path: root/docview/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docview/src')
31 files changed, 10830 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docview/src/CompareWordUnit.pas b/docview/src/CompareWordUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49c2ea26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/CompareWordUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+Unit CompareWordUnit;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer
+// Copyright 2001 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com)
+// This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt
+// Compares words and produces a match level (relevance) based
+// on the relative sizes etc. Used in searching help files
+// to sort by relevance.
+ // word weightings
+ mwExactWord = 20;
+ mwWordStart = 10;
+ mwWordWithin = 5;
+// Compares the given search word against the given
+// reference word. Returns a value indicating how well the
+// search word matches, 0 = not at all.
+function CompareWord( const SearchWord: string;
+ const ReferenceWord: string ): longint;
+ SysUtils;
+// LOoks for string a within string b, case insensitively
+function CaseInsensitivePos( const a, b: string ): longint;
+ // Budget implementation to begin with.
+ Result := Pos( UpperCase( a ), UpperCase( b ) );
+function CompareWord( const SearchWord: string;
+ const ReferenceWord: string ): longint;
+ OccurrencePos: longint;
+ Result := 0;
+ // First up, if the word we're searching for is longer than
+ // this word, then it can't match at all.
+ if Length( SearchWord ) > Length( ReferenceWord ) then
+ exit;
+ OccurrencePos := CaseInsensitivePos( SearchWord, ReferenceWord );
+ if OccurrencePos = 0 then
+ // no match.
+ exit;
+ if Length( SearchWord ) = Length( ReferenceWord ) then
+ begin
+ // exact word match (except case)
+ Result := mwExactWord;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // partial word match
+ if OccurrencePos = 1 then
+ begin
+ // word starts with searchword
+ Result := mwWordStart
+ * Length( SearchWord )
+ div Length( ReferenceWord );
+ if Result = 0 then
+ Result := 1;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // Matched searchword somewhere within word
+ Result := mwWordWithin
+ * Length( SearchWord )
+ div Length( ReferenceWord );
+ if Result = 0 then
+ Result := 1;
+{// Note: searchstring must be uppercase,
+function IsMatching( const SearchString: string;
+ const SearchType: TSearchType;
+ const Item: string ): boolean;
+ temp: string;
+ case SearchType of
+ stStarts:
+ Result:= StrStarts( SearchString, Item );
+ stContains:
+ begin
+ temp:= UpperCase( Item );
+ Result:= Pos( SearchString, temp ) <> 0;
+ end;
+ stMatches:
+ Result:= CompareText( SearchString,
+ Item )= 0;
+ end;
diff --git a/docview/src/HelpFile.pas b/docview/src/HelpFile.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3ee7317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/HelpFile.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1252 @@
+Unit HelpFile;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer
+// Copyright 2003 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com)
+// This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt
+// Encapsulates the basic reading of a help file's structure.
+ Classes
+ ,SysUtils
+ ,IPFFileFormatUnit
+ ,HelpTopic
+// ,HelpBitmap
+ ,SearchTable
+ ,nvNullObjects // Fake various classes like TImageList
+ ;
+ TIndexEntry = class(TObject)
+ private
+ name: String;
+ topic: TTopic;
+ flags: uint8;
+ public
+ constructor Create(aName: String; aTopic: TTopic; aFlags: uint8);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ property getTopic: TTopic read topic;
+ function getLabel: String;
+ function isGlobal: boolean;
+ function getLevel: integer;
+ end;
+ TIndex = class(TObject)
+ private
+ entries: TStringList;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Count: longint;
+ function GetLabels: TStringList;
+ function GetTopic(aPos: longint): TTopic;
+ procedure Add(anIndexEntry: TIndexEntry);
+ end;
+ THelpFile = class(TObject)
+ private
+ function GetStringResourceIDCount: integer;
+ function GetNumericResourceIDCount: integer;
+ protected
+ _Filename : string;
+ _FileSize : longint;
+ _Handle: TFileStream;
+ _pSlotData: pUInt16;
+ _SlotDataSize: longint;
+ _Title: string;
+ _Topics: TList; // of TTopics
+ _Dictionary: TStringList; // pointers to strings.
+ _Index: TIndex;
+ _SearchTable: TSearchTable;
+ _ReferencedFiles: TStringList;
+ _FontTable: TList;
+ _pHeader: TPHelpFileHeader;
+ _pExtendedHeader: TPExtendedHelpFileHeader;
+ _pContentsData: pointer;
+ _pResourceData: pointer;
+ _pSearchData: pointer;
+ _pHighlightWords: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ _pSlotOffsets: Uint32ArrayPointer;
+ _pDictionaryData: pointer;
+ _pFontTableData: pointer;
+ _pTopicNameData: pointer;
+ _pTopicGlobalNamesData: pointer;
+ procedure InitMembers;
+ procedure Open;
+ procedure Close;
+ procedure ReadFileBlock( Var Dest: pointer;
+ const StartPosition: LongWord;
+ const Length: LongWord);
+ procedure ReadHeader;
+ procedure ReadContents;
+ procedure ReadDictionary;
+ procedure ReadSearchTable;
+ procedure ReadIndex;
+ procedure ReadReferencedFilesTable;
+ procedure ReadFontTableData;
+ procedure ParseFontTable;
+ function GetTopic( Index: longint ): TTopic;
+ function GetTopicCount: longint;
+ function GetDictionaryCount: longint;
+ function GetDictionaryWord( Index: longint ): string;
+ function GetHighlightWords: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ function GetSearchTable: TSearchTable;
+ // Lookup global or local panel name list
+ function FindTopicByName( const Name: string;
+ Var pData: pointer;
+ Count: longint;
+ Offset: longint ): TTopic;
+ public
+ constructor Create( const aFileName: string );
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function GetIndex: TIndex;
+ property Title: string read _Title;
+ property Topics[ Index: longint ]: TTopic read GetTopic;
+ property TopicList: TList read _Topics;
+ property TopicCount: longint read GetTopicCount;
+ property StringResourceIDCount: integer read GetStringResourceIDCount;
+ property NumericResourceIDCount: integer read GetNumericResourceIDCount;
+ property Index: TIndex read GetIndex;
+ property Filename: string read _FileName;
+ property ReferencedFiles: TStringList read _ReferencedFiles;
+ procedure GetImages( ImageOffsets: TList;
+ Images: TImageList );
+ function GetImage( ImageOffset: longint ): THelpBitmap;
+ property DictionaryCount: longint read GetDictionaryCount;
+ property DictionaryWords[ Index: longint ]: string read GetDictionaryWord;
+ function IndexOfTopic( Topic: TTopic ): longint;
+ property SearchTable: TSearchTable read GetSearchTable;
+ function FindTopicByResourceID( ID: uint16 ): TTopic;
+ function FindTopicByLocalName( const Name: string ): TTopic;
+ function FindTopicByGlobalName( const Name: string ): TTopic;
+ function FindTopicByTitleStartsWith( const SearchText: string ): TTopic;
+ function FindTopicByTitleContains( const SearchText: string ): TTopic;
+ function FindTopicByIndexStartsWith( const SearchText: string ): TTopic;
+ function FindTopicByIndexContains( const SearchText: string ): TTopic;
+ procedure FindResourceIDsForTopic( Topic: TTopic;
+ ResourceIDs: TList );
+ property HighlightWords: UInt32ArrayPointer read GetHighlightWords;
+ property FileSize: longint read _FileSize;
+ procedure SetupFontSubstitutes( Substitutions: string );
+ public
+ NotesLoaded: boolean; // used externally
+ end;
+// Returns helpfile that the given topic is within
+Function TopicFile( Topic: TTopic ): THelpFile;
+function GetHelpFileTitle( const Filename: string ): string;
+// BseErr,
+// StringUtilsUnit,
+// CharUtilsUnit,
+// DebugUnit,
+// ACLFileIOUtility,
+// ACLLanguageUnit;
+ nvUtilities
+ ,ACLStringUtility
+ ;
+// Load "missing" bitmap
+{ TODO -oGraeme -cbitmap : Create and load a "missing image" image }
+{.$R Images}
+ FileErrorNotFound = 'File not found ';
+ FileErrorAccessDenied = 'File access denied';
+ FileErrorInUse = 'File in use';
+ FileErrorInvalidHeader = 'Invalid file header';
+ // -----------
+ // TIndexEntry
+ // -----------
+ CONSTRUCTOR TIndexEntry.Create(aName: String; aTopic: TTopic; aFlags: uint8);
+ begin
+ LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'TIndexEntry.Create');
+ name := aName;
+ topic := aTopic;
+ flags := aFlags;
+ end;
+ DESTRUCTOR TIndexEntry.Destroy;
+ begin
+ LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'TIndexEntry.Destroy');
+ topic := nil;
+ inherited Destroy;
+ end;
+ FUNCTION TIndexEntry.getLabel: String;
+ begin
+ result := name;
+ // index level check (level 1 or 2)
+ if (getLevel) > 1 then
+ begin
+ result := '- ' + result;
+ end;
+ if isGlobal then
+ begin
+ result := result + ' (g)';
+ end;
+ end;
+ FUNCTION TIndexEntry.isGlobal: boolean;
+ begin
+ result := (flags and 64) > 0
+ end;
+ FUNCTION TIndexEntry.getLevel: integer;
+ begin
+ result := 1;
+ // index level check (level 1 or 2)
+ if (flags and 2 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ result := 2;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // -----------
+ // TIndex
+ // -----------
+ CONSTRUCTOR TIndex.Create;
+ begin
+ inherited Create;
+ entries := TStringList.Create;
+ // labels := nil; // lazy
+ end;
+ DESTRUCTOR TIndex.Destroy;
+ var
+ i : longint;
+ tmpEntry : TIndexEntry;
+ begin
+ LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'TIndex.Destroy (size:' + IntToStr(entries.Count) + ')');
+ for i := 0 to entries.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ tmpEntry := TIndexEntry(entries.Objects[i]);
+ if tmpEntry <> nil then
+ begin
+ tmpEntry.Free;
+ entries.Objects[i] := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ entries.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+ end;
+ FUNCTION TIndex.Count: longint;
+ begin
+ result := entries.Count;
+ end;
+ FUNCTION TIndex.GetLabels: TStringList;
+ begin
+ result := entries;
+ end;
+ FUNCTION TIndex.GetTopic(aPos: longint): TTopic;
+ begin
+ result := TIndexEntry(entries.Objects[aPos]).getTopic;
+ end;
+ PROCEDURE TIndex.add(anIndexEntry: TIndexEntry);
+ begin
+// LogEvent(LogDebug, 'TIndex.add(' + anIndexEntry.getLabel + ', ' + anIndexEntry.ClassName + ')');
+ entries.AddObject(anIndexEntry.getLabel, anIndexEntry);
+ end;
+//Procedure OnLanguageEvent( Language: TLanguageFile;
+// const Apply: boolean );
+// tmpPrefix : String;
+// tmpPrefix := 'HelpFile' + LANGUAGE_LABEL_DELIMITER;
+// Language.LL( Apply, FileErrorNotFound, tmpPrefix + 'FileErrorNotFound', 'File not found' );
+// Language.LL( Apply, FileErrorAccessDenied, tmpPrefix + 'FileErrorAccessDenied', 'Access denied' );
+// Language.LL( Apply, FileErrorInUse, tmpPrefix + 'FileErrorInUse', 'File in use by another program' );
+// Language.LL( Apply,
+// FileErrorInvalidHeader,
+// tmpPrefix + 'FileErrorInvalidHeader',
+// 'File doesn''t appear to be an OS/2 Help document (header ID not correct)' );
+// Language.LL( Apply,
+// ErrorCorruptHelpFile,
+// tmpPrefix + 'ErrorCorruptHelpFile',
+// 'File is corrupt' );
+Function TopicFile( Topic: TTopic ): THelpFile;
+ Result := Topic.HelpFile as THelpFile;
+function THelpFile.GetStringResourceIDCount: integer;
+ Result := _pHeader^.nname;
+function THelpFile.GetNumericResourceIDCount: integer;
+ Result := _pHeader^.nres;
+procedure THelpFile.InitMembers;
+ _SlotDataSize := 0;
+ _pHeader := nil;
+ _pExtendedHeader := nil;
+ _pContentsData := nil;
+ _pSlotOffsets := nil;
+ _pResourceData := nil;
+ _pSearchData := nil;
+ _pDictionaryData := nil;
+// _pIndexData := nil;
+ _pFontTableData := nil;
+ _pHighlightWords := nil;
+ _Dictionary:= TStringList.Create;
+ _Topics := TList.Create;
+// _Index := TStringList.Create;
+ _ReferencedFiles := TStringList.Create;
+ _FontTable := TList.Create;
+ NotesLoaded := false;
+constructor THelpFile.Create(const aFileName: string);
+ LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'THelpFile.Create (file:' + aFileName + ')');
+ LogEvent(LogParse, 'Helpfile Load: ' + aFileName);
+ _FileName := aFileName;
+ InitMembers;
+ Open;
+ // we always need these basics:
+ try
+ ReadHeader;
+ ReadContents;
+ ReadDictionary;
+ ReadFontTableData;
+ ParseFontTable;
+ ReadReferencedFilesTable;
+ except
+ Close;
+ raise;
+ end;
+ // the rest is loaded on demand
+destructor THelpFile.Destroy;
+ LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'THelpFile.Destroy');
+ Dispose( _pHeader );
+ Dispose( _pExtendedHeader );
+ FreeMem( _pContentsData );
+ FreeMem( _pSlotOffsets );
+ FreeMem( _pResourceData );
+ FreeMem( _pSearchData );
+ FreeMem( _pDictionaryData );
+// DeallocateMemory( _pIndexData );
+ FreeMem( _pFontTableData );
+ FreeMem( _pHighlightWords );
+ // index entries are pointing to topics
+ // so let us clean them first
+ if Assigned( _Index ) then
+ _Index.Free;
+ if Assigned( _Topics ) then
+ DestroyListAndObjects( _Topics );
+ _Dictionary.Free;
+ _SearchTable.Free;
+ _ReferencedFiles.Free;
+ _FontTable.Free;
+ _Handle.Free;
+procedure THelpFile.Open;
+ if not FileExists( _Filename ) then
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create( FileErrorNotFound );
+ try
+ _Handle := TFileStream.Create(_FileName, fmOpenRead);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create(E.Message);
+ end;
+ //case rc of
+ // ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: // crap, this doesn't actually occur!
+ // raise EHelpFileException.Create( FileErrorNotFound );
+ //
+ // raise EHelpFileException.Create( FileErrorAccessDenied );
+ //
+ // raise EHelpFileException.Create( FileErrorInUse );
+ //
+ // else
+ // raise EHelpFileException.Create( SysErrorMessage( rc ) );
+ //end;
+ _FileSize := GetFileSize(_Filename);
+procedure THelpFile.Close;
+ _Handle.Free;
+ _Handle := nil;
+procedure THelpFile.ReadFileBlock(var Dest: pointer;
+ const StartPosition: LongWord; const Length: LongWord);
+ bytes: LongWord;
+ if Length = 0 then
+ exit; // nothing to read - go home!
+ _Handle.Seek(StartPosition, soBeginning);
+ // we allocate early so this should never happen
+ if Dest = nil then
+ Dest := GetMem(Length);
+ bytes := _Handle.Read(Dest^, Length);
+ if bytes <> Length then
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create(ErrorCorruptHelpFile);
+procedure THelpFile.ReadHeader;
+ LogEvent(LogParse, 'Read header');
+ New(_pHeader);
+ ReadFileBlock( _pHeader,
+ 0,
+ sizeof( THelpFileHeader ) );
+ if _pHeader^.ID <> INF_HEADER_ID then
+ begin
+ // not an OS/2 help file.
+ if (Byte(_pHeader^.ID[0]) = $5f) and (Byte(_pHeader^.ID[1]) = $3f) then
+ raise EWindowsHelpFormatException.Create( 'It seems we have a Win16 help file!' );
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create( FileErrorInvalidHeader );
+ end;
+ _Title := _pHeader^.Title;
+ if _pHeader^.extstart > 0 then
+ begin
+ New(_pExtendedHeader);
+ // read extended header
+ ReadFileBlock( _pExtendedHeader,
+ _pHeader^.extstart,
+ sizeof( _pExtendedHeader^ ) );
+ end;
+procedure THelpFile.ReadContents;
+ Topic: TTopic;
+ EntryIndex: longint;
+ pEntry: pTTOCEntryStart;
+ pEnd: pbyte;
+ tocarray: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pData: Pointer;
+ p: PByte;
+ LogEvent(LogParse, 'Read contents');
+ if _pHeader^.ntoc = 0 then
+ exit; // explicit check required since ntoc is unsigned
+ // Presize the topics list to save reallocation time
+ _Topics.Capacity := _pHeader^.ntoc;
+ // read toc offsets array
+ //ReadFileBlock( tocarray,
+ // _pHeader^.tocoffsetsstart,
+ // _pHeader^.ntoc * SizeOf(uint32) );
+ // read slots first so that Topics can refer to it.
+ ReadFileBlock( _pSlotOffsets,
+ _pHeader^.slotsstart,
+ _pHeader^.nslots * sizeof( uint32 ) );
+ ReadFileBlock( _pContentsData,
+ _pHeader^.tocstart,
+ _pHeader^.toclen );
+ pEntry := _pContentsData;
+ pEnd := _pContentsData + _pHeader^.toclen;
+ p := PByte(pEntry);
+ for EntryIndex := 0 to _pHeader^.ntoc - 1 do
+ begin
+// pEntry := _Handle.Seek(tocarray[EntryIndex], soBeginning);
+// pEntry := tocarray[EntryIndex];
+ if p >= pEnd then
+ // runs off end of data!
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create( ErrorCorruptHelpFile );
+ Topic := TTopic.Create( _Handle,
+ _pSlotOffsets,
+ _Dictionary,
+ pEntry,
+ _FontTable,
+ _ReferencedFiles );
+ Topic.HelpFile := Self;
+ Topic.Index := EntryIndex;
+ _Topics.Add( Topic );
+ p := PByte(pEntry);
+ inc(p, pEntry^.Length);
+ pEntry := pTTOCentryStart(p);
+ end;
+procedure THelpFile.ReadDictionary;
+ i: longint;
+ Len: uint8;
+ p: pbyte;
+ pEnd: pbyte;
+ s: string;
+ c: array[0..255] of char;
+ LogEvent(LogParse, 'Read dictionary');
+ if _pHeader^.ndict = 0 then
+ exit; // explicit check required since ndict is unsigned
+ ReadFileBlock( _pDictionaryData,
+ _pHeader^.dictstart,
+ _pHeader^.dictlen );
+ P := _pDictionaryData;
+ pEnd := _pDictionaryData + _pHeader^.dictlen;
+ // Presize the dictionary to save reallocation
+ _Dictionary.Capacity := _pHeader^.ndict;
+ for i := 0 to _pHeader^.ndict - 1 do
+ begin
+ // adjust length so we can use as a Pascal string
+ // (file uses length including length byte,
+ // Pascal string have length excluding length byte)
+ if p >= pEnd then
+ // ran off end of data
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Error reading help file dictionary' );
+ FillChar(c, sizeof(c), 0); // fill string with NUL chars
+ Len := p^ - 1; // read string length value (corrected length)
+ Inc(p, sizeof(byte)); // move pointer
+ Move(p^, c, Len); // read string of dictionary
+ s := c; // convert PChar to String type
+ _Dictionary.Add( s );
+ Inc(p, Len); // move pointer to next item
+ end;
+function THelpFile.GetIndex: TIndex;
+ if _Index = nil then
+ begin
+ ReadIndex;
+ end;
+ Result := _Index;
+ TIndexEntryHeader = packed record
+ TextLength: uint8;
+ Flags: uint8;
+ NumberOfRoots: uint8;
+ TOCIndex: uint16;
+ end;
+ pTIndexEntryHeader = ^TIndexEntryHeader;
+procedure THelpFile.ReadIndex;
+ IndexIndex: longint; // I can't resist :-)
+ pEntryHeader: pTIndexEntryHeader;
+ EntryText: string;
+ IndexTitleLen: longint;
+ p: pByte;
+ pEnd: pByte;
+ pIndexData: pointer;
+ tmpIndexEntry: TIndexEntry;
+ LogEvent(LogParse, 'Read index');
+ _Index := TIndex.Create;
+ if _pHeader^.nindex = 0 then
+ exit; // explicit check required since ndict is unsigned
+ pIndexData := nil;
+ ReadFileBlock( pIndexData,
+ _pHeader^.indexstart,
+ _pHeader^.indexlen );
+ P := pIndexData;
+ pEnd := pIndexData + _pHeader^.indexlen;
+ for IndexIndex := 0 to _pHeader^.nindex - 1 do
+ begin
+ if p >= pEnd then
+ // ran off end of data
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Error reading help file index' );
+ pEntryHeader := pTIndexEntryHeader(p);
+ IndexTitleLen := pEntryHeader^.TextLength;
+ inc( p, sizeof( TIndexEntryHeader ) );
+ EntryText := '';
+ SetString(EntryText, PChar(p), IndexTitleLen);
+ if pEntryHeader^.TOCIndex < _Topics.Count then
+ begin
+ tmpIndexEntry := TIndexEntry.Create(EntryText, TTopic(_Topics[pEntryHeader^.TOCIndex]), pEntryHeader^.flags);
+ _Index.Add(tmpIndexEntry);
+ end
+ else
+// raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Error reading help file index - out of range topic reference' );
+ ; // pass! something special
+ inc( p, IndexTitleLen
+ + pEntryHeader^.NumberOfRoots
+ * sizeof( uint32 ) ); // skip 'roots' for index search
+ end;
+ FreeMem( pIndexData );
+function THelpFile.GetSearchTable: TSearchTable;
+ if _SearchTable = nil then
+ ReadSearchTable;
+ Result := _SearchTable;
+procedure THelpFile.ReadSearchTable;
+ SearchTableOffset: longint;
+ SearchTableRecordLengthIs16Bit: boolean;
+ LogEvent(LogParse, 'Read search table');
+ if _pHeader^.SearchLen = 0 then
+ begin
+ LogEvent(LogParse, 'Read search table (len = 0');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ SearchTableOffset := _pHeader^.SearchStart and $7fffffff;
+ SearchTableRecordLengthIs16Bit := _pHeader^.SearchStart and $80000000 > 0;
+ ReadFileBlock( _pSearchData,
+ SearchTableOffset,
+ _pHeader^.SearchLen );
+ _SearchTable := TSearchTable.Create( _pSearchData,
+ SearchTableRecordLengthIs16Bit,
+ _Dictionary.Count,
+ _Topics.Count );
+function THelpFile.GetHighlightWords: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ if _pHighlightWords = nil then
+ _pHighlightWords := GetMem( _Dictionary.Count * sizeof( UInt32 ) );
+ Result := _pHighlightWords;
+function THelpFile.FindTopicByResourceID( ID: uint16 ): TTopic;
+ i: longint;
+ pResourceIDs: UInt16ArrayPointer;
+ pTopicIndices: UInt16ArrayPointer;
+ FileResourceID: uint16;
+ TopicIndex: uint16;
+ Result := nil;
+ if _pHeader^.nres = 0 then
+ // since nres is unsigned
+ exit;
+ if _pResourceData = nil then
+ begin
+ ReadFileBlock( _pResourceData,
+ _pHeader^.resstart,
+ (_pHeader^.nres * sizeof( uint16 )) * 2 ); // list of IDs, list of topics
+ end;
+ pResourceIDs := _pResourceData;
+ pTopicIndices := _pResourceData
+ + _pHeader^.nres * sizeof( uint16 );
+ for i := 0 to _pHeader^.nres - 1 do
+ begin
+ FileResourceID := pResourceIDs^[ i ];
+ if FileResourceID = ID then
+ begin
+ // found
+ TopicIndex := pTopicIndices^[ i ];
+ Result := TTopic(_Topics[ TopicIndex ]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+// Look up a local "panel name" and return associated topic, if any.
+function THelpFile.FindTopicByLocalName( const Name: string ): TTopic;
+ Result := FindTopicByName( Name,
+ _pTopicNameData,
+ _pHeader^.nname,
+ _pHeader^.namestart );
+function THelpFile.FindTopicByGlobalName( const Name: string ): TTopic;
+ Result := nil;
+ if _pExtendedHeader = nil then
+ // no extended header - no global list to lookup
+ exit;
+ Result := FindTopicByName( Name,
+ _pTopicGlobalNamesData,
+ _pExtendedHeader ^. EntryInGNameTable,
+ _pExtendedHeader ^. HelpPanelGNameTblOffset );
+// The text of the names are stored in the (global) dictionary
+// with a table referencing them.
+// We could use a binary search here... but whatever...
+function THelpFile.FindTopicByName( const Name: string;
+ Var pData: pointer;
+ Count: longint;
+ Offset: longint ): TTopic;
+ i: longint;
+ pNameTable: UInt16ArrayPointer;
+ pTopicIndices: UInt16ArrayPointer;
+ TopicIndex: uint16;
+ TopicNameWordIndex: uint16;
+ TopicName: string;
+ Result := nil;
+ if Count = 0 then
+ // since it's unsigned
+ exit;
+ if pData = nil then
+ ReadFileBlock( pData,
+ Offset,
+ Count * sizeof( uint16 ) * 2 ); // list of name words, list of topics
+ // get pointers to the two parts of the table
+ pNameTable := pData;
+ pTopicIndices := pData
+ + Count * sizeof( uint16 );
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ TopicNameWordIndex := pNameTable^[ i ];
+ TopicName := DictionaryWords[ TopicNameWordIndex ];
+ if CompareText( TopicName, Name ) = 0 then
+ begin
+ // found
+ TopicIndex := pTopicIndices^[ i ];
+ Result := TTopic(_Topics[ TopicIndex ]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+// TODO move to index class
+function THelpFile.FindTopicByIndexStartsWith( const SearchText: string ): TTopic;
+ i: longint;
+ tmpLabel: String;
+ result := nil;
+ GetIndex; // make sure it's read
+ for i := 0 to _Index.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ tmpLabel := _Index.GetLabels[i];
+ if SameText(tmpLabel, SearchText) then
+ begin
+ // found
+ result := Index.getTopic(i);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+function THelpFile.FindTopicByIndexContains(const SearchText: string): TTopic;
+ i: longint;
+ tmpLabel: String;
+ result := nil;
+ GetIndex; // make sure it's read
+ for i := 0 to _Index.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ tmpLabel := _Index.GetLabels[i];
+ if Pos(UpperCase(SearchText), UpperCase(tmpLabel)) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // found
+ result := Index.getTopic(i);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+function THelpFile.FindTopicByTitleStartsWith( const SearchText: string ): TTopic;
+ i: longint;
+ tmpTopic: TTopic;
+ tmpLevel : integer;
+ tmpMore : boolean;
+ result := nil;
+ tmpLevel := 0;
+ repeat
+ tmpMore := false;
+ inc(tmpLevel);
+ for i := 0 to _Topics.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ tmpTopic := TTopic(_Topics[i]);
+ if tmpLevel = tmpTopic.ContentsLevel then
+ begin
+ if StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(tmpTopic.Title, SearchText) then
+ begin
+ result := tmpTopic;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if tmpLevel < tmpTopic.ContentsLevel then
+ begin
+ tmpMore := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ until NOT tmpMore;
+function THelpFile.FindTopicByTitleContains( const SearchText: string ): TTopic;
+ i: longint;
+ tmpTopic: TTopic;
+ tmpLevel : integer;
+ tmpMore : boolean;
+ result := nil;
+ tmpLevel := 0;
+ repeat
+ tmpMore := false;
+ inc(tmpLevel);
+ for i := 0 to _Topics.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ tmpTopic := TTopic(_Topics[i]);
+ if tmpLevel = tmpTopic.ContentsLevel then
+ begin
+ if CaseInsensitivePos( SearchText, tmpTopic.Title) > 0 then
+ begin
+ result := tmpTopic;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if tmpLevel < tmpTopic.ContentsLevel then
+ begin
+ tmpMore := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ until NOT tmpMore;
+procedure THelpFile.FindResourceIDsForTopic( Topic: TTopic;
+ ResourceIDs: TList );
+ i: longint;
+ pResourceIDs: UInt16ArrayPointer;
+ pTopicIndices: UInt16ArrayPointer;
+ ResourceIDs.Clear;
+ if _pHeader^.nres = 0 then
+ // since nres is unsigned
+ exit;
+ if _pResourceData = nil then
+ ReadFileBlock( _pResourceData,
+ _pHeader^.resstart,
+ _pHeader^.nres * sizeof( uint16 ) * 2 ); // list of IDs, list of topics
+ pResourceIDs := _pResourceData;
+ pTopicIndices := _pResourceData
+ + _pHeader^.nres * sizeof( uint16 );
+ for i := 0 to _pHeader^.nres - 1 do
+ begin
+ if pTopicIndices^[ i ] = Topic.Index then
+ begin
+ // found
+ ResourceIDs.Add( pointer( pResourceIDs^[ i ] ) );
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure THelpFile.ReadReferencedFilesTable;
+ i: longint;
+ p: pointer;
+ pData: pointer;
+ DatabaseName: string;
+ pLength: pByte;
+ if _pExtendedHeader = nil then
+ // no extended header -> no referenced files table
+ exit;
+ if _pExtendedHeader^.Numdatabase = 0 then
+ exit;
+ pData := nil; // please allocate...
+ ReadFileBlock( pData,
+ _pExtendedHeader^.DatabaseOffset,
+ _pExtendedHeader^.DatabaseSize );
+ p := pData;
+ for i := 0 to _pExtendedHeader^.Numdatabase - 1 do
+ begin
+ pLength := p; // length byte, including itself
+ SetString(DatabaseName, p+1, pLength^-1); // use length value minus the length byte to get the string length
+ _ReferencedFiles.Add( DatabaseName );
+ inc( p, pLength^ ); // skip to next entry using full length (including length byte)
+ end;
+ FreeMem( pData );
+procedure THelpFile.ReadFontTableData;
+ if _pExtendedHeader = nil then
+ // no extended header -> no font table
+ exit;
+ if _pExtendedHeader^.NumFontEntry = 0 then
+ exit;
+ ReadFileBlock( _pFontTableData,
+ _pExtendedHeader^.FontTableOffset,
+ _pExtendedHeader^.NumFontEntry * sizeof( THelpFontSpec ) );
+procedure THelpFile.ParseFontTable;
+ i: longint;
+ p: pointer;
+ pFontSpec: pTHelpFontSpec;
+ _FontTable.Clear;
+ p := _pFontTableData;
+ if p = nil then
+ exit; // no data
+ for i := 0 to _pExtendedHeader^.NumFontEntry - 1 do
+ begin
+ pFontSpec := p + i * sizeof( THelpFontSpec );
+ _FontTable.Add( pFontSpec );
+ end;
+procedure THelpFile.GetImages( ImageOffsets: TList;
+ Images: TImageList );
+ ListIndex: longint;
+ ImageOffset: longint;
+ Bitmap: THelpBitmap;
+ Images.Clear;
+ for ListIndex := 0 to ImageOffsets.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ ImageOffset := longint( ImageOffsets[ ListIndex ] );
+ try
+ Bitmap := THelpBitmap.CreateFromHelpFile( _Handle,
+ _pHeader^.imgstart
+ + ImageOffset );
+ except
+ on e: EHelpBitmapException do
+{ raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Error loading help bitmap at'
+ + IntToStr( ImageOffset )
+ + ': '
+ + e.Message );}
+ begin
+ Bitmap := THelpBitmap.Create;
+ Bitmap.LoadFromResourceName( 'MissingBitmap' );
+ end;
+ end;
+ Images.Add( Bitmap, nil );
+ Bitmap.Destroy;
+ end;
+function THelpFile.GetImage( ImageOffset: longint ): THelpBitmap;
+ try
+ Result := THelpBitmap.CreateFromHelpFile( _Handle,
+ _pHeader^.imgstart
+ + ImageOffset );
+ except
+ on e: EHelpBitmapException do
+{ raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Error loading help bitmap at'
+ + IntToStr( ImageOffset )
+ + ': '
+ + e.Message );}
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+function THelpFile.GetTopic( Index: longint ): TTopic;
+ if ( Index < 0 )
+ or ( Index > _Topics.Count - 1 ) then
+ Result := nil
+ else
+ Result := TTopic(_Topics[ Index ]);
+function THelpFile.GetTopicCount: longint;
+ Result := _Topics.Count;
+function THelpFile.IndexOfTopic( Topic: TTopic ): longint;
+ Result := _Topics.IndexOf( Topic );
+function THelpFile.GetDictionaryCount: longint;
+ Result := _Dictionary.Count;
+function THelpFile.GetDictionaryWord( Index: longint ): string;
+ Result := _Dictionary[ Index ];
+// Looks for fonts that should be substitued to the
+// users selected fixed font
+// doesn't make a lot of sense for this to be here...
+procedure THelpFile.SetupFontSubstitutes( Substitutions: string );
+ Item: string;
+ FontName: string;
+ SpacePos: longint;
+ W: longint;
+ H: longint;
+ i: longint;
+ pFontSpec: pTHelpFontSpec;
+ tmpSubstitutionItems : TStringList;
+ tmpCounter : integer;
+ tmpDimensionParts : TStringList;
+ s: string;
+ PointSize: word;
+ cp: integer;
+ ParseFontTable; // (re)load table from raw data
+ tmpSubstitutionItems := TStringList.Create;
+ StrExtractStrings(tmpSubstitutionItems, Substitutions, [';'], #0);
+ for tmpCounter := 0 to tmpSubstitutionItems.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Item := tmpSubstitutionItems[tmpCounter];
+ try
+ if Item <> '' then
+ begin
+ // Look for space in xxxx WxH
+ SpacePos := LastDelimiter(' ', Item);
+ if SpacePos > 0 then
+ begin
+ // fontname comes before
+ FontName := StrLeft( Item, SpacePos - 1 );
+ Delete( Item, 1, SpacePos );
+ // width and height after, with an X between
+ tmpDimensionParts := TStringList.Create;
+ StrExtractStrings(tmpDimensionParts, Item, ['x'], #0);
+ W := StrToInt(tmpDimensionParts[0]);
+ H := StrToInt(tmpDimensionParts[1]);
+ tmpDimensionParts.Destroy;
+ if ( W > 0 ) and ( H > 0 ) then
+ begin
+ // Now look through the font table for matches
+ for i := 0 to _FontTable.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ pFontSpec := _FontTable[ i ];
+ cp := pFontSpec^.Codepage;
+ s := StrNPas( pFontSpec^.FaceName, sizeof( pFontSpec^.FaceName ) );
+ if s = FontName then
+ begin
+ // same face name...
+ // this formula seems to give a simulated pointsize compared to
+ // what the original VIEW program intended.
+ PointSize := (pFontSpec^.Height * 2) div 3;
+ if ( H = PointSize ) then
+ begin
+ // match
+ pFontSpec^.Codepage := High(word); // font substitute marker added
+// _FontTable[ i ] := SubstituteFixedFont;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ tmpSubstitutionItems.Free;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get the title only from specific help file (if possible)
+function GetHelpFileTitle( const Filename: string ): string;
+ Header: THelpFileHeader;
+ fstream: TFileStream;
+ Ext: string;
+ Ext := ExtractFileExt( Filename );
+ Result := '';
+ if SameText( Ext, '.inf' )
+ or SameText( Ext, '.hlp' ) then
+ begin
+ try
+ try
+ fstream := TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead);
+ fstream.Position := 0;
+ FillChar( Header, sizeof( Header ), 0 );
+ fstream.Read(Header, SizeOf(Header));
+ if Header.ID = INF_HEADER_ID then
+ Result := StrPas(Header.title);
+ except
+ // silently ignore errors - it's not to critical at this point.
+ end;
+ finally
+ fstream.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
diff --git a/docview/src/HelpTopic.pas b/docview/src/HelpTopic.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea32080b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/HelpTopic.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,2698 @@
+Unit HelpTopic;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer
+// Copyright 2003 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com)
+// This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt
+// This is it - the monster which decodes IPF data.
+// It's created with a reference to the contents data defining it.
+// It gets relevant pointers out of that. When GetText is called
+// it decodes the data and spits out formatted text to suit
+// RichTextView.
+ Classes,
+ HelpWindowDimensions,
+ IPFFileFormatUnit;
+ DefaultGroupIndex = 0;
+ RTF_NewLine = #10;
+ { TODO -oGraeme -cPointers : I don't like this - double check alternatives later }
+ // placeholder for font table entry, indiciating user fixed font should be substituted
+ SubstituteFixedFont: pointer = Pointer(1);
+ THelpLink = class(TObject)
+ public
+ HelpFile: TObject; // file this link is within
+ // Even though it doesn't do anything,
+ // we have to have a constructor to allow
+ // virtual constructors to work
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ THelpTopicSlot = class(TObject)
+ public
+ pData: pUInt8; // Pointer to actual Slot structure in INF file.
+ Size: longint; // Number of bytes in the text for this Slot (slotheader.ntext)
+ pLocalDictionary: UInt16ArrayPointer; // Pointer to Slot's local dictionary
+ LocalDictSize: uint8; // Number of entries in the local dictionary
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ THelpLinkClass = class of THelpLink;
+ TFootnoteHelpLink = class(THelpLink)
+ public
+ TopicIndex: longint;
+ Title: string; // from text within link
+ end;
+ TWindowedHelpLink = class(THelpLink)
+ public
+ GroupIndex: longint; // DefaultGroupIndex if not specified.
