diff options
6 files changed, 617 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/examples/gui/scrollframe/frame_test.lpi b/examples/gui/scrollframe/frame_test.lpi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f5b09bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gui/scrollframe/frame_test.lpi
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <ProjectOptions>
+ <Version Value="9"/>
+ <General>
+ <Flags>
+ <MainUnitHasCreateFormStatements Value="False"/>
+ <MainUnitHasTitleStatement Value="False"/>
+ </Flags>
+ <SessionStorage Value="InProjectDir"/>
+ <MainUnit Value="0"/>
+ <Title Value="frame_test"/>
+ <UseAppBundle Value="False"/>
+ <ResourceType Value="res"/>
+ </General>
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+ <EnableI18N LFM="False"/>
+ </i18n>
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+ <local>
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+ </local>
+ </RunParams>
+ <RequiredPackages Count="1">
+ <Item1>
+ <PackageName Value="fpgui_toolkit"/>
+ </Item1>
+ </RequiredPackages>
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+ <MsgFileName Value=""/>
+ </CompilerMessages>
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+ <Exceptions Count="3">
+ <Item1>
+ <Name Value="EAbort"/>
+ </Item1>
+ <Item2>
+ <Name Value="ECodetoolError"/>
+ </Item2>
+ <Item3>
+ <Name Value="EFOpenError"/>
+ </Item3>
+ </Exceptions>
+ </Debugging>
diff --git a/examples/gui/scrollframe/frame_test.lpr b/examples/gui/scrollframe/frame_test.lpr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fd804f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gui/scrollframe/frame_test.lpr
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+program frame_test;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes,
+ sysutils,
+ fpg_base,
+ fpg_main,
+ fpg_button,
+ fpg_label,
+ fpg_form,
+ fpg_panel,
+ fpg_scrollframe
+ ;
+procedure create_buttons (f : TfpgFrame);
+ i, j, ij : integer;
+ b : TfpgButton;
+ num_button_cols = 4;
+ num_button_rows = 5;
+ with f do begin
+ for i := 0 to num_button_cols-1 do
+ begin
+ for j := 0 to num_button_rows-1 do
+ begin
+ if (j>4) and (j<16) then continue;
+ ij := j + num_button_rows*i;
+ b := TfpgButton.Create(f);
+ with b do begin
+ SetPosition(20+i*105, 50+j*30, 100, 25);
+ name := 'button' + inttostr(ij);
+ Text := 'Button ' + inttostr(ij+1);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { t_sample_frame }
+ t_sample_frame = class (TfpgAutoSizingFrame)
+ protected
+ my_color : TfpgColor;
+ embed_button : TfpgButton;
+ procedure click_embed_button (Sender: TObject);
+ procedure paint_my_stuff (Sender: TObject);
+ public
+ procedure AfterCreate; override;
+ end;
+procedure t_sample_frame.click_embed_button(Sender: TObject);
+ inner_bevel : TfpgBevel;
+ inner_frame : TfpgScrollFrame;
+ embed_button.Visible:=false;
+ inner_bevel := TfpgBevel.Create(self);
+ with inner_bevel do begin;
+ SetPosition(90, 210, 300, 300);
+ BorderStyle := bsDouble;
+ Shape := bsFrame;
+ UpdateWindowPosition;
+ end;
+ RecalcFrameSize;
+ inner_frame := TfpgScrollFrame.Create(inner_bevel, t_sample_frame);
+ inner_frame.Align:=alClient;
+procedure t_sample_frame.paint_my_stuff (Sender: TObject);
+ canvas.Color := my_color;
