This is the HISTORY file for cgi.tcl. Date Version Description ------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------ 5/1/05 1.10.0 Odd Arne Jensen observed that -related tags were producing which is forbidden by the HTML spec. We agreed to go with .../> for max compatibility with both HTML and XHTML. Noticed hackers submitting filenames with leading hyphens to display to do interesting things. It did fail gracefully fortunately but it shouldn't fail at all. Added -- to switch. Evan Mezeske recommended settable limits on file uploads to avoid denial-of-service attacks. Added cgi_file_limit. 12/14/05 1.9.0 Tore Morkemo noted backward test in cgi_noscript used puts instead of cgi_puts. Aravindo Wingeier provided patches to choose an encoding or use UTF-8 encoding by default. Rolf Ade noted an initialization proc would be useful for things like tclhttpd. Modified display.cgi to deal more gracefully with people experimenting with tildes. De Clarke noted cgi_input failed if whitespace appeared in a client filename. Due to assumption that Content-Disposition line would be a proper list. De also noted that lynx simply wasn't providing quotes in multipart input variable names. Relaxed code to accept that. De also noted that the binary file upload wasn't working in pre-Tcl 8.1 but neither of us were interested in spending the time to find out why. Unless someone bothers to figure it, for now, I'm just dropping support for such old versions. Due to DoC policy, changed cookie example from persistent to non-persistent. Added utf.cgi example to demonstrate UTF works for 10/16/02 1.8.0 To accommodate open-ended forms in echo, modified cgi_input so that it accepts multiple values even in variables that don't end with "List". This opens a possible ambiguity (see documentation) but only one that would've existed before had the diagnostic not prevented it. Added example: echo.cgi Added cgierror anchor to cgi_eval. Tian-Hsiang Huang noted bug in testing for error of passwd.cgi example. 4/27/02 1.7.0 David Kuehling noted that cgi_content_type needed to protect args in call to cgi_http_head. 4/15/02 1.6.1 Darren New fixed my attempt at 1.6.0! 4/15/02 1.6.0 Darren New noted that quote_url needed to translate +. 3/16/02 1.6.0 Added test for checked=bool to radio/checkbox to avoid having user have to do "eval ... [expr ...?"checked":""]" nonsense. Added version.cgi script to make it easier for people to figure out whether examples on NIST server are using the same version of cgi.tcl that they're using. Tore Morkemo noted backward test in cgi_refresh. 9/19/01 1.5.0 De Clarke noted that file upload broke with Opera. Problem was lack of a \r at the end of the input file. At the same time protected regexp-specials in the boundary string. Both of were due to unusual but legal interpretations. Added HELO interaction to smtp dialogue. Jonathan Lennox provided fix for finding sendmail on BSD 4.4 systems. Modified cgi_html and _start to support optional attributes. Extended auto-attr quoting for XHTML support. Added end tags for XHTML support. Added cgi_link_url/label per John Koontz and rewrote cgi_link to accommodate them. Also added his cgi_button_link temporarily. Will experiment with this to test merit. 11/3/00 1.4.3 Removed HTML formatted manual. It lags the text version and just caused more confusion than it's worth. 11/2/00 1.4.2 John Koontz observed that the versions between home page and package didn't match. Added to fix this once and for all. 10/19/00 1.4.1 Carlos Vidal fixed cgi_cookie_get -all. Anton Osennikov provided patch to propagate errorCode back through cgi_body. Fixed display_in_frame to allow app_body_end to execute. 6/14/00 1.4.0 Tomas Soucek requested a mechanism for saving content-type from file uploads. Seemed appropriate to do this by renaming cgi_import_filename to ..._file and adding -type flag. Petrus Vloet noted vote.cnt missing from distrib. He also noted getting warnings regarding missing newlines. 