path: root/src/corelib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib')
24 files changed, 2246 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/fpg_base.pas b/src/corelib/fpg_base.pas
index 504aa9ea..eee90d4a 100644
--- a/src/corelib/fpg_base.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/fpg_base.pas
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
- Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
distribution, for details of the copyright.
See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ type
// For providing user feedback. No need to display backtrace information
EfpGUIUserFeedbackException = class(EfpGUIException);
+ TfpgTextEncoding = (encUTF8, encCP437, encCP850, encCP866, encCP1250, encIBMGraph);
@@ -214,6 +216,13 @@ type
PfpgMessageRec = ^TfpgMessageRec;
+ TfpgMoveEventRec = record
+ Sender: TObject;
+ x: TfpgCoord;
+ y: TfpgCoord;
+ end;
TfpgLineStyle = (lsSolid, lsDash, lsDot, lsDashDot, lsDashDotDot);
@@ -381,7 +390,7 @@ type
procedure DrawPolygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; Winding: boolean = False); virtual;
procedure DrawPolygon(const Points: array of TPoint);
procedure StretchDraw (x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; ASource: TfpgImageBase);
- procedure CopyRect(ADest_x, ADest_y: TfpgCoord; ASrcCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase; var ASrcRect: TfpgRect);
+ procedure CopyRect(ADest_x, ADest_y: TfpgCoord; ASrcCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase; var ASrcRect: TfpgRect); virtual;
// x,y is the top/left corner of where the text output will start.
procedure DrawString(x, y: TfpgCoord; const txt: string);
procedure FillRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); overload;
@@ -603,6 +612,7 @@ type
TFileEntryType = (etFile, etDir);
TFileListSortOrder = (soNone, soFileName, soCSFileName, soFileExt, soSize, soTime);
TFileModeString = string[9];
+ TfpgSearchMode = (smAny, smFiles, smDirs);
// A simple data object
@@ -642,6 +652,7 @@ type
FEntries: TList;
FDirectoryName: TfpgString;
FFileMask: TfpgString;
+ FSearchMode: TfpgSearchMode;
FShowHidden: boolean;
FCurrentSpecialDir: integer;
procedure AddEntry(sr: TSearchRec);
@@ -664,6 +675,7 @@ type
property Entry[i: integer]: TFileEntry read GetEntry;
property FileMask: TfpgString read FFileMask write FFileMask;
property HasFileMode: boolean read FHasFileMode;
+ property SearchMode: TfpgSearchMode read FSearchMode write FSearchMode;
property ShowHidden: boolean read FShowHidden write FShowHidden;
property SpecialDirs: TStringList read FSpecialDirs;
@@ -766,7 +778,6 @@ function fpgLighter(const AColor: TfpgColor; APercent: Byte = 50): TfpgColor;
{ Points }
-function PtInRect(const ARect: TfpgRect; const APoint: TPoint): Boolean;
procedure SortRect(var ARect: TRect);
procedure SortRect(var ARect: TfpgRect);
procedure SortRect(var left, top, right, bottom: integer);
@@ -783,7 +794,7 @@ uses
- dbugintf,
+ fpg_dbugintf,
@@ -1091,14 +1102,6 @@ begin
Result := RGBTripleTofpgColor(lColor);
-function PtInRect(const ARect: TfpgRect; const APoint: TPoint): Boolean;
- Result := (APoint.x >= ARect.Left) and
- (APoint.y >= ARect.Top) and
- (APoint.x <= ARect.Right) and
- (APoint.y <= ARect.Bottom);
procedure SortRect(var ARect: TRect);
with ARect do
@@ -2550,7 +2553,11 @@ var
p: TProcess;
Result := False;
- if not fpgFileExists(GetHelpViewer) then
+ if fpgExtractFilePath(GetHelpViewer) = '' then
+ begin
+ // do nothing - we are hoping docview is in the system PATH
+ end
+ else if not fpgFileExists(GetHelpViewer) then
raise EfpGUIUserFeedbackException.Create(rsfailedtofindhelpviewer);
p := TProcess.Create(nil);
@@ -2578,7 +2585,11 @@ var
p: TProcess;
Result := False;
- if not fpgFileExists(GetHelpViewer) then
+ if fpgExtractFilePath(GetHelpViewer) = '' then
+ begin
+ // do nothing - we are hoping docview is in the system PATH
+ end
+ else if not fpgFileExists(GetHelpViewer) then
raise EfpGUIUserFeedbackException.Create(rsfailedtofindhelpviewer);
p := TProcess.Create(nil);
@@ -2721,7 +2732,7 @@ var
e: TFileEntry;
e := TFileEntry.Create;
- e.Name := fpgFromOSEncoding(sr.Name);
+ e.Name := sr.Name;
e.Extension := fpgExtractFileExt(e.Name);
e.Size := sr.Size;
// e.Attributes := sr.Attr; // this is incorrect and needs to improve!
@@ -2791,6 +2802,7 @@ begin
FFileMask := '*';
FDirectoryName := '';
FSpecialDirs := TStringList.Create;
+ FSearchMode := smAny;
destructor TfpgFileListBase.Destroy;
@@ -2837,11 +2849,13 @@ begin
// Reported to FPC as bug 9440 in Mantis.
if fpgFindFirst(FDirectoryName + AllFilesMask, faAnyFile or $00000080, SearchRec) = 0 then
- AddEntry(SearchRec);
- while fpgFindNext(SearchRec) = 0 do
- begin
- AddEntry(SearchRec);
- end;
+ repeat
+ if (FSearchMode=smAny) or
+ ((FSearchMode=smFiles) and (not HasAttrib(SearchRec.Attr, faDirectory))) or
+ ((FSearchMode=smDirs) and HasAttrib(SearchRec.Attr, faDirectory))
+ then
+ AddEntry(SearchRec);
+ until fpgFindNext(SearchRec) <> 0;
@@ -3088,7 +3102,6 @@ end;
function TfpgMimeDataBase.Formats: TStrings;
i: integer;
- r: TfpgMimeDataItem;
s: string;
if Count = 0 then
diff --git a/src/corelib/fpg_dbugintf.pas b/src/corelib/fpg_dbugintf.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e9d9874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corelib/fpg_dbugintf.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
+ Copyright (C) 2005 by Michael Van Canneyt, member of
+ the Free Pascal development team
+ Copyright (C) 2013 by Graeme Geldenhuys
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ Originally from the Free Pascal FCL. Since then the code has
+ diverged and was customised for fpGUI usage.
+ This is the Client Interface for the debug server, which is
+ based on SimpleIPC.
+unit fpg_dbugintf;
+{$mode objfpc}{$h+}
+ Classes,
+ fpg_base;
+ TDebugLevel = (dlStop, dlInformation, dlWarning, dlError, dlIdentify, dlLive);
+procedure SendBoolean(const Identifier: string; const Value: Boolean);
+procedure SendDateTime(const Identifier: string; const Value: TDateTime);
+procedure SendInteger(const Identifier: string; const Value: Integer; HexNotation: Boolean = False);
+procedure SendPoint(const Identifier: string; const Value: TPoint; const ADbgLevel: TDebugLevel = dlLive);
+procedure SendPointer(const Identifier: string; const Value: Pointer);
+procedure SendRect(const Identifier: string; const Value: TRect; const ADbgLevel: TDebugLevel = dlInformation);
+procedure SendRect(const Identifier: string; const Value: TfpgRect; const ADbgLevel: TDebugLevel = dlInformation);
+procedure SendDebugEx(const Msg: string; MType: TDebugLevel);
+procedure SendDebug(const Msg: string);
+procedure SendMethodEnter(const MethodName: string);
+procedure SendMethodExit(const MethodName: string);
+procedure SendSeparator;
+procedure SendDebugFmt(const Msg: string; const Args: array of const);
+procedure SendDebugFmtEx(const Msg: string; const Args: array of const; MType: TDebugLevel; const ATitle: string = '');
+procedure SetDebuggingEnabled(const AValue : boolean);
+function GetDebuggingEnabled : Boolean;
+{ low-level routines }
+Function StartDebugServer : integer;
+Function InitDebugClient : Boolean;
+Function DebugMessageName(msgType: TDebugLevel) : String;
+ SendError : String = '';
+ SProcessID = 'Process %s';
+ SEntering = '> Entering ';
+ SExiting = '< Exiting ';
+ SSeparator = '>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<';
+ SServerStartFailed = 'Failed to start debugserver. (%s)';
+ SysUtils,
+ process,
+ simpleipc,
+ fpg_dbugmsg;
+ IndentChars = 2;
+ DebugClient : TSimpleIPCClient = nil;
+ MsgBuffer : TMemoryStream = Nil;
+ ServerID : Integer;
+ DebugDisabled : Boolean = False;
+ Indent : Integer = 0;
+function RectToStr(const ARect: TRect): String;
+ with ARect do
+ Result := Format('(Left: %d; Top: %d; Right: %d; Bottom: %d)', [Left, Top, Right, Bottom]);
+function fpgRectToStr(const ARect: TfpgRect): String;
+ with ARect do
+ Result := Format('(Left: %d; Top: %d; Width: %d; Height: %d)', [Left, Top, Width, Height]);
+function PointToStr(const APoint: TPoint): String;
+ with APoint do
+ Result := Format('(X: %d; Y: %d)', [X, Y]);
+procedure WriteMessage(Const Msg : TDebugMessage);
+ MsgBuffer.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
+ WriteDebugMessageToStream(MsgBuffer, Msg);
+ DebugClient.SendMessage(mtUnknown, MsgBuffer);
+procedure SendDebugMessage(Var Msg : TDebugMessage);
+ if DebugDisabled then exit;
+ try
+ If (DebugClient=Nil) then
+ if InitDebugClient = false then exit;
+ if (Indent > 0) then
+ Msg.Msg := StringOfChar(' ', Indent) + Msg.Msg;
+ WriteMessage(Msg);
+ except
+ On E: Exception do
+ SendError := E.Message;
+ end;
+procedure SendBoolean(const Identifier: string; const Value: Boolean);
+ Booleans : Array[Boolean] of string = ('False','True');
+ SendDebugFmt('%s = %s',[Identifier,Booleans[value]]);
+procedure SendDateTime(const Identifier: string; const Value: TDateTime);
+ SendDebugFmt('%s = %s',[Identifier,DateTimeToStr(Value)]);
+procedure SendInteger(const Identifier: string; const Value: Integer; HexNotation: Boolean = False);
+ Msgs : Array[Boolean] of string = ('%s = %d','%s = %x');
+ SendDebugFmt(Msgs[HexNotation],[Identifier,Value]);
+procedure SendPoint(const Identifier: string; const Value: TPoint; const ADbgLevel: TDebugLevel);
+ SendDebugFmtEx('%s = %s',[Identifier, PointToStr(Value)], ADbgLevel);
+procedure SendPointer(const Identifier: string; const Value: Pointer);
+ SendDebugFmt('%s = %p',[Identifier,Value]);
+procedure SendRect(const Identifier: string; const Value: TRect; const ADbgLevel: TDebugLevel);
+ SendDebugFmtEx('%s',[RectToStr(Value)], ADbgLevel, Identifier);
+procedure SendRect(const Identifier: string; const Value: TfpgRect; const ADbgLevel: TDebugLevel);
+ SendDebugFmtEx('%s',[fpgRectToStr(Value)], ADbgLevel, Identifier);
+procedure SendDebugEx(const Msg: string; MType: TDebugLevel);
+ Mesg : TDebugMessage;
+ Mesg.MsgTimeStamp:=Now;
+ Mesg.MsgType:=Ord(MTYpe);
+ Mesg.Msg:=Msg;
+ SendDebugMessage(Mesg);
+procedure SendDebug(const Msg: string);
+ Mesg : TDebugMessage;
+ Mesg.MsgTimeStamp:=Now;
+ Mesg.MsgType:=Ord(dlInformation);
+ Mesg.Msg:=Msg;
+ SendDebugMessage(Mesg);
+procedure SendMethodEnter(const MethodName: string);
+ SendDebug(SEntering+MethodName);
+ inc(Indent,IndentChars);
+procedure SendMethodExit(const MethodName: string);
+ Dec(Indent,IndentChars);
+ If (Indent<0) then
+ Indent:=0;
+ SendDebug(SExiting+MethodName);
+procedure SendSeparator;
+ SendDebug(SSeparator);
+procedure SendDebugFmt(const Msg: string; const Args: array of const);
+ Mesg : TDebugMessage;
+ Mesg.MsgTimeStamp:=Now;
+ Mesg.MsgType:= Ord(dlInformation);
+ Mesg.Msg:=Format(Msg,Args);
+ SendDebugMessage(Mesg);
+procedure SendDebugFmtEx(const Msg: string; const Args: array of const; MType: TDebugLevel; const ATitle: string);
+ Mesg: TDebugMessage;
+ Mesg.MsgTimeStamp := Now;
+ Mesg.MsgType := Ord(mType);
+ if MType = dlLive then
+ Mesg.MsgTitle := ATitle
+ else
+ Mesg.MsgTitle := ' ';
+ Mesg.Msg := Format(Msg,Args);
+ SendDebugMessage(Mesg);
+procedure SetDebuggingEnabled(const AValue: boolean);
+ DebugDisabled := not AValue;
+function GetDebuggingEnabled: Boolean;
+ Result := not DebugDisabled;
+function StartDebugServer : Integer;
+ With TProcess.Create(Nil) do
+ begin
+ Try
+ CommandLine:='dbugsrv';
+ Execute;
+ Result:=ProcessID;
+ Except On E: Exception do
+ begin
+ SendError := Format(SServerStartFailed,[E.Message]);
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure FreeDebugClient;
+ msg : TDebugMessage;
+ try
+ If (DebugClient<>Nil) and
+ (DebugClient.ServerRunning) then
+ begin
+ Msg.MsgType := Ord(dlStop);
+ Msg.MsgTimeStamp := Now;
+ Msg.Msg := Format(SProcessID,[ApplicationName]);
+ WriteMessage(Msg);
+ end;
+ if assigned(MsgBuffer) then
+ FreeAndNil(MsgBuffer);
+ if assigned(DebugClient) then
+ FreeAndNil(DebugClient);
+ except
+ end;
+function InitDebugClient : Boolean;
+ msg : TDebugMessage;
+ I : Integer;
+ Result := False;
+ DebugClient:=TSimpleIPCClient.Create(Nil);
+ DebugClient.ServerID:=DebugServerID;
+ If not DebugClient.ServerRunning then
+ begin
+ ServerID:=StartDebugServer;
+ if ServerID = 0 then
+ begin
+ DebugDisabled := True;
+ FreeAndNil(DebugClient);
+ Exit;
+ end
+ else
+ DebugDisabled := False;
+ I:=0;
+ While (I<10) and not DebugClient.ServerRunning do
+ begin
+ Inc(I);
+ Sleep(100);
+ end;
+ end;
+ try
+ DebugClient.Connect;
+ except
+ FreeAndNil(DebugClient);
+ DebugDisabled:=True;
+ Raise;
+ end;
+ MsgBuffer := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ Msg.MsgType := Ord(dlIdentify);
+ Msg.MsgTimeStamp := Now;
+ Msg.Msg := Format(SProcessID,[ApplicationName]);
+ WriteMessage(Msg);
+ Result := True;
+Function DebugMessageName(msgType : TDebugLevel) : String;
+ Case MsgType of
+ dlStop : Result := 'Stop';
+ dlInformation : Result := 'Information';
+ dlWarning : Result := 'Warning';
+ dlError : Result := 'Error';
+ dlIdentify : Result := 'Identify';
+ dlLive : Result := 'LiveView';
+ else
+ Result := 'Unknown';
+ end;
+ FreeDebugClient;
diff --git a/src/corelib/fpg_dbugmsg.pas b/src/corelib/fpg_dbugmsg.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..502b697e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corelib/fpg_dbugmsg.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
+ Copyright (C) 2005 by Michael Van Canneyt, member of
+ the Free Pascal development team
+ Copyright (C) 2013 by Graeme Geldenhuys
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ Originally from the Free Pascal FCL. Since then the code has
+ diverged and was customised for fpGUI usage.
