diff options
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 900 deletions
diff --git a/pgplot-for-ifeffit/PGPLOT_install b/pgplot-for-ifeffit/PGPLOT_install
deleted file mode 100755
index fe31a8c43..000000000
--- a/pgplot-for-ifeffit/PGPLOT_install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-# This file will attempt to download the PGPLOT library
-# and then build it for a linux system.
-# syntax: PGPLOT_install --system=system_os --prefix=PREFIX
-# where system_os is linux, irix, sun4, etc
-# This may need customization for some systems
-# verified on: linux
-# set pgplot file locales
-# default is to build without gif and with png support
-fflagc='-Wall -O -fPIC'
-cflagd='-Wall -O -fPIC'
-# get command line options
-for opt
- option=''
- case "$opt" in
- -*=*)
- optarg=`echo "$opt" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'`
- option=`echo "$opt" | sed 's/=.*//' | sed 's/-*//'`
- ;;
- *)
- option=`echo "$opt" | sed 's/^-*//'`
- optarg=
- ;;
- esac
- case "$option" in
- prefix) prefix=$optarg ;;
- system) system=$optarg ;;
- with-64bit) use_64=1 ;;
- no-clean) do_clean=0 ;;
- no-log) do_log=0 ;;
- with-fortran) fcompl=$optarg ;;
- with-fflagc) fflagc=$optarg ;;
- with-png) with_png=1 ;;
- with-gif) with_gif=1 ;;
- no-png) with_png=0 ;;
- no-gif) with_gif=0 ;;
- -help | --help | help) cat<<EOF
-Usage: PGPLOT_install [options]
- --prefix=PREFIX base directory for installation [$prefix]
- --system=SYSTEM operating system type for PGPLOT drivers [$system]
- typical values would be linux irix sun4
- --with-png / --no-png add/remove PNG driver
- --with-gif / --no-gif add/remove GIF driver
- --with-64bit use for 64bit linux machines (links to X libs in /usr/X11R6/lib64)
- --with-fortran explicitly set fortran compiler executable
- --with-fflagc explicitly set fortran compilation flags
- --no-log do NOT generate PGPLOT_install.log
- --no-clean do not remove any files created during build
- exit 0
- ;;
- *)
- echo " unknown option " $opt
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
-echo " = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = "
-echo " = PGPLOT installation script"
-echo " ="
-# place to put pgplot and the final libraries
-if test $system = linux ; then
- pgp_sys="linux g77_gcc"
-if test $system = sol2 ; then
- pgp_sys="sol2 f90_cc"
-echo " system = " $system " == " $pgp_sys
-echo " prefix = " $prefix
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "#!/bin/sh " > $logfile
- echo "# PGPLOT install log " >> $logfile
- echo "# system = " $system " == " $pgp_sys >> $logfile
- echo "# prefix = " $prefix >> $logfile
-## try wget, ncftp, and then ftp to get file
-echo " = Looking for PGPLOT file: $pgp_file"
-if [ -f $pgp_file ] ; then
- x=1
- echo " = PGPLOT file not found "
- echo " = I'll try to download it for you..."
- if [ -f $wget ] ; then
- echo " trying with wget"
- tmp="ftp://$pgp_ftpsite/$pgp_ftpdir$pgp_file"
- echo "getting $tmp"
- wget --tries=2 $tmp
- fi
-if [ -f $pgp_file ]; then
- x=1
- if [ -f $ncftp ] ; then
- echo " trying with ncftp"
- $ncftp $pgp_ftpsite<<EOF
- set confirm-exit no
- set confirm-close no
- cd $pgp_ftpdir
- get $pgp_file
- exit
- fi
-if [ -f $pgp_file ]; then
- x=1
- if [ -f $ftp ] ; then
- echo " trying with regular old ftp "
- echo " you may have to hit return here for this to work -- "
- echo " Really, you won't need to enter 'anonymous' or a valid"
- echo " username --- just hit return"
- $ftp $pgp_ftpsite<<EOF
-cd $pgp_ftpdir
-get $pgp_file
- fi
-## if we still don't have the file, croak
-if [ -f $pgp_file ]; then
- echo " = I see the PGPLOT tar file. Good."