+ // Note: Overrides contents group index of topic
+ Automatic: boolean; // link should be automatically followed on topic display
+ Split: boolean; // link should open the window within the parent
+ ViewPort: boolean; // link should always open a new window
+ Dependent: boolean; // window opened by link should be closed
+ // when current topic is closed
+ Rect: THelpWindowRect; // Display window with this rectangle.
+ // Note: overrides contents rect
+ constructor Create; override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TInternalHelpLink = class(TWindowedHelpLink)
+ public
+ TopicIndex: longint;
+ end;
+ THelpLinkByResourceID = class(TWindowedHelpLink)
+ public
+ ResourceID: longint;
+ end;
+ SlotArray = array[0..0] of THelpTopicSlot;
+ pSlotArray = ^SlotArray;
+ TFontState = (fsNormal, fsFixed, fsCustom);
+ TIPFTextAlignment = (itaLeft, itaRight, itaCenter, itaCenterOnePara);
+ TParseState = record
+ Alignment: TIPFTextAlignment;
+ ForegroundColorTag: string;
+ BackgroundColorTag: string;
+ Spacing: boolean;
+ FontState: TFontState;
+ InCharGraphics: boolean;
+ LinkIndex: longint;
+ StartOfTextBlock: longint;
+ TextBlock: string;
+ FootnoteLink: TFootnoteHelpLink;
+ StyleCode: longint;
+ end;
+ TTopic = class(TObject)
+ protected
+ _FileHandle: TFileStream;
+ _pTOCEntry: pTTOCEntryStart;
+ _pSlotOffsets: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ _Slots: TList;
+ _pSlotNumbers: puint16;
+ _NumSlots: longint;
+ _Title: string;
+ _GlobalDictionary: TStringList;
+ _ShowInContents: boolean;
+ _ContentsLevel: integer;
+ _ContentsGroupIndex: longint;
+ _FontTable: TList;
+ _ReferencedFiles: TStrings;
+ procedure SetTitle( const NewValue: string );
+ function GetTitle: string;
+ // Returns the tag texts for the given bitmap ref
+ function GetImageText( CurrentAlignment: TIPFTextAlignment;
+ BitmapOffset: longint;
+ BitmapFlags: longint;
+ ImageOffsets: TList ): string;
+ Procedure ProcessLinkedImage( Var State: TParseState;
+ Var pData: pByte;
+ Var OutputString: string;
+ ImageOffsets: TList );
+ procedure TranslateIPFEscapeCode( Var State: TParseState;
+ Var pData: pUInt8;
+ var AText: String;
+ Var WordsOnLine: longint;
+ ImageOffsets: TList );
+ function CreateLink( Var LinkIndex: longint;
+ Var Link: THelpLink;
+ LinkClass: THelpLinkClass ): boolean;
+ procedure EnsureSlotsLoaded;
+ // returns true if the escape code at pData results in whitespace.
+ function IPFEscapeCodeSpace( Var State: TParseState; Var pData: pUInt8 ): boolean;
+ function GetNextIPFTextItem( Var SlotIndex: longint;
+ Var pData: pUInt8;
+ Var State: TParseState ): longint;
+ function CheckForSequence( WordSequences: TList;
+ SlotIndex: longint;
+ pData: pUint8;
+ State: TParseState;
+ GlobalDictIndex: longint
+ ): longint;
+ public
+ HelpFile: TObject;
+ Index: longint;
+ SearchRelevance: longint;
+ Links: TList; // only valid after GetText
+ constructor Create( var FileHandle: TFileStream;
+ pSlotOffsets: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Dictionary: TStringList;
+ var pTOCEntry: pTTOCEntryStart;
+ FontTable: TList;
+ ReferencedFiles: TStrings );
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ property Title: string read GetTitle write SetTitle;
+ procedure SetTitleFromMem( const p: pointer; const Len: byte );
+ // Main function for retrieving text for topic.
+ // HighlightSequences: list of sequences to highlight
+ // if nil then ignored.
+ // ShowCodes: indicates debugging: hex output of escape
+ // codes will be included
+ // ShowWordSeparators: | will be included after each dictionary
+ // word inserted
+ // Text: The output is written to here. IS NOT CLEARED FIRST.
+ // ImageOffsets: For each image that occurs in the text,
+ // the help file offset will be written to this list.
+ // HighlightMatches: if not nil, and HighlightSequences is not nil,
+ // will return offsets to each highlight match
+ procedure GetText( HighlightSequences: TList;
+ ShowCodes: boolean;
+ ShowWordSeparators: boolean;
+ var Text: String;
+ ImageOffsets: TList;
+ HighlightMatches: TList );
+ // if StopAtFirstOccurrence true, returns 0 or 1
+ // if false, returns count of occurrences of word
+ function SearchForWord( DictIndex: integer;
+ StopAtFirstOccurrence: boolean ): longint;
+ // searches for sequences out of those listed in WordSequence
+ // Each element of WordSequence contains a pointer to an array
+ // of flags for each dictionary word, indicating whether that word
+ // is to be a possible match.
+ function SearchForWordSequences( WordSequence: TList; StopAtFirstOccurrence: boolean ): longint;
+ procedure GetContentsWindowRect( ContentsRect: THelpWindowRect );
+ // search for binary data including codes
+ function SearchForData( Data: pbyte; DataLen: integer ): boolean;
+ procedure SaveIPFEscapeCode( Var State: TParseState;
+ Var pData: pUInt8;
+ Var F: TextFile;
+ ImageOffsets: TList );
+ procedure SaveToIPF( Var f: TextFile; ImageOffsets: TList );
+ property ShowInContents: boolean read _ShowInContents;
+ property ContentsLevel: integer read _ContentsLevel;
+ property ContentsGroupIndex: longint read _ContentsGroupIndex;
+ function CountWord( DictIndex: integer ): longint;
+ function ContainsWord( DictIndex: integer ): boolean;
+ end;
+// Compares two topics for purposes of sorting by
+// search match relevance
+function TopicRelevanceCompare( Item1, Item2: pointer ): longint;
+// Compares two topics for purposes of sorting by title
+function TopicTitleCompare( Item1, Item2: pointer ): longint;
+ SysUtils
+ ,NewViewConstantsUnit
+ ,nvUtilities
+ ,ACLStringUtility
+ ,SettingsUnit
+ ;
+ IPFColors: array[ 0..15 ] of string =
+ (
+ //rrggbb
+ '', // default
+ '#0000ff', // blue
+ '#ff0000', // red
+ '#ff00ff', // pink (purple)
+ '#00ff00', // green
+ '#00ffff', // cyan
+ '#ffff00', // yellow
+ '#808000', // neutral = brown
+ '#404040', // dark gray
+ '#000080', // dark blue
+ '#800000', // dark red
+ '#800080', // dark pink (purple)
+ '#008000', // dark green
+ '#008080', // dark cyan
+ '#000000', // black
+ '#c0c0c0' // pale gray
+ );
+ // for ecHighlight1
+ IPFHighlight1Tags : array [ 0..6 ] of string =
+ (
+ '</i></b></u></color>', // normal
+ '<i>', // hp1 italitc
+ '<b>', // hp2 bold
+ '<b><i>', // hp3 bold italic
+ '<u>', // hp5 underline
+ '<u><i>', // hp6 underline italic
+ '<u><b>' // hp7 underline bold
+ );
+ // for ecHighlight2
+ IPFHighlight2Tags : array [ 0..3 ] of string =
+ (
+ '</i></b></u></color>', // normal
+ '<color blue>', // hp4 blue
+ '<color red>', // hp8 red
+ '<color purple>' // hp9 purple
+ );
+ BlankString: string = '';
+ DefaultTitle: string;
+function GetBeginLink( LinkIndex: longint ): string;
+ Result := '<link ' + IntToStr( LinkIndex ) + '>'
+function GetEndLinkTags( const State: TParseState ): string;
+ Result := '</link>' + State.ForegroundColorTag;
+// Even though it doesn't do anything,
+// we have to have a constructor to allow
+// virtual constructors to work
+constructor THelpLink.Create;
+ // do nothing
+constructor TWindowedHelpLink.Create;
+ GroupIndex := DefaultGroupIndex;
+ Automatic := false;
+ ViewPort := false;
+ Dependent := false;
+ Rect := THelpWindowRect.Create;
+destructor TWindowedHelpLink.Destroy;
+ Rect.Destroy;
+destructor THelpTopicSlot.Destroy;
+ { TODO -ograeme -ccleanup memory : Double check this }
+ FreeMem(pData);// DeallocateMemory( pData );
+ FreeMem(pLocalDictionary); // DeallocateMemory( pLocalDictionary );
+constructor TTopic.Create( var FileHandle: TFileStream;
+ pSlotOffsets: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Dictionary: TStringList;
+ var pTOCEntry: pTTOCEntryStart;
+ FontTable: TList;
+ ReferencedFiles: TStrings );
+ pExtendedInfo: pExtendedTOCEntry;
+ titleLen: integer;
+ XY: THelpXYPair;
+ p: pbyte;
+ Flags: byte;
+ _FileHandle := FileHandle;
+ _pSlotOffsets := pSlotOffsets;
+ _Title := '';
+ _GlobalDictionary := Dictionary;
+ _ContentsGroupIndex := 0;
+ _pTOCEntry := pTOCEntry;
+ _NumSlots := pTOCEntry^.numslots;
+ Flags := _pTOCEntry^.flags;
+ p := pByte( _pTOCEntry ) + sizeof( TTOCEntryStart );
+ if ( Flags and TOCEntryExtended ) = TOCEntryExtended then
+ begin
+ pExtendedInfo := pExtendedTOCEntry( p );
+ inc( p, sizeof( TExtendedTOCEntry ) );
+ if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and 1 ) > 0 then
+ // skip position
+ inc( p, sizeof( XY ) );
+ if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and 2 ) > 0 then
+ // skip size
+ inc( p, sizeof( XY ) );
+ if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and 8 ) > 0 then
+ // skip window controls
+ inc( p, sizeof(word) ); // increment by 2
+ if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and $40 ) > 0 then
+ // skip something else, unknown... style? 2 bytes
+ inc( p, sizeof(word) ); // increment by 2
+ if ( pExtendedInfo^.w2 and 4 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ _ContentsGroupIndex := pUInt16(p)^;
+ // read group
+ inc( p, sizeof( uint16 ) );
+ end;
+ end;
+ // skip slot numbers for now.
+ _pSlotNumbers := pUInt16(p);
+ inc( p, _NumSlots * sizeof( uint16 ) );
+ // Calculate the remainder of the tocentry length - that is the bytes used for TOC topic (title) text
+ titleLen := _pTOCEntry^.length - ( longword( p ) - longword( _pTOCEntry ) );
+ // Read title
+ if TitleLen > 0 then
+ SetTitleFromMem( p, TitleLen )
+ else
+ Title := DefaultTitle;
+ _ContentsLevel := ( Flags and TOCEntryLevelMask );
+ _ShowInContents := Flags and TOCEntryHidden = 0;
+ if _ContentsLevel = 0 then
+ _ShowInContents := false; // hmmm....
+ _FontTable := FontTable;
+ _ReferencedFiles := ReferencedFiles;
+destructor TTopic.Destroy;
+ LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'TTopic.Destroy');
+ DestroyListAndObjects( Links );
+ DestroyListAndObjects( _Slots );
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TTopic.SetTitle( const NewValue: string );
+ _Title := NewValue;
+procedure TTopic.SetTitleFromMem( const p: pointer; const Len: byte );
+ //FreePString( _Title );
+ //GetMem( _Title, Len + 1 );
+ //_Title^[ 0 ] := char( Len );
+ //MemCopy( p, _Title + 1, Len );
+ SetString(_Title, p, Len);
+function TTopic.GetTitle: string;
+ Result := _Title;
+// Replace < and > characters with doubles << and >>
+// for compatibility with richtextview.
+// This works in place, assuming that instances of > or < are
+// actually rare. In practice, IPF normally would insert these
+// two characters as distinct words, but I don't want to assume that.
+procedure SubstituteAngleBrackets( Var s: string );
+ i: integer;
+ i := 1;
+ while i <= Length( S ) do
+ begin
+ case S[ i ] of
+ '<':
+ begin
+ Insert( '<', s, i );
+ inc( i );
+ end;
+ '>':
+ begin
+ Insert( '>', s, i );
+ inc( i );
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc( i );
+ end;
+function TTopic.GetImageText( CurrentAlignment: TIPFTextAlignment;
+ BitmapOffset: longint;
+ BitmapFlags: longint;
+ ImageOffsets: TList ): string;
+ BitmapIndex: longint;
+ OriginalAlignTag: string;
+ ImageTag: string;
+ AlignTag: string;
+ BitmapIndex := ImageOffsets.IndexOf( pointer( BitmapOffset ) );
+ if BitmapIndex = -1 then
+ BitmapIndex := ImageOffsets.Add( pointer( BitmapOffset ) );
+ ImageTag := '<image '
+ + IntToStr( BitmapIndex )
+ + '>';
+ if ( BitmapFlags and $08 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // stretch to fit - not implemented
+ end;
+ // aligned
+ case CurrentAlignment of
+ itaLeft:
+ OriginalAlignTag := '<align left>';
+ itaRight:
+ OriginalAlignTag := '<align right>';
+ itaCenter,
+ itaCenterOnePara:
+ OriginalAlignTag := '<align center>';
+ end;
+ case BitmapFlags and 7 of
+ 0, // curious - should not occur? does in dbexpert.hlp
+ 1: // left
+ AlignTag := '<align left>';
+ 2: // right
+ AlignTag := '<align right>';
+ 4,5: // centre (4 is official, 5 seems to occur too)
+ AlignTag := '<align center>';
+ end;
+ Result := AlignTag
+ + ImageTag
+ + OriginalAlignTag;
+ if ( BitmapFlags and $10 ) = 0 then
+ begin
+ // NOT runin, new lines before and after
+ Result := RTF_NewLine + Result + RTF_NewLine;
+ end;
+Procedure SaveImageText( BitmapOffset: longint;
+ BitmapFlags: longint;
+ Var F: TextFile;
+ ImageOffsets: TList );
+ ImageIndex: longint;
+ ImageIndex := ImageOffsets.IndexOf( pointer( BitmapOffset ) );
+ if ImageIndex = -1 then
+ ImageIndex := ImageOffsets.Add( pointer( BitmapOffset ) );
+ Write( F, ':artwork name=' );
+ Write( F, StrInSingleQuotes('img' + IntToStr(ImageIndex) + '.bmp') );
+ case BitmapFlags and 7 of
+ 2: // right
+ Write( F, ' align=right' );
+ 4,5: // centre (4 is official, 5 seems to occur too)
+ Write( F, ' align=center' );
+ end;
+ if ( BitmapFlags and $10 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // runin
+ Write( F, ' runin' );
+ end;
+ // fit ...
+ Write( F, '.' );
+Procedure TTopic.ProcessLinkedImage( Var State: TParseState;
+ Var pData: pByte;
+ Var OutputString: string;
+ ImageOffsets: TList );
+ EscapeLen: uint8;
+ EscapeCode: uint8;
+ SubEscapeCode: uint8;
+ BitmapOffset: longword;
+ BitmapFlags: uint8;
+ Link: TInternalHelpLink;
+ LinkTopicIndex: uint16;
+ LinkTopicIndex := -1;
+ while true do
+ begin
+ EscapeLen := pData^;
+ SubEscapeCode := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ case SubEscapeCode of
+ begin
+ BitmapFlags := ( pData + 3 )^;
+ BitmapOffset := pUInt32( pData + 4 )^;
+ end;
+ HPART_HDREF: // define whole bitmap topic link?
+ begin
+ LinkTopicIndex := pUInt16( pData + 3 )^;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc( pData, EscapeLen );
+ // Now pData points at next code or item
+ if pData^ <> IPF_ESC then
+ // not an escape code, done
+ break;
+ EscapeCode := (pData + 2) ^;
+ if EscapeCode <> ecLinkedImage then
+ // not a hyperlink code, done
+ break;
+ // another linked image code is coming up.
+ SubEscapeCode := ( pData + 3 )^;
+ if SubEscapeCode = HPART_DEFINE then
+ // started another linked image.
+ break;
+ inc( pData ); // move pointer to escape code len.
+ end;
+ OutputString := GetImageText( State.Alignment,
+ BitmapOffset,
+ BitmapFlags,
+ ImageOffsets );
+ // Don't make it a link if we didn't find a
+ // overall link code, i.e. degrade gracefully.
+ if LinkTopicIndex > -1 then
+ begin
+ if CreateLink( State.LinkIndex, Link, TInternalHelpLink ) then
+ begin
+ Link.TopicIndex := LinkTopicIndex;
+ end;
+ OutputString := GetBeginLink( State.LinkIndex )
+ + OutputString
+ + GetEndLinkTags( State );
+ inc( State.LinkIndex );
+ end;
+Procedure SaveLinkedImage( Var pData: pByte;
+ Var F: TextFile;
+ ImageOffsets: TList );
+ EscapeLen: uint8;
+ EscapeCode: uint8;
+ SubEscapeCode: uint8;
+ BitmapOffset: longword;
+ BitmapFlags: uint8;
+ LinkTopicIndex: uint16;
+ LinkTopicIndex := -1;
+ while true do
+ begin
+ EscapeLen := pData^;
+ SubEscapeCode := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ case SubEscapeCode of
+ begin
+ BitmapFlags := ( pData + 3 )^;
+ BitmapOffset := pUInt32( pData + 4 )^;
+ end;
+ HPART_HDREF: // define whole bitmap topic link?
+ begin
+ LinkTopicIndex := pUInt16( pData + 3 )^;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc( pData, EscapeLen );
+ // Now pData points at next code or item
+ if pData^ <> IPF_ESC then
+ // not an escape code, done
+ break;
+ EscapeCode := (pData + 2) ^;
+ if EscapeCode <> ecLinkedImage then
+ // not a hyperlink code, done
+ break;
+ // another linked image code is coming up.
+ SubEscapeCode := ( pData + 3 )^;
+ if SubEscapeCode = HPART_DEFINE then
+ // started another linked image.
+ break;
+ inc( pData ); // move pointer to escape code len.
+ end;
+ SaveImageText( BitmapOffset,
+ BitmapFlags,
+ F,
+ ImageOffsets );
+ // Don't make it a link if we didn't find a
+ // overall link code, i.e. degrade gracefully.
+ if LinkTopicIndex > -1 then
+ begin
+ WriteLn( F, '' );
+ WriteLn( F, ':artlink.' );
+ Write( F, ':link reftype=hd' );
+ Write( F, ' refid=' + IntToStr( LinkTopicIndex ) );
+ WriteLn( F, '.' );
+ WriteLn( F, ':eartlink.' );
+ end;
+Procedure GetExtraLinkData( Link: TWindowedHelpLink;
+ pData: pUInt8 );
+ LinkFlags1: uint8;
+ LinkFlags2: uint8;
+ LinkDataIndex: longint;
+ pLinkXY: pHelpXYPair;
+ pLinkData: pUInt8;
+ LinkFlags1 := ( pData + 0 ) ^;
+ LinkFlags2 := ( pData + 1 ) ^;
+ pLinkData := pData + 2;
+ if ( LinkFlags1 and 1 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // position specified
+ pLinkXY := pHelpXYPair( pLinkData );
+ ReadHelpPosition( pLinkXY^, Link.Rect );
+ inc( pLinkData, sizeof( THelpXYPair ) );
+ end;
+ if ( LinkFlags1 and 2 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // size specified
+ pLinkXY := pHelpXYPair( pLinkData );
+ ReadHelpSize( pLinkXY^, Link.Rect );
+ inc( pLinkData, sizeof( THelpXYPair ) );
+ end;
+ if ( LinkFlags1 and 8 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // window controls specified - skip
+ inc( pLinkData, 2 );
+ end;
+ if ( LinkFlags2 and 4 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // group specified
+ Link.GroupIndex := pUInt16( pLinkData )^;
+ inc( LinkDataIndex, sizeof( uint16 ) );
+ end;
+ if ( LinkFlags1 and 64 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ Link.Automatic := true;
+ end;
+ if ( LinkFlags1 and 4 ) > 0 then
+ Link.ViewPort := true;
+ if ( LinkFlags2 and 2 ) > 0 then
+ Link.Dependent := true;
+ if ( LinkFlags1 and 128 ) > 0 then
+ Link.Split := true;
+ // cant be bothered with the others.
+// If the given link has already been decoded
+// ie. the topic has been displayed before,
+// then return the already decoded link & return false
+// Otherwise, create a new link object & return true
+function TTopic.CreateLink( Var LinkIndex: longint;
+ Var Link: THelpLink;
+ LinkClass: THelpLinkClass ): boolean;
+ if LinkIndex >= Links.Count then
+ begin
+ Link := LinkClass.Create;
+ Link.HelpFile := HelpFile;
+ Links.Add( Link );
+ Result := true;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Link := THelpLink(Links[ LinkIndex ]);
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ // size of the original View's default font
+ AverageViewCharWidth = 8;
+procedure GetMarginTag( const Margin: longint;
+ FontState: TFontState;
+ Var MarginString: string;
+ BreakIfPast: boolean );
+ MarginString := '<leftmargin ';
+ if FontState <> fsCustom then
+ // for standard fonts, scale margins to match font
+ MarginString := MarginString + IntToStr( Margin )
+ else
+ // for custom fonts, since the IPF margins were always in
+ // terms of the standard font size, set the margin to a width based on that.
+ MarginString := MarginString + IntToStr( Margin * AverageViewCharWidth ) + ' pixels';
+ if BreakIfPast then
+ MarginString := MarginString + ' breakifpast';
+ MarginString := MarginString + '>';
+// TODO
+function FullDoubleQuote( const s: string ): string;
+ Result := StrDoubleQuote
+ + StrEscapeAllCharsBy(s, [], CharDoubleQuote)
+ + StrDoubleQuote;
+// End URL, if it has been started. Go back and insert the start tag,
+// and add the end tag.
+procedure CheckForAutoURL( var Text: string; var State: TParseState );
+ T: string;
+ if State.StartOfTextBlock = -1 then
+ // haven't got any text yet
+ exit;
+ TrimPunctuation( State.TextBlock );
+ if not CheckAndEncodeURL( State.TextBlock ) then
+ begin
+ // not a URL we know
+ State.TextBlock := '';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // It's a URL. Insert link at start of URL
+ T := '<blue><link ' + PARAM_LINK_URL + ' "';
+ T := T + State.TextBlock;
+ T := T + '">';
+ Insert(T, Text, State.StartOfTextBlock);
+ Text := Text + GetEndLinkTags(State);
+ State.TextBlock := '';
+ State.StartOfTextBlock := -1;
+procedure TTopic.TranslateIPFEscapeCode( Var State: TParseState;
+ Var pData: pUInt8;
+ var AText: String;
+ Var WordsOnLine: longint;
+ ImageOffsets: TList );
+ EscapeLen: uint8;
+ EscapeCode: uint8;
+ Link: TInternalHelpLink;
+ FootnoteLink: TFootnoteHelpLink;
+ LinkByResourceID: THelpLinkByResourceID;
+ Margin: integer;
+ BitmapOffset: longword;
+ BitmapFlags: uint8;
+ ColorCode: uint8;
+ StyleCode: uint8;
+ FontIndex: uint8;
+ pFontSpec: pTHelpFontSpec;
+ FaceName: string;
+ PointSize: longint;
+ QuotedFaceName: string;
+ ExternalLinkFileIndex: uint8;
+ ExternalLinkTopicID: string;
+ ProgramLink: string;
+ ProgramPath: string;
+ ProgramFilename: string;
+ ProgramInfo : TSerializableStringList;
+ tmpProgramLinkParts : TStringList;
+ OutputString: string;
+ EscapeLen := pData^;
+ EscapeCode := (pData + 1)^;
+ OutputString := '';
+ case EscapeCode of
+ ecSetLeftMargin:
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( AText, State );
+ Margin := integer( ( pData + 2 )^ );
+ GetMarginTag( Margin, State.FontState, OutputString, false );
+ end;
+ ecSetLeftMarginNewLine:
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( AText, State );
+ Margin := integer( ( pData + 2 )^ );
+ GetMarginTag( Margin, State.FontState, OutputString, false );
+ OutputString := OutputString
+ + RTF_NewLine;
+ end;
+ ecSetLeftMarginFit:
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( AText, State );
+ Margin := integer( ( pData + 2 )^ );
+ GetMarginTag( Margin, State.FontState, OutputString, true );
+ // note that this will cause following tex to be "tabbed" across to the
+ // new margin position, if not yet there.
+ // if we are already past this margin then a new line should be started.
+ end;
+ ecSetLeftMarginHere:
+ begin
+ OutputString := '<leftmargin here>';
+ end;
+ ecHighlight1:
+ begin
+ StyleCode := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ if StyleCode <= High( IPFHighlight1Tags ) then
+ OutputString := IPFHighlight1Tags[ StyleCode ];
+ if StyleCode = 0 then
+ State.ForegroundColorTag := '</color>';
+ end;
+ ecHighlight2:
+ begin
+ StyleCode := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ if StyleCode <= High( IPFHighlight2Tags ) then
+ OutputString := IPFHighlight2Tags[ StyleCode ];
+ if StyleCode = 0 then
+ State.ForegroundColorTag := '</color>'
+ else
+ State.ForegroundColorTag := OutputString; // only colours
+ end;
+ ecLinkStart:
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( AText, State );
+ if CreateLink( State.LinkIndex, Link, TInternalHelpLink ) then
+ begin
+ Link.TopicIndex := pUInt16( pData + 2 )^;
+ if EscapeLen >= 6 then
+ begin
+ GetExtraLinkData( Link, pData + 4 );
+ end;
+ end;
+ // If it's not an automatic link
+ // then put code in to show it.
+ if not Link.Automatic then
+ begin
+ OutputString := '<blue>'
+ + GetBeginLink( State.LinkIndex );
+ end;
+ inc( State.LinkIndex );
+ end;
+ ecFootnoteLinkStart:
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( AText, State );
+ if CreateLink( State.LinkIndex, FootnoteLink, TFootnoteHelpLink ) then
+ begin
+ FootnoteLink.TopicIndex := pUInt16( pData + 2 )^;
+ State.FootnoteLink := FootnoteLink;
+ end;
+ OutputString := '<blue>' + GetBeginLink( State.LinkIndex );
+ inc( State.LinkIndex );
+ end;
+ ecStartLinkByResourceID:
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( AText, State );
+ if CreateLink( State.LinkIndex, LinkByResourceID, THelpLinkByResourceID ) then
+ begin
+ LinkByResourceID.ResourceID := pUInt16( pData + 2 )^;
+ if EscapeLen >= 6 then
+ begin
+ GetExtraLinkData( LinkByResourceID, pData + 4 );
+ end;
+ end;
+ OutputString := '<blue>' + GetBeginLink( State.LinkIndex );
+ inc( State.LinkIndex );
+ end;
+ ecExternalLink:
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( AText, State );
+ // :link reftype=hd refid=... database=<filename>
+ ExternalLinkFileIndex := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ ExternalLinkTopicID := StrNPas( pchar(pData + 4), (pData + 3)^ );
+ OutputString := '<blue><link ' + PARAM_LINK_EXTERNAL + ' '
+ + IntToStr( ExternalLinkFileIndex )
+ + ' '
+ + ExternalLinkTopicID
+ + '>'
+ end;
+ ecProgramLink:
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( AText, State );
+ ProgramLink := StrNPas( pchar(pData + 3), EscapeLen-3 );
+ tmpProgramLinkParts := TStringList.Create;
+ StrExtractStrings(tmpProgramLinkParts, ProgramLink, [' '], #0);
+ ProgramPath := tmpProgramLinkParts[0];
+ tmpProgramLinkParts.Destroy;
+ ProgramFilename := ExtractFilename( ProgramPath );
+ if StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(ProgramFilename, PRGM_EXPLORER)
+ or StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(ProgramFilename, PRGM_NETSCAPE)
+ or StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(ProgramFilename, PRGM_MOZILLA)
+ or StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(ProgramFilename, PRGM_FIREFOX)
+ then
+ begin
+ OutputString := '<blue><link ' + PARAM_LINK_URL + ' '
+ + FullDoubleQuote( ProgramLink )
+ + '>';
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ProgramInfo := TSerializableStringList.create;
+ ProgramInfo.add(ProgramPath);
+ ProgramInfo.add(ProgramLink);
+ OutputString := '<blue><link ' + PARAM_LINK_PROGRAM + ' '
+ + ProgramInfo.getSerializedString
+ + '>';
+ ProgramInfo.destroy;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ecLinkEnd:
+ begin
+ OutputString := GetEndLinkTags( State );
+ if State.FootnoteLink <> nil then
+ State.FootnoteLink := nil;
+ end;
+ ecStartCharGraphics:
+ begin
+ State.FontState := fsFixed;
+ State.InCharGraphics := true;
+ OutputString := RTF_NewLine + RTF_NewLine + '<tt><wrap no>';
+ State.Spacing := false;
+ WordsOnLine := 0;
+ end;
+ ecEndCharGraphics:
+ begin
+ State.FontState := fsNormal;
+ State.InCharGraphics := false;
+ OutputString := '</tt><wrap yes>' + RTF_NewLine;
+ State.Spacing := true;
+ end;
+ ecImage:
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( AText, State );
+ BitmapFlags := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ BitmapOffset := pUInt32( pData + 3 )^;
+ OutputString := GetImageText( State.Alignment,
+ BitmapOffset,
+ BitmapFlags,
+ ImageOffsets );
+ if State.Spacing
+ AND (OutputString[Length(OutputString)] <> RTF_NewLine) // no space after a line break
+ then
+ OutputString := OutputString + ' ';
+ end;
+ ecLinkedImage:
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( AText, State );
+ ProcessLinkedImage( State,
+ pData,
+ OutputString,
+ ImageOffsets );
+ if State.Spacing then
+ OutputString := OutputString + ' ';
+ // Note! Early exit, since the procedure
+ // will update pData.
+ AText := AText + OutputString;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ ecStartLines:
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( AText, State );
+ // aligned text
+ case ( pData + 2 )^ of
+ 0, // just in case - to match image alignment oddities
+ 1:
+ begin
+ OutputString := RTF_NewLine + '<align left>';
+ State.Alignment := itaLeft;
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ OutputString := RTF_NewLine + '<align right>';
+ State.Alignment := itaRight;
+ end;
+ 4:
+ begin
+ OutputString := RTF_NewLine + '<align center>';
+ State.Alignment := itaCenter;
+ end;
+ end;
+ OutputString := OutputString + '<wrap no>';
+ WordsOnLine := 0;
+ end;
+ ecEndLines:
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( AText, State );
+ // supposed to turn word wrap on, default font
+ OutputString := '<align left><wrap yes>'; // I guess...
+ State.Alignment := itaLeft;
+ end;
+ ecForegroundColor:
+ begin
+ ColorCode := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ if ColorCode = 0 then
+ State.ForegroundColorTag := '</color>'
+ else if ColorCode <= High( IPFColors ) then
+ State.ForegroundColorTag := '<color ' + IPFColors[ ColorCode ] + '>';
+ OutputString := State.ForegroundColorTag;
+ end;
+ ecBackgroundColor:
+ begin
+ ColorCode := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ if ColorCode = 0 then
+ State.BackgroundColorTag := '</backcolor>'
+ else if ColorCode <= High( IPFColors ) then
+ State.BackgroundColorTag := '<backcolor ' + IPFColors[ ColorCode ] + '>';
+ OutputString := State.BackgroundColorTag;
+ end;
+ ecFontChange:
+ begin
+ FontIndex := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ if FontIndex = 0 then
+ begin
+ // back to default font
+ OutputString := '</font>';
+ State.FontState := fsNormal;
+ end
+ else if FontIndex < _FontTable.Count then
+ begin
+ // valid font index
+ pFontSpec := _FontTable[ FontIndex ];
+// if pFontSpec = SubstituteFixedFont then
+ if pFontSpec^.Codepage = High(word) then // Substitute Fixed Font detected
+ begin
+ OutputString := '<tt>';
+ State.FontState := fsFixed;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+// pFontSpec := _FontTable[ FontIndex ];
+ FaceName := StrNPas( pFontSpec^.FaceName, sizeof(pFontSpec^.FaceName) );
+ // arbitrarily and capriciously use specified height * 2/3
+ // as the point size - seems to correspond to what original
+ // view wanted... note this doesn't necessarily scale
+ // correctly, since default font could be different. whatever.
+ PointSize := (pFontSpec^.Height * 2) div 3;
+ if PointSize < 8 then
+ PointSize := 8;
+ // quote font name, escape double quotes with duplicates
+ // e.g. Bob's "Big" Font would become
+ // "Bob's ""Big"" Font"
+ QuotedFaceName := FullDoubleQuote( FaceName );
+ OutputString := '<font '
+ + QuotedFaceName
+ + ' '
+ + IntToStr( PointSize )
+ + '>';
+ {
+ // for when (if ever) RTV allows setting font
+ // by precise dimensions
+ + '['
+ + IntToStr( pFontSpec ^. Width )
+ + 'x'
+ + IntToStr( pFontSpec ^. Height )
+ + ']';
+ }
+ State.FontState := fsCustom;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ end; // case escape code of...
+ AText := AText + OutputString;
+ inc( pData, EscapeLen );
+// returns true if the escape code results in whitespace
+// also updates the bits of State that relate to spacing
+// ie. .Spacing, and .InCharGraphics (which affects whether
+// spacing is reset at paragraph ends etc)
+function TTopic.IPFEscapeCodeSpace( Var State: TParseState;
+ Var pData: pUInt8 ): boolean;
+ EscapeLen: uint8;
+ EscapeCode: uint8;
+ EscapeLen := pData^;
+ EscapeCode := (pData + 1) ^;
+ result := false; // for most
+ case EscapeCode of
+ ecSetLeftMargin,
+ ecSetLeftMarginNewLine,
+ ecSetLeftMarginFit:
+ result := true;
+ ecStartCharGraphics:
+ begin
+ result := true;
+ State.InCharGraphics := true;
+ State.Spacing := false;
+ end;
+ ecEndCharGraphics:
+ begin
+ result := true;
+ State.InCharGraphics := false;
+ State.Spacing := true;
+ end;
+ ecImage:
+ result := State.Spacing;
+ ecLinkedImage:
+ result := State.Spacing;
+ ecStartLines:
+ begin
+ result := true;
+ State.Spacing := false;
+ end;
+ ecEndLines:
+ begin
+ result := true;
+ // supposed to turn word wrap on, default font
+ State.Spacing := true;
+ end;
+ end; // case escape code of...
+ inc( pData, EscapeLen );
+procedure TTopic.EnsureSlotsLoaded;
+ i: longint;
+ pSlotNumber: puint16;
+ SlotNumber: uint16;
+ SlotHeader: TSlotHeader;
+ Slot: THelpTopicSlot;
+ bytes: integer;
+ expected: integer;
+ if _Slots = nil then
+ begin
+ try
+ _Slots := TList.Create;
+ // Read slot data
+ pSlotNumber := _pSlotNumbers;
+ for i := 1 to _NumSlots do
+ begin
+ SlotNumber := pSlotNumber^;
+ // Seek to start of slot
+ try
+ _FileHandle.Seek(_pSlotOffsets^[SlotNumber], soBeginning);
+ except
+ // not a valid offset
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create( ErrorCorruptHelpFile );
+ end;
+ // Read header
+ bytes := _FileHandle.Read(SlotHeader, SizeOf(TSlotHeader));
+ if bytes <> SizeOf(TSlotHeader) then
+ // couldn't read slot header
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Failed to load Topic Slots.' );
+ // Create slot object
+ Slot := THelpTopicSlot.Create;
+ Slot.LocalDictSize := SlotHeader.nLocalDict;
+ Slot.Size := SlotHeader.ntext;
+ // Allocate and read slot dictionary
+ _FileHandle.Seek(SlotHeader.localDictPos, soBeginning);
+ expected := uint32(Slot.LocalDictSize) * sizeof(uint16); // size we need
+ if Slot.pLocalDictionary = nil then
+ // allocate memory
+ Slot.pLocalDictionary := GetMem(expected);
+ bytes := _FileHandle.Read(Slot.pLocalDictionary^, expected);
+ if bytes <> expected then
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create('Failed to read complete slot dictionary');
+ // Allocate and read slot data (text)
+ _FileHandle.Seek(_pSlotOffsets^[SlotNumber] + sizeof(TSlotHeader), soBeginning);
+ expected := Slot.Size; // size we need
+ if Slot.pData = nil then
+ // allocate memory
+ Slot.pData := GetMem(expected);
+ bytes := _FileHandle.Read(Slot.pData^, expected);
+ if bytes <> expected then
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create('Failed to read complete slot data (text)');
+ _Slots.Add( Slot );
+ inc( pByte(pSlotNumber), sizeof( UInt16 ) );
+ end;
+ except
+ on E: EHelpFileException do
+ begin
+ DestroyListAndObjects( _Slots );
+ raise;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+// returns a global dict index.
+// or, -1 for a whitespace item.
+// or, -2 for end of text.
+function TTopic.GetNextIPFTextItem( Var SlotIndex: longint;
+ Var pData: pUInt8;
+ Var State: TParseState ): longint;
+ Slot: THelpTopicSlot;
+ pSlotEnd: pUInt8;
+ LocalDictIndex: uint8;
+ while SlotIndex < _NumSlots do
+ begin
+ Slot := THelpTopicSlot(_Slots[ SlotIndex ]);
+ pSlotEnd := Slot.pData + Slot.Size;
+ while pData < pSlotEnd do
+ begin
+ LocalDictIndex := pData^;
+ inc( pData );
+ if LocalDictIndex < Slot.LocalDictSize then
+ begin
+ // Normal word lookup
+ result := Slot.pLocalDictionary^[ LocalDictIndex ];
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // special code
+ case LocalDictIndex of
+ begin
+ result := -1;
+ if not State.InCharGraphics then
+ State.Spacing := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ begin
+ result := -1;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ begin
+ State.Spacing := not State.Spacing;
+ end;
+ begin
+ result := -1;
+ if not State.InCharGraphics then
+ State.Spacing := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ begin
+ result := -1;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // escape sequence
+ if IPFEscapeCodeSpace( State, pData ) then
+ result := -1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // while in slot...