5/19/00 1.3.0 Changed many cgi_puts to cgi_put in hopes of addressing more of Zygo's 5/9/00 complaint (i.e., same problem in tables). 5/9/00 1.2.2 Zygo Blaxell provided signif. cgi_input regexp speedup for long x=y-style values. He also noted that some browsers are sensitive to leading/following \n's in textarea and provided a patch to avoid adding them in the first place. James Ward noted absence of pkgIndex.tcl (presumably due to really old Tcl) broke installation. Fixed pkgcreate to create stub file to allow Make to complete. Robin Lauren contributed the doc in HTML form. Really need to automate this now, sigh. observed that converting %XX to \u00XX and then using subst is only good for us-ascii and corrupts iso8859-1, iso8859-2, etc. He provided a patch for cgi_unquote_input. Ross Mohn corrected syntax error in cgi_span and made
handle width= better. Tore Morkemo provided a patch to his prior patch for cgi_eval. Asari Hirotsugu provided additional installation advice for Mac. 12/27/99 1.2.1 Tore Morkemo noted expires=never value of 9999 inappropriate as Netscape ignores anything beyond mid-January 2038. Tore also provided patch for cgi_eval when running inside of a proc. 12/20/99 1.2.0 Keith Lea noted 2-digit years as per RFC2109. Despite RFC, Netscape now accepts 4-digit years. Some browsers won't like this but it hardly matters anyway since they'll do the wrong thing on old 2-digit years come Y2K anyway. Petrus Vloet noted example/nistguest missing from distrib. 12/18/99 1.1.0 Tomas Soucek" noted cgi_input was adding eol characters to uploaded files if they didn't contain them. Fixed this and also enhanced file upload example so that it could do both cat/od and also warn when Tcl couldn't do binary upload. Added braces around unprotected expressions. Added check to unimail example for HTTP_REFERER. Petrus Vloet requested Makefile install example data files. Added img.cgi example and modified frame example so it accepts "example=whatever" so that I can post URLs that go right to a particular example and have it framed. 9/12/99 1.0.0 Bumped version to 1 to pacify management. Jeffrey Hobbs rewrote cgi_unquote_input to take advantage of 8.2 features. 300% speed improvement! 7/16/99 0.8.1 Douglas Ridgway provided mod to make cgi_image_button handle optional args. Made code use straight cgi_input_multipart if on Tcl 8.1. Jeffrey Hobbs provided cgi_unquote_input that works better for 8.1. Petrus Vloet requested sample data files for examples that need them; ability to change example install destination. 2/22/98 0.8.0 Tore Morkemo noted that cookied_encode needed to convert \n's. Added example of how to produce a raw image. Upon suggestion of Jean-Yves Terrien experimented with version of cgi_puts that would indent HTML for readability. Code looked something like this: proc NEW_cgi_puts {args} { global _cgi if {$_cgi(preformatted)} { eval puts $args } else { set indent_full [format "%-$_cgi(indent)s" ""] # if we're at the beginning of the line, use a full indent if {$_cgi(bol)} { set indent $indent_full } else { set indent "" } set tail [lindex $args end] set output "" # loop through output, breaking into \n-delimited lines while {[string length $tail]} { # this regexp will always match regexp "^(\[^\n]*)(\n?)(.*)" $tail dummy line nl tail append output $indent$line if {$nl == ""} { set _cgi(bol) 0 break } append output \n set $_cgi(bol) 1 set indent $indent_full } # handle optional -nonewline if {[llength $args] == 1} { append output \n set _cgi(bol) 1 } puts -nonewline $output } } Unfortunately, some tags are whitespace-sensitive such as textarea. If you do cgi_buffer {p;textarea ...