path: root/src/gui/fpg_memo.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/fpg_memo.pas')
1 files changed, 1459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/fpg_memo.pas b/src/gui/fpg_memo.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a93b06d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/fpg_memo.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1459 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ Defines a Memo control. Also known as a multi-line text edit control.
+unit fpg_memo;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ { TODO : Started a implementation for Tab support. It is still very experimental and should not be used yet. }
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ fpg_base,
+ fpg_main,
+ fpg_widget,
+ fpg_scrollbar,
+ fpg_menu;
+ TfpgMemo = class(TfpgWidget)
+ private
+ FLines: TStringList;
+ FMaxLength: integer;
+ FCursorPos: integer;
+ FCursorLine: integer;
+ FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
+ FSideMargin: integer;
+ FSelStartLine: integer;
+ FSelEndLine: integer;
+ FSelStartPos: integer;
+ FSelEndPos: integer;
+ FSelecting: boolean;
+ FMouseDragging: boolean;
+ FMouseDragPos: integer;
+ FFont: TfpgFont;
+ FDrawOffset: integer;
+ FLineHeight: integer;
+ FFirstLine: integer;
+ FTabWidth: integer;
+ FUseTabs: boolean;
+ FVScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar;
+ FHScrollBar: TfpgScrollBar;
+ FWrapping: boolean;
+ FLongestLineWidth: TfpgCoord;
+ FPopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu;
+ function GetFontDesc: string;
+ procedure SetFontDesc(const AValue: string);
+ procedure RecalcLongestLine;
+ procedure DeleteSelection;
+ procedure DoCopy;
+ procedure DoPaste;
+ procedure AdjustCursor;
+ function LineCount: integer;
+ function GetLineText(linenum: integer): string;
+ procedure SetLineText(linenum: integer; Value: string);
+ function GetCursorX: integer;
+ procedure SetCPByX(x: integer);
+ function CurrentLine: string;
+ function VisibleLines: integer;
+ function VisibleWidth: integer;
+ procedure VScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer);
+ procedure HScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer);
+ procedure SetText(const AValue: TfpgString);
+ function GetText: TfpgString;
+ procedure SetCursorLine(aValue: integer);
+ procedure UpdateScrollBarCoords;
+ protected
+ procedure HandleKeyChar(var AText: TfpgChar; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override;
+ procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override;
+ procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
+ procedure HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
+ procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
+ procedure HandleResize(dwidth, dheight: integer); override;
+ procedure HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState; delta: smallint); override;
+ procedure HandlePaint; override;
+ procedure HandleShow; override;
+ procedure HandleMouseEnter; override;
+ procedure HandleMouseExit; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure UpdateScrollBars;
+ function SelectionText: string;
+ property CursorLine: integer read FCursorLine write SetCursorLine;
+ property Font: TfpgFont read FFont;
+ property LineHeight: integer read FLineHeight;
+ property MaxLength: integer read FMaxLength write FMaxLength;
+ property TabWidth: integer read FTabWidth write FTabWidth;
+ property Text: TfpgString read GetText write SetText;
+ property UseTabs: boolean read FUseTabs write FUseTabs default False;
+ property PopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu read FPopupMenu write FPopupMenu;
+ published
+ property BackgroundColor default clBoxColor;
+ property FontDesc: string read GetFontDesc write SetFontDesc;
+ property Lines: TStringList read FLines;
+ property ParentShowHint;
+ property ShowHint;
