path: root/extras/tiopf/demos/Common
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extras/tiopf/demos/Common')
3 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/demos/Common/Constants.pas b/extras/tiopf/demos/Common/Constants.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c93719d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/tiopf/demos/Common/Constants.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+unit Constants;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ cNameMissing = 'Please enter a name';
+ cAgeOutofRange = 'Please enter a valid age';
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/demos/Common/Model.pas b/extras/tiopf/demos/Common/Model.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..148f94b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/tiopf/demos/Common/Model.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+unit Model;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ tiObject
+ ;
+ TGender = (genMale, genFemale);
+ cGender: array[TGender] of string = ('Male', 'Female');
+ TPerson = class;
+ TPersonList = class;
+ { TPerson - The subject being observed }
+ TPerson = class(TtiObject)
+ private
+ FGender: TGender;
+ FName: string;
+ FAge: integer;
+ function GetGenderGUI: string;
+ procedure SetGender(const AValue: TGender);
+ procedure SetGenderGUI(const AValue: string);
+ procedure SetName(const Value: string);
+ procedure SetAge(const Value: integer);
+ protected
+ function GetCaption: string; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function IsValid(const pErrors: TtiObjectErrors): Boolean; override;
+ procedure NotifyObservers; override;
+ property Gender: TGender read FGender write SetGender;
+ published
+ property Name: string read FName write SetName;
+ property Age: integer read FAge write SetAge;
+ property GenderGUI: string read GetGenderGUI write SetGenderGUI;
+ end;
+ { TPersonList }
+ TPersonList = class(TtiObjectList)
+ private
+ protected
+ function GetItems(i: integer): TPerson; reintroduce;
+ procedure SetItems(i: integer; const Value: TPerson); reintroduce;
+ public
+ property Items[i: integer]: TPerson read GetItems write SetItems;
+ procedure Add(const pObject: TPerson); reintroduce;
+ end;
+function GeneratePersonList: TPersonList;
+ Constants
+ ;
+function GeneratePersonList: TPersonList;
+ lList: TPersonList;
+ lData: TPerson;
+ lList := TPersonList.Create;
+ lData := TPerson.Create;
+ lData.Name := 'Graeme Geldenhuys';
+ lData.Age := 23;
+ lList.Add(lData);
+ lData := TPerson.Create;
+ lData.Name := 'Peter Hinrichsen';
+ lData.Age := 34;
+ lList.Add(lData);
+ lData := TPerson.Create;
+ lData.Name := 'Ian Krigsman';
+ lData.Age := 45;
+ lData.Deleted := True;
+ lList.Add(lData);
+ lData := TPerson.Create;
+ lData.Name := 'John Guthrie';
+ lData.Age := 56;
+ lList.Add(lData);
+ Result := lList;
+{ TPerson }
+function TPerson.IsValid(const pErrors: TtiObjectErrors): Boolean;
+ inherited IsValid(pErrors);
+ if Name = '' then
+ pErrors.AddError('Name', cNameMissing);
+ if Age < 1 then
+ pErrors.AddError('Age', cAgeOutofRange);
+ Result := pErrors.Count = 0;
+{ This was used for debugging, so you can see when NotifiObservers get called }
+procedure TPerson.NotifyObservers;
+// writeln('NotifyObservers');
+ inherited NotifyObservers;
+procedure TPerson.SetAge(const Value: integer);
+ { BeginUpdate and EndUpdate are optional. They allow the observers to only
+ get updated once, and not continuous for small updates. It doesn't really
+ make a difference for this simple example though. }
+ BeginUpdate;
+ FAge := Value;
+ EndUpdate;
+ { If you don't use BeginUpdate and EndUpdate, you need to call NotifyObserver
+ to they can be updated. }
+// NotifyObservers;
+function TPerson.GetCaption: string;
+ Result := Name;
+ if Deleted then
+ Result := Result + ' (deleted)';
+constructor TPerson.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FGender := genMale;
+procedure TPerson.SetName(const Value: string);
+ BeginUpdate;
+ FName := Value;
+ EndUpdate;
+procedure TPerson.SetGender(const AValue: TGender);
+ if FGender = AValue then exit;
+ BeginUpdate;
+ FGender := AValue;
+ EndUpdate;
+function TPerson.GetGenderGUI: string;
+ result := cGender[FGender];
