diff options
6 files changed, 520 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/fpg_csvparser.pas b/src/corelib/fpg_csvparser.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5c0d0ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corelib/fpg_csvparser.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2014 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ Uses a Finite State Machine to parse CSV files.
+ Graeme Geldenhuys <>
+ This unit shows how one could use the State Design Pattern to implement a
+ FSM (Finite State Machine) to create a CSV Parser. It handles invalid
+ CSV as well and will raise an appropriate exception. In the State pattern,
+ each of the states becomes a subclass of the base class. Each subclass must
+ implement the abstract method which will handle the input character and
+ decide on the next state.
+unit fpg_CSVParser;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes;
+ { forward declarations }
+ TCSVParser = class;
+ TParserStateClass = class of TCSVParserState;
+ { Abstract State object }
+ TCSVParserState = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FParser: TCSVParser;
+ procedure ChangeState(NewState: TParserStateClass);
+ procedure AddCharToCurrField(Ch: char);
+ procedure AddCurrFieldToList;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AParser: TCSVParser);
+ { Must be implemented in the concrete classes to handle the input character
+ and decide on the next state. }
+ procedure ProcessChar(Ch: AnsiChar; Pos: integer); virtual; abstract;
+ end;
+ { A concrete state object - used when starting a new field }
+ TCSVParserFieldStartState = class(TCSVParserState)
+ public
+ procedure ProcessChar(Ch: AnsiChar; Pos: integer); override;
+ end;
+ { A concrete state object - used while scanning a field }
+ TCSVParserScanFieldState = class(TCSVParserState)
+ public
+ procedure ProcessChar(Ch: AnsiChar; Pos: integer); override;
+ end;
+ { A concrete state object - used while scanning double quoted fields }
+ TCSVParserScanQuotedState = class(TCSVParserState)
+ public
+ procedure ProcessChar(Ch: AnsiChar; Pos: integer); override;
+ end;
+ { A concrete state object - used when found the ending double quote }
+ TCSVParserEndQuotedState = class(TCSVParserState)
+ public
+ procedure ProcessChar(Ch: AnsiChar; Pos: integer); override;
+ end;
+ { A concrete state object - some error occured / invalid CSV structure }
+ TCSVParserGotErrorState = class(TCSVParserState)
+ public
+ procedure ProcessChar(Ch: AnsiChar; Pos: integer); override;
+ end;
+ { The actual state machine - CSV parser }
+ TCSVParser = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FCurrentLine: string;
+ FState: TCSVParserState;
+ { Cache state objects for greater performance. This comes in handy when
+ parsing a large CSV file. For smaller files you might want to create them
+ on the fly. }
+ FFieldStartState: TCSVParserFieldStartState;
+ FScanFieldState: TCSVParserScanFieldState;
+ FScanQuotedState: TCSVParserScanQuotedState;
+ FEndQuotedState: TCSVParserEndQuotedState;
+ FGotErrorState: TCSVParserGotErrorState;
+ { Fields used during parsing }
+ FCurrField: string;
+ FFieldList: TStrings;
+ function GetState: TParserStateClass;
+ procedure SetState(const Value: TParserStateClass);
+ protected
+ procedure AddCharToCurrField(Ch: char);
+ procedure AddCurrFieldToList;
+ { An example of Self Encapsulating Field refactoring }
+ property State: TParserStateClass read GetState write SetState;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ { prodecure to call, to start the parsing process }
+ procedure ExtractFields(const S: string; const pFieldList: TStrings);
+ property CurrentLine: string read FCurrentLine;
+ end;
+// global singleton function
+function gCSVParser: TCSVParser;
+ SysUtils;
+ uCSVParser: TCSVParser;
+// Lazy mans singleton
+function gCSVParser: TCSVParser;
+ if uCSVParser = nil then
+ uCSVParser := TCSVParser.Create;
+ Result := uCSVParser;
+{ TCSVParser }