+ property TabOrder;
+ property TextColor;
+ property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
+ property OnEnter;
+ property OnExit;
+ property OnKeyPress;
+ end;
+function CreateMemo(AOwner: TComponent; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord): TfpgMemo;
+ fpg_stringutils;
+ // custom stringlist that will notify the memo of item changes
+ TfpgMemoStrings = class(TStringList)
+ protected
+ Memo: TfpgMemo;
+ procedure RefreshMemo;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AMemo: TfpgMemo); reintroduce;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Add(const s: String): Integer; override;
+ procedure Clear; override;
+ procedure Delete(Index: Integer); override;
+ procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string); override;
+ end;
+{ TfpgMemoStrings }
+procedure TfpgMemoStrings.RefreshMemo;
+ if Assigned(Memo) and (Memo.HasHandle) then
+ begin
+ Memo.Invalidate;
+ Memo.UpdateScrollBars;
+ end;
+constructor TfpgMemoStrings.Create(AMemo: TfpgMemo);
+ inherited Create;
+ Memo := AMemo;
+destructor TfpgMemoStrings.Destroy;
+ Memo := nil;
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TfpgMemoStrings.Add(const s: String): Integer;
+ Result := inherited Add(s);
+ RefreshMemo;
+procedure TfpgMemoStrings.Delete(Index: Integer);
+// writeln('Delete''s Index = ', Index);
+ inherited Delete(Index);
+ RefreshMemo;
+procedure TfpgMemoStrings.Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string);
+// writeln('Insert''s Index = ', Index);
+ inherited Insert(Index, S);
+ RefreshMemo;
+procedure TfpgMemoStrings.Clear;
+ inherited Clear;
+ RefreshMemo;
+{ TfpgMemo }
+function CreateMemo(AOwner: TComponent; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord): TfpgMemo;
+ Result := TfpgMemo.Create(AOwner);
+ Result.Left := x;
+ Result.Top := y;
+ Result.Width := w;
+ if h > 0 then
+ Result.Height := h;
+procedure TfpgMemo.SetCursorLine(aValue: integer);
+ i: integer;
+ MaxLine: integer;
+ yp: integer;
+ if (aValue < 0) or (aValue = FCursorLine) then
+ Exit; // wrong value
+ if aValue < FFirstLine then
+ begin
+ FFirstLine := aValue; // moves the selected line to the top of the displayed rectangle
+ FCursorLine := aValue;
+ FCursorPos := 0;
+ RePaint;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ yp := 2;
+ MaxLine := 0;
+ for i := FFirstLine to LineCount-1 do
+ begin
+ yp := yp + LineHeight;
+ if yp > Height then
+ begin
+ MaxLine := i - 1;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if MaxLine < aValue then
+ begin
+ FFirstLine := aValue;
+ FCursorLine := aValue;
+ FCursorPos := 0;
+ RePaint;
+ Exit;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FCursorLine := aValue;
+ FCursorPos := 0;
+ RePaint;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+procedure TfpgMemo.UpdateScrollBarCoords;
+ HWidth: integer;
+ VHeight: integer;
+ VHeight := Height - 4;
+ HWidth := Width - 4;
+ if FVScrollBar.Visible then
+ Dec(HWidth, FVScrollBar.Width);
+ if FHScrollBar.Visible then
+ Dec(VHeight, FHScrollBar.Height);
+ FHScrollBar.Top := Height -FHScrollBar.Height - 2;
+ FHScrollBar.Left := 2;
+ FHScrollBar.Width := HWidth;
+ FVScrollBar.Top := 2;
+ FVScrollBar.Left := Width - FVScrollBar.Width - 2;
+ FVScrollBar.Height := VHeight;
+ FVScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition;
+ FHScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition;
+constructor TfpgMemo.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ Focusable := True;
+ FFont := fpgGetFont('#Edit1');
+ FHeight := FFont.Height * 3 + 4;
+ FWidth := 120;
+ FLineHeight := FFont.Height + 2;
+ FSelecting := False;
+ FSideMargin := 3;
+ FMaxLength := 0;
+ FWrapping := False;
+ FOnChange := nil;
+ FTextColor := Parent.TextColor;
+ FBackgroundColor := clBoxColor;
+ FUseTabs := False;
+ FTabWidth := 4;
+ FMinWidth := 20;
+ FMinHeight := 30;
