DocView todo list.

[ ] - not started yet
[o] - started but not complete
[x] - completed task.

Todo list
[o] - Implement a ipfdump program. Already started work on this and is called
      docdump in the src directory.
[ ] - Implement a IPF Compiler in Object Pascal
[ ] - Text is not selectable in RichTextView. I imagine people want to
      copy & paste examples. Although "Save current Topic" already exists.
[ ] - Communication between application and docview. Both directions. Possible
      solutions is Pipes or IPC unit.
[ ] - Implement popup window for "notes" hyperlinks. eg: The hyper link text
      might be 'IBM', the "notes" link should then show a popup window (almost
      like a tooltip window) showing 'International Business Machines'.
[ ] - RichTextView component issue. Incompatible with original OS/2 VIEW. When
      resetting a font style (eg: italics to normal), it should not affect a
      previously set font color, unless a new font color is explicitly set.
[o] - Implement Image support in INF or HLP files.

[x] - External links are not supported yet.
[x] - Access Violation when the application terminates.
[x] - Settings / Customization dialog is needed.
[x] - Create help file for DocView listing all supported features etc..
[x] - Ever growing list of fonts used while loading new topics.
[x] - Change mouse cursor when over hyperlinks in RichTextView
[x] - Sometimes searching for a word doesn't find help even though it exists.
      eg: 'descriptor' doesn't find the help in fppoll topic, even though the
      work is clearly in the topic contents. [This was an issue with WIPFC]
[x] - Searching for two words as-is does not seem to work.
      eg: 'file descriptor' exists is fppoll help, but trying to search for
      those two words doesn't find anything. [This was an issue with WIPFC]
[x] - Display topic by ID via command line parameters
[x] - 'Could not load topic slots' message when trying to view some topics.
[x] - Extend compiler or INF file format for larged Word Index list. Currently
      LCL documentation needs to be split in two, to compile. (this was an issue
      with the Open Watcom WIPFC - limit is now set to 65000 entries)
[x] - Clicking in index list should set the text in the index search edit box.
[x] - MRU menu item doesn't seem to remember all opened documents.
[x] - Text wrapping in RichTextView is not 100% correct
[x] - Hyperlinks on scrolled content doesn't work.
[x] - Implement History tab and tracking - including Back & Next buttons.
[x] - Open Recent Files doesn't always get populated, or gets cleared for some
[x] - Fixes suggish scrolling. I think it's a recursive position event on the
      vertical scrollbar causing the problem.

fpdoc IPF todo list
[ ] - Class declaration in overview page is missing. Like HTML output.
[ ] - Class inheritance tree must be shown in overview page. Like HTML output.
[ ] - 
[ ] - 
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