+unit fpg_dbugmsg;
+{$mode objfpc}{$h+}
+uses Classes;
+ DebugServerID : String = 'fpgDebugServer';
+ TDebugMessage = record
+ MsgType : Integer;
+ MsgTimeStamp : TDateTime;
+ MsgTitle : string;
+ Msg : string;
+ end;
+Procedure ReadDebugMessageFromStream(AStream : TStream; Var Msg : TDebugMessage);
+Procedure WriteDebugMessageToStream(AStream : TStream; Const Msg : TDebugMessage);
+procedure ReadDebugMessageFromStream(AStream : TStream; Var Msg : TDebugMessage);
+ MsgSize: Integer;
+ MsgSize := 0;
+ with AStream do
+ begin
+ ReadBuffer(Msg.MsgType, SizeOf(Integer));
+ ReadBuffer(Msg.MsgTimeStamp, SizeOf(TDateTime));
+ ReadBuffer(MsgSize, SizeOf(Integer));
+ SetLength(Msg.MsgTitle, MsgSize);
+ if (MsgSize<>0) then
+ ReadBuffer(Msg.MsgTitle[1], MsgSize);
+ ReadBuffer(MsgSize, SizeOf(Integer));
+ SetLength(Msg.Msg, MsgSize);
+ if (MsgSize<>0) then
+ ReadBuffer(Msg.Msg[1], MsgSize);
+ end;
+procedure WriteDebugMessageToStream(AStream : TStream; Const Msg : TDebugMessage);
+ MsgSize : Integer;
+ lTitle: string;
+ with AStream do
+ begin
+ WriteBuffer(Msg.MsgType, SizeOf(Integer));
+ WriteBuffer(Msg.MsgTimeStamp, SizeOf(TDateTime));
+ MsgSize := Length(Msg.MsgTitle);
+ if MsgSize = 0 then // fake a title
+ begin
+ MsgSize := 1;
+ lTitle := ' ';
+ end
+ else
+ lTitle := Msg.MsgTitle;
+ WriteBuffer(MsgSize, SizeOf(Integer));
+ WriteBuffer(lTitle[1], MsgSize);
+ MsgSize := Length(Msg.Msg);
+ WriteBuffer(MsgSize, SizeOf(Integer));
+ WriteBuffer(Msg.Msg[1], MsgSize);
+ end;
diff --git a/src/corelib/fpg_imgfmt_png.pas b/src/corelib/fpg_imgfmt_png.pas
index c95150e4..d9683bbe 100644
--- a/src/corelib/fpg_imgfmt_png.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/fpg_imgfmt_png.pas
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ end;
function LoadImage_PNG(const AFileName: TfpgString): TfpgImage;
imga: TFPCustomImage;
+ PNGReader: TFPReaderPNG;
Result := nil;
if not fpgFileExists(AFileName) then
@@ -75,7 +76,12 @@ begin
imga := TFPMemoryImage.Create(0, 0);
- imga.LoadFromFile(AFileName, TFPReaderPNG.Create); // auto size image
+ PNGReader := TFPReaderPNG.Create;
+ try
+ imga.LoadFromFile(AFileName, PNGReader); // auto size image
+ finally
+ PNGReader.Free;
+ end;
imga := nil;
diff --git a/src/corelib/fpg_main.pas b/src/corelib/fpg_main.pas
index 44ab6a82..2e255923 100644
--- a/src/corelib/fpg_main.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/fpg_main.pas
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
- Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
distribution, for details of the copyright.
See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ type
TAnchors = set of TAnchor;
TfpgButtonFlags = set of (btfIsEmbedded, btfIsDefault, btfIsPressed,
- btfIsSelected, btfHasFocus, btfHasParentColor, btfFlat, btfHover);
+ btfIsSelected, btfHasFocus, btfHasParentColor, btfFlat, btfHover, btfDisabled);
TfpgMenuItemFlags = set of (mifSelected, mifHasFocus, mifSeparator,
mifEnabled, mifChecked, mifSubMenu);
@@ -78,8 +78,7 @@ type
Public event properties: Event Types
{ Keyboard }
- TKeyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AKey: Word; AShift: TShiftState) of object;
- TKeyCharEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AKeyChar: Char) of object;
+ TfpgKeyCharEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AChar: TfpgChar; var Consumed: boolean) of object;
TKeyPressEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean) of object;
{ Mouse }
TMouseButtonEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint) of object;
@@ -176,8 +175,6 @@ type
// As soon as TfpgStyle has moved out of CoreLib, these must go!
procedure DrawButtonFace(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; AFlags: TfpgButtonFlags); overload;
procedure DrawButtonFace(r: TfpgRect; AFlags: TfpgButtonFlags); overload;
- procedure DrawControlFrame(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord); overload;
- procedure DrawControlFrame(r: TfpgRect); overload;
procedure DrawBevel(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; ARaised: Boolean = True); overload;
procedure DrawBevel(r: TfpgRect; ARaised: Boolean = True); overload;
procedure DrawDirectionArrow(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; direction: TArrowDirection); overload;
@@ -224,6 +221,12 @@ type
function GetSeparatorSize: integer; virtual;
{ Editbox }
procedure DrawEditBox(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; const r: TfpgRect; const IsEnabled: Boolean; const IsReadOnly: Boolean; const ABackgroundColor: TfpgColor); virtual;
+ { Combobox }
+ procedure DrawStaticComboBox(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; const IsEnabled: Boolean; const IsFocused: Boolean; const IsReadOnly: Boolean; const ABackgroundColor: TfpgColor; const AInternalBtnRect: TfpgRect; const ABtnPressed: Boolean); virtual;
+ procedure DrawInternalComboBoxButton(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect; const IsEnabled: Boolean; const IsPressed: Boolean); virtual;
+ { Checkbox }
+ function GetCheckBoxSize: integer; virtual;
+ procedure DrawCheckbox(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord; ix, iy: TfpgCoord); virtual;
@@ -395,10 +398,15 @@ function fpgGetTickCount: DWord;
procedure fpgPause(MilliSeconds: Cardinal);
// Rectangle, Point & Size routines
+function CopyRect(out Dest: TfpgRect; const Src: TfpgRect): Boolean;
function InflateRect(var Rect: TRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean;
function InflateRect(var Rect: TfpgRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean;
+function IntersectRect(out ARect: TfpgRect; const r1, r2: TfpgRect): Boolean;
+function IsRectEmpty(const ARect: TfpgRect): Boolean;
function OffsetRect(var Rect: TRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean;
function OffsetRect(var Rect: TfpgRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean;
+function PtInRect(const ARect: TfpgRect; const APoint: TPoint): Boolean;
+function UniongRect(out ARect: TfpgRect; const R1, R2: TfpgRect): Boolean;
function CenterPoint(const Rect: TRect): TPoint;
function CenterPoint(const Rect: TfpgRect): TPoint;
function fpgRect(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer): TfpgRect;
@@ -422,11 +430,12 @@ procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2: TfpgString);
procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3: TfpgString);
procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4: TfpgString);
procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5: TfpgString);
-function DebugMethodEnter(const s1: TfpgString): IInterface;
+function DebugMethodEnter(const s1: TfpgString): IInterface;
procedure DebugSeparator;
// operator overloading of some useful structures
-operator = (a: TRect; b: TRect): boolean;
+operator = (const a, b: TRect): boolean;
+operator = (const a, b: TfpgRect): boolean;
operator = (const ASize1, ASize2: TfpgSize) b: Boolean;
operator = (const APoint1, APoint2: TPoint) b: Boolean;
operator + (const APoint1, APoint2: TPoint) p: TPoint;
@@ -446,7 +455,8 @@ operator - (const APoint: TfpgPoint; i: Integer) p: TfpgPoint;
operator - (const ASize: TfpgSize; const APoint: TPoint) s: TfpgSize;
operator - (const ASize: TfpgSize; const APoint: TfpgPoint) s: TfpgSize;
operator - (const ASize: TfpgSize; i: Integer) s: TfpgSize;
-operator = (const AColor1, AColor2: TFPColor) b: Boolean;
+operator = (const AColor1, AColor2: TFPColor) b: Boolean; deprecated;
+operator = (const AColor1, AColor2: TRGBTriple) b: Boolean;
@@ -458,7 +468,7 @@ uses
- dbugintf,
+ fpg_dbugintf,
@@ -472,7 +482,9 @@ uses
fpg_style_win2k, // TODO: This needs to be removed!
- fpg_style_motif; // TODO: This needs to be removed!
+ fpg_style_motif, // TODO: This needs to be removed!