} how can cgi_ puts possibly know that part of the buffer shouldn't be modified? A user-level flag could be added to avoid corrupting the HTML but the source display could never be made perfect. Considering that programmers would have to be aware of these issues (via flags or options) and the payoff is so minute, it's just not worth it. I think. As an aside, does regexp on every line of output cost too much? I doubt anyone would notice but it's something to ponder. Renamed internal cgi routines with _ prefix. Matthew Levine observed that cgi_eval did a #0 eval but a plain eval is more appropriate. Anthony Martin noted that cgi_cgi_set needs to rewrite #. Removed cgi_http_get. Added registry support to uid_check. Eddy Kim noted bug in doc regarding cgi_puts. cgi_file_button now verifies that form has correct encoding. Fixed doc to reflect more precise use of selected_if_equal. Ralph Billes fixed bug in cgi_uid_check. Began adding stylesheet support. Made cgi_stylesheet and cgi_span. Not yet documented. Douglas Ridgway noted that lynx doesn't respond correctly to multipart form requests. Added check and diagnostic. Doug also found a bug in the multipart_binary because I forgot to turn off the timeout. Stefan Hornburg writes: "I've made a RPM package for cgi.tcl. Available at: and hopefully soon at Redhat/Contrib." He also noted a missing example: download.cgi. 6/25/98 0.7.5 Henk-Jan Kooiman fixed bugs in cgi_relationship and also provided MacOS instructions. Martin Schwenke and Ryan McCormack both reported textarea lost newlines when using multipart. At urging of Robert Baptista , began adding HTML 4.0 support. Changed cgi_center to avoid
. Added download.cgi example. John Koontz noted example in file upload documentation still used deprecated flags. 0.7.4 Fixed bug in cgi_refresh. Added alt attr to cgi_area. Added vote.cgi example. Localized some init-time vars to avoid stomping on user's. Made cgi_quote_url also quote {"} so URLs. This isn't strictly necessary, but since URLs will usually be embedded inside HTML, this simplifies embedding and doesn't hurt anything else. Tom Poindexter added cgi_suffix. Removed reference to sendmail from documentation since sendmail is no longer required. 12/16/97 0.7.3 Provided SMTP dialogue to replace call to sendmail and removed all other UNIXisms (exec and direct refs to file system). Rewrote LUHN proc in credit card example to work correctly! Added type tag support to cgi_relationship. 11/10/97 0.7.2 Massaged documentation to describe installation on W95/NT.... Made example.tcl and date.cgi portable. Added rm.cgi example. Beat Jucker fixed syntax error in oratcl.cgi example. 10/20/97 0.7.1 Fixed cgi_option so that value strings are quoted. Also made selected_if_equal check value rather than visible string. Tore Morkemo provided patch so that cgi_set translated "=". Fixed buffering bug in push example. Added credit card example. Paul Saxe noted cgi_embed broke due to unprotected regexp pattern beginning with -. 8/22/97 0.7.0 INCOMPATIBILITY: cgi_anchor_name now returns the anchor tag instead of printing it. Only after some experience do I see now that anchors always need to be embedded in something else for accuracy in the jump. Josh Lubell noted that file upload failed if there was whitespace in filename. Problem was that filename-encoding doesn't encode whitespace or otherwise protect it. There is no perfect fix since the spec doesn't explain how to know when fields end. The implication is that they are delimited by " however an embedded " is not encoded either! For now, assume filename field is at end of line. This isn't the greatest idea for it allows future encoding changes to break the code, but for now it will pick up all filenames including really weird ones like 'a b"; foo="bar' that would otherwise appear to be additional fields! Jon Leech provided code to allow user to temporarily use existing links but displaying differently. Alvaro Santamaria noted that I forgot to include kill.cgi and oratcl.cgi in example directory. John Koontz noted cgi_buffer's defn of cgi_puts assumed "usual" newline generation - interacted badly inside of
		Added cgi_buffer_nl to control this.

		James Ward requested option to change ".cgi" suffix.  Added
		-suffix to cgi_cgi.

		Someone's browser (Mozilla/4.01 [en] (WinNT; I) via proxy
		gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17) supplied a boundary defn
		but no actual boundary.  Added test to

		James Ward found cgi_import_list didn't return List vars.

		Diagnostics about broken multipart responses are now returned
		to users (who are using old browsers).

		Changed nbsp to numeric equiv to support NS2.

		Made cgi_debug always return old value.

6/4/97	0.6.6	Added cgi_buffer - force commands that normally generate output
		to return strings.

		Deprecated -local & -remote flags to import_filename.  Added
		support for -server & -client which are less confusing.

		Improved examples in numerous ways.

		James Ward  noted I forgot to
		document cgi_img.

		Upgraded cgi_quote as per HTML 3.2

		Mark Diekhans  provided bug fix to cgi_tr
		and optional level arg to all uplevel/upvar calls to avoid
		misinterpretation.  Also added cgi_th.

		Appears that NS3.0 has a bug wrt multipart.  It won't display
		last fragment on page unless followed by a 
(even if it sees ). Added cgi_br to multipart support code. 5/26/97 0.6.5 Added server-push example which required mods to cgi_title (bug fix actually), cgi_head, and related code to detect and handle multipart mime type. Added HTTP_HOST to list of things reported_HOST during errors. Looks like MS IE can generate cookies without an "=val" part. Added Oratcl example. Documented cgi_url. Fixed search for Tcl executable when look in Tcl's srcdir. Added support for detection/reporting of client errors. For now this means missing CONTENT_LENGTH. Created cgi_redirect and deprecated cgi_location. cgi_redirect is better named and more functional. Added cgi_status. Modified unimail example so that it shows diagnostics about form problems to client - doesn't make sense to send them to unimail admin. Improved form-tour in various ways including making a backend that actually reports value. Fixed bug in textvar that caused args to be generated twice. 4/8/97 0.6.4 John LoVerso fixed regsub quote bug in cgi_quote_url. Fixed similar bug cgi_cgi_set. Most general path cookies were being returned. Changed to most specific and added -all to cookie_get so that all values could be retrieved. Added cookie support to passwd example since that's a very reasonable use of it. 4/7/97 0.6.3 John LoVerso fixed bugs in cgi_meta and cgi_map. INCOMPATIBILITY: cgi_quote_url was inappropriate for non-cgi urls. cgi_cgi and cgi_cgi_set should now be used for building GET-style cgi urls. Forgot to switch to in distribution. 3/28/97 0.6.2 Made autohandle embedded version number (see 0.6.1). Fixed display.cgi to prevent display of "." or ".." or "". Added cgi.tcl version to diagnostics. Fixed diagnostics to correctly print input. (Totally missing!) John Koontz noted extra \r\n at end of uploaded text files. 3/24/97 0.6.1 Updated package provide version. (Gotta automate this!) 3/20/97 0.6.0 Added kill.cgi example to kill/suspend runaway CGI processes. Modified passwd.cgi example to quote shell arg. Kevin.Christian requested hook for defining doctypes. John Robert LoVerso provided fixes to allow array-style variables names to be rewritten by cgi_input. Parens had been left with embedded %s substituted. My research indicates cookies have similar problems but file- style encoding does not. Josh Lubell found bug in binary upload that would drop \r\n and \r*. 2/28/97 0.5.5 Combined many regexps that had parameterizably-common actions. The old regexps had some bugs in them, so it's a good thing. M. Katherine Pagoaga and John Koontz noted cgi_uid_check used whoami which isn't very portable. Switched to "who am i". Its output isn't very portable but at least its existence is! Removed default call to cgi_uid_check. It's my impression that most people turn this off anyway. If you want it back, just call it yourself. Added cgi_import_filename to guarantee that a filename really did come from an upload. This removes the security check that the user was responsible for - and which I forgot in the upload examples! Rolf Ade noted that configure could look for tcl executable in a few more locations. 2/26/97 0.5.4 Backed out type=text from 0.4.4. This ruined type=password. If people demand, I'll make the code put in type=text but I now regret the detour. Made cgi_import_list return variables in order originally appearing in form. 2/24/97 0.5.3 Added tr/td as shortcut for simple table rows. Made cookie code look in COOKIE (O'Reilly's web server uses that instead of HTTP_COOKIE). requested warning when form incorrectly uses select without "List" suffix. Also provided more obvious diagnostics when applying cgi_import* to non- existent variable. At same time, I also noticed bug in cgi_import_cookie* preventing it from seeing user variables. Forgot to have cgi_root return root with no args. 2/11/97 0.5.2 Josh Lubell found binary upload broke, due to one send missing "--" protection. Massaged home page so that it works more intelligently with frames. Massaged examples for both function and appearance. 2/10/97 0.5.1 Fixed display of validate example. Added cgi_unbreakable_string so that it returns a string. Compare with cgi_unbreakable. Added cgi_javascript and noscript. javascript is like script but does the javascript-compatible hiding of