+ FLines := TfpgMemoStrings.Create(self);
+ FFirstLine := 0;
+ FCursorLine := 0;
+ FCursorPos := 0;
+ FSelStartPos := FCursorPos;
+ FSelEndPos := 0;
+ FSelStartLine := -1;
+ FSelEndLine := -1;
+ FDrawOffset := 0;
+ FMouseDragging := False;
+ FVScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(self);
+ FVScrollBar.Orientation := orVertical;
+ FVScrollBar.OnScroll := @VScrollBarMove;
+ FVScrollBar.Visible := False;
+ FHScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(self);
+ FHScrollBar.Orientation := orHorizontal;
+ FHScrollBar.OnScroll := @HScrollBarMove;
+ FHScrollBar.ScrollStep := 5;
+ FHScrollBar.Visible := False;
+destructor TfpgMemo.Destroy;
+ TfpgMemoStrings(FLines).Free;
+ FFont.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TfpgMemo.RecalcLongestLine;
+ n: integer;
+ lw: TfpgCoord;
+ FLongestLineWidth := 0;
+ for n := 0 to LineCount-1 do
+ begin
+ lw := FFont.TextWidth(getlinetext(n));
+ if lw > FlongestLineWidth then
+ FlongestLineWidth := lw;
+ end;
+function TfpgMemo.GetFontDesc: string;
+ Result := FFont.FontDesc;
+procedure TfpgMemo.DeleteSelection;
+ n: integer;
+ selsl: integer;
+ selsp: integer;
+ selel: integer;
+ selep: integer;
+ ls: string;
+ len: integer;
+ st: integer;
+ if FSelEndLine < 0 then
+ Exit;
+ if (FSelStartLine shl 16) + FSelStartPos <= (FSelEndLine shl 16) + FSelEndPos then
+ begin
+ selsl := FSelStartLine;
+ selsp := FSelStartPos;
+ selel := FSelEndLine;
+ selep := FSelEndPos;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ selel := FSelStartLine;
+ selep := FSelStartPos;
+ selsl := FSelEndLine;
+ selsp := FSelEndPos;
+ end;
+ for n := selsl to selel do
+ begin
+ ls := GetLineText(n);
+ if selsl < n then
+ st := 0
+ else
+ st := selsp;
+ if selel > n then
+ len := UTF8Length(ls)
+ else
+ len := selep - st;
+ UTF8Delete(ls, st + 1, len);
+ SetLineText(n, ls);
+ end;
+ if selsl < selel then
+ begin
+ ls := GetlineText(selsl);
+ ls := ls + GetLineText(selel);
+ SetLineText(selsl, ls);
+ end;
+ for n := selsl to selel do
+ FLines.Delete(n);
+ FCursorPos := selsp;
+ FCursorLine := selsl;
+ FSelEndLine := -1;
+procedure TfpgMemo.DoCopy;
+ n: integer;
+ selsl: integer;
+ selsp: integer;
+ selel: integer;
+ selep: integer;
+ ls: string;
+ len: integer;
+ st: integer;
+ s: string;
+ if FSelEndLine < 0 then
+ Exit;
+ if (FSelStartLine shl 16) + FSelStartPos <= (FSelEndLine shl 16) + FSelEndPos then
+ begin
+ selsl := FSelStartLine;
+ selsp := FSelStartPos;
+ selel := FSelEndLine;
+ selep := FSelEndPos;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ selel := FSelStartLine;
+ selep := FSelStartPos;
+ selsl := FSelEndLine;
+ selsp := FSelEndPos;
+ end;
+ s := '';
+ for n := selsl to selel do
+ begin
+ if n > selsl then
+ s := s + #13#10;
+ ls := GetLineText(n);
+ if selsl < n then
+ st := 0
+ else
+ st := selsp;
+ if selel > n then
+ len := UTF8Length(ls)
+ else
+ len := selep - st;
+ s := s + UTF8Copy(ls, st + 1, len);
+ end;
+ //SetClipboardText(s);
+procedure TfpgMemo.DoPaste;
+ s: string;
+ si: string;
+ si8: string;
+ lineend: string;
+ n: integer;
+ l: integer;
+ lcnt: integer;
+ Exit;
+ (*
+ DeleteSelection;
+ s := GetClipboardText;
+ si := UTF8Copy(CurrentLine,1,FCursorPos);
+ lineend := UTF8Copy(CurrentLine,FCursorPos+1, UTF8Length(CurrentLine));
+ l := FCursorLine;
+ n := 1;
+ lcnt := 0;
+ si8 := '';
+ while n <= length(s) do
+ begin
+ if (s[n] = #13) or (s[n] = #10) then
+ begin
+ if lcnt = 0 then SetLineText(l, si + si8)
+ else FLines.Insert(l-1, si + si8);
+ si := '';
+ si8 := '';
+ inc(lcnt);
+ inc(l);
+ // skip multibyte line end:
+ if (s[n]=#13) and (n < length(s)) and (s[n+1]=#10) then inc(n);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ si8 := si8 + s[n];
+ end;
+ inc(n);
+ end;
+ si := si + si8;
+ FCursorPos := UTF8Length(si);
+ si := si + lineend;
+ if lcnt = 0 then
+ begin
+ SetLineText(l, si)
