Unit RichTextDisplayUnit; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} Interface uses Classes ,CanvasFontManager ,RichTextStyleUnit ,RichTextLayoutUnit ; // Selection start and end should both be nil if no selection is to be applied Procedure DrawRichTextLayout( var FontManager: TCanvasFontManager; Layout: TRichTextLayout; const SelectionStart: PChar; const SelectionEnd: PChar; const StartLine: longint; const EndLine: longint; const StartPoint: TPoint ); // Print as much of the given layout as will fit on the page, // starting at StartY and StartLine // EndY is set to the final Y output position used + 1. // EndLine is set to the last line printed + 1 Procedure PrintRichTextLayout( var FontManager: TCanvasFontManager; var Layout: TRichTextLayout; const StartLine: longint; var EndLine: longint; const StartY: longint; var EndY: longint ); Implementation uses SysUtils ,RichTextDocumentUnit ,fpg_base ,fpg_main ,nvUtilities ; // For the given point in the text, update selected if the point // is at start or end of selection // Returns true if changed function SelectionChange( P: PChar; SelectionStart: PChar; SelectionEnd: PChar; var NextSelected: boolean ): boolean; begin Result := false; if P = SelectionStart then begin Result := true; if SelectionStart < SelectionEnd then // reached start of selection NextSelected := true else // reached end NextSelected := false; end else if P = SelectionEnd then begin Result := true; if SelectionStart < SelectionEnd then // reached end of selection NextSelected := false else // reached start NextSelected := true; end; end; function InvertRGB( Arg: TfpgColor ): TfpgColor; begin Result := fpgColorToRGB( Arg ); // in case it's a system color e.g. button face Result := Result xor $ffffff; // now invert the RGB components end; // Draw a string at the given location with given color/selected state procedure DrawRichTextString( var FontManager: TCanvasFontManager; Layout: TRichTextLayout; var X: longint; Y: longint; S: PChar; Len: longint; Selected: Boolean; PenColor: TfpgColor; BackColor: TfpgColor ); var Point: TPoint; begin ProfileEvent('DEBUG: DrawRichTextString >>>'); if Len = 0 then exit; Point.X := X; Point.Y := Y; if Selected then begin FontManager.Canvas.Color := InvertRGB( BackColor ); FontManager.Canvas.TextColor := InvertRGB(PenColor); end else begin FontManager.Canvas.Color := BackColor; FontManager.Canvas.TextColor := PenColor; end; if FontManager.Canvas.Color <> Layout.FRichTextSettings.DefaultBackgroundColor then FontManager.Canvas.FillRectangle(x, y, FontManager.Canvas.Font.TextWidth(s), FontManager.Canvas.Font.Height); FontManager.DrawString( Point, Len, S ); X := Point.X; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: DrawRichTextString <<<'); end; var // global, so that we don't reallocate every drawline StringToDraw: String = ''; // Draw the specified line at the specified // (physical) location Procedure DrawRichTextLine( var FontManager: TCanvasFontManager; Layout: TRichTextLayout; SelectionStart: PChar; SelectionEnd: PChar; Line: TLayoutLine; Start: TPoint ); var X, Y: longint; Element: TTextElement; StartedDrawing: boolean; Style: TTextDrawStyle; P: PChar; NextP: PChar; EndP: PChar; BitmapIndex: longint; Bitmap: TfpgImage; BitmapRect: TRect; TextBlockStart: PChar; Selected: boolean; NextSelected: boolean; NewMarginX: longint; procedure DrawTextBlock; begin DrawRichTextString( FontManager, Layout, X, // value gets adjusted by the time it returns Y, // value gets adjusted by the time it returns PChar(StringToDraw), Length(StringToDraw), Selected, Style.Color, Style.BackgroundColor); StringToDraw := ''; end; begin ProfileEvent('DEBUG: DrawRichTextLine >>>'); P := Line.Text; EndP := Line.Text + Line.Length; if P = EndP then begin // Empty line exit; end; Selected := false; if SelectionStart <= Line.Text then // selection start is above. Selected := true; if SelectionEnd <= Line.Text then // selection end is above. Selected := not Selected; StringToDraw := ''; Style := Line.Style; FontManager.SetFont( Style.Font ); StartedDrawing := false; TextBlockStart := P; Y := Start.Y; // + Line.MaxDescender; // co-ordinates are from top/left, so do we need descender? [Graeme] while P < EndP do begin Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP ); if SelectionChange( P, SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, NextSelected ) then begin DrawTextBlock; TextBlockStart := P; Selected := NextSelected; end; case Element.ElementType of teWordBreak, teText, teImage: begin if not StartedDrawing then begin // we haven't yet started drawing: // so work out