- echo " = Sorry, I couldn't download the PGPLOT tar file."
- echo " = You'll have to download it yourself. Try this: "
- echo " = ftp $pgp_ftpsite"
- echo " = cd $pgp_ftpdir"
- echo " = get $pgp_file"
- echo " = then run this script again"
- if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# pgplot tar file not found! " >> $logfile
- fi
- exit 1
-echo " = Preparing PGPLOT Installation: "
-echo " = Looking for X libraries "
-if [ -d /usr/X11 ] ; then
- echo " = X libraries found at /usr/X11 "
- x11_loc='/usr/X11'
- if [ -d /usr/X11R6 ] ; then
- echo " = X libraries found at /usr/X11R6 "
- x11_loc='/usr/X11R6'
- else
- echo " = X libraries not found: could be serious! = "
- fi
-echo " = Looking for fortran compiler "
-if test x$fcompl = 'x' ; then
- f77 -v > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? = 0 ] ; then fcompl='g77' ; fi
- g95 -v > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? = 0 ] ; then fcompl='g95' ; fi
- g77 -v > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? = 0 ] ; then fcompl='g77' ; fi
- gfortran -v > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? = 0 ] ; then fcompl='gfortran'; fi
-echo " fortran compiler = " $fcompl
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# fortran compiler = " $fcompl >> $logfile
-if test x$fcompl = 'x' ; then
- echo ' No fortran compiler found -- cannot install PGPLOT!'
- exit 1
-## unpack kit
-echo " = Unpacking PGPLOT: "
-gzip -dc $pgp_file | tar xf -
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "gzip -dc $pgp_file | tar xf -" >> $logfile
-cd pgplot
-patch -p0 -i ../pndriv.c.patch
-cd ..
-# copy Fortran90 gidriv.f for modern fortrans -- yick!
-if [ x$fcompl != 'xg77' ] ; then
- echo 'copying fortran90 gif driver to PGPLOT'
- # cp -fp pgplot_extras/gidriv.f pgplot/drivers/gidriv.f
- # fflagc='-ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-none -u -fPIC -O -fcray-pointer'
-echo " = Creating $pgp_dir and drivers.list "
-mkdir -p $pgp_dir
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "mkdir -p $pgp_dir" >> $logfile
-## create drivers.list
-echo '! PGPLOT drivers created by PGPLOT_install for ifeffit: ' > $pgp_dir/drivers.list
-if test $with_gif = 1 ; then
- echo ' GIDRIV 1 /GIF '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
- echo ' GIDRIV 2 /VGIF '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-if test $with_png = 1 ; then
- echo ' PNDRIV 1 /PNG '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
- echo ' PNDRIV 2 /TPNG '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' NUDRIV 0 /NULL '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' PSDRIV 1 /PS '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' PSDRIV 2 /VPS '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' PSDRIV 3 /CPS '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' PSDRIV 4 /VCPS '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' XWDRIV 1 /XWINDOW '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' XWDRIV 2 /XSERVE '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# driver.list written to " $pgp_dir/drivers.list >> $logfile
- echo "# starting build" >> $logfile
- echo " " >> $logfile
-echo " = Running the PGPGLOT makemake script "
-cd $pgp_dir/
-rm -f grfont.dat pgplot.doc pgxwin_server lib*pgplot* pgdemo* *.o
-$dir/pgplot/makemake $dir/pgplot $pgp_sys
