diff options
6 files changed, 587 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/commandlineparams.pas b/gfx/commandlineparams.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec13f3a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/commandlineparams.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library
+ CommandLineParams - Unit to handle command line processing
+ Copyright (C) 2007 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+unit CommandLineParams;
+{$IFDEF Debug}
+{$ifdef fpc}
+ {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes
+ ;
+ ctiCommandLineParamPrefix = '-';
+ TGfxCommandLineParams = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FsParams: string;
+ FslParams: TStringList;
+ procedure ReadParams;
+ function WordExtract(const AInput: string; const APos: integer; const ADelims: string): string;
+ function WordCount(const AStrToProcess: string; ADelims: string): integer;
+ function WordPosition(const AN: integer; const AStr: string; ADelims: string): integer;
+ function ExtractChar(const AValue: string; const APos: integer): char;
+ function CharInStr(const AChr: char; const AStr: string): boolean;
+ function StripLeadingDelims(const AStrToProcess: string; ADelims: string): string;
+ function StripTrailingDelims(const AStrToProcess: string; ADelims: string): string;
+ function NumToken(const AValue, AToken: string): integer;
+ function Token(const AValue, AToken: string; const APos: integer): string;
+ function StrTran(AValue, ADel, AIns: string): string;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function IsParam(const AParam: string): boolean; overload;
+ function IsParam(const AParams: array of string): boolean; overload;
+ function GetParam(const AParam: string): string;
+ property Params: TStringList read FslParams;
+ property AsString: string read FsParams;
+ end;
+// Singleton
+function gCommandLineParams: TGfxCommandLineParams;
+ SysUtils
+ ;
+ uCommandLineParams: TGfxCommandLineParams;
+// Singleton
+function gCommandLineParams: TGfxCommandLineParams;
+ if uCommandLineParams = nil then
+ uCommandLineParams := TGfxCommandLineParams.Create;
+ result := uCommandLineParams;
+{ TGfxCommandLineParams }
+constructor TGfxCommandLineParams.Create;
+ inherited;
+ FslParams := TStringList.Create;
+ ReadParams;
+destructor TGfxCommandLineParams.destroy;
+ FslParams.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TGfxCommandLineParams.GetParam(const AParam: string): string;
+ result := FslParams.Values[ upperCase(AParam)];
+function TGfxCommandLineParams.IsParam(const AParam: string): boolean;
+ i: integer;
+ result := false;
+ for i := 0 to FslParams.Count - 1 do begin
+ if FslParams.Names[i] = upperCase(AParam) then begin
+ result := true;
+ break; //==>
+ end;
+ end;
+function TGfxCommandLineParams.IsParam(const AParams: array of string): boolean;
+ i: integer;
+ result := false;
+ for i := Low(AParams) to High(AParams) do
+ if IsParam(AParams[i]) then
+ begin
+ result := true;
+ Exit; //==>
+ end;
+procedure TGfxCommandLineParams.ReadParams;
+ i: integer;
+ j: integer;
+ lsNameValue: string;
+ lsValue: string;
+ lsName: string;
+ cDelim = ' ';
+ FsParams := '';
+ j := ParamCount;
+ for i := 1 to j do begin
+ if FsParams <> '' then FsParams := FsParams + cDelim;
+ FsParams := FsParams + ParamStr(i);
+ end ;
+ j := WordCount(FsParams, ctiCommandLineParamPrefix);
+ for i := 1 to j do begin
+ lsNameValue := WordExtract(FsParams, i, ctiCommandLineParamPrefix);
+ lsName := Token(lsNameValue, cDelim, 1);
+ lsValue := copy(lsNameValue, length(lsName) + 1,
+ length(FsParams) - length(lsValue));
+ lsValue := Trim(lsValue);
+ lsName := StrTran(lsName, ctiCommandLineParamPrefix, '');
+ lsName := upperCase(lsName);
+ FslParams.Add(lsName + '=' + lsValue);
