# -*- perl -*-

: ${PERL=perl}
: ${srcdir=.}

$PERL -e 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
  echo 1>&2 "$0: configure didn't find a usable version of Perl," \
    "so can't run this test"
  exit 77

exec $PERL -w -I$d -MFetish -- - << \EOF
require 5.003;
use strict;

(my $program_name = $0) =~ s|.*/||;

# Turn off localisation of executable's ouput.
@ENV{qw(LANGUAGE LANG LC_ALL)} = ('C') x 3;

my $prog = $ENV{PROG} || die "$0: \$PROG not specified in environment\n";

my @Tests =
   ['onearg-1',	qw(10),		{OUT => [(1..10)]}],
   ['onearg-2',	qw(-1)],
   ['neg-1',	qw(-10 10 10),	{OUT => [qw(-10 0 10)]}],
   ['neg-2',	qw(-.1 .1 .1),	{OUT => [qw(-0.1 0 0.1)]}],
   ['neg-3',	qw(1 -1 0),	{OUT => [qw(1 0)]}],
   ['neg-4',	qw(1 -1 -1),	{OUT => [qw(1 0 -1)]}],

   ['eq-wid-1',	qw(-w 1 -1 -1),	{OUT => [qw(01 00 -1)]}],

   # Prior to 2.0g, this test would fail on e.g., HPUX systems
   # because it'd end up using %3.1f as the format instead of %4.1f.
   ['eq-wid-2',	qw(-w -.1 .1 .1),{OUT => [qw(-0.1 00.0 00.1)]}],

   # Prior to coreutils-4.5.11, some of these were not accepted.
   ['fmt-1',	qw(-f %2.1f 1.5 .5 2),{OUT => [qw(1.5 2.0)]}],
   ['fmt-2',	qw(-f %0.1f 1.5 .5 2),{OUT => [qw(1.5 2.0)]}],
   ['fmt-3',	qw(-f %.1f  1.5 .5 2),{OUT => [qw(1.5 2.0)]}],

   ['fmt-4',	qw(-f %3.0f 1 2),     {OUT => ['  1', '  2']}],
   ['fmt-5',	qw(-f %-3.0f 1 2),    {OUT => ['1  ', '2  ']}],
   ['fmt-6',	qw(-f %+3.0f 1 2),    {OUT => [' +1', ' +2']}],
   ['fmt-7',	qw(-f %0+3.0f 1 2),   {OUT => [qw(+01 +02)]}],
   ['fmt-8',	qw(-f %0+.0f 1 2),    {OUT => [qw(+1 +2)]}],
   ['fmt-9',	'-f "% -3.0f"', qw(-1 0), {OUT => ['-1 ', ' 0 ']}],
   ['fmt-a',	'-f "% -.0f"',qw(-1 0), {OUT => ['-1', ' 0']}],

# Append a newline to each entry in the OUT array.
my $t;
foreach $t (@Tests)
    my $e;
    foreach $e (@$t)
	$e->{OUT} = join ("\n", @{$e->{OUT}}) . "\n"
	  if ref $e eq 'HASH' and exists $e->{OUT};

my $save_temps = $ENV{SAVE_TEMPS};
my $verbose = $ENV{VERBOSE};

my $fail = run_tests ($program_name, $prog, \@Tests, $save_temps, $verbose);
exit $fail;