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "cd $pgp_dir/" >> $logfile
- echo 'rm -f grfont.dat pgplot.doc pgxwin_server lib*pgplot* pgdemo* '>> $logfile
- echo $dir/pgplot/makemake $dir/pgplot $pgp_sys >> $logfile
-# hack grgfil to use $pgp_dir as default location
-sed 's|/usr/local/pgplot/|'$pgp_dir'|g' $dir/pgplot/src/grgfil.f > $dir/pgplot/src/grgfil_iff.f
-mv makefile Tmp
-sed 's|grgfil|grgfil_iff|g' Tmp > makefile
-sed 's|libpgplot|libpgplot_iff|g' makefile > Tmp
-sed 's|-lpgplot|-lpgplot_iff|g' Tmp > makefile
-echo 'customized grgfil.f for ifeffit'
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# customizing grgil.f for ifeffit " >> $logfile
- echo "sed 's|/usr/local/pgplot/|$pgp_dir|g' $dir/pgplot/src/grgfil.f > $dir/pgplot/src/grgfil_iff.f" >> $logfile
- echo "mv makefile Tmp" >> $logfile
- echo "sed 's|grgfil|grgfil_iff|g' Tmp > makefile" >> $logfile
- echo "sed 's|libpgplot|libpgplot_iff|g' makefile > Tmp" >> $logfile
- echo "sed 's|-lpgplot|-lpgplot_iff|g' Tmp > makefile" >> $logfile
-# hack xwdriv.c to use $pgp_dir a
-sed 's|getenv("PGPLOT_DIR")|'\"$pgp_dir\"'|g' $dir/pgplot/drivers/xwdriv.c > $dir/pgplot/drivers/xwdriv_iff.c
-mv makefile Tmp
-sed 's|xwdriv|xwdriv_iff|g' Tmp > makefile
-echo 'customized xwdriv.c for ifeffit'
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# customizing xwdriv.c for ifeffit " >> $logfile
- echo " sed 's|getenv(\"PGPLOT_DIR\")|'\"$pgp_dir\"'|g' $dir/pgplot/drivers/xwdriv.c > $dir/pgplot/drivers/xwdriv_iff.c" >> $logfile
- echo "mv makefile Tmp" >> $logfile
- echo "sed 's|xwdriv|xwdriv_iff|g' Tmp > makefile" >> $logfile
-# for 64-bit systems
-if test $use_64 = 1; then
- sed 's|/usr/X11R6/lib|/usr/X11R6/lib64|g' makefile > Tmp
- sed 's|/usr/X11/lib|/usr/X11/lib64|g' Tmp > makefile
- if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# 64-bit " >> $logfile
- echo " sed 's|/usr/X11R6/lib|/usr/X11R6/lib64|g' makefile > Tmp " >> $logfile
- echo " sed 's|/usr/X11/lib|/usr/X11/lib64|g' Tmp > makefile " >> $logfile
- fi
-if test $with_png = 1 ; then
- mv makefile Tmp
- sed 's|pndriv.o : ./png.h|#### pndriv.o : ./png.h|g' Tmp > makefile
- if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# fix png driver" >> $logfile
- echo "mv makefile Tmp " >> $logfile
- echo "sed 's|pndriv.o : ./png.h|#### pndriv.o : ./png.h|g' Tmp > makefile " >> $logfile
- fi
-sed "s|^FCOMPL=.*|FCOMPL=$fcompl|g" makefile | sed "s|^FFLAGC=.*|FFLAGC=$fflagc|g" | sed "s|^CFLAGD=.*|CFLAGD=$cflagd|g" > Tmp
-mv Tmp makefile
-echo " = Running make for PGPLOT "
-make libpgplot_iff.a grfont.dat prog pgxwin_server cpg
- if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "make libpgplot_iff.a grfont.dat prog pgxwin_server cpg " >> $logfile
- fi
-if test $do_clean = 1 ; then
- echo " = Cleaning up and preparing for test"
- make clean
- if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "make clean " >> $logfile
- fi
-cd $dir
-ls $pgp_dir/ > Tmp_file.lis
-echo " = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = "
-if ((grep "pgxwin_server" Tmp_file.lis >/dev/null) &&
- (grep "rgb.txt" Tmp_file.lis >/dev/null) &&
- (grep "libpgplot_iff.a" Tmp_file.lis >/dev/null) &&
- (grep "pgdemo1" Tmp_file.lis >/dev/null) &&
- (grep "grfont.dat" Tmp_file.lis >/dev/null)) ; then
- if test $do_clean = 1 ; then
- rm -rf pgplot/
- fi
- echo " = PGPLOT appears to be correctly installed!"
