path: root/docview/components/richtext/RichTextLayoutUnit.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'docview/components/richtext/RichTextLayoutUnit.pas')
1 files changed, 1018 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docview/components/richtext/RichTextLayoutUnit.pas b/docview/components/richtext/RichTextLayoutUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..97ffa131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/components/richtext/RichTextLayoutUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1018 @@
+Unit RichTextLayoutUnit;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// Dynamically created layout class.
+// Represents a laid out rich text document
+ Classes,
+ CanvasFontManager,
+ RichTextDocumentUnit, RichTextStyleUnit,
+ fpg_imagelist;
+ TLayoutLine = record
+ Text: PChar;
+ Length: longint;
+ Height: longint;
+ Width: longint;
+ MaxDescender: longint;
+ MaxTextHeight: longint; // maximum height of text, doesn't include images
+ LinkIndex: longint; // link index at start of line, if any
+ Style: TTextDrawStyle;
+ Wrapped: boolean;
+ end;
+ TLinesArray = array[ 0..0 ] of TLayoutLine;
+ TTextPosition =
+ (
+ tpAboveTextArea,
+ tpAboveText,
+ tpWithinText,
+ tpBelowText,
+ tpBelowTextArea
+ );
+ // forward declaration
+ TRichTextLayout = class;
+// TLinkEvent = procedure( Sender: TRichTextLayout; Link: string ) of object;
+ TRichTextLayout = class(TObject)
+ Protected
+ FFontManager: TCanvasFontManager;
+ FText: PChar;
+ FImages: TfpgImageList;
+ FAllocatedNumLines: Longint;
+ FLayoutWidth: longint; // The target width for the layout. Used for centreing/right align
+ FWidth: longint; // The actual width of the text. May be wider due to unaligned
+ // parts or bitmaps or width so small individual characters don't fit.
+ FHeight: longint;
+ FLinks: TStringList;
+ FHorizontalImageScale: double;
+ FVerticalImageScale: double;
+ public
+ // Internal layout data
+ FLines: ^TLinesArray;
+ FNumLines: longint;
+ FRichTextSettings: TRichTextSettings;
+ // Drawing functions
+ Procedure PerformStyleTag( Const Tag: TTag;
+ Var Style: TTextDrawStyle;
+ const X: longint );
+ function GetElementWidth( Element: TTextElement ): longint;
+ // Queries
+ Function GetStartX( Style: TTextDrawStyle;
+ Line: TLayoutLine ): longint;
+ Procedure GetXFromOffset( const Offset: longint;
+ const LineIndex: longint;
+ Var X: longint );
+ Procedure GetOffsetFromX( const XToFind: longint;
+ const LineIndex: longint;
+ Var Offset: longint;
+ Var Link: string );
+ function FindPoint( XToFind, YToFind: longint;
+ Var LineIndex: longint;
+ Var Offset: longint;
+ Var Link: string ): TTextPosition;
+ function GetLineFromCharIndex( Index: longint ): longint;
+ function GetOffsetFromCharIndex( Index: longint;
+ Line: longint ): longint;
+ function GetLinePosition( Line: longint ): longint;
+ function GetLineFromPosition( YToFind: longint;
+ Var LineIndex: longint;
+ Var Remainder: longint ): TTextPosition;
+ // Layout functions
+ Procedure AddLineStart( Const Line: TLayoutLine );
+ Procedure CheckFontHeights( Var Line: TLayoutLine );
+ Procedure Layout;
+ function IsValidBitmapIndex( Index: longint ): boolean;
+ // property handlers
+ Function GetCharIndex( P: PChar ): longint;
+ Function GetTextEnd: longint;
+ Public
+ constructor Create( Text: PChar; Images: TfpgImageList; RichTextSettings: TRichTextSettings; FontManager: TCanvasFontManager; Width: longint );
+ Destructor Destroy; Override;
+ property TextEnd: longint read GetTextEnd;
+ function LinkFromIndex( const CharIndexToFind: longint): string;
+ property Images: TfpgImageList read FImages;
+ property Width: longint read FWidth;
+ property Height: longint read FHeight;
+ property HorizontalImageScale: double read FHorizontalImageScale;
+ property VerticalImageScale: double read FVerticalImageScale;
+ End;
+ SysUtils
+// PMWin, BseDos, Dos, ClipBrd, Printers,
+// ACLUtility,
+ ,ACLStringUtility
+// ACLString,
+// ControlScrolling;
+ ,nvUtilities
+ ,fpg_main
+ ;
+Function TRichTextLayout.GetTextEnd: longint;
+ Result := StrLen( FText );
+// Create a layout of the specified rich text.
