Unit RichTextDocumentUnit; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} // Declarations of tags, and parsing functions Interface uses Classes ,fpg_base ; type COUNTRYCODE = string[2]; TTagType = ( ttInvalid, ttBold, ttBoldOff, ttItalic, ttItalicOff, ttUnderline, ttUnderlineOff, ttFixedWidthOn, ttFixedWidthOff, ttHeading1, ttHeading2, ttHeading3, ttHeadingOff, ttColor, ttColorOff, ttBackgroundColor, ttBackgroundColorOff, ttRed, ttBlue, ttGreen, ttBlack, ttWrap, ttAlign, ttBeginLink, ttEndLink, ttSetLeftMargin, ttSetRightMargin, ttImage, ttFont, ttFontOff, ttEnd ); TStandardColor = record Name: string[ 32 ]; Color: TfpgColor; end; TTag = record TagType: TTagType; Arguments: string; end; TTextElementType = ( teText, // a character teWordBreak, teLineBreak, // end of para teTextEnd, teImage, teStyle ); TTextElement = record ElementType: TTextElementType; Character: TfpgChar; // so we can support UTF-8 character Tag: TTag; end; TTextAlignment = ( taLeft, taRight, taCenter ); const TagStr: array[ ttInvalid .. ttEnd ] of string = ( '', // 'b', '/b', 'i', '/i', 'u', '/u', 'tt', '/tt', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', '/h', 'color', '/color', 'backcolor', '/backcolor', 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'black', 'wrap', 'align', 'link', '/link', 'leftmargin', 'rightmargin', 'image', 'font', '/font', '' ); // Returns tag pointed to by TextPointer and // moves TextPointer to the first char after the tag. Function ExtractTag( Var TextPointer: PChar ): TTag; // Returns tag ending at TextPointer // (Expects textpointer is currently pointing at the >) // and moves TextPointer to the first char of the tag Function ExtractPreviousTag( const TextStart: PChar; Var TextPointer: PChar ): TTag; function ExtractNextTextElement( TextPointer: PChar; Var NextElement: PChar ): TTextElement; function ExtractPreviousTextElement( const TextStart: PChar; TextPointer: PChar; Var NextElement: PChar ): TTextElement; // Parse a color name or value (#hexval). Returns true if valid function GetTagColor( const ColorParam: string; var Color: TfpgColor ): boolean; function GetTagTextAlignment( const AlignParam: string; const Default: TTextAlignment ): TTextAlignment; function GetTagTextWrap( const WrapParam: string ): boolean; // Search within a rich text document for the given text // if found, returns true, pMatch is set to the first match, // and MatchLength returns the length of the match // (which may be greater than the length of Text due to // to skipping tags) // if not found, returns false, pMatch is set to nil function RichTextFindString( pRichText: PChar; const Text: string; var pMatch: PChar; var MatchLength: longint ): boolean; // Returns the start of the previous word, // or the current word if pStart is in the middle of the word function RichTextWordLeft( pRichText: PChar; pStart: PChar ): PChar; // Returns the start of the next word. function RichTextWordRight( pStart: PChar ): PChar; // If pStart is in the middle of a word, then // returns true and sets the start and length of the word function RichTextWordAt( pRichText: PChar; pStart: PChar; Var pWordStart: PChar; Var WordLength: longint ): boolean; // Copies plaintext of richtext starting at StartP // to the given buffer. Returns number of characters copied. // Buffer may be nil // If BufferLength is negative, it is effectively ignored function CopyPlainTextToBuffer( StartP: PChar; EndP: PChar; Buffer: PChar; BufferLength: longint ): longint; Implementation uses SysUtils ,ACLStringUtility ,fpg_stringutils ; const StandardColors: array[ 0..7 ] of TStandardColor = ( ( Name : 'white' ; Color: clWhite ), ( Name : 'black' ; Color: clBlack ), ( Name : 'red' ; Color: clRed ), ( Name : 'blue' ; Color: clBlue ), ( Name : 