#!./tclsh # $Id: queryattach.tcl 1204 2009-02-02 19:54:23Z hubert@u.washington.edu $ # ======================================================================== # Copyright 2006 University of Washington # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # ======================================================================== # queryattach.tcl # # Purpose: CGI script to generate html form used to ask for # attachment to composition # Input: # Output: # # HTML/CSS data representing the form # inherit global config source ./alpine.tcl source cmdfunc.tcl # make sure form's in Unicode set charset "UTF-8" set query_menu { { {} { { cgi_puts "Get Help" } } } { {expr 0} { { # * * * * OK * * * * cgi_submit_button "attach=Add Attachment" class="navbar" } } } { {expr 0} { { # * * * * CANCEL * * * * cgi_submit_button cancel=Cancel class="navbar" } } } { {expr 0} { { # * * * * Address/Cancel * * * * cgi_submit_button doit=Done class="navbar" cgi_br cgi_select attachop class=navtext { cgi_option "Action..." value=null cgi_option Attach value=attach cgi_option Cancel value=cancel } } } } } WPEval {} { cgi_http_head { WPStdHttpHdrs "text/html; charset=\"$charset\"" } cgi_html { cgi_head { cgi_http_equiv Content-Type "text/html; charset=$charset" WPStdHtmlHdr "Attach" WPStyleSheets cgi_put "" } cgi_body BGCOLOR="$_wp(bordercolor)" { cgi_form $_wp(appdir)/$_wp(ui1dir)/wp method=post enctype=multipart/form-data target=_top { cgi_text page=attach type=hidden notab cgi_text cid=[WPCmd PEInfo key] type=hidden notab if {[info exists params]} { foreach p $params { cgi_text "[lindex $p 0]=[lindex $p 1]" type=hidden notab } } cgi_table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%" height="100%" { cgi_table_row { eval { cgi_table_data $_wp(menuargs) { WPTFCommandMenu query_menu {} } } cgi_table_data align=center valign=top class=dialog { cgi_table border=0 width=75% cellpadding=15 { cgi_table_row { cgi_table_data align=center { cgi_puts "To attach a file to your message, enter its path and file name below, or use the [cgi_italic Browse] button to choose the file, then click [cgi_italic "Add Attachment"], or click [cgi_italic Cancel] to return to your composition without attaching anything." } } cgi_table_row { cgi_table_data align=center { cgi_file_button file "accept=*/*" size=30 class=filename } } cgi_table_row { cgi_table_data align=center { cgi_puts "You can also provide a short description to help the message's recipient figure out what the attachment is :" } } cgi_table_row { cgi_table_data align=center { cgi_text description= maxlength=256 size=40 class=filename } } cgi_table_row { cgi_table_data align=center { cgi_submit_button "attach=Add Attachment" cgi_submit_button cancel=Cancel } } } } } } } } } }