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FLines.Insert(l-1, si);
+ FCursorLine := l;
+ end;
+ AdjustCursor;
+ Repaint;
+procedure TfpgMemo.AdjustCursor;
+ tw: integer;
+ // horizontal adjust
+ RecalcLongestLine;
+ tw := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(CurrentLine, 1, FCursorPos));
+ if tw - FDrawOffset > VisibleWidth - 2 then
+ FDrawOffset := tw - VisibleWidth + 2
+ else if tw - FDrawOffset < 0 then
+ begin
+ FDrawOffset := tw;
+ if tw <> 0 then
+ Dec(FDrawOffset, 2);
+ end;
+ // vertical adjust
+ if FCursorLine < FFirstLine then
+ FFirstLine := FCursorLine;
+ if FCursorline - FFirstLine + 1 > VisibleLines then
+ FFirstLine := FCursorline - VisibleLines + 1;
+ if (FFirstLine + VisibleLines) > LineCount then
+ begin
+ FFirstLine := LineCount - VisibleLines + 1;
+ if FFirstline < 0 then
+ FFirstLine := 0;
+ end;
+ UpdateScrollbars;
+procedure TfpgMemo.UpdateScrollBars;
+ vlines: integer;
+ vsbw: integer;
+ hsbwas: boolean;
+ vsbwas: boolean;
+ vsbvis: boolean;
+ hsbwas := FHScrollBar.Visible;
+ vsbwas := FVScrollBar.Visible;
+ vlines := (Height - (FSideMargin shl 1)) div Lineheight;
+ vsbvis := (LineCount > vlines);
+ if vsbvis then
+ vsbw := FVScrollBar.Width
+ else
+ vsbw := 0;
+ FHScrollBar.Visible := FLongestLineWidth > (Width - vsbw - FSideMargin * 2) - 1;
+ if FHScrollBar.Visible and not vsbvis then
+ begin
+ // recheck vertical scrollbar
+ vlines := (Height - (FSideMargin shl 1) - FHScrollBar.Height) div Lineheight;
+ vsbvis := (LineCount > vlines);
+ end;
+ FVScrollBar.Visible := vsbvis;
+ UpdateScrollBarCoords;
+ if FHScrollBar.Visible then
+ begin
+ FHScrollBar.Min := 0;
+ FHScrollBar.Max := FLongestLineWidth - VisibleWidth - 1;
+ if (FLongestLineWidth <= 0) or (FLongestLineWidth <= VisibleWidth) then
+ FHScrollBar.SliderSize := 1
+ else
+ FHScrollBar.SliderSize := VisibleWidth / FLongestLineWidth;
+ FHScrollBar.Position := FDrawOffset;
+ FHScrollBar.RepaintSlider;
+ end;
+ if FVScrollBar.Visible then
+ begin
+ FVScrollBar.Min := 0;
+ // TODO: Look at calculation of vlines value to improve this!
+ if LineCount > 0 then
+ begin
+ FVScrollBar.SliderSize := VisibleLines / LineCount;
+ FVScrollBar.Max := LineCount - VisibleLines;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FVScrollBar.SliderSize := 0.5;
+ FVScrollBar.Max := 10;
+ end;
+ FVScrollBar.Position := FFirstLine;
+ FVScrollBar.RepaintSlider;
+ end;
+ if (hsbwas <> FHScrollBar.Visible) or (vsbwas <> FVScrollBar.Visible) then
+ AdjustCursor;
+function TfpgMemo.LineCount: integer;
+ Result := FLines.Count;
+function TfpgMemo.GetLineText(linenum: integer): string;
+ if LineCount = 0 then
+ FLines.Add('');
+ if (linenum >= 0) and (linenum < LineCount) then
+ Result := FLines.Strings[linenum]
+ else
+ Result := '';
+procedure TfpgMemo.SetFontDesc(const AValue: string);
+ FFont.Free;
+ FFont := fpgGetFont(AValue);
+ RePaint;
+procedure TfpgMemo.SetLineText(linenum: integer; Value: string);
+ FLines.Strings[linenum] := Value;
+function TfpgMemo.GetCursorX: integer;
+ Result := FFont.TextWidth(copy(CurrentLine, 1, FCursorPos));
+// Set cursor position by X
+procedure TfpgMemo.SetCPByX(x: integer);
+ n: integer;
+ cpx: integer;
+ cp: integer;
+ cx: integer;
+ ls: string;
+ // searching the appropriate character position
+ ls := CurrentLine;
+ cpx := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, FCursorPos)); // + FDrawOffset + FSideMargin;
+ cp := FCursorPos;
+ if cp > UTF8Length(ls) then
+ cp := UTF8Length(ls);
+ for n := 0 to UTF8Length(ls) do
+ begin
+ cx := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, n)); // + FDrawOffset + FSideMargin;
+ if abs(cx - x) < abs(cpx - x) then
+ begin
+ cpx := cx;
+ cp := n;
+ end;
+ end;
+ FCursorPos := cp;
+function TfpgMemo.CurrentLine: string;
+ Result := GetLineText(FCursorLine);
+function TfpgMemo.VisibleLines: integer;
+ sh: integer;
+ if FHScrollBar.Visible then
+ sh := 18
