/* * ======================================================================== * Copyright 2013-2021 Eduardo Chappa * Copyright 2008 University of Washington * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * ======================================================================== */ /* * This is based on a contribution from Jonathan Paisley, see smime.c */ #include "../pith/headers.h" #ifdef SMIME #include "../pith/status.h" #include "../pith/conf.h" #include "../pith/remote.h" #include "../pith/tempfile.h" #include "../pith/busy.h" #include "../pith/osdep/lstcmpnt.h" #include "../pith/util.h" #include "../pith/mailindx.h" #include "../pith/readfile.h" #include "../pith/options.h" #include "smkeys.h" #ifdef APPLEKEYCHAIN #include #include #include #include #endif /* APPLEKEYCHAIN */ /* internal prototypes */ static char *emailstrclean(char *string); static int mem_add_extra_cacerts(char *contents, X509_LOOKUP *lookup); int compare_certs_by_name(const void *data1, const void *data2); int password_policy_check(char *); /* test if password passes a predetermined policy. * return value: 0 - does not pass; 1 - it passes */ int password_policy_check(char *password) { int rv = 1; char *error; char tmp[1024]; if(password == NULL || password[0] == '\0'){ error = _("Password cannot be blank"); rv = 0; } else if(strlen(password) < 8){ error = _("Password is too short"); rv = 0; } if(rv == 0){ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s%s", error, _(". Enter password again")); tmp[sizeof(tmp) - 1] = '\0'; q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 3, 3, tmp); } return rv; } int create_master_password(char *pass, size_t passlen, int first_time) { #define MAXTRIAL 3 int rv, trial; char prompt[MAILTMPLEN]; char passbackup[MAILTMPLEN]; if(first_time) q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 3, 3, _(" Creating a Master Password for your Password file ")); else q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 3, 3, _(" Retrying to create a Master Password for your Password file ")); for(trial = 0; trial < MAXTRIAL; trial++){ snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt), _("Create master password (attempt %d of %d): "), trial+1, MAXTRIAL); prompt[sizeof(prompt)- 1] = '\0'; pass[0] = '\0'; do { /* rv == 1 means cancel */ rv = (pith_smime_enter_password)(prompt, pass, passlen); if(rv == 1 || password_policy_check(pass) == 0) pass[0] = '\0'; if(rv == 1) return 0; } while ((rv != 0 && rv != 1) || (rv == 0 && pass[0] == '\0')); snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt), _("Confirm master password (attempt %d of %d): "), trial+1, MAXTRIAL); prompt[sizeof(prompt)- 1] = '\0'; passbackup[0] = '\0'; do { rv = (pith_smime_enter_password)(prompt, passbackup, sizeof(passbackup)); } while ((rv !=0 && rv !=1 && rv > 0) || passbackup[0] == '\0'); if(!strcmp(pass, passbackup)) break; if(trial + 1 < MAXTRIAL) q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 2, 2, _("Passwords do not match, try again.")); else{ q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 2, 2, _("Passwords do not match, too many failures.")); pass[0] = '\0'; } } return (trial < MAXTRIAL) ? 1 : 0; } /* * Create a self signed certificate with root name _fname_, in directory * _pathdir_. If _version_ is 3, we use the _template_ file as configuration * file for openssl. At this moment, we only call this function with template = NULL * and version = 0, but a sensible call is * ALPINE_self_signed_certificate("/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf", 2, pathdir, fname, first_time); * or so. * _pathdir_ is the directory to save the file, * _fname_ is the root of the name to use. Append ".key" and ".crt" to this name * _first_time_ is an indicator to tell us if this is the first time we call this function */ PERSONAL_CERT * ALPINE_self_signed_certificate(char *template, int version, char *pathdir, char *fname) { BIGNUM *b = NULL; X509_NAME *name = NULL; X509_REQ *req = NULL; EVP_PKEY_CTX *pkctx; BIO *out = NULL; char tmp[MAXPATH+1], password[1024]; char *keyfile = NULL, *certfile = NULL; char *extensions = NULL; FILE *fp; long errline = -1L; PERSONAL_CERT *pc = NULL; EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; X509 *pcert = NULL; CONF *req_conf = NULL; static int first_time = 1; if(pathdir == NULL) return NULL; if(template){ if((out = BIO_new_file(template, "r")) == NULL){ q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 2, 2, _("Problem reading configuration file")); return pc; } if((req_conf = NCONF_new(NULL)) != NULL && NCONF_load_bio(req_conf, out, &errline) > 0){ if((extensions = NCONF_get_string(req_conf, "req", "x509_extensions")) != NULL){ X509V3_CTX ctx; X509V3_set_ctx_test(&ctx); X509V3_set_nconf(&ctx, req_conf); if (!X509V3_EXT_add_nconf(req_conf, &ctx, extensions, NULL)) { q_status_message(SM_ORDER, 