#!/depot/path/tclsh # This is a CGI script that demonstrates a simple Tcl applet package require cgi source example.tcl set srcdir http://www.nist.gov/mel/div826/src/stopwatch set plugins http://www.sunlabs.com/research/tcl/plugin cgi_link source "source" $srcdir/stopwatch.tcl.html" cgi_link gz "complete distribution" $srcdir/stopwatch.tar.gz cgi_link moreplugins "More info on Tcl plugins" $plugins cgi_link homepage "homepage" $EXPECT_HOST/stopwatch cgi_eval { cgi_input cgi_head { cgi_title "Stopwatch implemented via Tcl applet" } cgi_body { h3 "Description" p "This tclet provides a stopwatch. I wrote it to help me time talks and individual slides within a talk. Stopwatch can also be run as a Tk script outside the browser - which is the way I normally use it. If you want to use it outside the browser, grab the distribution from the stopwatch [cgi_link homepage]." h3 "Directions" p {Press "start" to start the stopwatch and "stop" to stop it. "zero" resets the time. You can also edit/cut/paste the time by hand and set it to any valid time. A second timer is provided as well. It works just like a normal lap timer.} cgi_embed http://www.nist.gov/mel/div826/src/stopwatch/stopwatch.tcl \ 450x105 p "This is the first Tclet I've ever written. Actually, I just took an existing Tk script I had already written and wrapped it in an HTML page. It took about 30 minutes to write the original Tk script (about 80 lines) and 1 minute to embed it in an HTML page." p "Stopwatch is not intended for timing less than one second or longer than 99 hours. It's easy to make make it show more but the code doesn't do it as distributed and I have no interest in adding more and more features until it reads mail. It's just a nice, convenient stopwatch." h3 "For more info" cgi_bullet_list { cgi_li "Stopwatch [cgi_link homepage]." cgi_li "Stopwatch [cgi_link source] and [cgi_link gz]." cgi_li "[cgi_link moreplugins]." } } }