#  System-dependent definitions suitable for compiling xcrysden using
#  a system shared libraries (needs Tcl/Tk/GL/GLU/FFTW libraries)

# if you have a GNU make it is better to set the MAKE variable to point
# to gnu make
MAKE = make

# compilers & flags
CFLAGS = -ffast-math -funroll-loops -fPIC -DUSE_FONTS -pedantic -Wall -DUSE_INTERP_RESULT
CC     = gcc -g
#LDLIB  = -ldl
MATH   = -lm -lc

FC     = gfortran -std=legacy -fdefault-double-8 -fdefault-real-8 -O2

#debug options
#CFLAGS = -g

# X-libraries & include files
X_LIB     = -lXmu -lX11 

# Libraries

TCL_LIB      = -ltcl
TK_LIB       = -ltk
GLU_LIB      = -lGLU
GL_LIB       = -lGL
FFTW3_LIB    = -lfftw3
EXT_LIB      = -lgl2ps
# this is only used for some testing purposes
#MESCHACH_LIB = -lmeschach

# Include directories

TCL_INCDIR      = -I/usr/include
TK_INCDIR       =
GL_INCDIR       =
# this is only used for some testing purposes