+constructor TCSVParser.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FCurrentLine := '';
+ FFieldStartState := TCSVParserFieldStartState.Create(Self);
+ FScanFieldState := TCSVParserScanFieldState.Create(Self);
+ FScanQuotedState := TCSVParserScanQuotedState.Create(Self);
+ FEndQuotedState := TCSVParserEndQuotedState.Create(Self);
+ FGotErrorState := TCSVParserGotErrorState.Create(Self);
+destructor TCSVParser.Destroy;
+ FFieldStartState.Free;
+ FScanFieldState.Free;
+ FScanQuotedState.Free;
+ FEndQuotedState.Free;
+ FGotErrorState.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TCSVParser.GetState: TParserStateClass;
+ Result := TParserStateClass(FState.ClassType);
+procedure TCSVParser.SetState(const Value: TParserStateClass);
+ if Value = TCSVParserFieldStartState then
+ FState := FFieldStartState
+ else if Value = TCSVParserScanFieldState then
+ FState := FScanFieldState
+ else if Value = TCSVParserScanQuotedState then
+ FState := FScanQuotedState
+ else if Value = TCSVParserEndQuotedState then
+ FState := FEndQuotedState
+ else if Value = TCSVParserGotErrorState then
+ FState := FGotErrorState;
+procedure TCSVParser.ExtractFields(const S: string; const pFieldList: TStrings);
+ i: integer;
+ Ch: AnsiChar;
+ FCurrentLine := S;
+ FFieldList := pFieldList;
+ Assert(Assigned(FFieldList), 'FieldList not assigned');
+ { Initialize by clearing the string list, and starting in FieldStart state }
+ FFieldList.Clear;
+ State := TCSVParserFieldStartState;
+ FCurrField := '';
+ { Read through all the characters in the string }
+ for i := 1 to Length(s) do
+ begin
+ { Get the next character }
+ Ch := s[i];
+ FState.ProcessChar(Ch, i);
+ end;
+ { If we are in the ScanQuoted or GotError state at the end of the string,
+ there was a problem with a closing quote. You can add the second if test
+ for an extra failsafe! }
+ if (State = TCSVParserScanQuotedState) then
+ // or (State = TCSVParserGotErrorState) then
+ raise Exception.Create('Missing closing quote');
+ { If the current field is not empty, add it to the list }
+ if (FCurrField <> '') then
+ AddCurrFieldToList;
+procedure TCSVParser.AddCharToCurrField(Ch: char);
+ FCurrField := FCurrField + Ch;
+procedure TCSVParser.AddCurrFieldToList;
+ FFieldList.Add(FCurrField);
+ // Clear the field in preparation for collecting the next one
+ FCurrField := '';
+{ TCSVParserState }
+constructor TCSVParserState.Create(AParser: TCSVParser);
+ inherited Create;
+ FParser := AParser;
+procedure TCSVParserState.ChangeState(NewState: TParserStateClass);
+ FParser.State := NewState;
+procedure TCSVParserState.AddCharToCurrField(Ch: char);
+ FParser.AddCharToCurrField(Ch);
+procedure TCSVParserState.AddCurrFieldToList;
+ FParser.AddCurrFieldToList;
+{ TCSVParserFieldStartState }
+procedure TCSVParserFieldStartState.ProcessChar(Ch: AnsiChar; Pos: integer);
+ case Ch of
+ '"': ChangeState(TCSVParserScanQuotedState);
+ ',': AddCurrFieldToList;
+ else
+ AddCharToCurrField(Ch);
+ ChangeState(TCSVParserScanFieldState);
+ end;
+{ TCSVParserScanFieldState }
+procedure TCSVParserScanFieldState.ProcessChar(Ch: AnsiChar; Pos: integer);
+ if (Ch = ',') then
+ begin
+ AddCurrFieldToList;
+ ChangeState(TCSVParserFieldStartState);
+ end
+ else
+ AddCharToCurrField(Ch);
+{ TCSVParserScanQuotedState }
+procedure TCSVParserScanQuotedState.ProcessChar(Ch: AnsiChar; Pos: integer);
+ if (Ch = '"') then
+ ChangeState(TCSVParserEndQuotedState)
+ else
+ AddCharToCurrField(Ch);
+{ TCSVParserEndQuotedState }
+procedure TCSVParserEndQuotedState.ProcessChar(Ch: AnsiChar; Pos: integer);
+ if (Ch = ',') then
+ begin
+ AddCurrFieldToList;
+ ChangeState(TCSVParserFieldStartState);
+ end
+ else
+ ChangeState(TCSVParserGotErrorState);
+{ TCSVParserGotErrorState }
+procedure TCSVParserGotErrorState.ProcessChar(Ch: AnsiChar; Pos: integer);
+ raise Exception.Create(Format('Error in line at position %d: ' + #10 +
+ '<%s>', [Pos, FParser.CurrentLine]));
+ uCSVParser := nil;
+ if uCSVParser <> nil then
