Unit RichTextView; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} Interface Uses Classes, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_widget, fpg_scrollbar, fpg_menu, fpg_imagelist, RichTextStyleUnit, RichTextLayoutUnit, CanvasFontManager; { Remaining keyboard support - cursor down to go to end of line (this is tricky) I don't understand what I mean here! - If scrolllock is on, then scroll the screen, not move cursor. Really? So few things obey it... } const // for dragtext support, primarily. RT_QUERYTEXT = FPGM_USER + 500; // Param1: pointer to buffer (may be nil) // Param2: buffer size (-1 to ignore) // Returns: number of bytes copied RT_QUERYSELTEXT = FPGM_USER + 501; // Param1: pointer to buffer (may be nil) // Param2: buffer size (-1 to ignore) // Returns: number of bytes copied Type TFindOrigin = ( foFromStart, foFromCurrent ); TScrollingDirection = ( sdUp, sdDown ); Type TRichTextView = class; // reimplement class TLinkEvent = procedure( Sender: TRichTextView; Link: string ) of object; TRichTextView = class(TfpgWidget) private FPopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu; FScrollDistance: integer; procedure FVScrollbarScroll(Sender: TObject; position: integer); procedure FHScrollbarScroll(Sender: TObject; position: integer); procedure ShowDefaultPopupMenu(const x, y: integer; const shiftstate: TShiftState); virtual; Procedure CreateDefaultMenu; Procedure SelectAllMIClick( Sender: TObject ); Procedure CopyMIClick( Sender: TObject ); Procedure RefreshMIClick( Sender: TObject ); Procedure WordWrapMIClick( Sender: TObject ); Procedure SmoothScrollMIClick( Sender: TObject ); Procedure DebugMIClick( Sender: TObject ); Procedure DefaultMenuPopup( Sender: TObject ); procedure SetScrollDistance(const AValue: integer); protected FFontManager: TCanvasFontManager; FRichTextSettings: TRichTextSettings; // Properties // FBorderStyle:TfpgBorderStyle; FScrollbarWidth: longint; FSmoothScroll: boolean; FUseDefaultMenu: boolean; FDebug: boolean; FOnOverLink: TLinkEvent; FOnNotOverLink: TLinkEvent; FOnClickLink: TLinkEvent; FDefaultMenu: TfpgPopupMenu; FSelectAllMI: TfpgMenuItem; FCopyMI: TfpgMenuItem; FRefreshMI: TfpgMenuItem; FWordWrapMI: TfpgMenuItem; FSmoothScrollMI: TfpgMenuItem; FDebugMI: TfpgMenuItem; // Internal layout data FNeedVScroll, FNeedHScroll: boolean; FLayoutRequired: boolean; FLayout: TRichTextLayout; // Child controls FHScrollbar: TfpgScrollbar; FVScrollbar: TfpgScrollbar; // Text FText: PChar; FTopCharIndex: longint; // only applies until following flag set. FVerticalPositionInitialised: boolean; FCursorRow: longint; FCursorOffset: longint; FSelectionStart: longint; FSelectionEnd: longint; FImages: TfpgImageList; // Selection scrolling //FScrollTimer: TfpgTimer; FOldMousePoint: TPoint; FScrollingDirection: TScrollingDirection; // Scroll information // we use these rather than the scrollbar positions direct, // since those are not updated during tracking FXScroll: longint; FYScroll: longint; FLastXScroll: longint; FLastYScroll: longint; // Link FLastLinkOver: string; FClickedLink: string; procedure DoAllocateWindowHandle(AParent: TfpgWindowBase); override; Procedure CreateWnd; procedure HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight: TfpgCoord); override; procedure UpdateScrollBarCoords; procedure HandlePaint; override; procedure HandleHide; override; procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override; procedure HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override; procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override; //procedure ScanEvent( Var KeyCode: TKeyCode; // RepeatCount: Byte ); override; //Procedure MouseDown( Button: TMouseButton; // ShiftState: TShiftState; // X, Y: Longint ); override; //Procedure MouseUp( Button: TMouseButton; // ShiftState: TShiftState; // X, Y: Longint ); override; //Procedure MouseDblClick( Button: TMouseButton; // ShiftState: TShiftState; // X, Y: Longint ); override; //Procedure MouseMove( ShiftState: TShiftState; // X, Y: Longint ); override; //Procedure Scroll( Sender: TScrollbar; // ScrollCode: TScrollCode; // Var ScrollPos: Longint ); override; //Procedure KillFocus; override; //Procedure SetFocus; override; // Messages for DragText Procedure RTQueryText( Var Msg: TfpgMessageRec ); message RT_QUERYTEXT; Procedure RTQuerySelText( Var Msg: TfpgMessageRec ); message RT_QUERYSELTEXT; procedure Layout; function FindPoint( XToFind: longint; YToFind: longint; Var LineIndex: longint; Var Offset: longint; Var Link: string ): TTextPosition; // Scroll functions // Scroll display to given positions (does NOT // update scrollbars as this may be called during // scrolling) Procedure DoVerticalScroll( NewY: longint ); Procedure DoHorizontalScroll( NewX: longint ); // Set scrollbar position, and update display Procedure SetVerticalPosition( NewY: longint ); Procedure SetHorizontalPosition( NewX: longint ); procedure OnScrollTimer( Sender: TObject ); Function GetLineDownPosition: longint; Function GetLineUpPosition: longint; Function GetSmallDownScrollPosition: longint; Function GetSmallUpScrollPosition: longint; Function GetSmallRightScrollPosition: longint; Function GetSmallLeftScrollPosition: longint; // Calculates line down position given the last line and displayed pixels Function GetLineDownPositionFrom( LastLine: longint; PixelsDisplayed: longint ): longint; Function GetLineUpPositionFrom( FirstVisibleLine: longint; Offset: longint ): longint; // Drawing functions Procedure DrawBorder; Procedure Draw( StartLine, EndLine: longint ); // Rectangle (GetClientRect) minus scrollbars (if they are enabled) Function GetDrawRect: TfpgRect; // Rectangle minus scrollbars (GetDrawRect), minus extra 2px border all round function GetTextAreaRect: TfpgRect; function GetTextAreaHeight: longint; function GetTextAreaWidth: longint; // Queries procedure GetFirstVisibleLine( Var LineIndex: longint; Var Offset: longint ); procedure GetBottomLine( Var LineIndex: longint; Var PixelsDisplayed: longint ); // Layout functions Procedure SetupScrollbars; Procedure SetupCursor; procedure RemoveCursor; function GetTextEnd: longint; // property handlers // procedure SetBorder( BorderStyle: TBorderStyle ); Procedure SetDebug( Debug: boolean ); Procedure SetScrollBarWidth( NewValue: longint ); Procedure OnRichTextSettingsChanged( Sender: TObject ); function GetCursorIndex: longint; Function GetTopCharIndex: longint; Procedure SetTopCharIndex( NewValue: longint ); Function GetTopCharIndexPosition( NewValue: longint ): longint; // Update the cursor row/column for the selction start/end procedure RefreshCursorPosition; procedure SetCursorIndex( Index: longint; PreserveSelection: boolean ); procedure SetCursorPosition( Offset: longint; Row: longint; PreserveSelection: boolean ); procedure MakeRowVisible( Row: longint ); procedure MakeRowAndColumnVisible(Row: longint; Column: longint); // These two methods set selection start and end, // and redraw the screen, but do not set up cursor. Procedure SetSelectionStartInternal( SelectionStart: longint ); Procedure SetSelectionEndInternal( SelectionEnd: longint ); // Property handlers. These are for programmatic access // where a complete setup of selection is needed Procedure SetSelectionStart( SelectionStart: longint ); Procedure SetSelectionEnd( SelectionEnd: longint ); Procedure SetImages( AImages: TfpgImageList ); Procedure Notification( AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation ); override; Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; Override; // rect (of component) minus frame borders - normally 2 pixels all round function GetClientRect: TfpgRect; override; procedure AddText( Text: PChar; ADelay: boolean = False ); procedure AddParagraph( Text: PChar ); procedure AddSelectedParagraph( Text: PChar ); procedure Clear(const ADestroying: boolean = False); procedure InsertText( CharIndexToInsertAt: longword; TextToInsert: PChar ); property Text: PChar read FText; property TextEnd: longint read GetTextEnd; property SelectionStart: longint read FSelectionStart write SetSelectionStart; property SelectionEnd: longint read FSelectionEnd write SetSelectionEnd; property CursorIndex: longint