+procedure TPerson.SetGenderGUI(const AValue: string);
+ i: TGender;
+ for i := Low(TGender) to High(TGender) do
+ begin
+ if cGender[i] = AValue then
+ begin
+ Gender := i;
+ Exit; //==>
+ end;
+ end;
+ Gender := genMale;
+{ TPersonList }
+function TPersonList.GetItems(i: integer): TPerson;
+ result := TPerson(inherited GetItems(i));
+procedure TPersonList.SetItems(i: integer; const Value: TPerson);
+ inherited SetItems(i, Value);
+procedure TPersonList.Add(const pObject: TPerson);
+ BeginUpdate;
+ inherited Add(pObject);
+ EndUpdate;
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/demos/Common/Model_View.pas b/extras/tiopf/demos/Common/Model_View.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..937b51a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/tiopf/demos/Common/Model_View.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+unit Model_View;
+ {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes
+ ,tiGenericEditMediators
+// ,tiGenericListMediators
+// ,tiCompositeMediators
+ ;
+ { TEdit - Name }
+ TPerson_Name_TextEdit_View = class(TMediatorEditView)
+ protected
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; override;
+ end;
+ { TSpinEdit - Age }
+ TPerson_Age_SpinEdit_View = class(TMediatorSpinEditView)
+ protected
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; override;
+ end;
+ { TTrackBar - Age }
+ TPerson_Age_TrackBar_Mediator = class(TMediatorTrackBarView)
+ protected
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; override;
+ end;
+ { TMemo - Name }
+ TPerson_Name_Memo_Mediator = class(TMediatorMemoView)
+ protected
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; override;
+ end;
+ { TCombobox - Gender }
+ TPerson_Gender_ComboBox_Mediator = class(TMediatorComboBoxView)
+ protected
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; override;
+ end;
+ { TPersonList_ComboBox_Mediator }
+ TPersonList_ComboBox_Mediator = class(TComboBoxMediator)
+ protected
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; override;
+ end;
+ TPersonList_ListView_CompositeMediator = class(TCompositeListViewMediator)
+ protected
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; override;
+ end;
+{ TPersonNameView }
+procedure TPerson_Name_TextEdit_View.SetupGUIandObject;
+ inherited;
+ { The Name field my only contain 25 characters max. }
+ EditControl.MaxLength := 25;
+{ TPerson_Name_Memo_Mediator }
+procedure TPerson_Name_Memo_Mediator.SetupGUIandObject;
+ inherited SetupGUIandObject;
+ { The Name field my only contain 25 characters max. }
+// EditControl.ReadOnly := True;
+ EditControl.Enabled := False;
+{ TPerson_Gender_ComboBox_Mediator }
+procedure TPerson_Gender_ComboBox_Mediator.SetupGUIandObject;
+ inherited SetupGUIandObject;
+// EditControl.Style := csDropDownList;
+// TComboBox(EditControl).ReadOnly := True;
+{ TPersonList_ComboBox_Mediator }
+procedure TPersonList_ComboBox_Mediator.SetupGUIandObject;
+ inherited SetupGUIandObject;
+ View.Style := csDropDownList;
+// View.ReadOnly := True;
+{ TPersonList_ListView_CompositeMediator }
+procedure TPersonList_ListView_CompositeMediator.SetupGUIandObject;
+ inherited SetupGUIandObject;
+// View.OnCustomDrawItem := ListViewCustomDrawItem;
+{ TPerson_Age_SpinEdit_View }
+procedure TPerson_Age_SpinEdit_View.SetupGUIandObject;
+ inherited SetupGUIandObject;
+ EditControl.MaxValue := 100;
+{ TPerson_Age_TrackBar_Mediator }
+procedure TPerson_Age_TrackBar_Mediator.SetupGUIandObject;
+ inherited SetupGUIandObject;
+ EditControl.Max := 100;
+ {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Register all your Mediator Views here
+ Params: ClassName and Property name of the business object as a string
+ Mediator View class
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
+ // This is not used anymore and needs to be removed
+ gMediatorFactory.RegisterMediatorClass('TPerson.Name' ,TPerson_Name_TextEdit_View);
+ gMediatorFactory.RegisterMediatorClass('TPerson.Age' ,TPerson_Age_SpinEdit_View);
+ gMediatorFactory.RegisterMediatorClass('TPerson.Age' ,TPerson_Age_TrackBar_Mediator);
+ gMediatorFactory.RegisterMediatorClass('TPerson.Name' ,TPerson_Name_Memo_Mediator);
+ gMediatorFactory.RegisterMediatorClass('TPerson.GenderGUI',TPerson_Gender_ComboBox_Mediator);