#!/depot/path/tclsh # This is a CGI script to present a form in which to change a password. # This form doesn't actually have to be written as a CGI script, # however, it is done so here to demonstrate the procedures described # in the Tcl '96 paper by Don Libes. You can find this same form # written as static html in the example directory of the Expect # package. package require cgi cgi_eval { source example.tcl source passwd.tcl cgi_input # Use a cookie so that if user has already entered name, don't make them # do it again. If you dislike cookies, simply remove the next two # lines - cookie use here is simply a convenience for users. set login "" catch {cgi_import_cookie login} cgi_title "Change your login password" cgi_body { cgi_form passwd { put "Username: "; cgi_text login size=16 password "Old" old password "New" new1 password "New" new2 p "(The new password must be entered twice to avoid typos.)" cgi_submit_button "=Change password" cgi_reset_button } } }