+ fpg_style_carbon,
+ fpg_style_plastic;
fpgTimers: TList;
@@ -621,6 +633,17 @@ begin
until ((Now*MSecsPerDay)-lStart) > MilliSeconds;
+function CopyRect(out Dest: TfpgRect; const Src: TfpgRect): Boolean;
+ Dest := Src;
+ if IsRectEmpty(Dest) then
+ begin
+ FillChar(Dest, SizeOf(Dest), 0);
+ Result := false;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := true;
function InflateRect(var Rect: TRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean;
@@ -653,6 +676,35 @@ begin
Result := False;
+function IntersectRect(out ARect: TfpgRect; const r1, r2: TfpgRect): Boolean;
+ ARect := r1;
+ with r2 do
+ begin
+ if Left > r1.Left then
+ ARect.Left := Left;
+ if Top > r1.Top then
+ ARect.Top := Top;
+ if Right < r1.Right then
+ ARect.Width := ARect.Left + Right;
+ if Bottom < r1.Bottom then
+ ARect.Height := ARect.Top + Bottom;
+ end;
+ if IsRectEmpty(ARect) then
+ begin
+ FillChar(ARect, SizeOf(ARect), 0);
+ Result := false;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := true;
+function IsRectEmpty(const ARect: TfpgRect): Boolean;
+ Result := (ARect.Width <= 0) or (ARect.Height <= 0);
function OffsetRect(var Rect: TRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean;
if Assigned(@Rect) then
@@ -664,10 +716,10 @@ begin
inc(Right, dx);
inc(Bottom, dy);
- OffsetRect := True;
+ Result := True;
- OffsetRect := False;
+ Result := False;
function OffsetRect(var Rect: TfpgRect; dx: Integer; dy: Integer): Boolean;
@@ -679,10 +731,42 @@ begin
inc(Left, dx);
inc(Top, dy);
- OffsetRect := True;
+ Result := True;
- OffsetRect := False;
+ Result := False;
+function PtInRect(const ARect: TfpgRect; const APoint: TPoint): Boolean;
+ Result := (APoint.x >= ARect.Left) and
+ (APoint.y >= ARect.Top) and
+ (APoint.x <= ARect.Right) and
+ (APoint.y <= ARect.Bottom);
+function UniongRect(out ARect: TfpgRect; const R1, R2: TfpgRect): Boolean;
+ ARect := R1;
+ with R2 do
+ begin
+ if Left < R1.Left then
+ ARect.Left := Left;
+ if Top < R1.Top then
+ ARect.Top := Top;
+ if Right > R1.Right then
+ ARect.Width := ARect.Left + Right;
+ if Bottom > R1.Bottom then
+ ARect.Height := ARect.Top + Bottom;
+ end;
+ if IsRectEmpty(ARect) then
+ begin
+ FillChar(ARect, SizeOf(ARect), 0);
+ Result := false;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := true;
function CenterPoint(const Rect: TRect): TPoint;
@@ -957,15 +1041,20 @@ begin
-operator = (a: TRect; b: TRect): boolean;
+operator = (const a, b: TRect): boolean;
- if (a.Top = b.Top)
- and (a.Left = b.Left)
- and (a.Bottom = b.Bottom)
- and (a.Right = b.Right) then
- Result := True
- else
- Result := False;
+ Result := (a.Top = b.Top) and
+ (a.Left = b.Left) and
+ (a.Bottom = b.Bottom) and
+ (a.Right = b.Right);
+operator = (const a, b: TfpgRect): boolean;
+ Result := (a.Left = b.Left) and
+ (a.Top = b.Top) and
+ (a.Width = b.Width) and
+ (a.Height = b.Height);
operator = (const ASize1, ASize2: TfpgSize) b: Boolean;
@@ -1088,6 +1177,14 @@ begin
and (AColor1.Alpha = AColor2.Alpha);
+operator = (const AColor1, AColor2: TRGBTriple) b: Boolean;
+ b := (AColor1.Red = AColor2.Red)
+ and (AColor1.Green = AColor2.Green)
+ and (AColor1.Blue = AColor2.Blue)
+ and (AColor1.Alpha = AColor2.Alpha);
{ TfpgTimer }
constructor TfpgTimer.Create(AInterval: integer);
@@ -1791,16 +1888,6 @@ begin
DrawButtonFace(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height, AFlags);
-procedure TfpgCanvas.DrawControlFrame(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord);
- fpgStyle.DrawControlFrame(self, x, y, w, h);
-procedure TfpgCanvas.DrawControlFrame(r: TfpgRect);
- DrawControlFrame(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height);
procedure TfpgCanvas.DrawBevel(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord; ARaised: Boolean);
fpgStyle.DrawBevel(self, x, y, w, h, ARaised);
@@ -2008,6 +2095,7 @@ begin
fpgSetNamedColor(clGridInactiveSel, $FF99A6BF); // same as clInactiveSel
fpgSetNamedColor(clGridInactiveSelText, $FF000000); // same as clInactiveSelText
fpgSetNamedColor(clSplitterGrabBar, $FF839EFE); // pale blue
+ fpgSetNamedColor(clHyperLink, clBlue);
// Global Font Objects
@@ -2368,6 +2456,83 @@ begin
+procedure TfpgStyle.DrawStaticComboBox(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; r: TfpgRect;
+ const IsEnabled: Boolean; const IsFocused: Boolean; const IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ const ABackgroundColor: TfpgColor; const AInternalBtnRect: TfpgRect;
+ const ABtnPressed: Boolean);
+ lr: TfpgRect;
+ lr := r;
+ if IsEnabled then
+ begin
+ if IsReadOnly then
+ ACanvas.SetColor(clWindowBackground)
+ else
+ ACanvas.SetColor(ABackgroundColor);
+ end
+ else
+ ACanvas.SetColor(clWindowBackground);
+ ACanvas.FillRectangle(r);
+ if IsFocused then
+ begin
+ ACanvas.SetColor(clSelection);
+ InflateRect(lr, -1, -1);
+ ACanvas.FillRectangle(lr);
+ end;
+ // paint the fake dropdown button
+ DrawInternalComboBoxButton(ACanvas, AInternalBtnRect, IsEnabled, ABtnPressed);
+procedure TfpgStyle.DrawInternalComboBoxButton(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas;
+ r: TfpgRect; const IsEnabled: Boolean; const IsPressed: Boolean);
+ ar: TfpgRect;
+ btnflags: TfpgButtonFlags;
+ btnflags := [];
+ ar := r;
+ { The bounding rectangle for the arrow }
+ ar.Width := 8;
+ ar.Height := 6;
+ ar.Left := r.Left + ((r.Width-ar.Width) div 2);
+ ar.Top := r.Top + ((r.Height-ar.Height) div 2);
+ if IsPressed then
+ begin
+ Include(btnflags, btfIsPressed);
+ OffsetRect(ar, 1, 1);
+ end;
+ // paint button face
+ DrawButtonFace(ACanvas, r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height, btnflags);
+ if IsEnabled then
+ ACanvas.SetColor(clText1)
+ else
+ ACanvas.SetColor(clShadow1);
+ // paint arrow
+ DrawDirectionArrow(ACanvas, ar.Left, ar.Top, ar.Width, ar.Height, adDown);
+function TfpgStyle.GetCheckBoxSize: integer;
+ Result := 13; // 13x13 - it is always a rectangle
+procedure TfpgStyle.DrawCheckbox(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord; ix, iy: TfpgCoord);
+ img: TfpgImage;
+ size: integer;
+ img := fpgImages.GetImage('sys.checkboxes'); // Do NOT localize - return value is a reference only
+ size := GetCheckBoxSize;
+ ACanvas.DrawImagePart(x, y, img, ix, iy, size, size);
{ TfpgCaret }
diff --git a/src/corelib/fpg_stringutils.pas b/src/corelib/fpg_stringutils.pas
index 1acd518e..7930870b 100644
--- a/src/corelib/fpg_stringutils.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/fpg_stringutils.pas
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
- Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
distribution, for details of the copyright.
See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
@@ -58,10 +58,13 @@ function fpgTrimR(const AString, ATrim: TfpgString; ACaseSensitive: boolean = f
// Encoding conversions
function CP437ToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; // DOS central europe
function CP850ToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; // DOS western europe
+function CP866ToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; // DOS and Windows console's cyrillic
+function CP1250ToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; // central europe
function IBMGraphToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; // IBM PC / DOS
function IPFToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString; // minor replacements to improve DocView output
function SingleByteToUTF8(const s: string; const Table: TCharToUTF8Table): TfpgString;
+function ConvertTextToUTF8(const AEncoding: TfpgTextEncoding; const AText: AnsiString): TfpgString;
@@ -935,6 +938,525 @@ const
+ ArrayCP866ToUTF8 : TCharToUTF8Table = (
+ #0, //#0
+ #1, //#1
+ #2, //#2
+ #3, //#3
+ #4, //#4
+ #5, //#5
+ #6, //#6
+ #7, //#7
+ #8, //#8
+ #9, //#9
+ #10, //#10
+ #11, //#11
+ #12, //#12
+ #13, //#13
+ #14, //#14
+ #15, //#15
+ #16, //#16
+ #17, //#17
+ #18, //#18
+ #19, //#19
+ #20, //#20
+ #21, //#21
+ #22, //#22
+ #23, //#23
+ #24, //#24
+ #25, //#25
+ #26, //#26
+ #27, //#27
+ #28, //#28
+ #29, //#29
+ #30, //#30
+ #31, //#31
+ #32, //#32
+ #33, //#33
+ #34, //#34
+ #35, //#35
+ #36, //#36
+ #37, //#37
+ #38, //#38
+ #39, //#39
+ #40, //#40
+ #41, //#41
+ #42, //#42
+ #43, //#43
+ #44, //#44
+ #45, //#45
+ #46, //#46
+ #47, //#47
+ #48, //#48
+ #49, //#49
+ #50, //#50
+ #51, //#51
+ #52, //#52
+ #53, //#53
+ #54, //#54
+ #55, //#55
+ #56, //#56
+ #57, //#57
+ #58, //#58
+ #59, //#59
+ #60, //#60
+ #61, //#61
+ #62, //#62
+ #63, //#63
+ #64, //#64
+ #65, //#65
+ #66, //#66
+ #67, //#67
+ #68, //#68
+ #69, //#69
+ #70, //#70
+ #71, //#71
+ #72, //#72
+ #73, //#73
+ #74, //#74
+ #75, //#75
+ #76, //#76
+ #77, //#77
+ #78, //#78
+ #79, //#79
+ #80, //#80
+ #81, //#81
+ #82, //#82
+ #83, //#83
+ #84, //#84
+ #85, //#85
+ #86, //#86
+ #87, //#87
+ #88, //#88
+ #89, //#89
+ #90, //#90
+ #91, //#91
+ #92, //#92
+ #93, //#93
+ #94, //#94
+ #95, //#95
+ #96, //#96
+ #97, //#97
+ #98, //#98
+ #99, //#99
+ #100, //#100
+ #101, //#101
+ #102, //#102
+ #103, //#103
+ #104, //#104
+ #105, //#105
+ #106, //#106
+ #107, //#107
+ #108, //#108
+ #109, //#109
+ #110, //#110
+ #111, //#111
+ #112, //#112
+ #113, //#113
+ #114, //#114
+ #115, //#115
+ #116, //#116
+ #117, //#117
+ #118, //#118
+ #119, //#119
+ #120, //#120
+ #121, //#121
+ #122, //#122
+ #123, //#123
+ #124, //#124
+ #125, //#125
+ #126, //#126
+ #127, //#127
+ #208#144, //#128
+ #208#145, //#129
+ #208#146, //#130
+ #208#147, //#131
+ #208#148, //#132
+ #208#149, //#133
+ #208#150, //#134
+ #208#151, //#135
+ #208#152, //#136
+ #208#153, //#137
+ #208#154, //#138
+ #208#155, //#139
+ #208#156, //#140
+ #208#157, //#141
+ #208#158, //#142
+ #208#159, //#143
+ #208#160, //#144
+ #208#161, //#145
+ #208#162, //#146
+ #208#163, //#147
+ #208#164, //#148
+ #208#165, //#149
+ #208#166, //#150
+ #208#167, //#151
+ #208#168, //#152
+ #208#169, //#153
+ #208#170, //#154
+ #208#171, //#155
+ #208#172, //#156
+ #208#173, //#157
+ #208#174, //#158
+ #208#175, //#159
+ #208#176, //#160
+ #208#177, //#161
+ #208#178, //#162
+ #208#179, //#163
+ #208#180, //#164
+ #208#181, //#165
+ #208#182, //#166
+ #208#183, //#167
+ #208#184, //#168
+ #208#185, //#169
+ #208#186, //#170
+ #208#187, //#171
+ #208#188, //#172
+ #208#189, //#173
+ #208#190, //#174
+ #208#191, //#175
+ #226#150#145, //#176
+ #226#150#146, //#177
+ #226#150#147, //#178
+ #226#148#130, //#179
+ #226#148#164, //#180
+ #226#149#161, //#181
+ #226#149#162, //#182
+ #226#149#150, //#183
+ #226#149#149, //#184
+ #226#149#163, //#185
+ #226#149#145, //#186
+ #226#149#151, //#187
+ #226#149#157, //#188
+ #226#149#156, //#189
+ #226#149#155, //#190
+ #226#148#144, //#191
+ #226#148#148, //#192
+ #226#148#180, //#193
+ #226#148#172, //#194
+ #226#148#156, //#195
+ #226#148#128, //#196
+ #226#148#188, //#197
+ #226#149#158, //#198
+ #226#149#159, //#199
+ #226#149#154, //#200
+ #226#149#148, //#201
+ #226#149#169, //#202
+ #226#149#166, //#203
+ #226#149#160, //#204
+ #226#149#144, //#205
+ #226#149#172, //#206
+ #226#149#167, //#207
+ #226#149#168, //#208
+ #226#149#164, //#209
+ #226#149#165, //#210
+ #226#149#153, //#211
+ #226#149#152, //#212
+ #226#149#146, //#213
+ #226#149#147, //#214
+ #226#149#171, //#215
+ #226#149#170, //#216
+ #226#148#152, //#217
+ #226#148#140, //#218
+ #226#150#136, //#219
+ #226#150#132, //#220
+ #226#150#140, //#221
+ #226#150#144, //#222
+ #226#150#128, //#223
+ #209#128, //#224
+ #209#129, //#225
+ #209#130, //#226
+ #209#131, //#227
+ #209#132, //#228
+ #209#133, //#229
+ #209#134, //#230
+ #209#135, //#231
+ #209#136, //#232
+ #209#137, //#233
+ #209#138, //#234
+ #209#139, //#235
+ #209#140, //#236
+ #209#141, //#237
+ #209#142, //#238
+ #209#143, //#239
+ #208#129, //#240
+ #209#145, //#241
+ #208#132, //#242
+ #209#148, //#243
+ #208#135, //#244
+ #209#151, //#245
+ #208#142, //#246
+ #209#158, //#247
+ #194#176, //#248
+ #226#136#153, //#249
+ #194#183, //#250
+ #226#136#154, //#251
+ #226#132#150, //#252
+ #194#164, //#253
+ #226#150#160, //#254
+ #194#160 //#255
+ );
+ ArrayCP1250ToUTF8: TCharToUTF8Table = (
+ #0, // #0
+ #1, // #1
+ #2, // #2
+ #3, // #3
+ #4, // #4
+ #5, // #5
+ #6, // #6
+ #7, // #7
+ #8, // #8
+ #9, // #9
+ #10, // #10
+ #11, // #11
+ #12, // #12
+ #13, // #13
+ #14, // #14
+ #15, // #15
+ #16, // #16
+ #17, // #17
+ #18, // #18
+ #19, // #19
+ #20, // #20
+ #21, // #21
+ #22, // #22
+ #23, // #23
+ #24, // #24
+ #25, // #25
+ #26, // #26
+ #27, // #27
+ #28, // #28
+ #29, // #29
+ #30, // #30
+ #31, // #31
+ ' ', // ' '
+ '!', // '!'