+ inc( SlotIndex );
+ end;
+ Result := -2;
+// Checks to see if the given word (at pData)
+// starts one of the given sequences, by looking forward
+// If found, returns the length of the sequence.
+function TTopic.CheckForSequence( WordSequences: TList;
+ SlotIndex: longint;
+ pData: pUint8;
+ State: TParseState;
+ GlobalDictIndex: longint
+ ): longint;
+ WordSequence: TList;
+ SequenceStepIndex: longint;
+ pSequenceStepWords: Uint32ArrayPointer;
+ SequenceIndex: longint;
+ SlotIndexTemp: longint;
+ pDataTemp: pUint8;
+ StateTemp: TParseState;
+// s : string;
+ DictIndex: longint;
+ result := 0; // if we don't find a match.
+ for SequenceIndex := 0 to WordSequences.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ WordSequence := TList(WordSequences[ SequenceIndex ]);
+ pSequenceStepWords := WordSequence[ 0 ];
+ if pSequenceStepWords^[ GlobalDictIndex ] > 0 then
+ begin
+ // matched first step in this sequence. Look ahead...
+ SequenceStepIndex := 0;
+ pDataTemp := pData;
+ SlotIndexTemp := SlotIndex;
+ StateTemp := State;
+ while true do
+ begin
+ inc( SequenceStepIndex );
+ if SequenceStepIndex = WordSequence.Count then
+ begin
+ // have a match for the sequence, insert start highlight
+ Result := WordSequence.Count;
+ break;
+ end;
+ // get words for next step in sequence
+ pSequenceStepWords := WordSequence[ SequenceStepIndex ];
+ DictIndex := GetNextIPFTextItem( SlotIndexTemp,
+ pDataTemp,
+ StateTemp );
+ if DictIndex = -2 then
+ begin
+ // end of text - abort
+ break;
+ end;
+ if DictIndex = -1 then
+ begin
+ // whitespace - abort
+ // for multi-word phrase searching - count this and subsequent whitespace...
+ break;
+ end;
+// s := _GlobalDictionary[ DictIndex ]; // for debug only
+ if not StrIsEmptyOrSpaces(_GlobalDictionary[ DictIndex ]) then
+ begin
+ if pSequenceStepWords^[ DictIndex ] = 0 then
+ begin
+ // word doesn't match - abort
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // while
+ end;
+ // else - doesn't match first step, do nothing
+ end; // for sequenceindex ...
+// Main translation function. Turns the IPF data into
+// a text string. Translates formatting codes into tags
+// as for Rich Text Viewer.
+procedure TTopic.GetText( HighlightSequences: TList;
+ // each element is a TList
+ // containing a sequence of possible words
+ // each element of each sequence
+ // is an array of flags for the dictionary
+ // indicating if the word is a allowed match at that step
+ // a match is any sequence that matches one or more words at each step.
+ ShowCodes: boolean;
+ ShowWordSeparators: boolean;
+ var Text: String;
+ ImageOffsets: TList;
+ HighlightMatches: TList );
+ SlotIndex: integer;
+ Slot: THelpTopicSlot;
+ pData: pUInt8;
+ pSlotEnd: pUInt8;
+ GlobalDictIndex: uint32;
+ WordsOnLine: longint;
+ StringToAdd: string;
+ LocalDictIndex: uint8;
+ State: TParseState;
+ EscapeLen: uint8;
+ i: longint;
+ SequenceStepIndex: longint;
+ if Links = nil then
+ Links := TList.Create;
+ if HighlightMatches <> nil then
+ HighlightMatches.Clear;
+ // Text.Clear;
+ ImageOffsets.Clear;
+ try
+ EnsureSlotsLoaded;
+ except
+ on E: EHelpFileException do
+ begin
+ Text := Text + E.Message;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ WordsOnLine := 0;
+ State.LinkIndex := 0;
+ State.FontState := fsNormal; // ? Not sure... this could be reset at start of slot
+ State.InCharGraphics := false;
+ State.Spacing := true;
+ State.ForegroundColorTag := '</color>';
+ State.BackgroundColorTag := '</backcolor>';
+ State.StartOfTextBlock := -1;
+ State.TextBlock := '';
+ State.FootnoteLink := nil;
+ Text := Text + '<leftmargin 1>';
+ SequenceStepIndex := 0;
+ for SlotIndex := 0 to _NumSlots - 1 do
+ begin
+ if not State.InCharGraphics then
+ State.Spacing := true; // this is just a guess as to the exact view behaviour.
+ // inf.txt indicates that spacing is reset to true at
+ // slot (cell) start, but that doesn't seem to be the
+ // case when in character graphics... hey ho.
+ Slot := THelpTopicSlot(_Slots[ SlotIndex ]);
+ pData := Slot.pData;
+ pSlotEnd := pData + Slot.Size;
+ State.Alignment := itaLeft;
+ while pData < pSlotEnd do
+ begin
+ LocalDictIndex := pData^;
+ inc( pData );
+ if LocalDictIndex < Slot.LocalDictSize then
+ begin
+ // Normal word lookup
+ GlobalDictIndex := Slot.pLocalDictionary^[ LocalDictIndex ];
+ if ShowWordSeparators then
+ Text := Text + '{' + IntToStr( GlobalDictIndex )+ '}';
+ // normal lookup
+ if GlobalDictIndex < _GlobalDictionary.Count then
+ StringToAdd := _GlobalDictionary[ GlobalDictIndex ]
+ else
+ StringToAdd := '';
+ if StrIsEmptyOrSpaces( StringToAdd ) then
+ begin
+ // spaces only...
+ CheckForAutoURL( Text, State );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // really is a word, not a space.
+ // store string into "word"
+ if Length(State.TextBlock) = 0 then
+ // store start of block
+ State.StartOfTextBlock := Length(Text);
+ State.TextBlock := State.TextBlock + StringToAdd;
+ SubstituteAngleBrackets( StringToAdd );
+ if HighlightSequences <> nil then
+ begin
+ if SequenceStepIndex > 0 then
+ begin
+ // currently highlighting a sequence.
+ dec( SequenceStepIndex );
+ if SequenceStepIndex = 0 then
+ begin
+ // now finished, insert end highlight
+ StringToAdd := StringToAdd
+ + State.BackgroundColorTag;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // not yet in a sequence, searching.
+ SequenceStepIndex :=
+ CheckForSequence( HighlightSequences,
+ SlotIndex,
+ pData,
+ State,
+ GlobalDictIndex );
+ if SequenceStepIndex > 0 then
+ begin
+ // this word starts a sequence!
+ if HighlightMatches <> nil then
+ HighlightMatches.Add( pointer( Length(Text) ) );
+ StringToAdd := '<backcolor #'
+ + IntToHex( Settings.Colors[ SearchHighlightTextColorIndex ], 6 )
+ + '>'
+ + StringToAdd;
+ dec( SequenceStepIndex );
+ if SequenceStepIndex = 0 then
+ // and ends it.
+ StringToAdd := StringToAdd
+ + State.BackgroundColorTag;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // if processing sequence
+ inc( WordsOnLine );
+ end;
+ Text := Text + StringToAdd;
+ if State.FootnoteLink <> nil then
+ begin
+ State.FootnoteLink.Title := State.FootnoteLink.Title + StringToAdd;
+ if State.Spacing then
+ begin
+ State.FootnoteLink.Title := State.FootnoteLink.Title + ' ';
+ end;
+ end;
+ if State.Spacing then
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( Text, State );
+ Text := Text + ' ';
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // special code
+ if ShowCodes then
+ begin
+ Text := Text + '[' + IntToHex( LocalDictIndex, 2 );
+ if LocalDictIndex = IPF_ESC then
+ begin
+ EscapeLen := pData^;
+ for i := 1 to EscapeLen - 1 do
+ Text := Text + ' ' + IntToHex( ( pData + i )^, 2 );
+ end;
+ Text := Text + ']';
+ end;
+ case LocalDictIndex of
+ begin
+ if SlotIndex = 0 then
+ if pData - 1 = Slot.pData then
+ // ignore first FA, not needed with RichTextView
+ continue;
+ CheckForAutoURL( Text, State );
+ if State.Alignment = itaCenterOnePara then
+ begin
+ State.Alignment := itaLeft;
+ Text := Text + '<align left>';
+ end;
+ Text := Text + RTF_NewLine;
+ if WordsOnLine > 0 then
+ Text := Text + RTF_NewLine;
+ if not State.InCharGraphics then
+ State.Spacing := true;
+ WordsOnLine := 0;
+ end;
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( Text, State );
+ Text := Text + RTF_NewLine + '<align center>';
+ State.Alignment := itaCenterOnePara;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if not State.InCharGraphics then
+ State.Spacing := not State.Spacing;
+ end;
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( Text, State );
+ if State.Alignment = itaCenterOnePara then
+ begin
+ State.Alignment := itaLeft;
+ Text := Text + '<align left>';
+ end;
+ Text := Text + RTF_NewLine;
+ if not State.InCharGraphics then
+ State.Spacing := true;
+ WordsOnLine := 0;
+ end;
+ begin
+ CheckForAutoURL( Text, State );
+ if State.Spacing then
+ Text := Text + ' ';
+ end;
+ begin
+ // escape sequence
+ TranslateIPFEscapeCode( State,
+ pData,
+ Text,
+ WordsOnLine,
+ ImageOffsets );
+ end;
+ end; // case code of...
+ end;
+ end; // for slotindex = ...
+ end;
+ State.TextBlock := '';
+function TTopic.SearchForWord( DictIndex: integer;
+ StopAtFirstOccurrence: boolean )
+ : longint;
+ SlotIndex: integer;
+ Slot: THelpTopicSlot;
+ pData: pUInt8;
+ pSlotEnd: pUInt8;
+ EscapeLen: longint;
+ GlobalDictIndex: uint32;
+ LocalDictIndex: uint8;
+ EnsureSlotsLoaded;
+ Result := 0;
+ for SlotIndex := 0 to _NumSlots - 1 do
+ begin
+ Slot := THelpTopicSlot(_Slots[ SlotIndex ]);
+ pData := Slot.pData;
+ pSlotEnd := pData + Slot.Size;
+ while pData < pSlotEnd do
+ begin
+ LocalDictIndex := pData^;
+ if LocalDictIndex < Slot.LocalDictSize then
+ begin
+ // Normal word lookup
+ GlobalDictIndex := Slot.pLocalDictionary^[ LocalDictIndex ];
+ if GlobalDictIndex = DictIndex then
+ begin
+ inc( result );
+ if StopAtFirstOccurrence then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // special code
+ if LocalDictIndex = $ff then
+ begin
+ // escape string, skip it
+ EscapeLen := ( pData + 1 ) ^;
+ inc( pData, EscapeLen );
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc( pData );
+ end; // for slotindex = ...
+ end;
+// Search for a sequence of bytes, including in escape codes
+// this is for debugging to allow finding specific sequences
+function TTopic.SearchForData( Data: pbyte;
+ DataLen: integer ): boolean;
+ SlotIndex: integer;
+ Slot: THelpTopicSlot;
+ pData: pUInt8;
+ pSlotEnd: pUInt8;
+ pHold: pUint8;
+ pSearch: pUint8;
+ EnsureSlotsLoaded;
+ for SlotIndex := 0 to _NumSlots - 1 do
+ begin
+ Slot := THelpTopicSlot(_Slots[ SlotIndex ]);
+ pSearch := Data;
+ pHold := Slot.pData;
+ pData := Slot.pData;
+ pSlotEnd := Slot.pData + Slot.Size;
+ while pHold < pSlotEnd do
+ begin
+ if pData^ = pSearch^ then
+ begin
+ // byte matches
+ inc( pData );
+ inc( pSearch );
+ if ( pSearch >= Data + DataLen ) then
+ begin
+ // matches
+ result := true;
+ exit;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // no match
+ pSearch := Data;
+ inc( pHold );
+ pData := pHold;
+ end;
+ end; // for slotindex = ...
+ end;
+ result := false; // not found
+function TTopic.SearchForWordSequences( WordSequence: TList;
+ StopAtFirstOccurrence: boolean ): longint;
+ SlotIndex: integer;
+ Slot: THelpTopicSlot;
+ pData: pUInt8;
+ pSlotEnd: pUInt8;
+ EscapeLen: longint;
+ GlobalDictIndex: uint32;
+ IsWord: boolean;
+ WordRelevance: uint32;
+ CurrentMatchRelevance: uint32; // total relevances for words matched so far
+ // in the current sequence
+// CurrentMatch: string; // useful for debugging only
+ LocalDictIndex: uint8;
+ SequenceIndex: longint;
+ SequenceStartSlotIndex: longint;
+ pSequenceStartData: pUInt8;
+ pStepWordRelevances: UInt32ArrayPointer; // word relevances for the current step in the sequence
+ // get the current slot start and end pointers
+ procedure GetSlot;
+ begin
+ Slot := THelpTopicSlot(_Slots[ SlotIndex ]);
+ pData := Slot.pData;
+ pSlotEnd := pData + Slot.Size;
+ end;
+ // get pointer to the current set of word relevances
+ procedure GetStepFlags;
+ begin
+ pStepWordRelevances := WordSequence[ SequenceIndex ];
+ end;
+ // store the current point as start of a sequence
+ procedure StoreStartOfSequence;
+ begin
+ SequenceIndex := 0;
+ SequenceStartSlotIndex := SlotIndex;
+ pSequenceStartData := pData;
+ CurrentMatchRelevance := 0;
+// CurrentMatch := '';
+ GetStepFlags;
+ end;
+ Result := 0;
+ EnsureSlotsLoaded;
+ if _NumSlots = 0 then
+ // thar's nowt in yon topic, cannae be a match laid
+ exit;
+ SlotIndex := 0;
+ GetSlot;
+ StoreStartOfSequence;
+ while true do
+ begin
+ LocalDictIndex := pData^;
+ IsWord := false;
+ if LocalDictIndex < Slot.LocalDictSize then
+ begin
+ IsWord := true;
+ // Normal word lookup, so get the global dict idnex before we
+ // (potentially) move to next slot
+ GlobalDictIndex := Slot.pLocalDictionary^[ LocalDictIndex ];
+ end;
+ inc( pData );
+ if pData >= pSlotEnd then
+ begin
+ // reached end of slot, next please
+ inc( SlotIndex );
+ if SlotIndex < _NumSlots then
+ GetSlot;
+ // else - there is nothing more to search
+ // but we need to check this last item
+ end;
+ if IsWord then
+ begin
+ // Normal word lookup
+ WordRelevance := 0;
+ if GlobalDictIndex < _GlobalDictionary.Count then
+ if not StrIsEmptyOrSpaces( _GlobalDictionary[ GlobalDictIndex ] ) then;
+ WordRelevance := pStepWordRelevances^[ GlobalDictIndex ];
+ if WordRelevance > 0 then
+ begin
+ // Found a matching word
+ inc( CurrentMatchRelevance, WordRelevance );
+// debug:
+// CurrentMatch := CurrentMatch +
+// pstring( _GlobalDictionary[ GlobalDictIndex ] )^;
+ if SequenceIndex = 0 then
+ begin
+ // remember next start point
+ SequenceStartSlotIndex := SlotIndex;
+ pSequenceStartData := pData;
+ end;
+ inc( SequenceIndex );
+ if SequenceIndex < WordSequence.Count then
+ begin
+ // get next set of flags.
+ GetStepFlags;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // found a complete sequence. Cool!
+ inc( result, CurrentMatchRelevance );
+ if StopAtFirstOccurrence then
+ exit;
+ // start looking from the beginning of the sequence again.
+ StoreStartOfSequence;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // not a match at this point, restart search
+ if SequenceIndex > 0 then
+ begin
+ // we had matched one or more steps already,
+ // back to start of sequence AND back to
+ // point we started matching from (+1)
+ SequenceIndex := 0;
+ CurrentMatchRelevance := 0;
+// CurrentMatch := '';
+ SlotIndex := SequenceStartSlotIndex;
+ GetSlot;
+ pData := pSequenceStartData;
+ GetStepFlags;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // haven't matched anything yet.
+ // update start of sequence
+ SequenceStartSlotIndex := SlotIndex;
+ pSequenceStartData := pData;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // special code
+ if LocalDictIndex = $ff then
+ begin
+ // escape string, skip it
+ EscapeLen := pData ^;
+ inc( pData, EscapeLen );
+ end;
+ end;
+ if SlotIndex >= _NumSlots then
+ begin
+ // finished searching topic
+ break;
+ end;
+ // next item
+ end;
+function TTopic.CountWord( DictIndex: integer ): longint;
+ Result := SearchForWord( DictIndex, false );
+function TTopic.ContainsWord( DictIndex: integer ): boolean;
+ Result := SearchForWord( DictIndex, true ) > 0;
+// Gets the window dimensions specified by this topic's
+// contents header
+procedure TTopic.GetContentsWindowRect( ContentsRect: THelpWindowRect );
+ extendedinfo: TExtendedTOCEntry;
+ XY: THelpXYPair;
+ p: pbyte;
+ Flags: byte;
+ Flags := _pTOCEntry ^.flags;
+ p := pByte( _pTOCEntry + sizeof( TTOCEntryStart ) );
+ ContentsRect.Left := 0;
+ ContentsRect.Bottom := 0;
+ ContentsRect.Width := 100;
+ ContentsRect.Height := 100;
+ if ( Flags and TOCEntryExtended ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // have more details available...
+ ExtendedInfo.w1 := p^;
+ ExtendedInfo.w2 := ( p+1) ^;
+ inc( p, sizeof( ExtendedInfo ) );
+ if ( ExtendedInfo.w1 and 1 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // read origin
+ XY := pHelpXYPair( p )^;
+ inc( p, sizeof( XY ) );
+ ReadHelpPosition( XY, ContentsRect );
+ end;
+ if ( ExtendedInfo.w1 and 2 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // read size
+ XY := pHelpXYPair( p )^;
+ inc( p, sizeof( XY ) );
+ ReadHelpSize( XY, ContentsRect );
+ end;
+ end;
+ IPFColorNames: array[ 0..15 ] of string =
+ (
+ 'default',
+ 'blue',
+ 'red',
+ 'pink',
+ 'green',
+ 'cyan',
+ 'yellow',
+ 'neutral',
+// 'brown', ??
+ 'darkgray',
+ 'darkblue',
+ 'darkred',
+ 'darkpink',
+ 'darkgreen',
+ 'darkcyan',
+ 'black',
+ 'palegray'
+ );
+Procedure SaveExtraLinkData( Link: TWindowedHelpLink;
+ pData: pUInt8 );
+ LinkFlags1: uint8;
+ LinkFlags2: uint8;
+ LinkDataIndex: longint;
+ pLinkXY: pHelpXYPair;
+ pLinkData: pUInt8;
+ LinkFlags1 := ( pData + 0 ) ^;
+ LinkFlags2 := ( pData + 1 ) ^;
+ pLinkData := pData + 2;
+ if ( LinkFlags1 and 1 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // position specified
+ pLinkXY := pHelpXYPair( pLinkData );
+ inc( pLinkData, sizeof( THelpXYPair ) );
+ end;
+ if ( LinkFlags1 and 2 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // size specified
+ pLinkXY := pHelpXYPair( pLinkData );
+ inc( pLinkData, sizeof( THelpXYPair ) );
+ end;
+ if ( LinkFlags1 and 8 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // window controls specified - skip
+ inc( pLinkData, 2 );
+ end;
+ if ( LinkFlags2 and 4 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // group specified
+ Link.GroupIndex := pUInt16( pLinkData )^;
+ inc( LinkDataIndex, sizeof( uint16 ) );
+ end;
+ if ( LinkFlags1 and 64 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ Link.Automatic := true;
+ end;
+ if ( LinkFlags1 and 4 ) > 0 then
+ Link.ViewPort := true;
+ if ( LinkFlags2 and 2 ) > 0 then
+ Link.Dependent := true;
+ if ( LinkFlags1 and 128 ) > 0 then
+ Link.Split := true;
+ // cant be bothered with the others.
+procedure TTopic.SaveIPFEscapeCode( Var State: TParseState;
+ Var pData: pUInt8;
+ Var F: TextFile;
+ ImageOffsets: TList );
+ EscapeLen: uint8;
+ EscapeCode: uint8;
+ Margin: integer;
+ BitmapOffset: longword;
+ BitmapFlags: uint8;
+ ColorCode: uint8;
+ StyleCode: uint8;
+ FontIndex: uint8;
+ pFontSpec: pTHelpFontSpec;
+ FaceName: string;
+ ExternalLinkFileIndex: uint8;
+ ExternalLinkTopicID: string;
+ ProgramLink: string;
+ ProgramPath: string;
+ tmpProgramLinkParts : TStringList;
+ OutputString: string;
+ EscapeLen := pData^;
+ EscapeCode := (pData + 1) ^;
+ OutputString := '';
+ case EscapeCode of
+ ecSetLeftMargin:
+ begin
+ Margin := integer( ( pData + 2 )^ );
+ GetMarginTag( Margin, State.FontState, OutputString, false );
+ end;
+ ecSetLeftMarginNewLine:
+ begin
+ Margin := integer( ( pData + 2 )^ );
+ GetMarginTag( Margin, State.FontState, OutputString, false );
+ OutputString := OutputString
+ + RTF_NewLine;
+ end;
+ ecSetLeftMarginFit:
+ begin
+ Margin := integer( ( pData + 2 )^ );
+ GetMarginTag( Margin, State.FontState, OutputString, true );
+ // note that this will cause following tex to be "tabbed" across to the
+ // new margin position, if not yet there.
+ // if we are already past this margin then a new line should be started.
+ end;
+ ecSetLeftMarginHere:
+ begin
+ OutputString := '<leftmargin here>';
+ end;
+ ecHighlight1: // hp1,2,3, 5,6,7
+ begin
+ StyleCode := ( pData + 2 ) ^;
+ if StyleCode > 3 then
+ StyleCode := StyleCode + 1; // 4, 8 and 9 are expressed in highlight2 code
+ if StyleCode > 0 then
+ Write( F, ':hp' + IntToStr( StyleCode ) + '.' )
+ else
+ Write( F, ':ehp' + IntToStr( State.StyleCode ) + '.' );
+ State.StyleCode := StyleCode;
+ end;
+ ecHighlight2: // hp4, 8, 9
+ begin
+ StyleCode := ( pData + 2 ) ^;
+ case StyleCode of
+ 1: StyleCode := 4;
+ 2: StyleCode := 8;
+ 3: StyleCode := 9;
+ end;
+ if StyleCode > 0 then
+ Write( F, ':hp' + IntToStr( StyleCode ) + '.' )
+ else
+ Write( F, ':ehp' + IntToStr( State.StyleCode ) + '.' );
+ State.StyleCode := StyleCode;
+ end;
+ ecLinkStart:
+ begin
+ Write( F, ':link reftype=hd' ); // link to heading
+ Write( F, ' refid=' + IntToStr( pUInt16( pData + 2 )^ ) );
+ {
+ if EscapeLen >= 6 then
+ begin
+ GetExtraLinkData( Link, pData + 4 );
+ end;}
+// if Link.Automatic then
+// Write( F, ' auto' );
+ Write( F, '.' );
+ inc( State.LinkIndex );
+ end;
+ ecFootnoteLinkStart:
+ begin
+ Write( F, ':link reftype=fn refid=fn'
+ + IntToStr( pUInt16( pData + 2 )^ )
+ + '.' );
+ inc( State.LinkIndex );
+ end;
+ ecStartLinkByResourceID:
+ begin
+ Write( F, ':link reftype=hd res='
+ + IntToStr( pUInt16( pData + 2 )^ )
+ + '.' );
+ inc( State.LinkIndex );
+ end;
+ ecExternalLink:
+ begin
+ ExternalLinkFileIndex := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ ExternalLinkTopicID := StrNPas( pchar( pData + 4 ), ( pData + 3 )^ );
+ Write( F, ':link reftype=hd '
+ + ' refid=' + StrInSingleQuotes( ExternalLinkTopicID )
+ + ' database=' + StrInSingleQuotes( _ReferencedFiles[ ExternalLinkFileIndex ] )
+ + '.' );
+ end;
+ ecProgramLink:
+ begin
+ ProgramLink := StrNPas( pchar( pData + 3 ), EscapeLen - 3 );
+ tmpProgramLinkParts := TStringList.Create;
+ StrExtractStrings(tmpProgramLinkParts, ProgramLink, [' '], #0);
+ ProgramPath := tmpProgramLinkParts[0];
+ tmpProgramLinkParts.Destroy;
+ Write( F, ':link reftype=launch'
+ + ' object=' + StrInSingleQuotes( ProgramPath )
+ + ' data=' + StrInSingleQuotes( ProgramLink )
+ + '.' );
+ end;
+ ecLinkEnd:
+ begin
+ Write( F, ':elink.' );
+ if State.FootnoteLink <> nil then
+ State.FootnoteLink := nil;
+ end;
+ ecStartCharGraphics:
+ begin
+ State.FontState := fsFixed;
+ State.InCharGraphics := true;
+ WriteLn( F, '' );
+ WriteLn( F, ':cgraphic.' );
+ State.Spacing := false;
+ end;
+ ecEndCharGraphics:
+ begin
+ State.FontState := fsNormal;
+ State.InCharGraphics := false;
+ WriteLn( F, '' );
+ WriteLn( F, ':ecgraphic.' );
+ State.Spacing := true;
+ end;
+ ecImage:
+ begin
+ BitmapFlags := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ BitmapOffset := pUInt32( pData + 3 )^;
+ SaveImageText( BitmapOffset, BitmapFlags, F, ImageOffsets );
+ if State.Spacing then
+ Write( F, ' ' );
+ end;
+ ecLinkedImage:
+ begin
+ SaveLinkedImage( pData, F, ImageOffsets );
+ // Note! Early exit, since the procedure
+ // will update pData.
+ exit;
+ end;
+ ecStartLines:
+ begin
+ WriteLn( F, '' );
+ // aligned text
+ case ( pData + 2 )^ of
+ 0, // just in case - to match image alignment oddities
+ 1:
+ begin
+ WriteLn( F, ':lines.' );
+ State.Alignment := itaLeft;
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ WriteLn( F, ':lines align=right.' );
+ State.Alignment := itaRight;
+ end;
+ 4:
+ begin
+ WriteLn( F, ':lines align=center.' );
+ State.Alignment := itaCenter;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ecEndLines:
+ begin
+ // supposed to turn word wrap on, default font
+ WriteLn( F, '' );
+ WriteLn( F, ':elines.' );
+ State.Alignment := itaLeft;
+ end;
+ ecForegroundColor:
+ begin
+ ColorCode := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ if ColorCode < High( IPFColorNames ) then
+ Write( F, ':color fc=' + IPFColorNames[ ColorCode ] + '.' );
+ end;
+ ecBackgroundColor:
+ begin
+ ColorCode := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ if ColorCode < High( IPFColorNames ) then
+ Write( F, ':color bc=' + IPFColorNames[ ColorCode ] + '.' );
+ end;
+ ecFontChange:
+ begin
+ FontIndex := ( pData + 2 )^;
+ if FontIndex = 0 then
+ begin
+ // back to default font
+ Write( F, ':font facename=default.' );
+ State.FontState := fsNormal;
+ end
+ else if FontIndex < _FontTable.Count then
+ begin
+ // valid font index
+ pFontSpec := _FontTable[ FontIndex ];
+ if pFontSpec = SubstituteFixedFont then
+ begin
+ // oops.
+ OutputString := '<tt>';
+ State.FontState := fsFixed;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ pFontSpec := _FontTable[ FontIndex ];
+ FaceName := StrNPas( pFontSpec^.FaceName,
+ sizeof( pFontSpec^.FaceName ) );
+ Write( F,
+ ':font facename=' + StrInSingleQuotes( FaceName )
+ + ' size=' + IntToStr( pFontSpec^.Height )
+ + 'x' + IntToStr( pFontSpec^.Width )
+ + '.' );
+ State.FontState := fsCustom;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ end; // case escape code of...
+ // Write( F, OutputString );
+ inc( pData, EscapeLen );
+procedure TTopic.SaveToIPF( Var f: TextFile;
+ ImageOffsets: TList );
+ SlotIndex: integer;
+ Slot: THelpTopicSlot;
+ pData: pUInt8;
+ pSlotEnd: pUInt8;
+ GlobalDictIndex: uint32;
+ StringToAdd: string;
+ LocalDictIndex: uint8;
+ State: TParseState;
+ SequenceStepIndex: longint;
+ LineLen: longint;
+ c: char;
+ EnsureSlotsLoaded;
+ State.LinkIndex := 0;
+ State.FontState := fsNormal; // ? Not sure... this could be reset at start of slot
+ State.InCharGraphics := false;
+ State.Spacing := true;
+ State.ForegroundColorTag := '</color>';
+ State.BackgroundColorTag := '</backcolor>';
+ State.StartOfTextBlock := -1;
+ State.TextBlock := '';
+ State.FootnoteLink := nil;
+ State.StyleCode := 0;
+ SequenceStepIndex := 0;
+ LineLen := 0;
+ for SlotIndex := 0 to _NumSlots - 1 do
+ begin
+ if not State.InCharGraphics then
+ State.Spacing := true; // this is just a guess as to the exact view behaviour.
+ // inf.txt indicates that spacing is reset to true at
+ // slot (cell) start, but that doesn't seem to be the
+ // case when in character graphics... hey ho.
+ Slot := THelpTopicSlot(_Slots[ SlotIndex ]);
+ pData := Slot.pData;
+ pSlotEnd := pData + Slot.Size;
+ State.Alignment := itaLeft;
+ while pData < pSlotEnd do
+ begin
+ LocalDictIndex := pData^;
+ inc( pData );
+ if LocalDictIndex < Slot.LocalDictSize then
+ begin
+ // Normal word lookup
+ GlobalDictIndex := Slot.pLocalDictionary^[ LocalDictIndex ];
+ // normal lookup
+ if GlobalDictIndex < _GlobalDictionary.Count then
+ StringToAdd := _GlobalDictionary[ GlobalDictIndex ]
+ else
+ StringToAdd := '';
+ if (Length( StringToAdd ) = 1) and Settings.IPFTopicSaveAsEscaped then
+ begin
+ // could be symbol
+ c := StringToAdd[ 1 ];
+ case C of
+ '&': StringToAdd := '&amp.';
+ '''': StringToAdd := '&apos.';
+ '*': StringToAdd := '&asterisk.';
+ '@': StringToAdd := '&atsign.';
+ '\': StringToAdd := '&bsl.';
+ '^': StringToAdd := '&caret.';
+ '"': StringToAdd := '&osq.';
+ ':': StringToAdd := '&colon.';
+ '.': StringToAdd := '&per.';
+ '(': StringToAdd := '&lpar.';
+ ')': StringToAdd := '&rpar.';
+ '/': StringToAdd := '&slash.';
+ ',': StringToAdd := '&comma.';
+ '-': StringToAdd := '&hyphen.';
+ '_': StringToAdd := '&us.';
+ '~': StringToAdd := '&tilde.';
+ '+': StringToAdd := '&plus.';
+ '>': StringToAdd := '&gt.';
+ ';': StringToAdd := '&semi.';
+ Chr($da): StringToAdd := '+';
+ Chr($c4): StringToAdd := '-';
+ Chr($b3): StringToAdd := '|';
+ Chr($c3): StringToAdd := '|';
+ Chr($bf): StringToAdd := '+';
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc( LineLen, Length( StringToAdd ) );
+ if ( LineLen > 80 ) and ( not State.InCharGraphics ) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn( F );
+ LineLen := 0;
+ end;
+ Write( F, StringToAdd );
+ if State.FootnoteLink <> nil then
+ begin
+ State.FootnoteLink.Title := State.FootnoteLink.Title + StringToAdd;
+ if State.Spacing then
+ begin
+ State.FootnoteLink.Title := State.FootnoteLink.Title + ' ';
+ end;
+ end;
+ }
+ if State.Spacing then
+ begin
+ Write( F, ' ' );
+ inc( LineLen );
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // special code
+ case LocalDictIndex of
+ begin
+ WriteLn( F, '' );
+ Write( F, ':p.' );
+ LineLen := 3;
+ if not State.InCharGraphics then
+ State.Spacing := true;
+ end;
+ begin
+ WriteLn( F, '' );
+ Write( F, '.ce ' ); // remainder of this line is centered.
+ LineLen := 4;
+ State.Alignment := itaCenterOnePara;
+ end;
+ begin
+ State.Spacing := not State.Spacing;
+ end;
+ begin
+ WriteLn( F, '' );
+ if not State.InCharGraphics then
+ WriteLn( F, '.br ' ); // break must be the only thing on the line
+ LineLen := 0;
+ if not State.InCharGraphics then
+ State.Spacing := true;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if State.Spacing then
+ Write( F, ' ' )
+ else
+ Write( F, ' ' );
+ end;
+ begin
+ // escape sequence
+ SaveIPFEscapeCode( State,
+ pData,
+ F,
+ ImageOffsets );
+ end;
+ end; // case code of...
+ end;
+ end; // for slotindex = ...
+ end;
+ State.TextBlock := '';
+// Compares two topics for purposes of sorting by
+// search match relevance
+function TopicRelevanceCompare( Item1, Item2: pointer ): longint;
+ Topic1, Topic2: TTopic;
+ Topic1 := TTopic(Item1);
+ Topic2 := TTopic(Item2);
+ if Topic1.SearchRelevance > Topic2.SearchRelevance then
+ Result := -1
+ else if Topic1.SearchRelevance < Topic2.SearchRelevance then
+ Result := 1
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+// Compares two topics for purposes of sorting by title
+function TopicTitleCompare( Item1, Item2: pointer ): longint;
+ Result := CompareText( TTopic( Item1 )._Title,
+ TTopic( Item2 )._Title );
diff --git a/docview/src/HelpWindowDimensions.pas b/docview/src/HelpWindowDimensions.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8335176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/HelpWindowDimensions.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+unit HelpWindowDimensions;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ // NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer
+ // Copyright 2003 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com)
+ // This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt
+ IPFFileFormatUnit;
+ ptCharacters = 0;
+ ptPercentage = 1;
+ ptPixels = 2;
+ ptPoints = 3;
+ ptDynamic = 4;
+ XPosRight = 577; // some random values as markers
+ YPosTop = 577;
+ XYPosCenter = 578;
+ THelpWindowRect = class(TObject)
+ public
+ Left: longint; // xposright means, right aligned
+ Bottom: longint; // xpostop means top aligned
+ // both: xyposcenter means centered
+ Width: longint;
+ Height: longint;
+ constructor Create;
+ procedure Assign(Rect: THelpWindowRect);
+ end;
+ FootnoteRect: THelpWindowRect;
+procedure ReadHelpSize(const XY: THelpXYPair; var Rect: THelpWindowRect);
+procedure ReadHelpPosition(const XY: THelpXYPair; var Rect: THelpWindowRect);
+constructor THelpWindowRect.Create;
+ Left := -1;
+ Bottom := -1;
+ Width := -1;
+ Height := -1;
+procedure THelpWindowRect.Assign(Rect: THelpWindowRect);
+ Left := Rect.Left;
+ Bottom := Rect.Bottom;
+ Width := Rect.Width;
+ Height := Rect.Height;
+function GetPos(const PositionType: uint8; const Value: longint): longint;
+ case PositionType of
+ ptCharacters:
+ Result := Value;
+ ptPercentage:
+ Result := Value;
+ ptPixels:
+ Result := Value * 5;
+ ptPoints:
+ Result := Value;
+ ptDynamic:
+ case Value of
+ 1:
+ Result := 0; // left
+ 2:
+ Result := XPosRight; // right
+ 4:
+ Result := YPosTop; // top
+ 8:
+ Result := 0; // bottom
+ 16:
+ Result := XYPosCenter; // center.
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure ReadHelpPosition(const XY: THelpXYPair; var Rect: THelpWindowRect);
+ XPositionType: uint8;
+ YPositionType: uint8;
+ // read origin
+ XPositionType := XY.Flags div 16;
+ YPositionType := XY.Flags and 15;
+ if XY.X <> $ffff then
+ Rect.Left := GetPos(XPositionType, XY.X);
+ if XY.Y <> $ffff then
+ Rect.Bottom := GetPos(YPositionType, XY.Y);
+procedure ReadHelpSize(const XY: THelpXYPair; var Rect: THelpWindowRect);
+ if XY.X <> $ffff then
+ Rect.Width := XY.X;
+ if XY.Y <> $ffff then
+ Rect.Height := XY.Y;
+ FootnoteRect := THelpWindowRect.Create;
+ with FootnoteRect do
+ begin
+ Left := 10;
+ Width := 80;
+ Bottom := 10;
+ Height := 40;
+ end;
+ FootnoteRect.Free;
diff --git a/docview/src/IPFEscapeCodes.pas b/docview/src/IPFEscapeCodes.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41e743d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/IPFEscapeCodes.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Unit IPFEscapeCodes;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer
+// Copyright 2001 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com)
+// This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt
+// List of IPF escape codes. Not complete! Many are just used
+// as magic numbers in HelpTopic.pas
+ // Basic byte codes
+ IPF_END_PARA = $fa;
+ IPF_CENTER = $fb;
+ IPF_SPACE = $fe;
+ IPF_ESC = $ff;
+ // Subescape codes of
+ // ?? 11 ??
diff --git a/docview/src/IPFFileFormatUnit.pas b/docview/src/IPFFileFormatUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1acc7857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/IPFFileFormatUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+Unit IPFFileFormatUnit;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer
+// Copyright 2003 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com)
+// This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt
+// Definition of IPF file header and other structures
+ SysUtils;
+ uint32 = longword;
+ uint16 = word;
+ uint8 = byte;
+ pUInt16 = ^uint16;
+ pUInt32 = ^uint32;
+ pUInt8 = ^uint8;
+ Unsigned_31 = 0 .. (1 shl 31) - 1; // 31-bit type
+ Unsigned_4 = 0 .. (1 shl 4) - 1; // 4-bit type
+ Unsigned_1 = 0 .. (1 shl 1) - 1; // 1-bit type
+ PCharArray = packed array[ 0..0 ] of PCHar;
+ UInt32Array = packed array[ 0..0 ] of UInt32;
+ UInt16Array = packed array[ 0..0 ] of UInt16;
+ UInt8Array = packed array[ 0..0 ] of UInt8;
+ PCharArrayPointer = ^PCharArray;
+ UInt32ArrayPointer = ^UInt32Array;
+ UInt16ArrayPointer = ^UInt16Array;
+ UInt8ArrayPointer = ^UInt8Array;
+ TBooleanArray = array[ 0..0 ] of boolean;
+ BooleanArrayPointer = ^TBooleanArray;
+ EHelpFileException = class( Exception )
+ end;
+ EWindowsHelpFormatException = class( Exception )
+ end;
+ TProgressCallback = procedure(n, outof: integer; AMessage: string) of object;
+ ErrorCorruptHelpFile = 'Corrupt help file, or something similar';
+ THelpFileHeader = packed record
+ ID: array[0..2] of ansichar; // ID magic word "HSP"
+ flags: uint8; // probably a flag word...
+ // [0x01] bit 0: set if INF style file
+ // [0x10] bit 4: set if HLP style file
+ // patching this byte allows reading HLP files
+ // using the VIEW command, while help files
+ // seem to work with INF settings here as well.
+ hdrsize: uint16; // total size of header
+ version_hi: uint8;
+ version_lo: uint8;
+ ntoc: uint16; // number of entries in the tocarray
+ tocstart: uint32; // file offset of the start of the toc
+ toclen: uint32; // number of bytes in file occupied by the toc
+ tocoffsetsstart: uint32; // file offset of the start of array of toc offsets
+ nres: uint16; // number of panels with ressource numbers
+ resstart: uint32; // 32 bit file offset of ressource number table
+ nname: uint16; // number of panels with textual name
+ namestart: uint32; // 32 bit file offset to panel name table
+ nindex: uint16; // number of index entries
+ indexstart: uint32; // 32 bit file offset to index table
+ indexlen: uint32; // size of index table
+ icmdCount: uint16; // number of icmd index items
+ icmdOffset: uint32; // file offset to icmd index items
+ icmdSize: uint32; // size of icmd index table
+ searchstart: uint32; // 31 bit file offset of full text search table
+ // Note: top bit indicates 32 bit search record!
+ searchlen: uint32; // size of full text search table
+ nslots: uint16; // number of "slots"
+ slotsstart: uint32; // file offset of the slots array
+ dictlen: uint32; // number of bytes occupied by the "dictionary"
+ ndict: uint16; // number of entries in the dictionary
+ dictstart: uint32; // file offset of the start of the dictionary
+ imgstart: uint32; // file offset of image data
+ maxCVTIndex: byte; // highest index inside panel's local dictionary,
+ // always seems to be 245
+ nlsstart: uint32; // 32 bit file offset of NLS table
+ nlslen: uint32; // size of NLS table
+ extstart: uint32; // 32 bit file offset of extended data block
+ reserved: array[ 0..11 ] of byte; // for future use. set to zero.
+ title: array[ 0..47 ] of ansichar; // ASCII title of database
+ end;
+ TPHelpFileHeader = ^THelpFileHeader;
+ TExtendedHelpFileHeader = packed record
+ NumFontEntry: uint16; // FONT TABLE: Number entries
+ FontTableOffset: uint32; // FONT TABLE: Offset in file
+ NumDataBase: uint16; // DATA BASE: Number of files
+ DataBaseOffset: uint32; // DATA BASE: Offset in file
+ DataBaseSize: uint32; // DATA BASE: Size in bytes
+ EntryInGNameTable: uint16; // GLOBAL NAMES: Number entries
+ HelpPanelGNameTblOffset: uint32; // GLOBAL NAMES: Offset in file
+ StringsOffset: uint32; // STRINGS : Offset in file
+ StringsSize: uint16; // STRINGS : Total bytes of all strings
+ ChildPagesOffset: uint32; // CHILDPAGES : Offset in file
+ ChildPagesSize: uint32; // CHILDPAGES : Total bytes of all strings
+ NumGIndexEntry: uint32; // Total number of Global Index items
+ CtrlOffset: uint32; // CTRL BUTTONS : offset in file
+ CtrlSize: uint32; // CTRL BUTTONS : size in bytes
+ Reserved: array[0..3] of uint32; // For future use. Set to zero
+ end;
+ TPExtendedHelpFileHeader = ^TExtendedHelpFileHeader;
+ TTOCEntryStart = packed record
+ length: uint8; // length of the entry including this byte (but not including extended data)
+ flags: uint8; // flag byte, description folows (MSB first)
+ // bit8 haschildren; // following nodes are a higher level
+ // bit7 hidden; // this entry doesn't appear in VIEW.EXE's
+ // presentation of the toc
+ // bit6 extended; // extended entry format
+ // bit5 stuff; // ??
+ // int4 level; // nesting level
+ numSlots: uint8; // number of "slots" occupied by the text for
+ // this toc entry
+ end;
+ pTTOCEntryStart = ^TTOCEntryStart;
+ TExtendedTOCEntry = packed record
+ w1: uint8;
+ // bit 3: Window controls are specified
+ // bit 2: Viewport
+ // bit 1: Size is specified.
+ // bit 0: Position is specified.
+ w2: uint8;
+ // bit 3:
+ // bit 2: Group is specified.
+ // bit 1
+ // bit 0: Clear (all windows before display)
+ end;
+ pExtendedTOCEntry = ^TExtendedTOCEntry;
+ TTOCEntryOffsetArray = packed array[ 0..0 ] of uint32;
+ pTTOCEntryOffsetArray = ^TTOCEntryOffsetArray;
+ TOCEntryExtended = $20; { extended entry format }
+ TOCEntryHidden = $40; { this entry doesn't appear in VIEW.EXE's presentation of the toc }
+ TOCEntryHasChildren = $80; { following nodes are a higher level }
+ TOCEntryLevelMask = $0f;
+ THelpXYPair = packed record
+ Flags: uint8;
+ X: uint16;
+ Y: uint16;
+ end;
+ pHelpXYPair = ^THelpXYPair;
+ TSlotHeader = packed record
+ stuff: uint8; // always 0??
+ localdictpos: uint32; // file offset of the local dictionary
+ nlocaldict: uint8; // number of entries in the local dict
+ ntext: uint16; // number of bytes in the text
+ end;
+ pSlotHeader = ^TSlotHeader;
+ THelpFontSpec = packed record
+ FaceName: array[ 0..32 ] of ansichar;
+ Height: uint16;
+ Width: uint16;
+ Codepage: uint16;
+ end;
+ pTHelpFontSpec = ^THelpFontSpec;
+ TNlsHeader = packed record
+ NlsSize: uint16;
+ NlsType: uint8;
+ NlsFormat: uint8;
+ end;
+ TNlsCountryDef = packed record
+ { if the following is true then...
+ NlsHeader.size = 10
+ NlsHeader.type = NLSRecType.CONTROL
+ NlsHeader.format = 0
+ }
+ Value: uint16; // =256
+ Code: uint16; // country code
+ Page: uint16; // code page
+ Reserved: uint16;
+ end;
+ // Single-byte character set
+ TSbcsNlsGrammerDef = packed record
+ { if the following is true then...
+ NlsHeader.size = 36
+ NlsHeader.type = NLSRecType.WORD || NLSRecType.GRAPHIC
+ NlsHeader.format = 0
+ }
+ bits: array[0..31] of uint8; // high-order bits first
+ end;
+ TPanelControls = packed record
+ ControlCount: uint16; // number of ControlDef records
+ GroupCount: uint16; // number of GroupDef records
+ GroupIndex: uint16; // for cover page
+ Reserved: uint16;
+ end;
+ TControlDef = packed record
+ CtrlType: uint16; // type of control
+ ResourceID: uint16; // resource id (panel) it belongs to
+ { variable length data follows, contains button text }
+ // DictString: array of char;
+ end;
+ TControlGroupDef = packed record
+ Count: uint16; // number of indexes into ControlDef records
+ { variable length data follows }
+ // index[count] of type uint16
+ end;
+// List of IPF escape codes.
+ // Basic byte codes
+ IPF_END_PARA = $fa;
+ IPF_CENTER = $fb;
+ IPF_SPACE = $fe;
+ IPF_ESC = $ff; // followed by one of the ecXXX codes below
+ // FF XX
+ ecSetLeftMargin = $02;
+ ecHighlight1 = $04; // hp1,2,3,5,6,7
+ ecLinkStart = $05;
+ ecFootnoteLinkStart = $07;
+ ecLinkEnd = $08;
+ ecStartCharGraphics = $0b;
+ ecEndCharGraphics = $0c;
+ ecHighlight2 = $0d; // hp4,8,9
+ ecImage = $0e;
+ ecLinkedImage = $0f;
+ ecProgramLink = $10;
+ ecSetLeftMarginNewLine = $11;
+ ecSetLeftMarginFit = $12;
+ ecForegroundColor = $13;
+ ecBackgroundColor = $14;
+ ecFontChange = $19;
+ ecStartLines = $1a;
+ ecEndLines = $1b;
+ ecSetLeftMarginHere = $1c;
+ ecStartLinkByResourceID = $1d;
+ ecExternalLink = $1f;
+ // Subescape codes of
+ // ?? 11 ??
+// -----------------------------------------------------------
+// Operations on Int32 arrays, used for searching
+// These could be optimised heavily if needed.
+procedure AllocUInt32Array( Var pArray: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+procedure FreeUInt32Array( Var pArray: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+procedure FillUInt32Array( pArray: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint;
+ Value: UInt32 );
+procedure AddUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+// Dest = Dest + source * Multiplier
+procedure AddMultConstUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Multiplier: longint;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+procedure AndUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+// If both source and dest > 0 then
+// add source to dest
+procedure AndAddUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+// if Source > 0 then dest is set to 0
+procedure AndNotUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+// dest = dest or source;
+// if source > 0 then set dest to > 0
+procedure OrUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+// if source = 0 then dest set to >0
+procedure NotOrUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+procedure CopyUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+procedure ClearUInt32Array( pArray: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+procedure SetUInt32Array( pArray: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+// returns the result of ORing every array element.
+// Can be useful for debugging e.g. seeing at a glance
+// if any element is non-zero
+function OrAllUInt32Array( pArray: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint ): longint;
+// Operations on int32 arrays
+// -----------------------------------------------------------
+procedure AllocUInt32Array( Var pArray: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+ GetMem( pArray,
+ Size
+ * sizeof( UInt32 ) );
+procedure FreeUInt32Array( Var pArray: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+ FreeMem( pArray,
+ Size
+ * sizeof( UInt32 ) );
+// This is a nice fast implementation of filling an
+// array of dwords (Int32/longword)
+procedure FillUInt32Array( pArray: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint;
+ Value: UInt32 );
+ i: integer;
+ assert( Size > 0 );
+ if Size < 1 then
+ Exit;
+ for i := 0 to Size-1 do
+ begin
+ pArray^[i] := Value;
+ end;
+procedure ClearUInt32Array( pArray: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+ FillUInt32Array( pArray, Size, 0 );
+procedure SetUInt32Array( pArray: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+ FillUInt32Array( pArray, Size, $ffffffff );
+procedure AddUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+ i: longint;
+ for i := 0 to Size - 1 do
+ inc( pDest^[ i ], pSource^[ i ] );
+procedure AddMultConstUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Multiplier: longint;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+ i: longint;
+ for i := 0 to Size - 1 do
+ inc( pDest^[ i ], pSource^[ i ] * Multiplier );
+procedure OrUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+ i: longint;
+ for i := 0 to Size - 1 do
+ pDest^[ i ] := pDest^[ i ] or pSource^[ i ];
+procedure CopyUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+ Move(pSource^, PDest^, Size * SizeOf(LongInt));
+procedure NotOrUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+ i: longint;
+ for i := 0 to Size - 1 do
+ if pSource^[ i ] = 0 then
+ pDest^[ i ] := 1;
+procedure AndUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+ i: longint;
+ for i := 0 to Size - 1 do
+ pDest^[ i ] := pDest^[ i ] and pSource^[ i ];
+procedure AndAddUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+ i: longint;
+ for i := 0 to Size - 1 do
+ if ( pSource^[ i ] > 0 )
+ and ( pDest^[ i ] > 0 ) then
+ inc( pDest^[ i ], pSource^[ i ] )
+ else
+ pDest^[ i ] := 0;
+procedure AndNotUInt32Array( pSource: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ pDest: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint );
+ i: longint;
+ for i := 0 to Size - 1 do
+ if pSource^[ i ] > 0 then
+ pDest^[ i ] := 0;
+function OrAllUInt32Array( pArray: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ Size: longint ): longint;
+ i: longint;
+ Result := 0;
+ for i := 0 to Size - 1 do
+ Result := Result or pArray^[ i ];
diff --git a/docview/src/NewViewConstantsUnit.pas b/docview/src/NewViewConstantsUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e191b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/NewViewConstantsUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Unit NewViewConstantsUnit;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer
+// Copyright 2003 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com)
+// Copyright 2006-2009 Ronald Brill (rbri at rbri dot de)
+// This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt
+// Common used constants for NewView
+ PARAM_LINK_NOTE = 'note';
+ PARAM_LINK_PROGRAM = 'program';
+ PARAM_LINK_URL = 'url';
+ PARAM_LINK_EXTERNAL = 'external';
+ PRGM_EXPLORER = 'explore'; // web explorer
+ PRGM_NETSCAPE = 'netscape';
+ PRGM_MOZILLA = 'mozilla';
+ PRGM_FIREFOX = 'firefox';
diff --git a/docview/src/SearchTable.pas b/docview/src/SearchTable.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49c67ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/SearchTable.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+Unit SearchTable;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer
+// Copyright 2003 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com)
+// This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt
+ Classes, IPFFileFormatUnit;
+// Code to read and use IPF search tables
+// NB The RLE decompression was arrived at by trial and error
+// it seems to be correct but it's difficult to test.
+ TSearchTable = class(TObject)
+ protected
+ _Data: pointer;
+ _Entries: TList; // pointers to panel flag records
+ _RecordLengthIs16Bit: boolean;
+ _DictionaryCount: longint;
+ _TopicCount: longint;
+ procedure ReadEntries;
+ Procedure Check1ByteOfFlags( b: byte;
+ StartingIndex: longint;
+ Results: UInt32ArrayPointer );
+ procedure DoRLESearch( p: pbyte;
+ pDataEnd: pointer;
+ Results: UInt32ArrayPointer );
+ public
+ constructor Create( Data: pointer;
+ RecordLengthIs16Bit: boolean;
+ DictionaryCount: longint;
+ TopicCount: longint );
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ // Sets Results to 1 for occurrences of DictIndex
+ procedure Search( DictIndex: uint16;
+ Results: UInt32ArrayPointer );
+ end;
+constructor TSearchTable.Create( Data: pointer;
+ RecordLengthIs16Bit: boolean;
+ DictionaryCount: longint;
+ TopicCount: longint );
+ _Data := Data;
+ _RecordLengthIs16Bit := RecordLengthIs16Bit;
+ _Entries := TList.Create;
+ _DictionaryCount := DictionaryCount;
+ _TopicCount := TopicCount;
+ ReadEntries;
+destructor TSearchTable.Destroy;
+ _Entries.Destroy;
+procedure TSearchTable.ReadEntries;
+ pWordRecord: pointer;
+ RecordLen: uint16;
+ WordIndex: uint16;
+ pWordRecord:= _Data;
+ for WordIndex:= 0 to _DictionaryCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ _Entries.Add( pWordRecord );
+ if _RecordLengthIs16Bit then
+ RecordLen:= pUInt16( pWordRecord )^
+ else // 8 bit
+ RecordLen:= pUInt8( pWordRecord )^;
+ inc( pWordRecord, RecordLen );
+ end;
+// Search table decompression
+// Looks through a single byte of 8 flags, given by b,
+// and updates topic entries within results for any flags
+// that are set.
+Procedure TSearchTable.Check1ByteOfFlags( b: byte;
+ StartingIndex: longint;
+ Results: UInt32ArrayPointer );
+ TopicIndex: longint;
+ TopicIndex:= StartingIndex;
+ while b > 0 do
+ begin
+ if b and $80 > 0 then
+ Results^[ TopicIndex ] := 1;
+ inc( TopicIndex );
+ b:= b shl 1;
+ end;
+// Decompress RLE compressed data starting at p,
+// running til pDataEnd. Update topic entries in Results.
+procedure TSearchTable.DoRLESearch( p: pbyte;
+ pDataEnd: pointer;
+ Results: UInt32ArrayPointer );
+ TopicIndex: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ thebyte: byte;
+ byte1, byte2: byte;
+ assert( pbyte( p )^ = 1, 'Unexpected RLE type' );
+ inc( p ); // skip header, always 1?
+ TopicIndex:= 0;
+ while p < pDataEnd do
+ begin
+ thebyte:= p^;
+ inc( p );
+ if thebyte = $80 then
+ begin
+ // escape
+ thebyte := p^;
+ inc( p );
+ if thebyte = 0 then
+ begin
+ // 16 bit repeat of zeroes??
+ N := pUInt16( p )^ + 1;
+ inc( p, 2 );
+ inc( TopicIndex, N );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // n+1 repeats of next 2 bytes???
+ N := thebyte + 1;
+ byte1 := p^;
+ inc( p );
+ byte2 := p^;
+ inc( p );
+ while N > 0 do
+ begin
+ Check1ByteOfFlags( byte1,
+ TopicIndex,
+ Results );
+ inc( TopicIndex, 8 );
+ Check1ByteOfFlags( byte2,
+ TopicIndex,
+ Results );
+ inc( TopicIndex, 8 );
+ dec( N );
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ N:= thebyte and $7f + 1;
+ if thebyte and $80 > 0 then
+ begin
+ // literal data
+ while N > 0 do
+ begin
+ Check1ByteOfFlags( p^,
+ TopicIndex,
+ Results );
+ inc( TopicIndex, 8 );
+ inc( p );
+ dec( N );
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // repeat of next byte
+ thebyte := p^;
+ inc( p );
+ while N > 0 do
+ begin
+ Check1ByteOfFlags( thebyte,
+ TopicIndex,
+ Results );
+ inc( TopicIndex, 8 );
+ dec( N );
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+// This function finds uses of the given word (DictIndex)
+// using the search table. Results[ topic ] is set to
+// non-zero for topics which contain the word.
+procedure TSearchTable.Search( DictIndex: uint16;
+ Results: UInt32ArrayPointer );
+ TopicIndex: integer;
+ pWordRecord: pointer;
+ RecordLen: uint16;
+ CompressionCode: uint8;
+ pData: pointer;
+ pDataEnd: pointer;
+ Flags: uint8;
+ FillUInt32Array( Results, _TopicCount, 0 );
+ pWordRecord:= _Entries[ DictIndex ];
+ // Check search table format
+ if _RecordLengthIs16Bit then
+ begin
+ RecordLen:= pUInt16( pWordRecord )^;
+ CompressionCode:= pUInt8( pWordRecord + 2 )^;
+ pData:= pWordRecord + 3;
+ end
+ else // 8 bit
+ begin
+ RecordLen:= pUInt8( pWordRecord )^;
+ CompressionCode:= pUInt8( pWordRecord + 1 )^;
+ pData:= pWordRecord + 2;
+ end;
+ // Decompress the search table for this word
+ pDataEnd:= pWordRecord + RecordLen;
+ case CompressionCode of
+ 0: // word not used anywhere.
+ ;
+ 1: // used in all panels
+ FillUInt32Array( Results, _TopicCount, 1 );
+ 2: // RLE
+ begin
+ DoRLESearch( pData,
+ pDataEnd,
+ Results );
+ end;
+ 3: // list of topics containing word
+ begin
+ while pData < pDataEnd do
+ begin
+ TopicIndex:= pUInt16( pData )^;
+ Results^[ TopicIndex ] := 1;
+ inc( pData, 2 );
+ end;
+ end;
+ 4: // list of topics NOT containing word
+ begin
+ FillUInt32Array( Results, _TopicCount, 1 );
+ while pData < pDataEnd do
+ begin
+ TopicIndex:= pUInt16( pData )^;
+ Results^[ TopicIndex ] := 0;
+ inc( pData, 2 );
+ end;
+ end;
+ 5, // compressed by truncating bit stream at last byte containing a set bit.
+ 6: // same as above but starting at non-zero byte
+ begin
+ if CompressionCode = 5 then
+ TopicIndex:= 0
+ else
+ begin
+ TopicIndex:= pUInt16( pData )^ * 8;
+ inc( pData, 2 );
+ end;
+ while pData < pDataEnd do
+ begin
+ Flags:= pUInt8( pData )^;
+ Check1ByteOfFlags( Flags,
+ TopicIndex,
+ Results );
+ inc( TopicIndex, 8 );
+ inc( pData );
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
diff --git a/docview/src/SearchUnit.pas b/docview/src/SearchUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8f9c6d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/SearchUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+Unit SearchUnit;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer
+// Copyright 2003 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com)
+// This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt
+// Contains code to search help files.
+ Classes,
+ HelpFile,
+ TextSearchQuery,
+ IPFFileFormatUnit;
+ // match weightings
+ mwOnlyTitleWord = 200;
+ mwFirstTitleWord = 50;
+ mwTitleWord = 20;
+ mwOnlyIndexWord = 100;
+ mwFirstIndexWord = 20;
+ mwIndexWord = 10;
+ mwTopicTextWord = 1;
+ // best case match weighting of a word
+ mwExactWord = 20;
+// note on weightings. The title/index weightings
+// are multipled by word weightings.
+// Topic text matches are equal to word weighting
+// times word weighting.
+procedure SearchHelpFile( HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ Query: TTextSearchQuery;
+ Results: TList;
+ WordSequences: TList );
+// clear a lsit of word sequences (as produced by above)
+procedure ClearWordSequences( WordSequences: TList; DictionaryCount: longint );
+ SysUtils
+ ,HelpTopic
+ ,CompareWordUnit
+ ,nvUtilities
+ ,ACLStringUtility
+ ;
+ TSearchType = ( stGeneral, stStarts, stExactMatch, stEnds );
+procedure ClearWordSequence( WordSequence: TList;
+ DictionaryCount: longint );
+ StepIndex: longint;
+ DictionaryRelevances: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ for StepIndex := 0 to WordSequence.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ DictionaryRelevances := WordSequence[ StepIndex ];
+ FreeUInt32Array( DictionaryRelevances, DictionaryCount );
+ end;
+ WordSequence.Clear;
+procedure ClearWordSequences( WordSequences: TList; DictionaryCount: longint );
+ SequenceIndex: longint;
+ lWordSequence: TList;
+ for SequenceIndex := 0 to WordSequences.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ lWordSequence := TList(WordSequences[ SequenceIndex ]);
+ ClearWordSequence( lWordSequence, DictionaryCount );
+ lWordSequence.Destroy;
+ end;
+ WordSequences.Clear;
+// given a search word which is known to matche Reference word,
+// return the relevance
+function MatchedWordRelevance( const SearchWord: string;
+ const ReferenceWord: string ): longint;
+ Result := mwExactWord
+ * Length( SearchWord )
+ div Length( ReferenceWord );
+ if Result = 0 then
+ Result := 1;
+// Compares the given search word against the given
+// reference word. Returns a value indicating how well the
+// search word matches, 0 = not at all.
+function CompareWord( const SearchWord: string;
+ const ReferenceWord: string ): longint;
+ OccurrencePos: longint;
+ Result := 0;
+ OccurrencePos := CaseInsensitivePos( SearchWord, ReferenceWord );
+ if OccurrencePos = 0 then
+ begin
+ // no match
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Result := MatchedWordRelevance( SearchWord, ReferenceWord );
+// Search the help file dictionary for words that match
+// the given search word. Partial matches are considered.
+// Results returns the matching word indexes.
+procedure SearchDictionary( HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ SearchWord: string;
+ Results: UInt32ArrayPointer );
+ DictIndex: integer;
+ DictWord: string;
+ for DictIndex := 0 to HelpFile.DictionaryCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ DictWord := HelpFile.DictionaryWords[ DictIndex ];
+ Results^[ DictIndex ] := CompareWord( SearchWord, DictWord );
+ end;
+// Search the help file dictionary for words that
+// match the given search word exactly (except for case-insensitive)
+procedure SearchDictionaryExact( HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ SearchWord: string;
+ Results: UInt32ArrayPointer );
+ DictIndex: integer;
+ DictWord: string;
+ FillUInt32Array( Results, HelpFile.DictionaryCount, 0 );
+ for DictIndex := 0 to HelpFile.DictionaryCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ DictWord := HelpFile.DictionaryWords[ DictIndex ];
+ if SameText( SearchWord, DictWord ) then
+ Results^[ DictIndex ] := mwExactWord;
+ end;
+// Search the help file dictionary for words that
+// start with the given word
+procedure SearchDictionaryStarts( HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ SearchWord: string;
+ Results: UInt32ArrayPointer );
+ DictIndex: integer;
+ DictWord: string;
+ FillUInt32Array( Results, HelpFile.DictionaryCount, 0 );
+ for DictIndex := 0 to HelpFile.DictionaryCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ DictWord := HelpFile.DictionaryWords[ DictIndex ];
+ if StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(DictWord, SearchWord) then
+ Results^[ DictIndex ] := MatchedWordRelevance( SearchWord, DictWord );
+ end;
+// Search the help file dictionary for words that
+// end with the given word
+procedure SearchDictionaryEnds( HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ SearchWord: string;
+ Results: UInt32ArrayPointer );
+ DictIndex: integer;
+ DictWord: string;
+ FillUInt32Array( Results, HelpFile.DictionaryCount, 0 );
+ for DictIndex := 0 to HelpFile.DictionaryCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ DictWord := HelpFile.DictionaryWords[ DictIndex ];
+ if StrEndsWithIgnoringCase( SearchWord, DictWord ) then
+ Results^[ DictIndex ] := MatchedWordRelevance( SearchWord, DictWord );
+ end;
+// Search titles of topics for given searchword
+procedure SearchTopicTitles( HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ SearchWord: string;
+ Results: UInt32ArrayPointer );
+ TopicIndex: longint;
+ Title: string;
+ TitleWord: string;
+ Topic: TTopic;
+ TitleWordIndex: longint;
+ WordRelevance: longint;
+ TitleWordRelevance: longint;
+ tmpTitleWords : TStringList;
+ i : integer;
+ tmpTitleWords := TStringList.Create;
+ // Search topic titles
+ for TopicIndex := 0 to HelpFile.TopicCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ Topic := HelpFile.Topics[ TopicIndex ];
+ Title:= Topic.Title;
+ TitleWordIndex := 0;
+ tmpTitleWords.Clear;
+ StrExtractStringsQuoted(tmpTitleWords, Title);
+ for i := 0 to tmpTitleWords.count-1 do
+ begin
+ TitleWord := tmpTitleWords[i];
+ WordRelevance := CompareWord( SearchWord,
+ TitleWord );
+ if WordRelevance > 0 then
+ begin
+ if TitleWordIndex = 0 then
+ begin
+ // matching the first word is best
+ if i = tmpTitleWords.count-1 then
+ begin
+ // in fact it's the only word
+ TitleWordRelevance := mwOnlyTitleWord * WordRelevance
+ end
+ else
+ TitleWordRelevance := mwFirstTitleWord * WordRelevance
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ TitleWordRelevance := mwTitleWord * WordRelevance;
+ end;
+ inc( Results^[ Topic.Index ], TitleWordRelevance );
+ end;
+ inc( TitleWordIndex );
+ end;
+ end;
+ tmpTitleWords.Free;
+// Search index entries for given searchword
+procedure SearchIndex( HelpFile: THelpFile; SearchWord: string; Results: UInt32ArrayPointer );
+ IndexIndex: longint;
+ IndexEntry: string;
+ IndexEntryWord: string;
+ tmpTopic: TTopic;
+ IndexEntryWordIndex: longint;
+ WordRelevance: longint;
+ IndexEntryWordRelevance: longint;
+ tmpIndexWords : TStringList;
+ i : integer;
+ tmpIndexWords := TStringList.Create;
+ for IndexIndex := 0 to HelpFile.Index.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ IndexEntry := HelpFile.Index.GetLabels[IndexIndex];
+ IndexEntryWordIndex := 0;
+ tmpIndexWords.Clear;
+ StrExtractStringsQuoted(tmpIndexWords, IndexEntry);
+ for i := 0 to tmpIndexWords.count-1 do
+ begin
+ IndexEntryWord := tmpIndexWords[i];
+ WordRelevance := CompareWord( SearchWord, IndexEntryWord );
+ if WordRelevance > 0 then
+ begin
+ if IndexEntryWordIndex = 0 then
+ begin
+ // matching the first word is best
+ if i = tmpIndexWords.count-1 then
+ begin
+ // in fact it's the only word
+ IndexEntryWordRelevance := mwOnlyIndexWord * WordRelevance
+ end
+ else
+ IndexEntryWordRelevance := mwFirstIndexWord * WordRelevance
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ IndexEntryWordRelevance := mwIndexWord * WordRelevance;
+ end;
+ tmpTopic := HelpFile.Index.getTopic(IndexIndex);
+ inc( Results^[ tmpTopic.Index ], IndexEntryWordRelevance );
+ end;
+ inc( IndexEntryWordIndex );
+ end;
+ end;
+ tmpIndexWords.Free;
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Master search function. Given a search query,
+// searches topic text, titles, index entries.
+// Matching topics are added to TList, with their
+// SearchRelevance set appropriately.
+procedure SearchHelpFile( HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ Query: TTextSearchQuery;
+ Results: TList;
+ WordSequences: TList );
+ TopicCount: longint;
+ Topic: TTopic;
+ TopicIndex: longint;
+ TermIndex: longint;
+ Term: TSearchTerm;
+ DictionaryRelevances: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ TopicsMatchingDictWord: UInt32ArrayPointer; // flags
+ TopicsMatchingTermPart: UInt32ArrayPointer; // flags
+ TopicsMatchingTerm: UInt32ArrayPointer; // flag then relevances
+ TopicRelevances: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ TopicsExcluded: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ TopicRelevanceForTerm: longint;
+ WordRelevance: longint;
+ DictIndex: longint;
+ TermPartIndex: longint;
+ TermPart: string;
+ s: string;
+ TermWordSequence: TList;
+ if HelpFile.SearchTable = nil then
+ begin
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // Reset flags per topic
+ TopicCount := HelpFile.TopicCount;
+ // Get memory for topic relevance arrays
+ AllocUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingDictWord,
+ TopicCount );
+ AllocUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTermPart,
+ TopicCount );
+ AllocUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTerm,
+ TopicCount );
+ AllocUInt32Array( TopicRelevances, // functions as a flag and a cumulative relevance
+ TopicCount );
+ AllocUInt32Array( TopicsExcluded, // Exclusions are treated as boolean only
+ TopicCount );
+ FillUInt32Array( TopicRelevances, TopicCount, 0);
+ FillUInt32Array( TopicsExcluded, TopicCount, 0);
+ for TermIndex := 0 to Query.TermCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ Term := Query.Term[ TermIndex ];
+ LogEvent(LogSearch, 'Searching for term "'
+ + Term.Text
+ + '", '
+ + IntToStr( Term.Parts.Count )
+ + ' parts' );
+ // look thru all parts of the term. eg. CAKE_SAUSAGE
+ TermWordSequence := TList.Create;
+ if WordSequences <> nil then
+ if Term.CombineMethod <> cmExcluded then
+ // this term is an inclusive one, so we want to remember the matches
+ WordSequences.Add( TermWordSequence );
+ for TermPartIndex := 0 to Term.Parts.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ TermPart := Term.Parts[ TermPartIndex ];
+ LogEvent(LogSearch, ' Searching for [' + TermPart + ']' );
+ AllocUInt32Array( DictionaryRelevances,
+ HelpFile.DictionaryCount );
+ TermWordSequence.Add( DictionaryRelevances );
+ // Search the dictionary for matches.
+ // alpha numeric match
+ if Term.Parts.Count = 1 then
+ // general match allowing all kinds of partial matches
+ SearchDictionary( HelpFile,
+ TermPart,
+ DictionaryRelevances )
+ else if TermPartIndex = 0 then
+ // first term part: word must match end of a topic word e.g. must end in "cake"
+ SearchDictionaryEnds( HelpFile,
+ TermPart,
+ DictionaryRelevances )
+ else if TermPartIndex = Term.Parts.Count - 1 then
+ // last term part: word must match start of a topic word e.g. must start with "sausage"
+ SearchDictionaryStarts( HelpFile,
+ TermPart,
+ DictionaryRelevances )
+ else
+ // intermediate term part: word must match exactly e.g. must be "_"
+ SearchDictionaryExact( HelpFile,
+ TermPart,
+ DictionaryRelevances );
+ // For each word in the dictionary that matches
+ // this search term part, search topic texts
+ LogEvent(LogSearch, ' Dictionary search done' );
+ ClearUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTermPart,
+ TopicCount );
+ for DictIndex := 0 to HelpFile.DictionaryCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ WordRelevance := DictionaryRelevances^[ DictIndex ];
+ if WordRelevance > 0 then
+ begin
+ // Search for occurrences of this word
+ // within the text of topics
+ HelpFile.SearchTable.Search( DictIndex,
+ TopicsMatchingDictWord );
+ // debug
+ s := HelpFile.DictionaryWords[ DictIndex ];
+ // TopicRelevancesForDictWord now contains 1
+ // for topics that contain this word.
+ OrUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingDictWord,
+ TopicsMatchingTermPart,
+ TopicCount );
+ end
+ end;
+ LogEvent(LogSearch, 'Topic searches done' );
+ if TermPartIndex = 0 then
+ // first part, just copy
+ CopyUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTermPart,
+ TopicsMatchingTerm,
+ TopicCount )
+ else
+ // and with previous term part results
+ AndUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTermPart,
+ TopicsMatchingTerm,
+ TopicCount );
+ // loop for next term part (IPF word)
+ end;
+ // Now we have searched the dictionary and worked out matching topics
+ // for all parts of the term. Now combine all together
+ LogEvent(LogSearch, 'Checking for sequences' );
+ for TopicIndex := 0 to TopicCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ if TopicsMatchingTerm^[ TopicIndex ] > 0 then
+ begin
+ Topic := HelpFile.Topics[ TopicIndex ];
+ // Topic text contained a match for the all the parts
+ // of the term.
+ // Now we need to:
+ // - verify that they actually occur all in a sequence (if it's a multi-part term)
+ // - count occurrences for relevance.
+ TopicRelevanceForTerm :=
+ Topic.SearchForWordSequences( TermWordSequence,
+ false ); // don't stop at first match
+ TopicRelevanceForTerm :=
+ TopicRelevanceForTerm div Term.Parts.Count; // divide to bring back into scale
+ TopicsMatchingTerm^[ TopicIndex ] := TopicRelevanceForTerm;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if WordSequences = nil then
+ begin
+ // we don't need to keep the sequence
+ ClearWordSequence( TermWordSequence, HelpFile.DictionaryCount );
+ TermWordSequence.Free;
+ end;
+ // Search titles and index
+ LogEvent(LogSearch, ' Searching titles' );
+ SearchTopicTitles( HelpFile, Term.Text, TopicsMatchingTerm );
+ LogEvent(LogSearch, ' Searching index' );
+ SearchIndex( HelpFile, Term.Text, TopicsMatchingTerm );
+ LogEvent(LogSearch, ' Combining' );
+ case Term.CombineMethod of
+ cmOptional:
+ AddUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTerm,
+ TopicRelevances,
+ TopicCount );
+ cmRequired:
+ begin
+ // if zero then add to exclusions
+ NotOrUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTerm,
+ TopicsExcluded,
+ TopicCount );
+ AddUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTerm,
+ TopicRelevances,
+ TopicCount );
+ end;
+ cmExcluded:
+ OrUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTerm,
+ TopicsExcluded,
+ TopicCount );
+ end;
+// Term.ClearMatches;
+ // loop for next term...
+ end;
+ LogEvent(LogSearch, 'Search completed, converting to list' );
+ // Now convert to list form.
+ for TopicIndex := 0 to TopicCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ if TopicsExcluded^[ TopicIndex ] = 0 then
+ begin
+ Topic := HelpFile.Topics[ TopicIndex ];
+ Topic.SearchRelevance := TopicRelevances^[ TopicIndex ];
+ if Topic.SearchRelevance > 0 then
+ begin
+ Results.Add( Topic );
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ LogEvent(LogSearch, 'Freeing arrays' );
+ FreeUInt32Array( TopicRelevances, TopicCount );
+ FreeUInt32Array( TopicsExcluded, TopicCount );
+ FreeUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTerm, TopicCount );
+ FreeUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingTermPart, TopicCount );
+ FreeUInt32Array( TopicsMatchingDictWord, TopicCount );
+ LogEvent(LogSearch, 'Done' );
diff --git a/docview/src/SettingsUnit.pas b/docview/src/SettingsUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6b34bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/SettingsUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+Unit SettingsUnit;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer
+// Copyright 2003 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com)
+// This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt
+// Defines settings (options) in a record and contains functions
+// for loading and saving them to ini file.
+ Classes
+ ,fpg_base
+ ,fpg_main
+ ,CanvasFontManager
+ ;
+ ContentsBackgroundColorIndex = 0;
+ ContentsTextColorIndex = 1;
+ ContentsLinesColorIndex = 2;
+ IndexBackgroundColorIndex = 3;
+ IndexTextColorIndex = 4;
+ SearchBackgroundColorIndex = 5;
+ SearchTextColorIndex = 6;
+ NotesListBackgroundColorIndex = 7;
+ NotesListTextColorIndex = 8;
+ TopicBackgroundColorIndex = 9;
+ NotesTextColorIndex = 10;
+ SearchHighlightTextColorIndex = 11;
+ NumColorSettings = 12;
+ // already defined, but these values are slightly different
+ //clLightYellow = $ffffc0;
+ //clLightBlue = $e0e0ff;
+ //clLightCyan = $c0ffff;
+ //clLightGreen = $e0ffe0;
+ VGADefaultColors: array[ 0 .. NumColorSettings - 1 ] of TfpgColor
+ = ( clBoxColor,
+ clText1,
+ clText1,
+ clBoxColor,
+ clText1,
+ clBoxColor,
+ clText1,
+ clBoxColor,
+ clText1,
+ clBoxColor,
+ clGreen,
+ clYellow );
+ DefaultColors: array[ 0 .. NumColorSettings - 1 ] of TfpgColor
+ = ( clLightCyan,
+ clBlack,
+ clBlue,
+ clLightGreen,
+ clBlack,
+ clLightBlue,
+ clBlack,
+ clWhite,
+ clBlack,
+ clWhite,
+ clGreen,
+ clYellow );
+ ApplicationFontIndex = 0;
+ NumFontSettings = 1;
+ DefaultTopicFont = DefaultTopicFont + '-' + DefaultTopicFontSize;
+ DefaultTopicFixedFont = DefaultTopicFixedFont + '-10' + DefaultTopicFixedFontSize;
+ TIndexStyle = ( isFileOnly, isAlphabetical, isFull );
+ TToolbarStyle = ( tsNone, tsImages, tsText, tsImagesAndText );
+ TGlobalSearchLocation = ( gsHelpPaths, gsFixedDrives, gsSelectedHelpPaths, gsCustom );
+ TMRUItem = class(TObject)
+ public
+ Title: string;
+ Filenames: TStringList;
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TSettings = record
+ MRUList: TList;
+ LastOpenDirectory: string;
+ LastSaveDirectory: string;
+ StartupHelp: boolean;
+ LeftPanelWidth: longint;
+ ShowLeftPanel_Help: boolean;
+ ShowLeftPanel_Standalone: boolean;
+ FileDialogSplit: Double;
+ Colors: array[ 0..NumColorSettings - 1 ] of TfpgColor;
+ NormalFont: TfpgFont;
+ FixedFont: TfpgFont;
+ Fonts: array[ 0..NumFontSettings - 1 ] of TfpgFont;
+ FixedFontSubstitution: boolean;
+ FixedFontSubstitutes: string;
+ IndexStyle: TIndexStyle;
+ SmoothScrolling: boolean;
+ UseOriginalDialogs: boolean;
+ OpenWithExpandedContents: boolean;
+ ToolbarBackgroundImageFilename: string;
+ ToolbarStyle: TToolbarStyle;
+ ConfirmWinHelp: boolean;
+ GlobalSearchLocation: TGlobalSearchLocation;
+ SearchDirectories: TStringList;
+ IPFTopicSaveAsEscaped: boolean;
+ end;
+// global procs
+procedure LoadSettings;
+procedure SaveSettings;
+procedure writeSettingsDetailsTo(aStrings : TStrings);
+procedure AddToMRUList( const Title: string; Filenames: TStrings );
+ Settings: TSettings;
+ SysUtils
+ ,fpg_iniutils
+ ,ACLStringUtility
+ ,nvUtilities
+ ;
+ IniFileName = 'NewView.ini';
+ GeneralSection = 'General';
+ FontsSection = 'Fonts';
+ ColoursSection = 'Colours';
+ MRUSection = 'RecentFiles';
+ MRUItemBaseSection = 'RecentFile';
+ SearchSection = 'Search';
+ DefaultWidth = 620;
+ DefaultHeight = 460;
+ MaxMRUListEntries = 9;
+constructor TMRUItem.Create;
+ Title := '';
+ Filenames := TStringList.Create;
+destructor TMRUItem.Destroy;
+ Filenames.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+Procedure LoadSettings;
+ ColorIndex: longint;
+ DefaultColor: TfpgColor;
+ FontName: string;
+ SettingString: string;
+ MRUItem: TMRUItem;
+ MRUItemSection: string;
+ MRUItemFileCount: longint;
+ MRUItemFileIndex: longint;
+ i: longint;
+ Count: longint;
+ MRUFilename: string;
+ MRUFileTitle: string;
+ LogEvent(LogSettings, 'LoadSettings' );
+ with gINI do
+ begin
+ EraseSection( 'Windows' );
+ with Settings do
+ begin
+ LastOpenDirectory := ReadString( GeneralSection, 'LastOpenDirectory', '' );
+ LastSaveDirectory := ReadString( GeneralSection, 'LastSaveDirectory', '' );
+ // Read split points, as units of 0.1%
+ LeftPanelWidth := ReadInteger( GeneralSection, 'LeftPanelWidth', 225 );
+ FileDialogSplit := ReadInteger( GeneralSection, 'FileDialogSplit', 500 ) / 1000;
+ ShowLeftPanel_Help := ReadBool( GeneralSection, 'ShowLeftPanel_Help', true );
+ ShowLeftPanel_Standalone := ReadBool( GeneralSection, 'ShowLeftPanel_Standalone', true );
+ // Colours
+ for ColorIndex := 0 to High( Colors ) do
+ begin
+ //if GetScreenColorDepth > 8 then
+ DefaultColor := DefaultColors[ ColorIndex ];
+ //else
+ // DefaultColor := VGADefaultColors[ ColorIndex ];
+ Colors[ ColorIndex ] := ReadInteger( ColoursSection,
+ 'Color' + IntToStr( ColorIndex ),
+ DefaultColor );
+ end;
+ // Most Recently Used files list...
+ Count := ReadInteger( MRUSection, 'Count', 0 );
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ MRUItemSection := MRUItemBaseSection + IntToStr( i );
+ MRUItem := TMRUItem.Create;
+ MRUItem.Title := ReadString( MRUItemSection, 'Title', '' );
+ MRUItemFileCount := ReadInteger( MRUItemSection, 'FileCount', 0 );
+ for MRUItemFileIndex := 0 to MRUItemFileCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ MRUFilename := ReadString( MRUItemSection,
+ 'File' + IntToStr( MRUItemFileIndex ),
+ '' );
+ if MRUFilename <> '' then
+ MRUItem.Filenames.Add( MRUFilename );
+ end;
+ if ( MRUItem.Title <> '' ) and ( MRUItem.Filenames.Count > 0 ) then
+ // valid MRU item
+ MRUList.Add( MRUItem )
+ else
+ begin
+ // not valid
+ MRUItem.Destroy;
+ MRUItem := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Fonts
+ NormalFont := fpgGetFont(ReadString(FontsSection, 'NormalFont', DefaultTopicFont));
+ if NormalFont = nil then
+ NormalFont := fpgStyle.DefaultFont;
+ FixedFont := fpgGetFont(ReadString(FontsSection, 'FixedFont', DefaultTopicFixedFont));
+ if FixedFont = nil then
+ FixedFont := fpgStyle.FixedFont;
+ for i := 0 to NumFontSettings - 1 do
+ begin
+ FontName := 'Font' + IntToStr( i );
+ Fonts[ i ] := nil;
+ if ReadBool( FontsSection, FontName + 'Customised', false ) then
+ Fonts[ i ] := fpgGetFont(ReadString(FontsSection, FontName + 'Desc', DefaultTopicFont));
+ end;
+ FixedFontSubstitution := ReadBool( FontsSection, 'FixedFontSubstitution', true );
+ FixedFontSubstitutes := ReadString( FontsSection, 'FixedFontSubstitutes', 'Mono-10' );
+ // Index style
+ SettingString := ReadString( GeneralSection, 'IndexStyle', 'Full' );
+ if SameText( SettingString, 'FileOnly' ) then
+ IndexStyle := isFileOnly
+ else if Sametext( SettingString, 'Alphabetical' ) then
+ IndexStyle := isAlphabetical
+ else
+ IndexStyle := isFull;
+ StartupHelp := ReadBool( GeneralSection, 'StartupHelp', true );
+ SmoothScrolling := ReadBool( GeneralSection, 'SmoothScrolling', true );
+// UseOriginalDialogs := ReadBool( GeneralSection, 'UseOriginalDialogs', false );
+ OpenWithExpandedContents := ReadBool( GeneralSection, 'OpenWithExpandedContents', false );
+// ToolBarBackgroundImageFilename := ReadString( GeneralSection, 'ToolbarBackground', '' );
+ SettingString := ReadString( GeneralSection, 'ToolbarStyle', 'ImagesAndText' );
+ if SameText( SettingString, 'None' ) then
+ ToolbarStyle := tsNone
+ else if SameText( SettingString, 'Images' ) then
+ ToolbarStyle := tsImages
+ else if SameText( SettingString, 'Text' ) then
+ ToolbarStyle := tsText
+ else
+ ToolbarStyle := tsImagesAndText;
+ ConfirmWinHelp := ReadBool( GeneralSection, 'ConfirmWinHelp', true );
+ IPFTopicSaveAsEscaped := ReadBool(GeneralSection, 'IPFTopicSaveAsEscaped', true);
+ Count := ReadInteger( SearchSection, 'CustomDirCount', 0 );
+ SearchDirectories.Clear;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ SettingString := ReadString( SearchSection,
+ 'CustomDir' + IntToStr( i ),
+ '' );
+ if trim( SettingString ) <> '' then
+ SearchDirectories.Add( SettingString );
+ end;
+ SettingString := ReadString( SearchSection,
+ 'Location',
+ 'HelpPaths' );
+ if SameText( SettingString, 'HelpPaths' ) then
+ GlobalSearchLocation := gsHelpPaths
+ else if SameText( SettingString, 'FixedDrives' ) then
+ GlobalSearchLocation := gsFixedDrives
+ else if SameText( SettingString, 'SelectedHelpPaths' ) then
+ GlobalSearchLocation := gsSelectedHelpPaths
+ else
+ GlobalSearchLocation := gsCustom;
+ end;
+ end;
+ LogEvent(LogSettings, ' Done' );
+procedure SaveSettings;
+ ColorIndex: longint;
+ FontIndex: longint;
+ FontName: string;
+ i: longint;
+ MRUItemFileIndex: longint;
+ SettingString: string;
+ MRUItem: TMRUItem;
+ MRUItemSection: string;
+ LogEvent(LogSettings, 'SaveSettings' );
+ with gINI do
+ begin
+ with Settings do
+ begin
+ WriteString( GeneralSection, 'LastOpenDirectory', LastOpenDirectory );
+ WriteString( GeneralSection, 'LastSaveDirectory', LastSaveDirectory );
+ WriteInteger( GeneralSection, 'LeftPanelWidth', LeftPanelWidth );
+ // Write split points, as units of 0.1%
+ WriteInteger( GeneralSection, 'FileDialogSplit', Round( FileDialogSplit * 1000 ) );
+ WriteBool( GeneralSection, 'ShowLeftPanel_Help', ShowLeftPanel_Help );
+ WriteBool( GeneralSection, 'ShowLeftPanel_Standalone', ShowLeftPanel_Standalone );
+ // Colours
+ for ColorIndex := 0 to High( Colors ) do
+ WriteInteger( ColoursSection,
+ 'Color' + IntToStr( ColorIndex ),
+ Colors[ ColorIndex ] );
+ // MRU files
+ WriteInteger( MRUSection, 'Count', MRUList.Count );
+ for i := 0 to MRUList.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ MRUItem := TMRUItem(MRUList[ i ]);
+ MRUItemSection := MRUItemBaseSection + IntToStr( i );
+ EraseSection( MRUItemSection );
+ WriteString( MRUItemSection, 'Title', MRUItem.Title );
+ WriteInteger( MRUItemSection, 'FileCount', MRUItem.Filenames.Count );
+ for MRUItemFileIndex := 0 to MRUItem.Filenames.Count - 1 do
+ WriteString( MRUItemSection,
+ 'File' + IntToStr( MRUItemFileIndex ),
+ MRUItem.Filenames[ MRUItemFileIndex ] );
+ end;
+ // clear unused sections
+ for i := MRUList.Count to MaxMRUListEntries do
+ begin
+ MRUItemSection := MRUItemBaseSection + IntToStr( i );
+ EraseSection( MRUItemSection );
+ end;
+ // Fonts
+ WriteString( FontsSection, 'NormalFont', NormalFont.FontDesc );
+ WriteString( FontsSection, 'FixedFont', FixedFont.FontDesc );
+ for FontIndex := 0 to NumFontSettings - 1 do
+ begin
+ FontName := 'Font' + IntToStr( FontIndex );
+ WriteBool( FontsSection, FontName + 'Customised', Fonts[ FontIndex ] <> nil );
+ if Fonts[ FontIndex ] <> nil then
+ WriteString( FontsSection, FontName + 'Desc', Fonts[ FontIndex ].FontDesc );
+ end;
+ WriteBool( FontsSection, 'FixedFontSubstitution', FixedFontSubstitution );
+ WriteString( FontsSection, 'FixedFontSubstitutes', FixedFontSubstitutes );
+ case IndexStyle of
+ isFileOnly:
+ SettingString := 'FileOnly';
+ isAlphabetical:
+ SettingString := 'Alphabetical';
+ isFull:
+ SettingString := 'Full';
+ end;
+ WriteString( GeneralSection, 'IndexStyle', SettingString );
+ WriteBool( GeneralSection, 'StartupHelp', StartupHelp );
+ WriteBool( GeneralSection, 'SmoothScrolling', SmoothScrolling );
+// WriteBool( GeneralSection, 'UseOriginalDialogs', UseOriginalDialogs );
+ WriteBool( GeneralSection, 'OpenWithExpandedContents', OpenWithExpandedContents );
+// WriteString( GeneralSection, 'ToolbarBackground', ToolbarBackgroundImageFilename );
+ case ToolbarStyle of
+ tsNone:
+ SettingString := 'None';
+ tsImages:
+ SettingString := 'Images';
+ tsText:
+ SettingString := 'Text';
+ tsImagesAndText:
+ SettingString := 'ImagesAndText';
+ end;
+ WriteString( GeneralSection, 'ToolbarStyle', SettingString );
+ WriteBool( GeneralSection, 'ConfirmWinHelp', ConfirmWinHelp );
+ WriteBool( GeneralSection, 'IPFTopicSaveAsEscaped', IPFTopicSaveAsEscaped);
+ WriteInteger( SearchSection, 'CustomDirCount', SearchDirectories.Count );
+ SearchDirectories.Sorted := true;
+ SearchDirectories.CaseSensitive := True;
+ SearchDirectories.Duplicates := dupIgnore;
+ for i := 0 to SearchDirectories.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ WriteString( SearchSection,
+ 'CustomDir' + IntToStr( i ),
+ SearchDirectories[ i ] );
+ end;
+ case GlobalSearchLocation of
+ gsHelpPaths:
+ SettingString := 'HelpPaths';
+ gsFixedDrives:
+ SettingString := 'FixedDrives';
+ gsSelectedHelpPaths:
+ SettingString := 'SelectedHelpPaths';
+ gsCustom:
+ SettingString := 'Custom';
+ end;
+ WriteString( SearchSection, 'Location', SettingString );
+ end;
+ end;
+ LogEvent(LogSettings, ' Done' );
+Procedure AddToMRUList( const Title: string; Filenames: TStrings );
+ MRUIndex: longint;
+ PreviousMRUIndex: longint;
+ MRUItem: TMRUItem;
+ PreviousMRUIndex := -1;
+ for MRUIndex := 0 to Settings.MRUList.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ MRUItem := TMRUItem(Settings.MRUList[ MRUIndex ]);
+ if ( MRUItem.Title = Title )
+ and ( MRUItem.Filenames.Equals( Filenames ) ) then
+ begin
+ // found identical entry in the list already.
+ PreviousMRUIndex := MRUIndex;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PreviousMRUIndex > -1 then
+ begin
+ // is already in list, move to top of list
+ MRUItem := TMRUItem(Settings.MRUList[ PreviousMRUIndex ]);
+ Settings.MRUList.Delete( PreviousMRUIndex );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // not yet in list. Create new
+ MRUItem := TMRUItem.Create;
+ MRUItem.Title := Title;
+ MRUItem.Filenames.Assign( Filenames );
+ end;
+ Settings.MRUList.Insert( 0, MRUItem );
+ while Settings.MRUList.Count > MaxMRUListEntries do
+ begin
+ MRUItem := TMRUItem(Settings.MRUList[ MaxMRUListEntries ]);
+ Settings.MRUList.Delete( MaxMRUListEntries );
+ MRUItem.Destroy;
+ end;
+procedure writeSettingsDetailsTo(aStrings : TStrings);
+ aStrings.Add('');
+ aStrings.Add('---- Settings ----');
+ aStrings.Add('info: Screenwidth=' + IntToStr(fpgApplication.ScreenWidth));
+ aStrings.Add('info: Screenheight=' + IntToStr(fpgApplication.ScreenHeight));
+ aStrings.Add('info: dpi=' + IntToStr(fpgApplication.Screen_dpi));
+ aStrings.Add('LastOpenDirectory: ' + Settings.LastOpenDirectory);
+ aStrings.Add('LastSaveDirectory: ' + Settings.LastSaveDirectory);
+ aStrings.Add('StartupHelp: ' + boolToStr(Settings.StartupHelp));
+ // LeftPanelWidth: longint;
+ aStrings.Add('ShowLeftPanel_Help: ' + boolToStr(Settings.ShowLeftPanel_Help));
+ aStrings.Add('ShowLeftPanel_Standalone: ' + boolToStr(Settings.ShowLeftPanel_Standalone));
+ // FileDialogSplit: real;
+ // Colors: array[ 0..NumColorSettings - 1 ] of TColor;
+ // NormalFont: TFont;
+ // FixedFont: TFont;
+ // Fonts: array[ 0..NumFontSettings - 1 ] of TFont;
+ aStrings.Add('FixedFontSubstitution: ' + boolToStr(Settings.FixedFontSubstitution));
+ aStrings.Add('FixedFontSubstitutes: ' + Settings.FixedFontSubstitutes);
+ // IndexStyle: TIndexStyle;
+ aStrings.Add('SmoothScrolling: ' + boolToStr(Settings.SmoothScrolling));
+// aStrings.Add('UseOriginalDialogs: ' + boolToStr(Settings.UseOriginalDialogs));
+ aStrings.Add('OpenWithExpandedContents: ' + boolToStr(Settings.OpenWithExpandedContents));
+// aStrings.Add('ToolbarBackgroundImageFilename: ' + Settings.ToolbarBackgroundImageFilename);
+ // ToolbarStyle: TToolbarStyle;
+ aStrings.Add('ConfirmWinHelp: ' + boolToStr(Settings.ConfirmWinHelp));
+ aStrings.Add('IPFTopicSaveAsEscaped: ' + BoolToStr(Settings.IPFTopicSaveAsEscaped));
+ // GlobalSearchLocation: TGlobalSearchLocation;
+ // SearchDirectories: TStringList;
+ //Settings.NormalFont := fpgStyle.DefaultFont;
+ //Settings.FixedFont := fpgStyle.FixedFont;
+ //Settings.SearchDirectories := TStringList.Create;
+ Settings.NormalFont.Free;
+ Settings.FixedFont.Free;
+ Settings.SearchDirectories.Free;
diff --git a/docview/src/TextSearchQuery.pas b/docview/src/TextSearchQuery.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..444b27f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/TextSearchQuery.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+Unit TextSearchQuery;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer
+// Copyright 2003 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com)
+// This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt
+// Encapsulates a parsed search query.
+ Classes, SysUtils;
+ ESearchSyntaxError = class( Exception )
+ end;
+ TSearchTermCombineMethod =
+ (
+ cmOptional,
+ cmRequired,
+ cmExcluded
+ );
+ TSearchTerm = class(TObject)
+ public
+ Text: string;
+ Parts: TStringList;
+ CombineMethod: TSearchTermCombineMethod;
+ constructor Create( const TheText: string;
+ const TheCombineMethod: TSearchTermCombineMethod );
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TTextSearchQuery = class(TObject)
+ protected
+ Terms: TList;
+ function GetTerm( Index: longint ): TSearchTerm;
+ function GetTermCount: longint;
+ public
+ constructor Create( const SearchString: string );
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ property Term[ Index: longint ]: TSearchTerm read GetTerm;
+ property TermCount: longint read GetTermCount;
+ end;
+ nvUtilities
+ ,ACLStringUtility
+ ;
+ QueryErrorMissingWord1 = 'No search word given after';
+ QueryErrorMissingWord2 = ' before ';
+constructor TTextSearchQuery.Create( const SearchString: string );
+ TermText: string;
+ CombineMethod: TSearchTermCombineMethod;
+ lTerm: TSearchTerm;
+ tmpTerms : TStringList;
+ i : integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ Terms := TList.Create;
+ try
+ tmpTerms := TStringList.Create;
+ StrExtractStringsQuoted(tmpTerms, SearchString);
+ for i := 0 to tmpTerms.count-1 do
+ begin
+ TermText := tmpTerms[i];
+ // Check for modifiers:
+ // + word must be matched
+ // - word must not be matched
+ case TermText[ 1 ] of
+ '+':
+ CombineMethod := cmRequired;
+ '-':
+ CombineMethod := cmExcluded;
+ else
+ CombineMethod := cmOptional;
+ end;
+ if CombineMethod <> cmOptional then
+ begin
+ // delete + or -
+ if Length( TermText ) = 1 then
+ if (i < tmpTerms.count-1) then
+ raise ESearchSyntaxError.Create( QueryErrorMissingWord1
+ + StrInDoubleQuotes(TermText)
+ + QueryErrorMissingWord2
+ + StrInDoubleQuotes(tmpTerms[i+1]) )
+ else
+ raise ESearchSyntaxError.Create( QueryErrorMissingWord1
+ + StrInDoubleQuotes(TermText));
+ Delete( TermText, 1, 1 );
+ end;
+ lTerm := TSearchTerm.Create( TermText,
+ CombineMethod );
+ Terms.Add( lTerm );
+ end;
+ tmpTerms.Free;
+ except
+ while Terms.Count > 0 do
+ begin
+ lTerm := TSearchTerm(Terms.Last);
+ Terms.Remove(lTerm);
+ lTerm.Free;
+ end;
+ Terms.Free;
+ raise; // reraise exception
+ end;
+destructor TTextSearchQuery.Destroy;
+ DestroyListObjects( Terms );
+ Terms.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TTextSearchQuery.GetTerm( index: longint ): TSearchTerm;
+ Result := TSearchTerm(Terms[ Index ]);
+function TTextSearchQuery.GetTermCount: longint;
+ Result := Terms.Count;
+constructor TSearchTerm.Create( const TheText: string;
+ const TheCombineMethod: TSearchTermCombineMethod );
+ TermParseIndex: longint;
+ TermChar: char;
+ TermPart: string;
+ Parts := TStringList.Create;
+ Text := TheText;
+ CombineMethod := TheCombineMethod;
+ // Break out each part of the term as IPF does:
+ // consecutive alphanumeric chars become a "word"
+ // but each symbol is a separate word, and symbols break
+ // up alphanumerics into multiple words. e.g.
+ // CAKE_SAUSAGE becomes three words in IPF,
+ // one each for "CAKE" "_" and "SAUSAGE"
+ TermParseIndex := 1;
+ while TermParseIndex <= Length( Text ) do
+ begin
+ // collect alphanumeric chars
+ TermPart := '';
+ while TermParseIndex <= Length( Text ) do
+ begin
+ TermChar := Text[ TermParseIndex ];
+ if ( IsAlpha( TermChar )
+ or IsDigit( TermChar ) ) then
+ begin
+ // alpha numeric, collect it
+ TermPart := TermPart + TermChar;
+ inc( TermParseIndex );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // not alpha numeric, so stop
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Length( TermPart ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ Parts.Add( TermPart ); // add collected alphanumeric part
+ end;
+ if TermParseIndex <= Length( Text ) then
+ begin
+ // must be a symbol,
+ // each symbol (excluding space) is an individual item
+ if Text[ TermParseIndex ] <> ' ' then
+ Parts.Add( Text[ TermParseIndex ] );
+ inc( TermParseIndex );
+ end;
+ end;
+destructor TSearchTerm.Destroy;
+ Parts.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
diff --git a/docview/src/docdump/docdump.lpi b/docview/src/docdump/docdump.lpi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..440c482c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docdump/docdump.lpi
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <ProjectOptions>
+ <Version Value="7"/>
+ <General>
+ <SessionStorage Value="InIDEConfig"/>
+ <MainUnit Value="0"/>
+ <TargetFileExt Value=""/>
+ <UseAppBundle Value="False"/>
+ </General>
+ <VersionInfo>
+ <ProjectVersion Value=""/>
+ </VersionInfo>
+ <PublishOptions>
+ <Version Value="2"/>
+ <IgnoreBinaries Value="False"/>
+ <IncludeFileFilter Value="*.(pas|pp|inc|lfm|lpr|lrs|lpi|lpk|sh|xml)"/>
+ <ExcludeFileFilter Value="*.(bak|ppu|ppw|o|so);*~;backup"/>
+ </PublishOptions>
+ <RunParams>
+ <local>
+ <FormatVersion Value="1"/>
+ <LaunchingApplication PathPlusParams="/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -T 'Lazarus Run Output' -e $(LazarusDir)/tools/ $(TargetCmdLine)"/>
+ </local>
+ </RunParams>
+ <Units Count="15">
+ <Unit0>
+ <Filename Value="docdump.lpr"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="docdump"/>
+ </Unit0>
+ <Unit1>
+ <Filename Value="../IPFEscapeCodes.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="IPFEscapeCodes"/>
+ </Unit1>
+ <Unit2>
+ <Filename Value="../IPFFileFormatUnit.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="IPFFileFormatUnit"/>
+ </Unit2>
+ <Unit3>
+ <Filename Value="readheader.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="readheader"/>
+ </Unit3>
+ <Unit4>
+ <Filename Value="filestreamhelper.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="filestreamhelper"/>
+ </Unit4>
+ <Unit5>
+ <Filename Value="readextfiles.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="readextfiles"/>
+ </Unit5>
+ <Unit6>
+ <Filename Value="../../docs/inf04.txt"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ </Unit6>
+ <Unit7>
+ <Filename Value="readstrings.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="readstrings"/>
+ </Unit7>
+ <Unit8>
+ <Filename Value="iterator_impl.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="iterator_impl"/>
+ </Unit8>
+ <Unit9>
+ <Filename Value="iterator_intf.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="iterator_intf"/>
+ </Unit9>
+ <Unit10>
+ <Filename Value="readnlsdata.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="readnlsdata"/>
+ </Unit10>
+ <Unit11>
+ <Filename Value="readfonts.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="readfonts"/>
+ </Unit11>
+ <Unit12>
+ <Filename Value="readcontrols.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="readcontrols"/>
+ </Unit12>
+ <Unit13>
+ <Filename Value="readtoc.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="readtoc"/>
+ </Unit13>
+ <Unit14>
+ <Filename Value="u_Tools.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="u_Tools"/>
+ </Unit14>
+ </Units>
+ </ProjectOptions>
+ <CompilerOptions>
+ <Version Value="8"/>
+ <SearchPaths>
+ <IncludeFiles Value="$(ProjOutDir)/"/>
+ <OtherUnitFiles Value="../"/>
+ <UnitOutputDirectory Value="units/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)"/>
+ </SearchPaths>
+ <Other>
+ <CompilerPath Value="$(CompPath)"/>
+ </Other>
+ </CompilerOptions>
diff --git a/docview/src/docdump/docdump.lpr b/docview/src/docdump/docdump.lpr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84077608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docdump/docdump.lpr
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ Dumps the structure of an OS/2 IPF help file
+program docdump;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
+ cthreads,
+ Classes, SysUtils, IPFFileFormatUnit, IPFEscapeCodes, CustApp, readheader,
+ filestreamhelper, readextfiles, readstrings, iterator_intf, iterator_impl,
+ readnlsdata, readfonts, readcontrols, readtoc, u_Tools;
+ { TDocDump }
+ TDocDump = class(TCustomApplication)
+ private
+ FIn: TFileStream;
+ FOut: TFileTextStream;
+ protected
+ procedure DoRun; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure WriteHelp; virtual;
+ end;
+{ TDocDump }
+procedure TDocDump.DoRun;
+ ErrorMsg: String;
+ // quick check parameters
+ ErrorMsg:=CheckOptions('h','help');
+ if ErrorMsg<>'' then begin
+ ShowException(Exception.Create(ErrorMsg));
+ Terminate;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // parse parameters
+ if HasOption('h','help') then begin
+ WriteHelp;
+ Terminate;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ FIn := TFileStream.Create(ParamStr(1), fmOpenRead);
+ FOut := TFileTextStream.Create(ExtractFileName(ParamStr(1))+'.txt', fmCreate);
+ try
+ FOut.WriteLn(Format('File name: %s (%d bytes)', [ExtractFileName(ParamStr(1)), FIn.Size]));
+ ProcessHeader(FIn, FOut);
+ ProcessExtFiles(FIn, FOut);
+ ProcessStringsTable(FIn, FOut);
+ ProcessNLSData(FIn, FOut);
+ ProcessFonts(FIn, FOut);
+ ProcessControls(FIn, FOut);
+ ProcessTOC(FIn, FOut);
+ finally
+ FIn.Free;
+ FOut.Free;
+ end;
+ // stop program loop
+ Terminate;
+constructor TDocDump.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(TheOwner);
+ StopOnException:=True;
+destructor TDocDump.Destroy;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDocDump.WriteHelp;
+ { add your help code here }
+ writeln('Usage: ',ExeName,' -h');
+ Application: TDocDump;
+ Application:=TDocDump.Create(nil);
+ Application.Run;
+ Application.Free;
diff --git a/docview/src/docdump/filestreamhelper.pas b/docview/src/docdump/filestreamhelper.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff831a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docdump/filestreamhelper.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+unit filestreamhelper;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils;
+ TFileTextStream = class(TFileStream)
+ public
+ procedure WriteLn(const fmt: String; const args: array of const);
+ procedure WriteLn(const s: String);
+ end;
+{ TFileTextStream }
+procedure TFileTextStream.WriteLn(const fmt: String; const args: array of const);
+ temp: String;
+ temp := Format(fmt, args) + LineEnding;
+ Write(temp[1], Length(temp));
+procedure TFileTextStream.WriteLn(const s: String);
+ self.WriteLn('%s', [s]);
diff --git a/docview/src/docdump/iterator_impl.pas b/docview/src/docdump/iterator_impl.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ad88052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docdump/iterator_impl.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+unit iterator_impl;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes
+ ,SysUtils
+ ,Regex { to be used with filtered string iterator }
+ ,iterator_intf
+ ,contnrs
+ ;
+ TTBStringsIterator = class(TInterfacedObject, ITBStringIterator, ITBStringAndObjectIterator)
+ private
+ FStrings: TStrings;
+ FCursor: Integer;
+ { Interface methods should always be private because
+ we will only ever access them via an Interface,
+ never via an Object instance }
+ { Interface: ITBStringIterator and ITBStringAndObjectIterator }
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: string;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: string;
+ { Interface: ITBStringAndObjectIterator }
+ function HasNextObject: Boolean;
+ function NextObject: TObject;
+ function HasPreviousObject: Boolean;
+ function PreviousObject: TObject;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(const ASource: TStrings); virtual;
+ end;
+ TTBListIterator = class(TInterfacedObject, ITBIterator)
+ private
+ FList: TList;
+ FCursor: Integer;
+ { Interface: ITBIterator }
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: TObject;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: TObject;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(const ASource: TList); virtual;
+ end;
+ TTBCollectionIterator = class(TInterfacedObject, ITBIterator)
+ private
+ FCollection: TCollection;
+ FCursor: Integer;
+ { Interface: ITBIterator }
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: TObject;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: TObject;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(const ASource: TCollection); virtual;
+ end;
+ TTBInterfaceListIterator = class(TInterfacedObject, ITBInterfaceIterator)
+ private
+ FList: TInterfaceList;
+ FCursor: integer;
+ { Interface: ITBinterfaceIterator }
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: IInterface;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: IInterface;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(const ASource: TInterfaceList); virtual;
+ end;
+ TTBFilteredStringsIterator = class(TTBStringsIterator, ITBFilteredStringIterator)
+ private
+ FNextIndex: Integer;
+ FRegex: TRegexEngine;
+ { Interface: ITBFilteredStringIterator }
+ function GetFilter: string;
+ procedure SetFilter(const AValue: string);
+ { Interface: ITBStringIterator and ITBStringAndObjectIterator }
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: string;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: string;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(const ASource: TStrings); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TTBObjectListIterator = class(TInterfacedObject, ITBIterator)
+ private
+ FList: TObjectList;
+ FCursor: Integer;
+ { Interface: ITBIterator }
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: TObject;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: TObject;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(const ASource: TObjectList); virtual;
+ end;
+{ TTBStringsIterator }
+function TTBStringsIterator.HasNext: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FStrings) then
+ if FCursor < FStrings.Count - 1 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBStringsIterator.Next: string;
+ Result := '';
+ if HasNext then
+ begin
+ Inc(FCursor, 1);
+ Result := FStrings.Strings[FCursor];
+ end;
+function TTBStringsIterator.HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FStrings) then
+ if FCursor > 0 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBStringsIterator.Previous: string;
+ Result := '';
+ if HasPrevious then
+ begin
+ Dec(FCursor, 1);
+ Result := FStrings.Strings[FCursor];
+ end;
+function TTBStringsIterator.HasNextObject: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FStrings) then
+ if FCursor < FStrings.Count - 1 then
+ Result := FStrings.Objects[FCursor] <> nil;
+function TTBStringsIterator.NextObject: TObject;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasNextObject then
+ // Note that Next(...) increments the FCursor
+ Result := FStrings.Objects[FCursor];
+function TTBStringsIterator.HasPreviousObject: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FStrings) then
+ if FCursor > 0 then
+ Result := FStrings.Objects[FCursor] <> nil;
+function TTBStringsIterator.PreviousObject: TObject;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasPreviousObject then
+ // Note that Previous(...) decrements the FCursor
+ Result := FStrings.Objects[FCursor];
+constructor TTBStringsIterator.CreateCustom(const ASource: TStrings);
+ inherited Create;
+ FStrings := ASource;
+ FCursor := -1;
+{ TTBListIterator }
+function TTBListIterator.HasNext: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FList) then
+ if FCursor < FList.Count - 1 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBListIterator.Next: TObject;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasNext then
+ begin
+ Inc(FCursor, 1);
+ result := TObject(FList.Items[FCursor]);
+ end;
+function TTBListIterator.HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FList) then
+ begin
+ if FCursor > 0 then
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+function TTBListIterator.Previous: TObject;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasPrevious then
+ begin
+ Dec(FCursor, 1);
+ Result := TObject(FList.Items[FCursor]);
+ end;
+constructor TTBListIterator.CreateCustom(const ASource: TList);
+ inherited Create;
+ FList := ASource;
+ FCursor := -1;
+{ TTBCollectionIterator }
+function TTBCollectionIterator.HasNext: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FCollection) then
+ if FCursor < FCollection.Count - 1 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBCollectionIterator.Next: TObject;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasNext then
+ begin
+ Inc(FCursor, 1);
+ result := FCollection.Items[FCursor];
+ end;
+function TTBCollectionIterator.HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FCollection) then
+ if FCursor > 0 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBCollectionIterator.Previous: TObject;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasPrevious then
+ begin
+ Dec(FCursor, 1);
+ Result := FCollection.Items[FCursor];
+ end;
+constructor TTBCollectionIterator.CreateCustom(const ASource: TCollection);
+ inherited Create;
+ FCollection := ASource;
+ FCursor := -1;
+{ TTBFilteredStringsIterator }
+function TTBFilteredStringsIterator.GetFilter: string;
+ Result := FRegex.RegexString;
+procedure TTBFilteredStringsIterator.SetFilter(const AValue: string);
+ cFilterErr = 'Error in Filter string at position %d with ErrorCode %d. Filter string <%s>';
+ LErrorCode: TRegexError;
+ LErrorPos: integer;
+ if AValue <> FRegex.RegexString then
+ begin
+ FRegex.RegexString := AValue;
+ if not FRegex.Parse(LErrorPos, LErrorCode) then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt(cFilterErr, [LErrorPos, Ord(LErrorCode), AValue]);
+ end;
+ FNextIndex := -1;
+function TTBFilteredStringsIterator.HasNext: Boolean;
+ LIndex: integer;
+ LMatchPos: integer;
+ LOffset: integer;
+ Result := False;
+ if GetFilter = '' then
+ begin
+ Result := inherited HasNext;
+ if Result then
+ FNextIndex := FCursor + 1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if FCursor < FStrings.Count - 1 then
+ begin
+ { If we haven't already calculated the next matching item }
+ if FNextIndex = -1 then
+ begin
+ LIndex := FCursor + 1;
+ { Peek ahead to find the next matching string }
+ while (LIndex < FStrings.Count) and (FNextIndex = -1) do
+ begin
+ { reset MatchString parameters }
+ LOffset := 0;
+ LMatchPos := 0;
+ if FRegex.MatchString(FStrings.Strings[LIndex], LMatchPos, LOffset) then
+ FNextIndex := LIndex;
+ Inc(LIndex);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if FNextIndex <> -1 then
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ end; { if..else }
+function TTBFilteredStringsIterator.Next: string;
+ Result := '';
+ if HasNext then
+ begin
+ FCursor := FNextIndex;
+ FNextIndex := -1;
+ Result := FStrings.Strings[FCursor];
+ end;
+function TTBFilteredStringsIterator.HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ Result := False; // Filtered String is uni-directional
+function TTBFilteredStringsIterator.Previous: string;
+ Result := '';
+ raise EUniDirectionalIterator.Create('Filtered String Iterator is uni-directional (forward) only.');
+constructor TTBFilteredStringsIterator.CreateCustom(const ASource: TStrings);
+ inherited CreateCustom(ASource);
+ FRegex := TRegexEngine.Create('');
+ FRegex.IgnoreCase := True;
+ FNextIndex := -1;
+destructor TTBFilteredStringsIterator.Destroy;
+ FRegex.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+{ TTBInterfaceListIterator }
+function TTBInterfaceListIterator.HasNext: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FList) then
+ if FCursor < FList.Count - 1 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBInterfaceListIterator.Next: IInterface;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasNext then
+ begin
+ Inc(FCursor, 1);
+ Result := FList.Items[FCursor];
+ end;
+function TTBInterfaceListIterator.HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FList) then
+ if FCursor > 0 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBInterfaceListIterator.Previous: IInterface;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasPrevious then
+ begin
+ Dec(FCursor, 1);
+ Result := FList.Items[FCursor];
+ end;
+constructor TTBInterfaceListIterator.CreateCustom(const ASource: TInterfaceList);
+ inherited Create;
+ FList := ASource;
+ FCursor := -1;
+{ TTBObjectListIterator }
+function TTBObjectListIterator.HasNext: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FList) then
+ if FCursor < FList.Count - 1 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBObjectListIterator.Next: TObject;
+ result := nil;
+ if HasNext then
+ begin
+ Inc(FCursor);
+ result := FList.Items[FCursor];
+ end;
+function TTBObjectListIterator.HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FList) then
+ if FCursor > 0 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBObjectListIterator.Previous: TObject;
+ result := nil;
+ if HasPrevious then
+ begin
+ Dec(FCursor);
+ result := FList.Items[FCursor];
+ end;
+constructor TTBObjectListIterator.CreateCustom(const ASource: TObjectList);
+ inherited Create;
+ FList := ASource;
+ FCursor := -1;
diff --git a/docview/src/docdump/iterator_intf.pas b/docview/src/docdump/iterator_intf.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e82b59a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docdump/iterator_intf.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+unit iterator_intf;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes
+ ,SysUtils
+ ;
+ { A custom exception class }
+ ENoIteratorImpl = class(Exception);
+ EUniDirectionalIterator = class(Exception);
+ { Standard iterators }
+ ITBIterator = interface(IInterface)
+ ['{9C2BC10D-54C8-4B59-88B5-A564921CF0E3}']
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: TObject;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: TObject;
+ end;
+ ITBStringIterator = interface(IInterface)
+ ['{B2A449B4-5D0A-4F14-AC11-CA055EDA3ED7}']
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: string;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: string;
+ end;
+ ITBStringAndObjectIterator = interface(ITBStringIterator)
+ ['{287373DC-A90D-400E-BAEE-C85474C317A8}']
+ function HasNextObject: Boolean;
+ function NextObject: TObject;
+ function HasPreviousObject: Boolean;
+ function PreviousObject: TObject;
+ end;
+ ITBInterfaceIterator = interface
+ ['{9B599C5B-4BBB-43F6-AF8E-09FEE9AE0E20}']
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: IInterface;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: IInterface;
+ end;
+ { TODO:
+ More interfaces could be added for collections like:
+ TTreeView, TStringGrid etc... }
+ { Filtered iterators }
+ ITBFilteredStringIterator = interface(ITBStringIterator)
+ ['{CF1B9E2D-DD05-4D15-95C6-686EAFA4ED82}']
+ function GetFilter: string;
+ procedure SetFilter(const AValue: string);
+ property Filter: string read GetFilter write SetFilter;
+ end;
+ { TODO:
+ More filtered versions of the standard iterators could
+ be added here... }
+ { Iterator Factory }
+ TTBIteratorFactory = class(TObject)
+ function Iterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBIterator;
+ function StringIterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBStringIterator;
+ function StringAndObjectIterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBStringAndObjectIterator;
+ function InterfaceIterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBInterfaceIterator;
+ function FilteredStringIterator(const ASource: TObject; const AFilter: string): ITBFilteredStringIterator;
+ end;
+{ Global iterator factory singleton }
+function gIteratorFactory: TTBIteratorFactory;
+ iterator_impl;
+ uIteratorFactory: TTBIteratorFactory;
+ cNoIteratorImpl = 'No Iterator implementation found for <%s>';
+{ The lazy mans singleton implementation, but it does the job just fine. }
+function gIteratorFactory: TTBIteratorFactory;
+ if not Assigned(uIteratorFactory) then
+ uIteratorFactory := TTBIteratorFactory.Create;
+ Result := uIteratorFactory;
+{ TTBIteratorFactory }
+function TTBIteratorFactory.Iterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBIterator;
+ if ASource is TList then
+ Result := TTBListIterator.CreateCustom(TList(ASource))
+ else if ASource is TCollection then
+ Result := TTBCollectionIterator.CreateCustom(TCollection(ASource))
+ //else if ASource is TTreeNodes then
+ //Result := TTBTreeNodesIterator.CreateCustom(TTreeNodes(ASource))
+ else
+ raise ENoIteratorImpl.CreateFmt(cNoIteratorImpl, [ASource.ClassName]);
+function TTBIteratorFactory.StringIterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBStringIterator;
+ if ASource is TStrings then
+ Result := TTBStringsIterator.CreateCustom(TStrings(ASource))
+ else
+ raise ENoIteratorImpl.CreateFmt(cNoIteratorImpl, [ASource.ClassName]);
+function TTBIteratorFactory.StringAndObjectIterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBStringAndObjectIterator;
+ if ASource is TStrings then
+ Result := TTBStringsIterator.CreateCustom(TStrings(ASource))
+ else
+ raise ENoIteratorImpl.CreateFmt(cNoIteratorImpl, [ASource.ClassName]);
+function TTBIteratorFactory.InterfaceIterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBInterfaceIterator;
+ if ASource is TInterfaceList then
+ Result := TTBInterfaceListIterator.CreateCustom(TInterfaceList(ASource))
+ else
+ raise ENoIteratorImpl.CreateFmt(cNoIteratorImpl, [ASource.ClassName]);
+function TTBIteratorFactory.FilteredStringIterator(const ASource: TObject; const AFilter: string): ITBFilteredStringIterator;
+ if ASource is TStrings then
+ begin
+ Result := TTBFilteredStringsIterator.CreateCustom(TStrings(ASource));
+ Result.Filter := AFilter;
+ end
+ else
+ raise ENoIteratorImpl.CreateFmt(cNoIteratorImpl, [ASource.ClassName]);
+ uIteratorFactory := nil;
+ uIteratorFactory.Free;
diff --git a/docview/src/docdump/readcontrols.pas b/docview/src/docdump/readcontrols.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..395a36db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docdump/readcontrols.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ Dump the controls data
+unit readcontrols;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, filestreamhelper;
+procedure ProcessControls(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ readheader, IPFFileFormatUnit;
+procedure ProcessControls(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ ctrls: TPanelControls;
+ i: integer;
+ AOut.WriteLn('');
+ AOut.WriteLn('Panel Controls (Buttons)');
+ if eHdr.CtrlOffset > 0 then
+ begin
+ AIn.Seek(eHdr.CtrlOffset, soBeginning);
+ AIn.Read(ctrls, SizeOf(TControlDef));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' PanelControls.ControlCount: %4.4x (%0:d)', [ctrls.ControlCount]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' PanelControls.GroupCount: %4.4x (%0:d)', [ctrls.GroupCount]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' PanelControls.GroupIndex: %4.4x (%0:d)', [ctrls.GroupIndex]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' PanelControls.Reserved: %4.4x (%0:d)', [ctrls.Reserved]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(' *****');
+ AOut.WriteLn(' <todo - process CountrolCount and GroupCount data>');
+ end
+ else
+ AOut.WriteLn(' No panel control found');
diff --git a/docview/src/docdump/readextfiles.pas b/docview/src/docdump/readextfiles.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ea979d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docdump/readextfiles.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ Dumps the names of external database (help) files referenced by this file
+unit readextfiles;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, IPFFileFormatUnit, filestreamhelper;
+procedure ProcessExtFiles(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ readheader;
+procedure ProcessExtFiles(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ count: integer;
+ name: string;
+ pData: pointer;
+ p: pointer;
+ pLength: pByte;
+ AOut.WriteLn('');
+ AOut.WriteLn('External File References');
+ if eHdr.NumDataBase > 0 then
+ begin
+ pData := nil;
+ AIn.Seek(eHdr.DataBaseOffset, soBeginning);
+ GetMem(pData, eHdr.DataBaseSize); // allocate temp space for data
+ AIn.Read(pData^, eHdr.DataBaseSize); // read all data in one shot
+ p := pData; // p is our incrementing position in the data
+ for count := 0 to eHdr.NumDataBase-1 do
+ begin
+ pLength := p; // length byte, including itself
+ SetString(name, p+1, pLength^-1); // use length value minus the length byte to get the string length
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' File #%d: %s', [count, name]));
+ inc(p, pLength^); // skip to next entry using full length (including length byte)
+ end;
+ FreeMem(pData, eHdr.DataBaseSize); // free allocated space
+ end
+ else
+ AOut.WriteLn(' No external file references found');
diff --git a/docview/src/docdump/readfonts.pas b/docview/src/docdump/readfonts.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b684cac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docdump/readfonts.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ Dumps the font data
+unit readfonts;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, filestreamhelper;
+procedure ProcessFonts(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ readheader, IPFFileFormatUnit;
+procedure ProcessFonts(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ fnt: THelpFontSpec;
+ pData: pointer;
+ i: integer;
+ AOut.WriteLn('');
+ AOut.WriteLn('Font Data');
+ if eHdr.NumFontEntry > 0 then
+ begin
+ AIn.Seek(eHdr.FontTableOffset, soBeginning);
+ for i := 0 to eHdr.NumFontEntry-1 do
+ begin
+ AIn.Read(fnt, SizeOf(THelpFontSpec));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' Font Entry #%d', [i+1]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' FontSpec.FaceName: %s', [fnt.FaceName]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' FontSpec.Height: %4.4x (%0:d)', [fnt.Height]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' FontSpec.Width: %4.4x (%0:d)', [fnt.Width]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' FontSpec.CodePage: %4.4x (%0:d)', [fnt.Codepage]));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ AOut.WriteLn(' No font data is present');
diff --git a/docview/src/docdump/readheader.pas b/docview/src/docdump/readheader.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..201fcb86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docdump/readheader.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ Dump the INF header & extended header structures to a text file
+unit readheader;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, filestreamhelper, IPFFileFormatUnit;
+procedure ProcessHeader(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ hdr: THelpFileHeader;
+ eHdr: TExtendedHelpFileHeader;
+ TWord = record
+ b1: AnsiChar;
+ b2: AnsiChar;
+ end;
+ TOverlayID = packed record
+ b1: Byte;
+ b2: Byte;
+ b3: Byte;
+ end;
+ TOverlaySearchStart = bitpacked record
+ SearchOffset: Unsigned_31;
+ IsRec16bitSize: boolean;
+ end;
+procedure ProcessHeader(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ bytes: integer;
+ s: string;
+ w: TWord;
+ i: uint32;
+ t0: TOverlayID;
+ t1: TOverlaySearchStart;
+ try
+ AIn.Seek(0, soBeginning);
+ bytes := AIn.Read(hdr, SizeOf(THelpFileHeader));
+ if bytes <> SizeOf(THelpFileHeader) then
+ raise Exception.Create('Failed to read complete file header');
+ if hdr.ID <> INF_HEADER_ID then
+ raise Exception.Create('This is not an OS/2 help file');
+ AOut.WriteLn('Header Section');
+ t0 := TOverlayID(hdr.ID);
+ s := hdr.ID;
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' %4.2x %2x %2x ("%s") : Magic word' ,[Byte([0]), Byte([1]), Byte([2]), s]));
+ if (hdr.flags and $01) > 0 then
+ s := 'INF'
+ else
+ s := 'HLP';
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.flags: %8.2x (%s format) : File format' ,[hdr.flags, s]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.size: %8.4x (%0:7d bytes) : Size of this header structure', [hdr.hdrsize]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.version: %6d.%d : version of file format?', [hdr.version_hi, hdr.version_lo]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.ntoc: %8.4x (%0:13d) : No of TOC entries', [hdr.ntoc]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.tocstart: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : 32bit file offset to start of TOC', [hdr.tocstart]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.toclen: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : bytes occupied by TOC entries', [hdr.toclen]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.tocoffsetsstart: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : file offset to array of TOC offsets', [hdr.tocoffsetsstart]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.nres: %8.4x (%0:13d) : number of panels with resource numbers', [hdr.nres]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.resstart: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : 32bit file offset of ressource number table', [hdr.resstart]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.nname: %8.4x (%0:13d) : number of panels with textual name', [hdr.nname]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.namestart: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : 32bit file offset to panel name table', [hdr.namestart]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.nindex: %8.4x (%0:13d) : number of index entries', [hdr.nindex]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.indexstart: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : 32bit file offset to index table', [hdr.indexstart]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.indexlen: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : size of index table', [hdr.indexlen]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.icmdCount: %8.4x (%0:13d) : number of icmd index items', [hdr.icmdCount]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.icmdOffset: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : file offset to icmd index items', [hdr.icmdOffset]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.icmdSize: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : size of icmd index table', [hdr.icmdSize]));
+ t1 := TOverlaySearchStart(hdr.searchstart);
+ i := t1.SearchOffset;
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.searchstart :31 %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : 31bit file offset of full text search table', [i, i]));
+ if t1.IsRec16bitSize then
+ s := 'search rec is 16bit size'
+ else
+ s := 'search rec is 8bit size';
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.recSize :1 %s (%s) : if high bit set, search record size is 16bit', [BoolToStr(t1.IsRec16bitSize, True), s]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.searchlen: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : size of full text search table', [hdr.searchlen]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.nslots: %8.4x (%0:13d) : number of "slots"', [hdr.nslots]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.slotsstart: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : 32bit file offset of the slots array', [hdr.slotsstart]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.dictlen: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : bytes occupied by the "dictionary"', [hdr.dictlen]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.ndict: %8.4x (%0:13d) : number of entries in the dictionary', [hdr.ndict]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.dictstart: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : 32bit file offset to start of dictionary', [hdr.dictstart]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.imgstart: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : 32bit file offset to image data', [hdr.imgstart]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.maxCVTIndex: %8.2x (%0:13d) : highest index inside panel''s local dictionary', [hdr.maxCVTIndex]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.nlsstart: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : 32bit file offset of NLS table', [hdr.nlsstart, hdr.nlsstart]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.nlslen: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : size of NLS table', [hdr.nlslen]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.extstart: %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : 32bit file offset of extended data block', [hdr.extstart]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.reserved: %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x %2.2x : for future use. set to zero.',
+ [hdr.reserved[0], hdr.reserved[1], hdr.reserved[2], hdr.reserved[3], hdr.reserved[4], hdr.reserved[5],
+ hdr.reserved[6], hdr.reserved[7], hdr.reserved[8], hdr.reserved[9], hdr.reserved[10], hdr.reserved[11] ]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' ipfheader.title: "%s" : ASCII title of database', [hdr.title]));
+ AOut.WriteLn('');
+ AOut.WriteLn('Extended Header Section');
+ AIn.Seek(hdr.extstart, soBeginning);
+ AIn.Read(eHdr, SizeOf(TExtendedHelpFileHeader));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.NumFontEntry %8.4x (%0:13d) : Font Table - number of entries', [eHdr.NumFontEntry]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.FontTableOffset %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : Font Table - 32bit offset in file', [eHdr.FontTableOffset]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.NumDataBase %8.4x (%0:13d) : Data Base - No of files', [eHdr.NumDataBase]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.DataBaseOffset %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : Data Base - 32bit offset in file', [eHdr.DataBaseOffset]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.DataBaseSize %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : Data Base - Size in bytse', [eHdr.DataBaseSize]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.EntryInGNameTable %8.4x (%0:13d) : Global Names - No entries', [eHdr.EntryInGNameTable]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.HelpPanelGNameTblOffset %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : Global Names - 32bit offset in file', [eHdr.HelpPanelGNameTblOffset]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.StringsOffset %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : Strings - 32bit offset in file', [eHdr.StringsOffset]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.StringsSize %8.4x (%0:7d bytes) : Strings - Total bytes of all strings', [eHdr.StringsSize]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.ChildPagesOffset %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : Child Pages - 32bit offset in file', [eHdr.ChildPagesOffset]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.ChildPagesSize %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : Child Pages - Total bytes of all strings', [eHdr.ChildPagesSize]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.NumGIndexEntry %8.8x (%0:13d) : Total number of Global Index items', [eHdr.NumGIndexEntry]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.CtrlOffset %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : Ctrl Buttons : offset in file', [eHdr.CtrlOffset]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.CtrlSize %8.8x (%0:7d bytes) : Ctrl Buttons : size in bytes', [eHdr.CtrlSize]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' extheader.reserved: %8.8x %8.8x %8.8x %8.8x : for future use. set to zero.',
+ [eHdr.reserved[0], eHdr.reserved[1], eHdr.reserved[2], eHdr.reserved[3]]));
+ finally
+ // no nothing
+ end;
diff --git a/docview/src/docdump/readnlsdata.pas b/docview/src/docdump/readnlsdata.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68609235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docdump/readnlsdata.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+unit readnlsdata;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, filestreamhelper;
+procedure ProcessNLSData(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ readheader;
+procedure ProcessNLSData(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ AOut.WriteLn('');
+ AOut.WriteLn('NLS Data');
+ if hdr.nlslen > 0 then
+ begin
+ AOut.WriteLn(' <todo - process NLS data>');
+ end
+ else
+ AOut.WriteLn('NLS Data is not present');
diff --git a/docview/src/docdump/readstrings.pas b/docview/src/docdump/readstrings.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b397408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docdump/readstrings.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ Dump the String table data
+unit readstrings;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, filestreamhelper;
+procedure ProcessStringsTable(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ readheader;
+procedure ProcessStringsTable(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ name: string;
+ pData: pointer;
+ p: pointer;
+ pLength: pByte;
+ bytes: integer;
+ AOut.WriteLn('');
+ AOut.WriteLn('Strings Data');
+ if eHdr.StringsSize > 0 then
+ begin
+ pData := nil;
+ AIn.Seek(eHdr.StringsOffset, soBeginning);
+ GetMem(pData, eHdr.StringsSize); // allocate temp space for data
+ AIn.Read(pData^, eHdr.StringsSize); // read all data in one shot
+ p := pData; // p is our incrementing position in the data
+ bytes := 0;
+ while bytes < eHdr.StringsSize do;
+ begin
+ pLength := p; // length byte, including itself
+ bytes := bytes + pLength^;
+ SetString(name, p+1, pLength^-1); // use length value minus the length byte to get the string length
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' %s', [name]));
+ inc(p, pLength^); // skip to next entry using full length (including length byte)
+ end;
+ FreeMem(pData, eHdr.StringsSize); // free allocated space
+ end
+ else
+ AOut.WriteLn(' There are no strings');
diff --git a/docview/src/docdump/readtoc.pas b/docview/src/docdump/readtoc.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cfae395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docdump/readtoc.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ Dump the Table of Contents data
+unit readtoc;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, filestreamhelper;
+procedure ProcessTOC(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ IPFFileFormatUnit, readheader, u_Tools;
+ TTOCOverlay = bitpacked record
+ length: uint8; // length of the entry including this byte (but not including extended data)
+ nestlevel: Unsigned_4;
+ unknown: boolean;
+ extended: boolean;
+ hidden: boolean;
+ haschildren: boolean;
+ numSlots: uint8; // number of "slots" occupied by the text for this toc entry
+ end;
+ TTOCExtendedOverlay = bitpacked record
+ setPos: boolean;
+ setSize: boolean;
+ setView: boolean;
+ setStyle: boolean;
+ noSearch: boolean;
+ noPrint: boolean;
+ setCtrl: boolean;
+ setTutor: boolean;
+ clear: boolean;
+ unknown1: Unsigned_1;
+ setGroup: boolean;
+ isParent: boolean;
+ unknown2: Unsigned_4;
+ end;
+procedure ProcessTOC(AIn: TFileStream; AOut: TFileTextStream);
+ Count: integer;
+ VisCount: integer;
+ pOffsets: UInt32ArrayPointer;
+ toc: TTOCEntryStart;
+ olay: TTOCOverlay;
+ tocextolay: TTOCExtendedOverlay;
+ pData: pointer;
+ pEntry: pTTOCEntryStart;
+ pExtendedInfo: pExtendedTOCEntry;
+ p: PByte;
+ i: integer;
+ titleLen: integer;
+ title: string;
+ AOut.WriteLn('');
+ AOut.WriteLn('Table of Contents');
+ VisCount := 0;
+ GetMem(pOffsets, SizeOf(uint32) * hdr.ntoc);
+ AIn.Seek(hdr.tocoffsetsstart, soBeginning);
+ AIn.Read(pOffsets^, SizeOf(uint32) * hdr.ntoc); // now we have array of toc offsets
+ AIn.Seek(hdr.tocstart, soBeginning);
+ GetMem(pData, hdr.toclen);
+ AIn.Read(pData^, hdr.toclen);
+ pEntry := pData;
+ for count := 1 to hdr.ntoc do
+ begin
+// AIn.Read(toc, SizeOf(TTOCEntryStart));
+// FillChar(olay, SizeOf(TTOCOverlay), 0);
+ p := PByte(pEntry) + sizeof(TTOCEntryStart);
+ i := Longint(p^);
+ olay.extended := (pEntry^.flags and TOCEntryExtended ) = TOCEntryExtended;
+ olay.nestlevel := (pEntry^.flags and TOCEntryLevelMask);
+ olay.hidden := (pEntry^.flags and TOCEntryHidden) = TOCEntryHidden;
+ olay.haschildren := (pEntry^.flags and TOCEntryHasChildren) = TOCEntryHasChildren;
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' TOC Entry #%d at offset %8.8x (%d bytes)', [count, p^, i]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.length: %2.2x (%0:d bytes)', [pEntry^.length]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.nestlevel: %d', [olay.nestlevel]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.unknown: %s', [iif(olay.unknown, 'set', 'clear')]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.extended: %s', [iif(olay.extended, 'yes', 'no')]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.hidden: %s', [iif(olay.hidden, 'yes', 'no')]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.haschildren: %s', [iif(olay.haschildren, 'yes', 'no')]));
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' tocentry.numSlots: %d', [pEntry^.numSlots]));
+ if not olay.hidden then
+ inc(VisCount);
+ if olay.extended then
+ begin
+ pExtendedInfo := pExtendedTOCEntry( p ); // next data to follow must be Extended TOC Entry
+ AOut.WriteLn(' Extended TOC Entry');
+ tocextolay := TTOCExtendedOverlay(pExtendedInfo^);
+ AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setPos: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setPos, 'yes', 'no')]));
+ AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setSize: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setSize, 'yes', 'no')]));
+ AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setView: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setView, 'yes', 'no')]));
+ AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setStyle: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setStyle, 'yes', 'no')]));
+ AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.noSearch: %s', [iif(tocextolay.noSearch, 'yes', 'no')]));
+ AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.noPrint: %s', [iif(tocextolay.noPrint, 'yes', 'no')]));
+ AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setCtrl: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setCtrl, 'yes', 'no')]));
+ AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setTutor: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setTutor, 'yes', 'no')]));
+ AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.clear: %s', [iif(tocextolay.clear, 'clear', 'set')]));
+ AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.unknown1: %1.1x', [tocextolay.unknown1]));
+ AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.setGroup: %s', [iif(tocextolay.setGroup, 'yes', 'no')]));
+ AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.isParent: %s', [iif(tocextolay.isParent, 'yes', 'no')]));
+ AOut.Writeln(Format(' ExtTocEntry.unknown2: %1.1x', [tocextolay.unknown2]));
+ inc( p, sizeof( TExtendedTOCEntry ) ); // move p past two flag bytes
+ if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and 1 ) > 0 then
+ // skip position
+ inc( p, sizeof( THelpXYPair ) );
+ if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and 2 ) > 0 then
+ // skip size
+ inc( p, sizeof( THelpXYPair ) );
+ if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and 8 ) > 0 then
+ // skip window controls
+ inc( p, sizeof(word) ); // increment by 2
+ if ( pExtendedInfo^.w1 and $40 ) > 0 then
+ // skip something else, unknown... style? 2 bytes
+ inc( p, sizeof(word) ); // increment by 2
+ if ( pExtendedInfo^.w2 and 4 ) > 0 then
+ begin
+// _ContentsGroupIndex := pUInt16(p)^;
+ // read group
+ inc( p, sizeof( uint16 ) );
+ end;
+ end;
+ // skip slot numbers for now.
+// _pSlotNumbers := pUInt16(p);
+ inc( p, pEntry^.numSlots * sizeof(uint16) );
+ // Calculate the remainder of the tocentry length - that is the bytes used for TOC topic (title) text
+ titleLen := pEntry^.length - ( longword( p ) - longword( pEntry ) );
+ // Read title
+ if TitleLen > 0 then
+ SetString(Title, Pointer(p), TitleLen)
+ else
+ Title := '<unknown>';
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' toc Title: %s', [title]));
+ p := PByte(pEntry);
+ inc(p, pEntry^.Length);
+ pEntry := pTTOCEntryStart(p);
+ end;
+ AOut.WriteLn(Format(' TOC visible count: %d', [VisCount]));
+ FreeMem(pOffsets, SizeOf(uint32) * hdr.ntoc);
+ FreeMem(pData, hdr.toclen);
diff --git a/docview/src/docdump/u_Tools.pas b/docview/src/docdump/u_Tools.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96192db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docdump/u_Tools.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ This unit will grow to include all handy functions that can be used in
+ different Lazarus projects.
+ There may be no links to other non-standard units!
+unit u_Tools;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ { Missing iif() known from Visual Basic - return a string }
+ function iif(fCon: Boolean; sTrue, sFalse: String): String;
+ { Missing iif() known from Visual Basic - return an Integer }
+ function iif(fCon: Boolean; iTrue, iFalse: Integer): Integer;
+ { Missing iif() known from Visual Basic - return an Extended }
+ function iif(fCon: Boolean; iTrue, iFalse: Extended): Extended;
+ SysUtils;
+function iif(fCon: Boolean; sTrue, sFalse: String): String;
+ if fCon then
+ Result := sTrue
+ else
+ Result := sFalse;
+function iif(fCon: Boolean; iTrue, iFalse: Integer): Integer;
+ if fCon then
+ Result := iTrue
+ else
+ Result := iFalse;
+function iif(fCon: Boolean; iTrue, iFalse: Extended): Extended;
+ if fCon then
+ Result := iTrue
+ else
+ Result := iFalse;
diff --git a/docview/src/docview.lpi b/docview/src/docview.lpi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2495cb6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docview.lpi
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <ProjectOptions>
+ <Version Value="7"/>
+ <General>
+ <Flags>
+ <SaveOnlyProjectUnits Value="True"/>
+ </Flags>
+ <SessionStorage Value="InIDEConfig"/>
+ <MainUnit Value="0"/>
+ <TargetFileExt Value=""/>
+ <Title Value="docview"/>
+ <UseAppBundle Value="False"/>
+ </General>
+ <VersionInfo>
+ <ProjectVersion Value=""/>
+ </VersionInfo>
+ <PublishOptions>
+ <Version Value="2"/>
+ <IgnoreBinaries Value="False"/>
+ <IncludeFileFilter Value="*.(pas|pp|inc|lfm|lpr|lrs|lpi|lpk|sh|xml)"/>
+ <ExcludeFileFilter Value="*.(bak|ppu|ppw|o|so);*~;backup"/>
+ </PublishOptions>
+ <RunParams>
+ <local>
+ <FormatVersion Value="1"/>
+ <LaunchingApplication PathPlusParams="/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -T 'Lazarus Run Output' -e $(LazarusDir)/tools/ $(TargetCmdLine)"/>
+ </local>
+ </RunParams>
+ <RequiredPackages Count="1">
+ <Item1>
+ <PackageName Value="fpgui_toolkit"/>
+ </Item1>
+ </RequiredPackages>
+ <Units Count="27">
+ <Unit0>
+ <Filename Value="docview.lpr"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="docview"/>
+ </Unit0>
+ <Unit1>
+ <Filename Value="frm_main.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="frm_main"/>
+ </Unit1>
+ <Unit2>
+ <Filename Value="IPFEscapeCodes.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="IPFEscapeCodes"/>
+ </Unit2>
+ <Unit3>
+ <Filename Value="HelpTopic.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="HelpTopic"/>
+ </Unit3>
+ <Unit4>
+ <Filename Value="HelpFile.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="HelpFile"/>
+ </Unit4>
+ <Unit5>
+ <Filename Value="CompareWordUnit.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="CompareWordUnit"/>
+ </Unit5>
+ <Unit6>
+ <Filename Value="SearchTable.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="SearchTable"/>
+ </Unit6>
+ <Unit7>
+ <Filename Value="TextSearchQuery.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="TextSearchQuery"/>
+ </Unit7>
+ <Unit8>
+ <Filename Value="nvUtilities.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="nvUtilities"/>
+ </Unit8>
+ <Unit9>
+ <Filename Value="nvNullObjects.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="nvNullObjects"/>
+ </Unit9>
+ <Unit10>
+ <Filename Value="../docs/inf04.txt"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ </Unit10>
+ <Unit11>
+ <Filename Value="SearchUnit.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="SearchUnit"/>
+ </Unit11>
+ <Unit12>
+ <Filename Value="../components/richtext/RichTextStyleUnit.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="RichTextStyleUnit"/>
+ </Unit12>
+ <Unit13>
+ <Filename Value="../components/richtext/CanvasFontManager.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="CanvasFontManager"/>
+ </Unit13>
+ <Unit14>
+ <Filename Value="../components/richtext/ACLStringUtility.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="ACLStringUtility"/>
+ </Unit14>
+ <Unit15>
+ <Filename Value="../components/richtext/RichTextDocumentUnit.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="RichTextDocumentUnit"/>
+ </Unit15>
+ <Unit16>
+ <Filename Value="../components/richtext/RichTextView.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="RichTextView"/>
+ </Unit16>
+ <Unit17>
+ <Filename Value="../components/richtext/RichTextLayoutUnit.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="RichTextLayoutUnit"/>
+ </Unit17>
+ <Unit18>
+ <Filename Value="../components/richtext/RichTextDisplayUnit.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="RichTextDisplayUnit"/>
+ </Unit18>
+ <Unit19>
+ <Filename Value="IPFFileFormatUnit.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="IPFFileFormatUnit"/>
+ </Unit19>
+ <Unit20>
+ <Filename Value="HelpWindowDimensions.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="HelpWindowDimensions"/>
+ </Unit20>
+ <Unit21>
+ <Filename Value="NewViewConstantsUnit.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="NewViewConstantsUnit"/>
+ </Unit21>
+ <Unit22>
+ <Filename Value="SettingsUnit.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="SettingsUnit"/>
+ </Unit22>
+ <Unit23>
+ <Filename Value="dvconstants.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="dvconstants"/>
+ </Unit23>
+ <Unit24>
+ <Filename Value="dvHelpers.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="dvHelpers"/>
+ </Unit24>
+ <Unit25>
+ <Filename Value="HelpWindow.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="HelpWindow"/>
+ </Unit25>
+ <Unit26>
+ <Filename Value="../TODO.txt"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ </Unit26>
+ </Units>
+ </ProjectOptions>
+ <CompilerOptions>
+ <Version Value="8"/>
+ <SearchPaths>
+ <IncludeFiles Value="$(ProjOutDir)/"/>
+ <OtherUnitFiles Value="../components/richtext/"/>
+ <UnitOutputDirectory Value="units/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)"/>
+ </SearchPaths>
+ <Parsing>
+ <SyntaxOptions>
+ <CStyleOperator Value="False"/>
+ <IncludeAssertionCode Value="True"/>
+ <AllowLabel Value="False"/>
+ <CPPInline Value="False"/>
+ </SyntaxOptions>
+ </Parsing>
+ <CodeGeneration>
+ <Optimizations>
+ <OptimizationLevel Value="0"/>
+ </Optimizations>
+ </CodeGeneration>
+ <Other>
+ <CustomOptions Value="-O-
+ <CompilerPath Value="$(CompPath)"/>
+ </Other>
+ </CompilerOptions>
diff --git a/docview/src/docview.lpr b/docview/src/docview.lpr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32a80f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/docview.lpr
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+program docview;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
+ cthreads,
+ Classes,
+ {$IFDEF Timing}EpikTimer,{$ENDIF}
+ fpg_main, frm_main, IPFEscapeCodes, HelpTopic, CompareWordUnit, SearchTable,
+ TextSearchQuery, nvUtilities, nvNullObjects, HelpFile, SearchUnit,
+ fpg_cmdlineparams, customstyle, IPFFileFormatUnit, HelpWindowDimensions,
+ NewViewConstantsUnit, SettingsUnit, RichTextStyleUnit, CanvasFontManager,
+ ACLStringUtility, RichTextDocumentUnit, RichTextView, RichTextLayoutUnit,
+ RichTextDisplayUnit, dvconstants, dvHelpers;
+procedure MainProc;
+ frm: TMainForm;
+ fpgApplication.Initialize;
+ // always load custom style for help viewer
+ //if Assigned(fpgStyle) then
+ // fpgStyle.Free;
+ //fpgStyle := TMyStyle.Create;
+ frm := TMainForm.Create(nil);
+ try
+ frm.Show;
+ fpgApplication.Run;
+ finally
+ frm.Free;
+ end;
+ MainProc;
diff --git a/docview/src/dvHelpers.pas b/docview/src/dvHelpers.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5486bb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/dvHelpers.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+unit dvHelpers;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils;
+function GetOwnHelpFileName: String;
+function FindHelpFile(const AFilename: string): string;
+ fpg_utils
+ ;
+function GetOwnHelpFileName: String;
+// tmpLanguage : String;
+ //tmpLanguage := getLanguage;
+ //if tmpLanguage = '' then
+ //begin
+ // tmpLanguage := GetEnv(LanguageEnvironmentVar)
+ //end;
+ //
+ //result := FindDefaultLanguageHelpFile('NewView', tmpLanguage);
+ { TODO -oGraeme -cown help : Improve own help file location }
+ result := fpgExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'docview.inf';
+// Given a "filename" which may include a path, find it in various paths and extensions
+function FindHelpFile(const AFilename: string): string;
+ { TODO -ograemeg -csearch files : Implement searching know locations }
+ Result := AFileName;
diff --git a/docview/src/dvconstants.pas b/docview/src/dvconstants.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae8b414d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/dvconstants.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+unit dvconstants;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ HelpPathEnvironmentVar = 'HELP';
+ BookshelfEnvironmentVar = 'BOOKSHELF';
+ HELP_FILE_EXTENSION = ExtensionSeparator + 'hlp';
+ INF_FILE_EXTENSION = ExtensionSeparator + 'inf';
+ rsDVTitle = 'Documentation Viewer';
+ rsDVSearchingMsg = 'Searching...';
+ rsDVDisplaying = 'Displaying...';
+ rsDVLoadingNotes = 'Loading notes...';
+ rsDVDisplayContents = 'Display contents...';
+ rsDVDisplayingFirstTopic = 'Display first topic...';
+ rsDVDone = 'Done';
+ rsDVNoFile = 'No file';
+ rsDVOpenHelpFile = 'Open Help File';
+ rsDVHelpFiles = 'Help Files';
+ rsDVNoMatchesFound = '(No matches found for ''%s'')';
+ rsDVSearchSyntaxError = 'Error in search syntax: ';
+ rsDVSearchFoundMsg = 'Found %d matches for ';
+ rsDVCouldNotOpen = 'Could not open <%s>';
diff --git a/docview/src/frm_main.pas b/docview/src/frm_main.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d1a8495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/frm_main.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,2210 @@
+unit frm_main;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ SysUtils, Classes, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_form, fpg_panel, fpg_tab,
+ fpg_tree, fpg_splitter, fpg_menu, fpg_button, fpg_listbox,
+ fpg_label, fpg_edit, fpg_radiobutton, fpg_progressbar, fpg_mru,
+ HelpFile, RichTextView, HelpTopic;
+ // Used by Index ListBox. We can generate a custom Index if the help file
+ // doesn't contain it's own index entries.
+ TListType = ( ltContents, ltIndex );
+ TMainForm = class(TfpgForm)
+ private
+ {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: MainForm}
+ bvlStatusBar: TfpgBevel;
+ ProgressBar: TfpgProgressBar;
+ lblStatus: TfpgLabel;
+ bvlBody: TfpgBevel;
+ PageControl1: TfpgPageControl;
+ tsContents: TfpgTabSheet;
+ tvContents: TfpgTreeView;
+ btnGo: TfpgButton;
+ tsIndex: TfpgTabSheet;
+ btnIndex: TfpgButton;
+ lbIndex: TfpgListBox;
+ IndexSearchEdit: TfpgEdit;
+ tsSearch: TfpgTabSheet;
+ Label1: TfpgLabel;
+ edSearchText: TfpgEdit;
+ Label2: TfpgLabel;
+ RadioButton1: TfpgRadioButton;
+ RadioButton2: TfpgRadioButton;
+ RadioButton3: TfpgRadioButton;
+ RadioButton4: TfpgRadioButton;
+ RadioButton5: TfpgRadioButton;
+ RadioButton6: TfpgRadioButton;
+ lbSearchResults: TfpgListBox;
+ Label3: TfpgLabel;
+ btnSearch: TfpgButton;
+ tsNotes: TfpgTabSheet;
+ ListBox1: TfpgListBox;
+ btnNotesAdd: TfpgButton;
+ btnNotesEdit: TfpgButton;
+ btnNotesDel: TfpgButton;
+ btnNotesGoto: TfpgButton;
+ tsHistory: TfpgTabSheet;
+ lbHistory: TfpgListBox;
+ Splitter1: TfpgSplitter;
+ RichView: TRichTextView;
+ MainMenu: TfpgMenuBar;
+ miFile: TfpgPopupMenu;
+ miSettings: TfpgPopupMenu;
+ miBookmarks: TfpgPopupMenu;
+ miHelp: TfpgPopupMenu;
+ miDebug: TfpgPopupMenu;
+ miOpenRecentMenu: TfpgPopupMenu;
+ {@VFD_HEAD_END: MainForm}
+ Files: TList; // current open help files.
+ Debug: boolean;
+ mru: TfpgMRU;
+ FFileOpenRecent: TfpgMenuItem;
+ LoadingFilenameList: TStringList;
+ LoadingFileIndex: integer;
+ LoadingTotalSize: longint;
+ LoadingSizeSoFar: longint;
+ AllFilesWordSequences: TList; // of lists; one per open file; of possible word sequences
+ CurrentOpenFiles: TList; // current open help files.
+ MainTitle: string;
+ InIndexSearch: boolean; // true while searching index
+ IndexLoaded: boolean;
+ ContentsLoaded: boolean;
+ DisplayedIndex: TStringList; // duplicate of index listbox, for fast case insensitive searching
+ CurrentTopic: TTopic; // so we can get easy access to current topic viewed
+ procedure RichViewClickLink(Sender: TRichTextView; Link: string);
+ procedure IndexSearchEditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean);
+ procedure MainFormShow(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure MainFormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miFileQuitClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miFileOpenClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miFileCloseClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miHelpProdInfoClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miHelpAboutFPGui(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miDebugHeader(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miDebugHex(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miFileSaveTopicAsIPF(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miMRUClick(Sender: TObject; const FileName: String);
+ procedure btnShowIndex(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btnGoClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure tvContentsChange(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure edSearchTextKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean);
+ procedure lbSearchResultsKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean);
+ procedure MainFormException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
+ procedure MainFormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: boolean);
+ procedure PageControl1Change(Sender: TObject; NewActiveSheet: TfpgTabSheet);
+ procedure tvContentsDoubleClick(Sender: TObject; AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint);
+ procedure lbIndexDoubleClick(Sender: TObject; AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint);
+ procedure lbSearchResultsDoubleClick(Sender: TObject; AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint);
+ procedure btnSearchClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure IndexSearchEditOnChange(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure DisplaySelectedSearchResultTopic;
+ procedure UpdateLocationPanel;
+ procedure EnableControls;
+ procedure ClearAllWordSequences;
+ procedure DoSearch;
+ procedure SetWaitCursor;
+ procedure ClearWaitCursor;
+ procedure SetMainCaption;
+ procedure DisplayFiles(NewFiles: TList; var FirstContentsNode: TfpgTreeNode);
+ procedure FileOpen;
+ function LoadFiles(const aFileNames: TStrings; aHelpFiles: TList): boolean;
+ function OpenFiles(const FileNames: TStrings; const AWindowTitle: string; const DisplayFirstTopic: boolean): boolean;
+ function OpenFile(const AFileName: string; const AWindowTitle: string; const DisplayFirstTopic: boolean): boolean;
+ procedure CloseFile(const ADestroying: boolean = False);
+ procedure OnHelpFileLoadProgress(n, outof: integer; AMessage: string);
+ procedure LoadNotes(AHelpFile: THelpFile);
+ procedure LoadContents(AFiles: TList; var FirstNode: TfpgTreeNode);
+ procedure LoadIndex;
+ // Used in loading contents
+ procedure AddChildNodes(AHelpFile: THelpFile; AParentNode: TfpgTreeNode; ALevel: longint; var ATopicIndex: longint );
+ procedure ClearNotes;
+ procedure SaveNotes(AHelpFile: THelpFile);
+ procedure DisplayTopic(ATopic: TTopic = nil);
+ procedure ResetProgress;
+ procedure SetStatus(const AText: TfpgString);
+ function TranslateEnvironmentVar(AFilenames: TfpgString): TfpgString;
+ procedure RefreshFontSubstitutions;
+ procedure DisplaySelectedIndexTopic;
+ procedure ProcessCommandLineParams;
+ procedure ShowParamHelp;
+ function FindTopicForLink( Link: THelpLink ): TTopic;
+ function FindTopicByResourceID( ID: word ): TTopic;
+ function FindTopicByName(const AName: string): TTopic;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure AfterCreate; override;
+ end;
+ fpg_dialogs
+ ,fpg_constants
+ ,fpg_iniutils
+ ,fpg_cmdlineparams
+ ,nvUtilities
+ ,ACLStringUtility
+ ,TextSearchQuery
+ ,SearchUnit
+ ,dvconstants
+ ,IPFFileFormatUnit
+ ,SettingsUnit
+ ,dvHelpers
+ ;
+ cLongName = 'fpGUI Documentation Viewer';
+ cCreatedBy = 'Created by Graeme Geldenhuys';
+ cVersion = 'Version 0.7 (alpha)';
+procedure TMainForm.MainFormException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
+ TfpgMessageDialog.Critical('An unexpected error occurred.', E.Message);
+procedure TMainForm.RichViewClickLink(Sender: TRichTextView; Link: string);
+ LinkIndex: integer;
+ lLink: THelpLink;
+ lHelp: THelpFile;
+ i: integer;
+ lTopic: TTopic;
+ lFound: Boolean;
+ // TODO: process other types of links (external, application etc...) too!
+ LinkIndex := StrToInt( Link );
+ lLink := THelpLink(CurrentTopic.Links[LinkIndex]);
+ lTopic := FindTopicForLink(lLink);
+ if lTopic <> nil then
+ DisplayTopic(lTopic);
+ exit;
+ lHelp := THelpFile(lLink.HelpFile);
+ lTopic := nil;
+ lFound := False;
+ for i := 0 to CurrentOpenFiles.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ lHelp := THelpFile(CurrentOpenFiles[i]);
+ lTopic := lHelp.Topics[LinkIndex];
+ if lTopic <> nil then
+ begin
+ lFound := True;
+ writeln('Found Topic! ', lTopic.Title);
+ break;
+ end;
+ if lFound then
+ break;
+ end;
+ if lTopic <> nil then
+ begin
+ writeln('Displaying topic <', lTopic.Title, '>');
+ DisplayTopic(lTopic);
+ end;
+ //lLink := SourceWindow.Topic.Links[ LinkIndex ];
+ //
+ //PostMsg( Self.Handle,
+ // longint( Link ),
+ // longint( SourceWindow ) );
+procedure TMainForm.IndexSearchEditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word;
+ var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean);
+ if (KeyCode = keyEnter) or (KeyCode = keyPEnter) then
+ begin
+ Consumed := True;
+ DisplaySelectedIndexTopic;
+ end;
+procedure TMainForm.MainFormShow(Sender: TObject);
+ bvlBody.Realign;
+ // restore previous window position and size
+ gINI.ReadFormState(self);
+ PageControl1.Width := gINI.ReadInteger('Options', 'SplitterLeft', 260);
+ UpdateWindowPosition;
+ Settings.NormalFont := fpgStyle.DefaultFont;
+ Settings.FixedFont := fpgStyle.FixedFont;
+ Settings.SearchDirectories := TStringList.Create;
+ LogEvent(LogSettings, 'Loading settings');
+ LoadSettings;
+ ProcessCommandLineParams;
+procedure TMainForm.MainFormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ DisplayedIndex.Free;
+ // save splitter position
+ gINI.WriteInteger('Options', 'SplitterLeft', PageControl1.Width);
+ // save form size and position
+ gINI.WriteFormState(self);
+ LogEvent(LogSettings, 'Save settings');
+ SaveSettings;
+ LogEvent(LogSettings, 'Save settings done');
+procedure TMainForm.miFileQuitClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ Close;
+procedure TMainForm.miFileOpenClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ FileOpen;
+procedure TMainForm.miFileCloseClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ CloseFile;
+procedure TMainForm.miHelpProdInfoClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ s: TfpgString;
+ s := cLongName + LineEnding + LineEnding
+ + cCreatedBy + LineEnding
+ + cVersion + ' - '+ {$I %date%} + ' ' + {$I %time%};
+ TfpgMessageDialog.Information('Product Information', s);
+procedure TMainForm.miHelpAboutFPGui(Sender: TObject);
+ TfpgMessageDialog.AboutFPGui;
+procedure TMainForm.miDebugHeader(Sender: TObject);
+ f: THelpFile;
+ i: integer;
+ sl: TStringList;
+ RichView.Clear;
+ sl := TStringList.Create;
+ RichView.AddText(PChar('FileCount = ' + IntToStr(CurrentOpenFiles.Count)));
+ for i := 0 to CurrentOpenFiles.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ f := THelpFile(CurrentOpenFiles[i]);
+ sl.Clear;
+ with sl do
+ begin
+ Add('<b><u>Filename:</u></b> <red>' + f.Filename + '<black>');
+ Add('');
+ Add('<b>Title:</b> ' + f.Title);
+ Add('<b>Dictionary count:</b> ' + IntToStr(f.DictionaryCount));
+ Add('<b>Topic count:</b> ' + IntToStr(f.TopicCount));
+ Add('<b>Index count:</b> ' + IntToStr(f.Index.Count));
+ Add('<b>String resource id count:</b> ' + IntToStr(f.StringResourceIDCount));
+ Add('<b>Numeric resource id count:</b> ' + IntToStr(f.NumericResourceIDCount));
+ Add(' ');
+ //Add('Dictionary contents:');
+ //for i := 0 to f.DictionaryCount-1 do
+ // Add('[' + IntToStr(i) + '] = <' + f.DictionaryWords[i] + '>');
+ end;
+ RichView.AddParagraph(PChar(sl.Text));
+ end;
+ sl.Free;
+procedure TMainForm.miDebugHex(Sender: TObject);
+ Debug := not Debug;
+ DisplayTopic(nil);
+procedure TMainForm.miFileSaveTopicAsIPF(Sender: TObject);
+ F: TextFile;
+ T: TTopic;
+ dlg: TfpgFileDialog;
+ H: THelpFile;
+ i: integer;
+ filename: string;
+ imglist: TList;
+ H := THelpFile(CurrentOpenFiles[0]);
+ FileName := ChangeFileExt( ExtractFileName( H.Filename ), '.ipf' );
+ if not DoSaveFileDialog( FileSaveTitle,
+ 'IPF' + '|*.ipf',
+ Filename,
+ Settings.LastSaveDirectory,
+ Filename ) then
+ exit;
+ if FileExists( Filename ) then
+ if not DoConfirmDlg( FileSaveTitle,
+ ReplaceFilePromptA
+ + Filename
+ + ReplaceFilePromptB ) then
+ exit;
+ ImageOffsets := TList.Create;
+ AssignFile( F, FileName );
+ Rewrite( F );
+ WriteLn( F, ':userdoc.' );
+ // We can't tell if some levels of the contents were
+ // merged into the text of topics. So we just assume all are visible
+ WriteLn( F, ':docprof toc=123456.' );
+ ResourceIDs := TList.Create;
+ WriteLn( F, ':title.' + H.Title );
+ for i := 0 to H.TopicCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ T := H.Topics[ i ];
+ SetProgress( i div 2, H.TopicCount , 'Saving text...' );
+ WriteLn( F, '' );
+ if T.ContentsLevel = 0 then
+ begin
+ // perhaps it means footnote?
+ // Level := 1;
+ Write( F, ':fn id=fn' + IntToStr( i ) + '.' ); // use index as id
+ T.SaveToIPF( F, ImageOffsets );
+ WriteLn( F, '' );
+ WriteLn( F, ':efn.' );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Write( F, ':h' + IntToStr( T.ContentsLevel ) );
+ Write( F, ' id=' + IntToStr( i ) ); // use index as id
+ H.FindResourceIDsForTopic( T, ResourceIDs );
+ if ResourceIDs.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ Write( F, ' res=' + IntToStr( longint( ResourceIDs[ 0 ] ) ) );
+ end;
+ if not T.ShowInContents then
+ Write( F, ' hide' );
+ if T.ContentsGroupIndex > 0 then
+ Write( F, ' group=' + IntToStr( T.ContentsGroupIndex ) );
+ Write( F, '.' ); // end of header
+ WriteLn( F, T.Title );
+ T.SaveToIPF( F, ImageOffsets );
+ end;
+ end;
+ ResourceIDs.Destroy;
+ WriteLn( F, ':euserdoc.' );
+ System.Close( F );
+ // Now write images
+ for i := 0 to ImageOffsets.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ ImageOffset := longint( ImageOffsets[ i ] );
+ SetProgress( i div 2 + ImageOffsets.Count div 2,
+ ImageOffsets.Count ,
+ 'Saving images...' );
+ Image := H.GetImage( ImageOffset );
+ if Image <> nil then
+ begin
+ Image.SaveToFile( ExtractFilePath( Filename )
+ + 'img'
+ + IntToStr( i )
+ + '.bmp' );
+ Image.Destroy;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ResetProgress;
+ SetStatus( 'Save complete' );
+ ImageOffsets.Destroy;
+ //-----------------------------
+ if tvContents.Selection = nil then
+ Exit; //-->
+ T := TTopic(tvContents.Selection.Data);
+ if T <> nil then
+ begin
+ dlg := TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ try
+ dlg.FileName := T.Title + '.ipf';
+ if dlg.RunSaveFile then
+ begin
+ imglist := TList.Create;
+ AssignFile( F, dlg.FileName );
+ Rewrite( F );
+ T.SaveToIPF(F, imglist);
+ System.Close(F);
+ dlg.Close;
+ dlg.Free;
+ end;
+ finally
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TMainForm.miMRUClick(Sender: TObject; const FileName: String);
+ OpenFile(FileName, '', True);
+procedure TMainForm.btnShowIndex(Sender: TObject);
+ DisplaySelectedIndexTopic;
+procedure TMainForm.btnGoClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ if tvContents.Selection <> nil then
+ DisplayTopic(nil);
+procedure TMainForm.tvContentsChange(Sender: TObject);
+ DisplayTopic(nil);
+procedure TMainForm.edSearchTextKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word;
+ var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean);
+ if (KeyCode = keyReturn) or (KeyCode = keyPEnter) then
+ begin
+ Consumed := True;
+ btnSearch.Click;
+ end
+ else if (KeyCode = keyDown) then
+ begin
+ Consumed := True;
+ lbSearchResults.SetFocus;
+ end;
+procedure TMainForm.lbSearchResultsKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word;
+ var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean);
+ if (KeyCode = keyReturn) or (KeyCode = keyPEnter) then
+ begin
+ Consumed := True;
+ DisplayTopic(nil);
+ end
+procedure TMainForm.MainFormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: boolean);
+ CloseFile(True);
+procedure TMainForm.PageControl1Change(Sender: TObject; NewActiveSheet: TfpgTabSheet);
+ if NewActiveSheet = tsIndex then
+ begin
+ if not IndexLoaded then
+ LoadIndex;
+ IndexSearchEdit.SetFocus;
+ end;
+procedure TMainForm.tvContentsDoubleClick(Sender: TObject; AButton: TMouseButton;
+ AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint);
+ if tvContents.Selection <> nil then
+ DisplayTopic(nil);
+procedure TMainForm.lbIndexDoubleClick(Sender: TObject; AButton: TMouseButton;
+ AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint);
+ InIndexSearch := True; // prevent edit.OnChange from executing too
+ try
+ IndexSearchEdit.Text := lbIndex.Items[lbIndex.FocusItem];
+ DisplayTopic(nil);
+ finally
+ InIndexSearch := False;
+ end;
+procedure TMainForm.lbSearchResultsDoubleClick(Sender: TObject; AButton: TMouseButton;
+ AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint);
+ DisplaySelectedSearchResultTopic;
+procedure TMainForm.btnSearchClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ DoSearch;
+procedure TMainForm.IndexSearchEditOnChange(Sender: TObject);
+ tmpMatchIndex: longint;
+ tmpSearchText: string;
+ i: longint;
+ if InIndexSearch then
+ exit;
+ tmpMatchIndex := -1;
+ tmpSearchText := trim(IndexSearchEdit.Text);
+ for i := 0 to DisplayedIndex.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(DisplayedIndex[i], tmpSearchText) then
+ begin
+ tmpMatchIndex := i;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if tmpMatchIndex = -1 then
+ exit;
+ InIndexSearch:= true;
+ if lbIndex.FocusItem <> tmpMatchIndex then
+ lbIndex.FocusItem := tmpMatchIndex;
+ InIndexSearch:= false;
+procedure TMainForm.DisplaySelectedSearchResultTopic;
+ Topic: TTopic;
+ if lbSearchResults.FocusItem = -1 then
+ exit;
+ if lbSearchResults.Items.Objects[lbSearchResults.FocusItem] = nil then
+ // the "no results" place holder
+ exit;
+ Topic := lbSearchResults.Items.Objects[lbSearchResults.FocusItem] as TTopic;
+ DisplayTopic( Topic );
+procedure TMainForm.UpdateLocationPanel;
+ i: integer;
+ s: string;
+ n: TfpgTreeNode;
+ sep: string;
+ s := '';
+ sep := '';
+ n := tvContents.Selection;
+ while n.Parent <> nil do
+ begin
+ s := n.Parent.Text + sep + s;
+ n := n.Parent;
+ sep := ' > ';
+ end;
+ SetStatus(s);
+procedure TMainForm.EnableControls;
+ //
+procedure TMainForm.ClearAllWordSequences;
+ i: longint;
+ FileWordSequences: TList;
+ HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ if AllFilesWordSequences = nil then
+ exit;
+ for i := 0 to AllFilesWordSequences.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ FileWordSequences := TList(AllFilesWordSequences[ i ]);
+ HelpFile := THelpFile(CurrentOpenFiles[ i ]);
+ ClearWordSequences( FileWordSequences, HelpFile.DictionaryCount );
+ FileWordSequences.Free;
+ end;
+ AllFilesWordSequences.Clear;
+procedure TMainForm.DoSearch;
+ SearchResults: TList;
+ SearchText: string;
+ FileIndex: longint;
+ HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ TopicIndex: longint;
+ Topic: TTopic;
+ FileWordSequences: TList;
+ Query: TTextSearchQuery;
+ SearchText := Trim(edSearchText.Text);
+ lbSearchResults.Items.Clear;
+ if SearchText = '' then
+ exit;
+ lbSearchResults.Items.Add(rsDVSearchingMsg);
+ SetStatus(rsDVSearchingMsg);
+ try
+ Query := TTextSearchQuery.Create( SearchText );
+ except
+ on e: ESearchSyntaxError do
+ begin
+ TfpgMessageDialog.Critical( rsSearch, rsDVSearchSyntaxError + e.Message );
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ClearAllWordSequences;
+ SetWaitCursor;
+ SearchResults := TList.Create;
+ // Search open help file
+ for FileIndex := 0 to CurrentOpenFiles.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ HelpFile := THelpFile(CurrentOpenFiles[ FileIndex ]);
+ FileWordSequences := TList.Create;
+ try
+ SearchHelpFile( HelpFile,
+ Query,
+ SearchResults,
+ FileWordSequences );
+ except
+ on E: EHelpFileException do
+ begin
+ TfpgMessageDialog.Critical(rsError , E.Message);
+ Query.Destroy;
+ ClearWaitCursor;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ AllFilesWordSequences.Add( FileWordSequences );
+ end;
+ // Sort results across all files by relevance
+ SearchResults.Sort( @TopicRelevanceCompare );
+ // Load topics into search results list.
+ lbSearchResults.Items.BeginUpdate;
+ lbSearchResults.Items.Clear;
+ for TopicIndex := 0 to SearchResults.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Topic := TTopic(SearchResults[ TopicIndex ]);
+ lbSearchResults.Items.AddObject( Topic.Title
+ + ' ['
+ + IntToStr( Topic.SearchRelevance )
+ + ']',
+ Topic );
+ end;
+ EnableControls;
+// if lbSearchResults.Items.Count > 0 then
+ // there are some search matches, so highlight words
+// ViewHighlightSearchWordsMI.Checked := true;
+ lbSearchResults.FocusItem := -1;
+ lbSearchResults.Items.EndUpdate;
+ Query.Free;
+ SearchResults.Free;
+ if lbSearchResults.Items.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ lbSearchResults.FocusItem := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ lbSearchResults.Items.Add( Format(rsDVNoMatchesFound, [SearchText]));
+// RefreshWindows( Windows ); // update to remove old highlights
+ end;
+ SetStatus( Format(rsDVSearchFoundMsg, [lbSearchResults.Items.Count])
+ + StrInDoubleQuotes(SearchText));
+ ClearWaitCursor;
+ DisplaySelectedSearchResultTopic;
+procedure TMainForm.SetWaitCursor;
+ //
+procedure TMainForm.ClearWaitCursor;
+ //
+procedure TMainForm.SetMainCaption;
+ WindowTitle:= MainTitle;
+ fpgApplication.ProcessMessages;
+procedure TMainForm.DisplayFiles(NewFiles: TList; var FirstContentsNode: TfpgTreeNode);
+ HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ FileIndex: longint;
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, 'DisplayFiles' );
+ // Now load the various parts of the file(s)
+ // into the user interface
+ ProgressBar.Position := 52;
+ SetStatus( rsDVDisplaying );
+ // Add our open files in the global filelist
+ { TODO -ograeme : implement global filelist support }
+ //for FileIndex := 0 to NewFiles.Count - 1 do
+ //begin
+ // HelpFile := NewFiles[ FileIndex ];
+ // GlobalFilelist.AddFile( HelpFile.Filename, Frame.Handle );
+ // // LoadNotes( HelpFile );
+ // LoadBookmarks( HelpFile );
+ //end;
+ { TODO -ograeme : update notes display }
+ //UpdateNotesDisplay;
+ { TODO -ograeme : bookmarks }
+ //BuildBookmarksMenu;
+ //UpdateBookmarksForm;
+ ProgressBar.Position := 55;
+ ContentsLoaded := false;
+ IndexLoaded := false;
+ LoadContents( NewFiles, FirstContentsNode );
+ ProgressBar.Position := 75;
+ LoadIndex;
+ ProgressBar.Position := 100;
+ SetStatus( rsDVDone );
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, 'DisplayFiles Done' );
+procedure TMainForm.FileOpen;
+ dlg: TfpgFileDialog;
+ dlg := TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ try
+ dlg.InitialDir := Settings.LastOpenDirectory;
+ dlg.WindowTitle := rsDVOpenHelpFile;
+ dlg.Filter := rsDVHelpFiles + ' (*.hlp, *.inf)|*.inf;*.hlp ';
+ // and a catch all filter
+ dlg.Filter := dlg.Filter + '|(' + rsAllFiles + ' (*)|*';
+ if dlg.RunOpenFile then
+ begin
+ mru.AddItem(dlg.Filename);
+ Settings.LastOpenDirectory := ExtractFilePath(dlg.Filename);
+ OpenFile(dlg.Filename, '', true);
+ end;
+ { TODO -oGraeme : Add support for multiple files. }
+ finally
+ dlg.Free;
+ end;
+function TMainForm.LoadFiles(const aFileNames: TStrings; aHelpFiles: TList): boolean;
+ HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ FileIndex, i: longint;
+ FileName: string;
+ FullFilePath: string;
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, 'LoadFiles' );
+ LoadingFilenameList := TStringList.Create;
+// RBRi TranslateIPFEnvironmentVars( FileNames, LoadingFilenameList );
+ for i := 0 to aFileNames.Count - 1 do
+ LoadingFilenameList.Add(aFileNames[i]);
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, 'Finding files' );
+ ProgressBar.Visible := True;
+ // now find full file paths,
+ // and also the total file size for progress display
+ for FileIndex := 0 to LoadingFilenameList.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ FileName := LoadingFilenameList[ FileIndex ];
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' File: ' + FileName );
+ // Find the help file, if possible
+ if Filename = OWN_HELP_MARKER then
+ begin
+ FullFilePath := GetOwnHelpFileName;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FullFilePath := FindHelpFile( Filename );
+ end;
+ if FullFilePath <> '' then
+ begin
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Full path: ' + FullFilePath );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' File not found' );
+ FullFilePath := FileName; // we'll complain later.
+ end;
+ LoadingFilenameList[ FileIndex ] := FullFilePath;
+ end;
+ // Now actually load the files
+ for FileIndex := 0 to LoadingFilenameList.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Filename := LoadingFilenameList[ FileIndex ];
+ mru.AddItem(FileName);
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Loading: ' + Filename );
+ try
+ LoadingFileIndex := FileIndex;
+ // load the file
+ HelpFile := THelpFile.Create( FileName );
+ if Settings.FixedFontSubstitution then
+ HelpFile.SetupFontSubstitutes( Settings.FixedFontSubstitutes );
+ aHelpFiles.Add( HelpFile );
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ begin
+ if E is EWindowsHelpFormatException then
+ begin
+ { TODO -ograeme -cnice to have : Implement opening Windows help }
+ //OpenWindowsHelp( Filename );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ TfpgMessageDialog.Critical( rsDVOpenHelpFile,
+ Format(rsDVCouldNotOpen, [Filename])
+ + ': '
+ + E.Message );
+ end;
+ // back out of the load process
+ Result := false;
+ DestroyListObjects( aHelpFiles );
+ LoadingFilenameList.Free;
+ ResetProgress;
+ exit;
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ LoadingFilenameList.Free;
+ Result := true;
+{ Open the file or list of files in FileNames
+ Set the window title if given, otherwise get it from first file }
+function TMainForm.OpenFiles(const FileNames: TStrings;
+ const AWindowTitle: string; const DisplayFirstTopic: boolean): boolean;
+ tmpHelpFiles: TList;
+ FirstContentsNode: TfpgTreeNode;
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, 'OpenFiles' );
+ //if not OKToCloseFile then
+ // exit;
+ SetWaitCursor;
+ tmpHelpFiles := TList.Create;
+// RBRi Translate
+ if not LoadFiles(FileNames, tmpHelpFiles) then
+ begin
+ ClearWaitCursor;
+ tmpHelpFiles.Free;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Result := true;
+ lbSearchResults.Items.Clear;
+ { TODO : page history support }
+// PageHistory.Clear;
+// CurrentHistoryIndex := -1;
+ // Now that we have successfully loaded the new help file(s)
+ // close the existing one.
+ CloseFile;
+ AssignList(tmpHelpFiles, CurrentOpenFiles );
+ ProgressBar.Position := 50;
+ SetStatus( rsDVDisplaying );
+// AddCurrentToMRUFiles;
+ if AWindowTitle = '' then
+ MainTitle := THelpFile( CurrentOpenFiles[ 0 ] ).Title
+ else
+ MainTitle := AWindowTitle;
+ SetMainCaption;
+ // Now load the various parts of the file(s)
+ // into the user interface
+ tvContents.RootNode.Clear;
+ DisplayFiles( tmpHelpFiles, FirstContentsNode );
+ //if CmdLineParameters.getHelpManagerFlag then
+ // ShowLeftPanel := Settings.ShowLeftPanel_Help
+ //else
+ // ShowLeftPanel := Settings.ShowLeftPanel_Standalone;
+ // Select first contents node if there is one
+ if FirstContentsNode <> nil then
+ begin
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Select first node' );
+ tvContents.Selection := FirstContentsNode;
+ tvContents.SetFocus;
+ end;
+ ClearWaitCursor;
+ ResetProgress;
+// NotebookOnPageChanged( self ); // ensure e.g. index loaded
+ EnableControls;
+ if DisplayFirstTopic then
+ begin
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, 'Display first topic' );
+ { TODO -oGraeme : Improved Display Topic method }
+// DisplaySelectedContentsTopic;
+ DisplayTopic(nil);
+ end;
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, 'OpenFiles complete' );
+{ Open a single file }
+function TMainForm.OpenFile(const AFileName: string; const AWindowTitle: string;
+ const DisplayFirstTopic: boolean): boolean;
+ tmpFileNames: TStringList;
+ tmpFileNames := TStringList.Create;
+ ParseAndExpandFileNames(AFileName, tmpFileNames);
+ Result := OpenFiles( tmpFileNames, AWindowTitle, DisplayFirstTopic );
+ tmpFileNames.Free;
+procedure TMainForm.CloseFile(const ADestroying: boolean = False);
+ FileIndex: longint;
+ lHelpFile: THelpFile;
+ tvContents.Selection := nil;
+ tvContents.RootNode.Clear;
+ RichView.Clear(ADestroying);
+ if not ADestroying then
+ begin
+ WindowTitle := rsDVTitle + ' - ' + rsDVNoFile;
+ tvContents.Invalidate;
+ end;
+ // First save notes. It's important we do this first
+ // since we scan all notes each time to find the ones
+ // belonging to this file.
+ for FileIndex := 0 to Files.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ lHelpFile := THelpFile(Files[FileIndex]);
+ SaveNotes( lHelpFile );
+ end;
+ DisplayedIndex.Clear;
+ // Now destroy help files
+ for FileIndex := 0 to Files.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ lHelpFile := THelpFile(Files[FileIndex]);
+ lHelpFile.Free;
+ end;
+ Files.Clear;
+ ClearNotes;
+procedure TMainForm.OnHelpFileLoadProgress(n, outof: integer; AMessage: string);
+ //
+procedure TMainForm.LoadNotes(AHelpFile: THelpFile);
+// NotesFileName:= ChangeFileExt( HelpFile.FileName, '.nte' );
+procedure TMainForm.LoadContents(AFiles: TList; var FirstNode: TfpgTreeNode);
+ FileIndex: integer;
+ HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ TopicIndex: integer;
+ Node: TfpgTreeNode;
+ Topic: TTopic;
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, 'Load contents outline');
+ // we don't clear treeview here in case we need to load more files later.
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, 'Loop files');
+ FirstNode := nil;
+ Node := nil;
+ for FileIndex:= 0 to AFiles.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ HelpFile:= THelpFile(AFiles[ FileIndex ]);
+ ProfileEvent( 'File ' + IntToStr( FileIndex ) );
+ TopicIndex:= 0;
+ ProfileEvent('TopicCount=' + IntToStr(HelpFile.TopicCount));
+ while TopicIndex < HelpFile.TopicCount do
+ begin
+ Topic := HelpFile.Topics[ TopicIndex ];
+ if Topic.ShowInContents then
+ begin
+ if Topic.ContentsLevel = 1 then
+ begin
+ Node := tvContents.RootNode.AppendText(Topic.Title);
+ Node.Data := Topic;
+ if FirstNode = nil then
+ FirstNode := Node;
+ inc( TopicIndex );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // child nodes
+ AddChildNodes( HelpFile,
+ Node,
+ Topic.ContentsLevel,
+ TopicIndex );
+ Node := nil;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ inc( TopicIndex );
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' EndUpdate' );
+ if Settings.OpenWithExpandedContents then
+ begin
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Expand all contents' );
+ tvContents.RootNode.Expand;
+ node := tvContents.RootNode.Next;
+ while node <> nil do
+ begin
+ node.Expand;
+ node := tvContents.RootNode.Next;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Expand first node' );
+ // Contents has only one top level node... expand it
+ FirstNode.Expand;
+ end;
+ ContentsLoaded := true;
+ tvContents.Invalidate;
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Contents loaded' );
+// Gets the contents from each file. Sorts it alphabetically.
+// Merges all the sorted contents and indexes together, alphabetically.
+procedure TMainForm.LoadIndex;
+ tmpHelpFile: THelpFile;
+ tmpTextCompareResult: integer;
+ FileIndex: longint;
+ Contents: TList;
+ ContentsLists: TList; // of tlist
+ tmpIndexLists: TList; // of tstringlist
+ ContentsNextIndex: array[ 0..255 ] of longint;
+ IndexNextIndex: array[ 0..255 ] of longint;
+ Topic: TTopic;
+ ListEntry: string;
+ LowestEntry: string;
+ LastEntry: string;
+ tmpLowestEntryListIndex: longint;
+ tmpLowestEntryListType: TListType;
+ tmpLowestEntryTopic: TTopic;
+ tmpIndex: TStringList;
+ i: longint;
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, 'Create index' );
+ SetWaitCursor;
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Get/sort lists' );
+ ProgressBar.Position := 70;
+ SetStatus( 'Building index... ' );
+ ContentsLists := TList.Create;
+ tmpIndexLists := TList.Create;
+ // collect the contents and index lists from the files
+ for FileIndex := 0 to CurrentOpenFiles.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ tmpHelpFile := THelpFile(CurrentOpenFiles[ FileIndex ]);
+ ProgressBar.Position := 70 + 10 * FileIndex div CurrentOpenFiles.Count;
+ if Settings.IndexStyle in [ isAlphabetical, isFull ] then
+ begin
+ Contents := TList.Create;
+ Contents.Capacity := tmpHelpFile.TopicCount; // speeds up inserts
+ // copy [contents] topic list
+ for i := 0 to tmpHelpFile.TopicCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ Topic := tmpHelpFile.Topics[ i ];
+ if Topic.ShowInContents then
+ Contents.Add( Topic );
+ end;
+ // sort by title
+ Contents.Sort( @TopicTitleCompare );
+ ContentsLists.Add( Contents );
+ // initialise list index
+ ContentsNextIndex[ ContentsLists.Count - 1 ] := 0;
+ end;
+ if Settings.IndexStyle in [ isFileOnly, isFull ] then
+ begin
+ tmpIndexLists.Add(tmpHelpFile.Index.GetLabels);
+ IndexNextIndex[ tmpIndexLists.Count - 1 ] := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Unlike contents, we do clear the index (even if we are adding more files)
+ // because we need to re-merge the whole thing
+ DisplayedIndex.Clear;
+ ProgressBar.Position := 80;
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Merge lists' );
+ LastEntry := '';
+ while true do
+ begin
+ LowestEntry := '';
+ tmpLowestEntryListIndex := -1;
+ // Find alphabetically lowest (remaining) topic
+ // first, look in contents lists
+ LogEvent(LogDebug, ' Merge contents' );
+ for i := 0 to ContentsLists.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Contents := TList(ContentsLists.Items[i]);
+ if ContentsNextIndex[i] < Contents.Count then
+ begin
+ // list is not yet finished, get next entry
+ Topic := TTopic(Contents[ ContentsNextIndex[i] ]);
+ ListEntry := Topic.Title;
+ if LowestEntry <> '' then
+ tmpTextCompareResult := CompareText( ListEntry, LowestEntry )
+ else
+ tmpTextCompareResult := -1;
+ if tmpTextCompareResult < 0 then
+ begin
+ // this index entry comes before the lowest one so far
+ LowestEntry := ListEntry;
+ tmpLowestEntryListIndex := i;
+ tmpLowestEntryListType := ltContents;
+ tmpLowestEntryTopic := Topic;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // look in indices
+ LogEvent(LogDebug, ' Merge indices' );
+ for i := 0 to tmpIndexLists.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ LogEvent(LogDebug, ' Merge indices ' + IntToStr(i) );
+ tmpIndex := TStringList(tmpIndexLists.Items[i]);
+ if IndexNextIndex[i] < tmpIndex.Count then
+ begin
+ // list is not yet finished, get next entry
+ ListEntry := tmpIndex.Strings[ IndexNextIndex[i] ];
+ LogEvent(LogDebug, ' indices ListEntry=' + ListEntry );
+ if LowestEntry <> '' then
+ tmpTextCompareResult := CompareText( ListEntry, LowestEntry )
+ else
+ tmpTextCompareResult := -1;
+ if tmpTextCompareResult < 0 then
+ begin
+ // this index entry comes before the lowest one so far
+ LowestEntry := ListEntry;
+ tmpLowestEntryListIndex := i;
+ tmpLowestEntryListType := ltIndex;
+ LogEvent(LogDebug, ' Merge indices ' + tmpIndex.Objects[ IndexNextIndex[i] ].ClassName);
+ tmpLowestEntryTopic := TIndexEntry( tmpIndex.Objects[ IndexNextIndex[i] ] ).getTopic;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if tmpLowestEntryListIndex = -1 then
+ // we're out
+ break;
+ if LowestEntry <> LastEntry then
+ // add, if different from last
+ DisplayedIndex.AddObject( LowestEntry, tmpLowestEntryTopic );
+ LastEntry := LowestEntry;
+ if tmpLowestEntryListType = ltContents then
+ begin
+ inc( ContentsNextIndex[ tmpLowestEntryListIndex ] );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // found in one of indices.