+ end;
+function TGfxCommandLineParams.StrTran(AValue, ADel, AIns: string): string;
+ i: integer;
+ sToChange: string;
+ result := '';
+ sToChange := AValue;
+ i := pos(ADel, sToChange);
+ while i <> 0 do
+ begin
+ result := result + copy(sToChange, 1, i-1) + AIns;
+ delete(sToChange, 1, i+length(ADel)-1);
+ i := pos(ADel, sToChange);
+ end;
+ result := result + sToChange;
+function TGfxCommandLineParams.NumToken(const AValue, AToken: string): integer;
+ i, iCount: integer;
+ lsValue: string;
+ result := 0;
+ if AValue = '' then
+ Exit; //==>
+ iCount := 0;
+ lsValue := AValue;
+ i := pos(AToken, lsValue);
+ while i <> 0 do
+ begin
+ delete(lsValue, i, length(AToken));
+ inc(iCount);
+ i := pos(AToken, lsValue);
+ end;
+ result := iCount + 1;
+function TGfxCommandLineParams.Token(const AValue, AToken: string;
+ const APos: integer): string;
+ i, iCount, iNumToken: integer;
+ lsValue: string;
+ result := '';
+ iNumToken := NumToken(AValue, AToken);
+ if APos = 1 then
+ begin
+ if pos(AToken, AValue) = 0 then
+ result := AValue
+ else
+ result := copy(AValue, 1, pos(AToken, AValue)-1);
+ end
+ else if (iNumToken < APos-1) or (APos<1) then
+ begin
+ result := '';
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Remove leading blocks }
+ iCount := 1;
+ lsValue := AValue;
+ i := pos(AToken, lsValue);
+ while (i<>0) and (iCount<APos) do
+ begin
+ delete(lsValue, 1, i + length(AToken) - 1);
+ inc(iCount);
+ i := pos(AToken, lsValue);
+ end;
+ if (i=0) and (iCount=APos) then
+ result := lsValue
+ else if (i=0) and (iCount<>APos) then
+ result := ''
+ else
+ result := copy(lsValue, 1, i-1);
+ end;
+function TGfxCommandLineParams.WordExtract(const AInput: string;
+ const APos: integer; const ADelims: string): string;
+ iStart: integer;
+ i: integer;
+ iLen: integer;
+ result := '';
+ // Find the starting pos of the Nth word
+ iStart := WordPosition(APos, AInput, ADelims);
+ if iStart <> 0 then
+ begin
+ i := iStart;
+ iLen := length(AInput);
+ // Build up result until we come to our next wordDelim
+ // while (i <= iLen) and not(S[i] in ADelims) do begin
+ while (i <= iLen) and not(CharInStr(ExtractChar(AInput, i), ADelims)) do
+ begin
+ result := result + ExtractChar(AInput, i);
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TGfxCommandLineParams.WordPosition(const AN: integer;
+ const AStr: string; ADelims: string): integer;
+ lCount: integer;
+ lI: Word;
+ lSLen: integer;
+ lCount := 0;
+ lI := 1;
+ Result := 0;
+ lSLen := length(AStr);
+ while (lI <= lSLen) and (lCount <> AN) do
+ begin
+ while (lI <= lSLen) and (CharInStr(ExtractChar(AStr, lI), ADelims)) do
+ begin
+ Inc(lI);
+ end;
+ // if we're not beyond end of S, we're at the start of a word
+ if lI <= lSLen then
+ begin
+ Inc(lCount);
+ end;
+ // if not finished, find the end of the current word
+ if lCount <> AN then
+ begin
+ while (lI <= lSLen) and not(CharInStr(ExtractChar(AStr, lI), ADelims)) do
+ begin
+ Inc(lI);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := lI;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TGfxCommandLineParams.ExtractChar(const AValue: string;
+ const APos: integer): char;
+ lResult: string;
+ if APos > length(AValue) then
+ begin
+ result := ' ';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ lResult := copy(AValue, APos, 1);
+ result := lResult[1];
+function TGfxCommandLineParams.StripLeadingDelims(const AStrToProcess: string;
+ ADelims: string): string;
+ i: integer;
+ lCharCurrent: char;
+ result := AStrToProcess;
+ // Loop through each char in the string
+ for i := 1 to length(AStrToProcess) do
+ begin
+ // Extract the current character
+ lCharCurrent := ExtractChar(AStrToProcess, i);
+ // Is this character a NON word delim?, then we have found the body of the string.