+ '"', // '"'
+ '#', // '#'
+ '$', // '$'
+ '%', // '%'
+ '&', // '&'
+ '''', // ''''
+ '(', // '('
+ ')', // ')'
+ '*', // '*'
+ '+', // '+'
+ ',', // ','
+ '-', // '-'
+ '.', // '.'
+ '/', // '/'
+ '0', // '0'
+ '1', // '1'
+ '2', // '2'
+ '3', // '3'
+ '4', // '4'
+ '5', // '5'
+ '6', // '6'
+ '7', // '7'
+ '8', // '8'
+ '9', // '9'
+ ':', // ':'
+ ';', // ';'
+ '<', // '<'
+ '=', // '='
+ '>', // '>'
+ '?', // '?'
+ '@', // '@'
+ 'A', // 'A'
+ 'B', // 'B'
+ 'C', // 'C'
+ 'D', // 'D'
+ 'E', // 'E'
+ 'F', // 'F'
+ 'G', // 'G'
+ 'H', // 'H'
+ 'I', // 'I'
+ 'J', // 'J'
+ 'K', // 'K'
+ 'L', // 'L'
+ 'M', // 'M'
+ 'N', // 'N'
+ 'O', // 'O'
+ 'P', // 'P'
+ 'Q', // 'Q'
+ 'R', // 'R'
+ 'S', // 'S'
+ 'T', // 'T'
+ 'U', // 'U'
+ 'V', // 'V'
+ 'W', // 'W'
+ 'X', // 'X'
+ 'Y', // 'Y'
+ 'Z', // 'Z'
+ '[', // '['
+ '\', // '\'
+ ']', // ']'
+ '^', // '^'
+ '_', // '_'
+ '`', // '`'
+ 'a', // 'a'
+ 'b', // 'b'
+ 'c', // 'c'
+ 'd', // 'd'
+ 'e', // 'e'
+ 'f', // 'f'
+ 'g', // 'g'
+ 'h', // 'h'
+ 'i', // 'i'
+ 'j', // 'j'
+ 'k', // 'k'
+ 'l', // 'l'
+ 'm', // 'm'
+ 'n', // 'n'
+ 'o', // 'o'
+ 'p', // 'p'
+ 'q', // 'q'
+ 'r', // 'r'
+ 's', // 's'
+ 't', // 't'
+ 'u', // 'u'
+ 'v', // 'v'
+ 'w', // 'w'
+ 'x', // 'x'
+ 'y', // 'y'
+ 'z', // 'z'
+ '{', // '{'
+ '|', // '|'
+ '}', // '}'
+ '~', // '~'
+ #127, // #127
+ #226#130#172, // #128
+ '', // #129
+ #226#128#154, // #130
+ '', // #131
+ #226#128#158, // #132
+ #226#128#166, // #133
+ #226#128#160, // #134
+ #226#128#161, // #135
+ '', // #136
+ #226#128#176, // #137
+ #197#160, // #138
+ #226#128#185, // #139
+ #197#154, // #140
+ #197#164, // #141
+ #197#189, // #142
+ #197#185, // #143
+ '', // #144
+ #226#128#152, // #145
+ #226#128#153, // #146
+ #226#128#156, // #147
+ #226#128#157, // #148
+ #226#128#162, // #149
+ #226#128#147, // #150
+ #226#128#148, // #151
+ '', // #152
+ #226#132#162, // #153
+ #197#161, // #154
+ #226#128#186, // #155
+ #197#155, // #156
+ #197#165, // #157
+ #197#190, // #158
+ #197#186, // #159
+ #194#160, // #160
+ #203#135, // #161
+ #203#152, // #162
+ #197#129, // #163
+ #194#164, // #164
+ #196#132, // #165
+ #194#166, // #166
+ #194#167, // #167
+ #194#168, // #168
+ #194#169, // #169
+ #197#158, // #170
+ #194#171, // #171
+ #194#172, // #172
+ #194#173, // #173
+ #194#174, // #174
+ #197#187, // #175
+ #194#176, // #176
+ #194#177, // #177
+ #203#155, // #178
+ #197#130, // #179
+ #194#180, // #180
+ #194#181, // #181
+ #194#182, // #182
+ #194#183, // #183
+ #194#184, // #184
+ #196#133, // #185
+ #197#159, // #186
+ #194#187, // #187
+ #196#189, // #188
+ #203#157, // #189
+ #196#190, // #190
+ #197#188, // #191
+ #197#148, // #192
+ #195#129, // #193
+ #195#130, // #194
+ #196#130, // #195
+ #195#132, // #196
+ #196#185, // #197
+ #196#134, // #198
+ #195#135, // #199
+ #196#140, // #200
+ #195#137, // #201
+ #196#152, // #202
+ #195#139, // #203
+ #196#154, // #204
+ #195#141, // #205
+ #195#142, // #206
+ #196#142, // #207
+ #196#144, // #208
+ #197#131, // #209
+ #197#135, // #210
+ #195#147, // #211
+ #195#148, // #212
+ #197#144, // #213
+ #195#150, // #214
+ #195#151, // #215
+ #197#152, // #216
+ #197#174, // #217
+ #195#154, // #218
+ #197#176, // #219
+ #195#156, // #220
+ #195#157, // #221
+ #197#162, // #222
+ #195#159, // #223
+ #197#149, // #224
+ #195#161, // #225
+ #195#162, // #226
+ #196#131, // #227
+ #195#164, // #228
+ #196#186, // #229
+ #196#135, // #230
+ #195#167, // #231
+ #196#141, // #232
+ #195#169, // #233
+ #196#153, // #234
+ #195#171, // #235
+ #196#155, // #236
+ #195#173, // #237
+ #195#174, // #238
+ #196#143, // #239
+ #196#145, // #240
+ #197#132, // #241
+ #197#136, // #242
+ #195#179, // #243
+ #195#180, // #244
+ #197#145, // #245
+ #195#182, // #246
+ #195#183, // #247
+ #197#153, // #248
+ #197#175, // #249
+ #195#186, // #250
+ #197#177, // #251
+ #195#188, // #252
+ #195#189, // #253
+ #197#163, // #254
+ #203#153 // #255
+ );
ArrayIBMGraphToUTF8: TCharToUTF8Table = (
#0, // #0
@@ -1465,6 +1987,16 @@ begin
Result := SingleByteToUTF8(s, ArrayCP850ToUTF8);
+function CP866ToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString;
+ Result := SingleByteToUTF8(s, ArrayCP866ToUTF8);
+function CP1250ToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString;
+ Result := SingleByteToUTF8(s, ArrayCP1250ToUTF8);
function IBMGraphToUTF8(const s: string): TfpgString;
Result := SingleByteToUTF8(s, ArrayIBMGraphToUTF8);
@@ -1539,6 +2071,19 @@ begin
SetLength(Result, PtrUInt(Dest)-PtrUInt(Result));
+function ConvertTextToUTF8(const AEncoding: TfpgTextEncoding; const AText: AnsiString): TfpgString;
+ case AEncoding of
+ encUTF8: Result := IPFToUTF8(AText);
+ encCP437: Result := CP437ToUTF8(AText);
+ encCP850: Result := CP850ToUTF8(AText);
+ encCP866: Result := CP866ToUTF8(AText);
+ encIBMGraph: Result := IBMGraphToUTF8(AText);
+ else
+ Result := IPFToUTF8(AText);
+ end;
diff --git a/src/corelib/fpg_utils.pas b/src/corelib/fpg_utils.pas
index 9d0e907d..9a135d73 100644
--- a/src/corelib/fpg_utils.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/fpg_utils.pas
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
- Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
distribution, for details of the copyright.
See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ function fpgIsBitSet(const AData: integer; const AIndex: integer): boolean;
// RTL wrapper filesystem functions with platform independant encoding
// These functions are common for all platforms and rely on fpgXXXPlatformEncoding
+function fpgApplicationName: TfpgString;
function fpgFindFirst(const Path: TfpgString; Attr: longint; out Rslt: TSearchRec): longint;
function fpgFindNext(var Rslt: TSearchRec): longint;
function fpgGetCurrentDir: TfpgString;
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ function fpgExtractFileDir(const FileName: TfpgString): TfpgString;
function fpgExtractFilePath(const FileName: TfpgString): TfpgString;
function fpgExtractFileName(const FileName: TfpgString): TfpgString;
function fpgExtractFileExt(const FileName: TfpgString): TfpgString;
-function fpgExtractRelativepath(const ABaseName, ADestName: TfpgString): TfpgString;
+function fpgExtractRelativePath(const ABaseName, ADestName: TfpgString): TfpgString;
function fpgForceDirectories(const ADirectory: TfpgString): Boolean;
function fpgChangeFileExt(const FileName, Extension: TfpgString): TfpgString;
function fpgGetAppConfigDir(const Global: Boolean): TfpgString;
@@ -101,6 +102,11 @@ begin
Result := ALine;
+function fpgApplicationName: TfpgString;
+ Result := fpgFromOSEncoding(ApplicationName);
function fpgFindFirst(const Path: TfpgString; Attr: longint; out Rslt: TSearchRec): longint;
Result := FindFirst(fpgToOSEncoding(Path), Attr, Rslt);
@@ -165,7 +171,7 @@ begin
Result := ExtractFileExt(fpgToOSEncoding(Filename));
-function fpgExtractRelativepath(const ABaseName, ADestName: TfpgString): TfpgString;
+function fpgExtractRelativePath(const ABaseName, ADestName: TfpgString): TfpgString;
Result := ExtractRelativepath(fpgToOSEncoding(ABaseName), fpgToOSEncoding(ADestName));
diff --git a/src/corelib/fpg_widget.pas b/src/corelib/fpg_widget.pas
index ae18ff98..527e2987 100644
--- a/src/corelib/fpg_widget.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/fpg_widget.pas
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
- Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
distribution, for details of the copyright.
See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ type
FOnDragLeave: TNotifyEvent;
FOnEnter: TNotifyEvent;
FOnExit: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnKeyChar: TfpgKeyCharEvent;
FOnMouseDown: TMouseButtonEvent;
FOnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent;
FOnMouseExit: TNotifyEvent;
@@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ type
property OnDoubleClick: TMouseButtonEvent read FOnDoubleClick write FOnDoubleClick;
property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent read FOnEnter write FOnEnter;
property OnExit: TNotifyEvent read FOnExit write FOnExit;
+ property OnKeyChar: TfpgKeyCharEvent read FOnKeyChar write FOnKeyChar;
property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent read FOnKeyPress write FOnKeyPress;
property OnMouseDown: TMouseButtonEvent read FOnMouseDown write FOnMouseDown;
property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent read FOnMouseEnter write FOnMouseEnter;
@@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ type
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure AfterConstruction; override;
function InDesigner: boolean;
+ function IsLoading: boolean;
procedure InvokeHelp; virtual;
procedure Realign;
procedure SetFocus;
@@ -438,6 +441,11 @@ begin
Result := (FFormDesigner <> nil)
+function TfpgWidget.IsLoading: boolean;
+ Result := csLoading in ComponentState;
procedure TfpgWidget.InvokeHelp;
case HelpType of
@@ -955,7 +963,8 @@ end;
procedure TfpgWidget.HandleKeyChar(var AText: TfpgChar; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean);
- // descendants will implement this.
+ if FFocusable and Assigned(OnKeyChar) then
+ OnKeyChar(self, AText, consumed);
procedure TfpgWidget.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState;
@@ -974,8 +983,11 @@ begin
if not consumed and (keycode = fpgApplication.HelpKey) and (shiftstate=[]) then
- InvokeHelp;
- consumed := True;
+ if fpgApplication.HelpFile <> '' then
+ begin
+ InvokeHelp;
+ consumed := True;
+ end;
case keycode of
diff --git a/src/corelib/gdi/fpg_gdi.pas b/src/corelib/gdi/fpg_gdi.pas
index 196e467a..93d3a9ed 100644
--- a/src/corelib/gdi/fpg_gdi.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/gdi/fpg_gdi.pas
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
- Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
distribution, for details of the copyright.