2, 2, _("Problem loading openssl configuration")); NCONF_free(req_conf); return pc; } } } BIO_free(out); out = NULL; } if(create_master_password(password, sizeof(password), first_time) && (pkctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(EVP_PKEY_RSA, NULL)) != NULL && EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(pkctx) > 0 && EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_bits(pkctx, 2048) > 0 /* RSA:2048 */ && EVP_PKEY_keygen(pkctx, &pkey) > 0){ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s.key", fname); tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0'; keyfile = cpystr(tmp); build_path(tmp, pathdir, keyfile, sizeof(tmp)); keyfile[strlen(keyfile)-4] = '\0'; /* keyfile does not have .key extension */ if((fp = fopen(tmp, "w")) != NULL && (out = BIO_new_fp(fp, BIO_CLOSE | BIO_FP_TEXT)) != NULL && PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(out, pkey, EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), NULL, 0, NULL, password)){ BIO_free(out); out = NULL; } memset((void *)password, 0, sizeof(password)); if((req = X509_REQ_new()) != NULL && X509_REQ_set_version(req, 0L)){ name = X509_REQ_get_subject_name(req); X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(name, "CN", MBSTRING_ASC, (unsigned char *) "Password File Certificate and Key Pair", -1, -1, 0); if(X509_REQ_set_pubkey(req, pkey) && (pcert = X509_new()) != NULL){ if(X509_set_version(pcert, version) && (b = BN_new()) != NULL && BN_set_word(b, 65537) && BN_pseudo_rand(b, 64, 0, 0) && X509_get_serialNumber(pcert) && BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER(b, X509_get_serialNumber(pcert)) /* set serial */ && X509_set_issuer_name(pcert, X509_REQ_get_subject_name(req)) && X509_set_subject_name(pcert, X509_REQ_get_subject_name(req))){ X509V3_CTX ext_ctx; EVP_PKEY *tmppkey; X509_gmtime_adj(X509_getm_notBefore(pcert), 0); X509_time_adj_ex(X509_getm_notAfter(pcert), 1095, 0, NULL); if((tmppkey = X509_REQ_get0_pubkey(req)) != NULL && X509_set_pubkey(pcert, tmppkey)){ if(extensions != NULL && version == 2){ X509V3_set_ctx(&ext_ctx, pcert, pcert, NULL, NULL, 0); if(req_conf){ /* only if template is not null */ X509V3_set_nconf(&ext_ctx, req_conf); X509V3_EXT_add_nconf(req_conf, &ext_ctx, extensions, pcert); } } EVP_PKEY_free(tmppkey); X509_sign(pcert, pkey, NULL); } BN_free(b); } } } snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s.crt", fname); tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0'; certfile = cpystr(tmp); build_path(tmp, pathdir, certfile, sizeof(tmp)); if((fp = fopen(tmp, "w")) != NULL &&(out = BIO_new_fp(fp, BIO_FP_TEXT)) != NULL){ PEM_write_bio_X509(out, pcert); BIO_flush(out); BIO_free(out); out = NULL; } if(req_conf) NCONF_free(req_conf); } if(keyfile && certfile && pkey && pcert){ pc = (PERSONAL_CERT *) fs_get(sizeof(PERSONAL_CERT)); memset((void *)pc, 0, sizeof(PERSONAL_CERT)); pc->name = keyfile; pc->key = pkey; pc->cert = pcert; pc->cname = certfile; } first_time = 0; return pc; } CertList * smime_X509_to_cert_info(X509 *x, char *name) { CertList *cert; char buf[MAXPATH+1]; if(x == NULL) return NULL; cert = fs_get(sizeof(CertList)); memset((void *)cert, 0, sizeof(CertList)); cert->x509_cert = x; cert->name = name ? cpystr(name) : NULL; cert->data.date_from = smime_get_date(X509_get0_notBefore(x)); cert->data.date_to = smime_get_date(X509_get0_notAfter(x)); cert->cn = smime_get_cn(x); get_fingerprint(x, EVP_md5(), buf, sizeof(buf), NULL); cert->data.md5 = cpystr(buf); return cert; } #define SMIME_BACKUP_DIR ".backup" #define MAX_TRY_BACKUP 100 /* return value: 0 - success, -1 error * Call this function after setting up paths in ps_global->smime * and reading certificates names in certlist. */ int setup_certs_backup_by_type(WhichCerts ctype) { int rv = 0; /* assume success */ int len; int i, done; char *d, *fname; char p[MAXPATH+1]; /* path to where the backup is */ char buf[MAXPATH+1], buf2[MAXPATH+1]; struct stat sbuf; CertList *data, *cl; #ifndef _WINDOWS DIR *dirp; struct dirent *df; /* file in the directory */ #else /* _WINDOWS */ struct _finddata_t dbuf; char bufn[_MAX_PATH + 4]; long findrv; #endif /* !