path: root/examples/apps/ide/src/synregexpr.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/apps/ide/src/synregexpr.pas')
1 files changed, 4141 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 00000000..b88d9c2d
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+++ b/examples/apps/ide/src/synregexpr.pas
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+unit SynRegExpr;
+ TRegExpr class library
+ Delphi Regular Expressions
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Andrey V. Sorokin, St.Petersburg, Russia
+ You may use this software in any kind of development,
+ including comercial, redistribute, and modify it freely,
+ under the following restrictions :
+ 1. This software is provided as it is, without any kind of
+ warranty given. Use it at Your own risk.The author is not
+ responsible for any consequences of use of this software.
+ 2. The origin of this software may not be mispresented, You
+ must not claim that You wrote the original software. If
+ You use this software in any kind of product, it would be
+ appreciated that there in a information box, or in the
+ documentation would be an acknowledgement like
+ Partial Copyright (c) 2004 Andrey V. Sorokin
+ 3. You may not have any income from distributing this source
+ (or altered version of it) to other developers. When You
+ use this product in a comercial package, the source may
+ not be charged seperatly.
+ 4. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
+ not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 5. RegExp Studio application and all the visual components as
+ well as documentation is not part of the TRegExpr library
+ and is not free for usage.
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+// ======== Determine compiler
+{$IFDEF VER80} Sorry, TRegExpr is for 32-bits Delphi only. Delphi 1 is not supported (and whos really care today?!). {$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER90} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // D2
+{$IFDEF VER100} {$DEFINE D3} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // D3
+{$IFDEF VER120} {$DEFINE D4} {$DEFINE D3} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // D4
+// ======== Define base compiler options
+{$IFDEF D6}
+ {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} // Suppress .Net warnings
+{$IFDEF D7}
+ {$WARN UNSAFE_CAST OFF} // Suppress .Net warnings
+ {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} // Suppress .Net warnings
+ {$WARN UNSAFE_CODE OFF} // Suppress .Net warnings
+ {$MODE DELPHI} // Delphi-compatible mode in FreePascal
+ {$ENDIF}
+// ======== Define options for TRegExpr engine
+{.$DEFINE UniCode} // Unicode support
+{$DEFINE RegExpPCodeDump} // p-code dumping (see Dump method)
+{$IFNDEF FPC} // the option is not supported in FreePascal
+ {$DEFINE reRealExceptionAddr} // exceptions will point to appropriate source line, not to Error procedure
+{$DEFINE ComplexBraces} // support braces in complex cases
+{$IFNDEF UniCode} // the option applicable only for non-UniCode mode
+ {$DEFINE UseSetOfChar} // Significant optimization by using set of char
+{$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ {$DEFINE UseFirstCharSet} // Fast skip between matches for r.e. that starts with determined set of chars
+// ======== Define Pascal-language options
+// Define 'UseAsserts' option (do not edit this definitions).
+// Asserts used to catch 'strange bugs' in TRegExpr implementation (when something goes
+// completely wrong). You can swith asserts on/off with help of {$C+}/{$C-} compiler options.
+{$IFDEF D3} {$DEFINE UseAsserts} {$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF FPC} {$DEFINE UseAsserts} {$ENDIF}
+// Define 'use subroutine parameters default values' option (do not edit this definition).
+{$IFDEF D4} {$DEFINE DefParam} {$ENDIF}
+// Define 'OverMeth' options, to use method overloading (do not edit this definitions).
+{$IFDEF D5} {$DEFINE OverMeth} {$ENDIF}
+ Classes, // TStrings in Split method
+ SysUtils; // Exception
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}
+ PRegExprChar = PWideChar;
+ RegExprString = WideString;
+ REChar = WideChar;
+ {$ELSE}
+ PRegExprChar = PChar;
+ RegExprString = AnsiString; //###0.952 was string
+ REChar = Char;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TREOp = REChar; // internal p-code type //###0.933
+ PREOp = ^TREOp;
+ TRENextOff = integer; // internal Next "pointer" (offset to current p-code) //###0.933
+ PRENextOff = ^TRENextOff; // used for extracting Next "pointers" from compiled r.e. //###0.933
+ TREBracesArg = integer; // type of {m,n} arguments
+ PREBracesArg = ^TREBracesArg;
+ REOpSz = SizeOf (TREOp) div SizeOf (REChar); // size of p-code in RegExprString units
+ RENextOffSz = SizeOf (TRENextOff) div SizeOf (REChar); // size of Next 'pointer' -"-
+ REBracesArgSz = SizeOf (TREBracesArg) div SizeOf (REChar); // size of BRACES arguments -"-
+ TRegExprInvertCaseFunction = function (const Ch : REChar) : REChar
+ of object;
+ EscChar = '\'; // 'Escape'-char ('\' in common r.e.) used for escaping metachars (\w, \d etc).
+ RegExprModifierI : boolean = False; // default value for ModifierI
+ RegExprModifierR : boolean = True; // default value for ModifierR
+ RegExprModifierS : boolean = True; // default value for ModifierS
+ RegExprModifierG : boolean = True; // default value for ModifierG
+ RegExprModifierM : boolean = False; // default value for ModifierM
+ RegExprModifierX : boolean = False; // default value for ModifierX
+ RegExprSpaceChars : RegExprString = // default value for SpaceChars
+ ' '#$9#$A#$D#$C;
+ RegExprWordChars : RegExprString = // default value for WordChars
+ '0123456789' //###0.940
+ + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
+ RegExprLineSeparators : RegExprString =// default value for LineSeparators
+ #$d#$a{$IFDEF UniCode}+#$b#$c#$2028#$2029#$85{$ENDIF}; //###0.947
+ RegExprLinePairedSeparator : RegExprString =// default value for LinePairedSeparator
+ #$d#$a;
+ { if You need Unix-styled line separators (only \n), then use:
+ RegExprLineSeparators = #$a;
+ RegExprLinePairedSeparator = '';
+ }
+ NSUBEXP = 15; // max number of subexpression //###0.929
+ // Cannot be more than NSUBEXPMAX
+ // Be carefull - don't use values which overflow CLOSE opcode
+ // (in this case you'll get compiler erorr).
+ // Big NSUBEXP will cause more slow work and more stack required
+ NSUBEXPMAX = 255; // Max possible value for NSUBEXP. //###0.945
+ // Don't change it! It's defined by internal TRegExpr design.
+ MaxBracesArg = $7FFFFFFF - 1; // max value for {n,m} arguments //###0.933
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ LoopStackMax = 10; // max depth of loops stack //###0.925
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TinySetLen = 3;
+ // if range includes more then TinySetLen chars, //###0.934
+ // then use full (32 bytes) ANYOFFULL instead of ANYOF[BUT]TINYSET
+ // !!! Attension ! If you change TinySetLen, you must
+ // change code marked as "//!!!TinySet"
+{$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ PSetOfREChar = ^TSetOfREChar;
+ TSetOfREChar = set of REChar;
+ TRegExpr = class;
+ TRegExprReplaceFunction = function (ARegExpr : TRegExpr): string
+ of object;
+ TRegExpr = class
+ private
+ startp : array [0 .. NSUBEXP - 1] of PRegExprChar; // founded expr starting points
+ endp : array [0 .. NSUBEXP - 1] of PRegExprChar; // founded expr end points
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ LoopStack : array [1 .. LoopStackMax] of integer; // state before entering loop
+ LoopStackIdx : integer; // 0 - out of all loops
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // The "internal use only" fields to pass info from compile
+ // to execute that permits the execute phase to run lots faster on
+ // simple cases.
+ regstart : REChar; // char that must begin a match; '\0' if none obvious
+ reganch : REChar; // is the match anchored (at beginning-of-line only)?
+ regmust : PRegExprChar; // string (pointer into program) that match must include, or nil
+ regmlen : integer; // length of regmust string
+ // Regstart and reganch permit very fast decisions on suitable starting points
+ // for a match, cutting down the work a lot. Regmust permits fast rejection
+ // of lines that cannot possibly match. The regmust tests are costly enough
+ // that regcomp() supplies a regmust only if the r.e. contains something
+ // potentially expensive (at present, the only such thing detected is * or +
+ // at the start of the r.e., which can involve a lot of backup). Regmlen is
+ // supplied because the test in regexec() needs it and regcomp() is computing
+ // it anyway.
+ {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929
+ FirstCharSet : TSetOfREChar;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // work variables for Exec's routins - save stack in recursion}
+ reginput : PRegExprChar; // String-input pointer.
+ fInputStart : PRegExprChar; // Pointer to first char of input string.
+ fInputEnd : PRegExprChar; // Pointer to char AFTER last char of input string
+ // work variables for compiler's routines
+ regparse : PRegExprChar; // Input-scan pointer.
+ regnpar : integer; // count.
+ regdummy : char;
+ regcode : PRegExprChar; // Code-emit pointer; @regdummy = don't.
+ regsize : integer; // Code size.
+ regexpbeg : PRegExprChar; // only for error handling. Contains
+ // pointer to beginning of r.e. while compiling
+ fExprIsCompiled : boolean; // true if r.e. successfully compiled
+ // programm is essentially a linear encoding
+ // of a nondeterministic finite-state machine (aka syntax charts or
+ // "railroad normal form" in parsing technology). Each node is an opcode
+ // plus a "next" pointer, possibly plus an operand. "Next" pointers of
+ // all nodes except BRANCH implement concatenation; a "next" pointer with
+ // a BRANCH on both ends of it is connecting two alternatives. (Here we
+ // have one of the subtle syntax dependencies: an individual BRANCH (as
+ // opposed to a collection of them) is never concatenated with anything
+ // because of operator precedence.) The operand of some types of node is
+ // a literal string; for others, it is a node leading into a sub-FSM. In
+ // particular, the operand of a BRANCH node is the first node of the branch.
+ // (NB this is *not* a tree structure: the tail of the branch connects
+ // to the thing following the set of BRANCHes.) The opcodes are:
+ programm : PRegExprChar; // Unwarranted chumminess with compiler.
+ fExpression : PRegExprChar; // source of compiled r.e.
+ fInputString : PRegExprChar; // input string
+ fLastError : integer; // see Error, LastError
+ fModifiers : integer; // modifiers
+ fCompModifiers : integer; // compiler's copy of modifiers
+ fProgModifiers : integer; // modifiers values from last programm compilation
+ fSpaceChars : RegExprString; //###0.927
+ fWordChars : RegExprString; //###0.929
+ fInvertCase : TRegExprInvertCaseFunction; //###0.927
+ fLineSeparators : RegExprString; //###0.941
+ fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned : boolean;
+ fLinePairedSeparatorHead,
+ fLinePairedSeparatorTail : REChar;
+ {$IFNDEF UniCode}
+ fLineSeparatorsSet : set of REChar;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure InvalidateProgramm;
+ // Mark programm as have to be [re]compiled
+ function IsProgrammOk : boolean; //###0.941
+ // Check if we can use precompiled r.e. or
+ // [re]compile it if something changed
+ function GetExpression : RegExprString;
+ procedure SetExpression (const s : RegExprString);
+ function GetModifierStr : RegExprString;
+ class function ParseModifiersStr (const AModifiers : RegExprString;
+ var AModifiersInt : integer) : boolean; //###0.941 class function now
+ // Parse AModifiers string and return true and set AModifiersInt
+ // if it's in format 'ismxrg-ismxrg'.
+ procedure SetModifierStr (const AModifiers : RegExprString);
+ function GetModifier (AIndex : integer) : boolean;
+ procedure SetModifier (AIndex : integer; ASet : boolean);
+ procedure Error (AErrorID : integer); virtual; // error handler.
+ // Default handler raise exception ERegExpr with
+ // Message = ErrorMsg (AErrorID), ErrorCode = AErrorID
+ // and CompilerErrorPos = value of property CompilerErrorPos.
+ {==================== Compiler section ===================}
+ function CompileRegExpr (exp : PRegExprChar) : boolean;
+ // compile a regular expression into internal code
+ procedure Tail (p : PRegExprChar; val : PRegExprChar);
+ // set the next-pointer at the end of a node chain
+ procedure OpTail (p : PRegExprChar; val : PRegExprChar);
+ // regoptail - regtail on operand of first argument; nop if operandless
+ function EmitNode (op : TREOp) : PRegExprChar;
+ // regnode - emit a node, return location
+ procedure EmitC (b : REChar);
+ // emit (if appropriate) a byte of code
+ procedure InsertOperator (op : TREOp; opnd : PRegExprChar; sz : integer); //###0.90
+ // insert an operator in front of already-emitted operand
+ // Means relocating the operand.
+ function ParseReg (paren : integer; var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+ // regular expression, i.e. main body or parenthesized thing
+ function ParseBranch (var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+ // one alternative of an | operator
+ function ParsePiece (var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+ // something followed by possible [*+?]
+ function ParseAtom (var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+ // the lowest level
+ function GetCompilerErrorPos : integer;
+ // current pos in r.e. - for error hanling
+ {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929
+ procedure FillFirstCharSet (prog : PRegExprChar);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {===================== Mathing section ===================}
+ function regrepeat (p : PRegExprChar; AMax : integer) : integer;
+ // repeatedly match something simple, report how many
+ function regnext (p : PRegExprChar) : PRegExprChar;
+ // dig the "next" pointer out of a node
+ function MatchPrim (prog : PRegExprChar) : boolean;
+ // recursively matching routine
+ function ExecPrim (AOffset: integer) : boolean;
+ // Exec for stored InputString
+ {$IFDEF RegExpPCodeDump}
+ function DumpOp (op : REChar) : RegExprString;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ function GetSubExprMatchCount : integer;
+ function GetMatchPos (Idx : integer) : integer;
+ function GetMatchLen (Idx : integer) : integer;
+ function GetMatch (Idx : integer) : RegExprString;
+ function GetInputString : RegExprString;
+ procedure SetInputString (const AInputString : RegExprString);
+ {$IFNDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ function StrScanCI (s : PRegExprChar; ch : REChar) : PRegExprChar; //###0.928
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure SetLineSeparators (const AStr : RegExprString);
+ procedure SetLinePairedSeparator (const AStr : RegExprString);
+ function GetLinePairedSeparator : RegExprString;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ class function VersionMajor : integer; //###0.944
+ class function VersionMinor : integer; //###0.944
+ property Expression : RegExprString read GetExpression write SetExpression;
+ // Regular expression.
+ // For optimization, TRegExpr will automatically compiles it into 'P-code'
+ // (You can see it with help of Dump method) and stores in internal
+ // structures. Real [re]compilation occures only when it really needed -
+ // while calling Exec[Next], Substitute, Dump, etc
+ // and only if Expression or other P-code affected properties was changed
+ // after last [re]compilation.
+ // If any errors while [re]compilation occures, Error method is called
+ // (by default Error raises exception - see below)
+ property ModifierStr : RegExprString read GetModifierStr write SetModifierStr;
+ // Set/get default values of r.e.syntax modifiers. Modifiers in
+ // r.e. (?ismx-ismx) will replace this default values.
+ // If you try to set unsupported modifier, Error will be called
+ // (by defaul Error raises exception ERegExpr).
+ property ModifierI : boolean index 1 read GetModifier write SetModifier;
+ // Modifier /i - caseinsensitive, initialized from RegExprModifierI
+ property ModifierR : boolean index 2 read GetModifier write SetModifier;
+ // Modifier /r - use r.e.syntax extended for russian,
+ // (was property ExtSyntaxEnabled in previous versions)
+ // If true, then а-я additional include russian letter 'ё',
+ // А-Я additional include 'Ё', and а-Я include all russian symbols.
+ // You have to turn it off if it may interfere with you national alphabet.
+ // , initialized from RegExprModifierR
+ property ModifierS : boolean index 3 read GetModifier write SetModifier;
+ // Modifier /s - '.' works as any char (else as [^\n]),
+ // , initialized from RegExprModifierS
+ property ModifierG : boolean index 4 read GetModifier write SetModifier;
+ // Switching off modifier /g switchs all operators in
+ // non-greedy style, so if ModifierG = False, then
+ // all '*' works as '*?', all '+' as '+?' and so on.
+ // , initialized from RegExprModifierG
+ property ModifierM : boolean index 5 read GetModifier write SetModifier;
+ // Treat string as multiple lines. That is, change `^' and `$' from
+ // matching at only the very start or end of the string to the start
+ // or end of any line anywhere within the string.
+ // , initialized from RegExprModifierM
+ property ModifierX : boolean index 6 read GetModifier write SetModifier;
+ // Modifier /x - eXtended syntax, allow r.e. text formatting,
+ // see description in the help. Initialized from RegExprModifierX
+ function Exec (const AInputString : RegExprString) : boolean; {$IFDEF OverMeth} overload;
+ {$IFNDEF FPC} // I do not know why FreePascal cannot overload methods with empty param list
+ function Exec : boolean; overload; //###0.949
+ {$ENDIF}
+ function Exec (AOffset: integer) : boolean; overload; //###0.949
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // match a programm against a string AInputString
+ // !!! Exec store AInputString into InputString property
+ // For Delphi 5 and higher available overloaded versions - first without
+ // parameter (uses already assigned to InputString property value)
+ // and second that has integer parameter and is same as ExecPos
+ function ExecNext : boolean;
+ // find next match:
+ // ExecNext;
+ // works same as
+ // if MatchLen [0] = 0 then ExecPos (MatchPos [0] + 1)
+ // else ExecPos (MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0]);
+ // but it's more simpler !
