#!./tclsh # $Id: init.tcl 1204 2009-02-02 19:54:23Z hubert@u.washington.edu $ # ======================================================================== # Copyright 2006 University of Washington # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # ======================================================================== # init.tcl # # Purpose: CGI script to establish foundation for webpine session # and any global config source ./alpine.tcl cgi_eval { if {$_wp(debug)} { cgi_debug -on } # # Import username and password from pubcookie, if possible. # Otherwise get it from the form that was submitted. # cgi_input if {[catch {cgi_import User}] || 0 == [string length $User]} { WPInfoPage "Bogus Username" \ "[font size=+2 "Sorry, didn't catch your [bold name]!"]" \ "Please click your browser's [bold Back] button to return to the [cgi_link Start], and fill in a [italic Username]..." return } if {[catch {cgi_import Pass}]} { set Pass "" } if {[catch {cgi_import Server}] || 0 == [string length $Server]} { WPInfoPage "Bogus Server" \ "[font size=+2 "Invalid Server specified"]" \ "Please click your browser's [bold Back] button to return to the [cgi_link Start], and fill in a [italic Server]..." return } catch {cgi_import hPx} set defconf [file join $_wp(confdir) $_wp(defconf)] set confloc "" if {[string length $Server] < 256 && 0 == [regexp {[[:cntrl:]]} $Server]} { if {[info exists _wp(hosts)] && $Server >= 0 && $Server < [llength $_wp(hosts)]} { set sdata [lindex $_wp(hosts) $Server] set env(IMAP_SERVER) "[subst [lindex $sdata 1]]/user=$User" if {[llength $sdata] > 2 && [string length [lindex $sdata 2]]} { set defconf [subst [lindex $sdata 2]] } else { # # Validate input? # WPInfoPage "Internal Error" \ [font size=+2 "IMAP Server Mismatch"] \ "Please complain to the [link Admin] and visit the [cgi_link Start] later." return } } elseif {[regexp {/user=} $Server]} { set env(IMAP_SERVER) "$Server" } else { set env(IMAP_SERVER) "$Server/user=$User" } set confloc "\{$env(IMAP_SERVER)\}$_wp(config)" regexp {^[^:/]*} $env(IMAP_SERVER) env(IMAP_SERVER_BASE) } else { WPInfoPage "Bad Server Name" [font size=+2 "Server Name too long or has bogus characters."] \ "Please click your browser's [bold Back] button to return to the [cgi_link Start] to try again..." return } set confloc "\{$env(IMAP_SERVER)\}$_wp(config)" if {[catch {regexp {^[^:/]*} $env(IMAP_SERVER) env(IMAP_SERVER_BASE)}]} { set env(IMAP_SERVER_BASE) "" } # in less rigid settings, it might make sense to allow # for random input folder names... # cgi_import Folder # # Server, folder and credentials in hand, fork the client... #
  1. The session is *assumed* to run over SSL. #
  2. The server is *assumed* to be a black box # (no, possibly hostile, user shells) #
  3. We need to run the alpine process as the given user. # Unless we bind to a specific server, http authentication # isn't sufficient as t # #
  4. The session-id connects future requests to the newly # created alpine engine. #
  5. The auth-cookie will tell us the session-id isn't coming from # j. random cracker's client #
# if {[catch {exec [file join $_wp(bin) launch.tcl]} _wp(sessid)]} { WPInfoPage "Internal Error" [font size=+2 $_wp(sessid)] \ "Please complain to the [link Admin] and visit the [cgi_link Start] later." return } else { WPValidId $_wp(sessid) } if {[catch {cgi_import ssl}] || $ssl == 0} { WPCmd set serverroot $_wp(plainservpath) cgi_root $_wp(plainservpath) } # stash login credentials away for later if {[catch { WPCmd set nojs 1 WPCmd PESession creds 0 $confloc $User $Pass } result]} { WPInfoPage "Initialization Failure" [font size=+2 "Initialization Failure: $result"] \ "Please click your browser's [bold Back] button to return to the [cgi_link Start] to try again..." catch {WPCmd exit} return } set cookiepath $_wp(appdir) # stash session open parms in alpined's interpreter lappend parms User lappend parms $User lappend parms Server lappend parms $Server lappend parms confloc lappend parms $confloc lappend parms defconf lappend parms $defconf lappend parms startpage lappend parms "$_wp(appdir)/$_wp(ui2dir)/browse/0/INBOX" lappend parms prunepage lappend parms "" if {[info exists hPx]} { lappend parms hPx lappend parms $hPx } if {[catch {WPCmd set wp_open_parms $parms} result]} { WPInfoPage "Internal Error" [font size=+2 $result] \ "Please complain to the [link Admin] and visit the [cgi_link Start] later." return } # return a page that says we're logging in the user # have that page return to opening the session... catch {WPCmd set wp_ver_dir $cookiepath} set sessid "$_wp(sessid)@[info hostname]" cgi_http_head { WPExportCookie sessid $sessid $cookiepath WPStdHttpHdrs } cgi_html { cgi_head { cgi_http_equiv Refresh "0; url=$_wp(serverpath)/session/logon.tcl?sessid=$sessid" } cgi_body { cgi_table height="20%" { cgi_table_row { cgi_table_data { cgi_puts [cgi_nbspace] } } } cgi_center { cgi_table border=0 width=500 cellpadding=3 { cgi_table_row { cgi_table_data align=center rowspan=2 { cgi_put [cgi_imglink logo] } cgi_table_data rowspan=2 { cgi_put [cgi_img [WPimg dot2] border=0 width=18] } cgi_table_data { cgi_puts [cgi_font size=+2 "Logging into $_wp(appname)"] } } cgi_table_row { cgi_table_data { cgi_puts "Please be patient! Depending on Inbox size, server load and other factors this may take a moment [cgi_img [WPimg dotblink]]" } } } } } } }