read GetCursorIndex; // Copy all text to buffer // Buffer can be nil to simply get size. // If BufferLength is negative, it is ignored Function CopyTextToBuffer( Buffer: PChar; BufferLength: longint ): longint; // Clipboard Procedure CopySelectionToClipboard; // returns number of chars (that would be) copied. // Buffer can be nil to simply get size. // If BufferLength is negative, it is ignored Function CopySelectionToBuffer( Buffer: PChar; BufferLength: longint ): longint; Function GetSelectionAsString: string; // returns up to 255 chars obviously // Selection queries Function SelectionLength: longint; // Note: includes formatting Function SelectionSet: boolean; // returns true if there is a selection // Selection actions Procedure ClearSelection; Procedure SelectAll; property CursorRow: longint read FCursorRow; // Navigation procedure GoToTop; procedure GotoBottom; Procedure UpLine; Procedure DownLine; Procedure UpPage; Procedure DownPage; Procedure SmallScrollUp; Procedure SmallScrollDown; Procedure SmallScrollLeft; Procedure SmallScrollRight; Procedure MakeCharVisible( CharIndex: longint ); Property TopCharIndex: longint read GetTopCharIndex write SetTopCharIndex; Procedure CursorLeft( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorRight( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorDown( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorUp( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorPageDown( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorPageUp( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorToLineStart( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorToLineEnd( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorWordLeft( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Procedure CursorWordRight( PreserveSelection: boolean ); function HighlightNextLink: boolean; function HighlightPreviousLink: boolean; // Search for the given text // if found, returns true, MatchIndex is set to the first match, // and MatchLength returns the length of the match // (which may be greater than the length of Text due to // to skipping tags) // if not found, returns false, pMatch is set to -1 function FindString( Origin: TFindOrigin; const AText: string; var MatchIndex: longint; var MatchLength: longint ): boolean; // Searches for text and selects it found // returns true if found, false if not function Find( Origin: TFindOrigin; const AText: string ): boolean; function LinkFromIndex( const CharIndexToFind: longint): string; Published property Align; property BackgroundColor default clBoxColor; //property ParentColor; //property ParentFont; //property ParentPenColor; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu read FPopupMenu write FPopupMenu; property ShowHint; Property TabOrder; Property Focusable; property Visible; property RichTextSettings: TRichTextSettings read FRichTextSettings; property ScrollBarWidth: longint read FScrollBarWidth write SetScrollBarWidth default 15; property SmoothScroll: boolean read FSmoothScroll write FSmoothScroll; property ScrollDistance: integer read FScrollDistance write SetScrollDistance default 75; property UseDefaultMenu: boolean read FUseDefaultMenu write FUseDefaultMenu default True; property Debug: boolean read FDebug write SetDebug default False; property Images: TfpgImageList read FImages write SetImages; // ------- EVENTS ---------- // Called with the name of the link when the mouse first moves over it property OnOverLink: TLinkEvent read FOnOverLink write FOnOverLink; // Called with the name of the link when the mouse leaves it property OnNotOverLink: TLinkEvent read FOnNotOverLink write FOnNotOverLink; // Called when the link is clicked. property OnClickLink: TLinkEvent read FOnClickLink write FOnClickLink; Property OnClick; Property OnDoubleClick; //property OnDragOver; //property OnDragDrop; //property OnEndDrag; Property OnEnter; Property OnExit; //Property OnFontChange; //Property OnMouseClick; //Property OnMouseDblClick; //Property OnSetupShow; //Property OnScan; End; implementation uses SysUtils ,ACLStringUtility ,nvUtilities ,RichTextDocumentUnit ,RichTextDisplayUnit ,fpg_stringutils ,SettingsUnit // TODO: We shouldn't have this dependency!! ; Procedure TRichTextView.SetSelectionStart( SelectionStart: longint ); begin RemoveCursor; SetSelectionStartInternal( SelectionStart ); RefreshCursorPosition; SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetSelectionEnd( SelectionEnd: longint ); begin RemoveCursor; SetSelectionEndInternal( SelectionEnd ); RefreshCursorPosition; SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetSelectionStartInternal( SelectionStart: longint ); begin if SelectionStart = FSelectionStart then exit; if SelectionSet then if SelectionStart = -1 then // small side effect here - also sets selectionend to -1 ClearSelection; FSelectionStart := SelectionStart; if FSelectionEnd = -1 then // still no selection exit; RePaint; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetSelectionEndInternal( SelectionEnd: longint ); var StartRedrawLine: longint; EndRedrawLine: longint; OldClip: TfpgRect; begin if SelectionEnd = FSelectionEnd then exit; if FSelectionStart = -1 then begin FSelectionEnd := SelectionEnd; // still not a valid selection, no need to redraw exit; end; if SelectionEnd = FSelectionStart then SelectionEnd := -1; if ( FSelectionEnd = -1 ) then begin // there is currently no selection, // and we are setting one: need to draw it all StartRedrawLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( FSelectionStart ); EndRedrawLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( SelectionEnd ); end else begin // there is already a selection if SelectionEnd = -1 then begin // and we're clearing it StartRedrawLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( FSelectionStart ); EndRedrawLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( FSelectionEnd ); end else begin // and we're setting a new one, so draw from the old end to the new StartRedrawLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( FSelectionEnd ); EndRedrawLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( SelectionEnd ); end; end; FSelectionEnd := SelectionEnd; OldClip := Canvas.GetClipRect; Canvas.SetClipRect(GetTextAreaRect); // (re)draw selection { TODO -ograeme : Draw must not be called here } // Draw( StartRedrawLine, EndRedrawLine ); Canvas.SetClipRect(OldClip); end; Procedure TRichTextView.ClearSelection; var OldClip: TfpgRect; StartLine: longint; EndLine: longint; begin if SelectionSet then begin OldClip := Canvas.GetClipRect; Canvas.SetClipRect(GetTextAreaRect); StartLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( FSelectionStart ); EndLine := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( FSelectionEnd ); FSelectionEnd := -1; FSelectionStart := -1; Canvas.SetClipRect(OldClip); end; FSelectionEnd := -1; FSelectionStart := -1; Repaint; end; Function TRichTextView.GetTextEnd: longint; begin Result := StrLen( FText ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.CreateDefaultMenu; begin FDefaultMenu := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(nil); FDefaultMenu.OnShow := @DefaultMenuPopup; FSelectAllMI := FDefaultMenu.AddMenuItem('Select &All', '', @SelectAllMIClick); FSelectAllMI.Enabled := False; // TODO: implement me FCopyMI := FDefaultMenu.AddMenuItem('&Copy', '', @CopyMIClick); FCopyMI.Enabled := False; // TODO: implement me FDefaultMenu.AddMenuItem('-', '', nil); FRefreshMI := FDefaultMenu.AddMenuItem('&Refresh', '', @RefreshMIClick); FDefaultMenu.AddMenuItem('-', '', nil); FSmoothScrollMI := FDefaultMenu.AddMenuItem('&Smooth Scrolling', '', @SmoothScrollMIClick); FWordWrapMI := FDefaultMenu.AddMenuItem('&Word Wrap', '', @WordWrapMIClick); FDebugMI := FDefaultMenu.AddMenuItem('&Debug', '', @DebugMIClick); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SelectAllMIClick( Sender: TObject ); begin SelectAll; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CopyMIClick( Sender: TObject ); begin CopySelectionToClipBoard; end; Procedure TRichTextView.RefreshMIClick( Sender: TObject ); begin RePaint; end; Procedure TRichTextView.WordWrapMIClick( Sender: TObject ); begin FRichTextSettings.DefaultWrap := not FRichTextSettings.DefaultWrap; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SmoothScrollMIClick( Sender: TObject ); begin SmoothScroll := not SmoothScroll; end; Procedure TRichTextView.DebugMIClick( Sender: TObject ); begin Debug := not Debug; // writeln('VScrollbar.Position=', FVScrollbar.Position, ' min/max=', FVScrollbar.Min, '/', FVScrollbar.Max); // writeln('FNeedHScroll=', FNeedHScroll, ' FNeedVScroll=', FNeedVScroll); RePaint; end; Procedure TRichTextView.DefaultMenuPopup( Sender: TObject ); begin FWordWrapMI.Checked := FRichTextSettings.DefaultWrap; FSmoothScrollMI.Checked := SmoothScroll; FDebugMI.Checked := Debug; end; procedure TRichTextView.SetScrollDistance(const AValue: integer); begin if FScrollDistance = AValue then exit; FScrollDistance := AValue; if Assigned(FVScrollBar) then FVScrollBar.ScrollStep := FScrollDistance; if Assigned(FHScrollBar) then FHScrollBar.ScrollStep := FScrollDistance; end; constructor TRichTextView.