{ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit Copyright (C) 2006 - 2011 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this distribution, for details of the copyright. See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution, for details about redistributing fpGUI. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Description: This unit contains the class declaration for the RichView text component that is used in DocView to display the help contents. } Unit RichTextView; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} Interface Uses Classes, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_widget, fpg_scrollbar, fpg_menu, fpg_imagelist, RichTextStyleUnit, RichTextLayoutUnit, CanvasFontManager; const // for dragtext support, primarily. RT_QUERYTEXT = FPGM_USER + 500; // Param1: pointer to buffer (may be nil) // Param2: buffer size (-1 to ignore) // Returns: number of bytes copied RT_QUERYSELTEXT = FPGM_USER + 501; // Param1: pointer to buffer (may be nil) // Param2: buffer size (-1 to ignore) // Returns: number of bytes copied Type TFindOrigin = ( foFromStart, foFromCurrent ); TScrollingDirection = ( sdUp, sdDown ); Type TRichTextView = class; // reimplement class TLinkEvent = procedure( Sender: TRichTextView; Link: string ) of object; TRichTextView = class(TfpgWidget) private FPopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu; FScrollDistance: integer; procedure FVScrollbarScroll(Sender: TObject; position: integer); procedure FHScrollbarScroll(Sender: TObject; position: integer); procedure ShowDefaultPopupMenu(const x, y: integer; const shiftstate: TShiftState); virtual; Procedure CreateDefaultMenu; Procedure SelectAllMIClick( Sender: TObject ); Procedure CopyMIClick( Sender: TObject ); Procedure RefreshMIClick( Sender: TObject ); Procedure WordWrapMIClick( Sender: TObject ); Procedure SmoothScrollMIClick( Sender: TObject ); Procedure DebugMIClick( Sender: TObject ); Procedure DefaultMenuPopup( Sender: TObject ); procedure SetScrollDistance(const AValue: integer); protected FFontManager: TCanvasFontManager; FRichTextSettings: TRichTextSettings; // Properties // FBorderStyle:TfpgBorderStyle; FScrollbarWidth: longint; FSmoothScroll: boolean; FUseDefaultMenu: boolean; FDebug: boolean; FOnOverLink: TLinkEvent; FOnNotOverLink: TLinkEvent; FOnClickLink: TLinkEvent; FDefaultMenu: TfpgPopupMenu; FSelectAllMI: TfpgMenuItem; FCopyMI: TfpgMenuItem; FRefreshMI: TfpgMenuItem; FWordWrapMI: TfpgMenuItem; FSmoothScrollMI: TfpgMenuItem; FDebugMI: TfpgMenuItem; // Internal layout data FNeedVScroll, FNeedHScroll: boolean; FLayoutRequired: boolean; FLayout: TRichTextLayout; // Child controls FHScrollbar: TfpgScrollbar; FVScrollbar: TfpgScrollbar; // Text FText: PChar; FTopCharIndex: longint; // only applies until following flag set. FVerticalPositionInitialised: boolean; FCursorRow: longint; FCursorOffset: longint; FSelectionStart: longint; FSelectionEnd: longint; FImages: TfpgImageList; // Selection scrolling //FScrollTimer: TfpgTimer; FOldMousePoint: TPoint; FScrollingDirection: TScrollingDirection; // Scroll information // we use these rather than the scrollbar positions direct, // since those are not updated during tracking FXScroll: longint; FYScroll: longint; FLastXScroll: longint; FLastYScroll: longint; // Link FLastLinkOver: string; FClickedLink: string; Procedure CreateWnd; procedure HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight: TfpgCoord); override; procedure UpdateScrollBarCoords; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleHide; override; procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override; procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; //procedure ScanEvent( Var KeyCode: TKeyCode; // RepeatCount: Byte ); override; //Procedure MouseDown( Button: TMouseButton; // ShiftState: TShiftState; // X, Y: Longint ); override; //Procedure MouseUp( Button: TMouseButton; // ShiftState: TShiftState; // X, Y: Longint ); override; //Procedure MouseDblClick( Button: TMouseButton; // ShiftState: TShiftState; // X, Y: Longint ); override; //Procedure MouseMove( ShiftState: TShiftState; // X, Y: Longint ); override; //Procedure Scroll( Sender: TScrollbar; // ScrollCode: TScrollCode; // Var ScrollPos: Longint ); override; //Procedure KillFocus; override; //Procedure SetFocus; override; // Messages for DragText Procedure RTQueryText( Var Msg: TfpgMessageRec ); message RT_QUERYTEXT; Procedure RTQuerySelText( Var Msg: TfpgMessageRec ); message RT_QUERYSELTEXT; procedure Layout; function FindPoint( XToFind: longint; YToFind: longint; Var LineIndex: longint; Var Offset: longint; Var Link: string ): TTextPosition; // Scroll functions // Scroll display to given positions (does NOT // update scrollbars as this may be called during // scrolling) Procedure DoVerticalScroll( NewY: longint ); Procedure DoHorizontalScroll( NewX: longint ); // Set scrollbar position, and update display Procedure SetVerticalPosition( NewY: longint ); Procedure SetHorizontalPosition( NewX: longint ); procedure OnScrollTimer( Sender: TObject ); Function GetLineDownPosition: longint; Function GetLineUpPosition: longint; Function GetSmallDownScrollPosition: longint; Function GetSmallUpScrollPosition: longint; Function GetSmallRightScrollPosition: longint; Function GetSmallLeftScrollPosition: longint; // Calculates line down position given the last line and displayed pixels Function GetLineDownPositionFrom( LastLine: longint; PixelsDisplayed: longint ): longint; Function GetLineUpPositionFrom( FirstVisibleLine: longint; Offset: longint ): longint; // Drawing functions Procedure DrawBorder; Procedure Draw( StartLine, EndLine: longint ); // Rectangle (GetClientRect) minus scrollbars (if they are enabled) Function GetDrawRect: TfpgRect; // Rectangle minus scrollbars (GetDrawRect), minus extra 2px border all round function GetTextAreaRect: TfpgRect; function GetTextAreaHeight: longint; function GetTextAreaWidth: longint; // Queries procedure GetFirstVisibleLine( Var LineIndex: longint; Var Offset: longint ); procedure GetBottomLine( Var LineIndex: longint; Var PixelsDisplayed: longint ); // Layout functions Procedure SetupScrollbars; Procedure SetupCursor; procedure RemoveCursor; function GetTextEnd: longint; // property handlers // procedure SetBorder( BorderStyle: TBorderStyle ); Procedure SetDebug( Debug: boolean ); Procedure SetScrollBarWidth( NewValue: longint ); Procedure OnRichTextSettingsChanged( Sender: TObject ); function GetCursorIndex: longint; Function GetTopCharIndex: longint; Procedure SetTopCharIndex( NewValue: longint ); Function GetTopCharIndexPosition( NewValue: longint ): longint; // Update the cursor row/column for the selction start/end procedure RefreshCursorPosition; procedure SetCursorIndex( Index: longint; PreserveSelection: boolean ); procedure SetCursorPosition( Offset: longint; Row: longint; PreserveSelection: boolean ); procedure MakeRowVisible( Row: longint ); procedure MakeRowAndColumnVisible(Row: longint; Column: longint); // These two methods set selection start and end, // and redraw the screen, but do not set up cursor. Procedure SetSelectionStartInternal( SelectionStart: longint ); Procedure SetSelectionEndInternal( SelectionEnd: longint ); // Property handlers. These are for programmatic access // where a complete setup of selection is needed Procedure SetSelectionStart( SelectionStart: longint ); Procedure SetSelectionEnd( SelectionEnd: longint ); Procedure SetImages( AImages: TfpgImageList ); Procedure Notification( AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation ); override; Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; Override; // rect (of component) minus frame borders - normally 2 pixels all round function GetClientRect: TfpgRect; override; procedure AddText( Text: PChar; ADelay: boolean = False ); procedure AddParagraph( Text: PChar ); procedure AddSelectedParagraph( Text: PChar ); procedure Clear(const ADestroying: boolean = False); procedure InsertText( CharIndexToInsertAt: longword; TextToInsert: PChar ); property Text: PChar read FText; property TextEnd: longint read GetTextEnd; property SelectionStart: longint read FSelectionStart write SetSelectionStart; property SelectionEnd: longint read FSelectionEnd write SetSelectionEnd; property CursorIndex: longint read GetCursorIndex; // Copy all text to buffer // Buffer can be nil to simply get size. // If BufferLength is negative, it is ignored Function CopyTextToBuffer( Buffer: PChar; BufferLength: longint ): longint; // Clipboard Procedure CopySelectionToClipboard; // returns number of chars (that would be) copied. // Buffer can be nil to simply get size. // If BufferLength is negative, it is ignored Function CopySelectionToBuffer( Buffer: PChar; BufferLength: longint ): longint; Function GetSelectionAsString: string; // returns up to 255 chars obviously // Selection queries Function SelectionLength: longint; // Note: includes formatting Function SelectionSet: boolean; // returns true if there is a selection // Selection actions Procedure ClearSelection; Procedure SelectAll; property CursorRow: longint read FCursorRow; // Navigation procedure GoToTop; procedure GotoBottom; Procedure UpLine; Procedure DownLine; Procedure UpPage; Procedure DownPage; Procedure SmallScrollUp; Procedure SmallScrollDown; Procedure SmallScrollLeft; Procedure SmallScrollRight; Procedure MakeCharVisible( CharIndex: longint ); Property TopCharIndex: longint read GetTopCharIndex write SetTopCharIndex; Procedure CursorLeft( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorRight( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorDown( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorUp( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorPageDown( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorPageUp( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorToLineStart( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorToLineEnd( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorWordLeft( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorWordRight( PreserveSelection: boolean ); function HighlightNextLink: boolean; function HighlightPreviousLink: boolean; // Search for the given text // if found, returns true, MatchIndex is set to the first match, // and MatchLength returns the length of the match // (which may be greater than the length of Text due to // to skipping tags) // if not found, returns false, pMatch is set to -1 function FindString( Origin: TFindOrigin; const AText: string; var MatchIndex: longint; var MatchLength: longint ): boolean; // Searches for text and selects it found // returns true if found, false if not function Find( Origin: TFindOrigin; const AText: string ): boolean; function LinkFromIndex( const CharIndexToFind: longint): string; published property Align; property BackgroundColor default clBoxColor; //property ParentColor; //property ParentFont; //property ParentPenColor; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu read FPopupMenu write FPopupMenu; property ShowHint; Property TabOrder; Property Focusable; property Visible; property RichTextSettings: TRichTextSettings read FRichTextSettings; property ScrollBarWidth: longint read FScrollBarWidth write SetScrollBarWidth default 16; property SmoothScroll: boolean read FSmoothScroll write FSmoothScroll; property ScrollDistance: integer read FScrollDistance write SetScrollDistance default 75; property UseDefaultMenu: boolean read FUseDefaultMenu write FUseDefaultMenu default True; property Debug: boolean read FDebug write SetDebug default False; property Images: TfpgImageList read FImages write SetImages; // ------- EVENTS ---------- // Called with the name of the link when the mouse first moves over it property OnOverLink: TLinkEvent read FOnOverLink write FOnOverLink; // Called with the name of the link when the mouse leaves it property OnNotOverLink: TLinkEvent read FOnNotOverLink write FOnNotOverLink; // Called when the link is clicked. property OnClickLink: TLinkEvent read FOnClickLink write FOnClickLink; Property OnClick; Property OnDoubleClick; //property OnDragOver; //property OnDragDrop; //property OnEndDrag; Property OnEnter; Property OnExit; //Property OnFontChange; //Property OnMouseClick; //Property OnMouseDblClick; //Property OnSetupShow; //Property OnScan; End; implementation uses SysUtils ,ACLStringUtility ,nvUtilities ,RichTextDocumentUnit ,RichTextDisplayUnit ,fpg_stringutils ,SettingsUnit // TODO: We shouldn't have this dependency!! ; Procedure TRichTextView.SetSelectionStart( SelectionStart: longint ); begin RemoveCursor; SetSelectionStartInternal( SelectionStart ); RefreshCursorPosition; SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetSelectionEnd( SelectionEnd: longint ); begin RemoveCursor; SetSelectionEndInternal( SelectionEnd ); RefreshCursorPosition; SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetSelectionStartInternal( SelectionStart: longint ); begin if SelectionStart = FSelectionStart then exit; if SelectionSet then if SelectionStart = -1 then // small side effect here - also sets selectionend to -1 ClearSelection; FSelectionStart := SelectionStart; if FSelectionEnd = -1 then // still no selection exit; RePaint; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetSelectionEndInternal( SelectionEnd: longint ); var StartRedrawLine: longint; EndRedrawLine: longint; OldClip: TfpgRect; begin if SelectionEnd = FSelectionEnd then exit; if FSelectionStart = -1 then begin FSelectionEnd := SelectionEnd; // still not a valid selection, no need to redraw exit; end; if SelectionEnd = FSelectionStart then SelectionEnd := -1; if ( FSelectionEnd = -1 ) then begin // there is currently no selection, // and we are setting one: need to draw it all StartRedrawLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( FSelectionStart ); EndRedrawLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( SelectionEnd ); end else begin // there is already a selection if SelectionEnd = -1 then begin // and we're clearing it StartRedrawLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( FSelectionStart ); EndRedrawLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( FSelectionEnd ); end else begin // and we're setting a new one, so draw from the old end to the new StartRedrawLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( FSelectionEnd ); EndRedrawLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( SelectionEnd ); end; end; FSelectionEnd := SelectionEnd; OldClip := Canvas.GetClipRect; Canvas.SetClipRect(GetTextAreaRect); // (re)draw selection { TODO -ograeme : Draw must not be called here } // Draw( StartRedrawLine, EndRedrawLine ); Canvas.SetClipRect(OldClip); end; Procedure TRichTextView.ClearSelection; var OldClip: TfpgRect; StartLine: longint; EndLine: longint; begin if SelectionSet then begin OldClip := Canvas.GetClipRect; Canvas.SetClipRect(GetTextAreaRect); StartLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( FSelectionStart ); EndLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( FSelectionEnd ); FSelectionEnd := -1; FSelectionStart := -1; Canvas.SetClipRect(OldClip); end; FSelectionEnd := -1; FSelectionStart := -1; Repaint; end; Function TRichTextView.GetTextEnd: longint; begin Result := StrLen( FText ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.CreateDefaultMenu; begin FDefaultMenu := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(nil); FDefaultMenu.OnShow := @DefaultMenuPopup; with FDefaultMenu do begin FSelectAllMI := AddMenuItem('Select &All', '', @SelectAllMIClick); FCopyMI := AddMenuItem('&Copy', '', @CopyMIClick); AddMenuItem('-', '', nil); FRefreshMI := AddMenuItem('&Refresh', '', @RefreshMIClick); AddMenuItem('-', '', nil); FSmoothScrollMI := AddMenuItem('&Smooth Scrolling', '', @SmoothScrollMIClick); FWordWrapMI := AddMenuItem('&Word Wrap', '', @WordWrapMIClick); FDebugMI := AddMenuItem('&Debug', '', @DebugMIClick); end; FSelectAllMI.Enabled := False; // TODO: implement me FCopyMI.Enabled := False; // TODO: implement me end; Procedure TRichTextView.SelectAllMIClick( Sender: TObject ); begin SelectAll; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CopyMIClick( Sender: TObject ); begin CopySelectionToClipBoard; end; Procedure TRichTextView.RefreshMIClick( Sender: TObject ); begin RePaint; end; Procedure TRichTextView.WordWrapMIClick( Sender: TObject ); begin FRichTextSettings.DefaultWrap := not FRichTextSettings.DefaultWrap; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SmoothScrollMIClick( Sender: TObject ); begin SmoothScroll := not SmoothScroll; end; Procedure TRichTextView.DebugMIClick( Sender: TObject ); begin Debug := not Debug; // writeln('VScrollbar.Position=', FVScrollbar.Position, ' min/max=', FVScrollbar.Min, '/', FVScrollbar.Max); // writeln('FNeedHScroll=', FNeedHScroll, ' FNeedVScroll=', FNeedVScroll); RePaint; end; Procedure TRichTextView.DefaultMenuPopup( Sender: TObject ); begin FWordWrapMI.Checked := FRichTextSettings.DefaultWrap; FSmoothScrollMI.Checked := SmoothScroll; FDebugMI.Checked := Debug; end; procedure TRichTextView.SetScrollDistance(const AValue: integer); begin if FScrollDistance = AValue then exit; FScrollDistance := AValue; if Assigned(FVScrollBar) then FVScrollBar.ScrollStep := FScrollDistance; if Assigned(FHScrollBar) then FHScrollBar.ScrollStep := FScrollDistance; end; constructor TRichTextView.