#!/bin/bash if [ "x$1" = 'x-n' ]; then update=false shift else update=true fi if [ "x$1" = "x-f" ]; then force=true shift else force=false fi if [ $# -ne 1 ] then >&2 echo "Verwendung: neuesPerlPaket [-f|-n] cpan-Name" exit 1 fi cpanName="$(echo "$1" | sed 's|::|-|g')" url="https://metacpan.org/dist/${cpanName}" pkgname="perl-${cpanName,,}" me="$(readlink -f "$0")" cd "$(dirname "${me}")" if [[ "$1" == "perl-"* ]] then >&2 echo "${1} beginnt mit 'perl-', sollte es aber nicht" exit 1 fi if [ -e "${pkgname}" ] then >&2 echo "${cpanName} gibt es von ewe schon (${pkgname})" exit 1 fi if ! ${force} && \ ls /var/lib/pacman/sync/*.db | \ grep -v "/\(archlinuxewe\|quarry\)\.db\$" | \ xargs -rn1 tar -Oxz --wildcards "*/desc" -f | \ sed ' :begin; $!N; s@^\(%[^%]*%.*\)\n\(.\+\)$@\1 \2@; tbegin; P; D ' | \ grep -q "^%\(NAME% ${pkgname}\|PROVIDES%.* ${pkgname}\([= ].*\)\?\)\$" then >&2 echo "${cpanName} gibt es schon offiziell" exit 1 fi . perlFunktionen seitenInhalt=$( for socksHost in ''; do [ -z "${socksHost}" ] && curl -Ss "${url}" && break [ -n "${socksHost}" ] && curl -x "socks5h://${socksHost}" -Ss "${url}" && break done ) pkgver="$( echo "${seitenInhalt}" | \ grep "${cpanName}-" | \ sed "s|^.*<title>${cpanName}-v\?\([0-9.-]\+\)\s.*|\1|" )" pkgdesc="$( echo "${seitenInhalt}" | \ grep "<title>${cpanName}-" | \ sed "s|^.*<title>${cpanName}-v\?[0-9.-]\+\s\+-\s\+\(\S.*\S\)\s\+-\s\+metacpan\.org.*|\1|" | \ sed "s|'|'\"'\"'|g" )" dlUrl="$( echo "${seitenInhalt}" | \ grep "href=\"https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/[^/]/[^/]\{2\}/[^/]\+\(/modules\)\?/${cpanName}-v\?[0-9.]\+\.tar\.gz\">" | \ sed "s|^.*href=\"\(https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/[^/]/[^/]\{2\}/[^/]\+\(/modules\)\?/${cpanName}-v\?[0-9.]\+\.tar\.gz\)\">.*\$|\1|" | \ tail -n1 )" dlUrlForPKGBUILD="$( echo "${dlUrl}" | \ sed "s|/${cpanName}-v\?[0-9.]\+\.tar\.gz|/\${_distdir}.tar.gz|" )" mkdir "${pkgname}" cd "${pkgname}" for socksHost in; do curl -x "socks5h://${socksHost}" -Ss -o "${dlUrl##*/}" "${dlUrl}" && break done if echo "${dlUrl}" | \ grep -q "/${cpanName}-v[0-9.]\+\.tar\.gz\$"; then _distdir="${cpanName}-v${pkgver}" else _distdir="${cpanName}-${pkgver}" fi sha512sum="$( sha512sum "${_distdir}.tar.gz" | \ cut -d " " -f 1 )" echo "META.yml lesen ..." versteheMetaYml ( echo '# Maintainer: Erich Eckner ' echo '# Generator : neuesPerlPaket ('"$(sha512sum "${me}" | cut -d " " -f 1)"')' echo '' echo "pkgname='${pkgname}'" echo "pkgver='${pkgver}'" echo "pkgrel='1'" echo "pkgdesc='${pkgdesc}'" echo "arch=('x86_64' 'i686')" echo "license=('PerlArtistic' 'GPL')" echo "options=('!emptydirs')" for wasAusgeben in "${!metaRegexe[@]}" do if [ -n "${metaInfos["${wasAusgeben}"]}" ] then echo "${wasAusgeben}=(" printf " '%s'\n" ${metaInfos["${wasAusgeben}"]} echo ')' fi done echo "url='${url}'" if echo "${dlUrl}" | \ grep -q "/${cpanName}-v[0-9.]