+ canvas.FillRectangle (30, 30, 200, 400);
+procedure t_sample_frame.AfterCreate;
+ inherited AfterCreate;
+ MarginBR:=7;
+ my_color:=TfpgColor(random(high(longint)));
+ embed_button := CreateButton (self, 20, 240, 270,
+ 'Click to embed another Scroll-Frame here', @click_embed_button);
+ OnPaint:=@paint_my_stuff;
+ create_buttons(self);
+ RecalcFrameSize;
+ form: TfpgForm;
+ outer_frame: TfpgScrollFrame;
+ fpgApplication.Initialize;
+ form := TfpgForm.Create(nil);
+ form.SetPosition(0,0,380,360);
+ outer_frame := TfpgScrollFrame.Create(form, t_sample_frame);
+ outer_frame.Align:=alClient;
+ outer_frame.ContentFrame.RecalcFrameSize;
+ try
+ form.Show;
+ fpgApplication.Run;
+ finally
+ form.Free;
+ end;
diff --git a/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.lpk b/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
index c769331e..ff08daeb 100644
--- a/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
+++ b/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.lpk
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<Description Value="fpGUI Toolkit"/>
<License Value="LGPL 2 with static linking exception."/>
<Version Major="1"/>
- <Files Count="99">
+ <Files Count="100">
<Filename Value="../"/>
<Type Value="Include"/>
@@ -426,6 +426,10 @@
<Filename Value="../render/software/Agg2D.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="Agg2D"/>
+ <Item100>
+ <Filename Value="../../gui/fpg_scrollframe.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="fpg_scrollframe"/>
+ </Item100>
<LazDoc Paths="../../../docs/xml/corelib;../../../docs/xml/corelib/x11;../../../docs/xml/corelib/gdi;../../../docs/xml/gui"/>
<RequiredPkgs Count="1">
diff --git a/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.pas b/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.pas
index 10dc7f27..4f4f92c0 100644
--- a/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/x11/fpgui_toolkit.pas
@@ -8,19 +8,21 @@ interface
fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_cmdlineparams, fpg_command_intf, fpg_constants,
- fpg_extinterpolation, fpg_imagelist, fpg_imgfmt_bmp, fpg_pofiles, fpg_popupwindow,
- fpg_stdimages, fpg_stringhashlist, fpg_translations, fpg_stringutils, fpg_utils,
- fpg_widget, fpg_wuline, fpg_impl, fpg_x11, fpg_netlayer_x11, fpg_keyconv_x11,
- fpg_xft_x11, fpg_animation, fpg_basegrid, fpg_button, fpg_checkbox, fpg_combobox,
- fpg_customgrid, fpg_dialogs, fpg_editcombo, fpg_edit, fpg_form, fpg_gauge, fpg_grid,
- fpg_hyperlink, fpg_iniutils, fpg_label, fpg_listbox, fpg_listview, fpg_memo, fpg_menu,
+ fpg_extinterpolation, fpg_imagelist, fpg_imgfmt_bmp, fpg_pofiles,
+ fpg_popupwindow, fpg_stdimages, fpg_stringhashlist, fpg_translations,
+ fpg_stringutils, fpg_utils, fpg_widget, fpg_wuline, fpg_impl, fpg_x11,
+ fpg_netlayer_x11, fpg_keyconv_x11, fpg_xft_x11, fpg_animation, fpg_basegrid,
+ fpg_button, fpg_checkbox, fpg_combobox, fpg_customgrid, fpg_dialogs,
+ fpg_editcombo, fpg_edit, fpg_form, fpg_gauge, fpg_grid, fpg_hyperlink,
+ fpg_iniutils, fpg_label, fpg_listbox, fpg_listview, fpg_memo, fpg_menu,
fpg_mru, fpg_panel, fpg_popupcalendar, fpg_progressbar, fpg_radiobutton,
- fpg_scrollbar, fpg_style, fpg_tab, fpg_trackbar, fpg_tree, fpgui_db, fpg_splitter,