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Name := 'RichTextView'; FWidth := 150; FHeight := 70; FFocusable := True; FNeedVScroll := False; FNeedHScroll := False; FSmoothScroll := True; FScrollbarWidth := 16; FUseDefaultMenu := True; FDebug := False; FLayoutRequired := True; FTextColor := Parent.TextColor; FBackgroundColor := clBoxColor; FRichTextSettings := TRichTextSettings.Create( self ); FRichTextSettings.Margins := Rect( 5, 5, 5, 5 ); FRichTextSettings.OnChange := @OnRichTextSettingsChanged; FImages := nil; if not InDesigner then begin FFontManager := nil; FText := StrAlloc( 100 ); FText[ 0 ] := #0; FTopCharIndex := 0; FVerticalPositionInitialised := false; end; CreateWnd; end; procedure TRichTextView.HandlePaint; Var CornerRect: TfpgRect; TextRect: TfpgRect; DrawRect: TfpgRect; x: integer; // Just for fun! :-) procedure DesignerPainting(const AText: string; AColor: TfpgColor; AFontDesc: TfpgString = ''); var oldf: TfpgString; begin oldf := ''; if AFontDesc <> '' then begin oldf := Canvas.Font.FontDesc; // save original font Canvas.Font := fpgGetFont(AFontDesc); // set new font end; Canvas.TextColor := AColor; // set new color Canvas.DrawString(x, 10, AText); x := x + Canvas.Font.TextWidth(AText); // calc x offset for next text if oldf <> '' then Canvas.Font := fpgGetFont(oldf); // restore original font end; begin ProfileEvent('TRichTextView.HandlePaint >>>'); Canvas.ClearClipRect; DrawBorder; DrawRect := GetDrawRect; Canvas.Color := BackgroundColor; Canvas.FillRectangle(DrawRect); TextRect := GetTextAreaRect; Canvas.SetClipRect(TextRect); if InDesigner then begin Canvas.TextColor := clInactiveWgFrame; x := 10; DesignerPainting('<', clInactiveWgFrame); DesignerPainting('rich', clBlack, 'Sans-10:bold'); DesignerPainting(' text', clRed, 'Sans-10:italic'); DesignerPainting(' ', clInactiveWgFrame); DesignerPainting('will', clBlue, 'Sans-10:underline'); DesignerPainting(' appear here>', clInactiveWgFrame); // Canvas.DrawString(10, 10, ''); Canvas.ClearClipRect; Exit; //==> end; if Length(FText) = 0 then exit; // no need to paint anything further. Assert(FLayout <> nil, 'FLayout may not be nil at this point!'); if not Debug then Draw( 0, FLayout.FNumLines ) else Canvas.DrawText(8, 8, GetTextAreaWidth, GetTextAreaHeight{1000}, FText, [txtLeft, txtTop, txtWrap]); Canvas.ClearClipRect; if FHScrollbar.Visible and FVScrollbar.Visible then begin // blank out corner between scrollbars CornerRect.Left := Width - 2 - FScrollBarWidth; CornerRect.Top := Height - 2 - FScrollBarWidth; CornerRect.Width := FScrollBarWidth; CornerRect.Height := FScrollBarWidth; Canvas.Color := clWindowBackground; Canvas.FillRectangle(CornerRect); end; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.HandlePaint <<<'); end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleHide; begin // fpgCaret.UnSetCaret (Canvas); inherited HandleHide; end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); begin ProfileEvent('HandleKeyPress'); case keycode of keyPageDown: begin consumed := True; UpPage; end; keyPageUp: begin consumed := True; DownPage; end; end; inherited HandleKeyPress(keycode, shiftstate, consumed); end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleRMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); if Assigned(PopupMenu) then PopupMenu.ShowAt(self, x, y) else ShowDefaultPopupMenu(x, y, ShiftState); end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); begin inherited HandleMouseScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta); if delta < 0 then // scroll up SetVerticalPosition(FVScrollbar.Position - FVScrollbar.ScrollStep) else // scroll down SetVerticalPosition(FVScrollbar.Position + FVScrollbar.ScrollStep); end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var Line: longint; Offset: longint; Link: TfpgString; Position: TTextPosition; Shift: boolean; begin inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate); if FText = '' then Exit; //==> no need to do anything further Offset := 0; Position := FindPoint( X, Y, Line, Offset, Link ); FClickedLink := Link; //writeln(' link=', Link, ' line=', Line, ' offset=', offset); if Position in [tpAboveTextArea, tpBelowTextArea] then // not on the control (this probably won't happen) exit; // if shift is pressed then keep the same selection start. Shift := ssShift in ShiftState; RemoveCursor; if not Shift then ClearSelection; SetCursorPosition(Offset, Line, Shift); end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); if FClickedLink <> '' then begin if Assigned( FOnClickLink ) then FOnClickLink( Self, FClickedLink ); end; FClickedLink := ''; // reset link end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); var Line: longint; Offset: longint; Link: TfpgString; Position: TTextPosition; begin inherited HandleMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate); if FText = '' then exit; Position := FindPoint(X, Y, Line, Offset, Link); if Link <> FLastLinkOver then begin if Link <> '' then begin if Assigned(FOnOverLink) then FOnOverLink(Self, Link) end else begin if Assigned(FOnNotOverLink) then FOnNotOverLink(Self, FLastLinkOver); end; FLastLinkOver := Link; end; if Link <> '' then MouseCursor := mcHand else MouseCursor := mcDefault; // TODO: later this should be IBeam when RichView supports editing end; Destructor TRichTextView.Destroy; Begin FDefaultMenu.Free; // destroy the font manager NOW // while the canvas is still valid // (it will be freed in TControl.DisposeWnd) // in order to release logical fonts FFontManager.Free; if Assigned(FLayout) then FreeAndNil(FLayout); //FScrollTimer.Free; if not InDesigner then begin RemoveCursor; StrDispose( FText ); end; Inherited Destroy; End; //Procedure TRichTextView.KillFocus; //begin // RemoveCursor; // inherited KillFocus; //end; //Procedure TRichTextView.SetFocus; //begin // inherited SetFocus; // SetupCursor; //end; // Custom window messages for DragText support Procedure TRichTextView.RTQueryText( Var Msg: TfpgMessageRec ); begin //Msg.Handled := true; //Msg.Result := // CopyPlainTextToBuffer( FText, // FText + strlen( FText ), // PChar( Msg.Param1 ), // Msg.Param2 ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.RTQuerySelText( Var Msg: TfpgMessageRec ); begin //Msg.Handled := true; //Msg.Result := // CopySelectionToBuffer( PChar( Msg.Param1 ), // Msg.Param2 ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetDebug( Debug: boolean ); begin if Debug = FDebug then exit; FDebug := Debug; RePaint; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetScrollBarWidth( NewValue: longint ); begin if ( NewValue < 0 ) or ( NewValue = FScrollBarWidth ) then exit; FScrollBarWidth := NewValue; Layout; RePaint; end; procedure TRichTextView.FVScrollbarScroll(Sender: TObject; position: integer); begin SetVerticalPosition(position); end; procedure TRichTextView.FHScrollbarScroll(Sender: TObject; position: integer); begin SetHorizontalPosition(position); end; procedure