// Copyright (C) 2008 Lukas Lalinsky // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. #include #include "line.h" #include "hub.h" #include "diagramdocument.h" #include "diagramobject.h" #include "connector.h" Line::Line(DiagramItem *parent) : DiagramItem(parent), m_fillStartArrow(false), m_fillEndArrow(false), m_dirty(false) { m_connectors[0] = new Connector(this); m_connectors[1] = new Connector(this); setZValue(1.0); } Line::~Line() { delete m_connectors[0]; delete m_connectors[1]; } Connector * Line::connector(int index) const { Q_ASSERT(index == 0 || index == 1); return m_connectors[index]; } void Line::updateLayout() { } #include "domutils.h" void Line::loadFromXml(QDomElement element, DiagramDocument *document) { DiagramItem::loadFromXml(element, document); QDomElement lineElement = element.firstChildElement("line"); if (lineElement.isNull()) return; QDomElement connectorListElement = lineElement.firstChildElement("connector-list"); if (connectorListElement.isNull()) return; QDomElement connectorElement = connectorListElement.firstChildElement("connector"); int i = 0; while (!connectorElement.isNull()) { Connector *connector = m_connectors[i++]; qreal angle = readFloatElement(connectorElement, "angle"); connector->setAngle(angle); connector->setPos(readPointElement(connectorElement, "position")); QDomElement hubElement = connectorElement.firstChildElement("hub"); QString ownerId = hubElement.attribute("owner"); if (document && !ownerId.isEmpty()) { DiagramObject *owner = qobject_cast(document->itemById(ownerId)); connector->setHub(owner->hub()); } connectorElement = connectorElement.nextSiblingElement("connector"); } } void Line::saveToXml(QDomDocument doc, QDomElement element) { DiagramItem::saveToXml(doc, element); QDomElement lineElement = doc.createElement("line"); element.appendChild(lineElement); QDomElement connectorListElement = doc.createElement("connector-list"); lineElement.appendChild(connectorListElement); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Connector *connector = m_connectors[i]; QDomElement connectorElement = doc.createElement("connector"); connectorListElement.appendChild(connectorElement); appendPointElement(doc, connectorElement, "position", connector->pos()); appendFloatElement(doc, connectorElement, "angle", connector->angle()); if (connector->hub()) { QDomElement hubElement = doc.createElement("hub"); connectorElement.appendChild(hubElement); hubElement.setAttribute("owner", connector->hub()->owner()->id().toString()); } } } QPolygonF Line::linePoints() const { return m_linePoints; } void Line::setLinePoints(const QPolygonF& points) { if (m_linePoints != points) { prepareGeometryChange(); m_linePoints = points; m_dirty = true; } } Qt::PenStyle Line::lineStyle() const { return m_lineStyle; } void Line::setLineStyle(Qt::PenStyle style) { if (m_lineStyle != style) { // prepareGeometryChange(); m_lineStyle = style; // m_dirty = true; } } QPainterPath Line::startArrow() const { return m_startArrow; } void Line::setStartArrow(const QPainterPath& path) { if (m_startArrow != path) { prepareGeometryChange(); m_startArrow = path; m_dirty = true; } } bool Line::fillStartArrow() const { return m_fillStartArrow; } void Line::setFillStartArrow(bool fill) { if (m_fillStartArrow != fill) { m_fillStartArrow = fill; m_dirty = true; } } QPainterPath Line::endArrow() const { return m_endArrow; } void Line::setEndArrow(const QPainterPath& path) { if (m_endArrow != path) { prepareGeometryChange(); m_endArrow = path; m_dirty = true; } } bool Line::fillEndArrow() const { return m_fillEndArrow; } void Line::setFillEndArrow(bool fill) { if (m_fillEndArrow != fill) { m_fillEndArrow = fill; m_dirty = true; } } void Line::updateCache() { m_dirty = false; QPainterPath path; if (m_linePoints.isEmpty()) { // Nothing to process m_shape = path; return; } if (!m_startArrow.isEmpty()) { QLineF firstSegment(m_linePoints.at(0), m_linePoints.at(1)); QMatrix matrix; matrix.translate(firstSegment.p1().x(), firstSegment.p1().y()); matrix.rotate(360 - firstSegment.angle() + 90 + 180); m_transformedStartArrow = matrix.map(m_startArrow); } else { m_transformedStartArrow = QPainterPath(); } if (!m_endArrow.isEmpty()) { int size = m_linePoints.size(); QLineF lastSegment(m_linePoints.at(size-2), m_linePoints.at(size-1)); QMatrix matrix; matrix.translate(lastSegment.p2().x(), lastSegment.p2().y()); matrix.rotate(-lastSegment.angle() + 90); m_transformedEndArrow = matrix.map(m_endArrow); } else { m_transformedEndArrow = QPainterPath(); } // Add the main line path.moveTo(m_linePoints.at(0)); for (int i = 1; i < m_linePoints.size(); i++) path.lineTo(m_linePoints.at(i)); path.addPath(m_transformedStartArrow); path.addPath(m_transformedEndArrow); // Add an outline around the path QPainterPathStroker ps; ps.setWidth(4.33); ps.setJoinStyle(Qt::MiterJoin); m_shape = ps.createStroke(path); } QRectF Line::boundingRect() const { return shape().controlPointRect(); } QPainterPath Line::shape() const { if (m_dirty) const_cast(this)->updateCache(); return m_shape; } void Line::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) { if (m_dirty) updateCache(); QPen pen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0), 1.33)); pen.setJoinStyle(Qt::MiterJoin); pen.setStyle(m_lineStyle); if (!document()->isPrinting() && isSelected()) { pen.setColor(QColor(0, 96, 255)); } painter->setPen(pen); painter->drawPolyline(m_linePoints); pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine); painter->setPen(pen); if (m_fillStartArrow) { painter->setBrush(pen.color()); } painter->drawPath(m_transformedStartArrow); if (m_fillEndArrow) { if (!m_fillStartArrow) { painter->setBrush(pen.color()); } } else { if (m_fillStartArrow) { painter->setBrush(QBrush()); } } painter->drawPath(m_transformedEndArrow); }