+ // Raises exception if used without preceeding SUCCESSFUL call to
+ // Exec* (Exec, ExecPos, ExecNext). So You always must use something like
+ // if Exec (InputString) then repeat { proceed results} until not ExecNext;
+ function ExecPos (AOffset: integer {$IFDEF DefParam}= 1{$ENDIF}) : boolean;
+ // find match for InputString starting from AOffset position
+ // (AOffset=1 - first char of InputString)
+ property InputString : RegExprString read GetInputString write SetInputString;
+ // returns current input string (from last Exec call or last assign
+ // to this property).
+ // Any assignment to this property clear Match* properties !
+ function Substitute (const ATemplate : RegExprString) : RegExprString;
+ // Returns ATemplate with '$&' or '$0' replaced by whole r.e.
+ // occurence and '$n' replaced by occurence of subexpression #n.
+ // Since v.0.929 '$' used instead of '\' (for future extensions
+ // and for more Perl-compatibility) and accept more then one digit.
+ // If you want place into template raw '$' or '\', use prefix '\'
+ // Example: '1\$ is $2\\rub\\' -> '1$ is <Match[2]>\rub\'
+ // If you want to place raw digit after '$n' you must delimit
+ // n with curly braces '{}'.
+ // Example: 'a$12bc' -> 'a<Match[12]>bc'
+ // 'a${1}2bc' -> 'a<Match[1]>2bc'.
+ procedure Split (AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings);
+ // Split AInputStr into APieces by r.e. occurencies
+ // Internally calls Exec[Next]
+ function Replace (AInputStr : RegExprString;
+ const AReplaceStr : RegExprString;
+ AUseSubstitution : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) //###0.946
+ : RegExprString; {$IFDEF OverMeth} overload;
+ function Replace (AInputStr : RegExprString;
+ AReplaceFunc : TRegExprReplaceFunction)
+ : RegExprString; overload;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ function ReplaceEx (AInputStr : RegExprString;
+ AReplaceFunc : TRegExprReplaceFunction)
+ : RegExprString;
+ // Returns AInputStr with r.e. occurencies replaced by AReplaceStr
+ // If AUseSubstitution is true, then AReplaceStr will be used
+ // as template for Substitution methods.
+ // For example:
+ // Expression := '({-i}block|var)\s*\(\s*([^ ]*)\s*\)\s*';
+ // Replace ('BLOCK( test1)', 'def "$1" value "$2"', True);
+ // will return: def 'BLOCK' value 'test1'
+ // Replace ('BLOCK( test1)', 'def "$1" value "$2"')
+ // will return: def "$1" value "$2"
+ // Internally calls Exec[Next]
+ // Overloaded version and ReplaceEx operate with call-back function,
+ // so You can implement really complex functionality.
+ property SubExprMatchCount : integer read GetSubExprMatchCount;
+ // Number of subexpressions has been found in last Exec* call.
+ // If there are no subexpr. but whole expr was found (Exec* returned True),
+ // then SubExprMatchCount=0, if no subexpressions nor whole
+ // r.e. found (Exec* returned false) then SubExprMatchCount=-1.
+ // Note, that some subexpr. may be not found and for such
+ // subexpr. MathPos=MatchLen=-1 and Match=''.
+ // For example: Expression := '(1)?2(3)?';
+ // Exec ('123'): SubExprMatchCount=2, Match[0]='123', [1]='1', [2]='3'
+ // Exec ('12'): SubExprMatchCount=1, Match[0]='12', [1]='1'
+ // Exec ('23'): SubExprMatchCount=2, Match[0]='23', [1]='', [2]='3'
+ // Exec ('2'): SubExprMatchCount=0, Match[0]='2'
+ // Exec ('7') - return False: SubExprMatchCount=-1
+ property MatchPos [Idx : integer] : integer read GetMatchPos;
+ // pos of entrance subexpr. #Idx into tested in last Exec*
+ // string. First subexpr. have Idx=1, last - MatchCount,
+ // whole r.e. have Idx=0.
+ // Returns -1 if in r.e. no such subexpr. or this subexpr.
+ // not found in input string.
+ property MatchLen [Idx : integer] : integer read GetMatchLen;
+ // len of entrance subexpr. #Idx r.e. into tested in last Exec*
+ // string. First subexpr. have Idx=1, last - MatchCount,
+ // whole r.e. have Idx=0.
+ // Returns -1 if in r.e. no such subexpr. or this subexpr.
+ // not found in input string.
+ // Remember - MatchLen may be 0 (if r.e. match empty string) !
+ property Match [Idx : integer] : RegExprString read GetMatch;
+ // == copy (InputString, MatchPos [Idx], MatchLen [Idx])
+ // Returns '' if in r.e. no such subexpr. or this subexpr.
+ // not found in input string.
+ function LastError : integer;
+ // Returns ID of last error, 0 if no errors (unusable if
+ // Error method raises exception) and clear internal status
+ // into 0 (no errors).
+ function ErrorMsg (AErrorID : integer) : RegExprString; virtual;
+ // Returns Error message for error with ID = AErrorID.
+ property CompilerErrorPos : integer read GetCompilerErrorPos;
+ // Returns pos in r.e. there compiler stopped.
+ // Useful for error diagnostics
+ property SpaceChars : RegExprString read fSpaceChars write fSpaceChars; //###0.927
+ // Contains chars, treated as /s (initially filled with RegExprSpaceChars
+ // global constant)
+ property WordChars : RegExprString read fWordChars write fWordChars; //###0.929
+ // Contains chars, treated as /w (initially filled with RegExprWordChars
+ // global constant)
+ property LineSeparators : RegExprString read fLineSeparators write SetLineSeparators; //###0.941
+ // line separators (like \n in Unix)
+ property LinePairedSeparator : RegExprString read GetLinePairedSeparator write SetLinePairedSeparator; //###0.941
+ // paired line separator (like \r\n in DOS and Windows).
+ // must contain exactly two chars or no chars at all
+ class function InvertCaseFunction (const Ch : REChar) : REChar;
+ // Converts Ch into upper case if it in lower case or in lower
+ // if it in upper (uses current system local setings)
+ property InvertCase : TRegExprInvertCaseFunction read fInvertCase write fInvertCase; //##0.935
+ // Set this property if you want to override case-insensitive functionality.
+ // Create set it to RegExprInvertCaseFunction (InvertCaseFunction by default)
+ procedure Compile; //###0.941
+ // [Re]compile r.e. Useful for example for GUI r.e. editors (to check
+ // all properties validity).
+ {$IFDEF RegExpPCodeDump}
+ function Dump : RegExprString;
+ // dump a compiled regexp in vaguely comprehensible form
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ ERegExpr = class (Exception)
+ public
+ ErrorCode : integer;
+ CompilerErrorPos : integer;
+ end;
+ RegExprInvertCaseFunction : TRegExprInvertCaseFunction = {$IFDEF FPC} nil {$ELSE} TRegExpr.InvertCaseFunction{$ENDIF};
+ // defaul for InvertCase property
+function ExecRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString) : boolean;
+// true if string AInputString match regular expression ARegExpr
+// ! will raise exeption if syntax errors in ARegExpr
+procedure SplitRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings);
+// Split AInputStr into APieces by r.e. ARegExpr occurencies
+function ReplaceRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr, AReplaceStr : RegExprString;
+ AUseSubstitution : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : RegExprString; //###0.947
+// Returns AInputStr with r.e. occurencies replaced by AReplaceStr
+// If AUseSubstitution is true, then AReplaceStr will be used
+// as template for Substitution methods.
+// For example:
+// ReplaceRegExpr ('({-i}block|var)\s*\(\s*([^ ]*)\s*\)\s*',
+// 'BLOCK( test1)', 'def "$1" value "$2"', True)
+// will return: def 'BLOCK' value 'test1'
+// ReplaceRegExpr ('({-i}block|var)\s*\(\s*([^ ]*)\s*\)\s*',
+// 'BLOCK( test1)', 'def "$1" value "$2"')
+// will return: def "$1" value "$2"
+function QuoteRegExprMetaChars (const AStr : RegExprString) : RegExprString;
+// Replace all metachars with its safe representation,
+// for example 'abc$cd.(' converts into 'abc\$cd\.\('
+// This function useful for r.e. autogeneration from
+// user input
+function RegExprSubExpressions (const ARegExpr : string;
+ ASubExprs : TStrings; AExtendedSyntax : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : integer;
+// Makes list of subexpressions found in ARegExpr r.e.
+// In ASubExps every item represent subexpression,
+// from first to last, in format:
+// String - subexpression text (without '()')
+// low word of Object - starting position in ARegExpr, including '('
+// if exists! (first position is 1)
+// high word of Object - length, including starting '(' and ending ')'
+// if exist!
+// AExtendedSyntax - must be True if modifier /m will be On while
+// using the r.e.
+// Useful for GUI editors of r.e. etc (You can find example of using
+// in TestRExp.dpr project)
+// Returns
+// 0 Success. No unbalanced brackets was found;
+// -1 There are not enough closing brackets ')';
+// -(n+1) At position n was found opening '[' without //###0.942
+// corresponding closing ']';
+// n At position n was found closing bracket ')' without
+// corresponding opening '('.
+// If Result <> 0, then ASubExpr can contain empty items or illegal ones
+ Windows; // CharUpper/Lower
+ Libc; //Qt.pas from Borland does not expose char handling functions
+ TRegExprVersionMajor : integer = 0;
+ TRegExprVersionMinor : integer = 952;
+ // TRegExpr.VersionMajor/Minor return values of this constants
+ MaskModI = 1; // modifier /i bit in fModifiers
+ MaskModR = 2; // -"- /r
+ MaskModS = 4; // -"- /s
+ MaskModG = 8; // -"- /g
+ MaskModM = 16; // -"- /m
+ MaskModX = 32; // -"- /x
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}
+ XIgnoredChars = ' '#9#$d#$a;
+ {$ELSE}
+ XIgnoredChars = [' ', #9, #$d, #$a];
+ {$ENDIF}
+{=================== WideString functions ====================}
+{$IFDEF UniCode}
+function StrPCopy (Dest: PRegExprChar; const Source: RegExprString): PRegExprChar;
+ var
+ i, Len : Integer;
+ begin
+ Len := length (Source); //###0.932
+ for i := 1 to Len do
+ Dest [i - 1] := Source [i];
+ Dest [Len] := #0;
+ Result := Dest;
+ end; { of function StrPCopy
+function StrLCopy (Dest, Source: PRegExprChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): PRegExprChar;
+ var i: Integer;
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to MaxLen - 1 do
+ Dest [i] := Source [i];
+ Result := Dest;
+ end; { of function StrLCopy
+function StrLen (Str: PRegExprChar): Cardinal;
+ begin
+ Result:=0;
+ while Str [result] <> #0
+ do Inc (Result);
+ end; { of function StrLen
+function StrPos (Str1, Str2: PRegExprChar): PRegExprChar;
+ var n: Integer;
+ begin
+ Result := nil;
+ n := Pos (RegExprString (Str2), RegExprString (Str1));
+ if n = 0
+ then EXIT;
+ Result := Str1 + n - 1;
+ end; { of function StrPos
+function StrLComp (Str1, Str2: PRegExprChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer;
+ var S1, S2: RegExprString;
+ begin
+ S1 := Str1;
+ S2 := Str2;
+ if Copy (S1, 1, MaxLen) > Copy (S2, 1, MaxLen)
+ then Result := 1
+ else
+ if Copy (S1, 1, MaxLen) < Copy (S2, 1, MaxLen)
+ then Result := -1
+ else Result := 0;
+ end; { function StrLComp
+function StrScan (Str: PRegExprChar; Chr: WideChar): PRegExprChar;
+ begin
+ Result := nil;
+ while (Str^ <> #0) and (Str^ <> Chr)
+ do Inc (Str);
+ if (Str^ <> #0)
+ then Result := Str;
+ end; { of function StrScan
+{===================== Global functions ======================}
+function ExecRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString) : boolean;
+ var r : TRegExpr;
+ begin
+ r := TRegExpr.Create;
+ try
+ r.Expression := ARegExpr;
+ Result := r.Exec (AInputStr);
+ finally r.Free;
+ end;
+ end; { of function ExecRegExpr
+procedure SplitRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings);
+ var r : TRegExpr;
+ begin
+ APieces.Clear;
+ r := TRegExpr.Create;
+ try
+ r.Expression := ARegExpr;
+ r.Split (AInputStr, APieces);
+ finally r.Free;
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure SplitRegExpr
+function ReplaceRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr, AReplaceStr : RegExprString;
+ AUseSubstitution : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ with TRegExpr.Create do try
+ Expression := ARegExpr;
+ Result := Replace (AInputStr, AReplaceStr, AUseSubstitution);
+ finally Free;
+ end;
+ end; { of function ReplaceRegExpr
+function QuoteRegExprMetaChars (const AStr : RegExprString) : RegExprString;
+ const
+ RegExprMetaSet : RegExprString = '^$.[()|?+*'+EscChar+'{'
+ + ']}'; // - this last are additional to META.
+ // Very similar to META array, but slighly changed.
+ // !Any changes in META array must be synchronized with this set.
+ var
+ i, i0, Len : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ Len := length (AStr);
+ i := 1;
+ i0 := i;
+ while i <= Len do begin
+ if Pos (AStr [i], RegExprMetaSet) > 0 then begin
+ Result := Result + System.Copy (AStr, i0, i - i0)
+ + EscChar + AStr [i];
+ i0 := i + 1;
+ end;
+ inc (i);
+ end;
+ Result := Result + System.Copy (AStr, i0, MaxInt); // Tail
+ end; { of function QuoteRegExprMetaChars
+function RegExprSubExpressions (const ARegExpr : string;
+ ASubExprs : TStrings; AExtendedSyntax : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : integer;
+ type
+ TStackItemRec = record //###0.945
+ SubExprIdx : integer;
+ StartPos : integer;
+ end;
+ TStackArray = packed array [0 .. NSUBEXPMAX - 1] of TStackItemRec;
+ var
+ Len, SubExprLen : integer;
+ i, i0 : integer;
+ Modif : integer;
+ Stack : ^TStackArray; //###0.945
+ StackIdx, StackSz : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := 0; // no unbalanced brackets found at this very moment
+ ASubExprs.Clear; // I don't think that adding to non empty list
+ // can be useful, so I simplified algorithm to work only with empty list
+ Len := length (ARegExpr); // some optimization tricks
+ // first we have to calculate number of subexpression to reserve
+ // space in Stack array (may be we'll reserve more then need, but
+ // it's faster then memory reallocation during parsing)
+ StackSz := 1; // add 1 for entire r.e.
+ for i := 1 to Len do
+ if ARegExpr [i] = '('
+ then inc (StackSz);
+// SetLength (Stack, StackSz); //###0.945
+ GetMem (Stack, SizeOf (TStackItemRec) * StackSz);
+ try
+ StackIdx := 0;
+ i := 1;
+ while (i <= Len) do begin
+ case ARegExpr [i] of
+ '(': begin
+ if (i < Len) and (ARegExpr [i + 1] = '?') then begin
+ // this is not subexpression, but comment or other
+ // Perl extension. We must check is it (?ismxrg-ismxrg)
+ // and change AExtendedSyntax if /x is changed.
+ inc (i, 2); // skip '(?'
+ i0 := i;
+ while (i <= Len) and (ARegExpr [i] <> ')')
+ do inc (i);
+ if i > Len
+ then Result := -1 // unbalansed '('
+ else
+ if TRegExpr.ParseModifiersStr (System.Copy (ARegExpr, i, i - i0), Modif)
+ then AExtendedSyntax := (Modif and MaskModX) <> 0;
+ end
+ else begin // subexpression starts
+ ASubExprs.Add (''); // just reserve space
+ with Stack [StackIdx] do begin
+ SubExprIdx := ASubExprs.Count - 1;
+ StartPos := i;
+ end;
+ inc (StackIdx);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ')': begin
+ if StackIdx = 0
+ then Result := i // unbalanced ')'
+ else begin
+ dec (StackIdx);
+ with Stack [StackIdx] do begin
+ SubExprLen := i - StartPos + 1;
+ ASubExprs.Objects [SubExprIdx] :=
+ TObject (StartPos or (SubExprLen ShL 16));
+ ASubExprs [SubExprIdx] := System.Copy (
+ ARegExpr, StartPos + 1, SubExprLen - 2); // add without brackets
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ EscChar: inc (i); // skip quoted symbol
+ '[': begin
+ // we have to skip character ranges at once, because they can
+ // contain '#', and '#' in it must NOT be recognized as eXtended
+ // comment beginning!