TRichTextView.ShowDefaultPopupMenu(const x, y: integer; const shiftstate: TShiftState); begin if not Assigned(FDefaultMenu) then CreateDefaultMenu; FDefaultMenu.ShowAt(x, y); end; Procedure TRichTextView.CreateWnd; begin if InDesigner then exit; FFontManager := TCanvasFontManager.Create(Canvas, Self); FLastLinkOver := ''; FSelectionStart := -1; FSelectionEnd := -1; if FUseDefaultMenu then begin CreateDefaultMenu; FPopupMenu := FDefaultMenu; end; FHScrollbar := TfpgScrollBar.Create( self ); FHScrollbar.Visible := False; FHScrollbar.Orientation := orHorizontal; FHScrollBar.SetPosition(2, Height-2-FScrollbarWidth, Width-4-FScrollbarWidth, FScrollbarWidth); FVScrollbar := TfpgScrollBar.Create( self ); FVScrollBar.Visible := False; FVScrollBar.Orientation := orVertical; FVScrollbar.SetPosition(Width-2-FScrollbarWidth, 2, FScrollbarWidth, Height-4-FScrollbarWidth); // FScrollTimer := TfpgTimer.Create( 100 ); // FScrollTimer.OnTimer := @OnScrollTimer; // FLinkCursor := GetLinkCursor; if FLayoutRequired then // we haven't yet done a layout Layout; end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight: TfpgCoord); begin inherited HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight); if InDesigner then exit; if WinHandle = 0 then exit; RemoveCursor; if FVerticalPositionInitialised then begin // Preserve current position if FLayout.FNumLines > 0 then FTopCharIndex := GetTopCharIndex else FTopCharIndex := 0; end; Layout; // This is the point at which vertical position // is initialised during first window show FVScrollBar.Position := GetTopCharIndexPosition( FTopCharIndex ); FYScroll := FVScrollBar.Position; FLastYScroll := FYScroll; FVerticalPositionInitialised := true; UpdateScrollbarCoords; SetupCursor; end; procedure TRichTextView.UpdateScrollBarCoords; var HWidth: integer; VHeight: integer; begin VHeight := Height - 4; HWidth := Width - 4; if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(HWidth, FScrollbarWidth); if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(VHeight, FScrollbarWidth); FHScrollBar.Top := Height - 2 - FScrollbarWidth; FHScrollBar.Left := 2; FHScrollBar.Width := HWidth; FVScrollBar.Top := 2; FVScrollBar.Left := Width - 2 - FScrollbarWidth; FVScrollBar.Height := VHeight; FVScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; FHScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; end; // Main procedure: reads through the whole text currently stored // and breaks up into lines - each represented as a TLayoutLine in // the array FLines[ 0.. FNumLines ] Procedure TRichTextView.Layout; Var DrawWidth: longint; begin ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout >>>>'); FLayoutRequired := true; if InDesigner then exit; if WinHandle = 0 then exit; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout 1 of 6'); FSelectionEnd := -1; FSelectionStart := -1; RemoveCursor; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout 2'); DrawWidth := GetTextAreaRect.Width; try if Assigned(FLayout) then begin ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout 3'); FLayout.Free; FLayout := nil; end; except // this is only every a issue under 64bit. FLayout can suddenly not be referenced anymore on E: Exception do ProfileEvent('ERROR: Failed to free FLayout. Error Msg: ' + E.Message); // raise Exception.Create('Failed to free FLayout. Error msg: ' + E.Message); end; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout 4'); FLayout := TRichTextLayout.Create( FText, FImages, FRichTextSettings, FFontManager, DrawWidth-(FScrollbarWidth{*6}) ); ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout 5'); SetupScrollBars; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout 6'); RefreshCursorPosition; FLayoutRequired := false; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout <<<<'); End; procedure TRichTextView.GetFirstVisibleLine( Var LineIndex: longint; Var Offset: longint ); begin FLayout.GetLineFromPosition( FYScroll, LineIndex, Offset ); end; procedure TRichTextView.GetBottomLine( Var LineIndex: longint; Var PixelsDisplayed: longint ); begin FLayout.GetLineFromPosition( FYScroll + GetTextAreaHeight, LineIndex, PixelsDisplayed ); end; function TRichTextView.FindPoint( XToFind: longint; YToFind: longint; Var LineIndex: longint; Var Offset: longint; Var Link: string ): TTextPosition; var TextHeight: longint; begin LineIndex := 0; Offset := 0; Link := ''; TextHeight := GetTextAreaHeight; // Should we take into account Border Styles? XToFind := XToFind - FRichTextSettings.Margins.Left; YToFind := YToFind - FRichTextSettings.Margins.Top; if YToFind < 3 then begin // above the top Result := tpAboveTextArea; exit; end; if YToFind >= TextHeight then begin // below the bottom Result := tpBelowTextArea; LineIndex := FLayout.FNumLines; Offset := FLayout.FLines[FLayout.FNumLines-1].Length - 1; exit; end; Result := FLayout.FindPoint( XToFind + FXScroll, // horizontal scrolls into positive YToFind + (-FYScroll), // vertical scrolls into negative LineIndex, Offset, Link ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.DrawBorder; var Rect: TfpgRect; begin Canvas.GetWinRect(Rect); Canvas.DrawControlFrame(Rect); end; Procedure TRichTextView.Draw( StartLine, EndLine: longint ); Var DrawRect: TfpgRect; X: longint; Y: longint; SelectionStartP: PChar; SelectionEndP: PChar; Temp: longint; begin ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Draw >>>'); DrawRect := GetTextAreaRect; if StartLine > EndLine then begin // swap Temp := EndLine; EndLine := StartLine; StartLine := Temp; end; // calculate selection pointers if SelectionSet then begin SelectionStartP := FText + FSelectionStart; SelectionEndP := FText + FSelectionEnd; end else begin SelectionStartP := nil; SelectionEndP := nil; end; // calculate destination point Y := DrawRect.Top + FYScroll; X := DrawRect.Left - FXScroll; DrawRichTextLayout( FFontManager, FLayout, SelectionStartP, SelectionEndP, StartLine, EndLine, Point(X, Y) ); ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Draw <<<'); End; // This gets the area of the control that we can draw on // (not taken up by vertical scroll bar) Function TRichTextView.GetDrawRect: TfpgRect; begin Result := GetClientRect; if InDesigner then exit; if FNeedHScroll then dec( Result.Height, FScrollbarWidth ); if FNeedVScroll then dec( Result.Width, FScrollbarWidth ); end; // Gets the area that we are drawing text on, which is the // draw rect minus borders Function TRichTextView.GetTextAreaRect: TfpgRect; begin Result := GetDrawRect; InflateRect(Result, -2, -2); end; function TRichTextView.GetTextAreaHeight: longint; begin Result := GetTextAreaRect.Height; end; function TRichTextView.GetTextAreaWidth: longint; begin Result := GetTextAreaRect.Width; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetupScrollbars; var AvailableWidth: longint; MaxDisplayWidth: longint; AvailableHeight: longint; begin // Reset to defaults FNeedVScroll := false; FNeedHScroll := false; // Calculate used and available width AvailableWidth := GetTextAreaWidth; MaxDisplayWidth := FLayout.Width; { This might seem redundant, but the HScrollBar and VScrollBar are a bit of "chicken vs egg" situation. This checked and the same check done a bit later just makes the scrollbar calculation a bit more accurate } AvailableHeight := GetTextAreaHeight; // this includes borders and scrollbars and small margin if FLayout.Height > AvailableHeight then FNeedVScroll := true; // Horizontal scroll setup if FNeedVScroll then begin if MaxDisplayWidth > (AvailableWidth - FScrollbarWidth) then FNeedHScroll := true; end else begin if MaxDisplayWidth > AvailableWidth then FNeedHScroll := true; end; // FHScrollbar.SliderSize := AvailableWidth div 2; FHScrollbar.Min := 0; if FNeedHScroll then FHScrollbar.Max := (MaxDisplayWidth - AvailableWidth) + FScrollbarWidth + FRichTextSettings.Margins.Right else begin FHScrollBar.Position := 0; FHScrollbar.Max := 0; end; // Calculate available height. // Note: this depends on whether a h scroll bar is needed. AvailableHeight := GetTextAreaHeight; // this includes borders and scrollbars and small margin if