_WINDOWS */ CertList *cert, *cl2; X509 *x; BIO *in; return rv; /* remove when this function is complete */ if(SMHOLDERTYPE(ctype) == Directory){ d = PATHCERTDIR(ctype); if(d != NULL){ len = strlen(d) + strlen(S_FILESEP) + strlen(SMIME_BACKUP_DIR) + 1; snprintf(p, MAXPATH, "%s%s%s", d, S_FILESEP, SMIME_BACKUP_DIR); p[MAXPATH] = '\0'; if(our_stat(p, &sbuf) < 0){ if(our_mkpath(p, 0700) != 0) return -1; } else if((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR){ for(i = 0, done = 0; done == 0 && i < MAX_TRY_BACKUP; i++){ snprintf(buf2, len+2, "%s%d", p, i); if(our_stat(buf2, &sbuf) < 0){ if(our_mkpath(buf2, 0700) == 0) done++; } else if((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) done++; if(done){ strncpy(p, buf2, MAXPATH); p[MAXPATH] = '\0'; } } if(done == 0) return -1; } /* if we are here, we have a backup directory where to * backup certificates/keys, so now we will go * through the list of certificates and back them up * if we need to. */ data = BACKUPDATACERT(ctype); for(cl = DATACERT(ctype); cl; cl = cl->next){ char clname[MAXPATH+1]; snprintf(clname, MAXPATH, "%s%s", cl->name, ctype == Private ? ".key" : ""); clname[MAXPATH] = '\0'; len = strlen(d) + strlen(clname) + 2; if(len < MAXPATH){ snprintf(buf, len, "%s%s%s", d, S_FILESEP, clname); buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0'; len = strlen(p) + strlen(clname) + strlen(cl->data.md5) + 3; if(len < MAXPATH){ snprintf(buf2, len, "%s%s%s.%s", p, S_FILESEP, clname, cl->data.md5); buf2[sizeof(buf2)-1] = '\0'; done = 0; /* recycle done: it means we have a file that may be a certificate*/ if(stat(buf2, &sbuf) < 0){ if (our_copy(buf2, buf) == 0) done++; } else if((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) done++; if(done){ switch(ctype){ case Public: case CACert: if((in = BIO_new_file(buf2, "r"))!=0){ cert = fs_get(sizeof(CertList)); memset((void *)cert, 0, sizeof(CertList)); cert->x509_cert = PEM_read_bio_X509(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(cl->data.date_from != NULL) cert->data.date_from = cpystr(cl->data.date_from); if(cl->data.date_to != NULL) cert->data.date_to = cpystr(cl->data.date_to); if(cl->data.md5 != NULL) cert->data.md5 = cpystr(cl->data.md5); if(cl->cn != NULL) cert->cn = cpystr(cl->cn); snprintf(buf2, len, "%s.%s", cl->name, cl->data.md5); buf2[sizeof(buf2)-1] = '\0'; cert->name = cpystr(buf2); if(data == NULL) data = cert; else{ for (cl2 = data; cl2 && cl2->next; cl2 = cl2->next); cl2->next = cert; } BIO_free(in); } break; case Private: break; default: alpine_panic("Bad ctype (0)"); } } } } } /* if we are here, it means we just loaded the backup variable with * a copy of the data that comes from the certlist not coming from * backup. Now we are going to load the contents of the .backup * directory. */ /* Here is the plan: read the backup directory (in the variable "p") * and attempt to add it. If already there, skip it; otherwise continue */ #ifndef _WINDOWS if ((dirp = opendir(p)) != NULL) { while ((df = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { fname = df->d_name; if (fname && *fname == '.') /* no hidden files here */ continue; #else snprintf(bufn, sizeof(bufn), "%s%s*.*", p, (p[strlen(p) - 1] == '\\') ? "" : "\\"); bufn[sizeof(bufn) - 1] = '\0'; if ((findrv = _findfirst(bufn, &dbuf)) >= 0) { do { fname = fname_to_utf8(dbuf.name); #endif /* ! _WINDOWS */ /* make sure that we have a file */ snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s%s%s", p, S_FILESEP, fname); buf2[sizeof(buf2) - 1] = '\0'; if (our_stat(buf2, &sbuf) == 0 && (sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG) continue; /* make sure it is not already in the list */ for (cl = data; cl; cl = cl->next) if (strcmp(cl->name, fname) == 0) break; if (cl != NULL) continue; /* ok, if it is not in the list, and it is a certificate. Add it */ switch (ctype) { case Public: case CACert: if ((in = BIO_new_file(buf2, "r")) != 0) { x = PEM_read_bio_X509(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (x) { /* for now copy this information */ cert = smime_X509_to_cert_info(x, fname); /* we will use the cert->data.md5 variable to find a backup certificate, not the name */ cert->next = data; data = cert; } BIO_free(in); } break; case Private: /* here we must check it is a key of some cert....*/ break; default: alpine_panic("Bad ctype (1)"); } /* end switch */ #ifndef _WINDOWS } closedir(dirp); #else /* _WINDOWS */ } while (_findnext(findrv, &dbuf) == 0); _findclose(findrv); #endif /* ! _WINDOWS */ } /* Now that we are here, we have all the information in the backup * directory */ switch (ctype) { case Public: ps_global->smime->backuppubliccertlist = data; break; case Private: ps_global->smime->backupprivatecertlist = data; break; case CACert: ps_global->smime->backupcacertlist = data; break; default: alpine_panic("Bad ctype (n)"); } } } else if(SMHOLDERTYPE(ctype) == Container){ } /* else APPLEKEYCHAIN */ return rv; } char * smime_get_cn(X509 *x) { X509_NAME_ENTRY *e; X509_NAME *subject; char buf[256]; char *rv = NULL; subject = X509_get_subject_name(x); if((e = X509_NAME_get_entry(subject, X509_NAME_entry_count(subject)-1)) != NULL){ X509_NAME_get_text_by_OBJ(subject, X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object(e), buf, sizeof(buf)); rv = cpystr(buf); } return rv; } int compare_certs_by_name(const void *data1, const void *data2) { int rv, i, j; char *s; CertList *cl1 = *(CertList **) data1; CertList *cl2 = *(CertList **) data2; i = j = -1; if((s = strchr(cl1->name, '@')) != NULL){ i = s - cl1->name; *s = '\0'; } if((s = strchr(cl2->name, '@')) != NULL){ j = s - cl2->name; *s = '\0'; } if((rv = strucmp(cl1->name, cl2->name)) == 0) rv = strucmp(cl1->name + i + 1, cl2->name + j + 1); if(i >= 0) cl1->name[i] = '@'; if(j >= 0) cl2->name[j] = '@'; return rv; } void resort_certificates(CertList **data, WhichCerts ctype) { int i, j; CertList *cl = *data; CertList **cll; char *s, *t; if(cl == NULL) return; for(i = 0; cl; cl = cl->next, i++) if(SMHOLDERTYPE(ctype) == Directory && ctype != Private){ for(t = s = cl->name; (t = strstr(s, ".crt")) != NULL; s = t+1); if (s) *(s-1) = '\0'; } j = i; cll = fs_get(i*sizeof(CertList *)); for(cl = *data, i = 0; cl; cl = cl->next, i++) cll[i] = cl; qsort((void *)cll, j, sizeof(CertList *), compare_certs_by_name); for(i = 0; i < j - 1; i++){ cll[i]->next = cll[i+1]; if(SMHOLDERTYPE(ctype) == Directory && ctype != Private) cll[i]->name[strlen(cll[i]->name)]= '.'; /* restore ".crt" part */ } if(SMHOLDERTYPE(ctype) == Directory && ctype != Private) cll[j-1]->name[strlen(cll[j-1]->name)]= '.'; /* restore ".crt" part */ cll[j-1]->next = NULL; *data = cll[0]; } void get_fingerprint(X509 *cert, const EVP_MD *type, char *buf, size_t maxLen, char *s) { unsigned char md[128]; char *b; unsigned int len, i; len = sizeof(md); X509_digest(cert, type, md, &len); b = buf; *b = 0; for(i=0; i=maxLen) break; if(i != 0 && s && *s) *b++ = *s; snprintf(b, maxLen - (b-buf), "%02x", md[i]); b+=2; } } /* * Remove leading whitespace, trailing whitespace and convert * to lowercase. Also remove slash characters * * Args: s, -- The string to clean * * Result: the cleaned string */ static char * emailstrclean(char *string) { char *s = string, *sc = NULL, *p = NULL; for(; *s; s++){ /* single pass */ if(!isspace((unsigned char) (*s))){ p = NULL; /* not start of blanks */ if(!sc) /* first non-blank? */ sc = string; /* start copying */ } else if(!p) /* it's OK if sc == NULL */ p = sc; /* start of blanks? */ if(sc && *s!='/' && *s!='\\') /* if copying, copy */ *sc++ = isupper((unsigned char) (*s)) ? (unsigned char) tolower((unsigned char) (*s)) : (unsigned char) (*s); } if(p) /* if ending blanks */ *p = '\0'; /* tie off beginning */ else if(!sc) /* never saw a non-blank */ *string = '\0'; /* so tie whole thing off */ return(string); } char * smime_get_date(const ASN1_TIME *tm) { BIO *mb = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); char iobuf[4096]; char date[MAILTMPLEN]; char buf[MAILTMPLEN]; char *m, *d, *t, *y, *z; int len; struct date smd; struct tm smtm; (void) BIO_reset(mb); if(ASN1_TIME_print(mb, tm) == 0) return cpystr(_("Invalid")); (void) BIO_flush(mb); len = BIO_read(mb, iobuf, sizeof(iobuf)); iobuf[len-1] = '\0'; /* openssl returns the date in the format: * "MONTH (as name) DAY (as number) TIME(hh:mm:ss) YEAR GMT" */ m = iobuf; d = strchr(iobuf, ' '); *d++ = '\0'; while(*d == ' ') d++; t = strchr(d+1, ' '); *t++ = '\0'; while(*t == ' ') t++; y = strchr(t+1, ' '); *y++ = '\0'; while(*y == ' ') y++; z = strchr(y+1, ' '); *z++ = '\0'; while(*z == ' ') z++; snprintf(date, sizeof(date), "%s %s %s %s (%s)", d, m, y, t, z); date[sizeof(date)-1] = '\0'; if(F_ON(F_DATES_TO_LOCAL,ps_global)){ parse_date(convert_date_to_local(date), &smd); memset(&smtm, 0, sizeof(smtm)); smtm.tm_year = smd.year - 1900; smtm.tm_mon = MIN(MAX(smd.month-1, 0), 11); smtm.tm_mday = MIN(MAX(smd.day, 1), 31); our_strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%x", &smtm); } else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s/%s", m, d, y + strlen(y) - 2); buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0'; BIO_free(mb); return cpystr(buf); } /* * Add a lookup for each "*.crt*" file in the given directory. */ int add_certs_in_dir(X509_LOOKUP *lookup, char *path, char *ext, CertList **cdata) { char buf[MAXPATH], *fname; #ifndef _WINDOWS struct direct *d; DIR *dirp; #else /* _WINDOWS */ struct _finddata_t dbuf; char bufn[_MAX_PATH + 4]; long findrv; #endif /* !_WINDOWS */ CertList *cert, *cl; int ret = 0, nfiles = 0, nerr = 0; #ifndef _WINDOWS if((dirp = opendir(path)) != NULL){ while(!ret && (d=readdir(dirp)) != NULL){ fname = d->d_name; #else /* _WINDOWS */ snprintf(bufn, sizeof(bufn), "%s%s*.*", path, (path[strlen(path)-1] == '\\') ? "" : "\\"); bufn[sizeof(bufn)-1] = '\0'; if((findrv = _findfirst(bufn, &dbuf)) >= 0){ do{ fname = fname_to_utf8(dbuf.name); #endif /* ! _WINDOWS */ if(srchrstr(fname, ext)){ nfiles++; build_path(buf, path, fname, sizeof(buf)); if(!X509_LOOKUP_load_file(lookup, buf, X509_FILETYPE_PEM)){ q_status_message1(SM_ORDER, 3, 3, _("Error loading file %s"), buf); nerr++; } else { if(cdata){ BIO *in; X509 *x; cert = fs_get(sizeof(CertList)); memset((void *)cert, 0, sizeof(CertList)); cert->name = cpystr(fname); /* read buf into a bio and fill the CertData structure */ if((in = BIO_new_file(buf, "r"))!