+constructor TRichTextLayout.Create(Text: PChar; Images: TfpgImageList;
+ RichTextSettings: TRichTextSettings; FontManager: TCanvasFontManager;
+ Width: longint);
+ DefaultFontSpec: TFontSpec;
+ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextLayout.Create >>>>');
+ Inherited Create;
+ FRichTextSettings := RichTextSettings;
+ FImages := Images;
+ FText := Text;
+ FAllocatedNumLines := 10;
+ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextLayout.Create 1 of 4');
+ GetMem( FLines, FAllocatedNumLines * sizeof( TLayoutLine ) );
+ FNumLines := 0;
+ FLinks := TStringList.Create;
+ FLinks.Duplicates := dupIgnore;
+ FFontManager := FontManager;
+ FLayoutWidth := Width;
+ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextLayout.Create 2');
+ FHorizontalImageScale := 1;
+ FVerticalImageScale := 1;
+ //FHorizontalImageScale := FFontManager.Canvas.HorizontalResolution
+ // / Screen.Canvas.HorizontalResolution;
+ //FVerticalImageScale := FFontManager.Canvas.VerticalResolution
+ // / Screen.Canvas.VerticalResolution;
+ // use normal font for default font when specified fonts can't be found
+ FPGuiFontToFontSpec( RichTextSettings.NormalFont, DefaultFontSpec );
+ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextLayout.Create 3');
+ FFontManager.DefaultFontSpec := DefaultFontSpec;
+ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextLayout.Create 4');
+ Layout;
+ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextLayout.Create <<<<');
+Destructor TRichTextLayout.Destroy;
+ FreeMem( Flines, FAllocatedNumLines * sizeof( TLayoutLine ) );
+ FLines := nil;
+ FLinks.Free;
+ Inherited Destroy;
+Procedure TRichTextLayout.AddLineStart( Const Line: TLayoutLine );
+ NewAllocation: longint;
+ if FNumLines >= FAllocatedNumLines then
+ begin
+ // reallocate the array twice the size
+ NewAllocation := FAllocatedNumLines * 2;
+ FLines := ReAllocMem( FLines,
+// FAllocatedNumLines * sizeof( TLayoutLine ),
+ NewAllocation * sizeof( TLayoutLine ) );
+ FAllocatedNumLines := NewAllocation;
+ end;
+ FLines^[ FNumLines ] := Line;
+ inc( FNumLines );
+ ProfileEvent(' DEBUG: TRichTextLayout.AddLineStart: FNumLines =' + intToStr(FNumLines));
+Procedure TRichTextLayout.PerformStyleTag( Const Tag: TTag;
+ Var Style: TTextDrawStyle;
+ const X: longint );
+ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextLayout.PerformStyleTag >>>');
+ ApplyStyleTag( Tag,
+ Style,
+ FFontManager,
+ FRichTextSettings,
+ X );
+ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextLayout.PerformStyleTag <<<');
+// Check the current font specifications and see if the
+// give line needs updating for max height/descender
+Procedure TRichTextLayout.CheckFontHeights( Var Line: TLayoutLine );
+ FontHeight: longint;
+ Descender: longint;
+ FontHeight := FFontManager.CharHeight;
+ Descender := FFontManager.CharDescender;
+ if FontHeight > Line.Height then
+ Line.Height := FontHeight;
+ if FontHeight > Line.MaxTextHeight then
+ Line.MaxTextHeight := FontHeight;
+ if Descender > Line.MaxDescender then
+ Line.MaxDescender := Descender;
+function TRichTextLayout.IsValidBitmapIndex( Index: longint ): boolean;
+ if FImages = nil then
+ Result := false
+ else if FImages.Count = 0 then
+ Result := false
+ else
+ Result := Between( Index, 0, FImages.Count - 1 );
+// Main procedure: reads through the whole text currently stored
+// and breaks up into lines - each represented as a TLayoutLine in
+// the array FLines[ 0.. FNumLines ]
+Procedure TRichTextLayout.Layout;
+ CurrentLine: TLayoutLine;
+ CurrentLinkIndex: longint;
+ WrapX: longint; // X to wrap at
+ WordX: longint; // width of word so far
+ P: PChar;
+ NextP: PChar;
+ NextP2: PChar;
+ WordStart: PChar;
+ WordStarted: boolean; // if false, just skipping spaces..
