unit GTIWebServerTestAggActionHandlerUnit; interface uses sysutils, zstream, ftfont, agg_2D, FPimage, FPImgCanv, FPWritePNG, FPWriteJPEG, agg_basics; type { TTestAggActionHandler } TTestAggActionHandler = class public const ImageWidth = 800; const ImageHeight = 480; const RGBA_Width = 4; const LineCount = 30; const FontFilePath = '/usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSans.ttf'; procedure HandlePlug; procedure DrawStuff(agg: agg2D_ptr); procedure DrawText(aImage: TFPMemoryImage); end; implementation { TTestAggActionHandler } procedure TTestAggActionHandler.HandlePlug; var agg: agg2D_ptr; buf: array of int8; image: TFPMemoryImage; writer: TFPWriterJPEG; x, y: integer; c: TFPColor; function getBufItemAsWord(aDelta: byte): word; var actualY: integer; begin actualY := ImageHeight - y - 1; result := word(buf[x * RGBA_Width + actualY * ImageWidth * RGBA_Width + aDelta] shl 8) or word(128); end; begin setLength(buf, ImageWidth * ImageHeight * RGBA_Width); New(agg, Construct); agg^.attach(@(buf[0]), ImageWidth, ImageHeight, ImageWidth * RGBA_Width); DrawStuff(agg); Dispose(agg, Destruct); // not necessary to keep it after rendering is finished image := TFPMemoryImage.create(ImageWidth, ImageHeight); for x := 0 to ImageWidth - 1 do for y := 0 to ImageHeight - 1 do begin c.red := getBufItemAsWord(2); c.green := getBufItemAsWord(1); c.blue := getBufItemAsWord(0); c.alpha := getBufItemAsWord(3); image.Colors[x, y] := c; end; { writer := TFPWriterPNG.create; writer.CompressionLevel := clmax; writer.WordSized := false; // reduce size } writer := TFPWriterJPEG.create; writer.CompressionQuality := $FF div 3; // bad quality plz writer.ProgressiveEncoding := true; image.SaveToFile('wut.jpeg', writer); image.free; writer.free; end; procedure TTestAggActionHandler.DrawStuff(agg: agg2D_ptr); var i: integer; x, y, px, py, d: double; begin agg^.clearAll(0, 0, 0); agg^.lineColor(0, 0, 0, 255); agg^.lineWidth(3); agg^.rectangle(0, 0, ImageWidth, ImageHeight); agg^.font(FontFilePath, 16); d := ImageWidth / LineCount; agg^.lineColor(0, 0, 0, 100); for i := 1 to LineCount - 1 do begin x := i * d; agg^.line(x, 0, x, ImageHeight ); end; for i := 1 to trunc(ImageHeight / d) - 1 do begin y := i * d; agg^.line(0, y, ImageWidth, y); end; x := 0; y := ImageHeight / 2; px := x; py := y; agg^.lineColor(255, 0, 0, 200); agg^.fillColor(0, 0, 0, 200); for i := 0 to LineCount - 1 do begin x := x + d; y := y + random(round(ImageHeight / 3)) - ImageHeight / 6; if y < 0 then y := ImageHeight / 6; if y >= ImageHeight then y := ImageHeight - ImageHeight / 6; agg^.line(px, py, x, y); agg^.text(x, y, char_ptr(intToStr(i) + ' bla')); px := x; py := y; end; end; procedure TTestAggActionHandler.DrawText(aImage: TFPMemoryImage); var canvas: TFPImageCanvas; font: TFreeTypeFont; begin font := TFreeTypeFont.create; canvas := TFPImageCanvas.create(aImage); end; end.