=0){ if((x = PEM_read_bio_X509(in, NULL, NULL, NULL)) != NULL){ cert->data.date_from = smime_get_date(X509_get0_notBefore(x)); cert->data.date_to = smime_get_date(X509_get0_notAfter(x)); get_fingerprint(x, EVP_md5(), buf, sizeof(buf), NULL); cert->data.md5 = cpystr(buf); cert->cn = smime_get_cn(x); X509_free(x); } BIO_free(in); } if(*cdata == NULL) *cdata = cert; else{ for (cl = *cdata; cl && cl->next; cl = cl->next); cl->next = cert; } } } } #ifndef _WINDOWS } closedir(dirp); #else /* _WINDOWS */ } while(_findnext(findrv, &dbuf) == 0); _findclose(findrv); #endif /* ! _WINDOWS */ } /* if all certificates fail to load */ if(nerr > 0 && nerr == nfiles) ret = -1; return ret; } /* * Get an X509_STORE. This consists of the system * certs directory and any certificates in the user's * ~/.alpine-smime/ca directory. */ X509_STORE * get_ca_store(void) { X509_LOOKUP *lookup; X509_STORE *store = NULL; dprint((9, "get_ca_store()")); if(!(store=X509_STORE_new())){ dprint((9, "X509_STORE_new() failed")); return store; } if(!(lookup=X509_STORE_add_lookup(store, X509_LOOKUP_file()))){ dprint((9, "X509_STORE_add_lookup() failed")); free_x509_store(&store); return NULL; } if(ps_global->smime && ps_global->smime->catype == Container && ps_global->smime->cacontent){ if(!mem_add_extra_cacerts(ps_global->smime->cacontent, lookup)){ free_x509_store(&store); return NULL; } } else if(ps_global->smime && ps_global->smime->catype == Directory && ps_global->smime->capath){ if(add_certs_in_dir(lookup, ps_global->smime->capath, ".crt", &ps_global->smime->cacertlist) < 0){ free_x509_store(&store); return NULL; } resort_certificates(&ps_global->smime->cacertlist, CACert); } if(!(lookup = X509_STORE_add_lookup(store, X509_LOOKUP_hash_dir()))){ free_x509_store(&store); return NULL; } #ifdef SMIME_SSLCERTS dprint((9, "get_ca_store(): adding cacerts from %s", SMIME_SSLCERTS)); X509_LOOKUP_add_dir(lookup, SMIME_SSLCERTS, X509_FILETYPE_PEM); #endif return store; } void free_x509_store(X509_STORE **xstore) { if(xstore == NULL || *xstore == NULL) return; X509_STORE_free(*xstore); *xstore = NULL; } EVP_PKEY * load_key(PERSONAL_CERT *pc, char *pass, int flag) { BIO *in; EVP_PKEY *key = NULL; char buf[MAXPATH], file[MAXPATH]; if(!(ps_global->smime && pc && pc->name)) return key; if(ps_global->smime->privatetype == Container){ char *q; if(pc->keytext && (q = strstr(pc->keytext, "-----END")) != NULL){ while(*q && *q != '\n') q++; if(*q == '\n') q++; if((in = BIO_new_mem_buf(pc->keytext, q-pc->keytext)) != NULL){ key = PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(in, NULL, NULL, pass); BIO_free(in); } } } else if(ps_global->smime->privatetype == Directory){ /* filename is path/name.key */ strncpy(buf, pc->name, sizeof(buf)-5); buf[sizeof(buf)-5] = '\0'; strncat(buf, ".key", 5); build_path(file, ps_global->smime->privatepath, buf, sizeof(file)); if(!(in = BIO_new_file(file, "r"))) return NULL; key = PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(in, NULL, NULL, pass); BIO_free(in); } return key; } #include /* * This newer version is from Adrian Vogel. It looks for the email * address not only in the email address field, but also in an * X509v3 extension field, Subject Alternative Name. */ char ** get_x509_subject_email(X509 *x) { char **result = NULL; int i, n; STACK_OF(OPENSSL_STRING) *emails = X509_get1_email(x); if ((n = sk_OPENSSL_STRING_num(emails)) > 0) { result = fs_get((n+1)*sizeof(char *)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) result[i] = cpystr(sk_OPENSSL_STRING_value(emails, i)); result[i] = NULL; } X509_email_free(emails); return result; } /* * Save the certificate for the given email address in * ~/.alpine-smime/public. * * Should consider the security hazards in making a file with * the email address that has come from the certificate. * * The argument email is destroyed. * * args: ctype says where the user wants to save the certificate */ void save_cert_for(char *email, X509 *cert, WhichCerts ctype) { if(!ps_global->smime || ctype == Private) return; dprint((9, "save_cert_for(%s, %s)", email ? email : "?", ctype == Public ? _("Public") : ctype == Private ? _("Private") : "CACert")); emailstrclean(email); if(ps_global->smime->publictype == Keychain){ #ifdef APPLEKEYCHAIN OSStatus rc; SecCertificateRef secCertificateRef; CSSM_DATA certData; memset((void *) &certData, 0, sizeof(certData)); memset((void *) &secCertificateRef, 0, sizeof(secCertificateRef)); /* convert OpenSSL X509 cert data to MacOS certData */ if((certData.Length = i2d_X509(cert, &(certData.Data))) > 0){ /* * Put that certData into a SecCertificateRef. * Version 3 should work for versions 1-3. */ if(!(rc=SecCertificateCreateFromData(&certData, CSSM_CERT_X_509v3, CSSM_CERT_ENCODING_DER, &secCertificateRef))){ /* add it to the default keychain */ if(!