+ WordStartX: longint; // X position of word start
+ LineWordsCompleted: longint; // how many words draw so far this line
+ CurrentElement: TTextElement;
+ NextElement: TTextElement;
+ CurrentCharWidth: longint;
+ Style: TTextDrawStyle;
+ DisplayedCharsSinceFontChange: boolean;
+ BitmapIndex: longint;
+ Bitmap: TfpgImage;
+ BitmapHeight: longint;
+ OnBreak: boolean;
+ DoWrap: boolean;
+ // Nested procedure
+ Procedure DoLine( EndPoint: PChar; NextLine: PChar; EndX: longint );
+ begin
+ // check if the max font
+ // height needs updating for the last string of the line
+ CheckFontHeights( CurrentLine );
+ inc( FHeight, CurrentLine.Height );
+ CurrentLine.Length := PCharDiff( EndPoint, CurrentLine.Text );
+ CurrentLine.Width := EndX;
+ if CurrentLine.Width > FWidth then
+ FWidth := CurrentLine.Width;
+ assert( CurrentLine.Height > 0 ); // we must have set the line height!
+ AddLineStart( CurrentLine );
+ CurrentLine.Text := NextLine;
+ CurrentLine.Style := Style;
+ CurrentLine.Height := 0;
+ CurrentLine.MaxDescender := 0;
+ CurrentLine.MaxTextHeight := 0;
+ CurrentLine.Width := 0;
+ CurrentLine.LinkIndex := CurrentLinkIndex;
+ CurrentLine.Wrapped := false;
+ assert( CurrentLinkIndex >= -1 );
+ assert( CurrentLinkIndex < FLinks.Count );
+ WordStartX := Style.LeftMargin{ * FontWidthPrecisionFactor};
+ // next line
+ // reset words completed count
+ LineWordsCompleted := 0;
+ WordStarted := false;
+ end;
+ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextLayout.Layout >>>>');
+ FNumLines := 0;
+ FWidth := FRichTextSettings.Margins.Left;
+ FHeight := FRichTextSettings.Margins.Top;
+ Style := GetDefaultStyle( FRichTextSettings );
+ ApplyStyle( Style, FFontManager );
+ CurrentLinkIndex := -1;
+ P := FText; // P is the current search position
+ CurrentLine.Text := P;
+ CurrentLine.Style := Style;
+ CurrentLine.Height := 0;
+ CurrentLine.MaxDescender := 0;
+ CurrentLine.MaxTextHeight := 0;
+ CurrentLine.Width := 0;
+ CurrentLine.LinkIndex := -1;
+ CurrentLine.Wrapped := false;
+ WordStartX := Style.LeftMargin{ * FontWidthPrecisionFactor};
+ WordX := 0;
+ WrapX := FLayoutWidth - (FRichTextSettings.Margins.Right{ * FontWidthPrecisionFactor});
+ LineWordsCompleted := 0;
+ WordStarted := false;
+ DisplayedCharsSinceFontChange := false;
+ repeat
+ CurrentElement := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP );
+ assert( NextP > P );
+ OnBreak := false;
+ case CurrentElement.ElementType of
+ teWordBreak:
+ begin
+ CurrentCharWidth := FFontManager.CharWidth( ' ' );
+ OnBreak := true;
+ end;
+ teLineBreak:
+ begin
+ DoLine( P, NextP, WordStartX + WordX );
+ // remember start of line
+ WordStart := NextP;
+ WordX := 0;
+ P := NextP;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ teTextEnd:
+ begin
+ DoLine( P, NextP, WordStartX + WordX );
+ // end of text, done
+ break;
+ end;
+ teImage:
+ begin
+ BitmapHeight := 0;
+ try
+ BitmapIndex := StrToInt( CurrentElement.Tag.Arguments );
+ except
+ BitmapIndex := -1;
+ end;
+ Bitmap := nil;
+ if IsValidBitmapIndex( BitmapIndex ) then
+ begin
+ Bitmap := FImages.Item[BitmapIndex].Image;
+ CurrentCharWidth := Trunc(Bitmap.Width * FontWidthPrecisionFactor * FHorizontalImageScale);
+ WordStarted := true;
+ BitmapHeight := Trunc(Bitmap.Height * FVerticalImageScale);
+ end;
+ end;
+ teText:
+ begin
+ // Normal (non-leading-space) character
+ CurrentCharWidth := FFontManager.CharWidth( CurrentElement.Character );
+ WordStarted := true;
+ end;
+ teStyle:
+ begin