See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ uses
- ,dbugintf
+ ,fpg_dbugintf
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ type
constructor Create(awin: TfpgWindowBase); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure CopyRect(ADest_x, ADest_y: TfpgCoord; ASrcCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase; var ASrcRect: TfpgRect); override;
@@ -262,10 +263,13 @@ type
TfpgGDIFileList = class(TfpgFileListBase)
+ private
function EncodeAttributesString(attrs: longword): TFileModeString;
- constructor Create; override;
+ protected
function InitializeEntry(sr: TSearchRec): TFileEntry; override;
procedure PopulateSpecialDirs(const aDirectory: TfpgString); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
@@ -705,6 +709,7 @@ var
wmsg: TMsg;
PaintStruct: TPaintStruct;
TmpW: widestring;
+ wheelpos: integer;
procedure SetMinMaxInfo(var MinMaxInfo: TMINMAXINFO);
@@ -722,7 +727,7 @@ var
dy := 0;
IntfWidth := AWidth;
IntfHeight := AHeight;
GetWindowBorderDimensions(w, dx, dy);
Inc(IntfWidth, dx);
Inc(IntfHeight, dy);
@@ -850,7 +855,7 @@ begin
msgp.keyboard.keychar := UTF8Encode(tmpW);
fpgSendMessage(nil, w, FPGM_KEYCHAR, msgp);
// Allow Alt+F4 and other system key combinations
if (uMsg = WM_SYSKEYUP) or (uMsg = WM_SYSKEYDOWN) then
Result := Windows.DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
@@ -877,7 +882,7 @@ begin
if uMsg <> WM_MOUSEMOVE then
- writeln('fpGFX/GDI: Found a mouse button event');
+ SendDebug('fpGFX/GDI: Found a mouse button event');
// msgp.mouse.x := smallint(lParam and $FFFF);
// msgp.mouse.y := smallint((lParam and $FFFF0000) shr 16);
@@ -962,7 +967,7 @@ begin
@@ -1000,7 +1005,7 @@ begin
msgp.mouse.Buttons := MOUSE_LEFT;
msgp.mouse.Buttons := MOUSE_MIDDLE;
@@ -1029,8 +1034,8 @@ begin
if w.FSkipResizeMessage then
- // note that WM_SIZING allows some control on sizeing
+ // note that WM_SIZING allows some control on sizing
//writeln('WM_SIZE: wp=',IntToHex(wparam,8), ' lp=',IntToHex(lparam,8));
msgp.rect.Width := smallint(lParam and $FFFF);
msgp.rect.Height := smallint((lParam and $FFFF0000) shr 16);
@@ -1090,7 +1095,13 @@ begin
msgp.mouse.x := pt.x;
msgp.mouse.y := pt.y;
- := SmallInt(HiWord(wParam)) div -120;
+ { calculate direction of the mouse wheel }
+ wheelpos := 0;
+ dec(wheelpos, SmallInt(HiWord(wParam)));
+ if wheelpos > 0 then
+ := 1
+ else
+ := -1;
i := 0;
if (wParam and MK_LBUTTON) <> 0 then
@@ -1128,7 +1139,7 @@ begin
SendDebug(w.ClassName + ': WM_TIMECHANGE');
- writeln('fpGUI/GDI: ' + w.ClassName + ': WM_TIMECHANGE');
+// writeln('fpGUI/GDI: ' + w.ClassName + ': WM_TIMECHANGE');
@@ -1248,6 +1259,8 @@ begin
function TfpgGDIApplication.GetHiddenWindow: HWND;
+ lHandle: TfpgWinHandle;
if (FHiddenWindow = 0) then
@@ -1263,8 +1276,12 @@ begin
+ if MainForm <> nil then
+ lHandle := TfpgGDIWindow(MainForm).FWinHandle
+ else
+ lHandle := -1;
FHiddenWindow := CreateWindow('FPGHIDDEN', '',
- DWORD(WS_POPUP), 0, 0, 0, 0, TfpgGDIWindow(MainForm).FWinHandle, 0, MainInstance, nil);
+ DWORD(WS_POPUP), 0, 0, 0, 0, lHandle, 0, MainInstance, nil);
Result := FHiddenWindow;
@@ -1413,7 +1430,7 @@ var
wg: TfpgWidget;
- writeln('TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDLeave ');
+ SendDebug('TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDLeave ');
FUserMimeSelection := '';
wg := self as TfpgWidget;
@@ -1437,7 +1454,7 @@ var
msgp: TfpgMessageParams;
- writeln('TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDEnter ');
+ SendDebug('TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDEnter ');
wg := self as TfpgWidget;
if wg.AcceptDrops then
@@ -1500,7 +1517,7 @@ begin
if FDropPos <> PT then
- writeln('TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDPosition ');
+ SendDebug('TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDPosition ');
FDropPos.x := PT.x;
FDropPos.y := PT.y;
@@ -1521,12 +1538,13 @@ var
swg: TfpgWidget; { source widget }
lIsTranslated: Boolean;
+ lPoint: Windows.Point;
if not FUserAcceptDrag then
- Writeln('TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDDrop');
+ SendDebug('TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDDrop');
wg := self as TfpgWidget;
@@ -1546,7 +1564,11 @@ begin
swg := uDragSource as TfpgWidget
swg := nil;
- wg.OnDragDrop(wg, swg, pt.x, pt.y, data);
+ // convert mouse screen coordinates to widget coordinates
+ lPoint.x := pt.x;
+ lPoint.y := pt.y;
+ ScreenToClient(wg.WinHandle, lPoint);
+ wg.OnDragDrop(wg, swg, lPoint.x, lPoint.y, data);
uDragSource := nil;
@@ -1603,7 +1625,7 @@ begin
CurrentWindowHndl := WindowFromPoint(spt);
CursorInDifferentWindow := (CurrentWindowHndl <> uLastWindowHndl);
if CursorInDifferentWindow then
FillChar(msgp, sizeof(msgp), 0);
@@ -1623,7 +1645,7 @@ begin
fpgSendMessage(nil, CurrentWindow, FPGM_MOUSEENTER, msgp);
uLastWindowHndl := CurrentWindowHndl;
@@ -1646,18 +1668,18 @@ begin
FNonFullscreenRect.Left := 0;
if FNonFullscreenRect.Top < 0 then
FNonFullscreenRect.Top := 0;
Left := 0;
Top := 0;
Width := wapplication.GetScreenWidth;
Height := wapplication.GetScreenHeight;
if aUpdate then
FWinStyle := FWinStyle and not(WS_CAPTION or WS_THICKFRAME);
if aUpdate then
@@ -1687,7 +1709,7 @@ begin
Top := FNonFullscreenRect.Top;
Width := FNonFullscreenRect.Width;
Height := FNonFullscreenRect.Height;
if aUpdate then
@@ -1710,7 +1732,7 @@ var
if FWinHandle > 0 then
Exit; //==>
FSkipResizeMessage := True;
@@ -1766,7 +1788,7 @@ begin
FWinStyle := FWinStyle and not (WS_SIZEBOX or WS_MAXIMIZEBOX);
if waFullScreen in FWindowAttributes then
WindowSetFullscreen(True, False);
@@ -2131,6 +2153,27 @@ begin
+procedure TfpgGDICanvas.CopyRect(ADest_x, ADest_y: TfpgCoord; ASrcCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase;
+ var ASrcRect: TfpgRect);
+ srcdc: HDC;
+ destdc: HDC;
+ if (TfpgWindow(FWindow).WinHandle <= 0) or (TfpgWindow(TfpgGDICanvas(ASrcCanvas).FWindow).WinHandle <= 0) then
+ begin
+ debugln(' no winhandle available');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ destdc := Windows.GetDC(TfpgWindow(FWindow).WinHandle);
+ srcdc := Windows.GetDC(TfpgWindow(TfpgGDICanvas(ASrcCanvas).FWindow).WinHandle);
+ BitBlt(destdc, ADest_x, ADest_y, ASrcRect.Width, ASrcRect.Height, srcdc, ASrcRect.Left, ASrcRect.Top, SRCCOPY);
+ ReleaseDC(TfpgWindow(TfpgGDICanvas(ASrcCanvas).FWindow).WinHandle, srcdc);
+ ReleaseDC(TfpgWindow(FWindow).WinHandle, destdc);
procedure TfpgGDICanvas.DoBeginDraw(awin: TfpgWindowBase; buffered: boolean);
ARect: TfpgRect;
@@ -2199,7 +2242,7 @@ begin
Windows.ReleaseDC(FDrawWindow.FWinHandle, FWingc);
FDrawing := False;
@@ -2457,7 +2500,7 @@ begin
if FBufferBitmap > 0 then
FBufferBitmap := 0;
if FBufgc > 0 then
FBufgc := 0;
@@ -2882,7 +2925,7 @@ var
drvs: string;
// making drive list
if Copy(aDirectory, 2, 1) = ':' then
@@ -3089,7 +3132,11 @@ begin
-procedure TimerCallBackProc(window_hwnd : hwnd; msg : DWORD; idEvent: UINT; dwTime: DWORD); stdcall;
+procedure TimerCallBackProc(hWnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; idEvent: UINT; dwTime: DWORD); stdcall;
+procedure TimerCallBackProc(hWnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; idEvent: UINT_PTR; dwTime: DWORD); stdcall;
{ idEvent contains the handle to the timer that got triggered }
@@ -3102,7 +3149,6 @@ begin
inherited SetEnabled(AValue);
if FEnabled then
-// FHandle := Windows.SetTimer(0, 0, Interval, nil);
FHandle := Windows.SetTimer(0, 0, Interval, @TimerCallBackProc);
@@ -3164,7 +3210,7 @@ initialization
UnicodeEnabledOS := (WinVersion.dwPlatformID = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) or
(WinVersion.dwPlatformID = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE);
if SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHINGTYPE, 0, @FontSmoothingType, 0)
and (FontSmoothingType = FE_FONTSMOOTHINGCLEARTYPE) then
FontSmoothingType := CLEARTYPE_QUALITY
diff --git a/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.lpk b/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
index bf019e5f..f2dc4202 100644
--- a/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
+++ b/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package Version="4">
<PathDelim Value="\"/>
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<Description Value="fpGUI Toolkit"/>
<License Value="LGPL 2 with static linking exception."/>
<Version Major="1"/>
- <Files Count="98">
+ <Files Count="103">
<Filename Value="..\"/>
<Type Value="Include"/>
@@ -424,8 +424,28 @@
<Filename Value="..\render\software\Agg2D.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="Agg2D"/>
+ <Item99>
+ <Filename Value="..\fpg_dbugintf.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_dbugintf"/>
+ </Item99>
+ <Item100>
+ <Filename Value="..\fpg_dbugmsg.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_dbugmsg"/>
+ </Item100>
+ <Item101>
+ <Filename Value="..\..\gui\fpg_style_carbon.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_style_carbon"/>
+ </Item101>
+ <Item102>
+ <Filename Value="..\..\gui\fpg_style_plastic.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_style_plastic"/>
+ </Item102>
+ <Item103>
+ <Filename Value="..\..\gui\fpg_style_win8.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_style_win8"/>
+ </Item103>
- <LazDoc Paths="../../../docs/xml/corelib;../../../docs/xml/corelib/x11;../../../docs/xml/corelib/gdi;../../../docs/xml/gui"/>
+ <LazDoc Paths="..\..\..\docs\xml\corelib;..\..\..\docs\xml\corelib\x11;..\..\..\docs\xml\corelib\gdi;..\..\..\docs\xml\gui"/>
<RequiredPkgs Count="1">
<PackageName Value="FCL"/>
diff --git a/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.pas b/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.pas
index 05501714..12ac41b9 100644
--- a/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.pas
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ uses
fpg_interface, fpg_editbtn, fpg_imgfmt_jpg, fpg_imgutils, fpg_stylemanager,
fpg_style_win2k, fpg_style_motif, fpg_style_clearlooks, fpg_style_bluecurve,
fpg_style_bitmap, fpg_readonly, fpg_imgfmt_png, U_Command, U_Pdf, U_Report,
- U_ReportImages, U_Visu, fpg_trayicon, Agg2D;
+ U_ReportImages, U_Visu, fpg_trayicon, Agg2D, fpg_dbugintf, fpg_dbugmsg,
+ fpg_style_carbon, fpg_style_plastic, fpg_style_win8;
diff --git a/src/corelib/ b/src/corelib/
index 130cdd9f..7ad000d4 100644
--- a/src/corelib/
+++ b/src/corelib/
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
clGridInactiveSel = TfpgColor(cl_BaseNamedColor + 30);
clGridInactiveSelText = TfpgColor(cl_BaseNamedColor + 31);
clSplitterGrabBar = TfpgColor(cl_BaseNamedColor + 32);
+ clHyperLink = TfpgColor(cl_BaseNamedColor + 33);
diff --git a/src/corelib/render/software/Agg2D.pas b/src/corelib/render/software/Agg2D.pas
index 50a68fb8..229294d2 100644
--- a/src/corelib/render/software/Agg2D.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/render/software/Agg2D.pas
@@ -400,6 +400,8 @@ type
procedure ClearAll(c : TAggColor ); overload;
procedure ClearAll(r ,g ,b : byte; a : byte = 255 ); overload;
+ procedure FillAll(c: TAggColor); overload;
+ procedure FillAll(r, g, b: byte; a: byte = 255); overload;
// Master Rendering Properties
procedure BlendMode(m : TAggBlendMode ); overload;
@@ -1288,6 +1290,9 @@ begin
m_pathTransform.Construct (@m_convCurve ,@m_transform );
m_strokeTransform.Construct(@m_convStroke ,@m_transform );
+ m_convDash.remove_all_dashes;
+ m_convDash.add_dash(600, 0); {$NOTE Find a better way to prevent dash generation }
@@ -1491,6 +1496,22 @@ begin
+procedure TAgg2D.FillAll(c: TAggColor);
+ clr: aggclr;
+ clr.Construct (c );
+ m_renBase.fill(@clr );
+procedure TAgg2D.FillAll(r, g, b: byte; a: byte);
+ clr: TAggColor;
+ clr.Construct(r, g, b, a);
+ FillAll(clr);
procedure TAgg2D.ClearClipBox(c : TAggColor );
@@ -1517,14 +1538,14 @@ end;
procedure TAgg2D.WorldToScreen(x ,y : PDouble );
- m_transform.transform(@m_transform ,double_ptr(x ) ,double_ptr(y ) );
+ m_transform.transform(@m_transform, x, y);
procedure TAgg2D.ScreenToWorld(x ,y : PDouble );
- m_transform.inverse_transform(@m_transform ,double_ptr(x ) ,double_ptr(y ) );
+ m_transform.inverse_transform(@m_transform, x, y);
@@ -2649,7 +2670,8 @@ begin
m_fontEngine.hinting_(m_textHints );
if cache = AGG_VectorFontCache then
- m_fontEngine.height_(height )
+ {$NOTE We need to fix this. Translating from font pt to pixels is inaccurate. This is just a temp fix for now. }
+ m_fontEngine.height_(height * 1.3333 ) // 9pt = ~12px so that is a ratio of 1.3333
m_fontEngine.height_(worldToScreen(height ) );
@@ -3534,18 +3556,29 @@ begin
procedure TAgg2D.DoSetFontRes(fntres: TfpgFontResourceBase);
- {$NOTE This is only temporary until I can correctly query font names }
+ Font('c:\WINNT\Fonts\arial.ttf', 10);
+ {$ENDIF }
Font('Arial', 13);
- {$ELSE}
- Font('/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/Liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf', 13);
- {$ELSE}
- Font('/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf', 13);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF }
+ s: TfpgString;
+ i: integer;
+ fnt: TFontCacheItem;
+ lSize: double;
+ fnt := FontCacheItemFromFontDesc(TfpgFontResource(fntres).FontDesc, lSize);
+ i := gFontCache.Find(fnt);
+ if i > 0 then
+ Font(gFontCache.Items[i].FileName, lSize, fnt.IsBold, fnt.IsItalic, AGG_VectorFontCache, Deg2Rad(fnt.Angle));
procedure TAgg2D.DoSetTextColor(cl: TfpgColor);
@@ -3555,7 +3588,7 @@ begin
c := fpgColorToRGB(cl);
t := fpgColorToRGBTriple(c);
- FillColor(t.Red, t.Green, t.Blue{, t.Alpha});
+ FillColor(t.Red, t.Green, t.Blue, t.Alpha);
procedure TAgg2D.DoSetColor(cl: TfpgColor);
@@ -3566,7 +3599,7 @@ begin
c := fpgColorToRGB(cl);
t := fpgColorToRGBTriple(c);
- LineColor(t.Red, t.Green, t.Blue{, t.Alpha});
+ LineColor(t.Red, t.Green, t.Blue, t.Alpha);
procedure TAgg2D.DoSetLineStyle(awidth: integer; astyle: TfpgLineStyle);
@@ -3635,7 +3668,10 @@ end;
procedure TAgg2D.DoFillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: TfpgCoord);
+ LineWidth(1);
+ FillColor(LineColor);
+ LineColor(LineColor);
+ Triangle(x1+0.5, y1+0.5, x2+0.5, y2+0.5, x3+0.5, y3+0.5);
procedure TAgg2D.DoDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord);
diff --git a/src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/Agg2DConsole.dpr b/src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/Agg2DConsole.dpr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc8badbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/Agg2DConsole.dpr
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ This is a console application demo. It uses the Agg2D object,
+ which has a much friendlier API, to do all the drawing. We then
+ save the image buffer to a JPG, using the fcl-image package,
+ which comes standard with the Free Pascal Compiler.