+ if not CharInStr(lCharCurrent, ADelims) then
+ begin
+ result := copy(AStrToProcess, i,
+ length(AStrToProcess) - i + 1);
+ exit; //==>
+ // The current char is a word delim, but we are at the end of the string -
+ // so no words
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if i = length(AStrToProcess) then
+ begin
+ result := '';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+// Strip any trailing ADelims
+function TGfxCommandLineParams.StripTrailingDelims(const AStrToProcess: string;
+ ADelims: string): string;
+ i: integer;
+ lCharCurrent: char;
+ result := AStrToProcess;
+ // Loop through each char in the string
+ for i := length(AStrToProcess) downto 1 do
+ begin
+ // Extract the current character
+ lCharCurrent := ExtractChar(AStrToProcess, i);
+ // Is this character a NON word delim?, then we have found the body of the string.
+ if not CharInStr(lCharCurrent, ADelims) then
+ begin
+ result := copy(AStrToProcess, 1, i);
+ exit; //==>
+ // The current char is a word delim, but we are at the beginning of the string -
+ // so no words
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if i = length(AStrToProcess) then
+ begin
+ result := '';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+// Given a set of word delimiters, return number of words in S
+function TGfxCommandLineParams.WordCount(const AStrToProcess: string;
+ ADelims: string): integer;
+ i: integer;
+ lCharLast: char;
+ lCharCurrent: char;
+ lStrToProcess: string;
+ // Strip any leading ADelims
+ lStrToProcess := StripLeadingDelims(AStrToProcess, ADelims);
+ lStrToProcess := StripTrailingDelims(lStrToProcess, ADelims);
+ // If lStrToProcess is empty, then there are no words
+ if lStrToProcess = '' then
+ begin
+ result := 0;
+ Exit; //==>
+ end;
+ // lStrToProcess is not empty, therefore there must be at least one word
+ // Every wordDelim we find equals another word:
+ // 0 word delim := 1 word
+ // 1 word delim := 2 words...
+ result := 1;
+ // lCharLast is used to check for more than 1 wordDelim together
+ lCharLast := #0;
+ for i := 1 to length(lStrToProcess) do
+ begin
+ lCharCurrent := ExtractChar(lStrToProcess, i);
+ if CharInStr(lCharCurrent, ADelims) and not(CharInStr(lCharLast, ADelims)) then
+ begin
+ inc(result);
+ end;
+ lCharLast := lCharCurrent;
+ end;
+// Is AChr in the string AStr ?
