set the main program window to the given position and size&per. All values must be given&per. Put a :hp2.P:ehp2. after a number to specify a percentage&per. For example&colon. :xmp. newview &slash.pos&colon.10P&comma.10P&comma.80P&comma.80P :exmp. :p.makes the window centered and 80&percent. of the screen size&per. :p.:hp2.&slash.title&colon.<.window title>.:ehp2. :p.Sets the title of the NewView window to the specified text&comma. overriding whatever appears in the help file&per. The text &odq.Help &endash. &cdq. will always be inserted in front of the specified text&comma. unless the specified text is &odq.help&cdq.&comma. in which case the title will simply become &odq.Help&cdq.&per. This is to make sure that help windows are always obvious as such in the window list&per. :p.If you need to specify multiple words&comma. surround the entire option with quotes&comma. for example&colon. :xmp. newview cmdref &odq.&slash.title&colon.Command Line Help&cdq. :exmp. .* ************************************************************ .* Command Line Examples .* ************************************************************ :h2 res=15 id='CommandLineExamples'. Command Line Examples :p.:hp2.Command Line Examples:ehp2. .* :p.The following examples assume that newview is installed as a complete replacement and therefore view is actually newview&per. :p.:hp2.view cmdref:ehp2. :lm margin=4. :p.Open the file cmdref&per.inf &lpar.OS&slash.2 Command Reference&rpar. from the help path&per. :lm margin=1. .* :p.:hp2.view cmdref&plus.os2ug:ehp2. :lm margin=4. :p.Open two files&comma. cmdref&per.inf and os2ug&per.inf &lpar.OS&slash.2 User Guide&rpar.&comma. in the same window&per. .br The table of contents from os2ug&per.inf is added to the end of the contents from cmdref&per.inf&per. The indexes are combined alphabetically&per. :lm margin=1. .* :p.:hp2.view c&colon.&bsl.os2&bsl.book&bsl.os2ug&per.inf:ehp2. :lm margin=4. :p.Open the file os2ug&per.inf in the c&colon.&bsl.os2&bsl.book directory&per. :lm margin=1. .* :p.:hp2.view &odq.c&colon.&bsl.os2 book&bsl.os2ug&per.inf&cdq.:ehp2. :lm margin=4. :p.Surround path&bsl.file with double quotes if they contain special characters (like blank)&per. :lm margin=1. .* :p.:hp2.view cmdref dir:ehp2. :lm margin=4. :p.Open the file cmdref &lpar.OS&slash.2 command reference&rpar. and look in titles and index for the word &odq.dir&cdq.&per. Will show the help page for the DIR command&per. :lm margin=1. .* :p.:hp2.view &slash.s os2ug desktop:ehp2. :lm margin=4. :p.Open the file os2ug&per.inf and search for the word &odq.desktop&cdq.&per. The best match is shown&per. :lm margin=1. .* :p.:hp2.view &slash.g permissions:ehp2. :lm margin=4. :p.Performs a search of all help files for the word &odq.permissions&cdq.&per. :lm margin=1. .* :p.:hp2.set myhelp&eq.cmdref&plus.os2ug&plus.rexx:ehp2. .br :hp2.view myhelp:ehp2. :lm margin=4. :p.The first line sets an environment variable MYHELP to contain the names of three help files&per. The second line opens the three files&per. :lm margin=1. .* .* .* ************************************************************ .* Keyboard Shortcuts .* ************************************************************ :h1 res=10 id='KeyboardShortcuts'. Keyboard Shortcuts :p.:hp2.Keyboard Shortcuts:ehp2. :p.Most keyboard shortcuts are visible in the menu&comma. but a few are not&per. The additional shortcuts are&colon. :p.:hp2.Alt&plus.F4:ehp2. Exit :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.C:ehp2. Copy selected text to clipboard :p.:hp2.F7:ehp2. Back :p.:hp2.F8:ehp2. Forward :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.Left:ehp2. Back :p.:hp2.F11:ehp2. Previous in contents :p.:hp2.F12:ehp2. Next in contents :p. :p.:hp2.Shortcuts visible in the menu:ehp2. :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.O:ehp2. Open files :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.E:ehp2. Open files from help paths :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.N:ehp2. Open a new window :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.P:ehp2. Print topic :p.:hp2.F3:ehp2. Exit :p. :p. :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.A:ehp2. Select all text in topic :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.Ins:ehp2. Copy selected text to clipboard :p. :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.F:ehp2. Find within current topic :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.G:ehp2. Repeat last find :p. :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.S:ehp2. Open global search tool :p. :p.:hp2.Alt&plus.C:ehp2. Change to the contents tab :p.:hp2.Alt&plus.I:ehp2. Change to the index tab :p.:hp2.Alt&plus.S:ehp2. Change to the search tab :p.:hp2.Alt&plus.N:ehp2. Change to the notes tab :p.:hp2.Alt&plus.P:ehp2. Toggle the left panel &lpar.tabs&rpar. on and off :p.:hp2.F5:ehp2. Expand all contents :p.:hp2.F6:ehp2. Collapse all contents :p. :p.:hp2.Esc:ehp2. Back :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.Right:ehp2. Forward :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.Up:ehp2. Previous topic in contents :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.Down:ehp2. Next topic in contents :p. :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.D:ehp2. Edit bookmarks :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.B:ehp2. Bookmark current topic :p. :p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.M:ehp2. Add note at cursor position :p. :p.:hp2.F1:ehp2. Help for NewView .* .* .* ************************************************************ .* Environment Variables .