+ i0 := i;
+ inc (i);
+ if ARegExpr [i] = ']' // cannot be 'emty' ranges - this interpretes
+ then inc (i); // as ']' by itself
+ while (i <= Len) and (ARegExpr [i] <> ']') do
+ if ARegExpr [i] = EscChar //###0.942
+ then inc (i, 2) // skip 'escaped' char to prevent stopping at '\]'
+ else inc (i);
+ if (i > Len) or (ARegExpr [i] <> ']') //###0.942
+ then Result := - (i0 + 1); // unbalansed '[' //###0.942
+ end;
+ '#': if AExtendedSyntax then begin
+ // skip eXtended comments
+ while (i <= Len) and (ARegExpr [i] <> #$d) and (ARegExpr [i] <> #$a)
+ // do not use [#$d, #$a] due to UniCode compatibility
+ do inc (i);
+ while (i + 1 <= Len) and ((ARegExpr [i + 1] = #$d) or (ARegExpr [i + 1] = #$a))
+ do inc (i); // attempt to work with different kinds of line separators
+ // now we are at the line separator that must be skipped.
+ end;
+ // here is no 'else' clause - we simply skip ordinary chars
+ end; // of case
+ inc (i); // skip scanned char
+ // ! can move after Len due to skipping quoted symbol
+ end;
+ // check brackets balance
+ if StackIdx <> 0
+ then Result := -1; // unbalansed '('
+ // check if entire r.e. added
+ if (ASubExprs.Count = 0)
+ or ((PtrInt (ASubExprs.Objects [0]) and $FFFF) <> 1)
+ or (((PtrInt (ASubExprs.Objects [0]) ShR 16) and $FFFF) <> Len)
+ // whole r.e. wasn't added because it isn't bracketed
+ // well, we add it now:
+ then ASubExprs.InsertObject (0, ARegExpr, TObject ((Len ShL 16) or 1));
+ finally FreeMem (Stack);
+ end;
+ end; { of function RegExprSubExpressions
+ MAGIC = TREOp (216);// programm signature
+// name opcode opnd? meaning
+ EEND = TREOp (0); // - End of program
+ BOL = TREOp (1); // - Match "" at beginning of line
+ EOL = TREOp (2); // - Match "" at end of line
+ ANY = TREOp (3); // - Match any one character
+ ANYOF = TREOp (4); // Str Match any character in string Str
+ ANYBUT = TREOp (5); // Str Match any char. not in string Str
+ BRANCH = TREOp (6); // Node Match this alternative, or the next
+ BACK = TREOp (7); // - Jump backward (Next < 0)
+ EXACTLY = TREOp (8); // Str Match string Str
+ NOTHING = TREOp (9); // - Match empty string
+ STAR = TREOp (10); // Node Match this (simple) thing 0 or more times
+ PLUS = TREOp (11); // Node Match this (simple) thing 1 or more times
+ ANYDIGIT = TREOp (12); // - Match any digit (equiv [0-9])
+ NOTDIGIT = TREOp (13); // - Match not digit (equiv [0-9])
+ ANYLETTER = TREOp (14); // - Match any letter from property WordChars
+ NOTLETTER = TREOp (15); // - Match not letter from property WordChars
+ ANYSPACE = TREOp (16); // - Match any space char (see property SpaceChars)
+ NOTSPACE = TREOp (17); // - Match not space char (see property SpaceChars)
+ BRACES = TREOp (18); // Node,Min,Max Match this (simple) thing from Min to Max times.
+ // Min and Max are TREBracesArg
+ COMMENT = TREOp (19); // - Comment ;)
+ EXACTLYCI = TREOp (20); // Str Match string Str case insensitive
+ ANYOFCI = TREOp (21); // Str Match any character in string Str, case insensitive
+ ANYBUTCI = TREOp (22); // Str Match any char. not in string Str, case insensitive
+ LOOPENTRY = TREOp (23); // Node Start of loop (Node - LOOP for this loop)
+ LOOP = TREOp (24); // Node,Min,Max,LoopEntryJmp - back jump for LOOPENTRY.
+ // Min and Max are TREBracesArg
+ // Node - next node in sequence,
+ // LoopEntryJmp - associated LOOPENTRY node addr
+ ANYOFTINYSET= TREOp (25); // Chrs Match any one char from Chrs (exactly TinySetLen chars)
+ ANYBUTTINYSET=TREOp (26); // Chrs Match any one char not in Chrs (exactly TinySetLen chars)
+ ANYOFFULLSET= TREOp (27); // Set Match any one char from set of char
+ // - very fast (one CPU instruction !) but takes 32 bytes of p-code
+ BSUBEXP = TREOp (28); // Idx Match previously matched subexpression #Idx (stored as REChar) //###0.936
+ BSUBEXPCI = TREOp (29); // Idx -"- in case-insensitive mode
+ // Non-Greedy Style Ops //###0.940
+ STARNG = TREOp (30); // Same as START but in non-greedy mode
+ PLUSNG = TREOp (31); // Same as PLUS but in non-greedy mode
+ BRACESNG = TREOp (32); // Same as BRACES but in non-greedy mode
+ LOOPNG = TREOp (33); // Same as LOOP but in non-greedy mode
+ // Multiline mode \m
+ BOLML = TREOp (34); // - Match "" at beginning of line
+ EOLML = TREOp (35); // - Match "" at end of line
+ ANYML = TREOp (36); // - Match any one character
+ // Word boundary
+ BOUND = TREOp (37); // Match "" between words //###0.943
+ NOTBOUND = TREOp (38); // Match "" not between words //###0.943
+ // !!! Change OPEN value if you add new opcodes !!!
+ OPEN = TREOp (39); // - Mark this point in input as start of \n
+ // OPEN + 1 is \1, etc.
+ // - Analogous to OPEN.
+ // !!! Don't add new OpCodes after CLOSE !!!
+// We work with p-code thru pointers, compatible with PRegExprChar.
+// Note: all code components (TRENextOff, TREOp, TREBracesArg, etc)
+// must have lengths that can be divided by SizeOf (REChar) !
+// A node is TREOp of opcode followed Next "pointer" of TRENextOff type.
+// The Next is a offset from the opcode of the node containing it.
+// An operand, if any, simply follows the node. (Note that much of
+// the code generation knows about this implicit relationship!)
+// Using TRENextOff=integer speed up p-code processing.
+// Opcodes description:
+// BRANCH The set of branches constituting a single choice are hooked
+// together with their "next" pointers, since precedence prevents
+// anything being concatenated to any individual branch. The
+// "next" pointer of the last BRANCH in a choice points to the
+// thing following the whole choice. This is also where the
+// final "next" pointer of each individual branch points; each
+// branch starts with the operand node of a BRANCH node.
+// BACK Normal "next" pointers all implicitly point forward; BACK
+// exists to make loop structures possible.
+// STAR,PLUS,BRACES '?', and complex '*' and '+', are implemented as
+// circular BRANCH structures using BACK. Complex '{min,max}'
+// - as pair LOOPENTRY-LOOP (see below). Simple cases (one
+// character per match) are implemented with STAR, PLUS and
+// BRACES for speed and to minimize recursive plunges.
+// LOOPENTRY,LOOP {min,max} are implemented as special pair
+// LOOPENTRY-LOOP. Each LOOPENTRY initialize loopstack for
+// current level.
+// OPEN,CLOSE are numbered at compile time.
+{================== Error handling section ===================}
+ reeOk = 0;
+ reeCompNullArgument = 100;
+ reeCompRegexpTooBig = 101;
+ reeCompParseRegTooManyBrackets = 102;
+ reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets = 103;
+ reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets2 = 104;
+ reeCompParseRegJunkOnEnd = 105;
+ reePlusStarOperandCouldBeEmpty = 106;
+ reeNestedSQP = 107;
+ reeBadHexDigit = 108;
+ reeInvalidRange = 109;
+ reeParseAtomTrailingBackSlash = 110;
+ reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX = 111;
+ reeHexCodeAfterBSlashXTooBig = 112;
+ reeUnmatchedSqBrackets = 113;
+ reeInternalUrp = 114;
+ reeQPSBFollowsNothing = 115;
+ reeTrailingBackSlash = 116;
+ reeRarseAtomInternalDisaster = 119;
+ reeBRACESArgTooBig = 122;
+ reeBracesMinParamGreaterMax = 124;
+ reeUnclosedComment = 125;
+ reeComplexBracesNotImplemented = 126;
+ reeUrecognizedModifier = 127;
+ reeBadLinePairedSeparator = 128;
+ reeRegRepeatCalledInappropriately = 1000;
+ reeMatchPrimMemoryCorruption = 1001;
+ reeMatchPrimCorruptedPointers = 1002;
+ reeNoExpression = 1003;
+ reeCorruptedProgram = 1004;
+ reeNoInpitStringSpecified = 1005;
+ reeOffsetMustBeGreaterThen0 = 1006;
+ reeExecNextWithoutExec = 1007;
+ reeGetInputStringWithoutInputString = 1008;
+ reeDumpCorruptedOpcode = 1011;
+ reeModifierUnsupported = 1013;
+ reeLoopStackExceeded = 1014;
+ reeLoopWithoutEntry = 1015;
+ reeBadPCodeImported = 2000;
+function TRegExpr.ErrorMsg (AErrorID : integer) : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ case AErrorID of
+ reeOk: Result := 'No errors';
+ reeCompNullArgument: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Null Argument';
+ reeCompRegexpTooBig: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Regexp Too Big';
+ reeCompParseRegTooManyBrackets: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ParseReg Too Many ()';
+ reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ParseReg Unmatched ()';
+ reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets2: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ParseReg Unmatched ()';
+ reeCompParseRegJunkOnEnd: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ParseReg Junk On End';
+ reePlusStarOperandCouldBeEmpty: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): *+ Operand Could Be Empty';
+ reeNestedSQP: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Nested *?+';
+ reeBadHexDigit: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Bad Hex Digit';
+ reeInvalidRange: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Invalid [] Range';
+ reeParseAtomTrailingBackSlash: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Parse Atom Trailing \';
+ reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): No Hex Code After \x';
+ reeHexCodeAfterBSlashXTooBig: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Hex Code After \x Is Too Big';
+ reeUnmatchedSqBrackets: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Unmatched []';
+ reeInternalUrp: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Internal Urp';
+ reeQPSBFollowsNothing: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ?+*{ Follows Nothing';
+ reeTrailingBackSlash: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Trailing \';
+ reeRarseAtomInternalDisaster: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): RarseAtom Internal Disaster';
+ reeBRACESArgTooBig: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): BRACES Argument Too Big';
+ reeBracesMinParamGreaterMax: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): BRACE Min Param Greater then Max';
+ reeUnclosedComment: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Unclosed (?#Comment)';
+ reeComplexBracesNotImplemented: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): If you want take part in beta-testing BRACES ''{min,max}'' and non-greedy ops ''*?'', ''+?'', ''??'' for complex cases - remove ''.'' from {.$DEFINE ComplexBraces}';
+ reeUrecognizedModifier: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Urecognized Modifier';
+ reeBadLinePairedSeparator: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): LinePairedSeparator must countain two different chars or no chars at all';
+ reeRegRepeatCalledInappropriately: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): RegRepeat Called Inappropriately';
+ reeMatchPrimMemoryCorruption: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): MatchPrim Memory Corruption';
+ reeMatchPrimCorruptedPointers: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): MatchPrim Corrupted Pointers';
+ reeNoExpression: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Not Assigned Expression Property';
+ reeCorruptedProgram: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Corrupted Program';
+ reeNoInpitStringSpecified: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): No Input String Specified';
+ reeOffsetMustBeGreaterThen0: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Offset Must Be Greater Then 0';
+ reeExecNextWithoutExec: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): ExecNext Without Exec[Pos]';
+ reeGetInputStringWithoutInputString: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): GetInputString Without InputString';
+ reeDumpCorruptedOpcode: Result := 'TRegExpr(dump): Corrupted Opcode';
+ reeLoopStackExceeded: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Loop Stack Exceeded';
+ reeLoopWithoutEntry: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Loop Without LoopEntry !';
+ reeBadPCodeImported: Result := 'TRegExpr(misc): Bad p-code imported';
+ else Result := 'Unknown error';
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Error
+function TRegExpr.LastError : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := fLastError;
+ fLastError := reeOk;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.LastError
+{===================== Common section ========================}
+class function TRegExpr.VersionMajor : integer; //###0.944
+ begin
+ Result := TRegExprVersionMajor;
+ end; { of class function TRegExpr.VersionMajor
+class function TRegExpr.VersionMinor : integer; //###0.944
+ begin
+ Result := TRegExprVersionMinor;
+ end; { of class function TRegExpr.VersionMinor
+constructor TRegExpr.Create;
+ begin
+ inherited;
+ programm := nil;
+ fExpression := nil;
+ fInputString := nil;
+ regexpbeg := nil;
+ fExprIsCompiled := false;
+ ModifierI := RegExprModifierI;
+ ModifierR := RegExprModifierR;
+ ModifierS := RegExprModifierS;
+ ModifierG := RegExprModifierG;
+ ModifierM := RegExprModifierM; //###0.940
+ SpaceChars := RegExprSpaceChars; //###0.927
+ WordChars := RegExprWordChars; //###0.929
+ fInvertCase := RegExprInvertCaseFunction; //###0.927
+ fLineSeparators := RegExprLineSeparators; //###0.941
+ LinePairedSeparator := RegExprLinePairedSeparator; //###0.941
+ end; { of constructor TRegExpr.Create
+destructor TRegExpr.Destroy;
+ begin
+ if programm <> nil
+ then FreeMem (programm);
+ if fExpression <> nil
+ then FreeMem (fExpression);
+ if fInputString <> nil
+ then FreeMem (fInputString);
+ end; { of destructor TRegExpr.Destroy
+class function TRegExpr.InvertCaseFunction (const Ch : REChar) : REChar;
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}
+ if Ch >= #128
+ then Result := Ch
+ else
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ Result := {$IFDEF FPC}AnsiUpperCase (Ch) [1]{$ELSE} {$IFDEF SYN_WIN32}REChar (CharUpper (PChar (Ch))){$ELSE}REChar (toupper (integer (Ch))){$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
+ if Result = Ch
+ then Result := {$IFDEF FPC}AnsiLowerCase (Ch) [1]{$ELSE} {$IFDEF SYN_WIN32}REChar (CharLower (PChar (Ch))){$ELSE}REChar(tolower (integer (Ch))){$ENDIF} {$ENDIF};
+ end;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.InvertCaseFunction
+function TRegExpr.GetExpression : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ if fExpression <> nil
+ then Result := fExpression
+ else Result := '';
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetExpression
+procedure TRegExpr.SetExpression (const s : RegExprString);
+ var
+ Len : integer; //###0.950
+ begin
+ if (s <> fExpression) or not fExprIsCompiled then begin
+ fExprIsCompiled := false;
+ if fExpression <> nil then begin
+ FreeMem (fExpression);
+ fExpression := nil;
+ end;
+ if s <> '' then begin
+ Len := length (s); //###0.950
+ GetMem (fExpression, (Len + 1) * SizeOf (REChar));
+// StrPCopy (fExpression, s); //###0.950 replaced due to StrPCopy limitation of 255 chars
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}
+ StrPCopy (fExpression, Copy (s, 1, Len)); //###0.950
+ {$ELSE}
+ StrLCopy (fExpression, PRegExprChar (s), Len); //###0.950
+ {$ENDIF UniCode}
+ InvalidateProgramm; //###0.941
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetExpression
+function TRegExpr.GetSubExprMatchCount : integer;
+ begin
+ if Assigned (fInputString) then begin
+ Result := NSUBEXP - 1;
+ while (Result > 0) and ((startp [Result] = nil)
+ or (endp [Result] = nil))
+ do dec (Result);
+ end
+ else Result := -1;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetSubExprMatchCount
+function TRegExpr.GetMatchPos (Idx : integer) : integer;
+ begin
+ if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx < NSUBEXP) and Assigned (fInputString)
+ and Assigned (startp [Idx]) and Assigned (endp [Idx]) then begin
+ Result := (startp [Idx] - fInputString) + 1;
+ end
+ else Result := -1;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetMatchPos
+function TRegExpr.GetMatchLen (Idx : integer) : integer;
+ begin
+ if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx < NSUBEXP) and Assigned (fInputString)
+ and Assigned (startp [Idx]) and Assigned (endp [Idx]) then begin
+ Result := endp [Idx] - startp [Idx];
+ end
+ else Result := -1;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetMatchLen
+function TRegExpr.GetMatch (Idx : integer) : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx < NSUBEXP) and Assigned (fInputString)
+ and Assigned (startp [Idx]) and Assigned (endp [Idx])
+ //then Result := copy (fInputString, MatchPos [Idx], MatchLen [Idx]) //###0.929
+ then begin
+ Result:='';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SetString (Result, startp [idx], endp [idx] - startp [idx])
+ end
+ else Result := '';
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetMatch
+function TRegExpr.GetModifierStr : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ Result := '-';
+ if ModifierI
+ then Result := 'i' + Result
+ else Result := Result + 'i';
+ if ModifierR
+ then Result := 'r' + Result
+ else Result := Result + 'r';
+ if ModifierS
+ then Result := 's' + Result
+ else Result := Result + 's';
+ if ModifierG
+ then Result := 'g' + Result
+ else Result := Result + 'g';
+ if ModifierM
+ then Result := 'm' + Result
+ else Result := Result + 'm';
+ if ModifierX
+ then Result := 'x' + Result
+ else Result := Result + 'x';
+ if Result [length (Result)] = '-' // remove '-' if all modifiers are 'On'
+ then System.Delete (Result, length (Result), 1);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetModifierStr
+class function TRegExpr.ParseModifiersStr (const AModifiers : RegExprString;
+var AModifiersInt : integer) : boolean;
+// !!! Be carefull - this is class function and must not use object instance fields
+ var
+ i : integer;
+ IsOn : boolean;
+ Mask : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ IsOn := true;
+ Mask := 0; // prevent compiler warning
+ for i := 1 to length (AModifiers) do
+ if AModifiers [i] = '-'
+ then IsOn := false
+ else begin
+ if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'iI') > 0
+ then Mask := MaskModI
+ else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'rR') > 0
+ then Mask := MaskModR
+ else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'sS') > 0
+ then Mask := MaskModS
+ else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'gG') > 0
+ then Mask := MaskModG
+ else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'mM') > 0
+ then Mask := MaskModM
+ else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'xX') > 0
+ then Mask := MaskModX
+ else begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ if IsOn
+ then AModifiersInt := AModifiersInt or Mask
+ else AModifiersInt := AModifiersInt and not Mask;
+ end;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ParseModifiersStr
+procedure TRegExpr.SetModifierStr (const AModifiers : RegExprString);
+ begin
+ if not ParseModifiersStr (AModifiers, fModifiers)
+ then Error (reeModifierUnsupported);
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetModifierStr
+function TRegExpr.GetModifier (AIndex : integer) : boolean;
+ var
+ Mask : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ case AIndex of
+ 1: Mask := MaskModI;
+ 2: Mask := MaskModR;
+ 3: Mask := MaskModS;
+ 4: Mask := MaskModG;
+ 5: Mask := MaskModM;
+ 6: Mask := MaskModX;
+ else begin
+ Error (reeModifierUnsupported);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := (fModifiers and Mask) <> 0;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetModifier
+procedure TRegExpr.SetModifier (AIndex : integer; ASet : boolean);
+ var
+ Mask : integer;
+ begin
+ case AIndex of
+ 1: Mask := MaskModI;
+ 2: Mask := MaskModR;
+ 3: Mask := MaskModS;
+ 4: Mask := MaskModG;
+ 5: Mask := MaskModM;
+ 6: Mask := MaskModX;
+ else begin
+ Error (reeModifierUnsupported);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if ASet
+ then fModifiers := fModifiers or Mask
+ else fModifiers := fModifiers and not Mask;
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetModifier
+{==================== Compiler section =======================}
+procedure TRegExpr.InvalidateProgramm;
+ begin
+ if programm <> nil then begin
+ FreeMem (programm);
+ programm := nil;
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.InvalidateProgramm
+procedure TRegExpr.Compile; //###0.941
+ begin
+ if fExpression = nil then begin // No Expression assigned
+ Error (reeNoExpression);
+ end;
+ CompileRegExpr (fExpression);
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Compile
+function TRegExpr.IsProgrammOk : boolean;
+ {$IFNDEF UniCode}
+ var
+ i : integer;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ // check modifiers
+ if fModifiers <> fProgModifiers //###0.941
+ then InvalidateProgramm;
+ // can we optimize line separators by using sets?