+// Paths: ..\;..\svg;..\util;expat-wrap
+program console_aggpas_2;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ sysutils,
+ FPimage,
+ FPWriteJPEG,
+ agg_2D,
+ agg_basics;
+ ImageWidth = 800;
+ ImageHeight = 480;
+ RGBA_Width = 4;
+ LineCount = 30;
+ {$IFDEF Unix}
+ FontFile = '../../arial.ttf';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF Windows}
+ FontFile = 'Arial';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TPainter = class(TObject)
+ public
+ procedure HandlePlug;
+ procedure DrawStuff(agg: Agg2D_ptr);
+ end;
+procedure TPainter.HandlePlug;
+ agg: Agg2D_ptr;
+ buf: array of int8;
+ image: TFPMemoryImage;
+ writer: TFPWriterJPEG;
+ x, y: Integer;
+ c: TFPColor;
+ time, totalTime: TDateTime;
+ function getBufItemAsWord(aDelta: byte): Word;
+ var
+ actualY: Integer;
+ begin
+ actualY := ImageHeight - y - 1;
+ result :=
+ Word(buf[x * RGBA_Width + actualY * ImageWidth * RGBA_Width + aDelta] shl 8)
+ or Word(128);
+ end;
+ totalTime := Now;
+ time := Now;
+ SetLength(buf, ImageWidth * ImageHeight * RGBA_Width);
+ New(agg, Construct);
+ agg^.attach(@(buf[0]), ImageWidth, ImageHeight, ImageWidth * RGBA_Width);
+ DrawStuff(agg);
+ Dispose(agg, Destruct); // not necessary to keep it after rendering is finished
+ time := Now - time;
+// Logger.Emit('Draw: time spent: ' + TimeStampToString(time));
+ time := Now;
+ image := TFPMemoryImage.create(ImageWidth, ImageHeight);
+ for x := 0 to ImageWidth - 1 do
+ for y := 0 to ImageHeight - 1 do
+ begin
+ := getBufItemAsWord(2);
+ := getBufItemAsWord(1);
+ := getBufItemAsWord(0);
+ c.alpha := getBufItemAsWord(3);
+ image.Colors[x, y] := c;
+ end;
+ time := Now - time;
+// WriteLn('Image copy: time spent: ' + DateTimeToString(time));
+ time := Now;
+ writer := TFPWriterJPEG.Create;
+ writer.CompressionQuality := $FF div 3; // bad quality plz
+ writer.ProgressiveEncoding := True;
+ image.SaveToFile('test.jpeg', writer);
+ image.Free;
+ writer.Free;
+ time := Now - time;
+// WriteLn('Image encode: time spent: ' + DateTimeToString(time));
+ totalTime := Now - totalTime;
+// WriteLn('Total time: ' + DateTimeToString(totalTime));
+procedure TPainter.DrawStuff(agg: Agg2D_ptr);
+ i: Integer;
+ x, y, px, py, d: Double;
+ agg^.clearAll(0, 0, 0);
+ agg^.lineColor(0, 0, 0, 255);
+ agg^.lineWidth(3);
+ agg^.rectangle(0, 0, ImageWidth, ImageHeight);
+ agg^.font(fontfile, 16);
+ d := ImageWidth / LineCount;
+ agg^.lineColor(0, 0, 0, 100);
+ agg^.lineWidth(1);
+ for i := 1 to LineCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ x := i * d;
+ agg^.line(x, 0, x, ImageHeight);
+ end;
+ for i := 1 to trunc(ImageHeight / d) do
+ begin
+ y := i * d;
+ agg^.line(0, y, ImageWidth, y);
+ end;
+ x := 0;
+ y := ImageHeight / 2;
+ px := x;
+ py := y;
+ agg^.lineColor(255, 0, 0, 200);
+ agg^.fillColor(0, 0, 0, 200);
+ agg^.lineWidth(3);
+ for i := 0 to LineCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ x := x + d;
+ y := y + Random(Round(ImageHeight / 3)) - ImageHeight / 6;
+ if y < 0 then
+ y := ImageHeight / 6;
+ if y >= ImageHeight then
+ y := ImageHeight - ImageHeight / 6;
+ agg^.line(px, py, x, y);
+ agg^.text(x, y, char_ptr(IntToStr(i) + ' point'{' шта?'}));
+ px := x;
+ py := y;
+ end;
+ p: TPainter;
+ Randomize;
+ p := TPainter.Create;
+ p.HandlePlug;
+ p.Free;
diff --git a/src/corelib/render/software/agg_2D.pas b/src/corelib/render/software/agg_2D.pas
index a6296e2c..45d88e44 100644
--- a/src/corelib/render/software/agg_2D.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/render/software/agg_2D.pas
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
// Based on Anti-Grain Geometry
// Copyright (C) 2005 Maxim Shemanarev (
-// Agg2D - Version 1.0 Release Milano 3 (AggPas 2.3 RM3)
+// Agg2D - Version 1.0 Release Milano 3 (AggPas 2.4 RM3)
// Pascal Port By: Milan Marusinec alias Milano
-// Copyright (c) 2007
+// Copyright (c) 2007 - 2008
// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
@@ -325,6 +325,8 @@ type
procedure clearAll(c : Color ); overload;
procedure clearAll(r ,g ,b : unsigned; a : unsigned = 255 ); overload;
+ procedure FillAll(c: Color); overload;
+ procedure FillAll(r, g, b: byte; a: byte = 255); overload;
procedure clearClipBox(c : Color ); overload;
procedure clearClipBox(r ,g ,b : unsigned; a : unsigned = 255 ); overload;
@@ -424,7 +426,7 @@ type
rxTop ,ryTop : double ); overload;
procedure ellipse(cx ,cy ,rx ,ry : double );
procedure arc (cx ,cy ,rx ,ry ,start ,sweep : double );
procedure star(cx ,cy ,r1 ,r2 ,startAngle : double; numRays : int );
@@ -932,6 +934,22 @@ begin
+procedure Agg2D.FillAll(c: Color);
+ clr: aggclr;
+ clr.Construct (c );
+ m_renBase.fill(@clr );
+procedure Agg2D.FillAll(r, g, b: byte; a: byte);
+ clr: Color;
+ clr.Construct(r, g, b, a);
+ FillAll(clr);
procedure Agg2D.clearClipBox(c : Color );
diff --git a/src/corelib/render/software/agg_basics.pas b/src/corelib/render/software/agg_basics.pas
index cc116cfe..56eb6fba 100644
--- a/src/corelib/render/software/agg_basics.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/render/software/agg_basics.pas
@@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ type
procedure NoP;
{ These implementations have changed to use FPC's Sar*() functions, so should
- now support all platforms with ASM code. At a later date these functions
- could be removed completely. }
+ now support all platforms without the need for ASM code. At a later date these
+ functions could be removed completely. }
function shr_int8 (i ,shift : int8 ) : int8; inline;
function shr_int16(i ,shift : int16 ) : int16; inline;
function shr_int32(i ,shift : int ) : int; inline;
diff --git a/src/corelib/render/software/ b/src/corelib/render/software/
index 331b572e..dc5556fa 100644
--- a/src/corelib/render/software/
+++ b/src/corelib/render/software/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
{$ifdef uses_implementation}
+ fpg_fontcache,
@@ -27,6 +28,88 @@ type
// to get access to protected methods (seeing that FPC doesn't support Friend-classes)
TImageHack = class(TfpgImage);
+function FontCacheItemFromFontDesc(const desc: string; var asize: double): TFontCacheItem;
+ facename: string;
+ cp: integer;
+ c: char;
+ token: string;
+ prop, propval: string;
+ function NextC: char;
+ begin
+ Inc(cp);
+ if cp > length(desc) then
+ c := #0
+ else
+ c := desc[cp];
+ Result := c;
+ end;
+ procedure NextToken;
+ begin
+ token := '';
+ while (c <> #0) and (c in [' ', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', '0'..'9', '.']) do
+ begin
+ token := token + c;
+ NextC;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := TFontCacheItem.Create('');
+ cp := 0;
+ NextC;
+ NextToken;
+ facename := token;
+ // Add known substites
+ if lowercase(facename) = 'times' then
+ facename := 'Times New Roman'
+ else if lowercase(facename) = 'courier' then
+ facename := 'Courier New'
+ else if lowercase(facename) = 'monospace' then
+ facename := 'Courier New';
+ Result.FamilyName := facename;
+ if c = '-' then
+ begin
+ NextC;
+ NextToken;
+ asize := StrToIntDef(token, 0);
+ end;
+ while c = ':' do
+ begin
+ NextC;
+ NextToken;
+ prop := UpperCase(token);
+ propval := '';
+ if c = '=' then
+ begin
+ NextC;
+ NextToken;
+ propval := UpperCase(token);
+ end;
+ if prop = 'BOLD' then
+ Result.IsBold := True
+ else if prop = 'ITALIC' then
+ Result.IsItalic := True
+ else if prop = 'ANGLE' then
+ Result.Angle := StrToFloatDef(propval, 0.0);
+// else if prop = 'ANTIALIAS' then
+// if propval = 'FALSE' then
+// lf.lfQuality := NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY else
+// if propval = 'DEFAULT' then
+// lf.lfQuality := DEFAULT_QUALITY;
+ end;
procedure TAgg2D.DoPutBufferToScreen(x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord);
drawgc: Tgc;
diff --git a/src/corelib/render/software/agg_renderer_base.pas b/src/corelib/render/software/agg_renderer_base.pas
index 926aebd5..cc2bade4 100644
--- a/src/corelib/render/software/agg_renderer_base.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/render/software/agg_renderer_base.pas
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ type
function bounding_ymax : int; virtual;
procedure clear(c : aggclr_ptr );
+ procedure fill(const c: aggclr_ptr);
procedure copy_pixel (x ,y : int; c : aggclr_ptr ); virtual;
procedure blend_pixel(x ,y : int; c : aggclr_ptr; cover : int8u ); virtual;
@@ -348,6 +349,17 @@ begin
+procedure renderer_base.fill(const c: aggclr_ptr);
+ y: unsigned;
+ if (width > 0) and (height > 0) then
+ begin
+ for y:=0 to height - 1 do
+ m_ren.blend_hline(m_ren, 0, y, width, c, cover_mask);
+ end;
procedure renderer_base.copy_pixel(x, y: int; c: aggclr_ptr);
diff --git a/src/corelib/render/software/fpg_fontcache.pas b/src/corelib/render/software/fpg_fontcache.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15f65e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corelib/render/software/fpg_fontcache.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ This is a homegrown font cache, or font translation system. AggPas
+ references font files (eg: *.ttf) directly, whereas the rest
+ of fpGUI doesn't. Under X11 for example, the translation of
+ 'Aria-12' to the actual *.ttf file will be done by the fontconfig
+ library. Unfortunately fontconfig doesn't have an API to give
+ use that *.ttf font file it resolved too. So for AggPas (or rather
+ the AggPas backend in fpGUI) we had to implement our own
+ font translation system.