* ************************************************************ :h1 res=11 id='L_EnvironmentVariables'. Environment Variables :p.:hp2.Environment Variables:ehp2. :p. :p.Both the :hp2.BOOKSHELF:ehp2. and :hp2.HELP:ehp2. environment variables define paths &lpar.lists of directories&rpar. for searching for help files&per. NewView uses both paths without distinction&per. :p.These paths are searched when you&colon. :p.o specify a help file without a path on the command line :p.o use the File &endash. Open Special&per.&per.&per. menu item :p.o do a :link reftype=hd refid='GlobalSearch'.global search:elink. :p.You can permanently add directories of help files to the :hp2.HELP:ehp2. or :hp2.BOOKSHELF:ehp2. paths by modifying the CONFIG&per.SYS file&per. Add to both paths&comma. if you also want old view to be able to find the files&per. :p.:hp2.Other environment variables:ehp2. :p.The :hp2.LANG:ehp2. environment variable is examined to decide the default language that NewView will be displayed in&per. &lpar.Overridden by the &slash.lang :link reftype=hd refid='AdvancedParameters'.command line parameter:elink.&per.&rpar. See the newview readme&per.txt for more information about languages&per. :p.The directory defined in :hp2.LOGFILES:ehp2. is used for logging crashes or other information&per. :p.The subdirectory &odq.lang&cdq. under the directory defined by :hp2.OSDIR:ehp2. is searched for language files at startup&per. :p.The path :hp2.ULSPATH:ehp2. is also searched for language files&per. .* .* .* ************************************************************ .* For Authors and Developers .* ************************************************************ :h1 res=20 id='ForAuthors'. For Authors and Developers :p.:hp2.For Authors and Developers:ehp2. :p. :p.This section contains some notes for document authors and software developers&per. :p.Also see the section about URL recognition in the :link reftype=hd refid='InternetLinks'.Internet Links :elink.topic&per. .* ************************************************************ .* Writing Help Files .* ************************************************************ :h2 res=12 id='WritingHelpFiles'. Writing Help Files :p.:hp2.Writing OS&slash.2 Help Files :ehp2. :p. :p.OS&slash.2 Help Files are produced using the IPF Compiler&per. IPF stands for Information Presentation Facility&per. :p.The IPF Compiler takes a text file written in a language that tells it about things like headings&comma. links&comma. text and images&comma. and produces either a &per.INF or &per.HLP file&per. :p.The official way to obtain the IPF compiler &lpar.ipfc&per.exe&rpar. is from the OS&slash.2 Developers Toolkit&per. This is included free with eComStation &lpar.http&colon.&slash.&slash.www&per.ecomstation&per.com&rpar.&per. :p.Since the language for IPFC is tedious &lpar.for example all punctuation must be typed as special keywords&comma. like &.comma&per.&rpar. many people use other tools besides the IPF compiler itself&per. :p.I use Vyperhelp &lpar.http&colon.&slash.&slash.www&per.vyperhelp&per.com&rpar. since it is simple and graphical&per. It can also export to Windows Help&comma. HTML and others&comma. though it only runs on OS&slash.2&per. Not free&per. :p.Some other popular options are&colon. :p.o HyperText&slash.2 IPF Preprocessor &lpar.http&colon.&slash.&slash.www&per.clanganke&per.de&slash.os2&slash.sw&slash.htext&slash. .br &rpar. &endash. preprocesses a simpler starting language into the very difficult IPF format&per. Free&per. :p.o HyperMake &lpar.http&colon.&slash.&slash.www&per.hypermake&per.com&rpar.&per. Similar&comma. but can also produce Windows Help and HTML&per. :p.o Sibyl &lpar.which NewView was created with&rpar. comes with an IPF preprocessor&per. :p.o IPFEditor from PCS &lpar.http&colon.&slash.&slash.www&per.pcs&endash.soft&per.com&slash.productipfe212&per.htm .br &rpar.&per. Probably the most complete&comma. but significant cost&per. Note&colon. NewView doesn&apos.t support everything IPFE can do&xclm. .br In the past there were many other options&per. Those listed should still be available and have some support&per. .* ************************************************************ .* Topic Resource IDs .* ************************************************************ :h2 res=16 id='TopicResourceIDs'. Topic Resource IDs :p.:hp2.Topic Resource IDs:ehp2. :p.Resource IDs are used by authors of online help for applications&comma. to identify help topics&per. Applications call the Help Manager specifying a resource ID&comma. either directly using the HM&us.DISPLAY&us.HELP message&comma. or indirectly via help tables added to their resources&comma. which PM automatically handles&per. The resource ID is stored in a table inside the help file&per. :p.For document authors&comma. NewView offers the ability to see and find resource IDs&per. :p.:hp2.Finding by Resource ID:ehp2. :p.Use Tools &endash. Find Resource ID to search for a specified resource ID in all opened files&per. :p.:hp2.Displaying Resource IDs:ehp2. :p.Use topic properties &lpar.right mouse click &endash. Properties&rpar. to see which resource IDs are associated with a topic&per. .* ************************************************************ .* TopicNames .* ************************************************************ :h2 res=19 id='TopicNames'. Topic Names :p.:hp2.Topic Names:ehp2. :p. :p.Like resource IDs&comma. topic names can be used by developers to link to help topics from within their application&comma. using the HM&us.DISPLAY&us.HELP message with parameter 2 being HM&us.PANELNAME&per. :p.These are not so often used&per. :p.NewView can find a particular topic name&comma. using Tools &endash. Find Topic Name&per. :euserdoc.