FLayout.Height > AvailableHeight then FNeedVScroll := true; FVScrollBar.Min := 0; if FNeedVScroll then FVScrollBar.Max := (FLayout.Height - AvailableHeight) + FScrollbarWidth else begin FVScrollBar.Position := 0; FVScrollBar.Max := 0; end; FHScrollBar.ScrollStep := FScrollDistance; // pixels FHScrollBar.PageSize := AvailableWidth - FHScrollbar.ScrollStep; // slightly less than width FHScrollBar.SliderSize := AvailableWidth / MaxDisplayWidth; FVScrollBar.ScrollStep := FScrollDistance; // pixels FVScrollBar.PageSize := AvailableHeight - FVScrollBar.ScrollStep; FVScrollBar.SliderSize := AvailableHeight / FLayout.Height; // Physical horizontal scroll setup FHScrollbar.Visible := FNeedHScroll; FHScrollbar.Enabled := FNeedHScroll; // Physical vertical scroll setup FVScrollbar.Visible := FNeedVScroll; FVScrollbar.Enabled := FNeedVScroll; // Initialise scroll FYScroll := FVScrollBar.Position; FLastYScroll := FYScroll; FXScroll := FHScrollBar.Position; FLastXScroll := FXScroll; FVScrollbar.OnScroll := @FVScrollbarScroll; FHScrollbar.OnScroll := @FHScrollbarScroll; UpdateScrollBarCoords; End; Procedure TRichTextView.SetupCursor; var Line: TLayoutLine; X, Y: longint; TextRect: TfpgRect; DrawHeight: longint; DrawWidth: longint; CursorHeight: longint; TextHeight: longint; LineHeight: longint; Descender: longint; MaxDescender: longint; begin RemoveCursor; if FSelectionStart = -1 then exit; TextRect := GetTextAreaRect; DrawHeight := TextRect.Top - TextRect.Bottom; DrawWidth := TextRect.Right - TextRect.Left; Line := FLayout.FLines[CursorRow]; LineHeight := Line.Height; Y := DrawHeight - (FLayout.GetLinePosition(CursorRow) - FVScrollbar.Position); // Now Y is the top of the line if Y < 0 then // off bottom exit; if ( Y - LineHeight ) > DrawHeight then // off top exit; FLayout.GetXFromOffset( FCursorOffset, CursorRow, X ); X := X - FHScrollBar.Position; if X < 0 then // offscreen to left exit; if X > DrawWidth then // offscreen to right exit; TextHeight := FFontManager.CharHeight; Descender := FFontManager.CharDescender; MaxDescender := FLayout.FLines[CursorRow].MaxDescender; CursorHeight := TextHeight; dec( Y, LineHeight - 1 ); // now Y is the BOTTOM of the line // move Y up to the bottom of the cursor; // since the current text may be smaller than the highest in the line inc( Y, MaxDescender - Descender ); if Y < 0 then begin // bottom of line will be below bottom of display. dec( CursorHeight, 1 - Y ); Y := 0; end; if Y + CursorHeight - 1 > DrawHeight then begin // top of cursor will be above top of display CursorHeight := DrawHeight - Y + 1; end; // fpgCaret.SetCaret(Canvas, TextRect.Left + X, TextRect.Bottom + Y, 2, CursorHeight); end; procedure TRichTextView.RemoveCursor; begin // fpgCaret.UnSetCaret(Canvas); end; Function TRichTextView.GetLineDownPosition: longint; var LastLine: longint; PixelsDisplayed: longint; begin GetBottomLine( LastLine, PixelsDisplayed ); Result := GetLineDownPositionFrom( LastLine, PixelsDisplayed ); end; Function TRichTextView.GetLineDownPositionFrom( LastLine: longint; PixelsDisplayed: longint ): longint; var LineHeight: longint; begin if LastLine = -1 then exit; LineHeight := FLayout.FLines[LastLine].Height; if LastLine = FLayout.FNumLines - 1 then begin // last line if PixelsDisplayed >= LineHeight then begin // and it's fully displayed, so scroll to show margin Result := FLayout.Height - GetTextAreaHeight; exit; end; end; // Scroll to make last line fully visible... Result := FVScrollBar.Position + LineHeight - PixelsDisplayed; if PixelsDisplayed > LineHeight div 2 then // more than half line already displayed so if LastLine < FLayout.FNumLines - 1 then // AND to make next line fully visible inc( Result, FLayout.FLines[LastLine+1].Height ); end; Function TRichTextView.GetSmallDownScrollPosition: longint; var LastLine: longint; PixelsDisplayed: longint; LineTextHeight: longint; Diff: longint; begin GetBottomLine( LastLine, PixelsDisplayed ); Result := GetLineDownPositionFrom( LastLine, PixelsDisplayed ); // Now limit the scrolling to max text height for the bottom line Diff := Result - FVScrollBar.Position; LineTextHeight := FLayout.FLines[LastLine].MaxTextHeight; if Diff > LineTextHeight then Diff := LineTextHeight; Result := FVScrollBar.Position + Diff; end; Function TRichTextView.GetSmallUpScrollPosition: longint; var FirstVisibleLine: longint; Offset: longint; LineTextHeight: longint; Diff: longint; begin GetFirstVisibleLine( FirstVisibleLine, Offset ); Result := GetLineUpPositionFrom( FirstVisibleLine, Offset ); // Now limit the scrolling to max text height for the bottom line Diff := FVScrollBar.Position - Result; LineTextHeight := FLayout.FLines[FirstVisibleLine].MaxTextHeight; if Diff > LineTextHeight then Diff := LineTextHeight; Result := FVScrollBar.Position - Diff; end; Function TRichTextView.GetSmallRightScrollPosition: longint; begin Result := FHScrollBar.Position + FHScrollBar.ScrollStep; if Result > FHScrollBar.Max then Result := FHScrollBar.Max; end; Function TRichTextView.GetSmallLeftScrollPosition: longint; begin Result := FHScrollBar.Position - FHScrollBar.ScrollStep; if Result < 0 then Result := 0; end; function TRichTextView.GetLineUpPosition: longint; var FirstVisibleLine: longint; Offset: longint; begin GetFirstVisibleLine( FirstVisibleLine, Offset ); Result := GetLineUpPositionFrom( FirstVisibleLine, Offset ); end; function TRichTextView.GetLineUpPositionFrom( FirstVisibleLine: longint; Offset: longint ): longint; begin // we should never have scrolled all lines off the top!! assert( FirstVisibleLine <> -1 ); if FirstVisibleLine = 0 then begin // first line if Offset = 0 then begin // and it's already fully visible, so scroll to show margin Result := 0; exit; end; end; // scroll so that top line is fully visible... Result := FVScrollBar.Position - Offset; if Offset < (FLayout.FLines[FirstVisibleLine].Height div 2) then // more than half the line was already displayed so if FirstVisibleLine > 0 then // AND to make next line up visible dec( Result, FLayout.FLines[FirstVisibleLine-1].Height ); end; Function Sign( arg: longint ): longint; begin if arg>0 then Result := 1 else if arg<0 then Result := -1 else Result := 0; end; Function FSign( arg: double ): double; begin if arg>0 then Result := 1 else if arg<0 then Result := -1 else Result := 0; end; Procedure ExactDelay( MS: Cardinal ); begin Sleep(MS); end; (* Procedure TRichTextView.Scroll( Sender: TScrollbar; ScrollCode: TScrollCode; Var ScrollPos: Longint ); begin case ScrollCode of // scVertEndScroll, // scVertPosition, scPageUp, scPageDown, scVertTrack: DoVerticalScroll( ScrollPos ); // Line up and down positions are calculated for each case scLineDown: begin ScrollPos := GetSmallDownScrollPosition; DoVerticalScroll( ScrollPos ); end; scLineUp: begin ScrollPos := GetSmallUpScrollPosition; DoVerticalScroll( ScrollPos ); end; scHorzPosition, scPageRight, scPageLeft, scHorzTrack, scColumnRight, scColumnLeft: begin DoHorizontalScroll( ScrollPos ); end; end; end; *) Procedure TRichTextView.DoVerticalScroll( NewY: longint ); begin FYScroll := 0 - NewY; if not Visible then begin FLastYScroll := FYScroll; exit; end; FLastYScroll := FYScroll; RePaint; SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.DoHorizontalScroll( NewX: longint ); begin FXScroll := NewX; if not Visible then begin FLastXScroll := FXScroll; exit; end; FLastXScroll := FXScroll; RePaint; SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetVerticalPosition( NewY: longint ); begin FVScrollbar.Position := NewY; FVScrollbar.RepaintSlider; DoVerticalScroll( FVScrollbar.Position ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetHorizontalPosition( NewX: longint ); begin FHScrollbar.Position := NewX; FHScrollbar.RepaintSlider; DoHorizontalScroll( FHScrollbar.Position ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.AddParagraph( Text: PChar ); begin if GetTextEnd > 0 then begin AddText( #13, True ); AddText( #10, True ); end; AddText( Text ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.AddSelectedParagraph( Text: PChar ); begin if GetTextEnd > 0 then begin