+ else
+ sh := 0;
+ Result := (Height - (FSideMargin shl 1) - sh) div Lineheight;
+function TfpgMemo.VisibleWidth: integer;
+ sw: integer;
+ if FVScrollBar.Visible then
+ sw := FVScrollBar.Width
+ else
+ sw := 0;
+ Result := (Width - (FSideMargin shl 1) - sw);
+procedure TfpgMemo.HandleShow;
+ inherited HandleShow;
+ if (csLoading in ComponentState) then
+ Exit;
+ RecalcLongestLine;
+ UpdateScrollBars;
+ UpdateScrollBarCoords;
+procedure TfpgMemo.HandleMouseEnter;
+ inherited HandleMouseEnter;
+ MouseCursor := mcIBeam;
+procedure TfpgMemo.HandleMouseExit;
+ inherited HandleMouseExit;
+ MouseCursor := mcDefault;
+procedure TfpgMemo.VScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer);
+ if FFirstLine <> position then
+ begin
+ FFirstLine := position;
+ repaint;
+ end;
+procedure TfpgMemo.HScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer);
+ if position <> FDrawOffset then
+ begin
+ FDrawOffset := position;
+ Repaint;
+ end;
+procedure TfpgMemo.HandlePaint;
+ n: integer;
+ tw, tw2, st, len: integer;
+ yp, xp: integer;
+ ls: string;
+ r: TfpgRect;
+ selsl, selsp, selel, selep: integer;
+ c: integer;
+ s: string;
+ Canvas.ClearClipRect;
+ r.SetRect(0, 0, Width, Height);
+ Canvas.DrawControlFrame(r);
+ InflateRect(r, -2, -2);
+ Canvas.SetClipRect(r);
+ if Enabled then
+ Canvas.SetColor(FBackgroundColor)
+ else
+ Canvas.SetColor(clWindowBackground);
+ Canvas.FillRectAngle(r);
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(FTextColor);
+ Canvas.SetFont(FFont);
+ if (FSelStartLine shl 16) + FSelStartPos <= (FSelEndLine shl 16) + FSelEndPos then
+ begin
+ selsl := FSelStartLine;
+ selsp := FSelStartPos;
+ selel := FSelEndLine;
+ selep := FSelEndPos;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ selel := FSelStartLine;
+ selep := FSelStartPos;
+ selsl := FSelEndLine;
+ selsp := FSelEndPos;
+ end;
+ yp := 3;
+ for n := FFirstline to LineCount-1 do
+ begin
+ ls := GetLineText(n);
+ if FUseTabs then
+ begin
+ xp := 0;
+ s := '';
+ for c := 1 to Length(ls) do
+ begin
+ if ls[c] = #9 then
+ begin
+ if s <> '' then
+ Canvas.DrawString(-FDrawOffset + FSideMargin + xp, yp, s);
+ xp := xp + Canvas.Font.TextWidth(' ') * FTabWidth;
+ s := '';
+ end
+ else
+ s := s + ls[c];
+ end;
+ if s <> '' then
+ Canvas.DrawString(-FDrawOffset + FSideMargin + xp, yp, s);
+ end
+ else
+ Canvas.DrawString(-FDrawOffset + FSideMargin, yp, ls);
+ if Focused then
+ begin
+ // drawing selection
+ if (FSelEndLine > -1) and (selsl <= n) and (selel >= n) then
+ begin
+ if selsl < n then
+ st := 0
+ else
+ st := selsp;
+ if selel > n then
+ len := UTF8Length(ls)
+ else
+ len := selep - st;
+ tw := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, st));
+ tw2 := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, st + len));
+ Canvas.XORFillRectangle(fpgColorToRGB(clSelection) xor $FFFFFF, -FDrawOffset +
+ FSideMargin + tw, yp, tw2 - tw, LineHeight);
+ end;
+ //drawing cursor
+ if FCursorLine = n then
+ begin
+ // drawing cursor
+ tw := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, FCursorPos));
+ fpgCaret.SetCaret(Canvas, -FDrawOffset + FSideMargin + tw, yp, fpgCaret.Width, FFont.Height);
+ end;
+ end; { if }
+ yp := yp + LineHeight;
+ if yp > Height then
+ Break;
+ end; { for }
+ if not Focused then
+ fpgCaret.UnSetCaret(Canvas);
+ // The little square in the bottom right corner
+ if FHScrollBar.Visible and FVScrollBar.Visible then
+ begin
+ Canvas.SetColor(clButtonFace);
+ Canvas.FillRectangle(FHScrollBar.Left+FHScrollBar.Width,
+ FVScrollBar.Top+FVScrollBar.Height,
+ FVScrollBar.Width,
+ FHScrollBar.Height);
+ end;
+procedure TfpgMemo.HandleKeyChar(var AText: TfpgChar; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean);
+ prevval: string;
+ s: string;
+ ls: string;
+ inherited;
+ prevval := Text;
+ s := AText;
+ // Printable characters only
+ // Note: This is now UTF-8 compliant!