+ case CurrentElement.Tag.TagType of
+ ttBeginLink:
+ begin
+ CurrentLinkIndex := FLinks.Add( CurrentElement.Tag.Arguments );
+ P := NextP;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ ttEndLink:
+ begin
+ CurrentLinkIndex := -1;
+ P := NextP;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ ttSetLeftMargin: // SPECIAL CASE... could affect display immediately
+ begin
+ PerformStyleTag( CurrentElement.Tag, Style, WordstartX + WordX );
+ if Style.LeftMargin {* FontWidthPrecisionFactor} < WordStartX then
+ begin
+ // we're already past the margin being set
+ if pos( 'breakifpast', CurrentElement.Tag.Arguments ) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // this argument means, do a line break
+ // if the margin is already past
+ // Seems unusual for most purposes, but needed for IPF rendering.
+ DoLine( P, NextP, WordStartX + WordX );
+ // remember start of line
+ WordStart := NextP;
+ WordX := 0;
+ P := NextP;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ // so ignore it for now.
+ P := NextP;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ // skip across to the new margin
+ CurrentCharWidth := (Style.LeftMargin {* FontWidthPrecisionFactor})
+ - WordStartX - WordX;
+ // BUT! Don't treat it as a space, because you would not
+ // expect wrapping to take place in a margin change...
+ // at least not for IPF :)
+ end; { teSetLeftMargin }
+ else
+ begin
+ // before processing the tag see if font height needs updating
+ if DisplayedCharsSinceFontChange then
+ CheckFontHeights( CurrentLine );
+ if ( CurrentElement.Tag.TagType = ttItalicOff )
+ and ( faItalic in Style.Font.Attributes ) then
+ begin
+ if not FFontManager.IsFixed then
+ begin
+ // end of italic; add a space
+ inc( WordX, FFontManager.CharWidth( ' ' ) );
+ end;
+ end;
+ PerformStyleTag( CurrentElement.Tag,
+ Style,
+ WordX );
+ DisplayedCharsSinceFontChange := false;
+ P := NextP;
+ continue; // continue loop
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ end;
+ if OnBreak then
+ begin
+ // we just processed a space
+ if WordStarted then
+ begin
+ DisplayedCharsSinceFontChange := true;
+ // remember that we have now completed a word on this line
+ inc( LineWordsCompleted );
+ WordStarted := false;
+ // Add the word width, and the space width,
+ // to get the start of the next word
+ inc( WordStartX, WordX + CurrentCharWidth );
+ WordX := 0;
+ // remember the start of the next word
+ WordStart := NextP;
+ P := NextP;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ // else - starting spaces - fall through like normal char
+ end;
+ // if we're still going here we have a normal char
+ // (or leading spaces)
+ if not Style.Wrap then
+ begin
+ // No alignment
+ // We don't care about how wide it gets
+ inc( WordX, CurrentCharWidth );
+ DisplayedCharsSinceFontChange := true;
+ if CurrentElement.ElementType = teImage then
+ if Bitmap <> nil then
+ if BitmapHeight > CurrentLine.Height then
+ CurrentLine.Height := BitmapHeight;
+ P := NextP;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ DoWrap := false;
+ // Calculate position of end of character
+ // see if char would exceed width
+ if (WordStartX + WordX + CurrentCharWidth) >= WrapX then
+ begin
+ // reached right hand side before finding end of word
+ if LineWordsCompleted > 0 then
+ // always wrap after at least one word displayed
+ DoWrap := true
+ else if not FRichTextSettings.AtLeastOneWordBeforeWrap then
+ // only wrap during the first word, if the "at least 1 word" flag is not set.