(rc=SecCertificateAddToKeychain(secCertificateRef, NULL))){ /* ok */ } else if(rc == errSecDuplicateItem){ dprint((9, "save_cert_for: certificate for %s already in keychain", email)); } else{ dprint((9, "SecCertificateAddToKeychain failed")); } } else{ dprint((9, "SecCertificateCreateFromData failed")); } } else{ dprint((9, "i2d_X509 failed")); } #endif /* APPLEKEYCHAIN */ } else if(SMHOLDERTYPE(ctype) == Container){ REMDATA_S *rd = NULL; char *ret_dir = NULL; char path[MAXPATH]; char fpath[MAXPATH]; char *upath = PATHCERTDIR(ctype); char *tempfile = NULL; int err = 0; CertList *clist = DATACERT(ctype); add_to_end_of_certlist(&clist, email, X509_dup(cert)); switch(ctype){ case Private: ps_global->smime->privatecertlist = clist; break; case Public : ps_global->smime->publiccertlist = clist; break; case CACert : ps_global->smime->cacertlist = clist; break; default: break; } if(!upath) return; if(IS_REMOTE(upath)){ rd = rd_create_remote(RemImap, upath, REMOTE_SMIME_SUBTYPE, NULL, "Error: ", _("Can't access remote smime configuration.")); if(!rd){ return; } (void) rd_read_metadata(rd); if(rd->access == MaybeRorW){ if(rd->read_status == 'R') rd->access = ReadOnly; else rd->access = ReadWrite; } if(rd->access != NoExists){ rd_check_remvalid(rd, 1L); /* * If the cached info says it is readonly but * it looks like it's been fixed now, change it to readwrite. */ if(rd->read_status == 'R'){ rd_check_readonly_access(rd); if(rd->read_status == 'W'){ rd->access = ReadWrite; rd->flags |= REM_OUTOFDATE; } else rd->access = ReadOnly; } } if(rd->flags & REM_OUTOFDATE){ if(rd_update_local(rd) != 0){ dprint((1, "save_cert_for: rd_update_local failed\n")); rd_close_remdata(&rd); return; } } else rd_open_remote(rd); if(rd->access != ReadWrite || rd_remote_is_readonly(rd)){ rd_close_remdata(&rd); return; } rd->flags |= DO_REMTRIM; strncpy(path, rd->lf, sizeof(path)-1); path[sizeof(path)-1] = '\0'; } else{ strncpy(path, upath, sizeof(path)-1); path[sizeof(path)-1] = '\0'; } tempfile = tempfile_in_same_dir(path, "az", &ret_dir); if(tempfile){ if(certlist_to_file(tempfile, DATACERT(ctype))) err++; if(!err && ret_dir){ if(IS_REMOTE(upath)){ strncpy(fpath, rd->lf, sizeof(fpath)); fpath[sizeof(fpath)-1] = '\0'; } else{ if(strlen(path) + strlen(tempfile) - strlen(ret_dir) + 1 < sizeof(path)) snprintf(fpath, sizeof(fpath), "%.*s%c%.*s", (int) strlen(path), path, tempfile[strlen(ret_dir)], (int) (sizeof(fpath) - strlen(fpath) - 1), tempfile + strlen(ret_dir) + 1); else err++; } } else err++; fs_give((void **)&ret_dir); if(!err){ if(rename_file(tempfile, fpath) < 0){ q_status_message2(SM_ORDER, 3, 3, _("Can't rename %s to %s"), tempfile, fpath); err++; } } if(!err && IS_REMOTE(upath)){ int e, we_cancel; char datebuf[200]; datebuf[0] = '\0'; we_cancel = busy_cue(_("Copying to remote smime container"), NULL, 1); if((e = rd_update_remote(rd, datebuf)) != 0){ if(e == -1){ q_status_message2(SM_ORDER | SM_DING, 3, 5, _("Error opening temporary smime file %s: %s"), rd->lf, error_description(errno)); dprint((1, "write_remote_smime: error opening temp file %s\n", rd->lf ? rd->lf : "?")); } else{ q_status_message2(SM_ORDER | SM_DING, 3, 5, _("Error copying to %s: %s"), rd->rn, error_description(errno)); dprint((1, "write_remote_smime: error copying from %s to %s\n", rd->lf ? rd->lf : "?", rd->rn ? rd->rn : "?")); } q_status_message(SM_ORDER | SM_DING, 5, 5, _("Copy of smime cert to remote folder failed, changes NOT saved remotely")); } else{ rd_update_metadata(rd, datebuf); rd->read_status = 'W'; } rd_close_remdata(&rd); if(we_cancel) cancel_busy_cue(-1); } fs_give((void **) &tempfile); } } else if(SMHOLDERTYPE(ctype) == Directory){ char *path = PATHCERTDIR(ctype); char certfilename[MAXPATH]; BIO *bio_out; build_path(certfilename, path, email, sizeof(certfilename)); strncat(certfilename, ".crt", sizeof(certfilename)-1-strlen(certfilename)); certfilename[sizeof(certfilename)-1] = 0; bio_out = BIO_new_file(certfilename, "w"); if(bio_out){ PEM_write_bio_X509(bio_out, cert); BIO_free(bio_out); q_status_message1(SM_ORDER, 1, 1, _("Saved certificate for <%s>"), email); } else{ q_status_message1(SM_ORDER, 1, 1, _("Couldn't save certificate for <%s>"), email); } } } /* * Try to retrieve the certificate for the given email address. * The caller should free the cert. */ X509 * get_cert_for(char *email, WhichCerts ctype, int tolower) { char certfilename[MAXPATH]; char emailaddr[MAXPATH]; X509 *cert = NULL; BIO *in; if(ctype == Password){ build_path(certfilename, PATHCERTDIR(ctype), email, sizeof(certfilename)); strncat(certfilename, EXTCERT(Public), sizeof(certfilename)-1-strlen(certfilename)); certfilename[sizeof(certfilename)-1] = 0; if((in = BIO_new_file(certfilename, "r"))!