\+\.tar\.gz\$"; then echo "_distdir=\"${cpanName}-v\${pkgver}\"" else echo "_distdir=\"${cpanName}-\${pkgver}\"" fi echo "source=(\"${dlUrlForPKGBUILD}\")" echo "sha512sums=('${sha512sum}')" echo '' echo 'build() {' echo ' cd "${srcdir}/${_distdir}"' echo '' echo " # Setting these env variables overwrites any command-line-options we don't want..." echo ' export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 PERL_AUTOINSTALL=--skipdeps \' echo " PERL_MM_OPT=\"INSTALLDIRS=vendor DESTDIR='\${pkgdir}'\" \\" echo " PERL_MB_OPT=\"--installdirs vendor --destdir '\${pkgdir}'\" \\" echo ' MODULEBUILDRC=/dev/null' echo '' echo ' # If using Makefile.PL' echo ' if [ -r Makefile.PL ]; then' echo ' perl Makefile.PL' echo ' make' echo ' # If using Build.PL' echo ' elif [ -r Build.PL ]; then' echo ' perl Build.PL' echo ' perl Build' echo ' fi' echo '}' echo '' echo 'check() {' echo ' cd "${srcdir}/${_distdir}"' echo '' echo ' # If using Makefile.PL' echo ' if [ -r Makefile.PL ]; then' echo ' make test' echo ' # If using Build.PL' echo ' elif [ -r Build.PL ]; then' echo ' perl Build test' echo ' fi' echo '}' echo '' echo 'package() {' echo ' cd "${srcdir}/${_distdir}"' echo '' echo ' # If using Makefile.PL' echo ' if [ -r Makefile.PL ]; then' echo ' make install' echo ' # If using Build.PL' echo ' elif [ -r Build.PL ]; then' echo ' perl Build install' echo ' fi' echo '' echo ' # remove perllocal.pod and .packlist' echo ' find "${pkgdir}" -name .packlist -o -name perllocal.pod -delete' echo '}' ) > PKGBUILD needs_build=true while ${needs_build}; do while ${needs_build}; do makepkg -fcrs --noconfirm --asdeps || break needs_build=false namcap ${pkgname}-*.pkg.tar.zst | \ tee namcap.log if grep -q ' W: No ELF files and not an "any" package$' namcap.log; then rm ${pkgname}-*.pkg.tar.zst needs_build=true sed -i "s/^arch=.*\$/arch=('any')/" PKGBUILD fi done echo '' if ${needs_build}; then echo 'irgendwas lief schief - kriegst du das wieder hin?' else echo 'sieht soweit erst mal gut aus, oder?' fi echo '"": weiter' echo 'e: nano PKGBUILD' echo 'n *: neuesPerlPaket $@' echo 'q: beenden' read antwort case "${antwort}" in '') ;; 'e') nano PKGBUILD needs_build=true ;; 'n '*) for aw in ${antwort#* }; do "${me}" -n "${aw}" done if [ "$(git -C "$(dirname "${me}")" symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null)" = 'refs/heads/master' ]; then "$(dirname "${me}")/archPackagesUpdate" $(printf ' --only perl-%s' ${antwort#* } | sed 's|::|-|g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') sudo pacman -Sy fi needs_build=true ;; *) echo 'ok, dann nicht ...' exit 1 ;; esac done pacman -Qlp ${pkgname}-*.pkg.tar.zst echo '' echo 'auch hier alles in Ordnung, oder?' read antwort if [ -n "${antwort}" ] then echo 'ok, dann nicht ...' exit 1 fi git add PKGBUILD git commit -m "${pkgname} neu" if ${update} && [ "$(git -C "$(dirname "${me}")" symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null)" = 'refs/heads/master' ]; then "$(dirname "${me}")/archPackagesUpdate" --only "${pkgname}" sudo pacman -Sy fi