This unit defines the push button classes. Enum type defining the position of images inside a Button Image to the left of the button text. Image above the button text. Image to the right of the button text. Image below the button text. Base class the represents a push button control Defines where on the button the image will be displayed The spacing between the Image and the Text The ImageSpacing value is in pixels. The value range is from -1 to any positive value. -1 has a special meaning and is also the default value. When ImageSpacing equals -1, then the spacing between the button image and the button text is automatically calculated so that the button text is centred in the available horizontal space of the button. The registered name of a image to display on the button . This is the name used when a image resource was registered with the global fpgImages instance. Concrete button class used in user interfaces . This class is a descendant of TfpgBaseButton and simply publishes various properties for runtime type information. TfpgBaseButton