- fpg_hint, fpg_spinedit, fpg_extgraphics, fpg_ColorMapping, fpg_ColorWheel,
- fpg_interface, fpg_editbtn, fpg_imgfmt_jpg, fpg_imgutils, fpg_stylemanager,
- fpg_style_win2k, fpg_style_motif, fpg_style_clearlooks, fpg_style_bluecurve,
- fpg_style_bitmap, fpg_readonly, fpg_imgfmt_png, U_Command, U_Pdf, U_Report,
- U_ReportImages, U_Visu, fpg_trayicon, Agg2D;
+ fpg_scrollbar, fpg_style, fpg_tab, fpg_trackbar, fpg_tree, fpgui_db,
+ fpg_splitter, fpg_hint, fpg_spinedit, fpg_extgraphics, fpg_ColorMapping,
+ fpg_ColorWheel, fpg_interface, fpg_editbtn, fpg_imgfmt_jpg, fpg_imgutils,
+ fpg_stylemanager, fpg_style_win2k, fpg_style_motif, fpg_style_clearlooks,
+ fpg_style_bluecurve, fpg_style_bitmap, fpg_readonly, fpg_imgfmt_png,
+ U_Command, U_Pdf, U_Report, U_ReportImages, U_Visu, fpg_trayicon, Agg2D,
+ fpg_scrollframe;
diff --git a/src/gui/fpg_scrollbar.pas b/src/gui/fpg_scrollbar.pas
index dd0a4c7c..29a37449 100644
--- a/src/gui/fpg_scrollbar.pas
+++ b/src/gui/fpg_scrollbar.pas
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ uses
TScrollNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; position: integer) of object;
- TfpgScrollStyle = (ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical, ssAutoBoth);
+ TfpgScrollStyle = (ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical, ssAutoBoth, ssBothVisible);
TfpgScrollBarPart = (sbpNone, sbpUpBack, sbpPageUpBack, sbpSlider, sbpDownForward, sbpPageDownForward);
diff --git a/src/gui/fpg_scrollframe.pas b/src/gui/fpg_scrollframe.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d10c69fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/fpg_scrollframe.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+unit fpg_scrollframe;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ fpg_base,
+ fpg_main,
+ fpg_widget,
+ fpg_panel,
+ fpg_scrollbar;
+ TfpgScrollFrame = class;
+ { TfpgAutoSizingFrame }
+ TfpgAutoSizingFrame = class (TfpgFrame)
+ private
+ FMarginBR : integer;
+ FParentScrollFrame : TfpgScrollFrame; // it's actually the grandparent
+ procedure SetMarginBR (AValue: integer);
+ procedure UpdatePos;
+ public
+ procedure AdjustDimsFor (w : TfpgWindow; updatewp: boolean = true);
+ procedure AdjustDimsWithout (w : TfpgWindow);
+ procedure RecalcFrameSize;
+ property MarginBR : integer read FMarginBR write SetMarginBR; // bottom-right margin
+ property ParentScrollFrame : TfpgScrollFrame read FParentScrollFrame write FParentScrollFrame;
+ end;
+ TfpgASFrameClass = class of TfpgAutoSizingFrame;
+ { TfpgScrollFrame }
+ TfpgScrollFrame = class (TfpgFrame)
+ private
+ FContentFrame : TfpgAutoSizingFrame;
+ FVisibleArea : TfpgFrame;
+ FHScrollBar : TfpgScrollBar;
+ FVScrollBar : TfpgScrollBar;
+ FScrollBarStyle : TfpgScrollStyle;
+ function GetXOffset: integer;
+ function GetYOffset: integer;
+ procedure SetXOffset (x: integer);
+ procedure SetYOffset (y: integer);
+ protected
+ procedure HandleResize(awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord); override;
+ procedure HandleShow; override;
+ procedure HScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer);
+ procedure VScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer);
+ procedure UpdateScrollbars; virtual;
+ property XOffset : integer read GetXOffset write SetXOffset; // these do not...