- echo " ="
- echo " = Please read README.PGPLOT for more on setting up "
- echo " = PGPLOT for your system and try running the demo"
- echo " = programs in $pgp_dir "
- echo " = Uh-oh. PGPLOT is missing some important files!"
- echo " = It looks like PGPLOT failed during building or"
- echo " = is only partially installed."
- echo " = "
- echo " = Please consult the PGPLOT installation instructions"
- echo " = in the subdirectory pgplot/, and the log file:"
- echo " = $logfile"
- echo " = which contains a full list of commands run."
- echo " ="
- echo " = You may want to repeat these steps by hand or "
- echo " = consult the PGPLOT installations instructions "
- echo " = in install-unix.txt"
-if test $do_clean = 1 ; then
- rm -f Tmp_file.lis
-echo " = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = "
-echo " "
-# done
diff --git a/pgplot-for-ifeffit/PGPLOT_install.original b/pgplot-for-ifeffit/PGPLOT_install.original
deleted file mode 100755
index f417ed918..000000000
--- a/pgplot-for-ifeffit/PGPLOT_install.original
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-# This file will attempt to download the PGPLOT library
-# and then build it for a linux system.
-# syntax: PGPLOT_install --system=system_os --prefix=PREFIX
-# where system_os is linux, irix, sun4, etc
-# This may need customization for some systems
-# verified on: linux
-# set pgplot file locales
-# default is to build without gif and with png support
-fflagc='-Wall -O -fPIC'
-cflagd='-Wall -O -fPIC'
-# get command line options
-for opt
- option=''
- case "$opt" in
- -*=*)
- optarg=`echo "$opt" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'`
- option=`echo "$opt" | sed 's/=.*//' | sed 's/-*//'`
- ;;
- *)
- option=`echo "$opt" | sed 's/^-*//'`
- optarg=
- ;;
- esac
- case "$option" in
- prefix) prefix=$optarg ;;
- system) system=$optarg ;;
- with-64bit) use_64=1 ;;
- no-clean) do_clean=0 ;;
- no-log) do_log=0 ;;
- with-fortran) fcompl=$optarg ;;
- with-fflagc) fflagc=$optarg ;;
- with-png) with_png=1 ;;
- with-gif) with_gif=1 ;;
- no-png) with_png=0 ;;
- no-gif) with_gif=0 ;;
- -help | --help | help) cat<<EOF
-Usage: PGPLOT_install [options]
- --prefix=PREFIX base directory for installation [$prefix]
- --system=SYSTEM operating system type for PGPLOT drivers [$system]
- typical values would be linux irix sun4
- --with-png / --no-png add/remove PNG driver
- --with-gif / --no-gif add/remove GIF driver
- --with-64bit use for 64bit linux machines (links to X libs in /usr/X11R6/lib64)
- --with-fortran explicitly set fortran compiler executable
- --with-fflagc explicitly set fortran compilation flags
- --no-log do NOT generate PGPLOT_install.log
- --no-clean do not remove any files created during build
- exit 0
- ;;
- *)
- echo " unknown option " $opt
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
-echo " = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = "
-echo " = PGPLOT installation script"
-echo " ="
-# place to put pgplot and the final libraries
-if test $system = linux ; then
- pgp_sys="linux g77_gcc"
-if test $system = sol2 ; then
- pgp_sys="sol2 f90_cc"
-echo " system = " $system " == " $pgp_sys
-echo " prefix = " $prefix
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "#!/bin/sh " > $logfile
- echo "# PGPLOT install log " >> $logfile
- echo "# system = " $system " == " $pgp_sys >> $logfile
- echo "# prefix = " $prefix >> $logfile
-## try wget, ncftp, and then ftp to get file
-echo " = Looking for PGPLOT file: $pgp_file"
-if [ -f $pgp_file ] ; then
- x=1
- echo " = PGPLOT file not found "
- echo " = I'll try to download it for you..."
