#!./tclsh # $Id: queryauth.tcl 1204 2009-02-02 19:54:23Z hubert@u.washington.edu $ # ======================================================================== # Copyright 2006 University of Washington # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # ======================================================================== # queryauth.tcl # # Purpose: CGI script to generate html form used to ask for authentication # credentials # input: set query_vars { {cid "Missing Command ID"} {authcol "Missing Authentication Collection"} {authfolder "Missing Authentication Folder"} {authpage "No Post Authorization Instructions"} {authcancel "No Auth Cancel Instructions"} {authuser "" ""} {reason "" ""} } # Output: # # HTML/Javascript/CSS data representing the message specified # by the 'uid' argument # inherit global config source ./alpine.tcl source ../$_wp(appdir)/$_wp(ui1dir)/cmdfunc.tcl set query_menu { { {} { { # * * * * Help * * * * cgi_put "Get Help" } } } } WPEval $query_vars { if {$cid != [WPCmd PEInfo key]} { error [list _action open "Invalid Operation ID" "Click Back button to try again."] } cgi_http_head { WPStdHttpHdrs } cgi_html { cgi_head { WPStdHtmlHdr "Authentication Credentials" WPStyleSheets } if {[string length $authuser]} { set onload "onLoad=document.auth.pass.focus()" } else { set onload "onLoad=document.auth.user.focus()" } cgi_body BGCOLOR="$_wp(bordercolor)" $onload { cgi_form $_wp(serverpath)/session/setauth.tcl method=post enctype=multipart/form-data name=auth target=_top { cgi_text "sessid=$sessid" type=hidden notab cgi_text "cid=$cid" type=hidden notab cgi_text "authcol=$authcol" type=hidden notab cgi_text "authfolder=$authfolder" type=hidden notab cgi_text "authpage=$authpage" type=hidden notab cgi_text "authcancel=$authcancel" type=hidden notab cgi_table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 width="100%" height="100%" { cgi_table_row { eval { cgi_table_data $_wp(menuargs) { WPTFCommandMenu query_menu {} } } cgi_table_data valign=top class=dialog { cgi_division align=center class=dialog "style=\"padding:30 12%\"" { if {[info exists reason] && [string compare BADPASSWD [string range $reason 0 8]]} { cgi_puts $reason } else { cgi_puts "Login Required" } } cgi_center { cgi_puts [cgi_font size=+1 class=dialog "Username: "] cgi_text user=$authuser maxlength=30 size=25% cgi_br cgi_br cgi_puts [cgi_font size=+1 class=dialog "Password: "] cgi_text pass= type=password maxlength=30 size=25% cgi_br cgi_br cgi_submit_button auths=Login cgi_submit_button cancel=Cancel } } } } } } } }