=0){ cert = PEM_read_bio_X509(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(cert){ /* could check email addr in cert matches */ } BIO_free(in); } return cert; } if(!ps_global->smime) return cert; dprint((9, "get_cert_for(%s, %s)", email ? email : "?", "none yet")); if(ctype == Private) /* there is no private certificate info */ ctype = Public; /* return public information instead */ strncpy(emailaddr, email, sizeof(emailaddr)-1); emailaddr[sizeof(emailaddr)-1] = 0; /* clean it up (lowercase, space removal) */ if(tolower) emailstrclean(emailaddr); if(ps_global->smime->publictype == Keychain){ #ifdef APPLEKEYCHAIN OSStatus rc; SecKeychainItemRef itemRef = nil; SecKeychainAttributeList attrList; SecKeychainAttribute attrib; SecKeychainSearchRef searchRef = nil; CSSM_DATA certData; /* low-level form of MacOS data */ memset((void *) &certData, 0, sizeof(certData)); attrList.count = 1; attrList.attr = &attrib; /* kSecAlias means email address for a certificate */ attrib.tag = kSecAlias; attrib.data = emailaddr; attrib.length = strlen(attrib.data); /* Find the certificate in the default keychain */ if(!(rc=SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes(NULL, kSecCertificateItemClass, &attrList, &searchRef))){ if(!(rc=SecKeychainSearchCopyNext(searchRef, &itemRef))){ /* extract the data portion of the certificate */ if(!(rc=SecCertificateGetData((SecCertificateRef) itemRef, &certData))){ /* * Convert it from MacOS form to OpenSSL form. * The input is certData from above and the output * is the X509 *cert. */ if(!d2i_X509(&cert, &(certData.Data), certData.Length)){ dprint((9, "d2i_X509 failed")); } } else{ dprint((9, "SecCertificateGetData failed")); } } else if(rc == errSecItemNotFound){ dprint((9, "get_cert_for: Public cert for %s not found", emailaddr)); } else{ dprint((9, "SecKeychainSearchCopyNext failed")); } } else{ dprint((9, "SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes failed")); } if(searchRef) CFRelease(searchRef); #endif /* APPLEKEYCHAIN */ } else if(SMHOLDERTYPE(ctype) == Container){ CertList *cl; for(cl = DATACERT(ctype); cl; cl = cl->next){ if(cl->name && !strucmp(emailaddr, cl->name)) break; } if(cl) cert = X509_dup((X509 *) cl->x509_cert); } else if(SMHOLDERTYPE(ctype) == Directory){ build_path(certfilename, PATHCERTDIR(ctype), emailaddr, sizeof(certfilename)); strncat(certfilename, EXTCERT(ctype), sizeof(certfilename)-1-strlen(certfilename)); certfilename[sizeof(certfilename)-1] = 0; if((in = BIO_new_file(certfilename, "r"))!=0){ cert = PEM_read_bio_X509(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(cert){ /* could check email addr in cert matches */ } BIO_free(in); } } return cert; } /* * load_cert_for_key finds a certificate in pathdir that matches a private key * pkey. It returns its name in certfile, and the certificate in *pcert. * return value: success: different from zero, failure 0. If both certfile * and pcert are NULL, this function returns if there is certificate that * matches the given key. */ int load_cert_for_key(char *pathdir, EVP_PKEY *pkey, char **certfile, X509 **pcert) { #ifndef _WINDOWS DIR *dirp; struct dirent *d; #else /* _WINDOWS */ struct _finddata_t dbuf; char bufn[_MAX_PATH + 4]; long findrv; #endif /* ! _WINDOWS */ size_t ll; int rv = 0; BIO *in; X509 *x; char buf[MAXPATH+1], pathcert[MAXPATH+1], *fname; if(pathdir == NULL || pkey == NULL) return 0; if(certfile) *certfile = NULL; if(pcert) *pcert = NULL; #ifndef _WINDOWS if((dirp = opendir(pathdir)) != NULL){ while(rv == 0 && (d=readdir(dirp)) != NULL){ fname = d->d_name; #else snprintf(bufn, sizeof(bufn), "%s%s*.*", pathdir, (pathdir[strlen(pathdir)-1] == '\\') ? "" : "\\"); bufn[sizeof(bufn)-1] = '\0'; if((findrv = _findfirst(bufn, &dbuf)) >= 0){ do{ fname = fname_to_utf8(dbuf.name); #endif /* ! _WINDOWS */ if((ll=strlen(fname)) && ll > 4){ if(!strcmp(fname+ll-4, ".crt")){ strncpy(buf, fname, sizeof(buf)); buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0'; build_path(pathcert, pathdir, buf, sizeof(pathcert)); if((in = BIO_new_file(pathcert, "r")) != NULL){ if((x = PEM_read_bio_X509(in, NULL, NULL, NULL)) != NULL){ if(X509_check_private_key(x, pkey) > 0){ rv = 1; if(certfile) *certfile = cpystr(buf); if(pcert) *pcert = x; } else X509_free(x); } BIO_free(in); } } } #ifndef _WINDOWS } closedir(dirp); #else /* _WINDOWS */ } while(_findnext(findrv, &dbuf) == 0); _findclose(findrv); #endif } return rv; } PERSONAL_CERT * mem_to_personal_certs(char *contents) { PERSONAL_CERT *result = NULL; char *p, *q, *line, *name, *keytext, *save_p; X509 *cert = NULL; if(contents && *contents){ for(p = contents; *p != '\0';){ line = p; while(*p && *p != '\n') p++; save_p = NULL; if(*p == '\n'){ save_p = p; *p++ = '\0'; } if(strncmp(EMAILADDRLEADER, line, strlen(EMAILADDRLEADER)) == 0){ name = line + strlen(EMAILADDRLEADER); cert = get_cert_for(name, Public, 1); keytext = p; /* advance p past this record */ if((q = strstr(keytext, "-----END")) != NULL){ while(*q && *q != '\n') q++; if(*q == '\n') q++; p = q; } else{ p = p + strlen(p); q_status_message(SM_ORDER | SM_DING, 3, 3, _("Error in privatekey container, missing END")); } if(cert){ PERSONAL_CERT *pc; pc = (PERSONAL_CERT *) fs_get(sizeof(*pc)); pc->cert = cert; pc->name = cpystr(name); pc->cname = NULL; pc->keytext = keytext; /* a pointer into contents */ pc->key = load_key(pc, "", SM_NORMALCERT); pc->next = result; result = pc; } } if(save_p) *save_p = '\n'; } } return result; } CertList * mem_to_certlist(char *contents, WhichCerts ctype) { CertList *ret = NULL; char *p, *q, *line, *name, *certtext, *save_p; X509 *cert = NULL; BIO *in; char *sep = (ctype == Public || ctype == Private) ? EMAILADDRLEADER : CACERTSTORELEADER; if(contents && *contents){ for(p = contents; *p != '\0';){ line = p; while(*p && *p != '\n') p++; save_p = NULL; if(*p == '\n'){ save_p = p; *p++ = '\0'; } if(strncmp(sep, line, strlen(sep)) == 0){ name = line + strlen(sep); cert = NULL; certtext = strstr(p, "-----BEGIN"); if(certtext != NULL){ if((q = strstr(certtext, sep)) != NULL) p = q; else p = q = certtext+strlen(certtext); if((in = BIO_new_mem_buf(certtext, q-certtext)) != 0){ cert = PEM_read_bio_X509(in, NULL, NULL, NULL); BIO_free(in); } } else{ q_status_message2(SM_ORDER | SM_DING, 3, 3, _("Error in %scert container, missing BEGIN, certtext=%s"), ctype == Public ? _("public") : _("ca"), p); p = p + strlen(p); } if(name && cert) add_to_end_of_certlist(&ret, name, cert); } if(save_p) *save_p = '\n'; } } if(ret != NULL) resort_certificates(&ret, ctype); return ret; } /* * Add the CACert Container contents into the CACert store. * * Returns > 0 for success, 0 for failure */ int mem_add_extra_cacerts(char *contents, X509_LOOKUP *lookup) { char *p, *q, *line, *certtext, *save_p; BIO *in, *out; int len, failed = 0; char *tempfile; char iobuf[4096]; /* * The most straight-forward way to do this is to write * the container contents to a temp file and then load the * contents of the file with X509_LOOKUP_load_file(), like * is done in add_certs_in_dir(). What we don't know is if * each file should consist of one cacert or if they can all * just be jammed together into one file. To be safe, we'll use * one file per and do each in a separate operation. */ if(contents && *contents){ for(p = contents; *p != '\0';){ line = p; while(*p && *p != '\n') p++; save_p = NULL; if(*p == '\n'){ save_p = p; *p++ = '\0'; } /* look for separator line */ if(strncmp(CACERTSTORELEADER, line, strlen(CACERTSTORELEADER)) == 0){ /* certtext is the content that should go in a file */ certtext = strstr(p, "-----BEGIN"); if(certtext != NULL){ if((q = strstr(certtext, CACERTSTORELEADER)) != NULL){ p = q; } else{ /* end of file */ q = certtext + strlen(certtext); p = q; } in = BIO_new_mem_buf(certtext, q-certtext); if(in){ tempfile = temp_nam(NULL, "az"); out = tempfile != NULL ? BIO_new_file(tempfile, "w") : NULL; if(out != NULL){ while((len = BIO_read(in, iobuf, sizeof(iobuf))) > 0) BIO_write(out, iobuf, len); BIO_free(out); if(!X509_LOOKUP_load_file(lookup, tempfile, X509_FILETYPE_PEM)) failed++; } if(tempfile != NULL){ unlink(tempfile); fs_give((void **) &tempfile); } BIO_free(in); } } else{ p = p + strlen(p); q_status_message1(SM_ORDER | SM_DING, 3, 3, _("Error in cacert container, missing BEGIN, certtext=%s"), certtext); } } else{ p = p + strlen(p); q_status_message1(SM_ORDER | SM_DING, 3, 3, _("Error in cacert container, missing separator, line=%s"), line); } if(save_p) *save_p = '\n'; } } return(!failed); } int certlist_to_file(char *filename, CertList *certlist) { CertList *cl; BIO *bio_out = NULL; int ret = -1; if(filename && (bio_out=BIO_new_file(filename, "w")) != NULL){ ret = 0; for(cl = certlist; cl; cl = cl->next){ if(cl->name && cl->name[0] && cl->x509_cert){ if(!((BIO_puts(bio_out, EMAILADDRLEADER) > 0) && (BIO_puts(bio_out, cl->name) > 0) && (BIO_puts(bio_out, "\n") > 0))) ret = -1; if(!PEM_write_bio_X509(bio_out, (X509 *) cl->x509_cert)) ret = -1; } } BIO_free(bio_out); } return ret; } void add_to_end_of_certlist(CertList **cl, char *name, X509 *cert) { CertList *new; if(!cl) return; new = smime_X509_to_cert_info(cert, name); new->next = *cl; *cl = new; } void free_certlist(CertList **cl) { if(cl && *cl){ if((*cl)->data.date_from) fs_give((void **) &(*cl)->data.date_from); if((*cl)->data.date_to) fs_give((void **) &(*cl)->data.date_to); if((*cl)->data.md5) fs_give((void **) &(*cl)->data.md5); if((*cl)->name) fs_give((void **) &(*cl)->name); if((*cl)->cn) fs_give((void **) &(*cl)->cn); if((*cl)->x509_cert) X509_free((X509 *) (*cl)->x509_cert); free_certlist(&(*cl)->next); fs_give((void **) cl); } } void free_personal_certs(PERSONAL_CERT **pc) { if(pc && *pc){ if((*pc)->name) fs_give((void **) &(*pc)->name); if((*pc)->cname) fs_give((void **) &(*pc)->cname); if((*pc)->cert) X509_free((*pc)->cert); if((*pc)->key) EVP_PKEY_free((*pc)->key); free_personal_certs(&(*pc)->next); fs_give((void **) pc); } } #endif /* SMIME */