#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Generate an announcement message. use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Digest::MD5; use Digest::SHA1; (my $VERSION = '$Revision: 1.24 $ ') =~ tr/[0-9].//cd; (my $ME = $0) =~ s|.*/||; my %valid_release_types = map {$_ => 1} qw (alpha beta major); END { # Nobody ever checks the status of print()s. That's okay, because # if any do fail, we're guaranteed to get an indicator when we close() # the filehandle. # # Close stdout now, and if there were no errors, return happy status. # If stdout has already been closed by the script, though, do nothing. defined fileno STDOUT or return; close STDOUT and return; # Errors closing stdout. Indicate that, and hope stderr is OK. warn "$ME: closing standard output: $!\n"; # Don't be so arrogant as to assume that we're the first END handler # defined, and thus the last one invoked. There may be others yet # to come. $? will be passed on to them, and to the final _exit(). # # If it isn't already an error, make it one (and if it _is_ an error, # preserve the value: it might be important). $? ||= 1; } sub usage ($) { my ($exit_code) = @_; my $STREAM = ($exit_code == 0 ? *STDOUT : *STDERR); if ($exit_code != 0) { print $STREAM "Try `$ME --help' for more information.\n"; } else { my @types = sort keys %valid_release_types; print $STREAM <<EOF; Usage: $ME [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: Generate an announcement message. FIXME: describe the following --release-type=TYPE TYPE must be one of @types --package-name=PACKAGE_NAME --previous-version=VER --current-version=VER --gpg-key-id=ID The GnuPG ID of the key used to sign the tarballs --release-archive-directory=DIR --url-directory=URL_DIR --news=NEWS_FILE optional --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit EOF } exit $exit_code; } =item C<%size> = C<sizes (@file)> Compute the sizes of the C<@file> and return them as a hash. Return C<undef> if one of the computation failed. =cut sub sizes (@) { my (@file) = @_; my $fail = 0; my %res; foreach my $f (@file) { my $cmd = "du --human $f"; my $t = `$cmd`; # FIXME-someday: give a better diagnostic, a la $PROCESS_STATUS $@ and (warn "$ME: command failed: `$cmd'\n"), $fail = 1; chomp $t; $t =~ s/^([\d.]+[MkK]).*/${1}B/; $res{$f} = $t; } return $fail ? undef : %res; } =item C<print_locations ($title, \@url, \%size, @file) Print a section C<$title> dedicated to the list of <@file>, which sizes are stored in C<%size>, and which are available from the C<@url>. =cut sub print_locations ($\@\%@) { my ($title, $url, $size, @file) = @_; print "Here are the $title:\n"; foreach my $url (@{$url}) { for my $file (@file) { print " $url/$file"; print " (", $$size{$file}, ")" if exists $$size{$file}; print "\n"; } } print "\n"; } =item C<print_checksums (@file) Print the MD5 and SHA1 signature section for each C<@file>. =cut sub print_checksums (@) { my (@file) = @_; print "Here are the MD5 and SHA1 checksums:\n"; print "\n"; foreach my $meth (qw (md5 sha1)) { foreach my $f (@file) { open IN, '<', $f or die "$ME: $f: cannot open for reading: $!\n"; binmode IN; my $dig = ($meth eq 'md5' ? Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*IN)->hexdigest : Digest::SHA1->new->addfile(*IN)->hexdigest); close IN; print "$dig $f\n"; } } } =item C<print_news_deltas ($news_file, $prev_version, $curr_version) Print the section of the NEWS file C<$news_file> addressing changes between versions C<$prev_version> and C<$curr_version>. =cut sub print_news_deltas ($$$) { my ($news_file, $prev_version, $curr_version) = @_; print "\n$news_file\n\n"; # Print all lines from $news_file, starting with the first one # that mentions $curr_version up to but not including # the first occurrence of $prev_version. my $in_items; open NEWS, '<', $news_file or die "$ME: $news_file: cannot open for reading: $!\n"; while (defined (my $line = <NEWS>)) { if ( ! $in_items) { # Match lines like this one: # * Major changes in release 5.0.1: # but not any other line that starts with a space, *, or -. $line =~ /^(\* Major changes.*|[^ *-].*)\Q$curr_version\E/o or next; $in_items = 1; print $line; } else { # Be careful that this regexp cannot match version numbers # in NEWS items -- they might well say `introduced in 4.5.5', # and we don't want that to match. $line =~ /^(\* Major changes.*|[^ *-].