# Maintainer: Erich Eckner # Contributor: Sergej Pupykin # Contributor: BlackIkeEagle # Contributor: Valeriy Lyasotskiy # Contributor: Jan Willemson # Contributor: Hugo Ideler # Original PKGBUILD: Andre Naumann # See http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?t=9318&highlight=fpc pkgbase=fpc-cross pkgname=(fpc-cross-common fpc-win32 fpc-win64) pkgver=3.0.4 pkgrel=1 arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://www.freepascal.org/" license=('GPL' 'LGPL' 'custom') depends=('ncurses' 'zlib' 'expat' 'binutils' 'make') makedepends=("fpc=${pkgver}") options=(zipman staticlibs) source=(ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/dist/$pkgver/source/fpcbuild-$pkgver.tar.gz) sha256sums=('f66514e6f2c2e4e1bccccb4d554c24b77682ed61c87811ae5dd210f421855e76') prepare() { cp -a "$srcdir/fpcbuild-$pkgver" "$srcdir/fpcbuild-$pkgver-win64" mv "$srcdir/fpcbuild-$pkgver" "$srcdir/fpcbuild-$pkgver-win32" } build() { for architecture in win32:i386 win64:x86_64; do ( cd "$srcdir/fpcbuild-$pkgver-${architecture%:*}" pushd fpcsrc/compiler export OS_TARGET="${architecture%:*}" export CPU_TARGET="${architecture#*:}" fpcmake -Tall popd make build NOGDB=1 mkdir "$srcdir/pkg-${architecture%:*}" export HOME="$srcdir" make -j1 PREFIX="$srcdir/pkg-${architecture%:*}/usr" install NOGDB=1 export PATH="$srcdir/pkg-${architecture%:*}/usr/bin:$PATH" install -Dm0644 fpcsrc/rtl/COPYING.FPC "$srcdir/pkg-${architecture%:*}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/COPYING.FPC" find "$srcdir/pkg-${architecture%:*}" -name '*.exe' -delete { pacman -Qql fpc | \ grep -v '/$' cd "$srcdir/pkg-${architecture%:*}" find . -type f | \ sed 's,^\./,/,' } | \ sort | \ uniq -d | \ while read -r file; do if ! diff -u --color "${file}" "$srcdir/pkg-${architecture%:*}${file}"; then exit 1 fi rm "$srcdir/pkg-${architecture%:*}${file}" done ) || exit $? done ln -s "/usr/lib/fpc/${pkgver}/ppcrossx64" "$srcdir/pkg-win64/usr/bin/" ln -s "/usr/lib/fpc/${pkgver}/ppcrossx32" "$srcdir/pkg-win32/usr/bin/" mkdir "$srcdir/pkg-common" { cd "$srcdir/pkg-win64" find . -type f | \ sed 's,^\./,/,' cd "$srcdir/pkg-win32" find . -type f | \ sed 's,^\./,/,' } | \ sort | \ uniq -d | \ while read -r file; do if ! diff -u --color "$srcdir/pkg-win32${file}" "$srcdir/pkg-win64${file}"; then exit 1 fi rm "$srcdir/pkg-win32${file}" mkdir -p "$srcdir/pkg-common${file%/*}" mv "$srcdir/pkg-win64${file}" "$srcdir/pkg-common${file}" done } _package() { pkgdesc="Free Pascal Compiler, Turbo Pascal 7.0 and Delphi compatible - cross compiler for $1 target." depends+=("fpc-cross-common=${pkgver}") mv "$srcdir/pkg-$1" "$pkgdir" } package_fpc-cross-common() { pkgdesc="Common files for fpc-win32 and fpc-win64 cross compilers." mv "$srcdir/pkg-common" "$pkgdir" } package_fpc-win64() { _package win64 } package_fpc-win32() { _package win32 }