+ {$IFNDEF UniCode}
+ fLineSeparatorsSet := [];
+ for i := 1 to length (fLineSeparators)
+ do System.Include (fLineSeparatorsSet, fLineSeparators [i]);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // [Re]compile if needed
+ if programm = nil
+ then Compile; //###0.941
+ // check [re]compiled programm
+ if programm = nil
+ then EXIT // error was set/raised by Compile (was reeExecAfterCompErr)
+ else if programm [0] <> MAGIC // Program corrupted.
+ then Error (reeCorruptedProgram)
+ else Result := true;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.IsProgrammOk
+procedure TRegExpr.Tail (p : PRegExprChar; val : PRegExprChar);
+// set the next-pointer at the end of a node chain
+ var
+ scan : PRegExprChar;
+ temp : PRegExprChar;
+// i : int64;
+ begin
+ if p = @regdummy
+ then EXIT;
+ // Find last node.
+ scan := p;
+ temp := regnext (scan);
+ if temp = nil
+ then BREAK;
+ scan := temp;
+ UNTIL false;
+ // Set Next 'pointer'
+ if val < scan
+ then PRENextOff (scan + REOpSz)^ := - (scan - val) //###0.948
+ // work around PWideChar subtraction bug (Delphi uses
+ // shr after subtraction to calculate widechar distance %-( )
+ // so, if difference is negative we have .. the "feature" :(
+ // I could wrap it in $IFDEF UniCode, but I didn't because
+ // "P – Q computes the difference between the address given
+ // by P (the higher address) and the address given by Q (the
+ // lower address)" - Delphi help quotation.
+ else PRENextOff (scan + REOpSz)^ := val - scan; //###0.933
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Tail
+procedure TRegExpr.OpTail (p : PRegExprChar; val : PRegExprChar);
+// regtail on operand of first argument; nop if operandless
+ begin
+ // "Operandless" and "op != BRANCH" are synonymous in practice.
+ if (p = nil) or (p = @regdummy) or (PREOp (p)^ <> BRANCH)
+ then EXIT;
+ Tail (p + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, val); //###0.933
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.OpTail
+function TRegExpr.EmitNode (op : TREOp) : PRegExprChar; //###0.933
+// emit a node, return location
+ begin
+ Result := regcode;
+ if Result <> @regdummy then begin
+ PREOp (regcode)^ := op;
+ inc (regcode, REOpSz);
+ PRENextOff (regcode)^ := 0; // Next "pointer" := nil
+ inc (regcode, RENextOffSz);
+ end
+ else inc (regsize, REOpSz + RENextOffSz); // compute code size without code generation
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.EmitNode
+procedure TRegExpr.EmitC (b : REChar);
+// emit a byte to code
+ begin
+ if regcode <> @regdummy then begin
+ regcode^ := b;
+ inc (regcode);
+ end
+ else inc (regsize); // Type of p-code pointer always is ^REChar
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.EmitC
+procedure TRegExpr.InsertOperator (op : TREOp; opnd : PRegExprChar; sz : integer);
+// insert an operator in front of already-emitted operand
+// Means relocating the operand.
+ var
+ src, dst, place : PRegExprChar;
+ i : integer;
+ begin
+ if regcode = @regdummy then begin
+ inc (regsize, sz);
+ end;
+ src := regcode;
+ inc (regcode, sz);
+ dst := regcode;
+ while src > opnd do begin
+ dec (dst);
+ dec (src);
+ dst^ := src^;
+ end;
+ place := opnd; // Op node, where operand used to be.
+ PREOp (place)^ := op;
+ inc (place, REOpSz);
+ for i := 1 + REOpSz to sz do begin
+ place^ := #0;
+ inc (place);
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.InsertOperator
+function strcspn (s1 : PRegExprChar; s2 : PRegExprChar) : integer;
+// find length of initial segment of s1 consisting
+// entirely of characters not from s2
+ var scan1, scan2 : PRegExprChar;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ scan1 := s1;
+ while scan1^ <> #0 do begin
+ scan2 := s2;
+ while scan2^ <> #0 do
+ if scan1^ = scan2^
+ then EXIT
+ else inc (scan2);
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan1)
+ end;
+ end; { of function strcspn
+// Flags to be passed up and down.
+ HASWIDTH = 01; // Known never to match nil string.
+ SIMPLE = 02; // Simple enough to be STAR/PLUS/BRACES operand.
+ SPSTART = 04; // Starts with * or +.
+ WORST = 0; // Worst case.
+ META : array [0 .. 12] of REChar = (
+ '^', '$', '.', '[', '(', ')', '|', '?', '+', '*', EscChar, '{', #0);
+ // Any modification must be synchronized with QuoteRegExprMetaChars !!!
+{$IFDEF UniCode}
+ RusRangeLo : array [0 .. 33] of REChar =
+ (#$430,#$431,#$432,#$433,#$434,#$435,#$451,#$436,#$437,
+ #$438,#$439,#$43A,#$43B,#$43C,#$43D,#$43E,#$43F,
+ #$440,#$441,#$442,#$443,#$444,#$445,#$446,#$447,
+ #$448,#$449,#$44A,#$44B,#$44C,#$44D,#$44E,#$44F,#0);
+ RusRangeHi : array [0 .. 33] of REChar =
+ (#$410,#$411,#$412,#$413,#$414,#$415,#$401,#$416,#$417,
+ #$418,#$419,#$41A,#$41B,#$41C,#$41D,#$41E,#$41F,
+ #$420,#$421,#$422,#$423,#$424,#$425,#$426,#$427,
+ #$428,#$429,#$42A,#$42B,#$42C,#$42D,#$42E,#$42F,#0);
+ RusRangeLoLow = #$430{'а'};
+ RusRangeLoHigh = #$44F{'я'};
+ RusRangeHiLow = #$410{'А'};
+ RusRangeHiHigh = #$42F{'Я'};
+ RusRangeLo = 'абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя';
+ RusRangeLoLow = 'а';
+ RusRangeLoHigh = 'я';
+ RusRangeHiLow = 'А';
+ RusRangeHiHigh = 'Я';
+function TRegExpr.CompileRegExpr (exp : PRegExprChar) : boolean;
+// compile a regular expression into internal code
+// We can't allocate space until we know how big the compiled form will be,
+// but we can't compile it (and thus know how big it is) until we've got a
+// place to put the code. So we cheat: we compile it twice, once with code
+// generation turned off and size counting turned on, and once "for real".
+// This also means that we don't allocate space until we are sure that the
+// thing really will compile successfully, and we never have to move the
+// code and thus invalidate pointers into it. (Note that it has to be in
+// one piece because free() must be able to free it all.)
+// Beware that the optimization-preparation code in here knows about some
+// of the structure of the compiled regexp.
+ var
+ scan, longest : PRegExprChar;
+ len : cardinal;
+ flags : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := false; // life too dark
+ regparse := nil; // for correct error handling
+ regexpbeg := exp;
+ try
+ if programm <> nil then begin
+ FreeMem (programm);
+ programm := nil;
+ end;
+ if exp = nil then begin
+ Error (reeCompNullArgument);
+ end;
+ fProgModifiers := fModifiers;
+ // well, may it's paranoia. I'll check it later... !!!!!!!!
+ // First pass: determine size, legality.
+ fCompModifiers := fModifiers;
+ regparse := exp;
+ regnpar := 1;
+ regsize := 0;
+ regcode := @regdummy;
+ EmitC (MAGIC);
+ if ParseReg (0, flags) = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ // Small enough for 2-bytes programm pointers ?
+ // ###0.933 no real p-code length limits now :)))
+// if regsize >= 64 * 1024 then begin
+// Error (reeCompRegexpTooBig);
+// EXIT;
+// end;
+ // Allocate space.
+ GetMem (programm, regsize * SizeOf (REChar));
+ // Second pass: emit code.
+ fCompModifiers := fModifiers;
+ regparse := exp;
+ regnpar := 1;
+ regcode := programm;
+ EmitC (MAGIC);
+ if ParseReg (0, flags) = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ // Dig out information for optimizations.
+ {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929
+ FirstCharSet := [];
+ FillFirstCharSet (programm + REOpSz);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ regstart := #0; // Worst-case defaults.
+ reganch := #0;
+ regmust := nil;
+ regmlen := 0;
+ scan := programm + REOpSz; // First BRANCH.
+ if PREOp (regnext (scan))^ = EEND then begin // Only one top-level choice.
+ scan := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz;
+ // Starting-point info.
+ if PREOp (scan)^ = EXACTLY
+ then regstart := (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^
+ else if PREOp (scan)^ = BOL
+ then inc (reganch);
+ // If there's something expensive in the r.e., find the longest
+ // literal string that must appear and make it the regmust. Resolve
+ // ties in favor of later strings, since the regstart check works
+ // with the beginning of the r.e. and avoiding duplication
+ // strengthens checking. Not a strong reason, but sufficient in the
+ // absence of others.
+ if (flags and SPSTART) <> 0 then begin
+ longest := nil;
+ len := 0;
+ while scan <> nil do begin
+ if (PREOp (scan)^ = EXACTLY)
+ and (strlen (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz) >= integer(len)) then begin
+ longest := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz;
+ len := strlen (longest);
+ end;
+ scan := regnext (scan);
+ end;
+ regmust := longest;
+ regmlen := len;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := true;
+ finally begin
+ if not Result
+ then InvalidateProgramm;
+ regexpbeg := nil;
+ fExprIsCompiled := Result; //###0.944
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.CompileRegExpr
+function TRegExpr.ParseReg (paren : integer; var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+// regular expression, i.e. main body or parenthesized thing
+// Caller must absorb opening parenthesis.
+// Combining parenthesis handling with the base level of regular expression
+// is a trifle forced, but the need to tie the tails of the branches to what
+// follows makes it hard to avoid.
+ var
+ ret, br, ender : PRegExprChar;
+ parno : integer;
+ flags : integer;
+ SavedModifiers : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := nil;
+ flagp := HASWIDTH; // Tentatively.
+ parno := 0; // eliminate compiler stupid warning
+ SavedModifiers := fCompModifiers;
+ // Make an OPEN node, if parenthesized.
+ if paren <> 0 then begin
+ if regnpar >= NSUBEXP then begin
+ Error (reeCompParseRegTooManyBrackets);
+ end;
+ parno := regnpar;
+ inc (regnpar);
+ ret := EmitNode (TREOp (ord (OPEN) + parno));
+ end
+ else ret := nil;
+ // Pick up the branches, linking them together.
+ br := ParseBranch (flags);
+ if br = nil then begin
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ if ret <> nil
+ then Tail (ret, br) // OPEN -> first.
+ else ret := br;
+ if (flags and HASWIDTH) = 0
+ then flagp := flagp and not HASWIDTH;
+ flagp := flagp or flags and SPSTART;
+ while (regparse^ = '|') do begin
+ inc (regparse);
+ br := ParseBranch (flags);
+ if br = nil then begin
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ Tail (ret, br); // BRANCH -> BRANCH.
+ if (flags and HASWIDTH) = 0
+ then flagp := flagp and not HASWIDTH;
+ flagp := flagp or flags and SPSTART;
+ end;
+ // Make a closing node, and hook it on the end.
+ if paren <> 0
+ then ender := EmitNode (TREOp (ord (CLOSE) + parno))
+ else ender := EmitNode (EEND);
+ Tail (ret, ender);
+ // Hook the tails of the branches to the closing node.
+ br := ret;
+ while br <> nil do begin
+ OpTail (br, ender);
+ br := regnext (br);
+ end;
+ // Check for proper termination.
+ if paren <> 0 then
+ if regparse^ <> ')' then begin
+ Error (reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets);
+ end
+ else inc (regparse); // skip trailing ')'
+ if (paren = 0) and (regparse^ <> #0) then begin
+ if regparse^ = ')'
+ then Error (reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets2)
+ else Error (reeCompParseRegJunkOnEnd);
+ end;
+ fCompModifiers := SavedModifiers; // restore modifiers of parent
+ Result := ret;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ParseReg
+function TRegExpr.ParseBranch (var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+// one alternative of an | operator
+// Implements the concatenation operator.
+ var
+ ret, chain, latest : PRegExprChar;
+ flags : integer;
+ begin
+ flagp := WORST; // Tentatively.
+ ret := EmitNode (BRANCH);
+ chain := nil;
+ while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> '|')
+ and (regparse^ <> ')') do begin
+ latest := ParsePiece (flags);
+ if latest = nil then begin
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ flagp := flagp or flags and HASWIDTH;
+ if chain = nil // First piece.
+ then flagp := flagp or flags and SPSTART
+ else Tail (chain, latest);
+ chain := latest;
+ end;
+ if chain = nil // Loop ran zero times.
+ then EmitNode (NOTHING);
+ Result := ret;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ParseBranch
+function TRegExpr.ParsePiece (var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+// something followed by possible [*+?{]
+// Note that the branching code sequences used for ? and the general cases
+// of * and + and { are somewhat optimized: they use the same NOTHING node as
+// both the endmarker for their branch list and the body of the last branch.
+// It might seem that this node could be dispensed with entirely, but the
+// endmarker role is not redundant.
+ function parsenum (AStart, AEnd : PRegExprChar) : TREBracesArg;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ if AEnd - AStart + 1 > 8 then begin // prevent stupid scanning
+ Error (reeBRACESArgTooBig);
+ end;
+ while AStart <= AEnd do begin
+ Result := Result * 10 + (ord (AStart^) - ord ('0'));
+ inc (AStart);
+ end;
+ if (Result > MaxBracesArg) or (Result < 0) then begin
+ Error (reeBRACESArgTooBig);
+ end;
+ end;
+ var
+ op : REChar;
+ NonGreedyOp, NonGreedyCh : boolean; //###0.940
+ TheOp : TREOp; //###0.940
+ NextNode : PRegExprChar;
+ flags : integer;
+ BracesMin, Bracesmax : TREBracesArg;
+ p, savedparse : PRegExprChar;
+ procedure EmitComplexBraces (ABracesMin, ABracesMax : TREBracesArg;
+ ANonGreedyOp : boolean); //###0.940
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ var
+ off : integer;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ {$IFNDEF ComplexBraces}
+ Error (reeComplexBracesNotImplemented);
+ {$ELSE}
+ if ANonGreedyOp
+ then TheOp := LOOPNG
+ else TheOp := LOOP;
+ InsertOperator (LOOPENTRY, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ NextNode := EmitNode (TheOp);
+ if regcode <> @regdummy then begin
+ off := (Result + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)
+ - (regcode - REOpSz - RENextOffSz); // back to Atom after LOOPENTRY
+ PREBracesArg (regcode)^ := ABracesMin;
+ inc (regcode, REBracesArgSz);
+ PREBracesArg (regcode)^ := ABracesMax;
+ inc (regcode, REBracesArgSz);
+ PRENextOff (regcode)^ := off;
+ inc (regcode, RENextOffSz);
+ end
+ else inc (regsize, REBracesArgSz * 2 + RENextOffSz);
+ Tail (Result, NextNode); // LOOPENTRY -> LOOP
+ if regcode <> @regdummy then
+ Tail (Result + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, NextNode); // Atom -> LOOP
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ procedure EmitSimpleBraces (ABracesMin, ABracesMax : TREBracesArg;
+ ANonGreedyOp : boolean); //###0.940
+ begin
+ if ANonGreedyOp //###0.940
+ then TheOp := BRACESNG
+ else TheOp := BRACES;
+ InsertOperator (TheOp, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz * 2);
+ if regcode <> @regdummy then begin
+ PREBracesArg (Result + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^ := ABracesMin;
+ PREBracesArg (Result + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz)^ := ABracesMax;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Result := ParseAtom (flags);
+ if Result = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ op := regparse^;
+ if not ((op = '*') or (op = '+') or (op = '?') or (op = '{')) then begin
+ flagp := flags;
+ end;
+ if ((flags and HASWIDTH) = 0) and (op <> '?') then begin
+ Error (reePlusStarOperandCouldBeEmpty);
+ end;
+ case op of
+ '*': begin
+ flagp := WORST or SPSTART;
+ NonGreedyCh := (regparse + 1)^ = '?'; //###0.940
+ NonGreedyOp := NonGreedyCh or ((fCompModifiers and MaskModG) = 0); //###0.940
+ if (flags and SIMPLE) = 0 then begin
+ if NonGreedyOp //###0.940
+ then EmitComplexBraces (0, MaxBracesArg, NonGreedyOp)
+ else begin // Emit x* as (x&|), where & means "self".
+ InsertOperator (BRANCH, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz); // Either x
+ OpTail (Result, EmitNode (BACK)); // and loop
+ OpTail (Result, Result); // back
+ Tail (Result, EmitNode (BRANCH)); // or
+ Tail (Result, EmitNode (NOTHING)); // nil.
+ end
+ end
+ else begin // Simple
+ if NonGreedyOp //###0.940
+ then TheOp := STARNG
+ else TheOp := STAR;
+ InsertOperator (TheOp, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ end;
+ if NonGreedyCh //###0.940
+ then inc (regparse); // Skip extra char ('?')
+ end; { of case '*'}
+ '+': begin
+ flagp := WORST or SPSTART or HASWIDTH;
+ NonGreedyCh := (regparse + 1)^ = '?'; //###0.940
+ NonGreedyOp := NonGreedyCh or ((fCompModifiers and MaskModG) = 0); //###0.940
+ if (flags and SIMPLE) = 0 then begin
+ if NonGreedyOp //###0.940
+ then EmitComplexBraces (1, MaxBracesArg, NonGreedyOp)
+ else begin // Emit x+ as x(&|), where & means "self".
+ NextNode := EmitNode (BRANCH); // Either
+ Tail (Result, NextNode);
+ Tail (EmitNode (BACK), Result); // loop back
+ Tail (NextNode, EmitNode (BRANCH)); // or
+ Tail (Result, EmitNode (NOTHING)); // nil.
+ end
+ end
+ else begin // Simple
+ if NonGreedyOp //###0.940
+ then TheOp := PLUSNG
+ else TheOp := PLUS;
+ InsertOperator (TheOp, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ end;
+ if NonGreedyCh //###0.940
+ then inc (regparse); // Skip extra char ('?')
+ end; { of case '+'}
+ '?': begin
+ flagp := WORST;
+ NonGreedyCh := (regparse + 1)^ = '?'; //###0.940
+ NonGreedyOp := NonGreedyCh or ((fCompModifiers and MaskModG) = 0); //###0.940
+ if NonGreedyOp then begin //###0.940 // We emit x?? as x{0,1}?
+ if (flags and SIMPLE) = 0
+ then EmitComplexBraces (0, 1, NonGreedyOp)
+ else EmitSimpleBraces (0, 1, NonGreedyOp);
+ end
+ else begin // greedy '?'
+ InsertOperator (BRANCH, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz); // Either x
+ Tail (Result, EmitNode (BRANCH)); // or
+ NextNode := EmitNode (NOTHING); // nil.
+ Tail (Result, NextNode);
+ OpTail (Result, NextNode);
+ end;
+ if NonGreedyCh //###0.940
+ then inc (regparse); // Skip extra char ('?')
+ end; { of case '?'}
+ '{': begin
+ savedparse := regparse;
+ // !!!!!!!!!!!!
+ // Filip Jirsak's note - what will happen, when we are at the end of regparse?
+ inc (regparse);
+ p := regparse;
+ while Pos (regparse^, '0123456789') > 0 // <min> MUST appear
+ do inc (regparse);
+ if (regparse^ <> '}') and (regparse^ <> ',') or (p = regparse) then begin
+ regparse := savedparse;
+ flagp := flags;
+ end;
+ BracesMin := parsenum (p, regparse - 1);
+ if regparse^ = ',' then begin
+ inc (regparse);
+ p := regparse;
+ while Pos (regparse^, '0123456789') > 0
+ do inc (regparse);
+ if regparse^ <> '}' then begin
+ regparse := savedparse;
+ end;
+ if p = regparse
+ then BracesMax := MaxBracesArg
+ else BracesMax := parsenum (p, regparse - 1);
+ end
+ else BracesMax := BracesMin; // {n} == {n,n}
+ if BracesMin > BracesMax then begin
+ Error (reeBracesMinParamGreaterMax);
+ end;
+ if BracesMin > 0
+ then flagp := WORST;
+ if BracesMax > 0
+ then flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SPSTART;
+ NonGreedyCh := (regparse + 1)^ = '?'; //###0.940
+ NonGreedyOp := NonGreedyCh or ((fCompModifiers and MaskModG) = 0); //###0.940
+ if (flags and SIMPLE) <> 0
+ then EmitSimpleBraces (BracesMin, BracesMax, NonGreedyOp)
+ else EmitComplexBraces (BracesMin, BracesMax, NonGreedyOp);
+ if NonGreedyCh //###0.940
+ then inc (regparse); // Skip extra char '?'
+ end; // of case '{'
+// else // here we can't be
+ end; { of case op}
+ inc (regparse);
+ if (regparse^ = '*') or (regparse^ = '+') or (regparse^ = '?') or (regparse^ = '{') then begin
+ Error (reeNestedSQP);
+ end;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ParsePiece
+function TRegExpr.ParseAtom (var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+// the lowest level
+// Optimization: gobbles an entire sequence of ordinary characters so that
+// it can turn them into a single node, which is smaller to store and
+// faster to run. Backslashed characters are exceptions, each becoming a
+// separate node; the code is simpler that way and it's not worth fixing.
+ var
+ ret : PRegExprChar;
+ flags : integer;
+ RangeBeg, RangeEnd : REChar;
+ CanBeRange : boolean;
+ len : integer;
+ ender : REChar;
+ begmodfs : PRegExprChar;
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.930
+ RangePCodeBeg : PRegExprChar;
+ RangePCodeIdx : integer;
+ RangeIsCI : boolean;
+ RangeSet : TSetOfREChar;
+ RangeLen : integer;
+ RangeChMin, RangeChMax : REChar;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure EmitExactly (ch : REChar);
+ begin
+ if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0
+ then ret := EmitNode (EXACTLYCI)
+ else ret := EmitNode (EXACTLY);
+ EmitC (ch);
+ EmitC (#0);
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ procedure EmitStr (const s : RegExprString);
+ var i : integer;
+ begin
+ for i := 1 to length (s)
+ do EmitC (s [i]);
+ end;
+ function HexDig (ch : REChar) : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ if (ch >= 'a') and (ch <= 'f')
+ then ch := REChar (ord (ch) - (ord ('a') - ord ('A')));
+ if (ch < '0') or (ch > 'F') or ((ch > '9') and (ch < 'A')) then begin
+ Error (reeBadHexDigit);
+ end;
+ Result := ord (ch) - ord ('0');
+ if ch >= 'A'
+ then Result := Result - (ord ('A') - ord ('9') - 1);
+ end;
+ function EmitRange (AOpCode : REChar) : PRegExprChar;
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ case AOpCode of
+ Result := EmitNode (ANYBUTTINYSET);
+ else // ANYOFCI, ANYOF
+ Result := EmitNode (ANYOFTINYSET);
+ end;
+ case AOpCode of
+ RangeIsCI := True;
+ else // ANYBUT, ANYOF
+ RangeIsCI := False;
+ end;
+ RangePCodeBeg := regcode;
+ RangePCodeIdx := regsize;
+ RangeLen := 0;
+ RangeSet := [];
+ RangeChMin := #255;
+ RangeChMax := #0;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Result := EmitNode (AOpCode);
+ // ToDo:
+ // !!!!!!!!!!!!! Implement ANYOF[BUT]TINYSET generation for UniCode !!!!!!!!!!
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+{$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ procedure EmitRangeCPrim (b : REChar); //###0.930
+ begin
+ if b in RangeSet
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (RangeLen);
+ if b < RangeChMin
+ then RangeChMin := b;
+ if b > RangeChMax
+ then RangeChMax := b;
+ Include (RangeSet, b);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure EmitRangeC (b : REChar);
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ var
+ Ch : REChar;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ CanBeRange := false;
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ if b <> #0 then begin
+ EmitRangeCPrim (b); //###0.930
+ if RangeIsCI
+ then EmitRangeCPrim (InvertCase (b)); //###0.930
+ end
+ else begin
+ {$IFDEF UseAsserts}
+ Assert (RangeLen > 0, 'TRegExpr.ParseAtom(subroutine EmitRangeC): empty range'); // impossible, but who knows..
+ Assert (RangeChMin <= RangeChMax, 'TRegExpr.ParseAtom(subroutine EmitRangeC): RangeChMin > RangeChMax'); // impossible, but who knows..
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if RangeLen <= TinySetLen then begin // emit "tiny set"
+ if regcode = @regdummy then begin
+ regsize := RangePCodeIdx + TinySetLen; // RangeChMin/Max !!!
+ end;
+ regcode := RangePCodeBeg;
+ for Ch := RangeChMin to RangeChMax do //###0.930
+ if Ch in RangeSet then begin
+ regcode^ := Ch;
+ inc (regcode);
+ end;
+ // fill rest:
+ while regcode < RangePCodeBeg + TinySetLen do begin
+ regcode^ := RangeChMax;
+ inc (regcode);
+ end;
+ end
+ else begin
+ if regcode = @regdummy then begin
+ regsize := RangePCodeIdx + SizeOf (TSetOfREChar);
+ end;
+ if (RangePCodeBeg - REOpSz - RENextOffSz)^ = ANYBUTTINYSET
+ then RangeSet := [#0 .. #255] - RangeSet;
+ PREOp (RangePCodeBeg - REOpSz - RENextOffSz)^ := ANYOFFULLSET;
+ regcode := RangePCodeBeg;
+ Move (RangeSet, regcode^, SizeOf (TSetOfREChar));
+ inc (regcode, SizeOf (TSetOfREChar));
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ EmitC (b);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ procedure EmitSimpleRangeC (b : REChar);
+ begin
+ RangeBeg := b;
+ EmitRangeC (b);
+ CanBeRange := true;
+ end;
+ procedure EmitRangeStr (const s : RegExprString);
+ var i : integer;
+ begin
+ for i := 1 to length (s)
+ do EmitRangeC (s [i]);
+ end;
+ function UnQuoteChar (var APtr : PRegExprChar) : REChar; //###0.934
+ begin
+ case APtr^ of
+ 't': Result := #$9; // tab (HT/TAB)
+ 'n': Result := #$a; // newline (NL)
+ 'r': Result := #$d; // car.return (CR)
+ 'f': Result := #$c; // form feed (FF)
+ 'a': Result := #$7; // alarm (bell) (BEL)
+ 'e': Result := #$1b; // escape (ESC)
+ 'x': begin // hex char
+ Result := #0;
+ inc (APtr);
+ if APtr^ = #0 then begin
+ Error (reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX);
+ end;
+ if APtr^ = '{' then begin // \x{nnnn} //###0.936
+ inc (APtr);
+ if APtr^ = #0 then begin
+ Error (reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX);
+ end;
+ if APtr^ <> '}' then begin
+ if (Ord (Result)
+ ShR (SizeOf (REChar) * 8 - 4)) and $F <> 0 then begin
+ Error (reeHexCodeAfterBSlashXTooBig);
+ end;
+ Result := REChar ((Ord (Result) ShL 4) or HexDig (APtr^));
+ // HexDig will cause Error if bad hex digit found
+ end
+ else BREAK;
+ UNTIL False;
+ end
+ else begin
+ Result := REChar (HexDig (APtr^));
+ // HexDig will cause Error if bad hex digit found
+ inc (APtr);
+ if APtr^ = #0 then begin
+ Error (reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX);
+ end;
+ Result := REChar ((Ord (Result) ShL 4) or HexDig (APtr^));
+ // HexDig will cause Error if bad hex digit found
+ end;
+ end;
+ else Result := APtr^;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Result := nil;
+ flagp := WORST; // Tentatively.
+ inc (regparse);
+ case (regparse - 1)^ of
+ '^': if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModM) = 0)
+ or ((fLineSeparators = '') and not fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned)
+ then ret := EmitNode (BOL)
+ else ret := EmitNode (BOLML);
+ '$': if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModM) = 0)
+ or ((fLineSeparators = '') and not fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned)
+ then ret := EmitNode (EOL)
+ else ret := EmitNode (EOLML);
+ '.':
+ if (fCompModifiers and MaskModS) <> 0 then begin
+ ret := EmitNode (ANY);
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end
+ else begin // not /s, so emit [^:LineSeparators:]
+ ret := EmitNode (ANYML);
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH; // not so simple ;)
+// ret := EmitRange (ANYBUT);
+// EmitRangeStr (LineSeparators); //###0.941
+// EmitRangeStr (LinePairedSeparator); // !!! isn't correct if have to accept only paired
+// EmitRangeC (#0);
+// flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ '[': begin
+ if regparse^ = '^' then begin // Complement of range.
+ if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0
+ then ret := EmitRange (ANYBUTCI)
+ else ret := EmitRange (ANYBUT);
+ inc (regparse);
+ end
+ else
+ if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0
+ then ret := EmitRange (ANYOFCI)
+ else ret := EmitRange (ANYOF);
+ CanBeRange := false;
+ if (regparse^ = ']') then begin
+ EmitSimpleRangeC (regparse^); // []-a] -> ']' .. 'a'
+ inc (regparse);
+ end;
+ while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> ']') do begin
+ if (regparse^ = '-')
+ and ((regparse + 1)^ <> #0) and ((regparse + 1)^ <> ']')
+ and CanBeRange then begin
+ inc (regparse);
+ RangeEnd := regparse^;
+ if RangeEnd = EscChar then begin
+ {$IFDEF UniCode} //###0.935
+ if (ord ((regparse + 1)^) < 256)
+ and (char ((regparse + 1)^)
+ in ['d', 'D', 's', 'S', 'w', 'W']) then begin
+ {$ELSE}
+ if (regparse + 1)^ in ['d', 'D', 's', 'S', 'w', 'W'] then begin
+ {$ENDIF}
+ EmitRangeC ('-'); // or treat as error ?!!
+ end;
+ inc (regparse);
+ RangeEnd := UnQuoteChar (regparse);
+ end;
+ // r.e.ranges extension for russian
+ if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModR) <> 0)
+ and (RangeBeg = RusRangeLoLow) and (RangeEnd = RusRangeLoHigh) then begin
+ EmitRangeStr (RusRangeLo);
+ end
+ else if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModR) <> 0)
+ and (RangeBeg = RusRangeHiLow) and (RangeEnd = RusRangeHiHigh) then begin
+ EmitRangeStr (RusRangeHi);
+ end
+ else if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModR) <> 0)
+ and (RangeBeg = RusRangeLoLow) and (RangeEnd = RusRangeHiHigh) then begin
+ EmitRangeStr (RusRangeLo);
+ EmitRangeStr (RusRangeHi);
+ end
+ else begin // standard r.e. handling
+ if RangeBeg > RangeEnd then begin
+ Error (reeInvalidRange);
+ end;
+ inc (RangeBeg);
+ EmitRangeC (RangeEnd); // prevent infinite loop if RangeEnd=$ff
+ while RangeBeg < RangeEnd do begin //###0.929
+ EmitRangeC (RangeBeg);
+ inc (RangeBeg);
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc (regparse);
+ end
+ else begin
+ if regparse^ = EscChar then begin
+ inc (regparse);
+ if regparse^ = #0 then begin
+ Error (reeParseAtomTrailingBackSlash);
+ end;
+ case regparse^ of // r.e.extensions
+ 'd': EmitRangeStr ('0123456789');
+ 'w': EmitRangeStr (WordChars);
+ 's': EmitRangeStr (SpaceChars);
+ else EmitSimpleRangeC (UnQuoteChar (regparse));
+ end; { of case}
+ end
+ else EmitSimpleRangeC (regparse^);
+ inc (regparse);
+ end;
+ end; { of while}
+ EmitRangeC (#0);
+ if regparse^ <> ']' then begin
+ Error (reeUnmatchedSqBrackets);
+ end;
+ inc (regparse);
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ '(': begin
+ if regparse^ = '?' then begin
+ // check for extended Perl syntax : (?..)
+ if (regparse + 1)^ = '#' then begin // (?#comment)
+ inc (regparse, 2); // find closing ')'
+ while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> ')')
+ do inc (regparse);
+ if regparse^ <> ')' then begin
+ Error (reeUnclosedComment);
+ end;
+ inc (regparse); // skip ')'
+ ret := EmitNode (COMMENT); // comment
+ end
+ else begin // modifiers ?
+ inc (regparse); // skip '?'
+ begmodfs := regparse;
+ while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> ')')
+ do inc (regparse);
+ if (regparse^ <> ')')
+ or not ParseModifiersStr (copy (begmodfs, 1, (regparse - begmodfs)), fCompModifiers) then begin
+ Error (reeUrecognizedModifier);
+ end;
+ inc (regparse); // skip ')'
+ ret := EmitNode (COMMENT); // comment
+// Error (reeQPSBFollowsNothing);
+// EXIT;
+ end;
+ end
+ else begin
+ ret := ParseReg (1, flags);
+ if ret = nil then begin
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ flagp := flagp or flags and (HASWIDTH or SPSTART);
+ end;
+ end;
+ #0, '|', ')': begin // Supposed to be caught earlier.
+ Error (reeInternalUrp);
+ end;
+ '?', '+', '*': begin
+ Error (reeQPSBFollowsNothing);
+ end;
+ EscChar: begin
+ if regparse^ = #0 then begin
+ Error (reeTrailingBackSlash);
+ end;
+ case regparse^ of // r.e.extensions
+ 'b': ret := EmitNode (BOUND); //###0.943
+ 'B': ret := EmitNode (NOTBOUND); //###0.943
+ 'A': ret := EmitNode (BOL); //###0.941
+ 'Z': ret := EmitNode (EOL); //###0.941
+ 'd': begin // r.e.extension - any digit ('0' .. '9')
+ ret := EmitNode (ANYDIGIT);
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ 'D': begin // r.e.extension - not digit ('0' .. '9')
+ ret := EmitNode (NOTDIGIT);
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ 's': begin // r.e.extension - any space char
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ ret := EmitRange (ANYOF);
+ EmitRangeStr (SpaceChars);
+ EmitRangeC (#0);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ret := EmitNode (ANYSPACE);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ 'S': begin // r.e.extension - not space char
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ ret := EmitRange (ANYBUT);
+ EmitRangeStr (SpaceChars);
+ EmitRangeC (#0);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ret := EmitNode (NOTSPACE);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ 'w': begin // r.e.extension - any english char / digit / '_'
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ ret := EmitRange (ANYOF);
+ EmitRangeStr (WordChars);
+ EmitRangeC (#0);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ret := EmitNode (ANYLETTER);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ 'W': begin // r.e.extension - not english char / digit / '_'
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ ret := EmitRange (ANYBUT);
+ EmitRangeStr (WordChars);
+ EmitRangeC (#0);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ret := EmitNode (NOTLETTER);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ '1' .. '9': begin //###0.936
+ if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0
+ then ret := EmitNode (BSUBEXPCI)
+ else ret := EmitNode (BSUBEXP);
+ EmitC (REChar (ord (regparse^) - ord ('0')));
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ else EmitExactly (UnQuoteChar (regparse));
+ end; { of case}
+ inc (regparse);
+ end;
+ else begin
+ dec (regparse);
+ if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModX) <> 0) and // check for eXtended syntax
+ ((regparse^ = '#')
+ or ({$IFDEF UniCode}StrScan (XIgnoredChars, regparse^) <> nil //###0.947
+ {$ELSE}regparse^ in XIgnoredChars{$ENDIF})) then begin //###0.941 \x
+ if regparse^ = '#' then begin // Skip eXtended comment
+ // find comment terminator (group of \n and/or \r)
+ while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> #$d) and (regparse^ <> #$a)
+ do inc (regparse);
+ while (regparse^ = #$d) or (regparse^ = #$a) // skip comment terminator
+ do inc (regparse); // attempt to support different type of line separators
+ end
+ else begin // Skip the blanks!
+ while {$IFDEF UniCode}StrScan (XIgnoredChars, regparse^) <> nil //###0.947
+ {$ELSE}regparse^ in XIgnoredChars{$ENDIF}
+ do inc (regparse);
+ end;
+ ret := EmitNode (COMMENT); // comment
+ end
+ else begin
+ len := strcspn (regparse, META);
+ if len <= 0 then
+ if regparse^ <> '{' then begin
+ Error (reeRarseAtomInternalDisaster);
+ end
+ else len := strcspn (regparse + 1, META) + 1; // bad {n,m} - compile as EXATLY
+ ender := (regparse + len)^;
+ if (len > 1)
+ and ((ender = '*') or (ender = '+') or (ender = '?') or (ender = '{'))
+ then dec (len); // Back off clear of ?+*{ operand.
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH;
+ if len = 1
+ then flagp := flagp or SIMPLE;
+ if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0
+ then ret := EmitNode (EXACTLYCI)
+ else ret := EmitNode (EXACTLY);
+ while (len > 0)
+ and (((fCompModifiers and MaskModX) = 0) or (regparse^ <> '#')) do begin
+ if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModX) = 0) or not ( //###0.941
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}StrScan (XIgnoredChars, regparse^) <> nil //###0.947
+ {$ELSE}regparse^ in XIgnoredChars{$ENDIF} )
+ then EmitC (regparse^);
+ inc (regparse);
+ dec (len);
+ end;
+ EmitC (#0);
+ end; { of if not comment}
+ end; { of case else}
+ end; { of case}
+ Result := ret;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ParseAtom
+function TRegExpr.GetCompilerErrorPos : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ if (regexpbeg = nil) or (regparse = nil)
+ then EXIT; // not in compiling mode ?
+ Result := regparse - regexpbeg;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetCompilerErrorPos
+{===================== Matching section ======================}
+{$IFNDEF UseSetOfChar}
+function TRegExpr.StrScanCI (s : PRegExprChar; ch : REChar) : PRegExprChar; //###0.928 - now method of TRegExpr
+ begin
+ while (s^ <> #0) and (s^ <> ch) and (s^ <> InvertCase (ch))
+ do inc (s);
+ if s^ <> #0
+ then Result := s
+ else Result := nil;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.StrScanCI
+function TRegExpr.regrepeat (p : PRegExprChar; AMax : integer) : integer;
+// repeatedly match something simple, report how many
+ var
+ scan : PRegExprChar;
+ opnd : PRegExprChar;
+ TheMax : integer;
+ {Ch,} InvCh : REChar; //###0.931
+ sestart, seend : PRegExprChar; //###0.936
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ scan := reginput;
+ opnd := p + REOpSz + RENextOffSz; //OPERAND
+ TheMax := fInputEnd - scan;
+ if TheMax > AMax
+ then TheMax := AMax;
+ case PREOp (p)^ of
+ ANY: begin
+ // note - ANYML cannot be proceeded in regrepeat because can skip
+ // more than one char at once
+ Result := TheMax;
+ inc (scan, Result);
+ end;
+ EXACTLY: begin // in opnd can be only ONE char !!!
+// Ch := opnd^; // store in register //###0.931
+ while (Result < TheMax) and (opnd^ = scan^) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ end;
+ EXACTLYCI: begin // in opnd can be only ONE char !!!
+// Ch := opnd^; // store in register //###0.931
+ while (Result < TheMax) and (opnd^ = scan^) do begin // prevent unneeded InvertCase //###0.931
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ if Result < TheMax then begin //###0.931
+ InvCh := InvertCase (opnd^); // store in register
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ ((opnd^ = scan^) or (InvCh = scan^)) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ BSUBEXP: begin //###0.936
+ sestart := startp [ord (opnd^)];
+ if sestart = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ seend := endp [ord (opnd^)];
+ if seend = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ opnd := sestart;
+ while opnd < seend do begin
+ if (scan >= fInputEnd) or (scan^ <> opnd^)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (scan);
+ inc (opnd);
+ end;
+ inc (Result);
+ reginput := scan;
+ UNTIL Result >= AMax;
+ end;
+ BSUBEXPCI: begin //###0.936
+ sestart := startp [ord (opnd^)];
+ if sestart = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ seend := endp [ord (opnd^)];
+ if seend = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ opnd := sestart;
+ while opnd < seend do begin
+ if (scan >= fInputEnd) or
+ ((scan^ <> opnd^) and (scan^ <> InvertCase (opnd^)))
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (scan);
+ inc (opnd);
+ end;
+ inc (Result);
+ reginput := scan;
+ UNTIL Result >= AMax;
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (scan^ >= '0') and (scan^ <= '9') do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ ((scan^ < '0') or (scan^ > '9')) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ {$IFNDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (Pos (scan^, fWordChars) > 0) //###0.940
+ { ((scan^ >= 'a') and (scan^ <= 'z') !! I've forgotten (>='0') and (<='9')
+ or (scan^ >= 'A') and (scan^ <= 'Z') or (scan^ = '_'))} do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (Pos (scan^, fWordChars) <= 0) //###0.940
+ { not ((scan^ >= 'a') and (scan^ <= 'z') !! I've forgotten (>='0') and (<='9')
+ or (scan^ >= 'A') and (scan^ <= 'Z')
+ or (scan^ = '_'))} do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (Pos (scan^, fSpaceChars) > 0) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (Pos (scan^, fSpaceChars) <= 0) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ while (Result < TheMax) and //!!!TinySet
+ ((scan^ = opnd^) or (scan^ = (opnd + 1)^)
+ or (scan^ = (opnd + 2)^)) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and //!!!TinySet
+ (scan^ <> opnd^) and (scan^ <> (opnd + 1)^)
+ and (scan^ <> (opnd + 2)^) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (scan^ in PSetOfREChar (opnd)^) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (StrScan (opnd, scan^) <> nil) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (StrScan (opnd, scan^) = nil) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and (StrScanCI (opnd, scan^) <> nil) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and (StrScanCI (opnd, scan^) = nil) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ else begin // Oh dear. Called inappropriately.
+ Result := 0; // Best compromise.
+ Error (reeRegRepeatCalledInappropriately);
+ end;
+ end; { of case}
+ reginput := scan;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.regrepeat
+function TRegExpr.regnext (p : PRegExprChar) : PRegExprChar;
+// dig the "next" pointer out of a node
+ var offset : TRENextOff;
+ begin
+ if p = @regdummy then begin
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ offset := PRENextOff (p + REOpSz)^; //###0.933 inlined NEXT
+ if offset = 0
+ then Result := nil
+ else Result := p + offset;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.regnext
+function TRegExpr.MatchPrim (prog : PRegExprChar) : boolean;
+// recursively matching routine
+// Conceptually the strategy is simple: check to see whether the current
+// node matches, call self recursively to see whether the rest matches,
+// and then act accordingly. In practice we make some effort to avoid
+// recursion, in particular by going through "ordinary" nodes (that don't
+// need to know whether the rest of the match failed) by a loop instead of
+// by recursion.
+ var
+ scan : PRegExprChar; // Current node.
+ next : PRegExprChar; // Next node.
+ len : integer;
+ opnd : PRegExprChar;
+ no : integer;
+ save : PRegExprChar;
+ nextch : REChar;
+ BracesMin, BracesMax : integer; // we use integer instead of TREBracesArg for better support */+
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ SavedLoopStack : array [1 .. LoopStackMax] of integer; // :(( very bad for recursion
+ SavedLoopStackIdx : integer; //###0.925
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ scan := prog;
+ while scan <> nil do begin
+ len := PRENextOff (scan + 1)^; //###0.932 inlined regnext
+ if len = 0
+ then next := nil
+ else next := scan + len;
+ case scan^ of
+ NOTBOUND, //###0.943 //!!! think about UseSetOfChar !!!
+ if (scan^ = BOUND)
+ xor (
+ ((reginput = fInputStart) or (Pos ((reginput - 1)^, fWordChars) <= 0))
+ and (reginput^ <> #0) and (Pos (reginput^, fWordChars) > 0)
+ or
+ (reginput <> fInputStart) and (Pos ((reginput - 1)^, fWordChars) > 0)
+ and ((reginput^ = #0) or (Pos (reginput^, fWordChars) <= 0)))
+ then EXIT;
+ BOL: if reginput <> fInputStart
+ then EXIT;
+ EOL: if reginput^ <> #0
+ then EXIT;
+ BOLML: if reginput > fInputStart then begin
+ nextch := (reginput - 1)^;
+ if (nextch <> fLinePairedSeparatorTail)
+ or ((reginput - 1) <= fInputStart)
+ or ((reginput - 2)^ <> fLinePairedSeparatorHead)
+ then begin
+ if (nextch = fLinePairedSeparatorHead)
+ and (reginput^ = fLinePairedSeparatorTail)
+ then EXIT; // don't stop between paired separator
+ if
+ {$IFNDEF UniCode}
+ not (nextch in fLineSeparatorsSet)
+ {$ELSE}
+ (pos (nextch, fLineSeparators) <= 0)
+ {$ENDIF}
+ then EXIT;
+ end;
+ end;
+ EOLML: if reginput^ <> #0 then begin
+ nextch := reginput^;
+ if (nextch <> fLinePairedSeparatorHead)
+ or ((reginput + 1)^ <> fLinePairedSeparatorTail)
+ then begin
+ if (nextch = fLinePairedSeparatorTail)
+ and (reginput > fInputStart)
+ and ((reginput - 1)^ = fLinePairedSeparatorHead)
+ then EXIT; // don't stop between paired separator
+ if
+ {$IFNDEF UniCode}
+ not (nextch in fLineSeparatorsSet)
+ {$ELSE}
+ (pos (nextch, fLineSeparators) <= 0)
+ {$ENDIF}
+ then EXIT;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ANY: begin
+ if reginput^ = #0
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ ANYML: begin //###0.941
+ if (reginput^ = #0)
+ or ((reginput^ = fLinePairedSeparatorHead)
+ and ((reginput + 1)^ = fLinePairedSeparatorTail))
+ or {$IFNDEF UniCode} (reginput^ in fLineSeparatorsSet)
+ {$ELSE} (pos (reginput^, fLineSeparators) > 0) {$ENDIF}
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ ANYDIGIT: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (reginput^ < '0') or (reginput^ > '9')
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ NOTDIGIT: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or ((reginput^ >= '0') and (reginput^ <= '9'))
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ {$IFNDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ ANYLETTER: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (Pos (reginput^, fWordChars) <= 0) //###0.943
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ NOTLETTER: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (Pos (reginput^, fWordChars) > 0) //###0.943
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ ANYSPACE: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or not (Pos (reginput^, fSpaceChars) > 0) //###0.943
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ NOTSPACE: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (Pos (reginput^, fSpaceChars) > 0) //###0.943
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ EXACTLYCI: begin
+ opnd := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz; // OPERAND
+ // Inline the first character, for speed.
+ if (opnd^ <> reginput^)
+ and (InvertCase (opnd^) <> reginput^)
+ then EXIT;
+ len := strlen (opnd);
+ //###0.929 begin
+ no := len;
+ save := reginput;
+ while no > 1 do begin
+ inc (save);
+ inc (opnd);
+ if (opnd^ <> save^)
+ and (InvertCase (opnd^) <> save^)
+ then EXIT;
+ dec (no);
+ end;
+ //###0.929 end
+ inc (reginput, len);
+ end;
+ EXACTLY: begin
+ opnd := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz; // OPERAND
+ // Inline the first character, for speed.
+ if opnd^ <> reginput^
+ then EXIT;
+ len := strlen (opnd);
+ //###0.929 begin
+ no := len;
+ save := reginput;
+ while no > 1 do begin
+ inc (save);
+ inc (opnd);
+ if opnd^ <> save^
+ then EXIT;
+ dec (no);
+ end;
+ //###0.929 end
+ inc (reginput, len);
+ end;
+ BSUBEXP: begin //###0.936
+ no := ord ((scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^);
+ if startp [no] = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ if endp [no] = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ save := reginput;
+ opnd := startp [no];
+ while opnd < endp [no] do begin
+ if (save >= fInputEnd) or (save^ <> opnd^)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (save);
+ inc (opnd);
+ end;
+ reginput := save;
+ end;
+ BSUBEXPCI: begin //###0.936
+ no := ord ((scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^);
+ if startp [no] = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ if endp [no] = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ save := reginput;
+ opnd := startp [no];
+ while opnd < endp [no] do begin
+ if (save >= fInputEnd) or
+ ((save^ <> opnd^) and (save^ <> InvertCase (opnd^)))
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (save);
+ inc (opnd);
+ end;
+ reginput := save;
+ end;
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or //!!!TinySet
+ ((reginput^ <> (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^)
+ and (reginput^ <> (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 1)^)
+ and (reginput^ <> (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2)^))
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or //!!!TinySet
+ (reginput^ = (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^)
+ or (reginput^ = (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 1)^)
+ or (reginput^ = (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2)^)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ if (reginput^ = #0)
+ or not (reginput^ in PSetOfREChar (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ ANYOF: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (StrScan (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, reginput^) = nil)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ ANYBUT: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (StrScan (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, reginput^) <> nil)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ ANYOFCI: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (StrScanCI (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, reginput^) = nil)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ ANYBUTCI: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (StrScanCI (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, reginput^) <> nil)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ BACK: ;
+ Succ (OPEN) .. TREOp (Ord (OPEN) + NSUBEXP - 1) : begin //###0.929
+ no := ord (scan^) - ord (OPEN);
+// save := reginput;
+ save := startp [no]; //###0.936
+ startp [no] := reginput; //###0.936
+ Result := MatchPrim (next);
+ if not Result //###0.936
+ then startp [no] := save;
+// if Result and (startp [no] = nil)
+// then startp [no] := save;
+ // Don't set startp if some later invocation of the same
+ // parentheses already has.
+ end;
+ Succ (CLOSE) .. TREOp (Ord (CLOSE) + NSUBEXP - 1): begin //###0.929
+ no := ord (scan^) - ord (CLOSE);
+// save := reginput;
+ save := endp [no]; //###0.936
+ endp [no] := reginput; //###0.936
+ Result := MatchPrim (next);
+ if not Result //###0.936
+ then endp [no] := save;
+// if Result and (endp [no] = nil)
+// then endp [no] := save;
+ // Don't set endp if some later invocation of the same
+ // parentheses already has.
+ end;
+ BRANCH: begin
+ if (next^ <> BRANCH) // No choice.
+ then next := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz // Avoid recursion
+ else begin
+ save := reginput;
+ Result := MatchPrim (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ reginput := save;
+ scan := regnext (scan);
+ UNTIL (scan = nil) or (scan^ <> BRANCH);
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ LOOPENTRY: begin //###0.925
+ no := LoopStackIdx;
+ inc (LoopStackIdx);
+ if LoopStackIdx > LoopStackMax then begin
+ Error (reeLoopStackExceeded);
+ end;
+ save := reginput;
+ LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] := 0; // init loop counter
+ Result := MatchPrim (next); // execute LOOP
+ LoopStackIdx := no; // cleanup
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ reginput := save;
+ end;
+ LOOP, LOOPNG: begin //###0.940
+ if LoopStackIdx <= 0 then begin
+ Error (reeLoopWithoutEntry);
+ end;
+ opnd := scan + PRENextOff (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2 * REBracesArgSz)^;
+ BracesMin := PREBracesArg (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^;
+ BracesMax := PREBracesArg (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz)^;
+ save := reginput;
+ if LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] >= BracesMin then begin // Min alredy matched - we can work
+ if scan^ = LOOP then begin
+ // greedy way - first try to max deep of greed ;)
+ if LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] < BracesMax then begin
+ inc (LoopStack [LoopStackIdx]);
+ no := LoopStackIdx;
+ Result := MatchPrim (opnd);
+ LoopStackIdx := no;
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ reginput := save;
+ end;
+ dec (LoopStackIdx); // Fail. May be we are too greedy? ;)
+ Result := MatchPrim (next);
+ if not Result
+ then reginput := save;
+ end
+ else begin
+ // non-greedy - try just now
+ Result := MatchPrim (next);
+ if Result
+ then EXIT
+ else reginput := save; // failed - move next and try again
+ if LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] < BracesMax then begin
+ inc (LoopStack [LoopStackIdx]);
+ no := LoopStackIdx;
+ Result := MatchPrim (opnd);
+ LoopStackIdx := no;
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ reginput := save;
+ end;
+ dec (LoopStackIdx); // Failed - back up
+ end
+ end
+ else begin // first match a min_cnt times
+ inc (LoopStack [LoopStackIdx]);
+ no := LoopStackIdx;
+ Result := MatchPrim (opnd);
+ LoopStackIdx := no;
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ dec (LoopStack [LoopStackIdx]);
+ reginput := save;
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // Lookahead to avoid useless match attempts when we know
+ // what character comes next.
+ nextch := #0;
+ if next^ = EXACTLY
+ then nextch := (next + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^;
+ BracesMax := MaxInt; // infinite loop for * and + //###0.92
+ if (scan^ = STAR) or (scan^ = STARNG)
+ then BracesMin := 0 // STAR
+ else if (scan^ = PLUS) or (scan^ = PLUSNG)
+ then BracesMin := 1 // PLUS
+ else begin // BRACES
+ BracesMin := PREBracesArg (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^;
+ BracesMax := PREBracesArg (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz)^;
+ end;
+ save := reginput;
+ opnd := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz;
+ if (scan^ = BRACES) or (scan^ = BRACESNG)
+ then inc (opnd, 2 * REBracesArgSz);
+ if (scan^ = PLUSNG) or (scan^ = STARNG) or (scan^ = BRACESNG) then begin
+ // non-greedy mode
+ BracesMax := regrepeat (opnd, BracesMax); // don't repeat more than BracesMax
+ // Now we know real Max limit to move forward (for recursion 'back up')
+ // In some cases it can be faster to check only Min positions first,
+ // but after that we have to check every position separtely instead
+ // of fast scannig in loop.
+ no := BracesMin;
+ while no <= BracesMax do begin
+ reginput := save + no;
+ // If it could work, try it.
+ if (nextch = #0) or (reginput^ = nextch) then begin
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ System.Move (LoopStack, SavedLoopStack, SizeOf (LoopStack)); //###0.925
+ SavedLoopStackIdx := LoopStackIdx;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if MatchPrim (next) then begin
+ Result := true;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ System.Move (SavedLoopStack, LoopStack, SizeOf (LoopStack));
+ LoopStackIdx := SavedLoopStackIdx;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ inc (no); // Couldn't or didn't - move forward.
+ end; { of while}
+ end
+ else begin // greedy mode
+ no := regrepeat (opnd, BracesMax); // don't repeat more than max_cnt
+ while no >= BracesMin do begin
+ // If it could work, try it.
+ if (nextch = #0) or (reginput^ = nextch) then begin
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ System.Move (LoopStack, SavedLoopStack, SizeOf (LoopStack)); //###0.925
+ SavedLoopStackIdx := LoopStackIdx;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if MatchPrim (next) then begin
+ Result := true;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ System.Move (SavedLoopStack, LoopStack, SizeOf (LoopStack));
+ LoopStackIdx := SavedLoopStackIdx;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ dec (no); // Couldn't or didn't - back up.
+ reginput := save + no;
+ end; { of while}
+ end;
+ end;
+ EEND: begin
+ Result := true; // Success!
+ end;
+ else begin
+ Error (reeMatchPrimMemoryCorruption);
+ end;
+ end; { of case scan^}
+ scan := next;
+ end; { of while scan <> nil}
+ // We get here only if there's trouble -- normally "case EEND" is the
+ // terminating point.
+ Error (reeMatchPrimCorruptedPointers);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.MatchPrim
+{$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929
+procedure TRegExpr.FillFirstCharSet (prog : PRegExprChar);
+ var
+ scan : PRegExprChar; // Current node.
+ next : PRegExprChar; // Next node.
+ opnd : PRegExprChar;
+ min_cnt : integer;
+ begin
+ scan := prog;
+ while scan <> nil do begin
+ next := regnext (scan);
+ case PREOp (scan)^ of
+ BSUBEXP, BSUBEXPCI: begin //###0.938
+ FirstCharSet := [#0 .. #255]; // :((( we cannot
+ // optimize r.e. if it starts with back reference
+ end;
+ BOL, BOLML: ; // EXIT; //###0.937
+ EOL, EOLML: begin //###0.948 was empty in 0.947, was EXIT in 0.937
+ Include (FirstCharSet, #0);
+ if ModifierM
+ then begin
+ opnd := PRegExprChar (LineSeparators);
+ while opnd^ <> #0 do begin
+ Include (FirstCharSet, opnd^);
+ inc (opnd);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ BOUND, NOTBOUND: ; //###0.943 ?!!
+ ANY, ANYML: begin // we can better define ANYML !!!
+ FirstCharSet := [#0 .. #255]; //###0.930
+ end;
+ ANYDIGIT: begin
+ FirstCharSet := FirstCharSet + ['0' .. '9'];
+ end;
+ NOTDIGIT: begin
+ FirstCharSet := FirstCharSet + ([#0 .. #255] - ['0' .. '9']); //###0.948 FirstCharSet was forgotten
+ end;
+ EXACTLYCI: begin
+ Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^);
+ Include (FirstCharSet, InvertCase ((scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^));
+ end;
+ EXACTLY: begin
+ Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^);
+ end;
+ FirstCharSet := FirstCharSet + PSetOfREChar (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^;
+ end;
+ //!!!TinySet
+ Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^);
+ Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 1)^);
+ Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2)^);
+ // ... // up to TinySetLen
+ end;
+ //!!!TinySet
+ FirstCharSet := FirstCharSet + ([#0 .. #255] - [ //###0.948 FirstCharSet was forgotten
+ (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^,
+ (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 1)^,
+ (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2)^]);
+ // ... // up to TinySetLen
+ end;
+ BACK: ;
+ Succ (OPEN) .. TREOp (Ord (OPEN) + NSUBEXP - 1) : begin //###0.929
+ FillFirstCharSet (next);
+ end;
+ Succ (CLOSE) .. TREOp (Ord (CLOSE) + NSUBEXP - 1): begin //###0.929
+ FillFirstCharSet (next);
+ end;
+ BRANCH: begin
+ if (PREOp (next)^ <> BRANCH) // No choice.
+ then next := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz // Avoid recursion.
+ else begin
+ FillFirstCharSet (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ scan := regnext (scan);
+ UNTIL (scan = nil) or (PREOp (scan)^ <> BRANCH);
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ LOOPENTRY: begin //###0.925
+// LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] := 0; //###0.940 line removed
+ FillFirstCharSet (next); // execute LOOP
+ end;
+ LOOP, LOOPNG: begin //###0.940
+ opnd := scan + PRENextOff (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz * 2)^;
+ min_cnt := PREBracesArg (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^;
+ FillFirstCharSet (opnd);
+ if min_cnt = 0
+ then FillFirstCharSet (next);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ STAR, STARNG: //###0.940
+ FillFirstCharSet (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ PLUS, PLUSNG: begin //###0.940
+ FillFirstCharSet (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ end;
+ BRACES, BRACESNG: begin //###0.940
+ opnd := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz * 2;
+ min_cnt := PREBracesArg (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^; // BRACES
+ FillFirstCharSet (opnd);
+ if min_cnt > 0
+ then EXIT;
+ end;
+ EEND: begin
+ FirstCharSet := [#0 .. #255]; //###0.948
+ end;
+ else begin
+ Error (reeMatchPrimMemoryCorruption);
+ end;
+ end; { of case scan^}
+ scan := next;
+ end; { of while scan <> nil}
+ end; { of procedure FillFirstCharSet
+function TRegExpr.Exec (const AInputString : RegExprString) : boolean;
+ begin
+ InputString := AInputString;
+ Result := ExecPrim (1);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.Exec
+{$IFDEF OverMeth}
+function TRegExpr.Exec : boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := ExecPrim (1);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.Exec
+function TRegExpr.Exec (AOffset: integer) : boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := ExecPrim (AOffset);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.Exec
+function TRegExpr.ExecPos (AOffset: integer {$IFDEF DefParam}= 1{$ENDIF}) : boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := ExecPrim (AOffset);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ExecPos
+function TRegExpr.ExecPrim (AOffset: integer) : boolean;
+ procedure ClearMatchs;
+ // Clears matchs array
+ var i : integer;
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to NSUBEXP - 1 do begin
+ startp [i] := nil;
+ endp [i] := nil;
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure ClearMatchs;
+ function RegMatch (str : PRegExprChar) : boolean;
+ // try match at specific point
+ begin
+ //###0.949 removed clearing of start\endp
+ reginput := str;
+ Result := MatchPrim (programm + REOpSz);
+ if Result then begin
+ startp [0] := str;
+ endp [0] := reginput;
+ end;
+ end; { of function RegMatch
+ var
+ s : PRegExprChar;
+ StartPtr: PRegExprChar;
+ InputLen : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := false; // Be paranoid...
+ ClearMatchs; //###0.949
+ // ensure that Match cleared either if optimization tricks or some error
+ // will lead to leaving ExecPrim without actual search. That is
+ // importent for ExecNext logic and so on.
+ if not IsProgrammOk //###0.929
+ then EXIT;
+ // Check InputString presence
+ if not Assigned (fInputString) then begin
+ Error (reeNoInpitStringSpecified);
+ end;
+ InputLen := length (fInputString);
+ //Check that the start position is not negative
+ if AOffset < 1 then begin
+ Error (reeOffsetMustBeGreaterThen0);
+ end;
+ // Check that the start position is not longer than the line
+ // If so then exit with nothing found
+ if AOffset > (InputLen + 1) // for matching empty string after last char.
+ then EXIT;
+ StartPtr := fInputString + AOffset - 1;
+ // If there is a "must appear" string, look for it.
+ if regmust <> nil then begin
+ s := StartPtr;
+ s := StrScan (s, regmust [0]);
+ if s <> nil then begin
+ if StrLComp (s, regmust, regmlen) = 0
+ then BREAK; // Found it.
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ UNTIL s = nil;
+ if s = nil // Not present.
+ then EXIT;
+ end;
+ // Mark beginning of line for ^ .
+ fInputStart := fInputString;
+ // Pointer to end of input stream - for
+ // pascal-style string processing (may include #0)
+ fInputEnd := fInputString + InputLen;
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ // no loops started
+ LoopStackIdx := 0; //###0.925
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // Simplest case: anchored match need be tried only once.
+ if reganch <> #0 then begin
+ Result := RegMatch (StartPtr);
+ end;
+ // Messy cases: unanchored match.
+ s := StartPtr;
+ if regstart <> #0 then // We know what char it must start with.
+ s := StrScan (s, regstart);
+ if s <> nil then begin
+ Result := RegMatch (s);
+ if Result
+ then EXIT
+ else ClearMatchs; //###0.949
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ UNTIL s = nil
+ else begin // We don't - general case.
+ repeat //###0.948
+ {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet}
+ if s^ in FirstCharSet
+ then Result := RegMatch (s);
+ {$ELSE}
+ Result := RegMatch (s);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if Result or (s^ = #0) // Exit on a match or after testing the end-of-string.
+ then EXIT
+ else ClearMatchs; //###0.949
+ inc (s);
+ until false;
+(* optimized and fixed by Martin Fuller - empty strings
+ were not allowed to pass thru in UseFirstCharSet mode
+ {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929
+ while s^ <> #0 do begin
+ if s^ in FirstCharSet
+ then Result := RegMatch (s);
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Result := RegMatch (s);
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (s);
+ UNTIL s^ = #0;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ // Failure
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ExecPrim
+function TRegExpr.ExecNext : boolean;
+ var offset : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ if not Assigned (startp[0]) or not Assigned (endp[0]) then begin
+ Error (reeExecNextWithoutExec);
+ end;
+// Offset := MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0];
+// if MatchLen [0] = 0
+ Offset := endp [0] - fInputString + 1; //###0.929
+ if endp [0] = startp [0] //###0.929
+ then inc (Offset); // prevent infinite looping if empty string match r.e.
+ Result := ExecPrim (Offset);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ExecNext
+function TRegExpr.GetInputString : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ if not Assigned (fInputString) then begin
+ Error (reeGetInputStringWithoutInputString);
+ end;
+ Result := fInputString;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetInputString
+procedure TRegExpr.SetInputString (const AInputString : RegExprString);
+ var
+ Len : integer;
+ i : integer;
+ begin
+ // clear Match* - before next Exec* call it's undefined
+ for i := 0 to NSUBEXP - 1 do begin
+ startp [i] := nil;
+ endp [i] := nil;
+ end;
+ // need reallocation of input string buffer ?
+ Len := length (AInputString);
+ if Assigned (fInputString) and (Length (fInputString) <> Len) then begin
+ FreeMem (fInputString);
+ fInputString := nil;
+ end;
+ // buffer [re]allocation
+ if not Assigned (fInputString)
+ then GetMem (fInputString, (Len + 1) * SizeOf (REChar));
+ // copy input string into buffer
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}
+ StrPCopy (fInputString, Copy (AInputString, 1, Len)); //###0.927
+ {$ELSE}
+ StrLCopy (fInputString, PRegExprChar (AInputString), Len);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {
+ fInputString : string;
+ fInputStart, fInputEnd : PRegExprChar;
+ SetInputString:
+ fInputString := AInputString;
+ UniqueString (fInputString);
+ fInputStart := PChar (fInputString);
+ Len := length (fInputString);
+ fInputEnd := PRegExprChar (integer (fInputStart) + Len); ??
+ !! startp/endp все равно будет опасно использовать ?
+ }
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetInputString
+procedure TRegExpr.SetLineSeparators (const AStr : RegExprString);
+ begin
+ if AStr <> fLineSeparators then begin
+ fLineSeparators := AStr;
+ InvalidateProgramm;
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetLineSeparators
+procedure TRegExpr.SetLinePairedSeparator (const AStr : RegExprString);
+ begin
+ if length (AStr) = 2 then begin
+ if AStr [1] = AStr [2] then begin
+ // it's impossible for our 'one-point' checking to support
+ // two chars separator for identical chars
+ Error (reeBadLinePairedSeparator);
+ end;
+ if not fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned
+ or (AStr [1] <> fLinePairedSeparatorHead)
+ or (AStr [2] <> fLinePairedSeparatorTail) then begin
+ fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned := true;
+ fLinePairedSeparatorHead := AStr [1];
+ fLinePairedSeparatorTail := AStr [2];
+ InvalidateProgramm;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if length (AStr) = 0 then begin
+ if fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned then begin
+ fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned := false;
+ InvalidateProgramm;
+ end;
+ end
+ else Error (reeBadLinePairedSeparator);
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetLinePairedSeparator
+function TRegExpr.GetLinePairedSeparator : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ if fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned then begin
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}
+ // Here is some UniCode 'magic'
+ // If You do know better decision to concatenate
+ // two WideChars, please, let me know!
+ Result := fLinePairedSeparatorHead; //###0.947
+ Result := Result + fLinePairedSeparatorTail;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Result := fLinePairedSeparatorHead + fLinePairedSeparatorTail;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end
+ else Result := '';
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetLinePairedSeparator
+function TRegExpr.Substitute (const ATemplate : RegExprString) : RegExprString;
+// perform substitutions after a regexp match
+// completely rewritten in 0.929
+ TSubstMode = (smodeNormal, smodeOneUpper, smodeOneLower, smodeAllUpper,
+ smodeAllLower);
+ TemplateLen : integer;
+ TemplateBeg, TemplateEnd : PRegExprChar;
+ p, p0, p1, ResultPtr : PRegExprChar;
+ ResultLen : integer;
+ n : integer;
+ Ch : REChar;
+ Mode: TSubstMode;
+ LineEnd: String = LineEnding;
+ function ParseVarName (var APtr : PRegExprChar) : integer;
+ // extract name of variable (digits, may be enclosed with
+ // curly braces) from APtr^, uses TemplateEnd !!!
+ const
+ Digits = ['0' .. '9'];
+ var
+ p : PRegExprChar;
+ Delimited : boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ p := APtr;
+ Delimited := (p < TemplateEnd) and (p^ = '{');
+ if Delimited
+ then inc (p); // skip left curly brace
+ if (p < TemplateEnd) and (p^ = '&')
+ then inc (p) // this is '$&' or '${&}'
+ else
+ while (p < TemplateEnd) and
+ {$IFDEF UniCode} //###0.935
+ (ord (p^) < 256) and (char (p^) in Digits)
+ {$ELSE}
+ (p^ in Digits)
+ {$ENDIF}
+ do begin
+ Result := Result * 10 + (ord (p^) - ord ('0')); //###0.939
+ inc (p);
+ end;
+ if Delimited then
+ if (p < TemplateEnd) and (p^ = '}')
+ then inc (p) // skip right curly brace
+ else p := APtr; // isn't properly terminated
+ if p = APtr
+ then Result := -1; // no valid digits found or no right curly brace
+ APtr := p;
+ end;
+ // Check programm and input string
+ if not IsProgrammOk
+ then EXIT;
+ if not Assigned (fInputString) then begin
+ Error (reeNoInpitStringSpecified);
+ end;
+ // Prepare for working
+ TemplateLen := length (ATemplate);
+ if TemplateLen = 0 then begin // prevent nil pointers
+ Result := '';
+ end;
+ TemplateBeg := pointer (ATemplate);
+ TemplateEnd := TemplateBeg + TemplateLen;
+ // Count result length for speed optimization.
+ ResultLen := 0;
+ p := TemplateBeg;
+ while p < TemplateEnd do begin
+ Ch := p^;
+ inc (p);
+ if Ch = '$'
+ then n := ParseVarName (p)
+ else n := -1;
+ if n >= 0 then begin
+ if (n < NSUBEXP) and Assigned (startp [n]) and Assigned (endp [n])
+ then inc (ResultLen, endp [n] - startp [n]);
+ end
+ else begin
+ if (Ch = EscChar) and (p < TemplateEnd) then begin // quoted or special char followed
+ Ch := p^;
+ inc (p);
+ case Ch of
+ 'n' : inc(ResultLen, Length(LineEnding));
+ 'u', 'l', 'U', 'L': {nothing};
+ else inc(ResultLen);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ inc(ResultLen);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Get memory. We do it once and it significant speed up work !
+ if ResultLen = 0 then begin
+ Result := '';
+ end;
+ SetString (Result, nil, ResultLen);
+ // Fill Result
+ ResultPtr := pointer (Result);
+ p := TemplateBeg;
+ Mode := smodeNormal;
+ while p < TemplateEnd do begin
+ Ch := p^;
+ p0 := p;
+ inc (p);
+ p1 := p;
+ if Ch = '$'
+ then n := ParseVarName (p)
+ else n := -1;
+ if (n >= 0) then begin
+ p0 := startp[n];
+ p1 := endp[n];
+ if (n >= NSUBEXP) or not Assigned (p0) or not Assigned (endp [n]) then
+ p1 := p0; // empty
+ end
+ else begin
+ if (Ch = EscChar) and (p < TemplateEnd) then begin // quoted or special char followed
+ Ch := p^;
+ inc (p);
+ case Ch of
+ 'n' : begin
+ p0 := @LineEnd[1];
+ p1 := p0 + Length(LineEnding);
+ end;
+ 'l' : begin
+ Mode := smodeOneLower;
+ p1 := p0;
+ end;
+ 'L' : begin
+ Mode := smodeAllLower;
+ p1 := p0;
+ end;
+ 'u' : begin
+ Mode := smodeOneUpper;
+ p1 := p0;
+ end;
+ 'U' : begin
+ Mode := smodeAllUpper;
+ p1 := p0;
+ end;
+ else
+ begin
+ inc(p0);
+ inc(p1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ end;
+ if p0 < p1 then begin
+ while p0 < p1 do begin
+ case Mode of
+ smodeOneLower, smodeAllLower:
+ begin
+ Ch := p0^;
+ if Ch < #128 then
+ Ch := AnsiLowerCase(Ch)[1];
+ ResultPtr^ := Ch;
+ if Mode = smodeOneLower then
+ Mode := smodeNormal;
+ end;
+ smodeOneUpper, smodeAllUpper:
+ begin
+ Ch := p0^;
+ if Ch < #128 then
+ Ch := AnsiUpperCase(Ch)[1];
+ ResultPtr^ := Ch;
+ if Mode = smodeOneUpper then
+ Mode := smodeNormal;
+ end;
+ else
+ ResultPtr^ := p0^;
+ end;
+ inc (ResultPtr);
+ inc (p0);
+ end;
+ Mode := smodeNormal;
+ end;
+ end;
+end; { of function TRegExpr.Substitute
+procedure TRegExpr.Split (AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings);
+ var PrevPos : integer;
+ begin
+ PrevPos := 1;
+ if Exec (AInputStr) then
+ APieces.Add (System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MatchPos [0] - PrevPos));
+ PrevPos := MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0];
+ UNTIL not ExecNext;
+ APieces.Add (System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MaxInt)); // Tail
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Split
+function TRegExpr.Replace (AInputStr : RegExprString; const AReplaceStr : RegExprString;
+ AUseSubstitution : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : RegExprString;
+ var
+ PrevPos : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ PrevPos := 1;
+ if Exec (AInputStr) then
+ Result := Result + System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos,
+ MatchPos [0] - PrevPos);
+ if AUseSubstitution //###0.946
+ then Result := Result + Substitute (AReplaceStr)
+ else Result := Result + AReplaceStr;
+ PrevPos := MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0];
+ UNTIL not ExecNext;
+ Result := Result + System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MaxInt); // Tail
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.Replace
+function TRegExpr.ReplaceEx (AInputStr : RegExprString;
+ AReplaceFunc : TRegExprReplaceFunction)
+ : RegExprString;
+ var
+ PrevPos : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ PrevPos := 1;
+ if Exec (AInputStr) then
+ Result := Result + System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos,
+ MatchPos [0] - PrevPos)
+ + AReplaceFunc (Self);
+ PrevPos := MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0];
+ UNTIL not ExecNext;
+ Result := Result + System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MaxInt); // Tail
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ReplaceEx
+{$IFDEF OverMeth}
+function TRegExpr.Replace (AInputStr : RegExprString;
+ AReplaceFunc : TRegExprReplaceFunction)
+ : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF SYN_LAZARUS}Result:={$ENDIF}ReplaceEx (AInputStr, AReplaceFunc);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.Replace
+{====================== Debug section ========================}
+{$IFDEF RegExpPCodeDump}
+function TRegExpr.DumpOp (op : TREOp) : RegExprString;
+// printable representation of opcode
+ begin
+ case op of
+ BOL: Result := 'BOL';
+ EOL: Result := 'EOL';
+ BOLML: Result := 'BOLML';
+ EOLML: Result := 'EOLML';
+ BOUND: Result := 'BOUND'; //###0.943
+ NOTBOUND: Result := 'NOTBOUND'; //###0.943
+ ANY: Result := 'ANY';
+ ANYML: Result := 'ANYML'; //###0.941
+ ANYOF: Result := 'ANYOF';
+ ANYBUT: Result := 'ANYBUT';
+ ANYOFCI: Result := 'ANYOF/CI';
+ ANYBUTCI: Result := 'ANYBUT/CI';
+ BRANCH: Result := 'BRANCH';
+ EXACTLY: Result := 'EXACTLY';
+ NOTHING: Result := 'NOTHING';
+ COMMENT: Result := 'COMMENT';
+ BACK: Result := 'BACK';
+ EEND: Result := 'END';
+ BSUBEXP: Result := 'BSUBEXP';
+ Succ (OPEN) .. TREOp (Ord (OPEN) + NSUBEXP - 1): //###0.929
+ Result := Format ('OPEN[%d]', [ord (op) - ord (OPEN)]);
+ Succ (CLOSE) .. TREOp (Ord (CLOSE) + NSUBEXP - 1): //###0.929
+ Result := Format ('CLOSE[%d]', [ord (op) - ord (CLOSE)]);
+ STAR: Result := 'STAR';
+ PLUS: Result := 'PLUS';
+ BRACES: Result := 'BRACES';
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ LOOPENTRY: Result := 'LOOPENTRY'; //###0.925
+ LOOP: Result := 'LOOP'; //###0.925
+ LOOPNG: Result := 'LOOPNG'; //###0.940
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ {$ENDIF}
+ STARNG: Result := 'STARNG'; //###0.940
+ PLUSNG: Result := 'PLUSNG'; //###0.940
+ BRACESNG: Result := 'BRACESNG'; //###0.940
+ else Error (reeDumpCorruptedOpcode);
+ end; {of case op}
+ Result := ':' + Result;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.DumpOp
+function TRegExpr.Dump : RegExprString;
+// dump a regexp in vaguely comprehensible form
+ var
+ s : PRegExprChar;
+ op : TREOp; // Arbitrary non-END op.
+ next : PRegExprChar;
+ i : integer;
+ Diff : integer;
+{$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ Ch : REChar;
+ begin
+ if not IsProgrammOk //###0.929
+ then EXIT;
+ op := EXACTLY;
+ Result := '';
+ s := programm + REOpSz;
+ while op <> EEND do begin // While that wasn't END last time...
+ op := s^;
+ Result := Result + Format ('%2d%s', [s - programm, DumpOp (s^)]); // Where, what.
+ next := regnext (s);
+ if next = nil // Next ptr.
+ then Result := Result + ' (0)'
+ else begin
+ if next > s //###0.948 PWideChar subtraction workaround (see comments in Tail method for details)
+ then Diff := next - s
+ else Diff := - (s - next);
+ Result := Result + Format (' (%d) ', [(s - programm) + Diff]);
+ end;
+ inc (s, REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ if (op = ANYOF) or (op = ANYOFCI) or (op = ANYBUT) or (op = ANYBUTCI)
+ or (op = EXACTLY) or (op = EXACTLYCI) then begin
+ // Literal string, where present.
+ while s^ <> #0 do begin
+ Result := Result + s^;
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ if (op = ANYOFTINYSET) or (op = ANYBUTTINYSET) then begin
+ for i := 1 to TinySetLen do begin
+ Result := Result + s^;
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (op = BSUBEXP) or (op = BSUBEXPCI) then begin
+ Result := Result + ' \' + IntToStr (Ord (s^));
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ if op = ANYOFFULLSET then begin
+ for Ch := #0 to #255 do
+ if Ch in PSetOfREChar (s)^ then
+ if Ch < ' '
+ then Result := Result + '#' + IntToStr (Ord (Ch)) //###0.936
+ else Result := Result + Ch;
+ inc (s, SizeOf (TSetOfREChar));
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if (op = BRACES) or (op = BRACESNG) then begin //###0.941
+ // show min/max argument of BRACES operator
+ Result := Result + Format ('{%d,%d}', [PREBracesArg (s)^, PREBracesArg (s + REBracesArgSz)^]);
+ inc (s, REBracesArgSz * 2);
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ if (op = LOOP) or (op = LOOPNG) then begin //###0.940
+ Result := Result + Format (' -> (%d) {%d,%d}', [
+ (s - programm - (REOpSz + RENextOffSz)) + PRENextOff (s + 2 * REBracesArgSz)^,
+ PREBracesArg (s)^, PREBracesArg (s + REBracesArgSz)^]);
+ inc (s, 2 * REBracesArgSz + RENextOffSz);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Result := Result + #$d#$a;
+ end; { of while}
+ // Header fields of interest.
+ if regstart <> #0
+ then Result := Result + 'start ' + regstart;
+ if reganch <> #0
+ then Result := Result + 'anchored ';
+ if regmust <> nil
+ then Result := Result + 'must have ' + regmust;
+ {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929
+ Result := Result + #$d#$a'FirstCharSet:';
+ for Ch := #0 to #255 do
+ if Ch in FirstCharSet
+ then begin
+ if Ch < ' '
+ then Result := Result + '#' + IntToStr(Ord(Ch)) //###0.948
+ else Result := Result + Ch;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Result := Result + #$d#$a;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.Dump
+{$IFDEF reRealExceptionAddr}
+// ReturnAddr works correctly only if compiler optimization is ON
+// I placed this method at very end of unit because there are no
+// way to restore compiler optimization flag ...
+procedure TRegExpr.Error (AErrorID : integer);
+{$IFDEF reRealExceptionAddr}
+ function ReturnAddr : pointer; //###0.938
+ asm
+ mov eax,[ebp+4]
+ end;
+ var
+ e : ERegExpr;
+ begin
+ fLastError := AErrorID; // dummy stub - useless because will raise exception
+ if AErrorID < 1000 // compilation error ?
+ then e := ERegExpr.Create (ErrorMsg (AErrorID) // yes - show error pos
+ + ' (pos ' + IntToStr (CompilerErrorPos) + ')')
+ else e := ERegExpr.Create (ErrorMsg (AErrorID));
+ e.ErrorCode := AErrorID;
+ e.CompilerErrorPos := CompilerErrorPos;
+ raise e
+ {$IFDEF reRealExceptionAddr}
+ At ReturnAddr; //###0.938
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Error
+ PCode persistence:
+ FirstCharSet
+ programm, regsize
+ regstart // -> programm
+ reganch // -> programm
+ regmust, regmlen // -> programm
+ fExprIsCompiled
+// be carefull - placed here code will be always compiled with
+// compiler optimization flag
+ RegExprInvertCaseFunction := TRegExpr.InvertCaseFunction;