+ DoWrap := true;
+ end;
+ if DoWrap then
+ begin
+ if LineWordsCompleted = 0 then
+ begin
+ // the first word did not fit on the line. so draw
+ // as much as will fit
+ if WordX = 0 then
+ begin
+ // even the first char doesn't fit,
+ // but draw it anyway (otherwise, infinite loop)
+ NextElement := ExtractNextTextElement( NextP, NextP2 );
+ if NextElement.ElementType <> teLineBreak then
+ // there is still more on the line...
+ CurrentLine.Wrapped := true
+ else
+ // the line ends after this one char or image, we can skip the line end
+ NextP := NextP2;
+ if CurrentElement.ElementType = teImage then
+ begin
+ // the only thing on the line is the image. so check height
+ if Bitmap <> nil then
+ if BitmapHeight > CurrentLine.Height then
+ CurrentLine.Height := BitmapHeight;
+ end;
+ DoLine( NextP, NextP, WordStartX + WordX + CurrentCharWidth );
+ WordStart := NextP;
+ WordX := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ CurrentLine.Wrapped := true;
+ // at least 1 char fits
+ // so draw up to, but not including this char
+ DoLine( P,
+ P,
+ WordStartX + WordX );
+ WordStart := P;
+ WordX := CurrentCharWidth;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // Normal wrap; at least one word fitted on the line
+ CurrentLine.Wrapped := true;
+ // take the width of the last space of the
+ // previous word off the line width
+ DoLine( WordStart, // current line ends at start of this word
+ WordStart, // next line starts at start of this word
+ WordStartX - FFontManager.CharWidth( ' ' ) );
+ if CurrentElement.ElementType = teImage then
+ if Bitmap <> nil then
+ if BitmapHeight > CurrentLine.Height then
+ CurrentLine.Height := BitmapHeight;
+ // do NOT reset WordX to zero; as we are continuing
+ // from partway thru the word on the next line.
+ inc( WordX, CurrentCharWidth );
+ end;
+ WordStarted := true; // by definition, for wrapping
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // Character fits.
+ inc( WordX, CurrentCharWidth );
+ DisplayedCharsSinceFontChange := true;
+ if CurrentElement.ElementType = teImage then
+ if Bitmap <> nil then
+ if BitmapHeight > CurrentLine.Height then
+ CurrentLine.Height := BitmapHeight;
+ end;
+ P := NextP;
+ until false; // loop is exited by finding end of text
+ inc( FHeight, FRichTextSettings.Margins.Bottom );
+ProfileEvent('DEBUG: TRichTextLayout.Layout <<<<');
+Function TRichTextLayout.GetStartX( Style: TTextDrawStyle;
+ Line: TLayoutLine ): longint;
+ SpaceOnLine: longint;
+ case Style.Alignment of
+ taLeft:
+ Result := Style.LeftMargin * FontWidthPrecisionFactor;
+ taRight:
+ Result := Style.LeftMargin * FontWidthPrecisionFactor
+ + FLayoutWidth
+ - Style.RightMargin * FontWidthPrecisionFactor
+ - Line.Width;
+ taCenter:
+ begin
+ // |<------layout width------------------>|
+ // | |
+ // |<-lm->[aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa]<-space-><-rm->|
+ // |<-----line width------> |
+ // space = layoutw-rm-linew
+ SpaceOnLine := FLayoutWidth
+ - Style.RightMargin * FontWidthPrecisionFactor
+ - Line.Width; // Note: line width includes left margin
+ Result := Style.LeftMargin * FontWidthPrecisionFactor
+ + SpaceOnLine div 2;
+ end;
+ end;
+Procedure TRichTextLayout.GetOffsetFromX( const XToFind: longint;
+ const LineIndex: longint;
+ Var Offset: longint;
+ Var Link: string );
+ X: longint;