+ if (Ord(AText[1]) > 31) and (Ord(AText[1]) < 127) or (Length(AText) > 1) then
+ begin
+ if (FMaxLength <= 0) or (UTF8Length(FLines.Text) < FMaxLength) then
+ begin
+ if FCursorLine < 0 then
+ FCursorLine := 0;
+ DeleteSelection;
+ ls := GetLineText(FCursorLine);
+ UTF8Insert(s, ls, FCursorPos + 1);
+ SetLineText(FCursorLine, ls);
+ Inc(FCursorPos);
+ FSelStartPos := FCursorPos;
+ FSelStartLine := FCursorLine;
+ FSelEndLine := -1;
+ AdjustCursor;
+ end;
+ consumed := True;
+ end;
+ if prevval <> Text then
+ if Assigned(FOnChange) then
+ FOnChange(self);
+ if consumed then
+ RePaint;
+procedure TfpgMemo.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word;
+ var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean);
+ cx: integer;
+ ls: string;
+ ls2: string;
+ hasChanged: boolean;
+ procedure StopSelection;
+ begin
+ FSelStartLine := FCursorLine;
+ FSelStartPos := FCursorPos;
+ FSelEndLine := -1;
+ end;
+ Consumed := True;
+ hasChanged := False;
+ case CheckClipBoardKey(keycode, shiftstate) of
+ ckCopy:
+ begin
+ DoCopy;
+ end;
+ ckPaste:
+ begin
+ DoPaste;
+ hasChanged := True;
+ end;
+ ckCut:
+ begin
+ DoCopy;
+ DeleteSelection;
+ hasChanged := True;
+ end;
+ else
+ Consumed := False;
+ end;
+ if not Consumed then
+ begin
+ // checking for movement keys:
+ consumed := True;
+ FSelecting := (ssShift in shiftstate);
+ case keycode of
+ keyLeft:
+ if FCursorPos > 0 then
+ begin
+ Dec(FCursorPos);
+ if (ssCtrl in shiftstate) then
+ // word search...
+ (*
+ while (FCursorPos > 0) and not pgfIsAlphaNum(copy(CurrentLine,FCursorPos,1))
+ do Dec(FCursorPos);
+ while (FCursorPos > 0) and pgfIsAlphaNum(copy(CurrentLine,FCursorPos,1))
+ do Dec(FCursorPos);
+ *);
+ end;// left
+ keyRight:
+ if FCursorPos < UTF8Length(CurrentLine) then
+ begin
+ Inc(FCursorPos);
+ if (ssCtrl in shiftstate) then
+ // word search...
+ (*
+ while (FCursorPos < length(CurrentLine)) and pgfIsAlphaNum(copy(CurrentLine,FCursorPos+1,1))
+ do Inc(FCursorPos);
+ while (FCursorPos < length(CurrentLine)) and not pgfIsAlphaNum(copy(CurrentLine,FCursorPos+1,1))
+ do Inc(FCursorPos);
+ *);
+ end;// right
+ keyUp:
+ begin // up
+ cx := GetCursorX;
+ if FCursorLine > 0 then
+ begin
+ Dec(FCursorline);
+ SetCPByX(cx);
+ end;
+ end;
+ keyDown:
+ begin
+ cx := GetCursorX;
+ if FCursorLine < (LineCount-1) then
+ begin
+ Inc(FCursorline);
+ SetCPByX(cx);
+ end;
+ end;
+ keyHome:
+ begin
+ if (ssCtrl in shiftstate) then
+ FCursorLine := 0;
+ FCursorPos := 0;
+ end;
+ keyEnd:
+ begin
+ if (ssCtrl in shiftstate) then
+ FCursorLine := LineCount-1;
+ FCursorPos := UTF8Length(CurrentLine);
+ end;
+ keyPageUp:
+ if FCursorLine > 0 then
+ begin
+ cx := GetCursorX;
+ Dec(FCursorLine, VisibleLines);
+ if FCursorLine < 0 then
+ FCursorLine := 0;
+ SetCPByX(cx);
+ end;
+ keyPageDown:
+ begin
+ cx := GetCursorX;
+ if FCursorLine < (LineCount-1) then
+ begin
+ Inc(FCursorline, VisibleLines);
+ if FCursorLine > (LineCount-1) then
+ FCursorLine := LineCount-1;
+ SetCPByX(cx);
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ Consumed := False;
+ end;
+ if Consumed then
+ begin
+ AdjustCursor;
+ if FSelecting then
+ begin
+ FSelEndPos := FCursorPos;
+ FSelEndLine := FCursorLine;
+ end
+ else
+ StopSelection;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if not Consumed then
+ begin
+ consumed := True;
+ case keycode of
+ keyReturn,
+ keyPEnter:
+ begin
+ ls := UTF8Copy(FLines[FCursorline], 1, FCursorPos);
+ ls2 := UTF8Copy(FLines[FCursorline], FCursorPos + 1, UTF8Length(FLines[FCursorline]));
+ FLines.Insert(FCursorLine, ls);
+ Inc(FCursorLine);
+ SetLineText(FCursorLine, ls2);
+ FCursorPos := 0;
+ hasChanged := True;
+ end;
+ keyBackSpace:
+ begin
+ if FCursorPos > 0 then
+ begin
