Unit CanvasFontManager; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes ,fpg_base ,fpg_main ,fpg_widget ; Const // This defines the fraction of a pixel that // font character widths will be given in DefaultTopicFontName = 'Arial'; DefaultTopicFontSize: integer = 10; DefaultTopicFixedFontName = 'Courier New'; DefaultTopicFixedFontSize: integer = 10; var DefaultTopicFont: string; DefaultTopicFixedFont: string; type {Standard Font Attributes} TFontAttributes = set of (faBold, faItalic, faUnderScore, faOutline, faStrikeOut); {Standard Font pitches} TFontPitch=(fpFixed,fpProportional); TCanvasFontManager = class(TObject) private FWidget: TfpgWidget; FCanvas: TfpgCanvas; FFontCache: TFPList; function GetCurrentFont: TfpgFont; procedure SetDefaultFont(const AValue: TfpgFont); protected FDefaultFont: TfpgFont; public constructor Create(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; AWidget: TfpgWidget); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; function AverageCharWidth: longint; function CharDescender: longint; function CharHeight: longint; function CharWidth( const C: TfpgChar ): longint; // Retrieve the width of the given char, in the current font function IsFixed: boolean; function MaximumCharWidth: longint; procedure DrawString(var Point: TPoint; const Length: longint; const S: PChar); procedure SetFont(const AFontDesc: TfpgString); property Canvas: TfpgCanvas read FCanvas; property CurrentFont: TfpgFont read GetCurrentFont; property DefaultFont: TfpgFont read FDefaultFont write SetDefaultFont; property Widget: TfpgWidget read FWidget; end; // Get the font attributes of a fpGUI font function GetFPGuiFontAttributes(const AFont: TfpgFont): TFontAttributes; function GetFPGuiFont(const AFontNameSize: string; const Attrs: TFontAttributes): TfpgFont; procedure ApplyFontAttributes(var AFontDesc: string; const Attrs: TFontAttributes); implementation uses SysUtils ,ACLStringUtility ,nvUtilities ,fpg_stringutils ,SettingsUnit ; function GetFPGuiFontAttributes(const AFont: TfpgFont): TFontAttributes; var s: string; facename: string; cp: integer; c: char; token: string; prop, propval: string; lDesc: string; lFontSize: integer; function NextC: char; begin Inc(cp); if cp > length(lDesc) then c := #0 else c := lDesc[cp]; Result := c; end; procedure NextToken; begin token := ''; while (c <> #0) and (c in [' ', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', '0'..'9']) do begin token := token + c; NextC; end; end; begin Result := []; cp := 0; lDesc := AFont.FontDesc; // find fontface NextC; NextToken; // find font size if c = '-' then begin NextC; NextToken; lFontSize := StrToIntDef(token, DefaultTopicFontSize); end; // find font attributes while c = ':' do begin NextC; NextToken; prop := UpperCase(token); propval := ''; if c = '=' then begin NextC; NextToken; propval := UpperCase(token); end; // convert fontdesc attributes to standard font attributes if prop = 'BOLD' then include(Result, faBold) else if prop = 'ITALIC' then include(Result, faItalic) else if prop = 'UNDERLINE' then include(Result, faUnderScore) else if prop = 'OUTLINE' then include(Result, faOutline) else if prop = 'STRIKEOUT' then include(Result, faStrikeOut) end; end; function GetFPGuiFont(const AFontNameSize: string; const Attrs: TFontAttributes): TfpgFont; var s: string; begin s := AFontNameSize; ApplyFontAttributes(s, Attrs); Result := fpgGetFont(s); end; // Add attributes to font name procedure ApplyFontAttributes(var AFontDesc: string; const Attrs: TFontAttributes); begin if faItalic in Attrs then if Pos(':Italic', AFontDesc) = 0 then AFontDesc := AFontDesc + ':Italic'; if faBold in Attrs then if Pos(':Bold', AFontDesc) = 0 then AFontDesc := AFontDesc + ':Bold'; if faOutline in Attrs Then if Pos(':Outline', AFontDesc) = 0 then AFontDesc := AFontDesc + ':Outline'; if faStrikeOut in Attrs Then if Pos(':Strikeout', AFontDesc) = 0 then AFontDesc := AFontDesc + ':Strikeout'; if faUnderScore in Attrs Then if Pos(':Underscore', AFontDesc) = 0 then AFontDesc := AFontDesc + ':Underscore'; end; // Provide font name substitutes for some common bitmap fonts found in INF files function SubstituteBitmapFontToOutline( const FaceName: string ): string; begin if StringsSame( FaceName, 'Helv' ) then result := DefaultTopicFontName else if StringsSame( FaceName, 'Helvetica' ) then result := DefaultTopicFontName else if StringsSame( FaceName, 'Tms Rmn' ) then result := 'Times New Roman' else if StringsSame( FaceName, 'System Proportional' ) then result := DefaultTopicFontName else if StringsSame( FaceName, 'System Monospaced' ) then result := DefaultTopicFixedFontName else if StringsSame( FaceName, 'System VIO' ) then result := DefaultTopicFixedFontName else result := FaceName; // no substitution end; // Look for the best match for the given face, size and attributes. // If FixedWidth is set then makes sure that the result is fixed procedure FindBestFontMatch( const FaceName: string; const PointSize: longint; const Attributes: TFontAttributes; const FixedWidth: boolean; var FontDesc: string ); var sl: TStringList; i: integer; begin FontDesc := ''; sl := fpgApplication.GetFontFaceList; for i := 0 to sl.Count-1 do begin if Pos(FaceName, sl[i]) > 0 then FontDesc := sl[i] + '-' + IntToStr(PointSize); end; ApplyFontAttributes(FontDesc, Attributes); // if nothing found, use default font of fpGUI if FontDesc = '' then FontDesc := fpgStyle.DefaultFont.FontDesc; end; { TCanvasFontManager } constructor TCanvasFontManager.Create(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; AWidget: TfpgWidget); begin inherited Create; FCanvas := ACanvas; FWidget := AWidget; FDefaultFont := fpgGetFont(DefaultTopicFont); FCanvas.Font := FDefaultFont; FFontCache := TFPList.Create; end; destructor TCanvasFontManager.Destroy; var i: Integer; begin FCanvas.Font := fpgStyle.DefaultFont; FDefaultFont.Free; for i := 0 to FFontCache.Count-1 do TObject(FFontCache.Items[i]).Free; FFontCache.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TCanvasFontManager.SetDefaultFont(const AValue: TfpgFont); begin if FDefaultFont = AValue then exit; FDefaultFont.Free; FDefaultFont := AValue; end; function TCanvasFontManager.GetCurrentFont: TfpgFont; begin Result := FCanvas.Font as TfpgFont; end; // Set the current font for the canvas to match the given // spec, creating or re-using fonts as needed. procedure TCanvasFontManager.SetFont(const AFontDesc: TfpgString); const MAX_FONT_CACHE = 10; var i: Integer; Tmp: TfpgFont; begin if FCanvas.Font.FontDesc = AFontDesc then Exit; // nothing to do so exit if FDefaultFont.FontDesc = AFontDesc then begin FCanvas.Font := FDefaultFont; Exit; end; for i := 0 to FFontCache.Count-1 do begin Tmp := TfpgFont(FFontCache.Items[i]); if Tmp.FontDesc = AFontDesc then begin FFontCache.Move(i, 0); FCanvas.Font := Tmp; Exit; end; end; Tmp := fpgGetFont(AFontDesc); FFontCache.Insert(0, Tmp); if FFontCache.Count > MAX_FONT_CACHE then begin TObject(FFontCache.Items[MAX_FONT_CACHE]).Free; FFontCache.Delete(MAX_FONT_CACHE); end; FCanvas.Font := Tmp; end; function TCanvasFontManager.CharWidth( const C: TfpgChar ): longint; begin Result := FCanvas.Font.TextWidth(C); end; function TCanvasFontManager.AverageCharWidth: longint; begin Result := FCanvas.Font.TextWidth('c'); end; function TCanvasFontManager.MaximumCharWidth: longint; begin Result := FCanvas.Font.TextWidth('W'); end; function TCanvasFontManager.CharHeight: longint; begin Result := FCanvas.Font.Height; end; function TCanvasFontManager.CharDescender: longint; begin Result := FCanvas.Font.Descent; end; function TCanvasFontManager.IsFixed: boolean; begin Result := FCanvas.Font.IsFixedWidth; end; procedure TCanvasFontManager.DrawString(var Point: TPoint; const Length: longint; const S: PChar); var t: TfpgString; begin t := s; FCanvas.DrawString(Point.X, Point.Y, t); Point.x := Point.X + Canvas.Font.TextWidth(t); end; initialization DefaultTopicFont := DefaultTopicFontName + '-' + IntToStr(DefaultTopicFontSize); DefaultTopicFixedFont := DefaultTopicFixedFontName + '-' + IntToStr(DefaultTopicFixedFontSize); end.