Unit RichTextStyleUnit; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} Interface uses Classes, fpg_base, fpg_main, CanvasFontManager, RichTextDocumentUnit; type TTextDrawStyle = record FontNameSize: TfpgString; FontAttributes: TFontAttributes; Color: TfpgColor; BackgroundColor: TfpgColor; Alignment: TTextAlignment; Wrap: boolean; LeftMargin: longint; RightMargin: longint; end; TMarginSizeStyle = ( msAverageCharWidth, msMaximumCharWidth, msSpecifiedChar ); TRichTextSettings = class( TfpgComponent ) protected FHeading1Font: TfpgFont; FHeading2Font: TfpgFont; FHeading3Font: TfpgFont; FFixedFont: TfpgFont; FNormalFont: TfpgFont; FDefaultBackgroundColor: TfpgColor; FDefaultColor: TfpgColor; FDefaultAlignment: TTextAlignment; FDefaultWrap: boolean; FAtLeastOneWordBeforeWrap: boolean; FMarginSizeStyle: TMarginSizeStyle; FMarginChar: longint; FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; FMargins: TRect; FUpdateCount: longint; FChangesPending: boolean; Procedure Change; Procedure SetNormalFont( NewFont: TfpgFont ); Procedure SetFixedFont( NewFont: TfpgFont ); Procedure SetHeading1Font( NewFont: TfpgFont ); Procedure SetHeading2Font( NewFont: TfpgFont ); Procedure SetHeading3Font( NewFont: TfpgFont ); Procedure SetDefaultColor( NewColor: TfpgColor ); Procedure SetDefaultBackgroundColor( NewColor: TfpgColor ); Procedure SetDefaultAlignment( Alignment: TTextAlignment ); Procedure SetDefaultWrap( Wrap: boolean ); Procedure SetAtLeastOneWordBeforeWrap( NewValue: boolean ); Procedure SetMarginSizeStyle( NewValue: TMarginSizeStyle ); Procedure SetMarginChar( NewValue: longint ); Procedure SetMargins( const NewMargins: TRect ); function GetMargin_Left: longint; Procedure SetMargin_Left( NewValue: longint ); function GetMargin_Bottom: longint; Procedure SetMargin_Bottom( NewValue: longint ); function GetMargin_Right: longint; Procedure SetMargin_Right( NewValue: longint ); function GetMargin_Top: longint; Procedure SetMargin_Top( NewValue: longint ); Procedure SetupComponent; Procedure AssignFont(var AFont: TfpgFont; NewFont: TfpgFont); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure BeginUpdate; procedure EndUpdate; property Margins: TRect read FMargins write SetMargins; property Heading1Font: TfpgFont read FHeading1Font write SetHeading1Font; property Heading2Font: TfpgFont read FHeading2Font write SetHeading2Font; property Heading3Font: TfpgFont read FHeading3Font write SetHeading3Font; property FixedFont: TfpgFont read FFixedFont write SetFixedFont; property NormalFont: TfpgFont read FNormalFont write SetNormalFont; property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; published property DefaultBackgroundColor: TfpgColor read FDefaultBackgroundColor write SetDefaultBackgroundColor; property DefaultColor: TfpgColor read FDefaultColor write SetDefaultColor; property DefaultAlignment: TTextAlignment read FDefaultAlignment write SetDefaultAlignment; property DefaultWrap: boolean read FDefaultWrap write SetDefaultWrap default True; property AtLeastOneWordBeforeWrap: boolean read FAtLeastOneWordBeforeWrap write SetAtLeastOneWordBeforeWrap; property MarginSizeStyle: TMarginSizeStyle read FMarginSizeStyle write SetMarginSizeStyle; property MarginChar: longint read FMarginChar write SetMarginChar; // margins are exposed as individual properties here // since the Sibyl IDE cannot cope with editing a record property // within a class property (as in RichTextView) property Margin_Left: longint read GetMargin_Left write SetMargin_Left; property Margin_Bottom: longint read GetMargin_Bottom write SetMargin_Bottom; property Margin_Right: longint read GetMargin_Right write SetMargin_Right; property Margin_Top: longint read GetMargin_Top write SetMargin_Top; end; Procedure ApplyStyle( var Style: TTextDrawStyle; FontManager: TCanvasFontManager ); Procedure ApplyStyleTag( const Tag: TTag; Var Style: TTextDrawStyle; FontManager: TCanvasFontManager; const ASettings: TRichTextSettings; const X: longint ); function GetDefaultStyle( const ASettings: TRichTextSettings ): TTextDrawStyle; Implementation uses SysUtils, ACLStringUtility, nvUtilities, SettingsUnit; Procedure ApplyStyle(var Style: TTextDrawStyle; FontManager: TCanvasFontManager); var s: string; begin ProfileEvent('DEBUG: ApplyStyle >>>'); assert(FontManager <> nil, 'FontManager should not have been nil'); s := Style.FontNameSize; ApplyFontAttributes(s, Style.FontAttributes); FontManager.SetFont(s); FontManager.Canvas.TextColor := Style.Color; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: ApplyStyle <<<'); end; Procedure ApplyStyleTag( Const Tag: TTag; var Style: TTextDrawStyle; FontManager: TCanvasFontManager; const ASettings: TRichTextSettings; const X: longint ); var MarginParam1: string; MarginParam2: string; NewMargin: longint; FontFaceName: string; FontSizeString: string; NewStyle: TTextDrawStyle; ParseIndex: longint; XSizeStr: string; YSizeStr: string; tmpFontParts : TStrings; MarginSize: longint; ParsePoint: longint; begin ProfileEvent('DEBUG: ApplyStyleTag >>>'); case Tag.TagType of ttBold: Include( Style.FontAttributes, faBold ); ttBoldOff: Exclude( Style.FontAttributes, faBold ); ttItalic: Include( Style.FontAttributes, faItalic ); ttItalicOff: Exclude( Style.FontAttributes, faItalic ); ttUnderline: Include( Style.FontAttributes, faUnderscore ); ttUnderlineOff: Exclude( Style.FontAttributes, faUnderscore ); ttFixedWidthOn: begin Style.FontNameSize := Copy(ASettings.FixedFont.FontDesc, 1, Pos(':', ASettings.FixedFont.FontDesc)-1); Style.FontAttributes := GetFPGuiFontAttributes(ASettings.FixedFont); end; ttFixedWidthOff: begin Style.FontNameSize := Copy(ASettings.NormalFont.FontDesc, 1, Pos(':', ASettings.NormalFont.FontDesc)-1); Style.FontAttributes := GetFPGuiFontAttributes(ASettings.NormalFont); end; ttHeading1: begin Style.FontNameSize := Copy(ASettings.Heading1Font.FontDesc, 1, Pos(':', ASettings.Heading1Font.FontDesc)-1); Style.FontAttributes := GetFPGuiFontAttributes(ASettings.Heading1Font); end; ttHeading2: begin Style.FontNameSize := Copy(ASettings.Heading2Font.FontDesc, 1, Pos(':', ASettings.Heading2Font.FontDesc)-1); Style.FontAttributes := GetFPGuiFontAttributes(ASettings.Heading2Font); end; ttHeading3: begin Style.FontNameSize := Copy(ASettings.Heading3Font.FontDesc, 1, Pos(':', ASettings.Heading3Font.FontDesc)-1); Style.FontAttributes := GetFPGuiFontAttributes(ASettings.Heading3Font); end; ttHeadingOff: begin Style.FontNameSize := Copy(ASettings.NormalFont.FontDesc, 1, Pos(':', ASettings.NormalFont.FontDesc)-1); Style.FontAttributes := GetFPGuiFontAttributes(ASettings.NormalFont); end; ttFont: begin tmpFontParts := TStringList.Create; StrExtractStringsQuoted(tmpFontParts, Tag.Arguments); FontFaceName := tmpFontParts[0]; FontSizeString := tmpFontParts[1]; tmpFontParts.Free; NewStyle := Style; NewStyle.FontNameSize := FontFaceName; if Pos( 'x', FontSizeString ) > 0 then begin tmpFontParts := TStringList.Create; StrExtractStrings(tmpFontParts, FontSizeString, ['x'], #0); XSizeStr := tmpFontParts[0]; YSizeStr := tmpFontParts[1]; tmpFontParts.Destroy; NewStyle.FontNameSize := NewStyle.FontNameSize + '-' + YSizeStr; end else NewStyle.FontNameSize := NewStyle.FontNameSize + '-' + FontSizeString; if ( NewStyle.FontNameSize <> '' ) then Style := NewStyle; end; ttFontOff: begin { TODO: Restore to previous font, not NormalFont, because previous font could have been something different to NormalFont } Style.FontNameSize := Copy(ASettings.NormalFont.FontDesc, 1, Pos(':', ASettings.NormalFont.FontDesc)-1); Style.FontAttributes := GetFPGuiFontAttributes(ASettings.NormalFont); end; ttColor: GetTagColor( Tag.Arguments, Style.Color ); ttColorOff: Style.Color := ASettings.FDefaultColor; ttBackgroundColor: GetTagColor( Tag.Arguments, Style.BackgroundColor ); ttBackgroundColorOff: Style.BackgroundColor := ASettings.FDefaultBackgroundColor; ttRed: Style.Color := clRed; ttBlue: Style.Color := clBlue; ttGreen: Style.Color := clGreen; ttBlack: Style.Color := clBlack; ttAlign: Style.Alignment := GetTagTextAlignment( Tag.Arguments, ASettings.FDefaultAlignment ); ttWrap: Style.Wrap := GetTagTextWrap( Tag.Arguments ); ttSetLeftMargin, ttSetRightMargin: begin tmpFontParts := TStringList.Create; StrExtractStrings(tmpFontParts, Tag.Arguments, [' '], #0); MarginParam1 := tmpFontParts[0]; ParsePoint := 1; if ( Tag.TagType = ttSetLeftMargin ) and ( MarginParam1 = 'here' ) then begin Style.LeftMargin := X; end else begin try MarginSize := StrToInt( MarginParam1 ); if tmpFontParts.Count > 1 then // do we have a second parameter MarginParam2 := tmpFontParts[1] else MarginParam2 := ''; if MarginParam2 = 'pixels' then NewMargin := MarginSize else if MarginParam2 = 'deffont' then NewMargin := MarginSize * ASettings.NormalFont.TextWidth('w') // .Width else begin case ASettings.MarginSizeStyle of msAverageCharWidth: NewMargin := MarginSize * FontManager.AverageCharWidth; msMaximumCharWidth: NewMargin := MarginSize * FontManager.MaximumCharWidth; msSpecifiedChar: NewMargin := MarginSize * FontManager.CharWidth(Chr(ASettings.MarginChar)); end; end; except NewMargin := 0; end; if Tag.TagType = ttSetLeftMargin then Style.LeftMargin := ASettings.Margins.Left + NewMargin else Style.RightMargin := ASettings.Margins.Right + NewMargin; end; tmpFontParts.Free; end; { teSet[left|right]margin } end; { case Tag.TagType } ApplyStyle( Style, FontManager ); ProfileEvent('DEBUG: ApplyStyleTag <<<'); end; function GetDefaultStyle( const ASettings: TRichTextSettings ): TTextDrawStyle; begin FillChar(Result, SizeOf(TTextDrawStyle), 0); { Note: this references the user Settings and not the parameter ASettings } Result.FontNameSize := Settings.NormalFontDesc; Result.FontAttributes := []; Result.Alignment := ASettings.FDefaultAlignment; Result.Wrap := ASettings.FDefaultWrap; Result.Color := ASettings.FDefaultColor; Result.BackgroundColor := ASettings.FDefaultBackgroundColor; Result.LeftMargin := ASettings.Margins.Left; Result.RightMargin := ASettings.Margins.Right; end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetupComponent; begin Name := 'RichTextSettings'; FNormalFont := fpgGetFont(Settings.NormalFontDesc); FFixedFont := fpgGetFont(Settings.FixedFontDesc); FHeading1Font := fpgGetFont(DefaultTopicFontName + '-20'); FHeading2Font := fpgGetFont(DefaultTopicFontName + '-14'); FHeading3Font := fpgGetFont(DefaultTopicFontName + '-10:bold'); FDefaultColor := clBlack; FDefaultBackgroundColor := clWhite; FDefaultAlignment := taLeft; FDefaultWrap := true; FAtLeastOneWordBeforeWrap := false; { TODO: Add this property to DocView's Preferences dialog } FMarginSizeStyle := msAverageCharWidth; FMarginChar := Ord( ' ' ); FMargins.Left := 0; FMargins.Right := 0; FMargins.Top := 0; FMargins.Bottom := 0; FUpdateCount := 0; FChangesPending := false; end; constructor TRichTextSettings.