+ ls := GetLineText(FCursorLine);
+ UTF8Delete(ls, FCursorPos, 1);
+ SetLineText(FCursorLine, ls);
+ Dec(FCursorPos);
+ end
+ else if FCursorLine > 0 then
+ begin
+ ls := CurrentLine;
+ FLines.Delete(FCursorLine);
+ Dec(FCursorLine);
+ FCursorPos := UTF8Length(FLines.Strings[FCursorLine]);
+ FLines.Strings[FCursorLine] := FLines.Strings[FCursorLine] + ls;
+ end;
+ hasChanged := True;
+ end;
+ keyDelete:
+ begin
+ ls := GetLineText(FCursorLine);
+ if FSelEndLine > -1 then
+ DeleteSelection
+ else if FCursorPos < UTF8Length(ls) then
+ begin
+ UTF8Delete(ls, FCursorPos + 1, 1);
+ SetLineText(FCursorLine, ls);
+ end
+ else if FCursorLine < (LineCount-1) then
+ begin
+ ls2 := FLines.Strings[FCursorLine+1];
+ FLines.Delete(FCursorLine);
+ FLines.Strings[FCursorLine] := ls + ls2;
+ end;
+ hasChanged := True;
+ end;
+ keyTab:
+ begin
+ if FUseTabs then
+ begin
+ ls := GetLineText(FCursorLine);
+{ if FSelEndLine > 0 then
+ DeleteSelection
+ else} if FCursorPos < UTF8Length(ls) then
+ begin
+ UTF8Insert(#9, ls, FCursorPos);
+ SetLineText(FCursorLine, ls);
+ end;
+ else if FCursorLine < LineCount then
+ begin
+ ls2 := FLines.Strings[FCursorLine];
+ FLines.Delete(FCursorLine);
+ FLines.Strings[FCursorLine - 1] := ls + ls2;
+ end;
+ hasChanged := True;
+ end
+ else
+ Consumed := False;
+ end;
+ else
+ Consumed := False;
+ end;
+ if Consumed then
+ begin
+ StopSelection;
+ AdjustCursor;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Consumed then
+ RePaint
+ else
+ inherited;
+ if hasChanged then
+ if Assigned(FOnChange) then
+ FOnChange(self);
+procedure TfpgMemo.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState);
+ n: integer;
+ cpx: integer;
+ cp: integer;
+ cx: integer;
+ lnum: integer;
+ ls: string;
+ inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate);
+ // searching the appropriate character position
+ lnum := FFirstLine + (y - FSideMargin) div LineHeight;
+ if lnum > (LineCount-1) then
+ lnum := LineCount-1;
+ ls := GetLineText(lnum);
+ cpx := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, FCursorPos)) - FDrawOffset + FSideMargin;
+ cp := FCursorPos;
+ for n := 0 to UTF8Length(ls) do
+ begin
+ cx := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, n)) - FDrawOffset + FSideMargin;
+ if abs(cx - x) < abs(cpx - x) then
+ begin
+ cpx := cx;
+ cp := n;
+ end;
+ end;
+ FMouseDragging := True;
+ FMouseDragPos := cp;
+ FCursorPos := cp;
+ FCursorLine := lnum;
+ if (ssShift in shiftstate) then
+ begin
+ FSelEndLine := lnum;
+ FSelEndpos := cp;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FSelStartLine := lnum;
+ FSelStartPos := cp;
+ FSelEndLine := -1;
+ end;
+ Repaint;
+procedure TfpgMemo.HandleRMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState);
+ inherited HandleRMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate);
+ if Assigned(PopupMenu) then
+ PopupMenu.ShowAt(self, x, y);
+procedure TfpgMemo.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState);
+ n: integer;
+ cpx: integer;
+ cp: integer;
+ cx: integer;
+ lnum: integer;
+ ls: string;
+ if not FMouseDragging or ((btnstate and 1) = 0) then
+ begin
+ FMouseDragging := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // searching the appropriate character position
+ lnum := FFirstLine + (y - FSideMargin) div LineHeight;
+ if lnum > LineCount-1 then
+ lnum := LineCount-1;
+ ls := GetLineText(lnum);
+ cpx := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, FCursorPos)) - FDrawOffset + FSideMargin;
+ cp := FCursorPos;
+ for n := 0 to UTF8Length(ls) do
+ begin
+ cx := FFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(ls, 1, n)) - FDrawOffset + FSideMargin;
+ if abs(cx - x) < abs(cpx - x) then
+ begin
+ cpx := cx;