- if [ -f $wget ] ; then
- echo " trying with wget"
- tmp="ftp://$pgp_ftpsite/$pgp_ftpdir$pgp_file"
- echo "getting $tmp"
- wget --tries=2 $tmp
- fi
-if [ -f $pgp_file ]; then
- x=1
- if [ -f $ncftp ] ; then
- echo " trying with ncftp"
- $ncftp $pgp_ftpsite<<EOF
- set confirm-exit no
- set confirm-close no
- cd $pgp_ftpdir
- get $pgp_file
- exit
- fi
-if [ -f $pgp_file ]; then
- x=1
- if [ -f $ftp ] ; then
- echo " trying with regular old ftp "
- echo " you may have to hit return here for this to work -- "
- echo " Really, you won't need to enter 'anonymous' or a valid"
- echo " username --- just hit return"
- $ftp $pgp_ftpsite<<EOF
-cd $pgp_ftpdir
-get $pgp_file
- fi
-## if we still don't have the file, croak
-if [ -f $pgp_file ]; then
- echo " = I see the PGPLOT tar file. Good."
- echo " = Sorry, I couldn't download the PGPLOT tar file."
- echo " = You'll have to download it yourself. Try this: "
- echo " = ftp $pgp_ftpsite"
- echo " = cd $pgp_ftpdir"
- echo " = get $pgp_file"
- echo " = then run this script again"
- if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# pgplot tar file not found! " >> $logfile
- fi
- exit 1
-echo " = Preparing PGPLOT Installation: "
-echo " = Looking for X libraries "
-if [ -d /usr/X11 ] ; then
- echo " = X libraries found at /usr/X11 "
- x11_loc='/usr/X11'
- if [ -d /usr/X11R6 ] ; then
- echo " = X libraries found at /usr/X11R6 "
- x11_loc='/usr/X11R6'
- else
- echo " = X libraries not found: could be serious! = "
- fi
-echo " = Looking for fortran compiler "
-if test x$fcompl = 'x' ; then
- f77 -v > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? = 0 ] ; then fcompl='g77' ; fi
- g95 -v > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? = 0 ] ; then fcompl='g95' ; fi
- g77 -v > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? = 0 ] ; then fcompl='g77' ; fi
- gfortran -v > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? = 0 ] ; then fcompl='gfortran'; fi
-echo " fortran compiler = " $fcompl
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# fortran compiler = " $fcompl >> $logfile
-if test x$fcompl = 'x' ; then
- echo ' No fortran compiler found -- cannot install PGPLOT!'
- exit 1
-## unpack kit
-echo " = Unpacking PGPLOT: "
-gzip -dc $pgp_file | tar xf -
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "gzip -dc $pgp_file | tar xf -" >> $logfile
-# copy Fortran90 gidriv.f for modern fortrans -- yick!
-if [ x$fcompl != 'xg77' ] ; then
- echo 'copying fortran90 gif driver to PGPLOT'
- # cp -fp pgplot_extras/gidriv.f pgplot/drivers/gidriv.f
- # fflagc='-ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-none -u -fPIC -O -fcray-pointer'
-echo " = Creating $pgp_dir and drivers.list "
-mkdir -p $pgp_dir
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "mkdir -p $pgp_dir" >> $logfile
-## create drivers.list
-echo '! PGPLOT drivers created by PGPLOT_install for ifeffit: ' > $pgp_dir/drivers.list
-if test $with_gif = 1 ; then
- echo ' GIDRIV 1 /GIF '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
- echo ' GIDRIV 2 /VGIF '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-if test $with_png = 1 ; then
- echo ' PNDRIV 1 /PNG '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
- echo ' PNDRIV 2 /TPNG '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' NUDRIV 0 /NULL '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' PSDRIV 1 /PS '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' PSDRIV 2 /VPS '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' PSDRIV 3 /CPS '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' PSDRIV 4 /VCPS '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' XWDRIV 1 /XWINDOW '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-echo ' XWDRIV 2 /XSERVE '>>$pgp_dir/drivers.list