+function TGfxCommandLineParams.CharInStr(const AChr: char; const AStr: string): boolean;
+ result := pos(AChr, AStr) <> 0;
+ uCommandLineParams.Free;
diff --git a/gfx/gdi/gfx_gdi.pas b/gfx/gdi/gfx_gdi.pas
index 16c17d48..763fe8e3 100644
--- a/gfx/gdi/gfx_gdi.pas
+++ b/gfx/gdi/gfx_gdi.pas
@@ -161,8 +161,6 @@ type
{ TGDIApplication }
TGDIApplication = class(TFCustomApplication)
- private
- DoBreakRun: Boolean;
{ default methods }
constructor Create; override;
@@ -1062,7 +1060,7 @@ procedure TGDIApplication.Run;
Msg: TMsg;
- DoBreakRun := False;
+ inherited Run;
while Windows.GetMessage(@Msg, 0, 0, 0) and
(not (QuitWhenLastWindowCloses and (Forms.Count = 0))) and
diff --git a/gfx/gfxbase.pas b/gfx/gfxbase.pas
index 3a1994a9..7ca51cb0 100644
--- a/gfx/gfxbase.pas
+++ b/gfx/gfxbase.pas
@@ -424,8 +424,9 @@ type
FOnIdle: TNotifyEvent;
FQuitWhenLastWindowCloses: Boolean;
- FDisplayName: String;
+ FDisplayName: String;
+ DoBreakRun: Boolean;
FTitle: String;
procedure SetTitle(const ATitle: String);
@@ -436,7 +437,7 @@ type
procedure AddWindow(AWindow: TFCustomWindow); virtual;
procedure RemoveWindow(AWindow: TFCustomWindow); virtual;
procedure Initialize(ADisplayName: String = ''); virtual; abstract;
- procedure Run; virtual; abstract;
+ procedure Run; virtual;
procedure Quit; virtual; abstract;
{ Properties }
property OnIdle: TNotifyEvent read FOnIdle write FOnIdle;
@@ -589,8 +590,9 @@ function KeycodeToText(Key: Word; ShiftState: TShiftState): String;
-// GFXInterface; { Just to get FPC to compile the TGfxCanvas descendants }
+ CommandLineParams
+ ;
{ Exceptions }
@@ -1220,112 +1222,112 @@ begin
case Key of
- keyNul: s := 'Null';
- keyBackSpace: s := 'Backspace';
- keyTab: s := 'Tab';
- keyLinefeed: s := 'Linefeed';
- keyReturn: s := 'Enter';
- keyEscape: s := 'Esc';
- Ord(' '): s := 'Space';
- keyDelete: s := 'Del';
- keyVoid: s := 'Void';
- keyBreak: s := 'Break';
- keyScrollForw: s := 'ScrollForw';
- keyScrollBack: s := 'ScrollBack';
- keyBoot: s := 'Boot';
- keyCompose: s := 'Compose';
- keySAK: s := 'SAK';
- keyUndo: s := 'Undo';
- keyRedo: s := 'Redo';
- keyMenu: s := 'Menu';
- keyCancel: s := 'Cancel';
- keyPrintScreen: s := 'PrtScr';
- keyExecute: s := 'Exec';
- keyFind: s := 'Find';
- keyBegin: s := 'Begin';
- keyClear: s := 'Clear';
- keyInsert: s := 'Ins';
- keySelect: s := 'Select';
- keyMacro: s := 'Macro';
- keyHelp: s := 'Help';
- keyDo: s := 'Do';
- keyPause: s := 'Pause';
- keySysRq: s := 'SysRq';
- keyModeSwitch: s := 'ModeSw';
- keyUp: s := 'Up';
- keyDown: s := 'Down';
- keyLeft: s := 'Left';
- keyRight: s := 'Right';
- keyPrior: s := 'PgUp';
- keyNext: s := 'PgDown';
- keyHome: s := 'Home';
- keyEnd: s := 'End';
- keyF0..keyF64: s := 'F' + IntToStr(Key - keyF0);
- keyP0..keyP9: s := 'KP' + Chr(Key - keyP0 + Ord('0'));
- keyPA..keyPF: s := 'KP' + Chr(Key - keyPA + Ord('A'));
