#if !defined(lint) && !defined(DOS) static char rcsid[] = "$Id: icache.c 874 2007-12-15 02:51:06Z hubert@u.washington.edu $"; #endif /* * ======================================================================== * Copyright 2006-2007 University of Washington * Copyright 2013-2014 Eduardo Chappa * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * ======================================================================== */ #include "../pith/headers.h" #include "../pith/icache.h" #include "../pith/mailindx.h" #include "../pith/flag.h" #include "../pith/msgno.h" #include "../pith/status.h" #include "../pith/pineelt.h" /* * Internal prototypes */ /* * * * * Index entry cache manager * * * */ /* * Erase a particular entry in the cache. */ void clear_index_cache_ent(MAILSTREAM *stream, long int msgno, unsigned int flags) { long rawno = -1L; PINELT_S **peltp; MESSAGECACHE *mc; if(stream){ if(flags && IC_USE_RAW_MSGNO) rawno = msgno; else rawno = mn_m2raw(sp_msgmap(stream), msgno); if(rawno > 0L && rawno <= stream->nmsgs){ mc = mail_elt(stream, rawno); if(mc && mc->sparep){ peltp = (PINELT_S **) &mc->sparep; if((*peltp)->ice){ /* * This is intended to be a lightweight reset of * just the widths and print_format strings. For example, * the width of the screen changed and nothing else. * We simply unset the widths_done bit and it * is up to the drawer to free and recalculate the * print_format strings and to reset the widths. * * The else case is a clear of the entire cache entry * leaving behind only the empty structure. */ if(flags & IC_CLEAR_WIDTHS_DONE){ (*peltp)->ice->widths_done = 0; /* also zero out hash value */ (*peltp)->ice->id = 0; if((*peltp)->ice->tice){ (*peltp)->ice->tice->widths_done = 0; /* also zero out hash value */ (*peltp)->ice->tice->id = 0; } } else clear_ice(&(*peltp)->ice); } } } } } void clear_index_cache(MAILSTREAM *stream, unsigned int flags) { long rawno; if(stream){ set_need_format_setup(stream); for(rawno = 1L; rawno <= stream->nmsgs; rawno++) clear_index_cache_ent(stream, rawno, flags | IC_USE_RAW_MSGNO); } } void clear_index_cache_for_thread(MAILSTREAM *stream, PINETHRD_S *thrd, MSGNO_S *msgmap) { unsigned long msgno; if(!thrd || !stream || thrd->rawno < 1L || thrd->rawno > stream->nmsgs) return; msgno = mn_raw2m(msgmap, thrd->rawno); clear_index_cache_ent(stream, msgno, 0); if(thrd->next) clear_index_cache_for_thread(stream, fetch_thread(stream, thrd->next), msgmap); if(thrd->branch) clear_index_cache_for_thread(stream, fetch_thread(stream, thrd->branch), msgmap); } void clear_icache_flags(MAILSTREAM *stream) { sp_set_icache_flags(stream, 0); } void set_need_format_setup(MAILSTREAM *stream) { sp_set_icache_flags(stream, sp_icache_flags(stream) | SP_NEED_FORMAT_SETUP); } int need_format_setup(MAILSTREAM *stream) { return(sp_icache_flags(stream) & SP_NEED_FORMAT_SETUP); } void set_format_includes_msgno(MAILSTREAM *stream) { sp_set_icache_flags(stream, sp_icache_flags(stream) | SP_FORMAT_INCLUDES_MSGNO); } int format_includes_msgno(MAILSTREAM *stream) { return(sp_icache_flags(stream) & SP_FORMAT_INCLUDES_MSGNO); } void set_format_includes_smartdate(MAILSTREAM *stream) { sp_set_icache_flags(stream, sp_icache_flags(stream) | SP_FORMAT_INCLUDES_SMARTDATE); } int format_includes_smartdate(MAILSTREAM *stream) { return(sp_icache_flags(stream) & SP_FORMAT_INCLUDES_SMARTDATE); } /* * Almost a free_ice, but we leave the memory there for the ICE_S. */ void clear_ice(ICE_S **ice) { if(ice && *ice){ free_ifield(&(*ice)->ifield); if((*ice)->linecolor) free_color_pair(&(*ice)->linecolor); if((*ice)->tice) clear_ice(&(*ice)->tice); /* do these one at a time so we don't clear tice */ (*ice)->color_lookup_done = 0; (*ice)->to_us = 0; (*ice)->cc_us = 0; (*ice)->plus = 0; (*ice)->id = 0; } } void free_ice(ICE_S **ice) { if(ice && *ice){ if((*ice)->tice) free_ice(&(*ice)->tice); clear_ice(ice); fs_give((void **) ice); } } void free_ifield(IFIELD_S **ifld) { if(ifld && *ifld){ free_ifield(&(*ifld)->next); free_ielem(&(*ifld)->ielem); fs_give((void **) ifld); } } void free_ielem(IELEM_S **il) { if(il && *il){ free_ielem(&(*il)->next); if((*il)->freeprintf && (*il)->print_format) fs_give((void **) &(*il)->print_format); if((*il)->freecolor && (*il)->color) free_color_pair(&(*il)->color); if((*il)->freedata && (*il)->data) fs_give((void **) &(*il)->data); fs_give((void **) il); } } /* * Returns the index cache entry associated with this message. * If it doesn't already exist it is instantiated. */ ICE_S * fetch_ice(MAILSTREAM *stream, long unsigned int rawno) { PINELT_S **peltp; MESSAGECACHE *mc; if(!stream || rawno < 1L || rawno > stream->nmsgs) return NULL; if(!(mc = mail_elt(stream, rawno))) return NULL; /* * any private elt data yet? */ if((*(peltp = (PINELT_S **) &mc->sparep) == NULL)){ *peltp = (PINELT_S *) fs_get(sizeof(PINELT_S)); memset(*peltp, 0, sizeof(PINELT_S)); } if((*peltp)->ice == NULL) (*peltp)->ice = new_ice(); if(need_format_setup(stream) && setup_header_widths) (*setup_header_widths)(stream); return((*peltp)->ice); } ICE_S ** fetch_ice_ptr(MAILSTREAM *stream, long unsigned int rawno) { PINELT_S **peltp; MESSAGECACHE *mc; if(!stream || rawno < 1L || rawno > stream->nmsgs) return NULL; if(!(mc = mail_elt(stream, rawno))) return NULL; /* * any private elt data yet? */ if((*(peltp = (PINELT_S **) &mc->sparep) == NULL)){ *peltp = (PINELT_S *) fs_get(sizeof(PINELT_S)); memset(*peltp, 0, sizeof(PINELT_S)); } return(&(*peltp)->ice); } ICE_S * copy_ice(ICE_S *src) { ICE_S *head = NULL; if(src){ head = new_ice(); head->color_lookup_done = src->color_lookup_done; head->widths_done = src->widths_done; head->to_us = src->to_us; head->cc_us = src->cc_us; head->plus = src->plus; head->id = src->id; if(src->linecolor) head->linecolor = new_color_pair(src->linecolor->fg, src->linecolor->bg); if(src->ifield) head->ifield = copy_ifield(src->ifield); if(src->tice) head->tice = copy_ice(src->tice); } return(head); } IFIELD_S * copy_ifield(IFIELD_S *src) { IFIELD_S *head = NULL; if(src){ head = new_ifield(NULL); if(src->next) head->next = copy_ifield(src->next); head->ctype = src->ctype; head->width = src->width; head->leftadj = src->leftadj; if(src->ielem) head->ielem = copy_ielem(src->ielem); } return(head); } IELEM_S * copy_ielem(IELEM_S *src) { IELEM_S *head = NULL; if(src){ head = new_ielem(NULL); if(src->next) head->next = copy_ielem(src->next); head->type = src->type; head->wid = src->wid; if(src->color){ head->color = new_color_pair(src->color->fg, src->color->bg); head->freecolor = 1; } if(src->data){ head->data = cpystr(src->data); head->datalen = strlen(head->data); head->freedata = 1; } if(src->print_format){ head->print_format = cpystr(src->print_format); head->freeprintf = strlen(head->print_format) + 1; } } return(head); } ICE_S * new_ice(void) { ICE_S *ice; ice = (ICE_S *) fs_get(sizeof(ICE_S)); memset(ice, 0, sizeof(ICE_S)); return(ice); } /* * Create new IFIELD_S, zero it out, and insert it at end. */ IFIELD_S * new_ifield(IFIELD_S **ifieldp) { IFIELD_S *ifield, *ip; ifield = (IFIELD_S *) fs_get(sizeof(*ifield)); memset(ifield, 0, sizeof(*ifield)); if(ifieldp){ ip = *ifieldp; if(ip){ for(ip = (*ifieldp); ip && ip->next; ip = ip->next) ; ip->next = ifield; } else *ifieldp = ifield; } return(ifield); } /* * Create new IELEM_S, zero it out, and insert it at end. */ IELEM_S * new_ielem(IELEM_S **ielemp) { IELEM_S *ielem, *ip; ielem = (IELEM_S *) fs_get(sizeof(*ielem)); memset(ielem, 0, sizeof(*ielem)); if(ielemp){ ip = *ielemp; if(ip){ for(ip = (*ielemp); ip && ip->next; ip = ip->next) ; ip->next = ielem; } else *ielemp = ielem; } return(ielem); }