path: root/neuesPerlPaket
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'neuesPerlPaket')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/neuesPerlPaket b/neuesPerlPaket
index daf69a57..d9319051 100755
--- a/neuesPerlPaket
+++ b/neuesPerlPaket
@@ -51,14 +51,81 @@ dlUrlForPKGBUILD="$(
sed "s|/${cpanName}-[0-9.]\+\.tar\.gz|/\${_distdir}.tar.gz|"
+mkdir "${pkgname}"
+cd "${pkgname}"
+wget -nd "${dlUrl}"
- curl -o - "${dlUrl}" 2> /dev/null | \
- sha512sum - | \
+ sha512sum "${cpanName}-${pkgver}.tar.gz" | \
cut -d " " -f 1
-mkdir "${pkgname}"
-cd "${pkgname}"
+unset makedepends
+unset conflicts
+unset depends
+unset provides
+while read s
+ if [[ "${s}" == " "* ]]
+ then
+ key="$(
+ echo "${s}" | \
+ sed "s|^\s*\(\S\+\):\s\+'\?\([^']\+\)'\?\$|\1|" | \
+ sed "s|::|-|g" | \
+ tr "[[:upper:]]" "[[:lower:]]"
+ )"
+ [ "${key}" == "perl" ] && continue
+ key="perl-${key}"
+ value="$(
+ echo "${s}" | \
+ sed "s|^\s*\(\S\+:\)\s\+'\?\([^']\+\)'\?\$|\2|" | \
+ sed "s|\s||g"
+ )"
+ if [ "${value}" == "0" ]
+ then
+ value=""
+ else
+ echo "${value}" | \
+ grep -q "<=" ||
+ value=">=${value}"
+ fi
+ case "${wasSammeln}" in
+ "build_requires:"|"configure_requires:")
+ makedepends="${makedepends} '${key}${value}'"
+ ;;
+ "conflicts:")
+ conflicts="${conflicts} '${key}${value}'"
+ ;;
+ "provides:")
+ echo "${s}" | \
+ grep -q "^ \S" && \
+ provides="${provides} '${key}'"
+ ;;
+ "recommends:"|"requires:")
+ depends="${depends} '${key}${value}'"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ case "${s}" in
+ "build_requires:"|"configure_requires:"|"conflicts:"|"recommends:"|"requires:"|"provides:")
+ wasSammeln="${s}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ wasSammeln=''
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+done < <(tar -Oxzf "${cpanName}-${pkgver}.tar.gz" "${cpanName}-${pkgver}/META.yml")
+makedepends="${makedepends# }"
+conflicts="${conflicts# }"
+depends="${depends# }"
+[ -z "${depends}" ] && depends="'perl'"
echo '# Maintainer: Erich Eckner <arch at eckner dot net>'
@@ -71,38 +138,60 @@ cd "${pkgname}"
echo "arch=('x86_64' 'i686')"
echo "license=('PerlArtistic' 'GPL')"
echo "options=('!emptydirs')"
- echo "depends=('perl')"
- echo "makedepends=()"
- echo "checkdepends=()"
+ echo "depends=(${depends})"
+ [ -n "${makedepends}" ] && \
+ echo "makedepends=(${makedepends})"
+ [ -n "${conflicts}" ] && \
+ echo "conflicts=(${conflicts})"
echo "url='${url}'"
echo "_distdir=\"${cpanName}-\${pkgver}\""
echo "source=(\"${dlUrlForPKGBUILD}\")"
echo "sha512sums=('${sha512sum}')"
echo ''
- echo 'build() {'
- echo ' ( export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 PERL5LIB="" \'
- echo ' PERL_AUTOINSTALL=--skipdeps \'
- echo " PERL_MM_OPT=\"INSTALLDIRS=vendor DESTDIR='\$pkgdir'\" \\"
- echo " PERL_MB_OPT=\"--installdirs vendor --destdir '\$pkgdir'\" \\"
- echo ' MODULEBUILDRC=/dev/null'
+ echo 'build(){'
+ echo ' cd "${srcdir}/${_distdir}"'
+ echo ' '
+ echo " # Setting these env variables overwrites any command-line-options we don't want..."
+ echo ' export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 PERL_AUTOINSTALL=--skipdeps \'
+ echo " PERL_MM_OPT=\"INSTALLDIRS=vendor DESTDIR='\${pkgdir}'\" \\"
+ echo " PERL_MB_OPT=\"--installdirs vendor --destdir '\${pkgdir}'\" \\"
+ echo ' MODULEBUILDRC=/dev/null'
echo ''
- echo ' cd "${srcdir}/${_distdir}"'
+ echo ' # If using Makefile.PL'
+ echo ' if [ -r Makefile.PL ]; then'
echo ' perl Makefile.PL'
echo ' make'
- echo ' )'
+ echo ' # If using Build.PL'
+ echo ' elif [ -r Build.PL ]; then'
+ echo ' perl Build.PL'
+ echo ' perl Build'
+ echo ' fi'
echo '}'
echo ''
- echo 'check() {'
+ echo 'check(){'
echo ' cd "${srcdir}/${_distdir}"'
- echo ' ( export PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 PERL5LIB=""'
+ echo ''
+ echo ' # If using Makefile.PL'
+ echo ' if [ -r Makefile.PL ]; then'
echo ' make test'
- echo ' )'
+ echo ' # If using Build.PL'
+ echo ' elif [ -r Build.PL ]; then'
+ echo ' perl Build test'
+ echo ' fi'
echo '}'
echo ''
- echo 'package() {'
+ echo 'package(){'
echo ' cd "${srcdir}/${_distdir}"'
- echo ' make install'
+ echo ' '
+ echo ' # If using Makefile.PL'
+ echo ' if [ -r Makefile.PL ]; then'
+ echo ' make install'
+ echo ' # If using Build.PL'
+ echo ' elif [ -r Build.PL ]; then'
+ echo ' perl Build install'
+ echo ' fi'
echo ''
+ echo ' # remove perllocal.pod and .packlist'
echo ' find "${pkgdir}" -name .packlist -o -name perllocal.pod -delete'
echo '}'