+ keyNul: s := 'Null';
+ keyBackSpace: s := 'Backspace';
+ keyTab: s := 'Tab';
+ keyLinefeed: s := 'Linefeed';
+ keyReturn: s := 'Enter';
+ keyEscape: s := 'Esc';
+ Ord(' '): s := 'Space';
+ keyDelete: s := 'Del';
+ keyVoid: s := 'Void';
+ keyBreak: s := 'Break';
+ keyScrollForw: s := 'ScrollForw';
+ keyScrollBack: s := 'ScrollBack';
+ keyBoot: s := 'Boot';
+ keyCompose: s := 'Compose';
+ keySAK: s := 'SAK';
+ keyUndo: s := 'Undo';
+ keyRedo: s := 'Redo';
+ keyMenu: s := 'Menu';
+ keyCancel: s := 'Cancel';
+ keyPrintScreen: s := 'PrtScr';
+ keyExecute: s := 'Exec';
+ keyFind: s := 'Find';
+ keyBegin: s := 'Begin';
+ keyClear: s := 'Clear';
+ keyInsert: s := 'Ins';
+ keySelect: s := 'Select';
+ keyMacro: s := 'Macro';
+ keyHelp: s := 'Help';
+ keyDo: s := 'Do';
+ keyPause: s := 'Pause';
+ keySysRq: s := 'SysRq';
+ keyModeSwitch: s := 'ModeSw';
+ keyUp: s := 'Up';
+ keyDown: s := 'Down';
+ keyLeft: s := 'Left';
+ keyRight: s := 'Right';
+ keyPrior: s := 'PgUp';
+ keyNext: s := 'PgDown';
+ keyHome: s := 'Home';
+ keyEnd: s := 'End';
+ keyF0..keyF64: s := 'F' + IntToStr(Key - keyF0);
+ keyP0..keyP9: s := 'KP' + Chr(Key - keyP0 + Ord('0'));
+ keyPA..keyPF: s := 'KP' + Chr(Key - keyPA + Ord('A'));
keyPPlus, keyPMinus, keyPSlash, keyPStar, keyPEqual, keyPSeparator,
keyPDecimal, keyPParenLeft, keyPParenRight, keyPSpace, keyPEnter,
- keyPTab: s := 'KP' + GetASCIIText;
- keyPPlusMinus: s := 'KPPlusMinus';
- keyPBegin: s := 'KPBegin';
- keyPF1..keyPF9: s := 'KPF' + IntToStr(Key - keyPF1);
- keyShiftL: s := 'ShiftL';
- keyShiftR: s := 'ShiftR';
- keyCtrlL: s := 'CtrlL';
- keyCtrlR: s := 'CtrlR';
- keyAltL: s := 'AltL';
- keyAltR: s := 'AltR';
- keyMetaL: s := 'MetaL';
- keyMetaR: s := 'MetaR';
- keySuperL: s := 'SuperL';
- keySuperR: s := 'SuperR';
- keyHyperL: s := 'HyperL';
- keyHyperR: s := 'HyperR';
- keyAltGr: s := 'AltGr';
- keyCaps: s := 'Caps';
- keyNum: s := 'Num';
- keyScroll: s := 'Scroll';
- keyShiftLock: s := 'ShiftLock';
- keyCtrlLock: s := 'CtrlLock';
- keyAltLock: s := 'AltLock';
- keyMetaLock: s := 'MetaLock';
- keySuperLock: s := 'SuperLock';
- keyHyperLock: s := 'HyperLock';
- keyAltGrLock: s := 'AltGrLock';
- keyCapsLock: s := 'CapsLock';
- keyNumLock: s := 'NumLock';
- keyScrollLock: s := 'ScrollLock';
- keyDeadRing: s := 'DeadRing';
- keyDeadCaron: s := 'DeadCaron';
- keyDeadOgonek: s := 'DeadOgonek';
- keyDeadIota: s := 'DeadIota';
- keyDeadDoubleAcute: s := 'DeadDoubleAcute';
- keyDeadBreve: s := 'DeadBreve';
- keyDeadAboveDot: s := 'DeadAboveDot';
- keyDeadBelowDot: s := 'DeadBelowDot';
- keyDeadVoicedSound: s := 'DeadVoicedSound';
+ keyPTab: s := 'KP' + GetASCIIText;
+ keyPPlusMinus: s := 'KPPlusMinus';
+ keyPBegin: s := 'KPBegin';
+ keyPF1..keyPF9: s := 'KPF' + IntToStr(Key - keyPF1);
+ keyShiftL: s := 'ShiftL';
+ keyShiftR: s := 'ShiftR';
+ keyCtrlL: s := 'CtrlL';
+ keyCtrlR: s := 'CtrlR';
+ keyAltL: s := 'AltL';
+ keyAltR: s := 'AltR';
+ keyMetaL: s := 'MetaL';
+ keyMetaR: s := 'MetaR';
+ keySuperL: s := 'SuperL';
+ keySuperR: s := 'SuperR';
+ keyHyperL: s := 'HyperL';
+ keyHyperR: s := 'HyperR';
+ keyAltGr: s := 'AltGr';
+ keyCaps: s := 'Caps';
+ keyNum: s := 'Num';
+ keyScroll: s := 'Scroll';
+ keyShiftLock: s := 'ShiftLock';
+ keyCtrlLock: s := 'CtrlLock';
+ keyAltLock: s := 'AltLock';
+ keyMetaLock: s := 'MetaLock';
+ keySuperLock: s := 'SuperLock';
+ keyHyperLock: s := 'HyperLock';
+ keyAltGrLock: s := 'AltGrLock';
+ keyCapsLock: s := 'CapsLock';
+ keyNumLock: s := 'NumLock';
+ keyScrollLock: s := 'ScrollLock';
+ keyDeadRing: s := 'DeadRing';
+ keyDeadCaron: s := 'DeadCaron';
+ keyDeadOgonek: s := 'DeadOgonek';
+ keyDeadIota: s := 'DeadIota';
+ keyDeadDoubleAcute: s := 'DeadDoubleAcute';
+ keyDeadBreve: s := 'DeadBreve';
+ keyDeadAboveDot: s := 'DeadAboveDot';
+ keyDeadBelowDot: s := 'DeadBelowDot';
+ keyDeadVoicedSound: s := 'DeadVoicedSound';
keyDeadSemiVoicedSound: s := 'DeadSemiVoicedSound';
- keyDeadAcute: s := 'DeadAcute';
- keyDeadCedilla: s := 'DeadCedilla';
- keyDeadCircumflex: s := 'DeadCircumflex';
- keyDeadDiaeresis: s := 'DeadDiaeresis';
- keyDeadGrave: s := 'DeadGrave';
- keyDeadTilde: s := 'DeadTilde';
- keyDeadMacron: s := 'DeadMacron';
- keyEcuSign: s := 'Ecu';
- keyColonSign: s := 'Colon';
- keyCruzeiroSign: s := 'Cruzeiro';
- keyFFrancSign: s := 'FFranc';
- keyLiraSign: s := 'Lira';
- keyMillSign: s := 'Mill';
- keyNairaSign: s := 'Naira';
- keyPesetaSign: s := 'Peseta';
- keyRupeeSign: s := 'Rupee';
- keyWonSign: s := 'Won';
+ keyDeadAcute: s := 'DeadAcute';
+ keyDeadCedilla: s := 'DeadCedilla';
+ keyDeadCircumflex: s := 'DeadCircumflex';
+ keyDeadDiaeresis: s := 'DeadDiaeresis';
+ keyDeadGrave: s := 'DeadGrave';
+ keyDeadTilde: s := 'DeadTilde';
+ keyDeadMacron: s := 'DeadMacron';
+ keyEcuSign: s := 'Ecu';
+ keyColonSign: s := 'Colon';
+ keyCruzeiroSign: s := 'Cruzeiro';
+ keyFFrancSign: s := 'FFranc';
+ keyLiraSign: s := 'Lira';
+ keyMillSign: s := 'Mill';
+ keyNairaSign: s := 'Naira';
+ keyPesetaSign: s := 'Peseta';
+ keyRupeeSign: s := 'Rupee';
+ keyWonSign: s := 'Won';
keyNewSheqelSign: s := 'NewShequel';
- keyDongSign: s := 'Dong';
- keyEuroSign: s := 'Euro';
+ keyDongSign: s := 'Dong';
+ keyEuroSign: s := 'Euro';
s := '#' + IntToHex(Key, 4);
@@ -1342,7 +1344,10 @@ end;
constructor TFCustomApplication.Create;
inherited Create(nil);
- FDisplayName := '';
+ if gCommandLineParams.IsParam('display') then
+ FDisplayName := gCommandLineParams.GetParam('display')
+ else
+ FDisplayName := '';
Forms := TList.Create;
FQuitWhenLastWindowCloses := True;
@@ -1364,6 +1369,22 @@ begin
+procedure TFCustomApplication.Run;
+ DoBreakRun := False;
+ if gCommandLineParams.IsParam('?') then
+ begin
+ writeln(' The following parameters are supported by fpGUI applications.');
+ writeln(' ');
+ writeln(' -? Shows this help');
+ writeln(' -display fpGUI/X11 only: sets the display to use');
+ writeln(' -style Overrides the default (autodetected) GUI style');
+ writeln(' ');
+ DoBreakRun := True;
+ end;
{procedure TFCustomApplication.CreateForm(AForm: TCustomForm);
form: PForm;
diff --git a/gfx/x11/fpgfxpackage.lpk b/gfx/x11/fpgfxpackage.lpk
index 773211b0..12033342 100644
--- a/gfx/x11/fpgfxpackage.lpk
+++ b/gfx/x11/fpgfxpackage.lpk
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<License Value="Modified LGPL
<Version Minor="3"/>
- <Files Count="8">
+ <Files Count="9">
<Filename Value="../gfxbase.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="GfxBase"/>
@@ -54,6 +54,10 @@
<Filename Value="../gelimage.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="GELImage"/>
+ <Item9>
+ <Filename Value="../commandlineparams.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="CommandLineParams"/>
+ </Item9>
<RequiredPkgs Count="1">
diff --git a/gfx/x11/fpgfxpackage.pas b/gfx/x11/fpgfxpackage.pas
index a089c522..84c4bda2 100644
--- a/gfx/x11/fpgfxpackage.pas
+++ b/gfx/x11/fpgfxpackage.pas
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ unit fpgfxpackage;
- GfxBase, GFX_X11, gfxinterface, schar16, unitkeys, fpgfx, GELDirty, GELImage;
+ GfxBase, GFX_X11, gfxinterface, schar16, unitkeys, fpgfx, GELDirty, GELImage,
+ CommandLineParams;
diff --git a/gfx/x11/gfx_x11.pas b/gfx/x11/gfx_x11.pas
index 06b41c9c..1f217621 100644
--- a/gfx/x11/gfx_x11.pas
+++ b/gfx/x11/gfx_x11.pas
@@ -210,9 +210,7 @@ type
TX11Application = class(TFCustomApplication)
- DoBreakRun: Boolean;
FDirtyList: TDirtyList;
- FDisplayName: String;
FDefaultFont: TX11FontResourceImpl;
FEventFilter: TX11EventFilter;
Handle: PDisplay;
@@ -1031,8 +1029,8 @@ var
WindowEntry: TFCustomWindow;
Event: TFEvent;
- DoBreakRun := False;
+ inherited Run;
while (not (QuitWhenLastWindowCloses and (Forms.Count = 0))) and
(DoBreakRun = False) do
@@ -1243,8 +1241,14 @@ end;
procedure TX11Application.Initialize(ADisplayName: String = '');
- if Length(ADisplayName) = 0 then FDisplayName := XDisplayName(nil)
- else FDisplayName := ADisplayName;
+ if Length(ADisplayName) = 0 then
+ begin
+ // Maybe it was passed as a -display parameter. Lets check first!
+ if FDisplayName = '' then
+ FDisplayName := XDisplayName(nil)
+ end
+ else
+ FDisplayName := ADisplayName;
Handle := XOpenDisplay(PChar(DisplayName));
@@ -1262,7 +1266,9 @@ begin
if not Assigned(FDefaultFont) then
- {$IFNDEF XftSupport} FDefaultFont.FontData := XLoadQueryFont(Handle, 'fixed'); {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFNDEF XftSupport}
+ FDefaultFont.FontData := XLoadQueryFont(Handle, 'fixed');
+ {$ENDIF}
if not Assigned(FDefaultFont) then
raise EX11Error.Create(SNoDefaultFont);