+unit fpg_fontcache;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, contnrs, fpg_base;
+ TFontCacheItem = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FAngle: double;
+ FFamilyName: TfpgString;
+ FFileName: TfpgString;
+ FFixedWidth: boolean;
+ FStyleFlags: Integer;
+ function GetIsBold: boolean;
+ function GetIsFixedWidth: boolean;
+ function GetIsItalic: boolean;
+ function GetIsRegular: boolean;
+ procedure SetIsBold(AValue: boolean);
+ procedure SetIsFixedWidth(AValue: boolean);
+ procedure SetIsItalic(AValue: boolean);
+ procedure SetIsRegular(AValue: boolean);
+ public
+ constructor Create(const AFilename: TfpgString);
+ property FileName: TfpgString read FFileName write FFileName;
+ property FamilyName: TfpgString read FFamilyName write FFamilyName;
+ property StyleFlags: Integer read FStyleFlags write FStyleFlags;
+ property IsFixedWidth: boolean read GetIsFixedWidth write SetIsFixedWidth;
+ property IsRegular: boolean read GetIsRegular write SetIsRegular;
+ property IsItalic: boolean read GetIsItalic write SetIsItalic;
+ property IsBold: boolean read GetIsBold write SetIsBold;
+ { following properties are used by FontCacheItemFromFontDesc() only }
+ property Angle: double read FAngle write FAngle;
+ end;
+ TFontCacheList = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FList: TObjectList;
+ procedure SearchForFont(const AFontPath: TfpgString);
+ function BuildFontCacheItem(const AFontFile: TfpgString): TFontCacheItem;
+ procedure SetStyleIfExists(var AText: Ansistring; var AStyleFlags: integer; const AStyleName: AnsiString; const AStyleBit: integer);
+ protected
+ function GetCount: integer; virtual;
+ function GetItem(AIndex: Integer): TFontCacheItem; virtual;
+ procedure SetItem(AIndex: Integer; AValue: TFontCacheItem); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure BuildFontCache;
+ function Add(const AObject: TFontCacheItem): integer;
+ procedure Clear;
+ property Count: integer read GetCount;
+ function IndexOf(const AObject: TFontCacheItem): integer;
+ function Find(const AFontCacheItem: TFontCacheItem): integer;
+ property Items[AIndex: Integer]: TFontCacheItem read GetItem write SetItem; default;
+ end;
+function gFontCache: TFontCacheList;
+ fpg_utils,
+ agg_font_freetype_lib;
+ FPG_FONT_STYLE_REGULAR = 1 shl 0; { Regular, Plain, Book }
+ FPG_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC = 1 shl 1; { Itelic }
+ FPG_FONT_STYLE_BOLD = 1 shl 2; { Bold }
+ FPG_FONT_STYLE_CONDENSED = 1 shl 3; { Condensed }
+ FPG_FONT_STYLE_EXTRALIGHT = 1 shl 4; { ExtraLight }
+ FPG_FONT_STYLE_LIGHT = 1 shl 5; { Light }
+ FPG_FONT_STYLE_SEMIBOLD = 1 shl 6; { Semibold }
+ FPG_FONT_STYLE_MEDIUM = 1 shl 7; { Medium }
+ FPG_FONT_STYLE_BLACK = 1 shl 8; { Black }
+ FPG_FONT_STYLE_FIXEDWIDTH = 1 shl 9; { Fixedwidth }
+ m_library: FT_Library_ptr;
+ uFontCacheList: TFontCacheList;
+function gFontCache: TFontCacheList;
+ if not Assigned(uFontCacheList) then
+ begin
+ uFontCacheList := TFontCacheList.Create;
+ uFontCacheList.BuildFontCache;
+ end;
+ Result := uFontCacheList;
+{ TFontCacheItem }
+function TFontCacheItem.GetIsBold: boolean;
+ Result := (FStyleFlags and FPG_FONT_STYLE_BOLD) <> 0;
+function TFontCacheItem.GetIsFixedWidth: boolean;
+ Result := (FStyleFlags and FPG_FONT_STYLE_FIXEDWIDTH) <> 0;
+function TFontCacheItem.GetIsItalic: boolean;
+ Result := (FStyleFlags and FPG_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC) <> 0;
+function TFontCacheItem.GetIsRegular: boolean;
+ Result := (FStyleFlags and FPG_FONT_STYLE_REGULAR) <> 0;
+procedure TFontCacheItem.SetIsBold(AValue: boolean);
+ FStyleFlags := FStyleFlags or FPG_FONT_STYLE_BOLD;
+procedure TFontCacheItem.SetIsFixedWidth(AValue: boolean);
+ FStyleFlags := FStyleFlags or FPG_FONT_STYLE_FIXEDWIDTH;
+ FStyleFlags := FStyleFlags and (not FPG_FONT_STYLE_REGULAR);
+procedure TFontCacheItem.SetIsItalic(AValue: boolean);
+ FStyleFlags := FStyleFlags or FPG_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC;
+procedure TFontCacheItem.SetIsRegular(AValue: boolean);
+ FStyleFlags := FStyleFlags or FPG_FONT_STYLE_REGULAR;
+ FStyleFlags := FStyleFlags and (not FPG_FONT_STYLE_FIXEDWIDTH);
+constructor TFontCacheItem.Create(const AFilename: TfpgString);
+ inherited Create;
+ FFileName := AFilename;
+ FAngle := 0.0;
+{ TFontCacheList }
+procedure TFontCacheList.SearchForFont(const AFontPath: TfpgString);
+ sr: TSearchRec;
+ lFont: TFontCacheItem;
+ s: TfpgString;
+ // The extra 'or' includes Normal attribute files under Windows. faAnyFile doesn't return those.
+ // Reported to FPC as bug 9440 in Mantis.
+ if fpgFindFirst(AFontPath + AllFilesMask, faAnyFile or $00000080, sr) = 0 then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ // check if special files to skip
+ if (sr.Name = '.') or (sr.Name = '..') or (sr.Name = '') then
+ Continue;
+ // We got something, so lets continue
+ s := fpgFromOSEncoding(sr.Name);
+ if (sr.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0 then // found a directory
+ SearchForFont(fpgAppendPathDelim(AFontPath + s))
+ else
+ begin // we have a file
+ if (lowercase(fpgExtractFileExt(s)) = '.ttf') or
+ (lowercase(fpgExtractFileExt(s)) = '.otf') then
+ begin
+ lFont := BuildFontCacheItem(AFontPath + s);
+ Add(lFont);
+ end;
+ end;
+ until fpgFindNext(sr) <> 0;
+ end;
+function TFontCacheList.BuildFontCacheItem(const AFontFile: TfpgString): TFontCacheItem;
+ face_ptr: FT_Face_ptr;
+ s: Ansistring;
+ i: integer;
+ flags: integer;
+ FT_New_Face(m_library, PChar(AFontFile), 0, face_ptr);
+ Result := TFontCacheItem.Create(AFontFile);
+ Result.FamilyName := face_ptr^.family_name;
+ // extract simple styles first
+// if (face_ptr^.face_flags and FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH) <> 0 then
+// Result.StyleFlags := FPG_FONT_STYLE_FIXEDWIDTH; // this should overwrite Regular style
+ if (face_ptr^.style_flags and FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC) <> 0 then
+ Result.StyleFlags := Result.StyleFlags or FPG_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC;
+ if (face_ptr^.style_flags and FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD) <> 0 then
+ Result.StyleFlags := Result.StyleFlags or FPG_FONT_STYLE_BOLD;
+ // Now to more complex styles stored in StyleName field. eg: 'Condensed Medium'
+ s := face_ptr^.style_name;
+ flags := Result.StyleFlags;
+ SetStyleIfExists(s, flags, 'Condensed', FPG_FONT_STYLE_CONDENSED);
+ SetStyleIfExists(s, flags, 'ExtraLight', FPG_FONT_STYLE_EXTRALIGHT);
+ SetStyleIfExists(s, flags, 'Light', FPG_FONT_STYLE_LIGHT);
+ SetStyleIfExists(s, flags, 'Semibold', FPG_FONT_STYLE_SEMIBOLD);
+ SetStyleIfExists(s, flags, 'Medium', FPG_FONT_STYLE_MEDIUM);
+ SetStyleIfExists(s, flags, 'Black', FPG_FONT_STYLE_BLACK);
+ Result.StyleFlags := flags;
+ FT_Done_Face(face_ptr);
+procedure TFontCacheList.SetStyleIfExists(var AText: Ansistring; var AStyleFlags: integer;
+ const AStyleName: AnsiString; const AStyleBit: integer);
+ i: integer;
+ i := Pos(AStyleName, AText);
+ if i > 0 then
+ begin
+ AStyleFlags := AStyleFlags or AStyleBit;
+ Delete(AText, Length(AStyleName), i);
+ end;
+function TFontCacheList.GetCount: integer;
+ Result := FList.Count;
+function TFontCacheList.GetItem(AIndex: Integer): TFontCacheItem;
+ Result := TFontCacheItem(FList.Items[AIndex]);
+procedure TFontCacheList.SetItem(AIndex: Integer; AValue: TFontCacheItem);
+ FList.Items[AIndex] := AValue;
+constructor TFontCacheList.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FList := TObjectList.Create;
+destructor TFontCacheList.Destroy;
+ FList.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TFontCacheList.BuildFontCache;
+ lPath: TfpgString;
+ lPathList: TStringList;
+ i: integer;
+ try
+ m_library := nil;
+ FT_Init_FreeType(m_library);
+ lPathList := TStringList.Create;
+ lPathList.Add('/usr/share/cups/fonts/');
+ lPathList.Add('/usr/share/fonts/truetype/');
+ lPathList.Add('/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/');
+ lPathList.Add(GetUserDir + '.fonts/');
+ for i := 0 to lPathList.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ lPath := lPathList[i];
+ SearchForFont(lPath);
+ end;
+ finally
+ FT_Done_FreeType(m_library);
+ m_library := nil;
+ lPathList.Free;
+ end;
+function TFontCacheList.Add(const AObject: TFontCacheItem): integer;
+ Result := FList.Add(AObject);
+procedure TFontCacheList.Clear;
+ FList.Clear;
+function TFontCacheList.IndexOf(const AObject: TFontCacheItem): integer;
+ Result := FList.IndexOf(AObject);
+function TFontCacheList.Find(const AFontCacheItem: TFontCacheItem): integer;
+ i: integer;
+ Result := -1; // nothing found
+ for i := 0 to Count-1 do
+ begin
+ if (Items[i].FamilyName = AFontCacheItem.FamilyName) and
+ (Items[i].StyleFlags = AFontCacheItem.StyleFlags) then
+ begin
+ Result := i;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ uFontCacheList := nil;
+ uFontCacheList.Free;
diff --git a/src/corelib/render/software/platform/mac/agg_platform_support.pas b/src/corelib/render/software/platform/mac/agg_platform_support.pas
index 608b7854..e9886b64 100644
--- a/src/corelib/render/software/platform/mac/agg_platform_support.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/render/software/platform/mac/agg_platform_support.pas
@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ type
// Possible formats of the rendering buffer. Initially I thought that it's
// reasonable to create the buffer and the rendering functions in
// accordance with the native pixel format of the system because it
-// would have no overhead for pixel format conersion.
+// would have no overhead for pixel format conversion.
// But eventually I came to a conclusion that having a possibility to
// convert pixel formats on demand is a good idea. First, it was X11 where
-// there lots of different formats and visuals and it would be great to
+// there are lots of different formats and visuals and it would be great to
// render everything in, say, RGB-24 and display it automatically without
// any additional efforts. The second reason is to have a possibility to
// debug renderers for different pixel formats and colorspaces having only
diff --git a/src/corelib/x11/fpg_netlayer_x11.pas b/src/corelib/x11/fpg_netlayer_x11.pas
index b328378d..eb9207b0 100644
--- a/src/corelib/x11/fpg_netlayer_x11.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/x11/fpg_netlayer_x11.pas
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
- Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2014 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
distribution, for details of the copyright.
See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ begin
if AValue = nmsBoth then Exit;
- // now remove properties we dont want
+ // now remove properties we don't want[0] := _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE;[1] := 0;
@@ -690,6 +690,8 @@ var
bytes_after: culong;
Result := False;
+ if (AWindow = 0) or (AProperty = 0) then
+ Exit;
XGetWindowProperty (FDisplay, AWindow, AProperty, 0, MaxInt, TBool(False), XA_ATOM, @atomtype, @format, @nitems,
@bytes_after, @Atoms);
diff --git a/src/corelib/x11/fpg_x11.pas b/src/corelib/x11/fpg_x11.pas
index 27f59abe..569772ae 100644
--- a/src/corelib/x11/fpg_x11.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/x11/fpg_x11.pas
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
- Copyright (C) 2006 - 2011 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
distribution, for details of the copyright.