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); SetupComponent; end; destructor TRichTextSettings.Destroy; begin FNormalFont.Free; FFixedFont.Free; FHeading1Font.Free; FHeading2Font.Free; FHeading3Font.Free; Inherited Destroy; end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.Change; begin if FUpdateCount > 0 then begin FChangesPending := true; exit; end; if FOnChange <> nil then FOnChange( self ); end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetDefaultAlignment( Alignment: TTextAlignment ); begin if Alignment = FDefaultAlignment then exit; // no change FDefaultAlignment := Alignment; Change; end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetDefaultWrap( Wrap: boolean ); begin if Wrap = FDefaultWrap then exit; // no change FDefaultWrap := Wrap; Change; end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetAtLeastOneWordBeforeWrap( NewValue: boolean ); begin if NewValue = FAtLeastOneWordBeforeWrap then exit; // no change FAtLeastOneWordBeforeWrap := NewValue; Change; end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetMarginChar( NewValue: longint ); begin if NewValue = FMarginChar then exit; // no change FMarginChar := NewValue; if FMarginSizeStyle <> msSpecifiedChar then // doesn't matter, will be ignored exit; Change; end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetMarginSizeStyle( NewValue: TMarginSizeStyle ); begin if NewValue = FMarginSizeStyle then exit; // no change FMarginSizeStyle := NewValue; Change; end; Function FontSame( FontA: TfpgFont; FontB: TfpgFont ): boolean; begin if ( FontA = nil ) or ( FontB = nil ) then Result := False else Result := FontA.FontDesc = FontB.FontDesc; end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.AssignFont(var AFont: TfpgFont; NewFont: TfpgFont ); begin If NewFont = Nil Then NewFont := fpgApplication.DefaultFont; if FontSame( NewFont, AFont ) then exit; // no change AFont.Free; AFont := NewFont; Change; End; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetHeading1Font( NewFont: TfpgFont ); begin AssignFont( FHeading1Font, NewFont ); end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetHeading2Font( NewFont: TfpgFont ); begin AssignFont( FHeading2Font, NewFont ); End; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetHeading3Font( NewFont: TfpgFont ); begin AssignFont( FHeading3Font, NewFont ); End; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetFixedFont( NewFont: TfpgFont ); begin AssignFont( FFixedFont, NewFont ); end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetNormalFont( NewFont: TfpgFont ); begin AssignFont( FNormalFont, NewFont ); end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetMargins( const NewMargins: TRect ); begin if NewMargins = FMargins then exit; // no change FMargins := NewMargins; Change; end; function TRichTextSettings.GetMargin_Left: longint; begin Result := FMargins.Left; end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetMargin_Left( NewValue: longint ); begin FMargins.Left := NewValue; end; function TRichTextSettings.GetMargin_Bottom: longint; begin Result := FMargins.Bottom; end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetMargin_Bottom( NewValue: longint ); begin FMargins.Bottom := NewValue; end; function TRichTextSettings.GetMargin_Right: longint; begin Result := FMargins.Right; end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetMargin_Right( NewValue: longint ); begin FMargins.Right := NewValue; end; function TRichTextSettings.GetMargin_Top: longint; begin Result := FMargins.Top; end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetMargin_Top( NewValue: longint ); begin FMargins.Top := NewValue; end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetDefaultColor( NewColor: TfpgColor ); begin if NewColor = FDefaultColor then exit; FDefaultColor := NewColor; Change; end; Procedure TRichTextSettings.SetDefaultBackgroundColor( NewColor: TfpgColor ); begin if NewColor = FDefaultBackgroundColor then exit; FDefaultBackgroundColor := NewColor; Change; end; procedure TRichTextSettings.BeginUpdate; begin inc( FUpdateCount ); end; procedure TRichTextSettings.EndUpdate; begin if FUpdateCount = 0 then exit; dec( FUpdateCount ); if FUpdateCount = 0 then begin if FChangesPending then begin Change; FChangesPending := false; end; end; end; initialization RegisterClasses([TRichTextSettings]); end.