#!/depot/path/tclsh # This is a CGI script that demonstrates how easy it is to use a web # page to query an Oracle server - using cgi.tcl and Oratcl. # This example fetches the date from Oracle. # I wish we had a public account on our Oracle server so that I could # allow anyone to run this, but alas we don't. So you'll have to # trust me that it works. - Don package require cgi package require Oratcl cgi_eval { source example.tcl cgi_title "Oracle Example" cgi_input cgi_body { set env(ORACLE_SID) fork set env(ORACLE_HOME) /u01/oracle/product/7322 set logon [oralogon [import user] [import password]] set cursor [oraopen $logon] orasql $cursor "select SysDate from Dual" h4 "Oracle's date is [orafetch $cursor]" oraclose $cursor oralogoff $logon } }