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Name := 'RichTextView'; FWidth := 150; FHeight := 70; FFocusable := True; FNeedVScroll := False; FNeedHScroll := False; FSmoothScroll := True; FScrollbarWidth := 15; FUseDefaultMenu := True; FDebug := False; FLayoutRequired := True; FTextColor := Parent.TextColor; FBackgroundColor := clBoxColor; FRichTextSettings := TRichTextSettings.Create( self ); FRichTextSettings.Margins := Rect( 5, 5, 5, 5 ); FRichTextSettings.OnChange := @OnRichTextSettingsChanged; FImages := nil; if not InDesigner then begin FFontManager := nil; FText := StrAlloc( 100 ); FText[ 0 ] := #0; FTopCharIndex := 0; FVerticalPositionInitialised := false; end; end; procedure TRichTextView.HandlePaint; Var CornerRect: TfpgRect; TextRect: TfpgRect; DrawRect: TfpgRect; x: integer; // Just for fun! :-) procedure DesignerPainting(const AText: string; AColor: TfpgColor; AFontDesc: TfpgString = ''); var oldf: TfpgString; begin oldf := ''; if AFontDesc <> '' then begin oldf := Canvas.Font.FontDesc; // save original font Canvas.Font := fpgGetFont(AFontDesc); // set new font end; Canvas.TextColor := AColor; // set new color Canvas.DrawString(x, 10, AText); x := x + Canvas.Font.TextWidth(AText); // calc x offset for next text if oldf <> '' then Canvas.Font := fpgGetFont(oldf); // restore original font end; begin ProfileEvent('TRichTextView.HandlePaint >>>'); Canvas.ClearClipRect; DrawBorder; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.HandlePaint 1'); DrawRect := GetDrawRect; Canvas.Color := BackgroundColor; Canvas.FillRectangle(DrawRect); ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.HandlePaint 2'); TextRect := GetTextAreaRect; Canvas.SetClipRect(TextRect); ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.HandlePaint 3'); if InDesigner then begin Canvas.TextColor := clInactiveWgFrame; x := 10; DesignerPainting('<', clInactiveWgFrame); DesignerPainting('rich', clBlack, 'Sans-10:bold'); DesignerPainting(' text', clRed, 'Sans-10:italic'); DesignerPainting(' ', clInactiveWgFrame); DesignerPainting('will', clBlue, 'Sans-10:underline'); DesignerPainting(' appear here>', clInactiveWgFrame); // Canvas.DrawString(10, 10, ''); Canvas.ClearClipRect; Exit; //==> end; if Length(FText) = 0 then exit; // no need to paint anything further. ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.HandlePaint 4'); Assert(FLayout <> nil, 'FLayout may not be nil at this point!'); if not Debug then Draw( 0, FLayout.FNumLines ) else Canvas.DrawText(8, 8, GetTextAreaWidth, GetTextAreaHeight{1000}, FText, [txtLeft, txtTop, txtWrap]); ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.HandlePaint 5'); Canvas.ClearClipRect; if FHScrollbar.Visible and FVScrollbar.Visible then begin // blank out corner between scrollbars CornerRect.Left := Width - 2 - FScrollBarWidth; CornerRect.Top := Height - 2 - FScrollBarWidth; CornerRect.Width := FScrollBarWidth; CornerRect.Height := FScrollBarWidth; Canvas.Color := clButtonFace; Canvas.FillRectangle(CornerRect); end; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.HandlePaint <<<'); end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleHide; begin // fpgCaret.UnSetCaret (Canvas); inherited HandleHide; end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); begin ProfileEvent('HandleKeyPress'); case keycode of keyPageDown: begin consumed := True; UpPage; end; keyPageUp: begin consumed := True; DownPage; end; end; inherited HandleKeyPress(keycode, shiftstate, consumed); end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleRMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); if Assigned(PopupMenu) then PopupMenu.ShowAt(self, x, y) else ShowDefaultPopupMenu(x, y, ShiftState); end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); begin inherited HandleMouseScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta); if delta < 0 then // scroll up SetVerticalPosition(FVScrollbar.Position - FVScrollbar.ScrollStep) else // scroll down SetVerticalPosition(FVScrollbar.Position + FVScrollbar.ScrollStep); end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); var Line: longint; Offset: longint; Link: TfpgString; Position: TTextPosition; Shift: boolean; begin inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate); Offset := 0; Position := FindPoint( X, Y, Line, Offset, Link ); FClickedLink := Link; //writeln(' link=', Link, ' line=', Line, ' offset=', offset); if Position in [tpAboveTextArea, tpBelowTextArea] then // not on the control (this probably won't happen) exit; // if shift is pressed then keep the same selection start. Shift := ssShift in ShiftState; RemoveCursor; if not Shift then ClearSelection; SetCursorPosition(Offset, Line, Shift); end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); begin inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate); if FClickedLink <> '' then if Assigned( FOnClickLink ) then FOnClickLink( Self, FClickedLink ); FClickedLink := ''; // reset link end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); var Line: longint; Offset: longint; Link: TfpgString; Position: TTextPosition; begin inherited HandleMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate); Position := FindPoint(X, Y, Line, Offset, Link); if Link <> FLastLinkOver then begin if Link <> '' then begin if Assigned(FOnOverLink) then FOnOverLink(Self, Link) end else begin if Assigned(FOnNotOverLink) then FOnNotOverLink(Self, FLastLinkOver); end; FLastLinkOver := Link; end; if Link <> '' then MouseCursor := mcHand else MouseCursor := mcDefault; // TODO: later this should be IBeam when RichView supports editing end; Destructor TRichTextView.Destroy; Begin FDefaultMenu.Free; // destroy the font manager NOW // while the canvas is still valid // (it will be freed in TControl.DisposeWnd) // in order to release logical fonts if FFontManager <> nil then FFontManager.Free; if Assigned(FLayout) then FreeAndNil(FLayout); //FScrollTimer.Free; if not InDesigner then begin RemoveCursor; StrDispose( FText ); end; Inherited Destroy; End; //Procedure TRichTextView.KillFocus; //begin // RemoveCursor; // inherited KillFocus; //end; //Procedure TRichTextView.SetFocus; //begin // inherited SetFocus; // SetupCursor; //end; // Custom window messages for DragText support Procedure TRichTextView.RTQueryText( Var Msg: TfpgMessageRec ); begin //Msg.Handled := true; //Msg.Result := // CopyPlainTextToBuffer( FText, // FText + strlen( FText ), // PChar( Msg.Param1 ), // Msg.Param2 ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.RTQuerySelText( Var Msg: TfpgMessageRec ); begin //Msg.Handled := true; //Msg.Result := // CopySelectionToBuffer( PChar( Msg.Param1 ), // Msg.Param2 ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetDebug( Debug: boolean ); begin if Debug = FDebug then exit; FDebug := Debug; RePaint; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetScrollBarWidth( NewValue: longint ); begin if ( NewValue < 0 ) or ( NewValue = FScrollBarWidth ) then exit; FScrollBarWidth := NewValue; Layout; RePaint; end; procedure TRichTextView.FVScrollbarScroll(Sender: TObject; position: integer); begin SetVerticalPosition(position); end; procedure TRichTextView.FHScrollbarScroll(Sender: TObject; position: integer); begin SetHorizontalPosition(position); end; procedure TRichTextView.ShowDefaultPopupMenu(const x, y: integer; const shiftstate: TShiftState); begin if not Assigned(FDefaultMenu) then CreateDefaultMenu; FDefaultMenu.ShowAt(x, y); end; procedure TRichTextView.DoAllocateWindowHandle(AParent: TfpgWindowBase); begin inherited DoAllocateWindowHandle(AParent); CreateWnd; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CreateWnd; begin ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.CreateWnd >>>>'); if InDesigner then exit; { TODO -ograeme : I disabled bitmap fonts } FFontManager := TCanvasFontManager.Create( Canvas, False, // allow bitmap fonts Self ); FLastLinkOver := ''; FSelectionStart := -1; FSelectionEnd := -1; if FUseDefaultMenu then begin CreateDefaultMenu; FPopupMenu := FDefaultMenu; end; FHScrollbar := TfpgScrollBar.Create( self ); FHScrollbar.Visible := False; FHScrollbar.Orientation := orHorizontal; FHScrollBar.SetPosition(2, Height-2-FScrollbarWidth, Width-4-FScrollbarWidth, FScrollbarWidth); FVScrollbar := TfpgScrollBar.Create( self ); FVScrollBar.Visible := False; FVScrollBar.Orientation := orVertical; FVScrollbar.SetPosition(Width-2-FScrollbarWidth, 2, FScrollbarWidth, Height-4-FScrollbarWidth); // FScrollTimer := TfpgTimer.Create( 100 ); // FScrollTimer.OnTimer := @OnScrollTimer; // FLinkCursor := GetLinkCursor; if FLayoutRequired then // we haven't yet done a layout Layout; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.CreateWnd <<<<'); end; procedure TRichTextView.HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight: TfpgCoord); begin inherited HandleResize(AWidth, AHeight); if InDesigner then exit; if WinHandle = 0 then exit; RemoveCursor; UpdateScrollbarCoords; if FVerticalPositionInitialised then begin // Preserve current position if FLayout.FNumLines > 0 then FTopCharIndex := GetTopCharIndex else FTopCharIndex := 0; end; Layout; // This is the point at which vertical position // is initialised during first window show FVScrollBar.Position := GetTopCharIndexPosition( FTopCharIndex ); FYScroll := FVScrollBar.Position; FLastYScroll := FYScroll; FVerticalPositionInitialised := true; SetupCursor; end; procedure TRichTextView.UpdateScrollBarCoords; var HWidth: integer; VHeight: integer; begin VHeight := Height - 4; HWidth := Width - 4; if FVScrollBar.Visible then Dec(HWidth, FScrollbarWidth); if FHScrollBar.Visible then Dec(VHeight, FScrollbarWidth); FHScrollBar.Top := Height -FHScrollBar.Height - 2; FHScrollBar.Left := 2; FHScrollBar.Width := HWidth; FVScrollBar.Top := 2; FVScrollBar.Left := Width - FVScrollBar.Width - 2; FVScrollBar.Height := VHeight; FVScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; FHScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition; end; // Main procedure: reads through the whole text currently stored // and breaks up into lines - each represented as a TLayoutLine in // the array FLines[ 0.. FNumLines ] Procedure TRichTextView.Layout; Var DrawWidth: longint; begin ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout >>>>'); FLayoutRequired := true; if InDesigner then exit; if WinHandle = 0 then exit; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout 1 of 6'); FSelectionEnd := -1; FSelectionStart := -1; RemoveCursor; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout 2'); DrawWidth := GetTextAreaRect.Width; try if Assigned(FLayout) then begin ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout 3'); FLayout.Free; FLayout := nil; end; except // this is only every a issue under 64bit. FLayout can suddenly not be referenced anymore on E: Exception do ProfileEvent('ERROR: Failed to free FLayout. Error Msg: ' + E.Message); // raise Exception.Create('Failed to free FLayout. Error msg: ' + E.Message); end; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout 4'); FLayout := TRichTextLayout.Create( FText, FImages, FRichTextSettings, FFontManager, DrawWidth-(FScrollbarWidth{*6}) ); ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout 5'); SetupScrollBars; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout 6'); RefreshCursorPosition; FLayoutRequired := false; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Layout <<<<'); End; procedure TRichTextView.GetFirstVisibleLine( Var LineIndex: longint; Var Offset: longint ); begin FLayout.GetLineFromPosition( FYScroll, LineIndex, Offset ); end; procedure TRichTextView.GetBottomLine( Var LineIndex: longint; Var PixelsDisplayed: longint ); begin FLayout.GetLineFromPosition( FYScroll + GetTextAreaHeight, LineIndex, PixelsDisplayed ); end; function TRichTextView.FindPoint( XToFind: longint; YToFind: longint; Var LineIndex: longint; Var Offset: longint; Var Link: string ): TTextPosition; var TextHeight: longint; begin LineIndex := 0; Offset := 0; Link := ''; TextHeight := GetTextAreaHeight; // Should we take into account Border Styles? XToFind := XToFind - FRichTextSettings.Margins.Left; YToFind := YToFind - FRichTextSettings.Margins.Top; if YToFind < 3 then begin // above the top Result := tpAboveTextArea; exit; end; if YToFind >= TextHeight then begin // below the bottom Result := tpBelowTextArea; LineIndex := FLayout.FNumLines; Offset := FLayout.FLines^[ FLayout.FNumLines - 1 ].Length - 1; exit; end; Result := FLayout.FindPoint( XToFind + FXScroll, // horizontal scrolls into positive YToFind + (-FYScroll), // vertical scrolls into negative LineIndex, Offset, Link ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.DrawBorder; var Rect: TfpgRect; begin Canvas.GetWinRect(Rect); Canvas.DrawControlFrame(Rect); end; Procedure TRichTextView.Draw( StartLine, EndLine: longint ); Var DrawRect: TfpgRect; X: longint; Y: longint; SelectionStartP: PChar; SelectionEndP: PChar; Temp: longint; begin ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Draw >>>'); DrawRect := GetTextAreaRect; if StartLine > EndLine then begin // swap Temp := EndLine; EndLine := StartLine; StartLine := Temp; end; // calculate selection pointers if SelectionSet then begin SelectionStartP := FText + FSelectionStart; SelectionEndP := FText + FSelectionEnd; end else begin SelectionStartP := nil; SelectionEndP := nil; end; // calculate destination point Y := DrawRect.Top + FYScroll; X := DrawRect.Left - FXScroll; DrawRichTextLayout( FFontManager, FLayout, SelectionStartP, SelectionEndP, StartLine, EndLine, Point(X, Y) ); ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextView.Draw <<<'); End; // This gets the area of the control that we can draw on // (not taken up by vertical scroll bar) Function TRichTextView.GetDrawRect: TfpgRect; begin Result := GetClientRect; if InDesigner then exit; if FNeedHScroll then dec( Result.Height, FScrollbarWidth ); if FNeedVScroll then dec( Result.Width, FScrollbarWidth ); end; // Gets the area that we are drawing text on, which is the // draw rect minus borders Function TRichTextView.GetTextAreaRect: TfpgRect; begin Result := GetDrawRect; InflateRect(Result, -2, -2); end; function TRichTextView.GetTextAreaHeight: longint; begin Result := GetTextAreaRect.Height; end; function TRichTextView.GetTextAreaWidth: longint; begin Result := GetTextAreaRect.Width; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetupScrollbars; var AvailableWidth: longint; MaxDisplayWidth: longint; AvailableHeight: longint; begin // Reset to defaults FNeedVScroll := false; FNeedHScroll := false; // Calculate used and available width AvailableWidth := GetTextAreaWidth; MaxDisplayWidth := FLayout.Width + 200; { TODO : We need to fix FLayout.Width first before we remove + 200 } // Horizontal scroll setup if MaxDisplayWidth > AvailableWidth then FNeedHScroll := true; // FHScrollbar.SliderSize := AvailableWidth div 2; FHScrollbar.Min := 0; if FNeedHScroll then { TODO : As soon as we fix FLayout.Width, then we can enable the extra code below } FHScrollbar.Max := (MaxDisplayWidth) // - AvailableWidth) + FScrollbarWidth else begin FHScrollBar.Position := 0; FHScrollbar.Max := 0; end; // Calculate available height. // Note: this depends on whether a h scroll bar is needed. AvailableHeight := GetTextAreaHeight; // this includes borders and scrollbars and small margin if FLayout.Height > AvailableHeight then FNeedVScroll := true; FVScrollBar.Min := 0; if FNeedVScroll then FVScrollBar.Max := (FLayout.Height - AvailableHeight) + FScrollbarWidth else begin FVScrollBar.Position := 0; FVScrollBar.Max := 0; end; FHScrollBar.ScrollStep := FScrollDistance; // pixels FHScrollBar.PageSize := AvailableWidth - FHScrollbar.ScrollStep; // slightly less than width FHScrollBar.SliderSize := AvailableWidth / MaxDisplayWidth; FVScrollBar.ScrollStep := FScrollDistance; // pixels FVScrollBar.PageSize := AvailableHeight - FVScrollBar.ScrollStep; FVScrollBar.SliderSize := AvailableHeight / FLayout.Height; // Physical horizontal scroll setup FHScrollbar.Visible := FNeedHScroll; FHScrollbar.Enabled := FNeedHScroll; FHScrollbar.Left := 2; FHScrollbar.Top := Height - 2 - FScrollBarWidth; FHScrollbar.Height := FScrollbarWidth; if FNeedVScroll then FHScrollbar.Width := Width - 4 - FScrollBarWidth else FHScrollbar.Width := Width - 4; // Physical vertical scroll setup FVScrollbar.Visible := FNeedVScroll; FVScrollbar.Enabled := FNeedVScroll; FVScrollbar.Left := Width - 2 - FScrollbarWidth; FVScrollbar.Top := 2; FVScrollbar.Width := FScrollbarWidth; if FNeedHScroll then FVScrollbar.Height := Height - 4 - FScrollbarWidth else FVScrollbar.Height := Height - 4; // Initialise scroll FYScroll := FVScrollBar.Position; FLastYScroll := FYScroll; FXScroll := FHScrollBar.Position; FLastXScroll := FXScroll; FVScrollbar.OnScroll := @FVScrollbarScroll; FHScrollbar.OnScroll := @FHScrollbarScroll; End; Procedure TRichTextView.SetupCursor; var Line: TLayoutLine; X, Y: longint; TextRect: TfpgRect; DrawHeight: longint; DrawWidth: longint; CursorHeight: longint; TextHeight: longint; LineHeight: longint; Descender: longint; MaxDescender: longint; begin RemoveCursor; if FSelectionStart = -1 then exit; TextRect := GetTextAreaRect; DrawHeight := TextRect.Top - TextRect.Bottom; DrawWidth := TextRect.Right - TextRect.Left; Line := FLayout.FLines^[ CursorRow ]; LineHeight := Line.Height; Y := DrawHeight - ( FLayout.GetLinePosition( CursorRow ) - FVScrollbar.Position ); // Now Y is the top of the line if Y < 0 then // off bottom exit; if ( Y - LineHeight ) > DrawHeight then // off top exit; FLayout.GetXFromOffset( FCursorOffset, CursorRow, X ); X := X - FHScrollBar.Position; if X < 0 then // offscreen to left exit; if X > DrawWidth then // offscreen to right exit; TextHeight := FFontManager.CharHeight; Descender := FFontManager.CharDescender; MaxDescender := FLayout.FLines^[ CursorRow ].MaxDescender; CursorHeight := TextHeight; dec( Y, LineHeight - 1 ); // now Y is the BOTTOM of the line // move Y up to the bottom of the cursor; // since the current text may be smaller than the highest in the line inc( Y, MaxDescender - Descender ); if Y < 0 then begin // bottom of line will be below bottom of display. dec( CursorHeight, 1 - Y ); Y := 0; end; if Y + CursorHeight - 1 > DrawHeight then begin // top of cursor will be above top of display CursorHeight := DrawHeight - Y + 1; end; // fpgCaret.SetCaret(Canvas, TextRect.Left + X, TextRect.Bottom + Y, 2, CursorHeight); end; procedure TRichTextView.RemoveCursor; begin // fpgCaret.UnSetCaret(Canvas); end; Function TRichTextView.GetLineDownPosition: longint; var LastLine: longint; PixelsDisplayed: longint; begin GetBottomLine( LastLine, PixelsDisplayed ); Result := GetLineDownPositionFrom( LastLine, PixelsDisplayed ); end; Function TRichTextView.GetLineDownPositionFrom( LastLine: longint; PixelsDisplayed: longint ): longint; var LineHeight: longint; begin if LastLine = -1 then exit; LineHeight := FLayout.FLines^[ LastLine ].Height; if LastLine = FLayout.FNumLines - 1 then begin // last line if PixelsDisplayed >= LineHeight then begin // and it's fully displayed, so scroll to show margin Result := FLayout.Height - GetTextAreaHeight; exit; end; end; // Scroll to make last line fully visible... Result := FVScrollBar.Position + LineHeight - PixelsDisplayed; if PixelsDisplayed > LineHeight div 2 then // more than half line already displayed so if LastLine < FLayout.FNumLines - 1 then // AND to make next line fully visible inc( Result, FLayout.FLines^[ LastLine + 1 ].Height ); end; Function TRichTextView.GetSmallDownScrollPosition: longint; var LastLine: longint; PixelsDisplayed: longint; LineTextHeight: longint; Diff: longint; begin GetBottomLine( LastLine, PixelsDisplayed ); Result := GetLineDownPositionFrom( LastLine, PixelsDisplayed ); // Now limit the scrolling to max text height for the bottom line Diff := Result - FVScrollBar.Position; LineTextHeight := FLayout.FLines^[ LastLine ].MaxTextHeight; if Diff > LineTextHeight then Diff := LineTextHeight; Result := FVScrollBar.Position + Diff; end; Function TRichTextView.GetSmallUpScrollPosition: longint; var FirstVisibleLine: longint; Offset: longint; LineTextHeight: longint; Diff: longint; begin GetFirstVisibleLine( FirstVisibleLine, Offset ); Result := GetLineUpPositionFrom( FirstVisibleLine, Offset ); // Now limit the scrolling to max text height for the bottom line Diff := FVScrollBar.Position - Result; LineTextHeight := FLayout.FLines^[ FirstVisibleLine ].MaxTextHeight; if Diff > LineTextHeight then Diff := LineTextHeight; Result := FVScrollBar.Position - Diff; end; Function TRichTextView.GetSmallRightScrollPosition: longint; begin Result := FHScrollBar.Position + FHScrollBar.ScrollStep; if Result > FHScrollBar.Max then Result := FHScrollBar.Max; end; Function TRichTextView.GetSmallLeftScrollPosition: longint; begin Result := FHScrollBar.Position - FHScrollBar.ScrollStep; if Result < 0 then Result := 0; end; function TRichTextView.GetLineUpPosition: longint; var FirstVisibleLine: longint; Offset: longint; begin GetFirstVisibleLine( FirstVisibleLine, Offset ); Result := GetLineUpPositionFrom( FirstVisibleLine, Offset ); end; function TRichTextView.GetLineUpPositionFrom( FirstVisibleLine: longint; Offset: longint ): longint; begin // we should never have scrolled all lines off the top!! assert( FirstVisibleLine <> -1 ); if FirstVisibleLine = 0 then begin // first line if Offset = 0 then begin // and it's already fully visible, so scroll to show margin Result := 0; exit; end; end; // scroll so that top line is fully visible... Result := FVScrollBar.Position - Offset; if Offset < (FLayout.FLines^[ FirstVisibleLine ].Height div 2) then // more than half the line was already displayed so if FirstVisibleLine > 0 then // AND to make next line up visible dec( Result, FLayout.FLines^[ FirstVisibleLine - 1 ].Height ); end; Function Sign( arg: longint ): longint; begin if arg>0 then Result := 1 else if arg<0 then Result := -1 else Result := 0; end; Function FSign( arg: double ): double; begin if arg>0 then Result := 1 else if arg<0 then Result := -1 else Result := 0; end; Procedure ExactDelay( MS: Cardinal ); begin Sleep(MS); end; (* Procedure TRichTextView.Scroll( Sender: TScrollbar; ScrollCode: TScrollCode; Var ScrollPos: Longint ); begin case ScrollCode of // scVertEndScroll, // scVertPosition, scPageUp, scPageDown, scVertTrack: DoVerticalScroll( ScrollPos ); // Line up and down positions are calculated for each case scLineDown: begin ScrollPos := GetSmallDownScrollPosition; DoVerticalScroll( ScrollPos ); end; scLineUp: begin ScrollPos := GetSmallUpScrollPosition; DoVerticalScroll( ScrollPos ); end; scHorzPosition, scPageRight, scPageLeft, scHorzTrack, scColumnRight, scColumnLeft: begin DoHorizontalScroll( ScrollPos ); end; end; end; *) Procedure TRichTextView.DoVerticalScroll( NewY: longint ); begin FYScroll := 0 - NewY; if not Visible then begin FLastYScroll := FYScroll; exit; end; FLastYScroll := FYScroll; RePaint; SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.DoHorizontalScroll( NewX: longint ); begin FXScroll := NewX; if not Visible then begin FLastXScroll := FXScroll; exit; end; FLastXScroll := FXScroll; RePaint; SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetVerticalPosition( NewY: longint ); begin FVScrollbar.Position := NewY; FVScrollbar.RepaintSlider; DoVerticalScroll( FVScrollbar.Position ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetHorizontalPosition( NewX: longint ); begin FHScrollbar.Position := NewX; FHScrollbar.RepaintSlider; DoHorizontalScroll( FHScrollbar.Position ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.AddParagraph( Text: PChar ); begin if GetTextEnd > 0 then begin AddText( #13, True ); AddText( #10, True ); end; AddText( Text ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.AddSelectedParagraph( Text: PChar ); begin if GetTextEnd > 0 then begin AddText( #13, True); AddText( #10, True); end; SelectionStart := GetTextEnd; AddText( Text ); SelectionEnd := GetTextEnd; MakeCharVisible( SelectionStart ); end; // ADelay = True means that we hold off on redoing the Layout and Painting. Procedure TRichTextView.AddText( Text: PChar; ADelay: boolean ); begin AddAndResize( FText, Text); if not ADelay then begin Layout; RePaint; end; end; // Insert at current point Procedure TRichTextView.InsertText( CharIndexToInsertAt: longword; TextToInsert: PChar ); var NewText: PChar; begin NewText := StrAlloc( StrLen( FText ) + StrLen( TextToInsert ) + 1 ); StrLCopy( NewText, FText, CharIndexToInsertAt ); StrCat( NewText, TextToInsert ); StrCat( NewText, FText + CharIndexToInsertAt ); Clear; AddText( NewText ); StrDispose( NewText ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.Clear(const ADestroying: boolean = False); begin ClearSelection; FText[ 0 ] := #0; FTopCharIndex := 0; if not ADestroying then begin Layout; if FLayout.FNumLines > 1 then raise Exception.Create('FLayout.FNumLines should have been 0 but it was ' + IntToStr(FLayout.FNumLines)); RePaint; end; end; //procedure TRichTextView.SetBorder( BorderStyle: TBorderStyle ); //begin // FBorderStyle := BorderStyle; // Refresh; //end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetImages( AImages: TfpgImageList ); begin if AImages = FImages then exit; // no change { TODO -oGraeme : TfpgImageList is not a TComponent descendant. Maybe it should be? } //if FImages <> nil then // // Tell the old imagelist not to inform us any more // FImages.Notification( Self, opRemove ); FImages := AImages; //if FImages <> nil then // // request notification when other is freed // FImages.FreeNotification( Self ); if GetTextEnd = 0 then // no text - can't be any image references - no need to layout exit; Layout; RePaint; end; Procedure TRichTextView.OnRichTextSettingsChanged( Sender: TObject ); begin if not InDesigner then begin Layout; RePaint; end; end; Procedure TRichTextView.Notification( AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation ); begin inherited Notification( AComponent, Operation ); { TODO -oGraeme : TfpgImageList is not a TComponent descendant. Maybe it should be? } //if AComponent = FImages then // if Operation = opRemove then // FImages := nil; end; (* Procedure TRichTextView.MouseDown( Button: TMouseButton; ShiftState: TShiftState; X, Y: Longint ); var Line: longint; Offset: longint; Link: string; Position: TTextPosition; Shift: boolean; begin Focus; inherited MouseDown( Button, ShiftState, X, Y ); if Button <> mbLeft then begin if Button = mbRight then begin if MouseCapture then begin // this is a shortcut - left mouse drag to select, right mouse to copy CopySelectionToClipboard; end; end; exit; end; // if FText[ 0 ] = #0 then // exit; Position := FindPoint( X, Y, Line, Offset, Link ); FClickedLink := Link; if Position in [ tpAboveTextArea, tpBelowTextArea ] then // not on the control (this probably won't happen) exit; // if shift is pressed then keep the same selection start. Shift := ssShift in ShiftState; RemoveCursor; if not Shift then ClearSelection; SetCursorPosition( Offset, Line, Shift ); MouseCapture := true; end; *) (* Procedure TRichTextView.MouseUp( Button: TMouseButton; ShiftState: TShiftState; X, Y: Longint ); begin if Button = mbRight then if MouseCapture then // don't popup menu for shortcut - left mouse drag to select, right mouse to copy exit; inherited MouseUp( Button, ShiftState, X, Y ); if Button <> mbLeft then exit; if not MouseCapture then // not a mouse up from a link click exit; if FScrollTimer.Running then FScrollTimer.Stop; MouseCapture := false; SetupCursor; if FClickedLink <> '' then if Assigned( FOnClickLink ) then FOnClickLink( Self, FClickedLink ); end; *) (* Procedure TRichTextView.MouseDblClick( Button: TMouseButton; ShiftState: TShiftState; X, Y: Longint ); var Row: longint; Offset: longint; Link: string; Position: TTextPosition; P: PChar; pWordStart: PChar; WordLength: longint; begin inherited MouseDblClick( Button, ShiftState, X, Y ); if Button <> mbLeft then exit; // if FText[ 0 ] = #0 then // exit; Position := FindPoint( X, Y, Row, Offset, Link ); if Position in [ tpAboveTextArea, tpBelowTextArea ] then // not on the control (this probably won't happen) exit; Assert( Row >= 0 ); Assert( Row < FLayout.FNumLines ); P := FLayout.FLines[ Row ].Text + Offset; RemoveCursor; if not RichTextWordAt( FText, P, pWordStart, WordLength ) then begin // not in a word SetCursorPosition( Offset, Row, false ); SetupCursor; exit; end; SetSelectionStartInternal( FLayout.GetCharIndex( pWordStart ) ); SetSelectionEndInternal( FLayout.GetCharIndex( pWordStart ) + WordLength ); RefreshCursorPosition; SetupCursor; end; *) (* Procedure TRichTextView.MouseMove( ShiftState: TShiftState; X, Y: Longint ); var Line: longint; Offset: longint; Link: string; Position: TTextPosition; begin inherited MouseMove( ShiftState, X, Y ); Position := FindPoint( X, Y, Line, Offset, Link ); if not MouseCapture then begin if Link <> FLastLinkOver then begin if Link <> '' then begin if Assigned( FOnOverLink ) then FOnOverLink( Self, Link ) end else begin if Assigned( FOnNotOverLink ) then FOnNotOverLink( Self, FLastLinkOver ); end; FLastLinkOver := Link; end; if Link <> '' then Cursor := FLinkCursor else Cursor := crIBeam; exit; end; // We are holding mouse down and dragging to set a selection: if Position in [ tpAboveTextArea, tpBelowTextArea ] then begin // above top or below bottom of control FOldMousePoint := Point( X, Y ); if Position = tpAboveTextArea then FScrollingDirection := sdUp else FScrollingDirection := sdDown; if not FScrollTimer.Running then begin FScrollTimer.Start; OnScrollTimer( self ); end; exit; end; // Normal selection, cursor within text rect if FScrollTimer.Running then FScrollTimer.Stop; SetCursorPosition( Offset, Line, true ); if SelectionSet then begin FClickedLink := ''; // if they move while on a link we don't want to follow it. Cursor := crIBeam; end; end; *) procedure TRichTextView.OnScrollTimer( Sender: TObject ); var Line, Offset: longint; MousePoint: TPoint; TextRect: TRect; begin exit; //MousePoint := Screen.MousePos; //MousePoint := ScreenToClient( MousePoint ); //TextRect := GetTextAreaRect; // //if FScrollingDirection = sdDown then // // scrolling down // if FVScrollbar.Position = FVScrollbar.Max then // exit // else // begin // if ( TextRect.Bottom - MousePoint.Y ) < 20 then // DownLine // else // DownPage; // // GetBottomLine( Line, Offset ); // SetSelectionEndInternal( FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.Flines[ Line ].Text ) // + FLayout.FLines[ Line ].Length ); // end //else // // scrolling up // if FVScrollbar.Position = FVScrollbar.Min then // exit // else // begin // if ( MousePoint.Y - TextRect.Top ) < 20 then // UpLine // else // UpPage; // GetFirstVisibleLine( Line, Offset ); // SetSelectionEndInternal( FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.FLines[ Line ].Text ) ); // end; end; Procedure TRichTextView.UpLine; begin SetVerticalPosition( GetLineUpPosition ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.DownLine; begin SetVerticalPosition( GetLineDownPosition ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.UpPage; begin SetVerticalPosition( FVScrollbar.Position + FVScrollbar.PageSize ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.DownPage; begin SetVerticalPosition( FVScrollbar.Position - FVScrollbar.PageSize ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SmallScrollUp; begin SetVerticalPosition( GetSmallUpScrollPosition ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SmallScrollDown; begin SetVerticalPosition( GetSmallDownScrollPosition ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SmallScrollRight; begin SetHorizontalPosition( GetSmallRightScrollPosition ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SmallScrollLeft; begin