'green' ; Color: clLime ), ( Name : 'purple'; Color: clFuchsia ), ( Name : 'yellow'; Color: clYellow ), ( Name : 'cyan' ; Color: clAqua ) ); Procedure ParseTag( const Text: string; Var Tag: TTag ); var TagType: TTagType; TagTypeText: string; SpacePos: longint; begin SpacePos := Pos( ' ', Text ); if SpacePos <> 0 then begin Tag.Arguments := trim( Copy( Text, SpacePos + 1, 255 ) ); TagTypeText := LowerCase( Copy( Text, 1, SpacePos - 1 ) ); end else begin Tag.Arguments := ''; // to save time copying when not needed TagTypeText := LowerCase( Text ); end; for TagType := ttBold to ttEnd do begin if TagStr[ TagType ] = TagTypeText then begin Tag.TagType := TagType; exit; end; end; // not found Tag.TagType := ttInvalid; end; var TagText: string; TagArgText: string; Function ExtractTag( Var TextPointer: PChar ): TTag; var CurrentChar: Char; TagTooLong: boolean; InQuote: boolean; begin // assert( TextPointer[ 0 ] = '<' ); TagText := ''; TagTooLong := false; InQuote := false; repeat CurrentChar := TextPointer^; if ( CurrentChar = '>' ) and ( not InQuote ) then begin // found tag end. if TagTooLong then Result.TagType := ttInvalid else ParseTag( TagText, Result ); inc( TextPointer ); exit; end; if CurrentChar = #0 then begin // if we reach here we have reached the end of text // during a tag. invalid tag. Result.TagType := ttInvalid; exit; end; if CurrentChar = CharDoubleQuote then begin if not InQuote then begin InQuote := true end else begin // Could be escaped quote "" // if (TextPointer + 1 )^ = DoubleQuote then if ( TextPointer + 1 ) ^ = CharDoubleQuote then begin // yes it is inc( TextPointer ); // skip second one end else begin // no, not an escaped quote InQuote := false; end; end; end; if not TagTooLong then if Length( TagText ) < 200 then TagText := TagText + CurrentChar else TagTooLong := true; // but keep going until the end inc( TextPointer ); until false; end; // Expects textpointer is currently pointing at the > Function ExtractPreviousTag( const TextStart: PChar; Var TextPointer: PChar ): TTag; var CurrentChar: Char; TagTooLong: boolean; InQuote: boolean; begin TagText := ''; TagTooLong := false; InQuote := false; repeat dec( TextPointer ); if TextPointer < TextStart then begin // if we reach here we have reached the end of text // during a tag. invalid tag. Result.TagType := ttInvalid; exit; end; CurrentChar := TextPointer^; if ( CurrentChar = '<' ) and ( not InQuote ) then begin // found tag end. if TagTooLong then Result.TagType := ttInvalid else ParseTag( TagText, Result ); exit; end; if CurrentChar = CharDoubleQuote then begin if not InQuote then begin InQuote := true end else begin // Could be escaped quote "" if TextPointer <= TextStart then begin // start of text... somethin weird InQuote := false; end else if ( TextPointer - 1 ) ^ = CharDoubleQuote then begin // yes it is dec( TextPointer ); // skip second one end else begin // no, not an escaped quote InQuote := false; end; end; end; if not TagTooLong then if Length( TagText ) < 200 then TagText := CurrentChar + TagText else TagTooLong := true; // but keep going until the end until false; end; function ExtractNextTextElement( TextPointer: PChar; Var NextElement: PChar ): TTextElement; var TheChar: TfpgChar; NextChar: TfpgChar; CharLength: integer; s1, s2: TfpgString; c: Char; begin with Result do begin CharLength := UTF8CharacterLength(TextPointer); s1 := TextPointer; TheChar := UTF8Copy(s1, 1, 1); c := TextPointer^; Character := TheChar; inc( TextPointer, CharLength ); if (TheChar = ' ') and (c <> #0) then begin // ---- Space (word break) found ---- ElementType := teWordBreak; end else if (TheChar = #10) or (TheChar = #13) then begin // ---- End of line found ---- begin ElementType := teLineBreak; if TheChar = #13 then begin TheChar := TextPointer^; if TheChar = #10 then // skip CR following LF inc( TextPointer ); end; end; end else if (TheChar = '') and (c = #0) then begin // ---- end of text found ---- ElementType := teTextEnd; end else if TheChar = '<' then begin // ---- tag found? ---- CharLength := UTF8CharacterLength(TextPointer); s2 := TextPointer; NextChar := UTF8Copy(s2, 1, 1); if NextChar = '<' then begin // no, just a literal < ElementType := teText; inc( TextPointer ); end else begin Tag := ExtractTag( TextPointer ); if Tag.TagType = ttImage then ElementType := teImage else ElementType := teStyle; end; end else if TheChar = '>' then begin // check - should be double begin ElementType := teText; NextChar := TextPointer^; if NextChar = '>' then inc( TextPointer ); end; end else ElementType := teText; end; // with NextElement := TextPointer; end; function ExtractPreviousTextElement( const TextStart: PChar; TextPointer: PChar; Var NextElement: PChar ): TTextElement; var TheChar: Char; PreviousChar: Char; FoundTag: boolean; begin with Result do begin dec( TextPointer ); TheChar := TextPointer^; Character := TheChar; if TextPointer < TextStart then begin ElementType := teTextEnd; exit; end; case TheChar of ' ': // ---- Space (word break) found ---- ElementType := teWordBreak; #10, #13: // ---- End of line found ---- begin ElementType := teLineBreak; if TheChar = #10 then begin dec( TextPointer ); TheChar := TextPointer^; if TheChar = #13 then begin // skip CR preceeding LF end else inc( TextPointer ); end; end; '>': // ---- tag found ---- begin FoundTag := true; if TextPointer > TextStart then begin PreviousChar := ( TextPointer - 1 )^; if PreviousChar = '>' then begin // no. just a literal > FoundTag := false; ElementType := teText; dec( TextPointer ); end end; if FoundTag then begin Tag := ExtractPreviousTag( TextStart, TextPointer ); if Tag.TagType = ttImage then ElementType := teImage else ElementType := teStyle; end; end; '<': // should be double begin ElementType := teText; if TextPointer > TextStart then begin PreviousChar := TextPointer^; if PreviousChar = '<' then dec( TextPointer ); end; end else ElementType := teText; end; end; // with NextElement := TextPointer; end; function GetTagColor( const ColorParam: string; var Color: TfpgColor ): boolean; var ColorIndex: longint; begin Result := false; if ColorParam <> '' then begin if ColorParam[ 1 ] = '#' then begin try Color := HexToInt( StrRightFrom( ColorParam, 2 ) ); Result := true; except end; end else begin for ColorIndex := 0 to High( StandardColors ) do begin if StringsSame( ColorParam, StandardColors[ ColorIndex ].Name ) then begin Color := StandardColors[ ColorIndex ].Color; Result := true; break; end; end; end; end; end; function GetTagTextAlignment( const AlignParam: string; const Default: TTextAlignment ): TTextAlignment; begin if StringsSame( AlignParam, 'left' ) then Result := taLeft else if StringsSame( AlignParam, 'center' ) then Result := taCenter else if StringsSame( AlignParam, 'right' ) then Result := taRight else Result := Default; end; function GetTagTextWrap( const WrapParam: string ): boolean; begin Result := StringsSame( WrapParam, 'yes' ); end; function RichTextFindString( pRichText: PChar; const Text: string; var pMatch: PChar; var MatchLength: longint ): boolean; var P: PChar; NextP: PChar; Element: TTextElement; pMatchStart: pchar; pMatchStartNext: pchar; MatchIndex: longint; C: Char; begin if Length( Text ) = 0 then begin // null string always matches Result := true; pMatch := pRichText; MatchLength := 0; exit; end; P := pRichText; MatchIndex := 1; // Now search, case insensitively while true do begin Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); case Element.ElementType of teTextEnd: // end of text break; teImage, teLineBreak: // breaks a potential match MatchIndex := 1; teStyle: ; // ignore, matches can continue else begin if Uppercase(Element.Character) = UpperCase(Text[Matchindex]) then begin // found a match if MatchIndex = 1 then begin pMatchStart := P; // store start of match pMatchStartNext := NextP; end; inc( MatchIndex ); if MatchIndex > Length( Text ) then begin // found a complete match Result := true; pMatch := pMatchStart; MatchLength := PCharDiff( P, pMatchStart ) + 1; // include this char exit; end; end else begin // not a match if MatchIndex > 1 then begin // go back to start of match, + 1 NextP := pMatchStartNext; MatchIndex := 1; end; end; end; end; P := NextP; end; // no match found Result := false; pMatch := nil; MatchLength := 0; end; function RichTextWordLeft( pRichText: PChar; pStart: PChar ): PChar; Var P: PChar; NextP: PChar; Element: TTextElement; begin P := pStart; // skip whitespace/tags... Element := ExtractPreviousTextElement( pRichText, P, NextP ); P := NextP; while Element.ElementType in [ teWordBreak, teLineBreak, teImage, teStyle ] do begin Element := ExtractPreviousTextElement( pRichText, P, NextP ); P := NextP; end; if Element.ElementType = teTextEnd then begin Result := P; // out of text exit; end; // back to start of word, skip text/tags while true do begin Element := ExtractPreviousTextElement( pRichText, P, NextP ); if not ( Element.ElementType in [ teText, teStyle ] ) then break; P := NextP; end; Result := P; end; function RichTextWordRight( pStart: PChar ): PChar; Var P: PChar; NextP: PChar; Element: TTextElement; begin P := pStart; // skip text/tags... Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); while Element.ElementType in [ teStyle, teText ] do begin P := NextP; Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); end; if Element.ElementType <> teTextEnd then begin // skip whitespace Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); while Element.ElementType in [ teWordBreak, teLineBreak, teImage, teStyle ] do begin P := NextP; Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); end; end; Result := P; end; function RichTextWordAt( pRichText: PChar; pStart: PChar; Var pWordStart: PChar; Var WordLength: longint ): boolean; Var P: PChar; NextP: PChar; Element: TTextElement; pWordEnd: PChar; begin P := pStart; Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); if not ( Element.ElementType in [ teStyle, teText ] ) then begin // not in a word. result := false; pWordStart := nil; WordLength := 0; exit; end; // find end of the word while Element.ElementType in [ teStyle, teText ] do begin P := NextP; Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); end; pWordEnd := P; P := pStart; Element := ExtractPreviousTextElement( pRichText, P, NextP ); while Element.ElementType in [ teStyle, teText ] do begin P := NextP; Element := ExtractPreviousTextElement( pRichText, P, NextP ); end; pWordStart := P; WordLength := PCharDiff( pWordEnd, pWordStart ); Result := true; end; // TODO: Rewrite this to work with fpGUI and AnsiString/TfpgString function CopyPlainTextToBuffer( StartP: PChar; EndP: PChar; Buffer: PChar; BufferLength: longint ): longint; var Q: PChar; EndQ: Pchar; P: PChar; NextP: PChar; Element: TTextElement; begin (* P := StartP; Q := Buffer; EndQ := Buffer + BufferLength; while P < EndP do begin Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); case Element.ElementType of teText, teWordBreak: begin // copy char if Buffer <> nil then Q[ 0 ] := Element.Character; inc( Q ); end; teLineBreak: begin if Buffer <> nil then Q[ 0 ] := #13; inc( Q ); if Q = EndQ then // end of buffer break; if Buffer <> nil then Q[ 0 ] := #10; inc( Q ); end; end; if Q = EndQ then // end of buffer break; P := NextP; end; result := PCharDiff( Q, Buffer ); *) end; Initialization End.