*)\Q$prev_version\E/o and last; print $line; } } close NEWS; $in_items or die "$ME: $news_file: no matching lines for `$curr_version'\n"; } sub print_changelog_deltas ($$) { my ($package_name, $prev_version) = @_; # Print new ChangeLog entries. # First find all CVS-controlled ChangeLog files. use File::Find; my @changelog; find ({wanted => sub {$_ eq 'ChangeLog' && -d 'CVS' and push @changelog, $File::Find::name}}, '.'); # If there are no ChangeLog files, we're done. @changelog or return; my %changelog = map {$_ => 1} @changelog; # Reorder the list of files so that if there are ChangeLog # files in the specified directories, they're listed first, # in this order: my @dir = qw ( . src lib m4 config doc ); # A typical @changelog array might look like this: # ./ChangeLog # ./po/ChangeLog # ./m4/ChangeLog # ./lib/ChangeLog # ./doc/ChangeLog # ./config/ChangeLog my @reordered; foreach my $d (@dir) { my $dot_slash = $d eq '.' ? $d : "./$d"; my $target = "$dot_slash/ChangeLog"; delete $changelog{$target} and push @reordered, $target; } # Append any remaining ChangeLog files. push @reordered, sort keys %changelog; # Remove leading `./'. @reordered = map { s!^\./!!; $_ } @reordered; print "\nChangeLog entries:\n\n"; # print join ("\n", @reordered), "\n"; $prev_version =~ s/\./_/g; my $prev_cvs_tag = "\U$package_name\E-$prev_version"; my $cmd = "cvs -n diff -u -r$prev_cvs_tag -rHEAD @reordered"; open DIFF, '-|', $cmd or die "$ME: cannot run `$cmd': $!\n"; # Print two types of lines, making minor changes: # Lines starting with `+++ ', e.g., # +++ ChangeLog 22 Feb 2003 16:52:51 -0000 1.247 # and those starting with `+'. # Don't print the others. my $prev_printed_line_empty = 1; while (defined (my $line = <DIFF>)) { if ($line =~ /^\+\+\+ /) { my $separator = "*"x70 ."\n"; $line =~ s///; $line =~ s/\s.*//; $prev_printed_line_empty or print "\n"; print $separator, $line, $separator; } elsif ($line =~ /^\+/) { $line =~ s///; print $line; $prev_printed_line_empty = ($line =~ /^$/); } } close DIFF; # The exit code should be 1. # Allow in case there are no modified ChangeLog entries. $? == 256 || $? == 128 or warn "$ME: warning: `cmd' had unexpected exit code or signal ($?)\n"; } { # Neutralize the locale, so that, for instance, "du" does not # issue "1,2" instead of "1.2", what confuses our regexps. $ENV{LC_ALL} = "C"; my $release_type; my $package_name; my $prev_version; my $curr_version; my $release_archive_dir; my $gpg_key_id; my @url_dir_list; my @news_file; GetOptions ( 'release-type=s' => \$release_type, 'package-name=s' => \$package_name, 'previous-version=s' => \$prev_version, 'current-version=s' => \$curr_version, 'gpg-key-id=s' => \$gpg_key_id, 'release-archive-directory=s' => \$release_archive_dir, 'url-directory=s' => \@url_dir_list, 'news=s' => \@news_file, help => sub { usage 0 }, version => sub { print "$ME version $VERSION\n"; exit }, ) or usage 1; my $fail = 0; # Ensure that sure each required option is specified. $release_type or (warn "$ME: release type not specified\n"), $fail = 1; $package_name or (warn "$ME: package name not specified\n"), $fail = 1; $prev_version or (warn "$ME: previous version string not specified\n"), $fail = 1; $curr_version or (warn "$ME: current version string not specified\n"), $fail = 1; $release_archive_dir or (warn "$ME: release directory name not specified\n"), $fail = 1; @url_dir_list or (warn "$ME: URL directory name(s) not specified\n"), $fail = 1; exists $valid_release_types{$release_type} or (warn "$ME: `$release_type': invalid release type\n"), $fail = 1; @ARGV and (warn "$ME: too many arguments\n"), $fail = 1; $fail and usage 1; my $my_distdir = "$package_name-$curr_version"; my $tgz = "$my_distdir.tar.gz"; my $tbz = "$my_distdir.tar.bz2"; my $xd = "$package_name-$prev_version-$curr_version.xdelta"; my %size = sizes ($tgz, $tbz, $xd); %size or exit 1; # The markup is escaped as <\# so that when this script is sent by # mail (or part of a diff), Gnus is not triggered. print <<EOF; Subject: $my_distdir released <\#secure method=pgpmime mode=sign> FIXME: put comments here EOF print_locations ("compressed sources", @url_dir_list, %size, $tgz, $tbz); print_locations ("xdelta-style diffs", @url_dir_list, %size, $xd); print_locations ("GPG detached signatures[*]", @url_dir_list, %size, "$tgz.sig", "$tbz.sig"); print_checksums ($tgz, $tbz, $xd); print <<EOF; [*] You can use either of the above signature files to verify that the corresponding file (without the .sig suffix) is intact. First, be sure to download both the .sig file and the corresponding tarball. Then, run a command like this: gpg --verify $tgz.sig If that command fails because you don't have the required public key, then run this command to import it: gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys $gpg_key_id and rerun the \`gpg --verify' command. EOF print_news_deltas ($_, $prev_version, $curr_version) foreach @news_file; $release_type eq 'major' or print_changelog_deltas ($package_name, $prev_version); exit 0; } ### Setup "GNU" style for perl-mode and cperl-mode. ## Local Variables: ## perl-indent-level: 2 ## perl-continued-statement-offset: 2 ## perl-continued-brace-offset: 0 ## perl-brace-offset: 0 ## perl-brace-imaginary-offset: 0 ## perl-label-offset: -2 ## cperl-indent-level: 2 ## cperl-brace-offset: 0 ## cperl-continued-brace-offset: 0 ## cperl-label-offset: -2 ## cperl-extra-newline-before-brace: t ## cperl-merge-trailing-else: nil ## cperl-continued-statement-offset: 2 ## End: