Scripts in this directory can be useful to those that use Alpine in conjunction with other tools, such as fetchmail. ----------- The script is a python script that can be used to obtain the initial refresh token and access token for an app, or to renew an access token, and in both cases obtain the encoded base64 encoded string that is used to add to an authorization command in an IMAP or SMTP server. * In order to get the initial refresh token and access token, determine the tenant you will use. The default is 'common'. You also need to supply the client-id of your app. ooauth2 [--tenant=common] --client_id=f21d... --generate_refresh_and_access_token The script will give you a url and a code. Open the url with a browser and enter the code where requested. You will be redirected to login with your username and password. After a succesful login, you will be asked to authorize the app. Once you have authorized the app, close that window and return to this script. Press "ENTER" and you will see your refresh-token, access-token and total amount of time (in seconds) that your token is valid. This is typically 3600 seconds (one hour). Please note that the refresh token and access token are very long strings, each one them should be saved in a file one line long each. * You can also use this script to generate a new access_token. In order to do this you need the tenant, the client-id, and a refresh-token. Then you would run this script as ooauth2 [--tenant=common] --client_id=f21d... --refresh_token=MCRagxlHaZfUvV9kG0lnBk... as an advice copy and paste the refresh token that you were given into a file, and replace the command line option --refresh_token=MCRagxlHaZfUvV9kG0lnBk... by --refresh_token=`cat filename` * The last way to use this script is to use the previous commands, but add --encoded to any of the previous commands. This will produce a base64 string that can be added to an IMAP "AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH2" command, or a "AUTH XOAUTH2" SMTP command, to login to that server. The access token will not be displayed, only the encoded base64 string. If you use this option, you must also provide the --user option. For example: ooauth2 [--tenant=common] --client_id=f21d... --generate_refresh_and_access_token \ --encoded or ooauth2 [--tenant=common] --client_id=f21d... --refresh_token=MCRagxlHaZfUvV9kG0lnBk... \ --encoded A complete set of instructions, with images showing this process, can be found at