#!/bin/bash #################################### # # # to be run as root ... # # or executed step by step as root # # # #################################### set -e ########################################################## # # # check and possibly install root-certificate of jeti100 # # # ########################################################## if ! curl -o /dev/null "https://jeti100.ioq.uni-jena.de/" 2> /dev/null then cert="$(curl -o - "http://jeti100.ioq.uni-jena.de/statisch/ca.crt" 2> /dev/null)" if ! echo "${cert}" | \ sha512sum | \ grep -q "^c1a9da72183ef6fd87deb506dd93ea3e6247d28ec0720914c97a80369e9e81cb7e9f7ce37fe063756880eb84f402fec20ccb3c2c4fb46f5f707a022f803372be -\$" then >&2 echo 'falsches CA-Zertifikat heruntergeladen' exit 1 fi echo "${cert}" > /usr/share/ca-certificates/trust-source/anchors/jeti100.crt trust extract-compat fi ################ # # # import keys: # # # ################ pacman-key --add <(curl -o - "https://arch.eckner.net/archlinuxewe/masterkeys.gpg") ############################ # # # locally sign package-key # # # ############################ pacman-key --lsign-key 0x43BF68D3 ############################### # # # locally sign repository-key # # # ############################### pacman-key --lsign-key 0x20194BA1 ############################## # # # setup mirror in mirrorlist # # # ############################## if ! grep -q "^Server = https://arch\.eckner\.net" /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist then ml="$( curl -o - "https://arch.eckner.net/archlinuxewe/os/any/" 2> /dev/null | \ tr "<>" "\n\n" | \ grep "^pacman-mirrorlist-.*\.pkg\.tar\.xz\$" | \ tail -n1 )" curl -o - "https://arch.eckner.net/archlinuxewe/os/any/${ml}" 2> /dev/null | \ tar -OxJ etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist > \ /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist fi ################################### # # # setup repository in pacman.conf # # # ################################### if grep -q "^\[archlinuxewe\]\$" /etc/pacman.conf then tmpFile=$(mktemp) cat /etc/pacman.conf | \ ( while read s do if [[ "$s" = "# The testing repositories"* ]] then echo '[archlinuxewe]' echo 'SigLevel = Required' echo 'Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist' echo '' fi echo "${s}" done ) > "${tmpFile}" cat "${tmpFile}" > /etc/pacman.conf rm "${tmpFile}" fi