+ uCSVParser.Free;
diff --git a/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.lpk b/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
index f07e97c0..487a5e06 100644
--- a/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
+++ b/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<Description Value="fpGUI Toolkit"/>
<License Value="LGPL 2 with static linking exception."/>
<Version Major="1" Minor="3"/>
- <Files Count="105">
+ <Files Count="107">
<Filename Value="..\"/>
<Type Value="Include"/>
@@ -452,6 +452,14 @@
<Filename Value="..\..\gui\fpg_toggle.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="fpg_toggle"/>
+ <Item106>
+ <Filename Value="..\..\gui\fpg_stringgridbuilder.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_StringGridBuilder"/>
+ </Item106>
+ <Item107>
+ <Filename Value="..\fpg_csvparser.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_CSVParser"/>
+ </Item107>
<LazDoc Paths="..\..\..\docs\xml\corelib;..\..\..\docs\xml\corelib\x11;..\..\..\docs\xml\corelib\gdi;..\..\..\docs\xml\gui"/>
<RequiredPkgs Count="1">
diff --git a/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.pas b/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.pas
index a20c428f..4704d56a 100644
--- a/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/gdi/fpgui_toolkit.pas
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ uses
fpg_style_win2k, fpg_style_motif, fpg_style_clearlooks, fpg_style_bluecurve,
fpg_style_bitmap, fpg_readonly, fpg_imgfmt_png, U_Command, U_Pdf, U_Report,
U_ReportImages, U_Visu, fpg_trayicon, Agg2D, fpg_dbugintf, fpg_dbugmsg,
- fpg_style_carbon, fpg_style_plastic, fpg_style_win8, fpg_toggle;
+ fpg_style_carbon, fpg_style_plastic, fpg_style_win8, fpg_toggle,
+ fpg_StringGridBuilder, fpg_CSVParser;
diff --git a/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.lpk b/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
index b46195d4..e59e4617 100644
--- a/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
+++ b/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<Description Value="fpGUI Toolkit"/>
<License Value="LGPL 2 with static linking exception."/>
<Version Major="1" Minor="3"/>
- <Files Count="108">
+ <Files Count="110">
<Filename Value="../"/>
<Type Value="Include"/>
@@ -462,6 +462,14 @@
<Filename Value="../../gui/fpg_toggle.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="fpg_toggle"/>
+ <Item109>
+ <Filename Value="../../gui/fpg_stringgridbuilder.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_StringGridBuilder"/>
+ </Item109>
+ <Item110>
+ <Filename Value="../fpg_csvparser.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_CSVParser"/>
+ </Item110>
<LazDoc Paths="../../../docs/xml/corelib;../../../docs/xml/corelib/x11;../../../docs/xml/corelib/gdi;../../../docs/xml/gui"/>
<RequiredPkgs Count="1">
diff --git a/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.pas b/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.pas
index 429d3497..be9f3b5a 100644
--- a/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.pas
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ uses
fpg_style_bluecurve, fpg_style_bitmap, fpg_readonly, fpg_imgfmt_png,
U_Command, U_Pdf, U_Report, U_ReportImages, U_Visu, fpg_trayicon, Agg2D,
fpg_dbugintf, fpg_dbugmsg, fpg_fontcache, fpg_style_carbon,
- fpg_style_plastic, fpg_style_win8, fpg_scrollframe, fpg_toggle;
+ fpg_style_plastic, fpg_style_win8, fpg_scrollframe, fpg_toggle,
+ fpg_StringGridBuilder, fpg_CSVParser;
diff --git a/src/gui/fpg_stringgridbuilder.pas b/src/gui/fpg_stringgridbuilder.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd3fe3b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/fpg_stringgridbuilder.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2014 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ This unit defines a helper class that can populate a StringGrid
+ from a CSV file. In future this could be expaned to other file
+ types or even data structures.