+ property YOffset : integer read GetYOffset write SetYOffset; // ...updatewindowposition
+ public
+ constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent; ContentFrameType: TfpgASFrameClass); virtual;
+ procedure AfterCreate; override;
+ property ContentFrame : TfpgAutoSizingFrame read FContentFrame write FContentFrame;
+ end;
+{ TfpgAutoSizingFrame }
+procedure TfpgAutoSizingFrame.SetMarginBR(AValue: integer);
+ if FMarginBR=AValue then Exit;
+ FMarginBR:=AValue;
+ RecalcFrameSize;
+procedure TfpgAutoSizingFrame.UpdatePos;
+ UpdateWindowPosition;
+ if ParentScrollFrame is TfpgScrollFrame then
+ ParentScrollFrame.UpdateScrollbars;
+procedure TfpgAutoSizingFrame.AdjustDimsFor (w: TfpgWindow; updatewp: boolean = true);
+ new_w, new_h: integer;
+ new_w := w.Right+MarginBR+1;
+ new_h := w.Bottom+MarginBR+1;
+ if (Width < new_w) or (Height < new_h) then
+ begin
+ HandleResize(new_w, new_h);
+ if updatewp then
+ UpdatePos;
+ end;
+procedure TfpgAutoSizingFrame.AdjustDimsWithout (w: TfpgWindow);
+ if (Width = w.Right+MarginBR+1)
+ or (Height = w.Bottom+MarginBR+1) then
+ RecalcFrameSize;
+procedure TfpgAutoSizingFrame.RecalcFrameSize;
+ i : integer;
+ c : TComponent;
+ max_w, max_h : integer;
+ this_need : integer;
+ par : TfpgWidget;
+ if ComponentCount=0 then
+ Exit;
+ max_w := 1;
+ max_h := 1;
+ for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do begin
+ c := Components[i];
+ if c is TfpgWindow then
+ begin
+ this_need := TfpgWindow(c).right+MarginBR+1;
+ if (this_need>max_w) then
+ max_w := this_need;
+ this_need := TfpgWindow(c).bottom+MarginBR+1;
+ if (this_need>max_h) then
+ max_h := this_need;
+ end;
+ end;
+ HandleResize(max_w, max_h);
+ UpdatePos;
+{ TfpgScrollFrame }
+function TfpgScrollFrame.GetXOffset: integer;
+ result := -FContentFrame.Left;
+function TfpgScrollFrame.GetYOffset: integer;
+ result := -FContentFrame.Top;
+procedure TfpgScrollFrame.SetXOffset (x: integer);
+ if ContentFrame.Left = -x then
+ Exit;
+ FContentFrame.Left := -x;
+procedure TfpgScrollFrame.SetYOffset (y: integer);
+ if ContentFrame.Top = -y then
+ Exit;
+ FContentFrame.Top := -y;
+procedure TfpgScrollFrame.HandleResize(awidth, aheight: TfpgCoord);
+ inherited HandleResize(awidth, aheight);
+ if (csLoading in ComponentState) or (csUpdating in ComponentState) then
+ Exit; //==>
+ if HasHandle then
+ UpdateScrollBars;
+procedure TfpgScrollFrame.HandleShow;
+ inherited HandleShow;
+ if (csLoading in ComponentState) then
+ Exit;
+ UpdateScrollBars;
+procedure TfpgScrollFrame.HScrollBarMove (Sender: TObject; position: integer);
+ if position = XOffset then
+ Exit;
+ XOffset := position;
+ FContentFrame.UpdateWindowPosition;
+procedure TfpgScrollFrame.VScrollBarMove (Sender: TObject; position: integer);
+ if position = YOffset then
+ Exit;
+ YOffset := position;
+ FContentFrame.UpdateWindowPosition;
+procedure TfpgScrollFrame.UpdateScrollbars;
+ contentWidth, contentHeight: integer;
+ visWidth, visHeight: integer;
+ Hfits, Vfits : boolean;
+ showHsb, showVsb : boolean;
+ prevHideHsb, prevHideVsb : boolean;
+ procedure hideScrollbar (sb : TfpgScrollBar);
+ begin
+ with sb do
+ if Visible then
+ begin
+ Visible := False;
+ UpdateWindowPosition;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure getVisWidth;
+ begin
+ if showVsb then
+ visWidth := Width - (FVScrollBar.Width-1)
+ else
+ visWidth := Width;
+ Hfits := visWidth >= contentWidth
+ end;
+ procedure getVisHeight;
+ begin
+ if showHsb then
+ visHeight := Height - (FHScrollBar.Height-1)
+ else
+ visHeight := Height;
+ Vfits := visHeight >= contentHeight;
+ end;
+ if (csLoading in ComponentState) or (csUpdating in ComponentState) then
+ Exit; //==>
+ // if we don't want any scrollbars, hide them and exit
+ if FScrollBarStyle = ssNone then
+ begin
+ hideScrollbar (FHScrollBar);
