#!/depot/path/tclsh # This script implements the "Virtual Clock" used as the example in the # paper describing CGI.pm, a perl module for generating CGI. # Stein, L., "CGI.pm: A Perl Module for Creating Dynamic HTML Documents # with CGI Scripts", SANS 96, May '96. # Do you think it is more readable than the other version? # (If you remove the comments and blank lines, it's exactly # the same number of lines.) See other comments after script. - Don package require cgi cgi_eval { source example.tcl cgi_input set format "" if {[llength [cgi_import_list]]} { if 0==[catch {cgi_import time}] { append format [expr {[cgi_import type] == "12-hour"?"%r ":"%T "}] } catch {cgi_import day; append format "%A "} catch {cgi_import month; append format "%B "} catch {cgi_import day-of-month; append format "%d "} catch {cgi_import year; append format "%Y "} } else { append format "%r %A %B %d %Y" } set time [clock format [clock seconds] -format $format] cgi_title "Virtual Clock" cgi_body { puts "At the tone, the time will be [strong $time]" hr h2 "Set Clock Format" cgi_form vclock { puts "Show: " foreach x {time day month day-of-month year} { cgi_checkbox $x checked put $x } br puts "Time style: " cgi_radio_button type=12-hour checked;put "12-hour" cgi_radio_button type=24-hour ;put "24-hour" br cgi_reset_button cgi_submit_button =Set } } } # Notes: # Time/date generation is built-in to Tcl. Thus, no extra processes # are necessary and the result is portable. In contrast, CGI.pm # only runs on UNIX. # Displaying checkboxes side by side the way that CGI.pm does by # default is awful. The problem is that with enough buttons, it's not # immediately clear if the button goes with the label on the right or # left. So cgi.tcl does not supply a proc to generate such a # grouping. I've followed CGI.pm's style here only to show that it's # trivial to get the same affect, but the formatting in any real form # is more wisely left to the user. # Footer generation (
... at end of CGI.pm) is replaced # by "source example.tcl". Both take one line.