SetHorizontalPosition( GetSmallLeftScrollPosition ); end; function TRichTextView.GetCursorIndex: longint; begin if FCursorRow = -1 then begin Result := -1; exit; end; Result := FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.FLines^[ FCursorRow ].Text ) + FCursorOffset; end; procedure TRichTextView.RefreshCursorPosition; var Index: longint; Row: longint; begin if SelectionSet then begin Index := FSelectionEnd end else begin Index := FSelectionStart; end; if Index = -1 then begin FCursorRow := -1; FCursorOffset := 0; RemoveCursor; exit; end; Row := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( Index ); SetCursorPosition( Index - FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.FLines^[ Row ].Text ), Row, true ); end; procedure TRichTextView.SetCursorIndex( Index: longint; PreserveSelection: boolean ); var Row: longint; begin Row := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( Index ); SetCursorPosition( Index - FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.FLines^[ Row ].Text ), Row, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; procedure TRichTextView.SetCursorPosition( Offset: longint; Row: longint; PreserveSelection: boolean ); var Index: longint; begin RemoveCursor; FCursorOffset := Offset; FCursorRow := Row; Index := FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.FLines^[ Row ].Text ) + Offset; //writeln(' SetCursorPosition: offset=', FCursorOffset, ' row=', FCursorRow, ' index=', Index); exit; { TODO: Complete this selection of text code - currently gives AV's } if PreserveSelection then begin SetSelectionEndInternal( Index ) end else begin SetSelectionEndInternal( -1 ); SetSelectionStartInternal( Index ); end; MakeRowAndColumnVisible( FCursorRow, Offset ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorRight( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Var P: PChar; NextP: PChar; Element: TTextElement; NewOffset: longint; Line: TLayoutLine; begin P := FText + CursorIndex; Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); P := NextP; while Element.ElementType = teStyle do begin Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); P := NextP; end; // if Element.ElementType = teTextEnd then // exit; // SetCursorIndex( GetCharIndex( P ), PreserveSelection ); Line := FLayout.FLines^[ CursorRow ]; NewOffset := PCharDiff( P, Line.Text ); if NewOffset < Line.Length then begin SetCursorPosition( NewOffset, FCursorRow, PreserveSelection ) end else if ( NewOffset = Line.Length ) and not Line.Wrapped then begin SetCursorPosition( NewOffset, FCursorRow, PreserveSelection ) end else begin if FCursorRow >= FLayout.FNumLines - 1 then exit; SetCursorPosition( 0, FCursorRow + 1, PreserveSelection ); end; SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorLeft( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Var P: PChar; NextP: PChar; Element: TTextElement; Line: TLayoutLine; NewOffset: longint; begin P := FText + CursorIndex; Element := ExtractPreviousTextElement( FText, P, NextP ); P := NextP; while Element.ElementType = teStyle do begin Element := ExtractPreviousTextElement( FText, P, NextP ); P := NextP; end; // if Element.ElementType = teTextEnd then // exit; Line := FLayout.FLines^[ CursorRow ]; NewOffset := PCharDiff( P, Line.Text ); if NewOffset >= 0 then begin SetCursorPosition( NewOffset, FCursorRow, PreserveSelection ) end else begin if FCursorRow <= 0 then exit; Line := FLayout.FLines^[ CursorRow - 1 ]; if Line.Wrapped then SetCursorPosition( Line.Length - 1, FCursorRow - 1, PreserveSelection ) else SetCursorPosition( Line.Length, FCursorRow - 1, PreserveSelection ) end; SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorWordLeft( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Var P: PChar; begin P := FText + CursorIndex; P := RichTextWordLeft( FText, P ); SetCursorIndex( FLayout.GetCharIndex( P ), PreserveSelection ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorWordRight( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Var P: PChar; begin P := FText + CursorIndex; P := RichTextWordRight( P ); SetCursorIndex( FLayout.GetCharIndex( P ), PreserveSelection ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorToLineStart( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Var Line: TLayoutLine; begin Line := FLayout.FLines^[ FCursorRow ]; SetCursorPosition( 0, FCursorRow, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorToLineEnd( PreserveSelection: boolean ); Var Line: TLayoutLine; begin Line := FLayout.FLines^[ FCursorRow ]; SetCursorPosition( Line.Length, FCursorRow, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorDown( PreserveSelection: boolean ); var X: longint; Link: string; Offset: longint; begin if CursorRow >= FLayout.FNumLines - 1 then exit; FLayout.GetXFromOffset( FCursorOffset, FCursorRow, X ); FLayout.GetOffsetFromX( X, FCursorRow + 1, Offset, Link ); SetCursorPosition( Offset, FCursorRow + 1, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorUp( PreserveSelection: boolean ); var X: longint; Link: string; Offset: longint; begin if CursorRow <= 0 then exit; FLayout.GetXFromOffset( FCursorOffset, FCursorRow, X ); FLayout.GetOffsetFromX( X, FCursorRow - 1, Offset, Link ); SetCursorPosition( Offset, FCursorRow - 1, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorPageDown( PreserveSelection: boolean ); var X: longint; Link: string; Offset: longint; Distance: longint; NewRow: longint; begin NewRow := CursorRow; Distance := 0; while ( Distance < GetTextAreaHeight ) do begin if NewRow >= FLayout.FNumLines - 1 then break; Distance := Distance + FLayout.FLines^[ NewRow ].Height; inc( NewRow ); end; FLayout.GetXFromOffset( FCursorOffset, FCursorRow, X ); FLayout.GetOffsetFromX( X, NewRow, Offset, Link ); SetCursorPosition( Offset, NewRow, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; Procedure TRichTextView.CursorPageUp( PreserveSelection: boolean ); var X: longint; Link: string; Offset: longint; Distance: longint; NewRow: longint; begin NewRow := CursorRow; Distance := 0; while ( Distance < GetTextAreaHeight ) do begin if NewRow <= 0 then break; dec( NewRow ); Distance := Distance + FLayout.FLines^[ NewRow ].Height; end; FLayout.GetXFromOffset( FCursorOffset, FCursorRow, X ); FLayout.GetOffsetFromX( X, NewRow, Offset, Link ); SetCursorPosition( Offset, NewRow, PreserveSelection ); SetupCursor; end; Function TRichTextView.GetSelectionAsString: string; // returns up to 255 chars obviously var Buffer: array[ 0..255 ] of char; Length: longint; begin Length := CopySelectionToBuffer( Addr( Buffer ), 255 ); Result := StrNPas( Buffer, Length ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.CopySelectionToClipboard; var SelLength: Longint; Buffer: PChar; begin SelLength := SelectionLength; if SelectionLength = 0 then exit; Buffer := StrAlloc( SelLength + 1 ); CopySelectionToBuffer( Buffer, SelLength + 1 ); fpgClipboard.Text := Buffer; StrDispose( Buffer ); end; function TRichTextView.CopySelectionToBuffer( Buffer: PChar; BufferLength: longint ): longint; var P, EndP: PChar; begin Result := 0; if ( FSelectionStart = -1 ) or ( FSelectionEnd = -1 ) then exit; if FSelectionStart < FSelectionEnd then begin P := FText + FSelectionStart; EndP := FText + FSelectionEnd; end else begin P := FText + FSelectionEnd; EndP := FText + FSelectionStart; end; Result := CopyPlainTextToBuffer( P, EndP, Buffer, BufferLength ); end; function TRichTextView.CopyTextToBuffer( Buffer: PChar; BufferLength: longint ): longint; begin Result := CopyPlainTextToBuffer( FText, FText + strlen( FText ), Buffer, BufferLength ); end; Function TRichTextView.SelectionLength: longint; begin Result := 0; if ( FSelectionStart = -1 ) or ( FSelectionEnd = -1 ) then exit; Result := FSelectionEnd - FSelectionStart; if Result < 0 then Result := FSelectionStart - FSelectionEnd; end; Function TRichTextView.SelectionSet: boolean; begin Result := ( FSelectionStart <> -1 ) and ( FSelectionEnd <> - 1 ) and ( FSelectionStart <> FSelectionEnd ); end; Procedure TRichTextView.SelectAll; begin ClearSelection; FSelectionStart := FLayout.GetCharIndex( FText ); FSelectionEnd := FLayout.GetTextEnd; Repaint; end; (* procedure TRichTextView.ScanEvent( Var