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# driver.list written to " $pgp_dir/drivers.list >> $logfile
- echo "# starting build" >> $logfile
- echo " " >> $logfile
-echo " = Running the PGPGLOT makemake script "
-cd $pgp_dir/
-rm -f grfont.dat pgplot.doc pgxwin_server lib*pgplot* pgdemo* *.o
-$dir/pgplot/makemake $dir/pgplot $pgp_sys
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "cd $pgp_dir/" >> $logfile
- echo 'rm -f grfont.dat pgplot.doc pgxwin_server lib*pgplot* pgdemo* '>> $logfile
- echo $dir/pgplot/makemake $dir/pgplot $pgp_sys >> $logfile
-# hack grgfil to use $pgp_dir as default location
-sed 's|/usr/local/pgplot/|'$pgp_dir'|g' $dir/pgplot/src/grgfil.f > $dir/pgplot/src/grgfil_iff.f
-mv makefile Tmp
-sed 's|grgfil|grgfil_iff|g' Tmp > makefile
-sed 's|libpgplot|libpgplot_iff|g' makefile > Tmp
-sed 's|-lpgplot|-lpgplot_iff|g' Tmp > makefile
-echo 'customized grgfil.f for ifeffit'
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# customizing grgil.f for ifeffit " >> $logfile
- echo "sed 's|/usr/local/pgplot/|$pgp_dir|g' $dir/pgplot/src/grgfil.f > $dir/pgplot/src/grgfil_iff.f" >> $logfile
- echo "mv makefile Tmp" >> $logfile
- echo "sed 's|grgfil|grgfil_iff|g' Tmp > makefile" >> $logfile
- echo "sed 's|libpgplot|libpgplot_iff|g' makefile > Tmp" >> $logfile
- echo "sed 's|-lpgplot|-lpgplot_iff|g' Tmp > makefile" >> $logfile
-# hack xwdriv.c to use $pgp_dir a
-sed 's|getenv("PGPLOT_DIR")|'\"$pgp_dir\"'|g' $dir/pgplot/drivers/xwdriv.c > $dir/pgplot/drivers/xwdriv_iff.c
-mv makefile Tmp
-sed 's|xwdriv|xwdriv_iff|g' Tmp > makefile
-echo 'customized xwdriv.c for ifeffit'
-if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# customizing xwdriv.c for ifeffit " >> $logfile
- echo " sed 's|getenv(\"PGPLOT_DIR\")|'\"$pgp_dir\"'|g' $dir/pgplot/drivers/xwdriv.c > $dir/pgplot/drivers/xwdriv_iff.c" >> $logfile
- echo "mv makefile Tmp" >> $logfile
- echo "sed 's|xwdriv|xwdriv_iff|g' Tmp > makefile" >> $logfile
-# for 64-bit systems
-if test $use_64 = 1; then
- sed 's|/usr/X11R6/lib|/usr/X11R6/lib64|g' makefile > Tmp
- sed 's|/usr/X11/lib|/usr/X11/lib64|g' Tmp > makefile
- if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# 64-bit " >> $logfile
- echo " sed 's|/usr/X11R6/lib|/usr/X11R6/lib64|g' makefile > Tmp " >> $logfile
- echo " sed 's|/usr/X11/lib|/usr/X11/lib64|g' Tmp > makefile " >> $logfile
- fi
-if test $with_png = 1 ; then
- mv makefile Tmp
- sed 's|pndriv.o : ./png.h|#### pndriv.o : ./png.h|g' Tmp > makefile
- if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "# fix png driver" >> $logfile
- echo "mv makefile Tmp " >> $logfile
- echo "sed 's|pndriv.o : ./png.h|#### pndriv.o : ./png.h|g' Tmp > makefile " >> $logfile
- fi
-sed "s|^FCOMPL=.*|FCOMPL=$fcompl|g" makefile | sed "s|^FFLAGC=.*|FFLAGC=$fflagc|g" | sed "s|^CFLAGD=.*|CFLAGD=$cflagd|g" > Tmp
-mv Tmp makefile
-echo " = Running make for PGPLOT "
-make libpgplot_iff.a grfont.dat prog pgxwin_server cpg
- if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "make libpgplot_iff.a grfont.dat prog pgxwin_server cpg " >> $logfile
- fi
-if test $do_clean = 1 ; then
- echo " = Cleaning up and preparing for test"
- make clean
- if test $do_log = 1 ; then
- echo "make clean " >> $logfile
- fi
-cd $dir
-ls $pgp_dir/ > Tmp_file.lis
-echo " = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = "
-if ((grep "pgxwin_server" Tmp_file.lis >/dev/null) &&
- (grep "rgb.txt" Tmp_file.lis >/dev/null) &&
- (grep "libpgplot_iff.a" Tmp_file.lis >/dev/null) &&
- (grep "pgdemo1" Tmp_file.lis >/dev/null) &&
- (grep "grfont.dat" Tmp_file.lis >/dev/null)) ; then
- if test $do_clean = 1 ; then
- rm -rf pgplot/
- fi
- echo " = PGPLOT appears to be correctly installed!"