+ // Check for subsequent indented strings
+ tmpIndex := TStringList(tmpIndexLists[ tmpLowestEntryListIndex ]);
+ i := IndexNextIndex[ tmpLowestEntryListIndex ] + 1;
+ while i < tmpIndex.Count do
+ begin
+ ListEntry := tmpIndex.Strings[ i ];
+ if ListEntry = '' then
+ break;
+ if ListEntry[ 1 ] <> ' ' then
+ // not indented, stop looking
+ break;
+ // found one,
+ Topic := TIndexEntry(tmpIndex.Objects[ i ]).getTopic;
+ DisplayedIndex.AddObject( ListEntry, Topic );
+ inc( i );
+ end;
+ IndexNextIndex[ tmpLowestEntryListIndex ] := i;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ProgressBar.Position := 95;
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Display index (count = ' + IntToStr(DisplayedIndex.Count) + ')');
+ // Now display the final index list
+ lbIndex.Items.Assign( DisplayedIndex );
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Tidy up' );
+ tmpIndexLists.Free;
+ DestroyListAndObjects( ContentsLists );
+ IndexLoaded := true;
+ ClearWaitCursor;
+ SetStatus( 'Index loaded' );
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Done' );
+procedure TMainForm.AddChildNodes(AHelpFile: THelpFile; AParentNode: TfpgTreeNode;
+ ALevel: longint; var ATopicIndex: longint);
+ Topic: TTopic;
+ Node: TfpgTreeNode;
+ Node := nil;
+ while ATopicIndex < AHelpFile.TopicCount do
+ begin
+ Topic := AHelpFile.Topics[ ATopicIndex ];
+ if Topic.ShowInContents then
+ begin
+ if Topic.ContentsLevel < ALevel then
+ break;
+ if Topic.ContentsLevel = ALevel then
+ begin
+ Node := AParentNode.AppendText(Topic.Title);
+ Node.Data := Topic;
+ inc( ATopicIndex );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ AddChildNodes( AHelpFile,
+ Node,
+ Topic.ContentsLevel,
+ ATopicIndex );
+ Node := nil;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ inc( ATopicIndex );
+ end;
+ end; { while }
+procedure TMainForm.ClearNotes;
+ { TODO -oGraeme : Implement me }
+procedure TMainForm.SaveNotes(AHelpFile: THelpFile);
+ { TODO -oGraeme : Implement me }
+procedure TMainForm.DisplayTopic(ATopic: TTopic);
+ lText: String;
+ ImageIndices: TList;
+ LinkIndex: longint;
+ Link: THelpLink;
+ HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ Topic: TTopic;
+ HighlightWordSequences: TList;
+ FileIndex: integer;
+ ProfileEvent('DisplayTopic >>>>');
+ if ATopic = nil then
+ begin
+ case PageControl1.ActivePageIndex of
+ 0: begin // TOC tab
+ if tvContents.Selection = nil then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('You must select a topic first by clicking it.');
+ Exit; //==>
+ end
+ else
+ Topic := TTopic(tvContents.Selection.Data);
+ ProfileEvent('Got Topic from Treeview');
+ end;
+ 1: begin // Index tab
+ if lbIndex.FocusItem = -1 then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('You must select a index first by clicking it.');
+ Exit; //==>
+ end
+ else
+ Topic := TTopic(lbIndex.Items.Objects[lbIndex.FocusItem]);
+ ProfileEvent('Got Topic from Index listbox');
+ end;
+ 2: begin // Search tab
+ if lbSearchResults.FocusItem = -1 then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('You must select a search result first by clicking it.');
+ Exit; //==>
+ end
+ else
+ Topic := TTopic(lbSearchResults.Items.Objects[lbSearchResults.FocusItem]);
+ ProfileEvent('Got Topic from Search Results listbox');
+ end;
+ end;
+ end // case..
+ else
+ Topic := ATopic; // use topic passed in as a parameter
+ if Topic = nil then
+ raise Exception.Create('Unable to locate the Topic');
+ CurrentTopic:= Topic;
+ RichView.Clear;
+ ImageIndices := TList.Create;
+ ProfileEvent('Cleared memo...');
+ HelpFile := TopicFile(CurrentTopic);
+ if HelpFile = nil then
+ raise Exception.Create('Failed to get active HelpFile from Topic');
+ if HelpFile.HighlightWords <> nil then
+ ProfileEvent('highlightwords is ok');
+ if (AllFilesWordSequences.Count > 0) // ie we have done a search...
+ {and ViewHighlightSearchWordsMI.Checked} then
+ begin
+ FileIndex := CurrentOpenFiles.IndexOf( HelpFile );
+ HighlightWordSequences := TList(AllFilesWordSequences[ FileIndex ]);
+ end
+ else
+ HighlightWordSequences := nil;
+ lText := '';
+ ProfileEvent('Debug show hex values = ' + BoolToStr(Debug));
+ if ImageIndices <> nil then
+ ProfileEvent('ImageIndices initialized');
+ CurrentTopic.GetText( HighlightWordSequences,
+ Debug {ShowCodes},
+ False {ShowWordIndices},
+ lText {TopicText},
+ ImageIndices,
+ nil {Highlights} );
+ { TODO -oGraeme : We do not support images yet }
+ ImageIndices.Free;
+ //writeln(lText);
+ //writeln('-----------------------------');
+ RichView.AddText(PChar(lText));
+ tvContents.Selection := tvContents.RootNode.FindSubNode(CurrentTopic, True);
+ tvContents.Invalidate;
+ UpdateLocationPanel;
+procedure TMainForm.ResetProgress;
+ { TODO -oGraeme : implement ResetProgress }
+ ProgressBar.Visible := False;
+ ProgressBar.Position := 0;
+procedure TMainForm.SetStatus(const AText: TfpgString);
+ lblStatus.Text := AText;
+function TMainForm.TranslateEnvironmentVar(AFilenames: TfpgString): TfpgString;
+ EnvironmentVarValue: string;
+ EnvironmentVarValue := GetEnvironmentVariable(UpperCase(AFilenames));
+ if EnvironmentVarValue <> '' then
+ Result := EnvironmentVarValue
+ else
+ Result := AFileNames;
+constructor TMainForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ fpgApplication.OnException := @MainFormException;
+ OnShow := @MainFormShow;
+ OnDestroy :=@MainFormDestroy;
+ Files := TList.Create;
+ AllFilesWordSequences := TList.Create;
+ CurrentOpenFiles := TList.Create;
+ DisplayedIndex := TStringList.Create;
+ { TODO -oGraeme : Make Debug a menu option }
+ Debug := False;
+destructor TMainForm.Destroy;
+ FileIndex: integer;
+ lHelpFile: THelpFile;
+writeln('DEBUG: TMainForm.Destroy >>>>');
+ CurrentTopic := nil; // it was a reference only
+ FFileOpenRecent := nil; // it was a reference only
+ DestroyListAndObjects(Files);
+ DestroyListAndObjects(AllFilesWordSequences);
+ DestroyListAndObjects(CurrentOpenFiles);
+writeln('DEBUG: TMainForm.Destroy 1');
+ inherited Destroy;
+writeln('DEBUG: TMainForm.Destroy <<<<');
+procedure TMainForm.AfterCreate;
+ {%region 'Auto-generated GUI code' -fold}
+ {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: MainForm}
+ Name := 'MainForm';
+ SetPosition(602, 274, 654, 386);
+ WindowTitle := 'fpGUI Documentation Viewer';
+ WindowPosition := wpUser;
+ OnCloseQuery := @MainFormCloseQuery;
+ bvlStatusBar := TfpgBevel.Create(self);
+ with bvlStatusBar do
+ begin
+ Name := 'bvlStatusBar';
+ SetPosition(0, 366, 653, 20);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anBottom];
+ Style := bsLowered;
+ end;
+ ProgressBar := TfpgProgressBar.Create(bvlStatusBar);
+ with ProgressBar do
+ begin
+ Name := 'ProgressBar';
+ SetPosition(501, 2, 150, 16);
+ Anchors := [anRight,anBottom];
+ end;
+ lblStatus := TfpgLabel.Create(bvlStatusBar);
+ with lblStatus do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lblStatus';
+ SetPosition(4, 2, 380, 16);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anBottom];
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := '';
+ end;
+ bvlBody := TfpgBevel.Create(self);
+ with bvlBody do
+ begin
+ Name := 'bvlBody';
+ SetPosition(0, 25, 653, 340);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop,anBottom];
+ Shape := bsSpacer;
+ end;
+ PageControl1 := TfpgPageControl.Create(bvlBody);
+ with PageControl1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'PageControl1';
+ SetPosition(0, 12, 260, 316);
+ ActivePageIndex := 4;
+ TabOrder := 0;
+ Align := alLeft;
+ OnChange := @PageControl1Change;
+ end;
+ tsContents := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1);
+ with tsContents do
+ begin
+ Name := 'tsContents';
+ SetPosition(3, 24, 254, 301);
+ Text := 'Contents';
+ end;
+ tvContents := TfpgTreeView.Create(tsContents);
+ with tvContents do
+ begin
+ Name := 'tvContents';
+ SetPosition(4, 32, 242, 264);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop,anBottom];
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ ScrollWheelDelta := 60;
+ ShowImages := True;
+ TabOrder := 0;
+ OnChange := @tvContentsChange;
+ //OnDoubleClick := @tvContentsDoubleClick;
+ end;
+ btnGo := TfpgButton.Create(tsContents);
+ with btnGo do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnGo';
+ SetPosition(166, 4, 80, 24);
+ Anchors := [anRight,anTop];
+ Text := 'Go to';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 1;
+ OnClick := @btnGoClicked;
+ end;
+ tsIndex := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1);
+ with tsIndex do
+ begin
+ Name := 'tsIndex';
+ SetPosition(3, 24, 254, 301);
+ Text := 'Index';
+ end;
+ btnIndex := TfpgButton.Create(tsIndex);
+ with btnIndex do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnIndex';
+ SetPosition(166, 4, 80, 24);
+ Anchors := [anRight,anTop];
+ Text := 'Go to';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 1;
+ OnClick := @btnShowIndex;
+ end;
+ lbIndex := TfpgListBox.Create(tsIndex);
+ with lbIndex do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lbIndex';
+ SetPosition(4, 32, 242, 264);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop,anBottom];
+ FontDesc := '#List';
+ HotTrack := False;
+ PopupFrame := False;
+ TabOrder := 1;
+ OnDoubleClick := @lbIndexDoubleClick;
+ end;
+ IndexSearchEdit := TfpgEdit.Create(tsIndex);
+ with IndexSearchEdit do
+ begin
+ Name := 'IndexSearchEdit';
+ SetPosition(4, 4, 152, 24);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop];
+ TabOrder := 2;
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Edit1';
+ OnChange := @IndexSearchEditOnChange;
+ OnKeyPress :=@IndexSearchEditKeyPress;
+ end;
+ tsSearch := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1);
+ with tsSearch do
+ begin
+ Name := 'tsSearch';
+ SetPosition(3, 24, 254, 301);
+ Text := 'Search';
+ end;
+ Label1 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsSearch);
+ with Label1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Label1';
+ SetPosition(4, 4, 120, 16);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'Search for:';
+ end;
+ edSearchText := TfpgEdit.Create(tsSearch);
+ with edSearchText do
+ begin
+ Name := 'edSearchText';
+ SetPosition(4, 20, 210, 26);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop];
+ TabOrder := 1;
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Edit1';
+ OnKeyPress :=@edSearchTextKeyPress;
+ end;
+ Label2 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsSearch);
+ with Label2 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Label2';
+ SetPosition(4, 48, 172, 16);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'Criteria:';
+ end;
+ RadioButton1 := TfpgRadioButton.Create(tsSearch);
+ with RadioButton1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'RadioButton1';
+ SetPosition(12, 68, 192, 20);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ GroupIndex := 0;
+ TabOrder := 3;
+ Text := 'This section';
+ Enabled := False;
+ end;
+ RadioButton2 := TfpgRadioButton.Create(tsSearch);
+ with RadioButton2 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'RadioButton2';
+ SetPosition(12, 88, 192, 20);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ GroupIndex := 0;
+ TabOrder := 4;
+ Text := 'Marked sections';
+ Enabled := False;
+ end;
+ RadioButton3 := TfpgRadioButton.Create(tsSearch);
+ with RadioButton3 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'RadioButton3';
+ SetPosition(12, 108, 192, 20);
+ Checked := True;
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ GroupIndex := 0;
+ TabOrder := 5;
+ Text := 'All sections';
+ Enabled := False;
+ end;
+ RadioButton4 := TfpgRadioButton.Create(tsSearch);
+ with RadioButton4 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'RadioButton4';
+ SetPosition(12, 128, 192, 20);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ GroupIndex := 0;
+ TabOrder := 6;
+ Text := 'Index';
+ Enabled := False;
+ end;
+ RadioButton5 := TfpgRadioButton.Create(tsSearch);
+ with RadioButton5 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'RadioButton5';
+ SetPosition(12, 148, 192, 20);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ GroupIndex := 0;
+ TabOrder := 7;
+ Text := 'Marked libraries';
+ Enabled := False;
+ end;
+ RadioButton6 := TfpgRadioButton.Create(tsSearch);
+ with RadioButton6 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'RadioButton6';
+ SetPosition(12, 168, 192, 20);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ GroupIndex := 0;
+ TabOrder := 8;
+ Text := 'All libraries';
+ Enabled := False;
+ end;
+ lbSearchResults := TfpgListBox.Create(tsSearch);
+ with lbSearchResults do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lbSearchResults';
+ SetPosition(4, 220, 242, 76);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop,anBottom];
+ FontDesc := '#List';
+ HotTrack := False;
+ PopupFrame := False;
+ TabOrder := 9;
+ OnDoubleClick := @lbSearchResultsDoubleClick;
+ OnKeyPress := @lbSearchResultsKeyPress;
+ end;
+ Label3 := TfpgLabel.Create(tsSearch);
+ with Label3 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Label3';
+ SetPosition(4, 200, 196, 16);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'Search results:';
+ end;
+ btnSearch := TfpgButton.Create(tsSearch);
+ with btnSearch do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnSearch';
+ SetPosition(220, 20, 28, 26);
+ Anchors := [anRight,anTop];
+ Text := 'Go';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 11;
+ OnClick := @btnSearchClicked;
+ end;
+ tsNotes := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1);
+ with tsNotes do
+ begin
+ Name := 'tsNotes';
+ SetPosition(3, 24, 254, 289);
+ Text := 'Notes';
+ end;
+ ListBox1 := TfpgListBox.Create(tsNotes);
+ with ListBox1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'ListBox1';
+ SetPosition(4, 32, 242, 252);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop,anBottom];
+ FontDesc := '#List';
+ HotTrack := False;
+ PopupFrame := False;
+ TabOrder := 0;
+ end;
+ btnNotesAdd := TfpgButton.Create(tsNotes);
+ with btnNotesAdd do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnNotesAdd';
+ SetPosition(4, 4, 24, 24);
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageMargin := 0;
+ ImageName := 'stdimg.add';
+ TabOrder := 1;
+ end;
+ btnNotesEdit := TfpgButton.Create(tsNotes);
+ with btnNotesEdit do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnNotesEdit';
+ SetPosition(32, 4, 24, 24);
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageMargin := 0;
+ ImageName := 'stdimg.edit';
+ TabOrder := 2;
+ end;
+ btnNotesDel := TfpgButton.Create(tsNotes);
+ with btnNotesDel do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnNotesDel';
+ SetPosition(60, 4, 24, 24);
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageMargin := 0;
+ ImageName := 'stdimg.remove';
+ TabOrder := 3;
+ end;
+ btnNotesGoto := TfpgButton.Create(tsNotes);
+ with btnNotesGoto do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnNotesGoto';
+ SetPosition(166, 4, 80, 24);
+ Anchors := [anRight,anTop];
+ Text := 'Go to';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 4;
+ end;
+ tsHistory := TfpgTabSheet.Create(PageControl1);
+ with tsHistory do
+ begin
+ Name := 'tsHistory';
+ SetPosition(3, 24, 254, 289);
+ Text := 'History';
+ end;
+ lbHistory := TfpgListBox.Create(tsHistory);
+ with lbHistory do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lbHistory';
+ SetPosition(4, 8, 242, 276);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop,anBottom];
+ FontDesc := '#List';
+ HotTrack := False;
+ PopupFrame := False;
+ TabOrder := 0;
+ end;
+ Splitter1 := TfpgSplitter.Create(bvlBody);
+ with Splitter1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Splitter1';
+ SetPosition(265, 4, 8, 284);
+ Align := alLeft;
+ end;
+ RichView := TRichTextView.Create(bvlBody);
+ with RichView do
+ begin
+ Name := 'RichView';
+ SetPosition(368, 192, 244, 92);
+ TabOrder := 2;
+ Align := alClient;
+ OnClickLink:=@RichViewClickLink;
+ end;
+ MainMenu := TfpgMenuBar.Create(self);
+ with MainMenu do
+ begin
+ Name := 'MainMenu';
+ SetPosition(0, 0, 654, 24);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop];
+ end;
+ miFile := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
+ with miFile do
+ begin
+ Name := 'miFile';
+ SetPosition(292, 28, 132, 20);
+ AddMenuItem('Open...', '', @miFileOpenClicked);
+ AddMenuItem('Save current Topic to IPF...', '', @miFileSaveTopicAsIPF);
+ AddMenuItem('Close', '', @miFileCloseClicked);
+ AddMenuitem('-', '', nil);
+ FFileOpenRecent := AddMenuItem('Open Recent...', '', nil);
+ AddMenuitem('-', '', nil);
+ AddMenuItem('Quit', '', @miFileQuitClicked);
+ end;
+ miSettings := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
+ with miSettings do
+ begin
+ Name := 'miSettings';
+ SetPosition(292, 76, 132, 20);
+ AddMenuItem('Options...', '', nil);
+ end;
+ miBookmarks := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
+ with miBookmarks do
+ begin
+ Name := 'miBookmarks';
+ SetPosition(292, 100, 132, 20);
+ AddMenuItem('Add..', '', nil);
+ AddMenuItem('Show', '', nil);
+ end;
+ miHelp := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
+ with miHelp do
+ begin
+ Name := 'miHelp';
+ SetPosition(292, 124, 132, 20);
+ AddMenuItem('Contents...', '', nil);
+ AddMenuItem('Help using help', '', nil);
+ AddMenuItem('-', '', nil);
+ AddMenuItem('About fpGUI Toolkit', '', @miHelpAboutFPGui);
+ AddMenuItem('Product Information...', '', @miHelpProdInfoClicked);
+ end;
+ miDebug := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
+ with miDebug do
+ begin
+ Name := 'miDebug';
+ SetPosition(292, 148, 132, 20);
+ AddMenuItem('Debug: Header', '', @miDebugHeader);
+ AddMenuItem('Toggle Hex INF Values in Contents', '', @miDebugHex);
+ end;
+ miOpenRecentMenu := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
+ with miOpenRecentMenu do
+ begin
+ Name := 'miOpenRecentMenu';
+ SetPosition(309, 52, 132, 20);
+ end;
+ {@VFD_BODY_END: MainForm}
+ {%endregion}
+ // hook up the sub-menus.
+ MainMenu.AddMenuItem('&File', nil).SubMenu := miFile;
+ MainMenu.AddMenuItem('&Settings', nil).SubMenu := miSettings;
+ MainMenu.AddMenuItem('&Bookmarks', nil).SubMenu := miBookmarks;
+ MainMenu.AddMenuItem('&Help', nil).SubMenu := miHelp;
+ MainMenu.AddMenuItem('&Debug', nil).SubMenu := miDebug;
+ FFileOpenRecent.SubMenu := miOpenRecentMenu;
+ // correct default visible tabsheet
+ PageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 0;
+ // most recently used files
+ mru := TfpgMRU.Create(self);
+ mru.Name := 'MRU';
+ mru.ParentMenuItem := miOpenRecentMenu;
+ mru.OnClick :=@miMRUClick;
+ mru.MaxItems := gINI.ReadInteger('Options', 'MRUFileCount', 8);
+ mru.ShowFullPath := gINI.ReadBool('Options', 'ShowFullPath', True);
+ mru.LoadMRU;
+procedure TMainForm.RefreshFontSubstitutions;
+ FileIndex: longint;
+ HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ for FileIndex := 0 to CurrentOpenFiles.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ HelpFile := THelpFile(CurrentOpenFiles[ FileIndex ]);
+ if Settings.FixedFontSubstitution then
+ HelpFile.SetupFontSubstitutes( Settings.FixedFontSubstitutes )
+ else
+ HelpFile.SetupFontSubstitutes( '' );
+ end;
+procedure TMainForm.DisplaySelectedIndexTopic;
+ Topic: TTopic;
+ if lbIndex.FocusItem = -1 then
+ exit;
+ Topic := DisplayedIndex.Objects[ lbIndex.FocusItem ] as TTopic;
+ DisplayTopic( Topic );
+procedure TMainForm.ProcessCommandLineParams;
+ showtopic: boolean;
+ t: TTopic;
+ if ParamCount > 0 then
+ begin
+ if gCommandLineParams.IsParam('h') then
+ begin
+ ShowParamHelp;
+ Exit; //==>
+ end
+ else if gCommandLineParams.IsParam('debuglog') then
+ // do nothing
+ else
+ begin
+//writeln('DEBUG: TMainForm.ProcessCommandLineParams - Open file...');
+ showtopic := not gCommandLineParams.IsParam('k');
+ OpenFile(ParamStr(1), '', showtopic);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // now process all other parameters
+ if gCommandLineParams.IsParam('k') then
+ begin
+//writeln('DEBUG: TMainForm.ProcessCommandLineParams - Keyword Search string');
+ { Search for a string }
+ edSearchText.Text := gCommandLineParams.GetParam('k');
+ PageControl1.ActivePage := tsSearch;
+ btnSearch.Click;
+ end
+ else if gCommandLineParams.IsParam('n') then
+ begin
+ { Display topic with numeric topic id }
+//writeln('DEBUG: TMainForm.ProcessCommandLineParams - Display numeric topic id');
+ t := FindTopicByResourceID(StrToInt(gCommandLineParams.GetParam('n')));
+//if not Assigned(t) then
+// writeln(Format('Failed to find topic <%s>', [gCommandLineParams.GetParam('n')]));
+ DisplayTopic(t);
+ end
+ else if gCommandLineParams.IsParam('s') then
+ begin
+//writeln('DEBUG: TMainForm.ProcessCommandLineParams - display string topic id');
+ { Display topic with string topic id }
+ t := FindTopicByName(gCommandLineParams.GetParam('s'));
+//if not Assigned(t) then
+// writeln(Format('Failed to find topic <%s>', [gCommandLineParams.GetParam('k')]));
+ DisplayTopic(t);
+ end;
+procedure TMainForm.ShowParamHelp;
+ le = LineEnding;
+ s: string;
+ s := '<font "Arial" 12><b>' + cLongName + '</b></font>' + le
+ + cVersion + le + le
+ + 'Supported command line parameters:' + le + le
+ + '<tt>'
+ + ' <<filename> Load the help file <<filename>' + le
+ + ' -h Show this help' + le
+ + ' -k <<text> Search for keyword <<text> in open help files' + le
+ + ' -n <<id> Open Topic with numeric ID equal to <<id>' + le
+ + ' -s <<id> Open Topic with string ID equal to <<id>' + le
+ + ' -debuglog <<filename> Log information to a file' + le
+ + '</tt>'
+ ;
+ RichView.AddText(PChar(s));
+// Find the target topic for the given link
+function TMainForm.FindTopicForLink(Link: THelpLink): TTopic;
+ HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ HelpFile := Link.HelpFile as THelpFile;
+ if Link is TFootnoteHelpLink then
+ begin
+ Result := HelpFile.Topics[ TFootnoteHelpLink( Link ).TopicIndex ];
+ end
+ else if Link is TInternalHelpLink then
+ begin
+ Result := HelpFile.Topics[ TInternalHelpLink( Link ).TopicIndex ];
+ end
+ else if Link is THelpLinkByResourceID then
+ begin
+ Result := FindTopicByResourceID( THelpLinkByResourceID( Link ).ResourceID );
+ end
+// Find topic specified by numeric resource ID, in all open files
+function TMainForm.FindTopicByResourceID(ID: word): TTopic;
+ FileIndex: longint;
+ HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ for FileIndex := 0 to CurrentOpenFiles.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ HelpFile := THelpFile(CurrentOpenFiles[ FileIndex ]);
+ Result := HelpFile.FindTopicByResourceID( ID );
+ if Result <> nil then
+ // found
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // not found.
+ Result := nil;
+function TMainForm.FindTopicByName(const AName: string): TTopic;
+ FileIndex: longint;
+ HelpFile: THelpFile;
+ Result := nil;
+ for FileIndex := 0 to CurrentOpenFiles.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ HelpFile := THelpFile(CurrentOpenFiles[ FileIndex ]);
+ Result := HelpFile.FindTopicByLocalName(AName);
+ if Result <> nil then
+ // found
+ exit; //==>
+ end;
+ // not found.
+ Result := nil;
diff --git a/docview/src/nvNullObjects.pas b/docview/src/nvNullObjects.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee849b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/nvNullObjects.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+unit nvNullObjects;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ contnrs, Classes, SysUtils;
+ EHelpBitmapException = class(Exception);
+ // forward declaration
+ THelpBitmap = class;
+ TImageList = class(TObjectList)
+ public
+ procedure Add(ABitmap: THelpBitmap; AParam2: TObject);
+ end;
+ THelpBitmap = class(TObject)
+ public
+ constructor CreateFromHelpFile( FileHandle: TFileStream; Offset: longint );
+ procedure LoadFromResourceName(const AName: string);
+ end;
+{ TImageList }
+procedure TImageList.Add(ABitmap: THelpBitmap; AParam2: TObject);
+ //
+{ THelpBitmap }
+constructor THelpBitmap.CreateFromHelpFile(FileHandle: TFileStream; Offset: longint);
+ inherited Create;
+procedure THelpBitmap.LoadFromResourceName(const AName: string);
+ //
diff --git a/docview/src/nvUtilities.pas b/docview/src/nvUtilities.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aed9d392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/nvUtilities.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+unit nvUtilities;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// disable to remove debugging output
+{.$Define DEBUG}
+ Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base;
+ { TODO -oGraeme : Should this change to LineEnding (platfrom dependant) }
+ EndLine= chr(13)+chr(10);
+ TwoEndLines= chr(13)+chr(10)+chr(13)+chr(10);
+ Quote = '''';
+ DoubleQuote = '"';
+ // -- Logging --
+ LogAspect = ( LogStartup,
+ LogShutdown,
+ LogSettings,
+ LogI18n,
+ LogParse,
+ LogDisplay,
+ LogSearch,
+ LogNHM,
+ LogViewStub,
+ LogObjConstDest,
+ LogDebug
+ );
+ LogAspects = SET OF LogAspect;
+procedure LogEvent(const aLogAspect: LogAspect; const anEventDescription: String);
+// Removes and returns the first value in a separated
+// value list (removes quotes if found)
+Function ExtractNextValue(var S: string; const Separator: string ): string;
+Function ExtractNextValueNoTrim(var S: string; const Separator: string ): string;
+function AllocateMemory( const Size: ValUInt ): pointer;
+procedure DeallocateMemory( Var P: pointer );
+// Alias method which is the same as Move() but with less confusing name
+procedure MemCopy(const src; var dest; size: SizeInt);
+// Allows for debug output and quite disable of output
+procedure ProfileEvent(const AString: string);
+// Return AFilename's size in bytes
+function GetFileSize(const AFilename: string): integer;
+function IsDigit(const AChar: TfpgChar): boolean;
+function IsAlpha(const AChar: TfpgChar): boolean;
+function Between( const Value: longint; const Limit1: longint; const Limit2: longint ): boolean;
+operator = (ARect: TRect; BRect: TRect): boolean;
+// Destroy the objects stored in List and clear the list.
+procedure ClearListAndObjects( List: TList );
+// Destroy the objects stored in the list and then destroy the list itself
+// And set the reference to nil
+procedure DestroyListAndObjects( Var List: TList );
+// Destroy the objects stored in the list.
+// You probably want to use one of the two functions above.
+procedure DestroyListObjects( List: TList );
+procedure AddList( Source, Dest: TList );
+procedure AssignList( Source, Dest: TList );
+procedure ListFilesInDirectory(const aDirectory: String; const aFilter: String; const aWithDirectoryFlag: boolean; var aList: TStrings);
+// add all file name parts of aFileNameString to the aResult
+// check for containing environment vars
+// and include all help files if the environment var points
+// to a directory
+procedure ParseAndExpandFileNames(const aFileNameString: String; aResult: TStrings);
+ startTime : Cardinal;
+ lastTime : Cardinal;
+ activeLogAspects : LogAspects;
+ infoMessage1 : String;
+ infoMessage2 : String;
+ fpg_utils
+ ,fpg_main
+ ,ACLStringUtility
+ ,dvconstants
+ ;
+ Function GetAspectPrefix(const aLogAspect: LogAspect): String;
+ Begin
+ Case aLogAspect of
+ LogStartup : result := 'Startup';
+ LogShutdown : result := 'Start';
+ LogSettings : result := 'Settings';
+ LogI18n : result := 'I18n';
+ LogParse : result := 'Parse';
+ LogDisplay : result := 'Display';
+ LogSearch : result := 'Search';
+ LogNHM : result := 'NewHelpManager';
+ LogViewStub : result := 'ViewStub';
+ LogObjConstDest : result := 'ObjConstDest';
+ LogDebug : result := 'Debug';
+ else result := 'Unknown';
+ end;
+ End;
+ Procedure SetLogAspects(const aCommaSeparatedListOfAspectNames : String);
+ Var
+ tmpAspects : TStringList;
+ i : Integer;
+ Begin
+ tmpAspects := TStringList.Create;
+ StrExtractStrings(tmpAspects, aCommaSeparatedListOfAspectNames, [','], #0);
+ for i:=0 to tmpAspects.count-1 do
+ begin
+ if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogStartup' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogStartup ];
+ if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogShutdown' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogShutdown ];
+ if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogSettings' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogSettings ];
+ if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogI18n' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogI18n ];
+ if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogParse' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogParse ];
+ if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogDisplay' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogDisplay ];
+ if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogSearch' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogSearch ];
+ if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogNHM' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogNHM ];
+ if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogViewStub' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogViewStub ];
+ if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogObjConstDest' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogObjConstDest ];
+ if tmpAspects[i] = 'LogDebug' then activeLogAspects := activeLogAspects + [ LogDebug ];
+ end;
+ tmpAspects.Destroy;
+ End;
+procedure LogEvent(const aLogAspect: LogAspect; const anEventDescription: String);
+ tmpMessage: String;
+ if (aLogAspect IN activeLogAspects) then
+ begin
+ tmpMessage := 'Log[' + GetAspectPrefix(aLogAspect) + '] ' + anEventDescription;
+ debugln(tmpMessage);
+ end;
+Function ExtractNextValue( var S: string;
+ const Separator: string ): string;
+ Result := ExtractNextValueNoTrim( S, Separator );
+ Result := trim( Result );
+ // Remove quotes if present
+ if Result <> '' then
+ if Result[ 1 ] = DoubleQuote then
+ Delete( Result, 1, 1 );
+ if Result <> '' then
+ if Result[ length( Result ) ] = DoubleQuote then
+ Delete( Result, length( Result ), 1 );
+Function ExtractNextValueNoTrim( var S: string;
+ const Separator: string ): string;
+ SeparatorPos: integer;
+ SeparatorPos := Pos( Separator, S );
+ if SeparatorPos > 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := Copy( S, 1, SeparatorPos-1 );
+ Delete( S, 1, SeparatorPos + length( Separator ) - 1 );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := S;
+ S := '';
+ end;
+function AllocateMemory( const Size: ValUInt ): pointer;
+ GetMem( Result, size + sizeof( Size ) );
+ PtrUInt(Result^) := Size;
+ inc( Result, sizeof( Size ) );
+procedure DeallocateMemory( Var P: pointer );
+ Size: ValUInt;
+ if P = nil then
+ exit;
+ dec( P, sizeof( size ) );
+ Size := ValUInt(P^);
+ FreeMem( P, Size + sizeof( Size ) );
+ P := nil;
+procedure MemCopy(const src; var dest; size: SizeInt);
+ Move(src, dest, size);
+procedure ProfileEvent(const AString: string);
+ writeln('DEBUG: ', AString);
+ {$ENDIF}
+function GetFileSize(const AFilename: string): integer;
+ f: File;
+ Result := 0;
+ {$i-}
+ FileMode := 0; // read-only
+ Assign(f, fpgToOSEncoding(AFileName));
+ Reset(f);
+ {$i+}
+ Result := FileSize(f);
+ CloseFile(f);
+function IsDigit(const AChar: TfpgChar): boolean;
+ { TODO -oGraeme -cunicode : Not utf-8 compliant. }
+ Result := ( AChar>='0' ) and ( AChar<='9' );
+ //Result := TCharacter.IsDigit(AChar);
+function IsAlpha(const AChar: TfpgChar): boolean;
+ UppercaseC: TfpgChar;
+ { TODO -oGraeme -cunicode : Not utf-8 compliant. }
+ UppercaseC := UpperCase( AChar );
+ Result := ( UppercaseC >= 'A' ) and ( UppercaseC <= 'Z' );
+ //Result := TCharacter.IsLetter(AChar);
+function Between( const Value: longint; const Limit1: longint; const Limit2: longint ): boolean;
+ if Limit1 < Limit2 then
+ Result:= ( Value >= Limit1 ) and ( Value <= Limit2 )
+ else
+ Result:= ( Value >= Limit2 ) and ( Value <= Limit1 )
+operator = (ARect: TRect; BRect: TRect): boolean;
+ result := (ARect.Top = BRect.Top) and
+ (ARect.Left = BRect.Left) and
+ (ARect.Bottom = BRect.Bottom) and
+ (ARect.Right = BRect.Right);
+// Destroy the objects stored in List
+// and clear the list.
+Procedure ClearListAndObjects( List: TList );
+ DestroyListObjects( List );
+ List.Clear;
+// Destroy the objects stored in the list
+// and then destroy the list itself.
+Procedure DestroyListAndObjects( Var List: TList );
+ if not Assigned( List ) then
+ exit;
+ DestroyListObjects( List );
+ List.Free;
+ List := nil;
+Procedure DestroyListObjects( List: TList );
+ Index: longint;
+ for Index := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if List[ Index ] <> nil then
+ begin
+ TObject( List[ Index ] ).Free;
+ List[ Index ] := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+Procedure AddList( Source, Dest: TList );
+ i: longint;
+ // expand the destination list to what's required
+ Dest.Capacity := Dest.Capacity + Source.Capacity;
+ for i:= 0 to Source.Count - 1 do
+ Dest.Add( Source[ i ] );
+Procedure AssignList( Source, Dest: TList );
+ Dest.Clear;
+ AddList( Source, Dest );
+procedure ListFilesInDirectory(const aDirectory: String; const aFilter: String;
+ const aWithDirectoryFlag: boolean; var aList: TStrings);
+ tmpRC: longint;
+ tmpSearchResults: TSearchRec;
+ tmpMask: String;
+ tmpFilterParts : TStringList;
+ tmpDirectory: String;
+ i: integer;
+ tmpFilterParts := TStringList.Create;
+ StrExtractStrings(tmpFilterParts, aFilter, [PathSeparator], #0);
+ for i:=0 to tmpFilterParts.count-1 do
+ begin
+ tmpMask := tmpFilterParts[i];
+ tmpDirectory := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(aDirectory);
+ tmpRC := fpgFindFirst(tmpDirectory + tmpMask, faAnyFile, tmpSearchResults);
+ while tmpRC = 0 do
+ begin
+ if (tmpSearchResults.Attr and faDirectory) = 0 then
+ begin
+ if (aWithDirectoryFlag) then
+ aList.Add(tmpDirectory + tmpSearchResults.Name)
+ else
+ aList.Add(tmpSearchResults.Name);
+ end;
+ tmpRC := fpgFindNext(tmpSearchResults);
+ end;
+ FindClose(tmpSearchResults);
+ end;
+ tmpFilterParts.Destroy;
+procedure ParseAndExpandFileNames(const aFileNameString: String; aResult: TStrings);
+ i: longint;
+ tmpFileNamesList: TStringList;
+ tmpItem: String;
+ tmpEnvironmentVarValue: string;
+ LogEvent(LogDebug, 'ParseAndExpandFileNames "' + aFileNameString + '"');
+ tmpFileNamesList := TStringList.Create;
+ StrExtractStrings(tmpFileNamesList, aFileNameString, [HELP_FILE_DELIMITER, PathSeparator], #0);
+ for i := 0 to tmpFileNamesList.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ tmpItem := tmpFileNamesList[i];
+ // is this a environment var
+ tmpEnvironmentVarValue := GetEnvironmentVariable(tmpItem);
+ if tmpEnvironmentVarValue <> '' then // environment var exists
+ begin
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Environment var found; translated to: "' + tmpEnvironmentVarValue + '"');
+ ParseAndExpandFileNames(tmpEnvironmentVarValue, aResult);
+ end
+ else if fpgDirectoryExists(tmpItem) then
+ begin
+ ListFilesInDirectory(tmpItem, '*' + INF_FILE_EXTENSION, true, aResult);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ aResult.Add(tmpItem);
+ end;
+ end;
+ tmpFileNamesList.Free;
+ SetLogAspects('LogDebug,LogStartup');