+unit fpg_StringGridBuilder;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ fpg_base,
+ fpg_grid;
+ TStringGridBuilder = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FData: TStringList;
+ FGrid: TfpgStringGrid;
+ FCSVFile: TfpgString;
+ FHasHeader: boolean;
+ protected
+ procedure InternalSetupColumns; virtual;
+ procedure InternalSetupData; virtual;
+ procedure InternalRepaintRow(const AData: TfpgString; const ARow: integer); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ constructor CreateCustom(const AGrid: TfpgStringGrid; const ACSVFile: TfpgString; const AWithHeader: boolean = True); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Run;
+ property Grid: TfpgStringGrid read FGrid;
+ end;
+ fpg_main,
+ fpg_utils,
+ fpg_CSVParser;
+{ TStringGridBuilder }
+procedure TStringGridBuilder.InternalSetupColumns;
+ x: integer;
+ fields: TStringList;
+ fields := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ gCsvParser.ExtractFields(FData[0], fields);
+ // setup correct column count
+ FGrid.ColumnCount := fields.Count;
+ // initialize columns
+ if FHasHeader then
+ begin
+ for x := 0 to fields.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ FGrid.ColumnTitle[x] := fields[x];
+// FGrid.ColumnWidth[x] := StrToInt(FColumns.ValueFromIndex[x]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ fields.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TStringGridBuilder.InternalSetupData;
+ y: integer;
+ FGrid.BeginUpdate;
+ FGrid.MouseCursor := mcHourGlass;
+ try
+ try
+ // set correct row count. Columns have already been handled.
+ if FHasHeader then
+ begin
+ FGrid.RowCount := FData.Count-1;
+ for y := 1 to FData.Count-1 do // rows
+ begin
+ // writeln(' Row: ', y, ' Data: ', FData.Strings[y-1]);
+ InternalRepaintRow(FData.Strings[y], y-1);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FGrid.RowCount := FData.Count;
+ for y := 0 to FData.Count-1 do // rows
+ begin
+ // writeln(' Row: ', y, ' Data: ', FData.Strings[y-1]);
+ InternalRepaintRow(FData.Strings[y], y);
+ end;
+ end;
+ except
+ fpgApplication.HandleException(self);
+ end;
+ finally
+ if FGrid.RowCount > 0 then
+ FGrid.FocusRow := 0;
+ FGrid.EndUpdate;
+ FGrid.MouseCursor := mcDefault;
+ end;
+procedure TStringGridBuilder.InternalRepaintRow(const AData: TfpgString; const ARow: integer);
+ x: integer;
+ fields: TStrings;
+ value: string;
+ fields := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ gCsvParser.ExtractFields(AData, fields);
+ for x := 0 to FGrid.ColumnCount-1 do
+ begin
+ if x < fields.Count then
+ value := fields.Strings[x]
+ else
+ value := '';
+ FGrid.Cells[x, ARow] := value
+ end;
+ finally
+ fields.Free;
+ end;
+constructor TStringGridBuilder.Create;
+ FData := TStringList.Create;
+constructor TStringGridBuilder.CreateCustom(const AGrid: TfpgStringGrid; const ACSVFile: TfpgString; const AWithHeader: boolean);
+ Create;
+ FGrid := AGrid;
+ FCSVFile := ACSVFile;
+ FGrid.Clear;
+ FHasHeader := AWithHeader;
+ FGrid.ShowHeader := AWithHeader;
+destructor TStringGridBuilder.Destroy;
+ FGrid := nil;
+ FData.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TStringGridBuilder.Run;
+ if FCSVFile = '' then
+ raise Exception.Create('TStringGridBuilder: CSV filename is empty!');
+ if not fpgFileExists(FCSVFile) then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('TStringGridBuilder: The CSV file <%s> does not exist.', [FCSVFile]);
+ FData.LoadFromFile(fpgToOSEncoding(FCSVFile));
+ InternalSetupColumns;
+ InternalSetupData;