All constants used in fpGUI are defined here

. All the text constants defined here, are also the ones that get translated to multiple languages. Currently fpGUI has translations for:

  • Afrikaans
  • German
  • English (default language - but is user selectable)
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Russian

To change the default (compiled in) language used by fpGUI, simply enabled one of the language DEFINES in the interface section of the fpg_constants unit.

For more details on changing the default language of fpGUI Toolkit, see the topic "Changing the default language".

A utility function to add a colon at the correct location in a string . This is so that when fpGUI supports LTR and RTL languages, the colon will be added at the correct place. Default pause in milliseconds before a hint is displayed Time maximum time in milliseconds between left-clicks for a double click to be triggered Maximum distance a mouse pointer can move between two left-clicks and still trigger a double click event Changing the default language

Inside the fpg_constants.pas unit there are a few commented language defines. If no language specific Define is set, then fpGUI defaults to the English language. So say you want to change the default language to German, simply uncomment the de define, and recompile fpGUI.

Here is a list of current supported languages and their commented defines as they appear in the fpg_constants unit.

{.$DEFINE de} // German {.$DEFINE ru} // Russian {.$DEFINE fr} // French {.$DEFINE pt} // Portuguese (Brazil) {.$DEFINE af} // Afrikaans {.$DEFINE it} // Italian {.$DEFINE es} // Spanish