#!./tclsh # $Id: fr_tconfig.tcl 1204 2009-02-02 19:54:23Z hubert@u.washington.edu $ # ======================================================================== # Copyright 2006 University of Washington # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # ======================================================================== # fr_conf_process.tcl # # Purpose: CGI script to generate frame set for config operations # in webpine-lite pages. # This page assumes that it was loaded by conf_process.tcl # Input: set frame_vars { } # Output: # # inherit global config source ./alpine.tcl source cmdfunc.tcl cgi_http_head { WPStdHttpHdrs } cgi_html { cgi_head { WPStdHtmlHdr "Configuration" } cgi_frameset "rows=$_wp(titleheight),*" resize=yes border=0 frameborder=0 framespacing=0 { if {0} { set parms "" if {[info exists frame_vars]} { foreach v $frame_vars { if {[string length [subst $[lindex $v 0]]]} { if {[string length $parms]} { append parms "&" } else { append parms "?" } append parms "[lindex $v 0]=[subst $[lindex $v 0]]" } } } } set title 150 set vlavarstr "" if {[info exists fr_tconfig_vlavar]} { set vlavarstr "&vlavar=$fr_tconfig_vlavar" } cgi_frame hdr=header.tcl?title=${title} title="Status Frame" cgi_frame body=wp.tcl?page=tconfig&newconf=$newconf&oncancel=$oncancel&wv=$conftype$vlavarstr title="Configuration options" } }