+ cp := n;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (cp <> FCursorPos) or (lnum <> FCursorLine) then
+ begin
+ FCursorLine := lnum;
+ FSelEndLine := lnum;
+ FSelEndPos := cp;
+ FCursorPos := cp;
+ Repaint;
+ end;
+ // searching the appropriate character position
+ {
+ cpx := FFont.TextWidth16(copy16(FText,1,FCursorPos)) + FDrawOffset + FSideMargin;
+ cp := FCursorPos;
+ s := '';
+ for n := 0 to Length16(Text) do
+ begin
+ cx := FFont.TextWidth16(copy16(Text,1,n)) + FDrawOffset + FSideMargin;
+ if abs(cx - x) < abs(cpx - x) then
+ begin
+ cpx := cx;
+ cp := n;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //FMouseDragPos := cp;
+ FSelOffset := cp-FSelStart;
+ if FCursorPos <> cp then
+ begin
+ FCursorPos := cp;
+ Repaint;
+ end;
+procedure TfpgMemo.HandleWindowScroll(direction, amount: integer);
+ pfl, pdo : integer;
+ inherited HandleWindowScroll(direction, amount);
+ pfl := FFirstLine;
+ pdo := FDrawOffset;
+ if direction = 0 then
+ begin
+ dec(FFirstLine, amount);
+ end;
+ if direction = 1 then
+ begin
+ inc(FFirstLine, amount);
+ end;
+ if FFirstLine > LineCount - VisibleLines + 1 then FFirstLine := LineCount - VisibleLines + 1;
+ if FFirstLine < 1 then FFirstLine := 1;
+ if FHScrollBar.Visible then
+ begin
+ if Direction = 2 then
+ begin
+ dec(FDrawOffset, amount*16);
+ end;
+ if Direction = 3 then
+ begin
+ inc(FDrawOffset, amount*16);
+ end;
+ if FDrawOffset > FHScrollBar.Max then FDrawOffset := FHScrollBar.Max;
+ if FDrawOffset < 0 then FDrawOffset := 0;
+ end;
+ if (pfl <> FFirstLine) or (pdo <> FDrawOffset) then
+ begin
+ UpdateScrollBars;
+ Repaint;
+ end;
+procedure TfpgMemo.HandleResize(dwidth, dheight: integer);
+ inherited HandleResize(dwidth, dheight);
+ if (csLoading in ComponentState) then
+ Exit;
+ UpdateScrollBarCoords;
+ UpdateScrollBars;
+procedure TfpgMemo.HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState;
+ delta: smallint);
+ pfl, pdo : integer;
+ inherited HandleMouseScroll(x, y, shiftstate, delta);
+ pfl := FFirstLine;
+ pdo := FDrawOffset;
+ if delta < 0 then
+ dec(FFirstLine, abs(delta)) // scroll up
+ else
+ inc(FFirstLine, abs(delta)); // scroll down
+ if FFirstLine > LineCount - VisibleLines{ + 1} then
+ FFirstLine := LineCount - VisibleLines {+ 1};
+ if FFirstLine < 0 then
+ FFirstLine := 0;
+ if FHScrollBar.Visible then
+ begin
+ if FDrawOffset > FHScrollBar.Max then
+ FDrawOffset := FHScrollBar.Max;
+ if FDrawOffset < 0 then
+ FDrawOffset := 0;
+ end;
+ if (pfl <> FFirstLine) or (pdo <> FDrawOffset) then
+ begin
+ UpdateScrollBars;
+ Repaint;
+ end;
+function TfpgMemo.SelectionText: string;
+ {
+ if FSelOffset <> 0 then
+ begin
+ if FSelOffset < 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := Copy(FText,1+FSelStart + FSelOffset,-FSelOffset);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ result := Copy(FText,1+FSelStart,FSelOffset);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := '';
+function TfpgMemo.GetText: TfpgString;
+ n: integer;
+ s: TfpgString;
+ s := '';
+ for n := 0 to LineCount-1 do
+ begin
+ if n > 0 then
+ s := s + #13#10;
+ s := s + GetLineText(n);
+ end;
+ Result := s;
+procedure TfpgMemo.SetText(const AValue: TfpgString);
+ n: integer;
+ c: TfpgChar;
+ s: TfpgString;
+ FLines.Clear;
+ s := '';
+ n := 1;
+ while n <= UTF8Length(AValue) do
+ begin
+ c := UTF8Copy(AValue, n, 1);
+ if (c[1] = #13) or (c[1] = #10) then
+ begin
+ FLines.Add(s);
+ s := '';
+ c := UTF8Copy(AValue, n + 1, 1);
+ if c[1] = #10 then
+ Inc(n);
+ end
+ else
+ s := s + c;
+ Inc(n);
+ end;
+ if s <> '' then
+ FLines.Add(s);
+ FDrawOffset := 0;
+ FCursorPos := 0;
+ FCursorLine := 0;
+ FSelStartLine := FCursorLine;
+ FSelStartPos := FCursorPos;
+ FSelEndLine := -1;
+ AdjustCursor;
+ Repaint;