+ P: PChar;
+ NextP: PChar;
+ EndP: PChar;
+ Element: TTextElement;
+ CurrentLink: string;
+ Line: TLayoutLine;
+ Style: TTextDrawStyle;
+ NewMarginX: longint;
+ StartedDrawing: boolean;
+ Line := TLayoutLine(FLines[ LineIndex ]);
+ P := Line.Text;
+ EndP := Line.Text + Line.Length;
+ Style := Line.Style;
+ FFontManager.SetFont( Style.Font );
+ StartedDrawing := false;
+ Link := '';
+ if Line.LinkIndex <> -1 then
+ CurrentLink := FLinks[ Line.LinkIndex ]
+ else
+ CurrentLink := '';
+ while P < EndP do
+ begin
+ Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP );
+ case Element.ElementType of
+ teWordBreak,
+ teText,
+ teImage:
+ begin
+ if not StartedDrawing then
+ begin
+ // we haven't yet started drawing:
+ // so work out alignment
+ X := GetStartX( Style, Line );
+ if X div FontWidthPrecisionFactor
+ > XToFind then
+ begin
+ // found before the start of the line
+ // don't set link
+ Offset := 0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ StartedDrawing := true;
+ end;
+ // Now find out how wide the thing is
+ inc( X, GetElementWidth( Element ) );
+ if X div FontWidthPrecisionFactor
+ > XToFind then
+ begin
+ // found
+ Offset := PCharDiff( P, Line.Text );
+ Link := CurrentLink;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ teStyle:
+ case Element.Tag.TagType of
+ ttBeginLink:
+ CurrentLink := Element.Tag.Arguments;
+ ttEndLink:
+ CurrentLink := '';
+ else
+ begin
+ if ( Element.Tag.TagType = ttItalicOff )
+ and ( faItalic in Style.Font.Attributes )
+ and ( not FFontManager.IsFixed ) then
+ // end of italic; add a space
+ inc( X, FFontManager.CharWidth( ' ' ) );
+ PerformStyleTag( Element.Tag,
+ Style,
+ X );
+ NewMarginX := Style.LeftMargin * FontWidthPrecisionFactor;
+ if NewMarginX > X then
+ begin
+ //skip across...
+ X := NewMarginX;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ P := NextP;
+ end;
+ Offset := Line.Length;
+Procedure TRichTextLayout.GetXFromOffset( const Offset: longint;
+ const LineIndex: longint;
+ Var X: longint );
+ P: PChar;
+ NextP: PChar;
+ EndP: PChar;
+ Element: TTextElement;
+ StartedDrawing: boolean;
+ Line: TLayoutLine;
+ Style: TTextDrawStyle;
+ NewMarginX: longint;
+ Line := TLayoutLine(FLines[ LineIndex ]);
+ P := Line.Text;
+ EndP := Line.Text + Line.Length;
+ Style := Line.Style;
+ FFontManager.SetFont( Style.Font );
+ StartedDrawing := false;
+ while P < EndP do
+ begin
+ Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP );
+ case Element.ElementType of
+ teWordBreak,
+ teText,
+ teImage:
+ begin
+ if not StartedDrawing then
+ begin
+ // we haven't yet started drawing:
+ // so work out alignment
+ X := GetStartX( Style, Line );
+ StartedDrawing := true;
+ end;
+ if GetCharIndex( P ) - GetCharIndex( Line.Text ) >= Offset then
+ begin
+ X := X div FontWidthPrecisionFactor;
+ // found
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // Now find out how wide the thing is
+ inc( X, GetElementWidth( Element ) );
+ end;
+ teStyle:
+ begin
+ if ( Element.Tag.TagType = ttItalicOff )
+ and ( faItalic in Style.Font.Attributes )
+ and ( not FFontManager.IsFixed ) then
+ // end of italic; add a space
+ inc( X, FFontManager.CharWidth( ' ' ) );
+ PerformStyleTag( Element.Tag,
+ Style,
+ X );
+ NewMarginX := Style.LeftMargin * FontWidthPrecisionFactor;
+ if NewMarginX > X then
+ begin
+ //skip across...