alignment X := Start.X + Layout.GetStartX( Style, Line ); StartedDrawing := true; end; // Now do the drawing if Element.ElementType = teImage then begin ProfileEvent('DEBUG: DrawRichTextLine - skipping image drawing (not implemented yet)'); DrawTextBlock; TextBlockStart := NextP; try BitmapIndex := StrToInt( Element.Tag.Arguments ); except BitmapIndex := -1; end; if Layout.IsValidBitmapIndex( BitmapIndex ) then begin Bitmap := Layout.Images.Item[BitmapIndex].Image; BitmapRect.Left := X div FontWidthPrecisionFactor; BitmapRect.Top := Start.Y; BitmapRect.Right := Trunc(BitmapRect.Left + Bitmap.Width * Layout.HorizontalImageScale); BitmapRect.Bottom := Trunc(BitmapRect.Top + Bitmap.Height * Layout.VerticalImageScale); FontManager.Canvas.StretchDraw(BitmapRect.Left, BitMapRect.Top, BitmapRect.Right-BitMapRect.Left, BitMapRect.Bottom-BitMapRect.Top, Bitmap); inc( X, trunc( Bitmap.Width * FontWidthPrecisionFactor * Layout.HorizontalImageScale ) ); end; end else begin // character (or word break) // build up the successive characters... StringToDraw := StringToDraw + Element.Character; end; end; teStyle: begin DrawTextBlock; TextBlockStart := NextP; if ( Element.Tag.TagType = ttItalicOff ) and ( faItalic in Style.Font.Attributes ) and ( not FontManager.IsFixed ) then // end of italic; add a space inc( X, FontManager.CharWidth( ' ' ) ); Layout.PerformStyleTag( Element.Tag, Style, X ); NewMarginX := ( Start.X + Style.LeftMargin ); if NewMarginX > X then begin //skip across... X := NewMarginX; end; end; end; P := NextP; end; DrawTextBlock; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: DrawRichTextLine <<<'); end; Procedure DrawRichTextLayout( var FontManager: TCanvasFontManager; Layout: TRichTextLayout; const SelectionStart: PChar; const SelectionEnd: PChar; const StartLine: longint; const EndLine: longint; const StartPoint: TPoint ); Var Line: TLayoutLine; LineIndex: longint; Y: longint; BottomOfLine: longint; begin ProfileEvent('DEBUG: DrawRichTextLayout >>>'); assert( StartLine >= 0 ); assert( StartLine <= Layout.FNumLines ); assert( EndLine >= 0 ); assert( EndLine <= Layout.FNumLines ); assert( StartLine <= EndLine ); if Layout.FNumLines = 0 then // no text to draw exit; Y := StartPoint.Y + Layout.FRichTextSettings.Margins.Top; LineIndex := 0; // debug only to show Margins. //FontManager.Canvas.Color:= clRed; //FontManager.Canvas.DrawLine(0, y, 300, y); repeat Line := Layout.FLines^[ LineIndex ]; BottomOfLine := Y; if // the line is in the range to be drawn ( LineIndex >= StartLine ) and ( LineIndex <= EndLine ) // and the line is within the cliprect and ( BottomOfLine < FontManager.Canvas.GetClipRect.Bottom ) // -> so we can see partial lines at bottom scroll into the screen and ( Y >= FontManager.Canvas.GetClipRect.Top - Line.Height) then // -> so we can see partial lines at top scroll off the screen begin // draw it. First decided whether selection is started or not. DrawRichTextLine( FontManager, Layout, SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, Line, Point(StartPoint.X, Y) ); end; inc( Y, Line.Height ); { TODO 99 -oGraeme -cMUST FIX : Must remove this hard-coded value. It's just a test!!! } // 4 is the Border Width of 2px times 2 borders. if Y > (FontManager.Widget.Height-4) then // past bottom of output canvas break; inc( LineIndex ); if LineIndex >= Layout.FNumLines then // end of text break; until false; ProfileEvent('DEBUG: DrawRichTextLayout <<<'); End; Procedure PrintRichTextLayout( var FontManager: TCanvasFontManager; var Layout: TRichTextLayout; const StartLine: longint; var EndLine: longint; const StartY: longint; var EndY: longint ); Var Selected: boolean; Line: TLayoutLine; LineIndex: longint; Y: longint; BottomOfLine: longint; LinesPrinted: longint; begin assert( StartLine >= 0 ); assert( StartLine <= Layout.FNumLines ); if Layout.FNumLines = 0 then // no text to draw exit; Y := StartY - Layout.FRichTextSettings.Margins.Top; Selected := false; // it's not going to change. LinesPrinted := 0; LineIndex := StartLine; repeat Line := TLayoutLine(Layout.FLines[ LineIndex ]); BottomOfLine := Y - Line.Height + 1; // bottom pixel row is top - height + 1 if BottomOfLine < Layout.FRichTextSettings.Margins.Bottom then // past bottom of page (less margin) if LinesPrinted > 0 then // stop, as long as we've printed at least 1 line break; // draw it DrawRichTextLine( FontManager, Layout, nil, nil, Line, Point( 0, BottomOfLine ) ); dec( Y, Line.Height ); inc( LinesPrinted ); inc( LineIndex ); if LineIndex >= Layout.FNumLines then // end of text break; until false; EndY := Y; EndLine := LineIndex; end; end.