See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ unit fpg_x11;
{ TODO : Compiz effects: Menu popup with correct window hint. Same for Combo dropdown window. }
{ TODO : Under Compiz restoring a window position moves the window down/right the width and height
- of the window borders. This as something to do with win_gravity = StaticGravity setting. }
+ of the window borders. This has something to do with win_gravity = StaticGravity setting. }
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ type
constructor Create(awin: TfpgWindowBase); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure CopyRect(ADest_x, ADest_y: TfpgCoord; ASrcCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase; var ASrcRect: TfpgRect); override;
@@ -315,6 +316,7 @@ type
xia_wm_delete_window: TAtom;
xia_wm_state: TAtom;
xia_targets: TAtom;
+ xia_save_targets: TAtom;
netlayer: TNETWindowLayer;
InputMethod: PXIM;
InputContext: PXIC;
@@ -322,6 +324,7 @@ type
function DoGetFontFaceList: TStringList; override;
procedure DoWaitWindowMessage(atimeoutms: integer); override;
function MessagesPending: boolean; override;
+ function GetHelpViewer: TfpgString; override;
constructor Create(const AParams: string); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
@@ -340,11 +343,17 @@ type
TfpgX11Clipboard = class(TfpgClipboardBase)
FWaitingForSelection: Boolean;
+ FOwnsSelection: Boolean;
+ procedure SendClipboardToManager;
+ procedure DoLostSelection;
+ procedure DoSetTargets(AWin: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom);
FClipboardText: TfpgString;
function DoGetText: TfpgString; override;
procedure DoSetText(const AValue: TfpgString); override;
procedure InitClipboard; override;
+ public
+ destructor Destroy; override;
@@ -420,6 +429,7 @@ implementation
+ unix,
users, { For Linux user and group name support. FPC only supports this in Linux. }
@@ -430,6 +440,7 @@ uses
fpg_form, // for modal event support
+ fpg_constants,
xatom, // used for XA_WM_NAME
@@ -477,20 +488,27 @@ begin
Result := Result or ((rgb and $F80000) shr 8);
+function ConvertTo555Pixel(rgb: longword): word;
+ Result := (rgb and $F8) shr 3;
+ Result := Result or ((rgb and $F800) shr 6);
+ Result := Result or ((rgb and $F80000) shr 9);
function fpgColorToX(col: TfpgColor): longword;
xc: TXColor;
c: TfpgColor;
c := fpgColorToRGB(col);
if xapplication.DisplayDepth >= 24 then
Result := c and $FFFFFF { No Alpha channel information }
else if xapplication.DisplayDepth = 16 then
Result := ConvertTo565Pixel(c)
+ else if (xapplication.DisplayDepth = 15) then
+ Result := ConvertTo555Pixel(c)
- c := col; := (c and $000000FF) shl 8; := (c and $0000FF00); := (c and $00FF0000) shr 8;
@@ -665,29 +683,93 @@ begin
// clipboard event
+procedure HandleAtom(var e: TXSelectionEvent; const Atom: TAtom; Prop: TAtom); forward;
+procedure HandleMultiple(var e: TXSelectionEvent);
+ TAtomPair = record
+ Target: TAtom;
+ Prop: TAtom;
+ end;
+ Atom: TAtom;
+ Length: culong;
+ BytesLeft: culong;
+ Format: DWord;
+ Data: Pointer;
+ xia_Atom_Pair: TAtom;
+ AtomPair: TAtomPair;
+ i: Integer;
+ r: cint;
+ xia_Atom_Pair := XInternAtom(xapplication.Display, 'ATOM_PAIR', False);
+ // find out how much data there is
+ r := XGetWindowProperty(xapplication.Display, e.requestor, e._property, 0, 0, False, AnyPropertyType,
+ @Atom, @Format, @Length, @BytesLeft, @Data);
+ if (r <> Success) or (Format <> 32) or (Atom <> xia_Atom_Pair) then
+ Exit; // ==>
+ // read one entry at a time
+ while BytesLeft > 0 do
+ begin
+ // read the data
+ r := XGetWindowProperty(xapplication.Display, e.requestor, e._property, 0, SizeOf(AtomPair), False, AnyPropertyType,
+ @Atom, @Format, @Length, @BytesLeft, @Data);
+ if r <> Success then
+ Exit; // ==>
+ // copy data to our variable
+ Move(Data^, AtomPair, SizeOf(TAtomPair));
+ XFree(Data);
+ // process this target in the list;
+ HandleAtom(e, AtomPair.Target, AtomPair.Prop);
+ end;
+procedure HandleAtom(var e: TXSelectionEvent; const Atom: TAtom; Prop: TAtom);
+ if Atom = None then
+ begin
+ Exit; // ==>
+ end;
+ if Atom = xapplication.xia_targets then
+ begin
+ fpgClipboard.DoSetTargets(e.requestor, Prop);
+ end
+ else if Atom = XInternAtom(xapplication.Display, 'MULTIPLE', False) then
+ begin
+ // multiple targets
+ HandleMultiple(e);
+ end
+ else// if Atom = XA_STRING then
+ begin
+ XChangeProperty(xapplication.Display, e.requestor, Prop, Atom,
+ 8, PropModeReplace, PByte(@fpgClipboard.FClipboardText[1]), Length(fpgClipboard.FClipboardText));
+ end;
+ //else WriteLn('Unhandled Selection atom: ', XGetAtomName(xapplication.Display, Atom));
procedure ProcessSelectionRequest(var ev: TXEvent);
e: TXSelectionEvent;
- a: TAtom;
e._type := SelectionNotify;
+ e.display := ev.xselectionrequest.display;
e.requestor := ev.xselectionrequest.requestor;
e.selection := ev.xselectionrequest.selection; :=;
e.time := ev.xselectionrequest.time;
e._property := ev.xselectionrequest._property;
- if = xapplication.xia_targets then
- begin
- a := XA_STRING;
- XChangeProperty(xapplication.Display, e.requestor, e._property, XA_ATOM,
- 32, PropModeReplace, PByte(@a), Sizeof(TAtom)); // I think last parameter is right?
- end
- else
- begin
- XChangeProperty(xapplication.Display, e.requestor, e._property,,
- 8, PropModeReplace, PByte(@fpgClipboard.FClipboardText[1]), Length(fpgClipboard.FClipboardText));
- end;
+ HandleAtom(e,, e._property);
XSendEvent(xapplication.Display, e.requestor, false, 0, @e );
@@ -1396,6 +1478,7 @@ begin
// Initialize atoms
xia_clipboard := XInternAtom(FDisplay, 'CLIPBOARD', TBool(False));
xia_targets := XInternAtom(FDisplay, 'TARGETS', TBool(False));
+ xia_save_targets := XInternAtom(FDisplay, 'SAVE_TARGETS', TBool(False));
xia_motif_wm_hints := XInternAtom(FDisplay, '_MOTIF_WM_HINTS', TBool(False));
xia_wm_protocols := XInternAtom(FDisplay, 'WM_PROTOCOLS', TBool(False));
xia_wm_delete_window := XInternAtom(FDisplay, 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', TBool(False));
@@ -1433,6 +1516,16 @@ begin
+function TfpgX11Application.GetHelpViewer: TfpgString;
+ Result := inherited GetHelpViewer;
+ if not fpgFileExists(Result) then
+ begin
+ if fpsystem('which ' + FPG_HELPVIEWER) = 0 then
+ end;
function GetParentWindow(wh: TfpgWinHandle; var pw, rw: TfpgWinHandle): boolean;
rootw: TfpgWinHandle;
@@ -2045,9 +2138,13 @@ begin
{ TODO : Not sure if I am handling this correctly? }
+ { We Get this message when another program has declared that
+ it has ownership of the xia_clipboard selection atom
+ }
if ev.xselectionclear.selection = xia_clipboard then
fpgClipboard.FClipboardText := '';
+ fpgClipboard.DoLostSelection;
@@ -2300,9 +2397,17 @@ begin
if (FWindowType <> wtChild) and (waSizeable in FWindowAttributes) then
- hints.flags := hints.flags or PMinSize;
+ hints.flags := hints.flags or PMinSize or PMaxSize;
hints.min_width := FMinWidth;
hints.min_height := FMinHeight;
+ if FMaxWidth > 0 then
+ hints.max_width := FMaxWidth
+ else
+ hints.max_width := xapplication.ScreenWidth;
+ if FMaxHeight > 0 then
+ hints.max_height := FMaxHeight
+ else
+ hints.max_height := xapplication.ScreenHeight;
@@ -2755,6 +2860,13 @@ begin
inherited Destroy;
+procedure TfpgX11Canvas.CopyRect(ADest_x, ADest_y: TfpgCoord; ASrcCanvas: TfpgCanvasBase;
+ var ASrcRect: TfpgRect);
+ SortRect(ASrcRect);
+ XCopyArea(xapplication.Display, TfpgX11Canvas(ASrcCanvas).FDrawHandle, FDrawHandle, Fgc, ASrcRect.Left, ASrcRect.Top, ASrcRect.Width, ASrcRect.Height, ADest_x, ADest_y);
procedure TfpgX11Canvas.DoBeginDraw(awin: TfpgWindowBase; buffered: boolean);
x: integer;
@@ -2926,7 +3038,8 @@ begin
Trunc(64 * a1), Trunc(64 * a2));
-procedure TfpgX11Canvas.DoDrawPolygon(Points: fpg_base.PPoint; NumPts: Integer; Winding: boolean);
+procedure TfpgX11Canvas.DoDrawPolygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer;
+ Winding: boolean);
PointArray: PXPoint;
i: integer;
@@ -3284,8 +3397,70 @@ end;
{ TfpgX11Clipboard }
+procedure TfpgX11Clipboard.SendClipboardToManager;
+ ClipboardManager: TAtom;
+ StartTime: DWord;
+ // if we don't own the clipboard then there is nothing to save
+ if not FOwnsSelection then
+ Exit; // ==>
+ // check if the manager atom exists
+ ClipboardManager:= XInternAtom(xapplication.Display, 'CLIPBOARD_MANAGER', False);
+ if ClipboardManager = None then
+ Exit; // ==>
+ // check if a program has control of the manager atom
+ if XGetSelectionOwner(xapplication.Display, ClipboardManager) = None then
+ Exit; // ==>
+ // this triggers the manager to request the clipboard contents from us
+ XConvertSelection(xapplication.Display,
+ ClipboardManager,
+ xapplication.xia_save_targets,
+ None, //XInternAtom(xapplication.Display, 'FPG_CLIPBOARD', True), // 'None' seems to work as the property name
+ FClipboardWndHandle,
+ CurrentTime);
+ XSync(xapplication.Display, False);
+ StartTime := fpgGetTickCount;
+ // now wait for the manager to get the clipboard
+ repeat
+ fpgWaitWindowMessage;
+ fpgDeliverMessages;
+ until not FOwnsSelection or ((fpgGetTickCount - StartTime) > 3000); // allow 3 seconds for the clipboard to be read
+procedure TfpgX11Clipboard.DoLostSelection;
+ FOwnsSelection := False;
+procedure TfpgX11Clipboard.DoSetTargets(AWin: TWindow; AProperty: TAtom);
+ target_count = 3;
+ targets: array[0..target_count-1] of TAtom;
+ targets[0] := XA_STRING;
+ targets[1] := xapplication.xia_targets;
+ targets[2] := xapplication.xia_save_targets;
+ //targets[3] := XInternAtom(xapplication.Display, 'UTF8_STRING', True);
+ //targets[4] := XInternAtom(xapplication.Display, 'MULTIPLE', True);
+ // list the types of data we have in the clipboard
+ XChangeProperty(xapplication.Display, AWin, AProperty, XA_ATOM, 32,
+ PropModeReplace, @targets[0], target_count);
function TfpgX11Clipboard.DoGetText: TfpgString;
+ if FOwnsSelection then
+ Exit(FClipboardText); // ==>
XConvertSelection(xapplication.Display, xapplication.xia_clipboard,
XA_STRING, xapplication.xia_clipboard, FClipboardWndHandle, 0);
@@ -3305,6 +3480,8 @@ begin
FClipboardText := AValue;
XSetSelectionOwner(xapplication.Display, xapplication.xia_clipboard,
FClipboardWndHandle, CurrentTime);
+ DoSetTargets(FClipboardWndHandle, xapplication.xia_targets);
+ FOwnsSelection := True;
procedure TfpgX11Clipboard.InitClipboard;
@@ -3314,6 +3491,12 @@ begin
xapplication.RootWindow, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0);
+destructor TfpgX11Clipboard.Destroy;
+ SendClipboardToManager;
+ inherited Destroy;
{ TfpgX11FileList }
function TfpgX11FileList.EncodeModeString(FileMode: longword): TFileModeString;
diff --git a/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.lpk b/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
index ff08daeb..d5ad23c8 100644
--- a/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
+++ b/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package Version="4">
<Name Value="fpgui_toolkit"/>
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<Description Value="fpGUI Toolkit"/>
<License Value="LGPL 2 with static linking exception."/>
<Version Major="1"/>
- <Files Count="100">
+ <Files Count="106">
<Filename Value="../"/>
<Type Value="Include"/>
@@ -427,9 +427,33 @@
<UnitName Value="Agg2D"/>
+ <Filename Value="../fpg_dbugintf.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_dbugintf"/>
+ </Item100>
+ <Item101>
+ <Filename Value="../fpg_dbugmsg.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_dbugmsg"/>
+ </Item101>
+ <Item102>
+ <Filename Value="../render/software/fpg_fontcache.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_fontcache"/>
+ </Item102>
+ <Item103>
+ <Filename Value="../../gui/fpg_style_carbon.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_style_carbon"/>
+ </Item103>
+ <Item104>
+ <Filename Value="../../gui/fpg_style_plastic.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_style_plastic"/>
+ </Item104>
+ <Item105>
+ <Filename Value="../../gui/fpg_style_win8.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_style_win8"/>
+ </Item105>
+ <Item106>
<Filename Value="../../gui/fpg_scrollframe.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="fpg_scrollframe"/>
- </Item100>
+ </Item106>
<LazDoc Paths="../../../docs/xml/corelib;../../../docs/xml/corelib/x11;../../../docs/xml/corelib/gdi;../../../docs/xml/gui"/>
<RequiredPkgs Count="1">
diff --git a/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.pas b/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.pas
index 4f4f92c0..86e456f4 100644
--- a/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.pas
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ uses
fpg_stylemanager, fpg_style_win2k, fpg_style_motif, fpg_style_clearlooks,
fpg_style_bluecurve, fpg_style_bitmap, fpg_readonly, fpg_imgfmt_png,
U_Command, U_Pdf, U_Report, U_ReportImages, U_Visu, fpg_trayicon, Agg2D,
- fpg_scrollframe;
+ fpg_dbugintf, fpg_dbugmsg, fpg_fontcache, fpg_style_carbon,
+ fpg_style_plastic, fpg_style_win8, fpg_scrollframe;