- echo " ="
- echo " = Please read README.PGPLOT for more on setting up "
- echo " = PGPLOT for your system and try running the demo"
- echo " = programs in $pgp_dir "
- echo " = Uh-oh. PGPLOT is missing some important files!"
- echo " = It looks like PGPLOT failed during building or"
- echo " = is only partially installed."
- echo " = "
- echo " = Please consult the PGPLOT installation instructions"
- echo " = in the subdirectory pgplot/, and the log file:"
- echo " = $logfile"
- echo " = which contains a full list of commands run."
- echo " ="
- echo " = You may want to repeat these steps by hand or "
- echo " = consult the PGPLOT installations instructions "
- echo " = in install-unix.txt"
-if test $do_clean = 1 ; then
- rm -f Tmp_file.lis
-echo " = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = "
-echo " "
-# done
diff --git a/pgplot-for-ifeffit/PKGBUILD b/pgplot-for-ifeffit/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index c88bee497..000000000
--- a/pgplot-for-ifeffit/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Erich Eckner <arch at eckner dot net>
-pkgdesc='pgplot as ifeffit needs it'
-arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
-# pgplot-for-ifeffit ist absichtlich nicht any ohne ELF Dateien
-makedepends=('libx11' 'ncurses' 'libpng' 'wxgtk' 'gcc-fortran' 'xorg-server-devel')
- "${pkgver}.tar.gz"
- "PGPLOT_install"
- "pndriv.c.patch"
- '836da765e8d4534beced44c3c5170f5ba86d163609053c32975310642156fdd3584b9e2e26e69cb92222f6f84216c448dda18a87cc7c26caec31a164faec1306'
- '726a5ae38b98b3ef8327ceda5edd094b128a126eca7f54994069ac8097fbc651a43506a70f8c26a7994cb4f08bd75f11fc50c8c73df4a377b8dda1afc067a0a2')
-prepare() {
- true
-build() {
- true
-package() {
- ./PGPLOT_install \
- --with-fflagc='-ffixed-line-length-none -ffree-line-length-none -Wall -O -fPIC' \
- --prefix="${pkgdir}/usr" \
- --with-gif
- # --no-png
-# Local Variables:
-# mode: shell-script
-# sh-basic-offset: 2
-# End:
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/pgplot-for-ifeffit/pndriv.c.patch b/pgplot-for-ifeffit/pndriv.c.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d8a22d3e..000000000
--- a/pgplot-for-ifeffit/pndriv.c.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
--- drivers/pndriv.c 2012-02-05 18:35:41.172818257 +0100
-+++ drivers/pndriv.c 2012-02-05 18:36:34.389199228 +0100
-@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
- return;
- }
-- if (setjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf)) { /* not really sure what I'm doing here... */
-+ if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {/* not really sure what I'm doing here... */
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: error in libpng while writing file %s, plotting disabled\n", png_ident, filename);
- png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr,&info_ptr);
- dev->error = true;