+ hideScrollbar (FVScrollBar);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // preliminary width/height calculations
+ prevHideHsb := not FHScrollBar.Visible;
+ prevHideVsb := not FVScrollBar.Visible;
+ showVsb := (FScrollBarStyle = ssBothVisible);
+ showHsb := showVsb;
+ contentWidth := ContentFrame.Width;
+ contentHeight := ContentFrame.Height;
+ getVisWidth;
+ getVisHeight;
+ // determine whether to show scrollbars for different configurations
+ case FScrollBarStyle of
+ ssHorizontal:
+ begin
+ hideScrollbar (FVScrollBar);
+ if not Hfits then
+ begin
+ showHsb := true;
+ getVisHeight;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ssVertical:
+ begin
+ hideScrollbar (FHScrollBar);
+ if not Vfits then
+ begin
+ showVsb := true;
+ getVisWidth;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ssAutoBoth:
+ if not Vfits then
+ begin
+ showVsb := true;
+ getVisWidth;
+ if not Hfits then
+ begin
+ showHsb := true;
+ getVisHeight;
+ getVisWidth;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if not Hfits then
+ begin
+ showHsb := true;
+ getVisHeight;
+ if not Vfits then
+ begin
+ showVsb := true;
+ getVisWidth;
+ getVisHeight;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // show or hide the scrollbars
+ if showVsb then with FVScrollBar do
+ begin
+ if prevHideVsb then
+ Position := 0;
+ Visible := true;
+ Min := 0;
+ Max := contentHeight - visHeight; // may set position!
+ YOffset := Position;
+ if contentHeight > 0 then
+ SliderSize := visHeight / contentHeight
+ else
+ SliderSize := 0;
+ RepaintSlider;
+ Top := 0;
+ Left := visWidth;
+ Height := visHeight;
+ PageSize:= visHeight;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FVScrollBar.Visible := false;
+ if Vfits then // if vertical doesn't fit and no scrollbar, do not change offset
+ YOffset := 0;
+ end;
+ if showHsb then with FHScrollBar do
+ begin
+ if prevHideHsb then
+ Position := 0;
+ Visible := true;
+ Min := 0;
+ Max := contentWidth - visWidth; // may set position!
+ XOffset := Position;
+ if contentWidth > 0 then
+ SliderSize := visWidth / contentWidth
+ else
+ SliderSize := 0;
+ RepaintSlider;
+ Top := visHeight;
+ Left := 0;
+ Width := visWidth;
+ PageSize:= visWidth;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FHScrollBar.Visible := false;
+ if Hfits then // if horizontal doesn't fit and no scrollbar, do not change offset
+ XOffset := 0;
+ end;
+ FVScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition;
+ FHScrollBar.UpdateWindowPosition;
+ FVisibleArea.SetPosition(0, 0, visWidth, visHeight);
+ FVisibleArea.UpdateWindowPosition;
+ FContentFrame.UpdateWindowPosition;
+constructor TfpgScrollFrame.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ FVisibleArea := TfpgFrame.Create(self);
+ FVisibleArea.SetPosition(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ FContentFrame := TfpgAutoSizingFrame.Create(FVisibleArea);
+ FContentFrame.SetPosition(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ FContentFrame.ParentScrollFrame := self;
+constructor TfpgScrollFrame.Create(AOwner: TComponent; ContentFrameType: TfpgASFrameClass);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ FVisibleArea := TfpgFrame.Create(self);
+ FVisibleArea.Left := 0;
+ FVisibleArea.Top := 0;
+ FContentFrame := ContentFrameType.Create(FVisibleArea);
+ FContentFrame.Left := 0;
+ FContentFrame.Top := 0;
+ FContentFrame.ParentScrollFrame := self;
+procedure TfpgScrollFrame.AfterCreate;
+ inherited AfterCreate;
+ FVScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(self);
+ with FVScrollBar do begin
+ Orientation := orVertical;
+ OnScroll := @VScrollBarMove;
+ Position := 0;
+ end;
+ FHScrollBar := TfpgScrollBar.Create(self);
+ with FHScrollBar do begin
+ Orientation := orHorizontal;
+ OnScroll := @HScrollBarMove;
+ Position := 0;
+ end;
+ FScrollBarStyle := ssAutoBoth;