KeyCode: TKeyCode; RepeatCount: Byte ); var CursorVisible: boolean; Shift: boolean; Key: TKeyCode; begin CursorVisible := FSelectionStart <> -1; Case KeyCode of kbTab: begin if HighlightNextLink then begin KeyCode := kbNull; exit; end; end; kbShiftTab: begin if HighlightPreviousLink then begin KeyCode := kbNull; exit; end; end; kbEnter: begin end; end; Shift := KeyCode and kb_Shift > 0 ; Key := KeyCode and ( not kb_Shift ); // Keys which work the same regardless of whether // cursor is present or not case Key of kbCtrlC, kbCtrlIns: CopySelectionToClipboard; kbCtrlA: SelectAll; kbAltCUp: SmallScrollUp; kbAltCDown: SmallScrollDown; kbAltCLeft: SmallScrollLeft; kbAltCRight: SmallScrollRight; end; // Keys which change behaviour if cursor is present if CursorVisible then begin case Key of kbCUp: CursorUp( Shift ); kbCDown: CursorDown( Shift ); // these next two are not exactly orthogonal or required, // but better match other text editors. kbCtrlCUp: if Shift then CursorUp( Shift ) else SmallScrollUp; kbCtrlCDown: if Shift then CursorDown( Shift ) else SmallScrollDown; kbCRight: CursorRight( Shift ); kbCLeft: CursorLeft( Shift ); kbCtrlCLeft: CursorWordLeft( Shift ); kbCtrlCRight: CursorWordRight( Shift ); kbCtrlHome, kbCtrlPageUp: SetCursorIndex( 0, Shift ); kbCtrlEnd, kbCtrlPageDown: SetCursorIndex( GetTextEnd, Shift ); kbPageUp: CursorPageUp( Shift ); kbPageDown: CursorPageDown( Shift ); kbHome: CursorToLineStart( Shift ); kbEnd: CursorToLineEnd( Shift ); end end else // no cursor visible begin case Key of kbCUp, kbCtrlCUp: SmallScrollUp; kbCDown, kbCtrlCDown: SmallScrollDown; kbCLeft, kbCtrlCLeft: SmallScrollLeft; kbCRight, kbCtrlCRight: SmallScrollRight; kbPageUp: UpPage; kbPageDown: DownPage; kbHome, kbCtrlHome, kbCtrlPageUp: GotoTop; kbEnd, kbCtrlEnd, kbCtrlPageDown: GotoBottom; end; end; inherited ScanEvent( KeyCode, RepeatCount ); end; *) function TRichTextView.HighlightNextLink: boolean; Var P: PChar; NextP: PChar; T: TTextElement; StartP: PChar; begin if CursorIndex = -1 then P := FText // no cursor yet else P := FText + CursorIndex; result := false; // if we're sitting on a begin-link, skip it... T := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); if T.ElementType = teStyle then if T.Tag.TagType = ttBeginLink then P := NextP; while true do begin T := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); if T.ElementType = teTextEnd then // no link found exit; if T.ElementType = teStyle then if T.Tag.TagType = ttBeginLink then break; p := NextP; end; StartP := P; p := NextP; // skip begin link while true do begin T := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); if T.ElementType = teTextEnd then break; // no explicit link end... if T.ElementType = teStyle then if T.Tag.TagType = ttEndLink then break; p := NextP; end; SetSelectionStart( FLayout.GetCharIndex( StartP ) ); SetSelectionEnd( FLayout.GetCharIndex( NextP ) ); result := true; end; function TRichTextView.HighlightPreviousLink: boolean; Var P: PChar; PreviousP: PChar; T: TTextElement; EndP: PChar; begin result := false; if CursorIndex = -1 then exit; // no cursor yet P := FText + CursorIndex; // if we're sitting on an end-of-link, skip it... T := ExtractPreviousTextElement( FText, P, PreviousP ); if T.ElementType = teStyle then if T.Tag.TagType = ttEndLink then P := PreviousP; while true do begin T := ExtractPreviousTextElement( FText, P, PreviousP ); if T.ElementType = teTextEnd then // no link found exit; if T.ElementType = teStyle then if T.Tag.TagType = ttEndLink then break; p := PreviousP; end; EndP := P; p := PreviousP; // skip end link while true do begin T := ExtractPreviousTextElement( FText, P, PreviousP ); if T.ElementType = teTextEnd then break; // no explicit link end... if T.ElementType = teStyle then if T.Tag.TagType = ttBeginLink then break; p := PreviousP; end; SetSelectionStart( FLayout.GetCharIndex( EndP ) ); SetSelectionEnd( FLayout.GetCharIndex( PreviousP ) ); result := true; end; procedure TRichTextView.GoToTop; begin SetVerticalPosition( 0 ); end; procedure TRichTextView.GotoBottom; begin SetVerticalPosition( FVScrollBar.Max ); end; Function TRichTextView.GetTopCharIndex: longint; var LineIndex: longint; Y: longint; begin if not FVerticalPositionInitialised then begin Result := FTopCharIndex; exit; end; GetFirstVisibleLine( LineIndex, Y ); if LineIndex >= 0 then Result := FLayout.GetCharIndex( FLayout.FLines^[ LineIndex ].Text ) else Result := 0; end; Function TRichTextView.GetTopCharIndexPosition( NewValue: longint ): longint; var Line: longint; lHeight: longint; begin if NewValue > GetTextEnd then begin Result := FVScrollBar.Max; exit; end; Line := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( NewValue ); if Line = 0 then begin Result := 0; // include top margin exit; end; if Line < 0 then begin Result := FVScrollBar.Position; exit; end; lHeight := FLayout.GetLinePosition( Line ); Result := lHeight; end; Procedure TRichTextView.SetTopCharIndex( NewValue: longint ); var NewPosition: longint; begin if not FVerticalPositionInitialised then begin if ( NewValue >= 0 ) and ( NewValue < GetTextEnd ) then begin FTopCharIndex := NewValue; end; exit; end; NewPosition := GetTopCharIndexPosition( NewValue ); SetVerticalPosition( NewPosition ); end; procedure TRichTextView.MakeCharVisible( CharIndex: longint ); var Line: longint; begin Line := FLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( CharIndex ); MakeRowAndColumnVisible( Line, FLayout.GetOffsetFromCharIndex( CharIndex, Line ) ); end; procedure TRichTextView.MakeRowVisible( Row: longint ); var TopLine: longint; BottomLine: longint; Offset: longint; NewPosition: longint; begin GetFirstVisibleLine( TopLine, Offset ); GetBottomLine( BottomLine, Offset ); if ( Row > TopLine ) and ( Row < BottomLine ) then // already visible exit; if ( Row = BottomLine ) and ( Offset >= FLayout.FLines^[ BottomLine ].Height - 1 ) then // bottom row already entirely visible exit; if Row <= TopLine then begin // need to scroll up, desird row above top line if Row = 0 then NewPosition := 0 // include margins else NewPosition := FLayout.GetLinePosition( Row ); if NewPosition > FVScrollbar.Position then // no need to scroll exit; SetVerticalPosition( NewPosition ); end else begin //writeln('need to scroll down, desired row below bottom line'); //writeln('BottomLine = ', BottomLine, ' Row = ', Row); //writeln('new pos = ', FLayout.GetLinePosition( Row ) // + FLayout.FLines^[ Row ].Height // - GetTextAreaHeight); // need to scroll down, desired row below bottom line if ( BottomLine <> -1 ) and ( Row >= BottomLine ) then SetVerticalPosition( FLayout.GetLinePosition( Row ) + FLayout.FLines^[ Row ].Height - GetTextAreaHeight ); end; end; procedure TRichTextView.MakeRowAndColumnVisible(Row: longint; Column: longint); var X: Longint; begin MakeRowVisible( Row ); FLayout.GetXFromOffset( Column, Row, X ); if X > (FXScroll + GetTextAreaWidth) then // off the right SetHorizontalPosition( X - GetTextAreaWidth + 5 ) else if X < FXScroll then // off to left SetHorizontalPosition( X ); end; function TRichTextView.LinkFromIndex( const CharIndexToFind: longint): string; begin Result := FLayout.LinkFromIndex( CharIndexToFind ); end; function TRichTextView.FindString( Origin: TFindOrigin; const AText: string; var MatchIndex: longint; var MatchLength: longint ): boolean; var P: PChar; pMatch: pchar; begin if ( Origin = foFromCurrent ) and ( FSelectionStart <> -1 ) then begin // start at current cursor position P := FText + GetCursorIndex; end else begin P := FText; end; Result := RichTextFindString( P, AText, pMatch, MatchLength ); if Result then // found MatchIndex := FLayout.GetCharIndex( pMatch ) else MatchIndex := -1; end; function TRichTextView.Find( Origin: TFindOrigin; const AText: string ): boolean; var MatchIndex: longint; MatchLength: longint; begin Result := FindString( Origin, AText, MatchIndex, MatchLength ); if Result then begin MakeCharVisible( MatchIndex ); FSelectionStart := MatchIndex; SelectionEnd := MatchIndex + MatchLength; end; end; function TRichTextView.GetClientRect: TfpgRect; begin // Standard border of 2px on all sides Result.SetRect(0, 0, Width, Height); InflateRect(Result, -2, -2); end; end.