+ X := NewMarginX;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ P := NextP;
+ end;
+ // went thru the whole line without finding the point,
+ if not StartedDrawing then
+ X := GetStartX( Style, Line );
+ X := X div FontWidthPrecisionFactor;
+function TRichTextLayout.GetLineFromPosition( YToFind: longint;
+ Var LineIndex: longint;
+ Var Remainder: longint ): TTextPosition;
+ Y: longint;
+ LineHeight: longint;
+ LineIndex := 0;
+ Remainder := 0;
+ Y := FRichTextSettings.Margins.Top;
+ if YToFind < Y then
+ begin
+ Result := tpAboveText;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ while LineIndex < FNumLines do
+ begin
+ LineHeight := TLayoutLine(FLines[ LineIndex ]).Height;
+ if ( YToFind >= Y )
+ and ( YToFind < Y + LineHeight ) then
+ begin
+ // YToFind is within the line
+ Result := tpWithinText;
+ Remainder := YToFind - Y;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ inc( Y, TLayoutLine(FLines[ LineIndex ]).Height );
+ inc( LineIndex );
+ end;
+ LineIndex := FNumLines - 1;
+ Remainder := TLayoutLine(FLines[ LineIndex ]).Height;
+ Result := tpBelowText;
+function TRichTextLayout.FindPoint( XToFind, YToFind: longint;
+ Var LineIndex: longint;
+ Var Offset: longint;
+ Var Link: string ): TTextPosition;
+ Remainder: longint;
+ Link := '';
+ Result := GetLineFromPosition( YToFind,
+ LineIndex,
+ Remainder );
+ case Result of
+ tpAboveText:
+ begin
+ Offset := 0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ tpBelowText:
+ begin
+ Offset := TLayoutLine(FLines[ LineIndex ]).Length;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // found the line
+ GetOffsetFromX( XToFind,
+ LineIndex,
+ Offset,
+ Link );
+function TRichTextLayout.GetLineFromCharIndex( Index: longint ): longint;
+ LineCharIndex: longint;
+ LineLength: longint;
+ Result := 0;
+ if Index <= 0 then
+ exit;
+ while Result < FNumLines do
+ begin
+ LineCharIndex := GetCharIndex( TLayoutLine(FLines[ Result ]).Text );
+ LineLength := TLayoutLine(FLines[ Result ]).Length;
+ if LineCharIndex + LineLength
+ > Index then
+ begin
+ // found
+ exit;
+ end;
+ inc( Result );
+ end;
+ Result := FNumLines - 1;
+function TRichTextLayout.GetOffsetFromCharIndex( Index: longint;
+ Line: longint ): longint;
+ Result := Index - GetCharIndex( TLayoutLine( FLines[ Line ] ).Text );
+function TRichTextLayout.GetElementWidth( Element: TTextElement ): longint;
+ Bitmap: TfpgImage;
+ BitmapIndex: longint;
+ // Now find out how wide the thing is
+ case Element.ElementType of
+ teImage:
+ begin
+ try
+ BitmapIndex := StrToInt( Element.Tag.Arguments );
+ except
+ BitmapIndex := -1;
+ end;
+ if IsValidBitmapIndex( BitmapIndex ) then
+ begin
+ Bitmap := FImages.Item[BitmapIndex].Image;
+ Result := Trunc(Bitmap.Width
+ * FontWidthPrecisionFactor
+ * FHorizontalImageScale);
+ end;
+ end;
+ teText, teWordBreak:
+ Result := FFontManager.CharWidth( Element.Character );
+ else
+ Assert( False ); // should never be trying to find the width of a style, etc
+ end;
+Function TRichTextLayout.GetCharIndex( P: PChar ): longint;
+ Result := PCharDiff( P, FText );
+function TRichTextLayout.GetLinePosition( Line: longint ): longint;
+ Result := FRichTextSettings.Margins.Top;
+ dec( line );
+ while line >= 0 do
+ begin
+ inc( Result,
+ TLayoutLine(Flines[ Line ]).Height );
+ dec( line );
+ end;
+function TRichTextLayout.LinkFromIndex( const CharIndexToFind: longint): string;
+ P: PChar;
+ NextP: PChar;
+ EndP: PChar;
+ Element: TTextElement;
+ LineIndex: longint;
+ Line: TLayoutLine;
+ if FNumLines = 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ LineIndex := GetLineFromCharIndex( CharIndexToFind );
+ Line := TLayoutLine(FLines[ LineIndex ]);
+ P := Line.Text;
+ EndP := Line.Text + Line.Length;
+ if Line.LinkIndex <> -1 then
+ Result := FLinks[ Line.LinkIndex ]
+ else
+ Result := '';
+ while P < EndP do
+ begin
+ if GetCharIndex( P ) >= CharIndexToFind then
+ exit;
+ Element := ExtractNextTextElement( P, NextP );
+ case Element.ElementType of
+ teStyle:
+ case Element.Tag.TagType of
+ ttBeginLink:
+ Result := Element.Tag.Arguments;
+ ttEndLink:
+ Result := '';
+ end;
+ end;
+ P := NextP;
+ end;