AddText( #13, True); AddText( #10, True); end; SelectionStart := GetTextEnd; AddText( Text ); SelectionEnd := GetTextEnd; MakeCharVisible( SelectionStart ); end; // ADelay = True means that we hold off on redoing the Layout and Painting. Procedure TRichTextView.AddText( Text: PChar; ADelay: boolean ); begin AddAndResize( FText, Text); if not ADelay then begin Layout; RePaint; end; end; // Insert at current point Procedure TRichTextView.InsertText( CharIndexToInsertAt: longword; TextToInsert: PChar ); var NewText: PChar; begin NewText := StrAlloc( StrLen( FText ) + StrLen( TextToInsert ) + 1 ); StrLCopy( NewText, FText, CharIndexToInsertAt ); StrCat( NewText, TextToInsert ); StrCat( NewText, FText + CharIndexToInsertAt ); Clear; AddText( NewText ); StrDispose( NewText ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.Clear(const ADestroying: boolean = False); begin ClearSelection; FText[ 0 ] := #0; FTopCharIndex := 0; if not ADestroying then begin Layout; if FLayout.FNumLines > 1 then raise Exception.Create('FLayout.FNumLines should have been 0 but it was ' + IntToStr(FLayout.FNumLines)); RePaint; end; end; //procedure TRichTextView.SetBorder( BorderStyle: TBorderStyle ); //begin // FBorderStyle := BorderStyle; // Refresh; //end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetImages( AImages: TfpgImageList ); begin if AImages = FImages then exit; // no change { TODO -oGraeme : TfpgImageList is not a TComponent descendant. Maybe it should be? } //if FImages <> nil then // // Tell the old imagelist not to inform us any more // FImages.Notification( Self, opRemove ); FImages := AImages; //if FImages <> nil then // // request notification when other is freed // FImages.FreeNotification( Self ); if GetTextEnd = 0 then // no text - can't be any image references - no need to layout exit; Layout; RePaint; end; Procedure TRichTextView.OnRichTextSettingsChanged( Sender: TObject ); begin if not InDesigner then begin Layout; RePaint; end; end; Procedure TRichTextView.Notification( AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation ); begin inherited Notification( AComponent, Operation ); { TODO -oGraeme : TfpgImageList is not a TComponent descendant. Maybe it should be? } //if AComponent = FImages then // if Operation = opRemove then // FImages := nil; end; (* Procedure TRichTextView.MouseDown( Button: TMouseButton; ShiftState: TShiftState; X, Y: Longint ); var Line: longint; Offset: longint; Link: string; Position: TTextPosition; Shift: boolean; begin Focus; inherited MouseDown( Button, ShiftState, X, Y ); if Button <> mbLeft then begin if Button = mbRight then begin if MouseCapture then begin // this is a shortcut - left mouse drag to select, right mouse to copy CopySelectionToClipboard; end; end; exit; end; // if FText[ 0 ] = #0 then // exit; Position := FindPoint( X, Y, Line, Offset, Link ); FClickedLink := Link; if Position in [ tpAboveTextArea, tpBelowTextArea ] then // not on the control (this probably won't happen) exit; // if shift is pressed then keep the same selection start. Shift := ssShift in ShiftState; RemoveCursor; if not Shift then ClearSelection; SetCursorPosition( Offset, Line, Shift ); MouseCapture := true; end; *) (* Procedure TRichTextView.MouseUp( Button: TMouseButton; ShiftState: TShiftState; X, Y: Longint ); begin if Button = mbRight then if MouseCapture then // don't popup menu for shortcut - left mouse drag to select, right mouse to copy exit; inherited MouseUp( Button, ShiftState, X, Y ); if Button <> mbLeft then exit; if not MouseCapture then // not a mouse up from a link click exit; if FScrollTimer.Running then FScrollTimer.Stop; MouseCapture := false; SetupCursor; if FClickedLink <> '' then if Assigned( FOnClickLink ) then FOnClickLink( Self, FClickedLink ); end; *) (* Procedure TRichTextView.MouseDblClick( Button: TMouseButton; ShiftState: TShiftState; X, Y: Longint ); var Row: longint; Offset: longint; Link: string; Position: TTextPosition; P: PChar; pWordStart: PChar; WordLength: longint; begin inherited MouseDblClick( Button, ShiftState, X, Y ); if Button <> mbLeft then exit; // if FText[ 0 ] = #0 then // exit; Position := FindPoint( X, Y, Row, Offset, Link ); if Position in [ tpAboveTextArea, tpBelowTextArea ] then // not on the control (this probably won't happen) exit; Assert( Row >= 0 ); Assert( Row < FLayout.FNumLines ); P := FLayout.FLines[ Row ].Text + Offset; RemoveCursor; if not RichTextWordAt( FText, P, pWordStart, WordLength ) then begin // not in a word SetCursorPosition( Offset, Row, false ); SetupCursor; exit; end; SetSelectionStartInternal( FLayout.GetCharIndex( pWordStart ) ); SetSelectionEndInternal( FLayout.GetCharIndex( pWordStart ) + WordLength ); RefreshCursorPosition; SetupCursor; end; *) (* Procedure TRichTextView.MouseMove( ShiftState: TShiftState; X, Y: Longint ); var Line: longint; Offset: longint; Link: string; Position: TTextPosition; begin inherited MouseMove( ShiftState, X, Y ); Position := FindPoint( X, Y, Line, Offset, Link ); if not MouseCapture then begin if Link <> FLastLinkOver then begin if Link <> '' then begin if Assigned( FOnOverLink ) then FOnOverLink( Self, Link ) end else begin if Assigned( FOnNotOverLink ) then FOnNotOverLink( Self, FLastLinkOver ); end; FLastLinkOver := Link; end; if Link <> '' then Cursor := FLinkCursor else Cursor := crIBeam; exit; end; // We are holding mouse down and dragging to set a selection: if Position in [ tpAboveTextArea, tpBelowTextArea ] then begin // above top or below bottom of control FOldMousePoint := Point( X, Y ); if Position = tpAboveTextArea then FScrollingDirection := sdUp else FScrollingDirection := sdDown; if not FScrollTimer.Running then begin FScrollTimer.Start; OnScrollTimer( self ); end; exit; end; // Normal selection, cursor within text rect if FScrollTimer.Running then FScrollTimer.Stop; SetCursorPosition( Offset, Line, true ); if SelectionSet then begin FClickedLink := ''; // if they move while on a link we don't want to follow it. Cursor := crIBeam; end; end; *) procedure TRichTextView.OnScrollTimer( Sender: TObject ); var Line, Offset: longint; MousePoint: TPoint; TextRect: TRect; begin exit; //MousePoint := Screen.MousePos; //MousePoint := ScreenToClient( MousePoint ); //TextRect := GetTextAreaRect; // //if FScrollingDirection = sdDown then // // scrolling down // if FVScrollbar.Position = FVScrollbar.Max then // exit // else // begin // if ( TextRect.Bottom - MousePoint.Y ) < 20 then // DownLine // else // DownPage; // // GetBottomLine( Line, Offset ); // SetSelectionEndInternal( FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.Flines[ Line ].Text ) // + FLayout.FLines[ Line ].Length ); // end //else // // scrolling up // if FVScrollbar.Position = FVScrollbar.Min then // exit // else // begin // if ( MousePoint.Y - TextRect.Top ) < 20 then // UpLine // else // UpPage; // GetFirstVisibleLine( Line, Offset ); // SetSelectionEndInternal( FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.FLines[ Line ].Text ) ); // end; end; Procedure TRichTextView.UpLine; begin SetVerticalPosition( GetLineUpPosition ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.DownLine; begin SetVerticalPosition( GetLineDownPosition ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.UpPage; begin SetVerticalPosition( FVScrollbar.Position + FVScrollbar.PageSize ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.DownPage; begin SetVerticalPosition( FVScrollbar.Position - FVScrollbar.PageSize ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SmallScrollUp; begin SetVerticalPosition( GetSmallUpScrollPosition ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SmallScrollDown; begin SetVerticalPosition( GetSmallDownScrollPosition ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SmallScrollRight; begin SetHorizontalPosition( GetSmallRightScrollPosition ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SmallScrollLeft; begin SetHorizontalPosition( GetSmallLeftScrollPosition ); end; function TRichTextView.GetCursorIndex: longint; begin if FCursorRow = -1 then begin Result := -1; exit; end; Result := FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.FLines[FCursorRow].Text ) + FCursorOffset; end; procedure TRichTextView.RefreshCursorPosition; var Index: longint; Row: longint; begin if SelectionSet then begin Index := FSelectionEnd end else begin Index := FSelectionStart; end; if Index = -1 then begin FCursorRow := -1; FCursorOffset := 0; RemoveCursor; exit; end; Row := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( Index ); SetCursorPosition( Index - FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.FLines[Row].Text ), Row, true ); end; procedure TRichTextView.SetCursorIndex( Index: longint; PreserveSelection: boolean ); var Row: longint; begin Row := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( Index ); SetCursorPosition( Index - FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.FLines[Row].Text ), Row, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; procedure TRichTextView.SetCursorPosition( Offset: longint; Row: longint; PreserveSelection: boolean ); var Index: longint; begin RemoveCursor; FCursorOffset := Offset; FCursorRow := Row; Index := FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.FLines[Row].Text ) + Offset; //writeln(' SetCursorPosition: offset=', FCursorOffset, ' row=', FCursorRow, ' index=', Index); exit; { TODO: Complete this selection of text code - currently gives AV's } if PreserveSelection then begin SetSelectionEndInternal( Index ) end else begin SetSelectionEndInternal( -1 ); SetSelectionStartInternal( Index ); end; MakeRowAndColumnVisible( FCursorRow, Offset ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorRight( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Var P: PChar; NextP: PChar; Element: TTextElement; NewOffset: longint; Line: TLayoutLine; begin P := FText + CursorIndex; Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); P := NextP; while Element.ElementType = teStyle do begin Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); P := NextP; end; // if Element.ElementType = teTextEnd then // exit; // SetCursorIndex( GetCharIndex( P ), PreserveSelection ); Line := FLayout.FLines[CursorRow]; NewOffset := PCharDiff( P, Line.Text ); if NewOffset < Line.Length then begin SetCursorPosition( NewOffset, FCursorRow, PreserveSelection ) end else if ( NewOffset = Line.Length ) and not Line.Wrapped then begin SetCursorPosition( NewOffset, FCursorRow, PreserveSelection ) end else begin if FCursorRow >= FLayout.FNumLines - 1 then exit; SetCursorPosition( 0, FCursorRow + 1, PreserveSelection ); end; SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorLeft( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Var P: PChar; NextP: PChar; Element: TTextElement; Line: TLayoutLine; NewOffset: longint; begin P := FText + CursorIndex; Element := ExtractPreviousTextElement( FText, P, NextP ); P := NextP; while Element.ElementType = teStyle do begin Element := ExtractPreviousTextElement( FText, P, NextP ); P := NextP; end; // if Element.ElementType = teTextEnd then // exit; Line := FLayout.FLines[CursorRow]; NewOffset := PCharDiff( P, Line.Text ); if NewOffset >= 0 then begin SetCursorPosition( NewOffset, FCursorRow, PreserveSelection ) end else begin if FCursorRow <= 0 then exit; Line := FLayout.FLines[CursorRow-1]; if Line.Wrapped then SetCursorPosition( Line.Length - 1, FCursorRow - 1, PreserveSelection ) else SetCursorPosition( Line.Length, FCursorRow - 1, PreserveSelection ) end; SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorWordLeft( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Var P: PChar; begin P := FText + CursorIndex; P := RichTextWordLeft( FText, P ); SetCursorIndex( FLayout.GetCharIndex( P ), PreserveSelection ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorWordRight( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Var P: PChar; begin P := FText + CursorIndex; P := RichTextWordRight( P ); SetCursorIndex( FLayout.GetCharIndex( P ), PreserveSelection ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorToLineStart( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Var Line: TLayoutLine; begin Line := FLayout.FLines[FCursorRow]; SetCursorPosition( 0, FCursorRow, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorToLineEnd( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Var Line: TLayoutLine; begin Line := FLayout.FLines[FCursorRow]; SetCursorPosition( Line.Length, FCursorRow, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorDown( PreserveSelection: boolean ); var X: longint; Link: string; Offset: longint; begin if CursorRow >= FLayout.FNumLines - 1 then exit; FLayout.GetXFromOffset( FCursorOffset, FCursorRow, X ); FLayout.GetOffsetFromX( X, FCursorRow + 1, Offset, Link ); SetCursorPosition( Offset, FCursorRow + 1, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorUp( PreserveSelection: boolean ); var X: longint; Link: string; Offset: longint; begin if CursorRow <= 0 then exit; FLayout.GetXFromOffset( FCursorOffset, FCursorRow, X ); FLayout.GetOffsetFromX( X, FCursorRow - 1, Offset, Link ); SetCursorPosition( Offset, FCursorRow - 1, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorPageDown( PreserveSelection: boolean ); var X: longint; Link: string; Offset: longint; Distance: longint; NewRow: longint; begin NewRow := CursorRow; Distance := 0; while ( Distance < GetTextAreaHeight ) do begin if NewRow >= FLayout.FNumLines - 1 then break; Distance := Distance + FLayout.FLines[NewRow].Height; inc( NewRow ); end; FLayout.GetXFromOffset( FCursorOffset, FCursorRow, X ); FLayout.GetOffsetFromX( X, NewRow, Offset, Link ); SetCursorPosition( Offset, NewRow, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorPageUp( PreserveSelection: boolean ); var X: longint; Link: string; Offset: longint; Distance: longint; NewRow: longint; begin NewRow := CursorRow; Distance := 0; while ( Distance < GetTextAreaHeight ) do begin if NewRow <= 0 then break; dec( NewRow ); Distance := Distance + FLayout.FLines[NewRow].Height; end; FLayout.GetXFromOffset( FCursorOffset, FCursorRow, X ); FLayout.GetOffsetFromX( X, NewRow, Offset, Link ); SetCursorPosition( Offset, NewRow, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; Function TRichTextView.GetSelectionAsString: string; // returns up to 255 chars obviously var Buffer: array[ 0..255 ] of char; Length: longint; begin Length := CopySelectionToBuffer( Addr( Buffer ), 255 ); Result := StrNPas( Buffer, Length ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.CopySelectionToClipboard; var SelLength: Longint; Buffer: PChar; begin SelLength := SelectionLength; if SelectionLength = 0 then exit; Buffer := StrAlloc( SelLength + 1 ); CopySelectionToBuffer( Buffer, SelLength + 1 ); fpgClipboard.Text := Buffer; StrDispose( Buffer ); end; function TRichTextView.CopySelectionToBuffer( Buffer: PChar; BufferLength: longint ): longint; var P, EndP: PChar; begin Result := 0; if ( FSelectionStart = -1 ) or ( FSelectionEnd = -1 ) then exit; if FSelectionStart < FSelectionEnd then begin P := FText + FSelectionStart; EndP := FText + FSelectionEnd; end else begin P := FText + FSelectionEnd; EndP := FText + FSelectionStart; end; //Result := CopyPlainTextToBuffer( P, // EndP, // Buffer, // BufferLength ); end; function TRichTextView.CopyTextToBuffer( Buffer: PChar; BufferLength: longint ): longint; begin //Result := CopyPlainTextToBuffer( FText, // FText + strlen( FText ), // Buffer, // BufferLength ); end; Function TRichTextView.SelectionLength: longint; begin Result := 0; if ( FSelectionStart = -1 ) or ( FSelectionEnd = -1 ) then exit; Result := FSelectionEnd - FSelectionStart; if Result < 0 then Result := FSelectionStart - FSelectionEnd; end; Function TRichTextView.SelectionSet: boolean; begin Result := ( FSelectionStart <> -1 ) and ( FSelectionEnd <> - 1 ) and ( FSelectionStart <> FSelectionEnd ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SelectAll; begin ClearSelection; FSelectionStart := FLayout.GetCharIndex( FText ); FSelectionEnd := FLayout.GetTextEnd; Repaint; end; (* procedure TRichTextView.ScanEvent( Var KeyCode: TKeyCode; RepeatCount: Byte ); var CursorVisible: boolean; Shift: boolean; Key: TKeyCode; begin CursorVisible := FSelectionStart <> -1; Case KeyCode of kbTab: begin if HighlightNextLink then begin KeyCode := kbNull; exit; end; end; kbShiftTab: begin if HighlightPreviousLink then begin KeyCode := kbNull; exit; end; end; kbEnter: begin end; end; Shift := KeyCode and kb_Shift > 0 ; Key := KeyCode and ( not kb_Shift ); // Keys which work the same regardless of whether // cursor is present or not case Key of kbCtrlC, kbCtrlIns: CopySelectionToClipboard; kbCtrlA: SelectAll; kbAltCUp: SmallScrollUp; kbAltCDown: SmallScrollDown; kbAltCLeft: SmallScrollLeft; kbAltCRight: SmallScrollRight; end; // Keys which change behaviour if cursor is present if CursorVisible then begin case Key of kbCUp: CursorUp( Shift ); kbCDown: CursorDown( Shift ); // these next two are not exactly orthogonal or required, // but better match other text editors. kbCtrlCUp: if Shift then CursorUp( Shift ) else SmallScrollUp; kbCtrlCDown: if Shift then CursorDown( Shift ) else SmallScrollDown; kbCRight: CursorRight( Shift ); kbCLeft: CursorLeft( Shift ); kbCtrlCLeft: CursorWordLeft( Shift ); kbCtrlCRight: CursorWordRight( Shift ); kbCtrlHome, kbCtrlPageUp: SetCursorIndex( 0, Shift ); kbCtrlEnd, kbCtrlPageDown: SetCursorIndex( GetTextEnd, Shift ); kbPageUp: CursorPageUp( Shift ); kbPageDown: CursorPageDown( Shift ); kbHome: CursorToLineStart( Shift ); kbEnd: CursorToLineEnd( Shift ); end end else // no cursor visible begin case Key of kbCUp, kbCtrlCUp: SmallScrollUp; kbCDown, kbCtrlCDown: SmallScrollDown; kbCLeft, kbCtrlCLeft: SmallScrollLeft; kbCRight, kbCtrlCRight: SmallScrollRight; kbPageUp: UpPage; kbPageDown: DownPage; kbHome, kbCtrlHome, kbCtrlPageUp: GotoTop; kbEnd, kbCtrlEnd, kbCtrlPageDown: GotoBottom; end; end; inherited ScanEvent( KeyCode, RepeatCount ); end; *) function TRichTextView.HighlightNextLink: boolean; Var P: PChar; NextP: PChar; T: TTextElement; StartP: PChar; begin if CursorIndex = -1 then P := FText // no cursor yet else P := FText + CursorIndex; result := false; // if we're sitting on a begin-link, skip it... T := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); if T.ElementType = teStyle then if T.Tag.TagType = ttBeginLink then P := NextP; while true do begin T := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); if T.ElementType = teTextEnd then // no link found exit; if T.ElementType = teStyle then if T.Tag.TagType = ttBeginLink then break; p := NextP; end; StartP := P; p := NextP; // skip begin link while true do begin T := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); if T.ElementType = teTextEnd then break; // no explicit link end... if T.ElementType = teStyle then if T.Tag.TagType = ttEndLink then break; p := NextP; end; SetSelectionStart( FLayout.GetCharIndex( StartP ) ); SetSelectionEnd( FLayout.GetCharIndex( NextP ) ); result := true; end; function TRichTextView.HighlightPreviousLink: boolean; Var P: PChar; PreviousP: PChar; T: TTextElement; EndP: PChar; begin result := false; if CursorIndex = -1 then exit; // no cursor yet P := FText + CursorIndex; // if we're sitting on an end-of-link, skip it... T := ExtractPreviousTextElement( FText, P, PreviousP ); if T.ElementType = teStyle then if T.Tag.TagType = ttEndLink then P := PreviousP; while true do begin T := ExtractPreviousTextElement( FText, P, PreviousP ); if T.ElementType = teTextEnd then // no link found exit; if T.ElementType = teStyle then if T.Tag.TagType = ttEndLink then break; p := PreviousP; end; EndP := P; p := PreviousP; // skip end link while true do begin T := ExtractPreviousTextElement( FText, P, PreviousP ); if T.ElementType = teTextEnd then break; // no explicit link end... if T.ElementType = teStyle then if T.Tag.TagType = ttBeginLink then break; p := PreviousP; end; SetSelectionStart( FLayout.GetCharIndex( EndP ) ); SetSelectionEnd( FLayout.GetCharIndex( PreviousP ) ); result := true; end; procedure TRichTextView.GoToTop; begin SetVerticalPosition( 0 ); end; procedure TRichTextView.GotoBottom; begin SetVerticalPosition( FVScrollBar.Max ); end; Function TRichTextView.GetTopCharIndex: longint; var LineIndex: longint; Y: longint; begin if not FVerticalPositionInitialised then begin Result := FTopCharIndex; exit; end; GetFirstVisibleLine( LineIndex, Y ); if LineIndex >= 0 then Result := FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.FLines[LineIndex].Text ) else Result := 0; end; Function TRichTextView.GetTopCharIndexPosition( NewValue: longint ): longint; var Line: longint; lHeight: longint; begin if NewValue > GetTextEnd then begin Result := FVScrollBar.Max; exit; end; Line := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( NewValue ); if Line = 0 then begin Result := 0; // include top margin exit; end; if Line < 0 then begin Result := FVScrollBar.Position; exit; end; lHeight := FLayout.GetLinePosition( Line ); Result := lHeight; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetTopCharIndex( NewValue: longint ); var NewPosition: longint; begin if not FVerticalPositionInitialised then begin if ( NewValue >= 0 ) and ( NewValue < GetTextEnd ) then begin FTopCharIndex := NewValue; end; exit; end; NewPosition := GetTopCharIndexPosition( NewValue ); SetVerticalPosition( NewPosition ); end; procedure TRichTextView.MakeCharVisible( CharIndex: longint ); var Line: longint; begin Line := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( CharIndex ); MakeRowAndColumnVisible( Line, FLayout.GetOffsetFromCharIndex( CharIndex, Line ) ); end; procedure TRichTextView.MakeRowVisible( Row: longint ); var TopLine: longint; BottomLine: longint; Offset: longint; NewPosition: longint; begin GetFirstVisibleLine( TopLine, Offset ); GetBottomLine( BottomLine, Offset ); if ( Row > TopLine ) and ( Row < BottomLine ) then // already visible exit; if ( Row = BottomLine ) and ( Offset >= FLayout.FLines[BottomLine].Height - 1 ) then // bottom row already entirely visible exit; if Row <= TopLine then begin // need to scroll up, desird row above top line if Row = 0 then NewPosition := 0 // include margins else NewPosition := FLayout.GetLinePosition( Row ); if NewPosition > FVScrollbar.Position then // no need to scroll exit; SetVerticalPosition( NewPosition ); end else begin //writeln('need to scroll down, desired row below bottom line'); //writeln('BottomLine = ', BottomLine, ' Row = ', Row); //writeln('new pos = ', FLayout.GetLinePosition( Row ) // + FLayout.FLines^[ Row ].Height // - GetTextAreaHeight); // need to scroll down, desired row below bottom line if ( BottomLine <> -1 ) and ( Row >= BottomLine ) then SetVerticalPosition( FLayout.GetLinePosition( Row ) + FLayout.FLines[Row].Height - GetTextAreaHeight ); end; end; procedure TRichTextView.MakeRowAndColumnVisible(Row: longint; Column: longint); var X: Longint; begin MakeRowVisible( Row ); FLayout.GetXFromOffset( Column, Row, X ); if X > (FXScroll + GetTextAreaWidth) then // off the right SetHorizontalPosition( X - GetTextAreaWidth + 5 ) else if X < FXScroll then // off to left SetHorizontalPosition( X ); end; function TRichTextView.LinkFromIndex( const CharIndexToFind: longint): string; begin Result := FLayout.LinkFromIndex( CharIndexToFind ); end; function TRichTextView.FindString( Origin: TFindOrigin; const AText: string; var MatchIndex: longint; var MatchLength: longint ): boolean; var P: PChar; pMatch: pchar; begin if ( Origin = foFromCurrent ) and ( FSelectionStart <> -1 ) then begin // start at current cursor position P := FText + GetCursorIndex; end else begin P := FText; end; Result := RichTextFindString( P, AText, pMatch, MatchLength ); if Result then // found MatchIndex := FLayout.GetCharIndex( pMatch ) else MatchIndex := -1; end; function TRichTextView.Find( Origin: TFindOrigin; const AText: string ): boolean; var MatchIndex: longint; MatchLength: longint; begin Result := FindString( Origin, AText, MatchIndex, MatchLength ); if Result then begin MakeCharVisible( MatchIndex ); FSelectionStart := MatchIndex; SelectionEnd := MatchIndex + MatchLength; end; end; function TRichTextView.GetClientRect: TfpgRect; begin // Standard border of 2px on all sides Result.SetRect(0, 0, Width, Height); InflateRect(Result, -2, -2); end; end.