Various dialogs used by fpGUI based applications. A standard message box dialog. A standard message box dialog. It is used by the global function. Sets the message to be displayed. An abstract dialog which forms the basis of other dialogs. This dialog implements the two basic buttons (OK, Cancel) and also some keyboard support like Escape to close the dialog. A standard font selection dialog. It also contains a Collection listbox which gets automatically populated based on the available fonts. There are two custom collections called Favourites and Recently Used which list your own selection of fonts. Font Aliases will list all registered font aliases used by the application, including the default font aliases used by fpGUI (eg: #Edit2 = 'Courier New-10'). The sample text or font preview text to be shown. File Open or File Save dialog. This dialog acts as both the File Open or File Save dialog used in fpGUI applications. The specific one needed can be launched by the or the methods. The filename selected by the user. Select specified file at startup. When the dialog is opened the file specified is pre selected. Open the dialog as a File Open dialog. Open the dialog as File Save dialog. File mask filters available in the dialog.

The filter consists out of two parts separated by a | sign. If more than one filter needs to be specified each filter is also separated by a | sign. The format for a single filter is: <description>|<filemask> The format for multiple filters are: <description>|<filemask>|<description>|<filemask>|<description>|<filemask>


'All Files (*)|*' 'All Files (*)|*|Object Pascal (*.pas)|*.pas'

A filemask can also contain more than one mask separated by a ; sign.
eg: 'Object Pascal|*.pas;*.lpi;*.pp'

If set to True the dialog will list hidden files as well. Displays a message box with an OK button. Call ShowMessage to display a simple message box with an OK button. If ATitle is not specified the caption of the message box will be 'Message'. AMessage parameter is the message string that appears in the message box. ATitle parameter is the string that appears as the caption of the message box. A convenience function to show the font selection dialog. TfpgFontSelectDialog